No rules—or locks—will stop the eldest alpha dragon from claiming his mate.
Muzo is an incurable optimist. After losing everything but the clothes on his back, the young omega still looks brightly to the future. His upcoming appearance on the third Dragonfate Games is bound to be a blast, even if he doesn’t find his mate... despite how badly he wants to.
Cobalt is a perpetual worrier. As the eldest dragon brother, he’s responsible for keeping his loved ones safe. He’s already failed once—he won’t do it again. But can he concentrate on protecting his family and finding love at the same time?
One night, fate strikes a fiery match that disturbs the water of Cobalt’s soul. The alpha dragon senses his mate before the Games even begin. And once the unsuspecting jackal shifter arrives on the island, Cobalt will break every rule—and door—to be with him.
Alpha Dragon's Jackal is a fun, sweet, opposites-attract mpreg novel featuring a huge alpha dragon and his tiny bubbly omega. Reading the series in order is recommended. No cheating, and fluffy HEA guaranteed!
Hawke is a M/M author who loves the world of MPREG and shifters. In his spare time he enjoys hiking with his dog, hanging out with his boyfriend, and playing video games.
This book had its cringey moments, but it feels wrong to cringe hahahaha idk how to say it, it’s overall very cute and giddy. Still, didn’t focus much on the games (sadly) bcs they were fated way too early, but this was much cuter than book #2. Book #1 still my fav so far. I hope the next book will have much more plot focused and details on the Dragonfate Games.
Whoever reading this review, please pray for my slump. It took way too long to finish this one and I can’t even focus half the time 😭😭😭😭
Book safety, content warnings, and tropes down below. My fingers curled securely around his lithe waist, almost touching at the tips.
This book brings a whole new meaning to riding dick, and there’s a literal bucket of dragon jizz. Fun times were had.
Strange spice aside, this is my favorite in the series so far. Cobalt is a huge protective alpha dragon who sometimes gives a bit slow/neanderthal vibes, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. He’s just big and sweet. Muzo is a tiny, positive, bouncy ball of sunshine. He’s super kind and takes life in his stride, even when life tries to trip him up. Knowing both characters from previous books I have to admit I didn’t quite understand why they would be paired together, but it made total sense eventually. They were perfect together. He was so adorably clueless and weirdly innocent, like a caveman stepping into the modern world.
Did I mention the size difference? *fans self* The first book I’ve read where someone says ‘that’s not gonna fit’ and it actually doesn’t. Don’t get me wrong, most of it fits, but not all, lol.
I continue to miss a bit more time spent in shifter form, but these books are just too fun even without it. There’s at least cute and fun mannerisms from their shifter animals.
I am sooo excited for what I think will be Viol and Poppy’s book 🤞
⬇️ Blanket spoiler warning ⬇️
⚠️ Tropes & tags ⚠️ Omegaverse Fated mates Dating game show Jackal shifter Dragon shifter Alpha/omega Virgin MC Mpreg Half-shifted sex Size difference 🐉 = 🪣💦
⚠️ Content warning ⚠️ MC evicted from home Discrimination against MC (shifter species) Homeless MC Slick Mpreg MC briefly trapped in a cave Explicit sexual content Half-shifted sex
⚠️Book safety ⚠️ Cheating: No Other person drama: No Breakup: No POV: 1st person, dual Genre: Omegaverse shifter romance Pairing: M/M Strict roles or versatile: Strict roles Main characters’ age: 35 and not specified Series: Interconnected series Kindle Unlimited: Yes Pages: 236
“You’re a pretty big guy, huh?” he asked, his eyes raking up and down my body. […] “Yes,” I said. “And you are very little.” He grinned wider, not offended by my observation in the slightest. “Sure am. You could probably fold me in half and stick me in your pocket, big boy.” I liked that idea. That way, we’d never be apart.
Cobalt’s massive dragon form made the rest of his brothers look like skittering wall geckos.
“That,” I said, pointing at it, “is not gonna fit.” Cobalt pouted, his excited expression faltering. “I was afraid of that...” I suddenly felt bad. I shook my head. “No, it’s fine. We’ll make it work. We’re fated mates, right? Fate wouldn’t give you a dick that won’t fit in my ass.”
I raised my head to check the situation down there. “How deep?” I asked. “Two inches. Maybe three,” Cobalt replied. “Three?” I cried. “That’s it? It feels like the Empire State Building’s shoved up there!”
