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Through the Fire

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The darkness inside my mind rivals the blackest pits of hell. There are times when I can't tell the real world from the nightmares. But this time, something's different.

The nightmares take shape and follow me when I’m awake.

Aster. The shadowed demon doesn’t plan to let me go. And I can’t get enough of it.

He may think he's caught me—but you can't catch what comes willingly.

80 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 15, 2023

12 people want to read

About the author

Y.D. La Mar

90 books650 followers
I'm a reader, first and foremost. Just like everyone else.

I love books that are just out there. From fluffy to pitch-black darkness. Monsters and aliens to the men who haunt your dreams painting the walls in red.

My love for reading and writing reviews has led me down the road of becoming a writer myself, thanks to the encouragement of others!

I'm not sure where this journey will lead me, but I hope I can breathe life into words the way so many others have done for me when I needed an escape.

Stalk me! https://ydlamar.carrd.co

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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 reviews
Profile Image for Phyllica W.
595 reviews25 followers
April 13, 2023
Benji, Benji, Benji... Unhinged, mentally disturbed and haunted by demons.
This very quick novella gives the reader a small glimpse into the disturbed nature of a psych ward patient.
Consumed by darkness and uniquely ravenous for s*xual desires, Benji is tormented endlessly.
However, one normally tries to avoid the demons that haunt them, Benji welcomes them with open arms.
You can read more of Benji in the Soul Taker Series.

This contains material not suited for those younger than 18 years of age. Please read at your own discretion.
Profile Image for whatthesmutt.
272 reviews36 followers
April 6, 2023
After having a glimpse of Benji in Heart of A Killer, finding out he had his own little Novella was like heaven. I'd always been intrigued by him, but I couldn't have anticipated his reality and what was really going on in his head. Whilst the premise is that he is in a Psychiatric Facility, it reads more like a paranormal story, as Astar is an incredibly real and tangible character. But that's the point isn't it? Benji is unhinged, haunted by his own demons and the past trauma he endured, Astar to him, is real and instead of fighting to escape his demons, Benji embraces them.
Profile Image for B.
631 reviews49 followers
April 15, 2023
Lead Me Through the Fire was interesting enough, but it didn't really grab me like I had hoped it would. I think if it were longer, I'd have a chance to be pulled in.
Profile Image for Nerida.
165 reviews3 followers
April 15, 2023
No idea what I just read.

It was kooky. I liked it. I just have no idea what happened 😂 maybe that’s what I liked about it?

I love a bit of a mindfck and I certainly got it here. But I have a questions… what happens to T at the end of it? Like, is he still him orrrrrr?

Anyway. Not a bad little novella if you don’t mind the dark and disturbed.
Profile Image for Samantha.
290 reviews15 followers
April 24, 2023
I enjoyed this novella. It took me a bit to get into it and figure out what was happening.

I really enjoyed Benjie’s obsession with the demon that possessed him! And then the power dynamic between the two.
Profile Image for Nicole Greene.
717 reviews28 followers
September 14, 2023
Normally I like her books a lot but this story was just ok. There were parts where I was confused on what was actually happening and then we would jump to something else and I was still left confused.

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 reviews

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