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The Minister's Wife

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Emily was bored. She'd thought Zachary was everything she wanted. He was a calm, polite, and righteous man who was a minister in a southern Alabama church. Unlike other young men he hadn't made any effort to paw her or act like some kind of lecherous beast, so she felt respected by him. But after they married she started to feel... neglected. He showed little interest in his husbandly duties, or in her body.

Then out of nowhere, Caleb, the enormous Black man Zachary hired to chop wood, seduced her into an intoxicating rush of thrilling sexual passion and heat! Caleb is nothing like Zachary! In looks or behavior. He expects her to obey, to serve his needs, and those of his friends, and doesn't hesitate to punish her if she fails! He does shocking, wicked, outrageous things to her while making her submit to his will! Emily is filled with shame and guilt, but addicted to the wild rush of heat and thrilling passion. She is unable to refuse him anything! But what will happen if Zachary finds out!? Or the town!?

130 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 22, 2023

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About the author

J.J. Argus

575 books96 followers
Also writes as the single name author "Argus"

JJ Argus started writing erotica in the 1980s working for Star Distributing, a New York publisher. He wrote 3 books a month until Star went under with the advent of the internet. He has also been published by Beeline and Beaver books, and sold short stories to Penthouse, Oui, Nugget, and numerous others. In the 1990s he began writing for British publishing houses, which required a decidedly higher level of quality and a lower level of obscenities. He has been published repeatedly by Olympia, Silver Moon, Chimera, and Virgin - Nexus. He has written and sold over 250 novels, most of which are now available in electronic format.

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146 reviews2 followers
May 11, 2024
not for the faint of heart

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Q. W. E. R. T. Y. U. O. P. Z.

You guys think a 20-word review has any meaning. I enjoyed the fantasy.
Nuff said.
81 reviews4 followers
November 16, 2024

Kind of standard JJ Argus plain, prudish wife gets seduced and sexually submissive. A big surprise to her. Hot, hot action. Then a massive twist at the end.
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 reviews

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