No ha sido el peor, pero ha habido cosas que me han dado vergüenza. Los personajes me encantaron. Tengo ganas de saber quién acaba con el resto de hermanos.
A super cute & fun MM paranormal omegaverse romance b/w dragon shifter & jackal shifter with a big size difference & fun dynamics! I'd followed this series since its start (to binge when over). As awesome covers & storyline! Dragon brothers finding their fated mate via reality tv dating/gameshow? Sign me up lol! Then this book happened. I checked it out (like I do 😅), & was hooked! Devoured the whole story in 7hrs 😁. Loved Cobalt & Muzo!
Muzo is omega jackal shifter; friends with Taylor (book 1), Poppy (so sweet). M's optimistic, playful, loving, wise yet a bit oblivious dude. Who's homeless (for weeks?!?!) as was kicked out of his apartment & job (so unfair, the discrimination 😬). I wanted HEA for him, so bad!!! Atleast, getting invited to the dragonfate games again, M will have food, shelter & friends.
Cobalt is the eldest alpha dragon brother; also the BIGGEST, plus blue (my fav!). He's protective of his family, loves ocean, is honest & blunt, comes off as shy, kinda awkward in an adorable way, especially to Muzo. C's the bachelor for season 3 of the dragonfate games (of course 😉)! It's funny (& sweet) that C finds Muzo like ASAP 🥰. Poor guy has been feeling his suffering 😭.
Muzo + Cobalt = sweet! From door breaking 😏, accidental flashing 😂, meddling bros, caring 🥰, watery games Cobalt sees only for his mate 🤭. That size difference gags' fun 😂. The talks, dates 😍, gifts & hoard 🥺! Longing, flirt, cluelessness lol, I'm glad C tells M soon enough that they're mates! C+M are sexy 🥵. I didn't think our Muzo (a virgin) will have such dirty fantasies (dragon cock 🔥), so hot.
It's insta love & low angst, which works for our sweet MCs. The last (#changed) game got heartstopping (I anticipated!) but we've dragon 🙌! The win(s), M-preg, & family scenes are wholesome. I loved everybit! That bonus' fun ❤️. Viol's fascinating. Hah, Aurum, I hope he's brought down a peg, can't wait!
P.s. I do wonder how elimination works in these games, like we never find out? Up to our interpretation? And about the parents of this world. Was this in the previous books? I shall check em out to binge soon.
Story ratings: Enjoyed—> 5/5
POV: 1st person, Dual POV 1) The Characters & relationship: 4.8/5 (insta love, but adorable MCs!) 2) The feels: 🥺🙁🤫😳😵😝😅☺️😘😉😍🤩🥰😌🥵😶😏🐉 3) Sexy/Steamy scenes: 2.5/5 4) Levels: low Angst, very Cute, low Dark 5) Build up & Style: 4.6/5
Muzo was just the sweetest golden retriever boy with no filter and probably ADHD. I really wish he’d been formally diagnosed instead of just coded ND, but I still loved him. Cobalt was strong and silent and awkward with eldest child syndrome. He was utterly sincere in everything he did and said. They were so cute together. The games are silly AF and add that element of complication to the Instalove scenario without taking away the lighthearted vibe.
Spice: 3/5
Triggers: cave in/trapped in cave, risk of drowning, breaking and entering (not malicious), accidental voyeurism, houselessness, poverty, pregnancy, birth, speciesism, bullying
So this was my first book of the series; because this one came out just today, and it featured a shifter that you don’t see often and I find jackals cute, I started here. Luckily, this is a series that you don’t have to read in order.
The strength of this book is the characters, especially the secondary ones. I loved Alaric and Poppy, Poppy more so.
It’s rare to have a wolf shifter portrayed as shy, unsure and even a little wimpy. Not in the way that if he’s in a wolf pack, the omega (female coded) wolf has to be submissive, slender and not as capable as the alpha (which is its own issue). Poppy is sweet, loving and gentle on his own and he has friends that really care for him as much as he does them. I’m rooting for him to be with Jade.
Alaric is your typical character personality for cats (aloof, sarcastic, witty, a tad selfish and disdainful). I’m rooting for him to be with Viol. The dragon’s personalities were fun and varied too and I like that there was creativity regarding what dragons like to hoard.
What I didn’t like the most however, was the world-building. Perhaps it’s better fleshed out in the other two books, but it still should hold up in the subsequent novels and not be assumed, or in this case, with things that made no sense. The biggest one being that it seems all the dragons find their ‘Fated Mate’ within the first day of meeting all the contestants.
It’s pointed out by several of the dragons and the host that this is the third time this happened (and this is the third book), so why on earth are they still holding games? Frankly, it seems like they should just invite every omega to parade in front of the seven brothers and boom, problem solved. Like I have no idea how cast and crew did not understand that the games were over before it began with Cobalt ripped off the door to Muzo’s room and showered with him. That Muzo seemed absolutely unperturbed about a stranger seeing him nude after ripping off his door and inviting him to shower is eyebrow raising but the author did a decent job in making it plausible with Muzo’s personality.
Another thing that kind of faltered regarding the world building is the timing of things. The first one is right on the first couple of pages. He gets evicted because he’s a shifter, since this world has the standard prejudices against them. However, the landlord points out in the contract where he signed that he was a shifter. Huh? If the landlord hates shifters, why did he even rent out to him? It makes no sense.
Then second, Muzo and the gang got back from the 2nd game and suddenly 2 weeks later (max), the dragons are hosting the third one? Conveniently letting Muzo be homeless enough to feel bad for him, but not enough to have him unduly suffer? And how did neither of his friends not notice, especially Poppy who apparently checked in on him often and made cookies?
Then there was the excitement of Muzo being pregnant. They had sex for three days and suddenly everyone is on agreement that he’s pregnant the minute Poppy hazards a guess. I am pretty sure across all animal species we can’t tell if someone is pregnant within 72 hours just by ‘feeling’ alone. I was dubious enough to check and yeah, 11 days before you give off pregnancy hormones.
Which brings me to the part that dropped me right out of the world-building at the worst time: that Muzo is written as a cis male during sex. I know this genre has its roots in fanfiction when transgender folks weren’t really well known. Therefore ass-babies were the solution for the question: where the hell do babies come from a man??
But there’s no excuse for it now. Men can have uteruses; it’s not going to stop them from being a man. I don’t know if it’s a misogynist thing (those are lady parts, not for males, men MUST have a cock and balls always!) or a transphobic thing (men don’t have uteruses, only women do so therefore he’s a woman if he has one). At this point, I cannot understand how a man having ass-babies is more plausible than a man having a natural pregnancy.
It just ends up jarring me out of the reader headspace which rendered the whole sex scene very unsexy. It’s just implausible and made me try and do the mental problem-solving just like any other bad world-building issue. How does he shit if he’s got a baby/egg up there? Does slick then involve poop too just by the nature of where it’s coming from? Why would he need balls if his biological job is to get pregnant? At this point, I’m just going to assume all these pregnant cis men have cloacas.
Lastly, where the hell were the women?! There is not one woman dragon or shifter written in this entire book! Like even the most macho heterosexual manly man book, show or movie will have a woman in it somewhere, even if she’s just a sexy plot point with no agency.
But the absolute pinnacle but being rocketed out of engaging with the story was the inflation sex scene. It was so unexpected I ending up laughing. The sexiness was gone from the entire book when Cobalt’s giant dick flopped off his human self like a massive dead fish:
“I shuddered as the bottom half of my cock touched the cold floor. Was it that big already?”
Mind you, this is human sized Cobalt standing up in a human body. With his massive erect cock landing on the floor.
“Muzo’s eyes flashed. He swung a leg over the girth of my cock and lowered himself until he was hugging it like a body pillow. His face was deeply flushed.”
If there was any doubt if this was an inflation porn scene, Muzo ends up using his body to jack him off and unload a bucket of cum out of Cobalt. He literally grabs a bucket to collect the cum.
After this, it was no longer a romance but just a hilarious, almost satirical omegaverse story that I finished just to see what happened to Poppy.
muzo's luck in the first few chapters was incredibly bad and sad to read about. i'm glad he's doing okay along side his friends and his mate.
cobalt was actually a sweetheart even though he kind of seemed colder in the previous books.
i'm really really reaaally curious about viol and i can't wait to learn more about him and his story and read his book!! i'm pretty sure he'll be my favourite character by far (he already kind of is). [i bet (and hope) he's going to end up with poppy by the way, you'll see!]
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
И так, надежды мои не оправдались, а ведь могло бы все быть хорошо.
Готовьтесь, сейчас я на полном серьезе буду обозревать омегаверс роман с шейп-шифтерами с Kindle Unlimited.
К чести Хоук Окли стоит сказать, что эта часть не со всем копирка первой, но многие моменты все же перекликаются. Эти перекликания связаны в основном с лором. Канон омегаверса (помимо деления на альф/бет/омег, наличия у них течки/гона и мпрега) крайне зыбкий. Такие вещи как социальные роли и/или положение альф/бет/омег в обществе и прочие подобные штуки остаются на волю автора. В серии The Dragonfate Games ( есть такое понятие как "истинные пары", не совсем редкая для омегаверса вещь, но в моем случае нужен конкретный соус. Мейты, родственные души, предначертанные судьбой друг-другу люди и прочая подобная лабуда мне редко заходит, особенно когда упор делается на романтическую линию.
Проблема в том, что в The Dragonfate Games отбор заявлен как главный спусковой крючок для начала романтической линии. Но смысл соревнования за сердце холостяка сезона изначально теряется, потому что истинные пары вычисляются чуть ли не по приезду на остров. Дело даже не столько в том, что мы и так знаем с кем будет холостяк (достаточно просто аннотацию почитать без всяких там истинных пар), а в том, что Хоук Окли никак не пользуется тем, что у него в книгах реалити шоу. За что мы любим трешовое реалити? За всю ту драму, что происходит между участниками. Кто-то кому-то пакостит, кто-то устраивает сцены, кто-то вызывает сочувствие и тому подобное. Если в первой книге реалити еще играло какую-то роль, то в последующих двух оно абсолютно не релевантно. И если по-чесноку, сомневаюсь, что у подобной скучной передачи достаточно рейтинга, чтобы ее продлили аж три раза.
Любовные романы написанные в рамках одной серии, обычно имеют разные вводные. В рамках одной серии вам могут завести и enemies-to-lovers, и friends-to-lovers, и arranged-marriage, и second-chance romance и многое другое, бери - не хочу. В The Dragonfate Games вводные как бы тоже разные, но автор быстренько на них забивает и продает одну и ту же историю три раза. Например, Кримсону из первой книги вся эта идея с Отбором не нравилась изначально, и поэтому ему было плевать на конкурсантов и он вел себя как говнюк. Тистл, второй брат, всю сознательную жизнь сох по рано завершившей карьеру рок-звезде, поэтому ему было плевать на конкурсантов и он вел себя как говнюк. Кобальт, старший из братьев посвятил всю жизнь заботе о них, забил на свою личную жизнь и страдает от одиночества... поэтому ему было плевать на конкурсантов и он вел себя как говнюк. Особого разнообразия в плане характеров их партнёров тоже нет, но может у братьев Хроматимеус похожий вкус?
По сути, сюжетно Хоук Окли не предоставляет особого разнообразия помимо постельной жизни героев. Но меня, как человека, который обитал на фикбуке в те бородатые времена с хреновыми опциями фильтрации, такими вещами как секс между драконом и человеком (написанными на троечку, кстати) не удивить.
Помимо этого из книги в книгу повторяются другие сюжетные моменты типа вечного буллинга Виола, незаконного проникновения в номер истинного в первую ночь по приезду, присутствие Виола при рождении всех троих его племянников (при чем от разных братьев), пока их отцы ошиваются фиг знает где и многое другое. И вот я думаю, ладно прокатило один раз, ладно два, ну хорошо - три, но братьев-то семь! Окли реально выдаст одну и ту же историю аж семь раз?
Я говорила, что если третья часть не зайдет, то я брошу. Так-то оно так, но эта по всем меркам средненькая серия еще держит меня в тисках. Есть три персонажа чьи истории мне интересны, но в уже заявленной четвертой ни один из них не является центральным, так что я ее пропущу, а дальше - посмотрим.
This book overflowed with cuteness. Honestly, the size difference and the tender care that Cobalt treated Muzo with was just perfect. For steam there's their first time and um... the hoard scene which was something! I love how unusual all these dragons, their hoards, and even their kinks are. I'm desperate for Poppy's book, but it looks like we have to wait. I still think he belongs with Viol
I was nervous how I’d like Muzo and his chaotic energy considering the previous books but I was very happy with what the author did with his book and how he was portrayed. He was such a loving and optimistic Mmc even when life knocked him down. Yeah he was a little clueless sometimes but that’s part of his charm lol
Cobalt was literally a huge cinnamon roll layered in with awkwardness and stoicism. Him being the oldest in the family he obviously feels responsible for everyone and never really took time for himself but when it came to his time on the DragonFate games he was already feeling the mate pull. The doors stood no chance 😌 also his horde was literally perfect and adorable just like him 🥹🥹
I NEED poppy’s book (I’m almost certain who he’s going to end up with from little hints thrown in from all the books, I’m so ready) he’s such a sweetheart I’m ready for him to find his true love 🥹💜
Steam- 2.5/5 Mpreg, size difference, size queen lol, Cobalt LOVEEEEES muzo scent lol armpits are very much appreciated it was actually cute
Okay, so for this book the biggest fun was for me to guess stuff ahead of time. I was wrong for 99%. It was just as fun as the others and there was luckily even less game show in this.
I guessed his hoard was perfumes or something because of the smell, or like a full on BDSM room because he was so secretive about it. The later would have made me laugh even more. The aquarium was endearing, it made sense, but it was rather boring.
I liked Muzo, he’s socially dense and annoying and I relate to that. Cobalt was a fun dragon to follow and I liked his little cloud backstory.
The main thing with this was how much freaky stuff there was. A lot of stuff I don’t like actually. It’s not even a case of not minding but really disliking.
The armpit sniffing is repulsive to me, I really turned my imagination off when I read that. Also his dragon genitalia reaching the floor while he is a human. Big no. Literally big. Size difference; yes. Absolutely out of proportion things; no.
Like the main couple as always, even more 'cause it's Muzo's story. They are so cute together
I like seeing their fam and friends on the story too. I' m exited to read Poppy's and Alaric's stories.
Reading Aurum's story first was a big mistake because now I want to reread it again just to see Aur's karma.
I also enjoy their family time, it's lovely.
Just let me remind you, Poppy is the standard for friendship and all. He's the sweetest, kind hearted and caring shifter in this series. Not gonna lie he's my favorite and I'm really looking forward to seeing him and Viol together.
Let's end this review here. That book has some awkward kinky shit 🤣.
I wasn't expecting Muzo to rub himself on and Hug Cobalt's dragon dick like a pillow (It touched the floor man) but here we are.
Im invested in this. I need Viol's and Poppy's books and I want to know Who is stealing people's plushies. As a Plushie lover myself I am very worried about these disappereances.
Oh! and I also read about armpit kink. I didn't know that existed.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Yikes, this was kind of boring. Way to insta-love for me, like where is the tension? I get it there's no real element of surprise because we all know how it's going to end, but I feel like there wasn't even that much chemistry. I'm skipping the rest until the author writes Viol, Poppy and Aleric's book (he grew on me).
5 stars… This one was once again fun. I was really exited for this story for sure and the little snails as his hoard kinda made my heart melt so keep these coming please!
1/5 on spice. 2/5 on kink. 1/5 on tears. You know those books that kinda just feel like a guilty pleasure that’s this for me lol
I have read the previous two sometime last year - I think? Anyway, I think they were okay so I picked this one up for a dull morning with no sun. If you like helpless omegas who need a big strong alpha to save and keep them, if you like mindless plots and pregnant males who developed weird obsessions, then this is the book for you - not me.
So this book was better delivered than the others but that didn't make it good GOOD, it was fun and easy to read like the others but it's not something i would recommend or read again (this goes too for the first 2 books).
The plot is there, the characters are likeable but everything is rushed and follow the same formula as the others. I also feel like there was a need to deliver funny or chatchy lines, and add details about ALL the brothers that for me was not necessary or important to the story like the characters and the story doesn't have to be goofy 24/7 to be funny y'know.
Cobalt was said to be the ALPHA of all alpha brothers, and protective and responsible but all he did was be big, taller and growl and think "i'm the one paying, i own this land" but in no way i thought yes, this is the one in charge and totally responsible parental figure for the dragons that have their whole trust and loyalty. On a positive note he was cute and caring and i liked his character.
Muzo is Muzo and he has an unique way of thinking, his suffering aka losing his job, his home and being discriminated in the past and present helped give the "poor omega needs help" vibe but that's it, it helped portray his "everything is going to be okay" mindset but it also kinda didn't add nothing idk.
Something that saved this story was the omegas, Poppy and Alaric, especially the friendship between Muzo and Poppy. Taylor could have added something but apparently Crimson was more important and appeared more times than him, Taylor didn't even know Muzo, his literal best friend, was jobless and homeless, he was just there to give plushies and be next to Crimson.
Aaaand what do you mean every brother gets to be when the egg is delivered and hatched but not Poppy and Taylor???? In the first story (Taylor's) Muzo and Poppy wasn't present either, like if i was giving birth i would like for my friends, that i have known for years and were with me through everything, to know or be present in some type of way rather than 7 men i have known only for some months but that are related to the other father 🧍♀️🧍♀️ I also don't think is necessary for the egg delivering and hatching to be in one book every single time 😭 i would rather see them be a couple and how their life changed since mated, about what they're doing in the island, the relationship with the family members, to know about their future plans, their new aspirations, etc, for example Muzo was said to love his job doing burgers, but he never got a chance to showcase that, like share a moment cooking for the family with Cobalt or open his own restaurant for the people of the Island or making something for his own child idk, the same goes for Taylor, all he does is make plushies for the brothers what about things for himself and his child or about going to a competition like he liked to do before being mated. I also don't know what those dragons do for a living like yeah they have money they don't need to work and whatever but isn't that boring ?? At least Jade has his books and administration task and Viol is out there in the shadows observing everyone and babysitting but what about the other 6 men? 😭
The games and the show seems pointless since the beggining, Crimson was set on Taylor from the start, the 2nd brother already knew who his fated mate was and Cobalt smelled Muzo in the first day and was already sensing him, it is unfair for the other omegas to be running, swiming, hunting and doing all these harsh things when the alpha is not even paying attention and already choose someone, and the games happens super fast too, in 3 days everything is set what are they even airing for the show?? 🥴 no wonder every time there are less omegas going hshsjsbsb
Another thing that left me ???? Was when the wolves harassed Muzo and Poppy and the cavern fell apart, if i was big alpha Cobalt those 3 would end with an attempt murder charge or literal unalived, like he couldn't control himself to sniff and fuck Muzo but was ok and collected with people that tried to harm a contestant and put the life of his pregnant omega in danger ?????? If i was an omega i would REFUSE and try to convince other omegas of not going because the staff and the alphas doesn't care about our well being and doesn't take action when needed like in the first book Taylor got hit by a rock and in this book Muzo almost drowned, and him and poppy almost died ???? But everything is fine i guess poppy got a million dollars and since he's an angel he gave money to all the omegas (that totally do not deserve it).
Anyway i'm excited to read Poppy's and Alaric's books.
If poppy doesn't have the best mate and the best book i'm rioting!!!!
At this point, if an Alpha dragon doesn't intentionally or unintentionally break into your hotel room, then is he even your fated mate? 😆
In addition, if an Alpha dragon doesn't spontaneously transform into their dragon form based on their feelings towards their fated mate, then are they really the one?
Standards. 😏
Cobalt and Muzo were adorable. Cobalt was already a favorite of mine from the previous books in the series, and his and Muzo's story did not disappoint.
I am really enjoying the light-hearted, funny, and adork-ableness of this series. There's spice, too, and I like how specific the spice is to each couple.
Notable Scenes/Quotes:
Chapter 6 - The Hotel
Cobalt wasted no time searching for his fated mate. The progression of events was hilarious. ++++++++++++++++
“I don’t care for clothes the way my brother does,” Cobalt said. “He dressed me in this outfit, but it makes no difference to me whether it is ruined or not. They’re only clothes. They are replaceable—this moment with you is not.” ++++++++++++++++
Cobalt paused, then said, “I have a confession to make.”
“Yeah?” “When I said Crimson dressed me, I meant it literally. I have no idea how to escape this elaborate outfit.”
Oh, gods. He really was an adorable caveman. ++++++++++++++++
I pouted. “The toy is a symbol of my dragon form. You can cuddle the real thing. Me.”
Muzo laughed again. Apparently, he found this hilarious.
“C’mon, you don’t want Blueberry to sleep with us tonight?” Muzo asked.
My second brow rose to join the first. “You named it? And the name isn’t Cobalt?” ++++++++++++++++
The alpha snorted. “That’s a nice way of saying we had a fight, but we’re cool now. And since he won’t introduce me, I’ll do it myself. I’m Viol. You must be Muzo.”
“Viol!” I said in a eureka moment. “Like violet, right? That’s the color I couldn’t figure out.”
Viol’s mouth curved into a wry smirk. “No, not like violet.” As he grinned, dragon fangs filled his human mouth. “Like violence.”
Before this book, my favourite character in this series was Cobolt, and I loved how he was in this book, but I never honestly cared about Muzo, and this book still didn't make me care much about him as I had always seen him as the forgettable one in the trio.
I loved how Cobolt was a big dork and was quite blunt, which I loved seeing more of, and how, in contrast, he is with the rest of his brothers, but before this book, I was never confused about the size difference between all the brothers. Before this book, I thought Cobolt was slightly taller and more broader than his brothers. Still, after this book, I'm somewhat confused about how tall all the characters are, plus the whole half-shifting thing for the dragons, which wasn't in the other two books, startled me when it suddenly happened.
Considering this was a book about Cobolt, I wish we had learned more about him and why he's so different from his brother's personality-wise other than the fact he's the eldest and he likes snails. Why is his hoard what it is? We know why Thystle's is music and Crimson's is his suit collection, but I needed to see the reason for Cobolt's, and I didn't. We got to feel how connected Crimson was with his hoard in his book and how connected Thistle felt to him, but I didn't get that feeling with Cobolt in this book. Muzo felt more connected to Cobolt's hoard to me than Cobolt did.
I also wished we got more hints about what was up with Viol; in Alpha Dragon's Eagle, we got some clear hints that something was up, but considering Cobolt is the eldest sibling, and he is the one who put the 'you can't leave the island rule', I expected more from this book than what we got and not for him to instantly want to break the rules he had set and the rules of the games. I wouldn't say I liked that about this book, and it felt inconsistent that Cobolt broke the rules the most when he had always felt like one who would follow them. It was nice we got some characterisation about Jade and the other dragon siblings, but this book felt lacking.
I still immensely enjoyed the book, but I didn't find myself as hooked as I did with Alpha Dragon's Tiger (which made me laugh so hard I cried) and Alpha Dragon's Eagle (which I found was rather sweet). I am pretty interested in how Oakley will handle the next book as I don't think we've ever met Aurum's mate in this book or any of the previous ones, or at least I don't remember them (I honestly thought it would have been Poppy or Alaric's turn next).
A good progression in this series with acknowledgment of the difficulty that it faces moving forward.
These games follow Cobalt as the bachelor. He has always been a mysterious character, the oldest brother and yet also the one who sets the rules and watches over all of his younger brothers. As such we haven't ever gotten to see his thoughts, and it is intriguing to learn them. As with anyone in charge of so many family members he had put his brothers safety and needs ahead of his own, and so has put his own longing for companionship on the backburner. Being placed as the bachelor surprises him but excites his dragon, and also allows Cobalt to think of himself first for once. With his mate being Muzo he can bring out his protective qualities, and his blunt honesty is not insulting. Muzo enjoys the way that Cobalt is both a rule maker, but also brings with him an ease of going with the flow.
As with the previous books there is the problem that the games are a bit unnecessary. Cobalt knows immediately who his mate is and is not interested in any other omega. In fact, we even learn he has a connection as he feels his mate being in trouble before they even meet. This once again makes having the games a bit of an issue, as Cobalt will not choose any other than Muzo. This time around they work out that issue a bit. Since the dragons seem to realize fairly instantly that they are mates but the omegas do not, the games are used as a chance to meet and woo their mate. It also gives them time to meet and learn about the dragons and the island. However it does leave the lingering problem of how to keep the games going, though it was actually defined as a problem this time and one that they plan to work on. It will be interesting how this concept is used moving forward and who else will meet their match.
I’ve sincerely been enjoying this series, but this book was a flop. Any redeeming qualities were in the beginning of the book, and the rest of the time I was waiting for something that never really showed up.
Cobalt & Muzo are cute together, but this just lacked eventfulness.
What I liked: - Cobalt is likely on the spectrum without the author mentioning it - Muzo is odd and I enjoyed learning more about him. Especially the particularness of the burger scene. - The shower scene. This was wildly unrealistic for an encounter, but it was so cute and overly intimate.
What I didn’t like: - Timelines didn’t add up as it pertained to when the other contestants returned home to when they came back for season 3. It distracted from a storyline that could have been somewhat interesting. - The author brought in aspects of fated mates that gave Cobalt advantages that seemed unrealistic and weren’t relevant to the other two books. It just seemed like lazy writing to make the connection that much quicker vs building plot. - All of these books are Instalove but this one was literally instantaneous. It was just boom found him and now we’re naked. - The author telling the other dragons’ hoarded. This was always a surprise in each book to see what it was and how it would be used sexually and now this won’t be the case for each next book. We already know what their hoards are. - Although this hoard for Cobalt was adorable, it also didn’t build into a great sexual scene. - No new friends, so you don’t even get a hint at some of the other mates. - Again, just plain uneventful overall.
This one is by far my favorite in the series. It feels more polished and spiced just right. There's so much improvement from the previous books and I just hope it gets even better for the next installment.
The characters were amazing by the way. Cobalt is a lovesick, possessive, & protective caveman/puppy that you can't help but swoon over, and Muzo is still the ever-positive-thinking & mischievous Jackal you can't help but love. And how Oakley added more depth to Muzo was *chef's kiss* delish.
I also liked how the mechanics of the fated mates thing was clearer now: How it's based on a gut feeling and a bit of tell from the dragon.
And the sex! Damn! It was hot and hilarious. Muzo truly lives the part of a jackal. The chemistry was just there. And they're just really perfect for each other and I love them both individually and together.
Plot: 👌👌👌 Characters: 👌👌👌👌👌 Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ Bonus points for Personal Bias: +⭐
I'm also gonna be dishing out a bonus star for personal bias because not only was Cobalt perfect, but he went above and beyond and touched my heart because of his hoard.
POV: DUAL. OW/OM Drama: NONE. HEA: YES with an epilogue and a bonus from a newsletter. Kinks: Half-shifted sex, armpit fetish. Tropes/Themes: Dating show, fated mates, omegaverse, Small Bottom Big Top.
This series continues to be one of my favorites, and for good reason. In book 3 we finally get to see another of the original trio get shacked up and Muzo was an absolutely hilarious star of the show. As usual the actual game show part isn't very flushed out as all the dragon has to do is be near their mate to realize who it is...I think it may be a nice chance if that was somehow prevented in one of the future books. Not so much in an angsty/misunderstanding trope way (bleh) but just as something to break the predictable plot pattern up a bit. Nesting is one of my favorite parts of the omega trope and so far I haven't been disappointed as each book has given us a unique nesting scene.
Ps. If you're a fellow lover of size difference/size're gonna like this one ;)
It's going to be torture to 5 months for book #4 to come out. I'm also dying for Poppy's story but I have a feeling Ms. Oakley is going to make us wait until the last book for him, which does make me a bit sad as hes currently the only friend left in the city.
We get a mystery ferret shifter and Aurum next book, which I am excited for. My prediction is that book #5 will feature Alaric and #6 conclusion will be Poppy. I have my guesses on who will be paired with who, I wish I had a time machine but I suppose I must instead wait non-so-patiently until May.
I wanted to like this book. Maybe this is the reason I was disappointed. I liked the second, more than the first and thought that the third would be better. Here comes my disappointment Cobalt should have been the leader or so I’m told, and here lies my problem I’m told things, I don’t see them. Yes, I saw something in the second book, but this is his book. Where was his conflict? Or there was no conflict between his responsibilities? The thing that bugs me is that is supposed to be reality TV show, but not one of the brothers is showing any respect to people working on the sets. Yes, they don’t like the situation, but can you be considering of the staff, that is trying to do their job? You may understand how interesting I found the romance, as I was more concerned for the filming crew. And the last straw was the next book. Do I know Aurum? Not precisely, I caught glimpses here and there, but I’m not interested. And his fated mate of whom I have never seen, mind you, we have, two participants that I expect to end up as mates, because that is the third book I’m seeing them. Would I keep reading the books? Yes, because they are nice read to pass time. But would I expect them passionately - no. If it crosses my mind or I am bored maybe I will search for them.
We return to the series with Muzo, has returned home after season 2 to find he has been evicted from his apartment and then fired from his job. He spends the weeks before season 3 living on the street and fending for himself in jackal form.
Cobalt feels his mates pain and tries to leave the island - only to be stopped by Viol who tells him to wait for the games as he may be coming. Day one of the games, Cobalt follows his senses and breaks down the door of a hotel room to find a naked Muzo - who he then spends time smelling him and is intoxicated by him.
“Things I didn’t expect to happen today: the eldest alpha dragon ripping the door off my room, barging in unannounced, and seeing my entire naked ass. Things that happened: that.”
He spends the Dragonfate Games showing Muzo, ever the optimist, that he is his fated mate. This one was super sweet and fun, Muzo was such a sweet and open character who despite so many difficulties being thrown his way he has such a positive attitude and loves so honestly. The two make such a great pair with some interesting spice!
“They’re only clothes. They are replaceable—this moment with you is not.””