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Sodininkas iš Prancūzijos

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Miranda su Deividu palieka Londoną ir su vaikais atsikrausto gyventi į kaimą – senovišką dvarą, apsuptą kadaise buvusio puikaus sodo. Nors ir netroškusi kaimo idilės, Miranda tikisi čia įgyvendinti seną svajonę – parašyti romaną, o Deividas – savaitgaliais pailsėti nuo miesto šurmulio.

Tačiau viskas klostosi visai kitaip, nei jie tikėjosi. Ištrūkę iš miesto sumaišties Miranda su Deividu patenka ne į idilę, o į akistatą su savimi ir nutylėtomis nuoskaudomis, neišsakytu nepasitenkinimu ir abejonėmis. Šeimą ištinka krizė. Deividas vis mažiau prabūna namie, vaikai žaidžia kas sau, o nuobodžiaujanti Miranda pasijunta beviltiškai vieniša...

Ir tuomet į duris pasibeldžia paslaptingas žavus nepažįstamasis...

Paaiškėja, kad tai prancūzas sodininkas, puoselėjęs dvaro sodą, kai jame gyveno ankstesnieji šeimininkai. Kaip ir sodas, svečias turi didelę paslaptį...

Paslaptingasis sodininkas pasisiūlo kurį laiką pagyventi dvare ir atgaivinti apleistą sodą. Tačiau galbūt šiam gamtos slėpinius pažįstančiam žmogui pavyks kur kas daugiau ir jis pagydys ne tik sodą, bet ir Mirandos bei Deivido sielas?

Kupina išminties ir stipriai sujaudinanti knyga. Šiuolaikinė istorija, papasakota su senamadišku jausmingumu, teigianti šeimos vertę ir visa įveikiančią meilės galią.

376 pages, Hardcover

Published January 1, 2012

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About the author

Santa Montefiore

71 books2,507 followers
Born in England in 1970 Santa Montefiore grew up on a farm in Hampshire and was educated at Sherborne School for Girls. She read Spanish and Italian at Exeter University and spent much of the 90s in Buenos Aires, where her mother grew up. She converted to Judaism in 1998 and married historian Simon Sebag Montefiore in the Liberal Jewish Synagogue in London. They live with their two children, Lily and Sasha in London.

Santa Montefiore's novels have been translated into twenty languages and have sold more than three million copies in England and Europe.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 767 reviews
Profile Image for Rebecca.
18 reviews70 followers
June 20, 2012
I had to spend a bit of time thinking about my review of this book. The starring role for me and the novel's saving grace was the garden around which the story is set. Time jumps between two families living in the same English country estate one in the late 1970's, the other in 2005. The strong and vivid writing brings the story of a garden to life. I could practically smell the flowers and see the stages of its creation, collapse and recreation. What I found incredibly disturbing was the author's portrayal of marital infidelity. Based on this story I must assume that either she has never been cheated on and is able to suspend morality for the sake of sappy romance or she herself cheated on someone and was able to justify it. Infidelity is condoned as long as "nobody gets hurt". Men are given the excuse of just being "like that" and a wife can easily forgive and move on in a matter of weeks with no real fall out. In these story lines both men and women cheat. This infuriating crock load of selfishly infantile behavior was saved only by my love of the garden. Had it not been for that strong draw I would have been too disgusted to finish. I struggle with anyone who has been cheated on giving this book a shining review.
Profile Image for Justina Neliubšienė.
340 reviews51 followers
August 11, 2023
Saldi, jausminga ir graži istorija ❤️ Džiaugiuosi pagaliau susipažinusi su Santa Montefiore kūryba.
Profile Image for Stacey Peters.
44 reviews5 followers
February 14, 2016
While I don't normally read 'romance' novels, the description and reviews caused me to delve into this title anyway because of my love of anything french, gardening, family dramas and believe it or not, the rainbows. And there is plenty of all the above in this novel-- the author writes very well. I found myself drawn into the garden landscape of crushed gravel paths, old stone bridge, dovecote, hollowed Ash tree and pitched roof country cottage. I don't know if her writing foreshadowed events to come or if it was stereotypical and formulaic, but I've decided to give her the benefit of doubt even with the incredibly handsome frenchman, adulterous husband, betrayal, heart wrenchng love, family honor, etc... So you ask why did you like this novel so much? The rainbows-- I have my own romantic rainbow story that led to my own marriage 15 years ago and I simply could relate afterall. Maybe I'll read a few more romances this year. The author divides the novel into 4 seasons which is a clever personiication of life as it pertains to the main characters of the novel. By the end they all grow and develope and find strength, love and happiness they never imagined possible. It may make you look at your own garden and rainbows'a bit differently.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
95 reviews32 followers
July 15, 2018
Wow....this was a beautiful love story told in two different time periods! I absolutely did not want this one to end. I love the way Santa Montefiore weaves her storytelling.
Profile Image for Oana.
278 reviews41 followers
June 16, 2024
Romanele Santei Montefiore au un farmec aparte, autoarea creând povești pline de emoție.
Miranda și David trec prin momente tensionate în căsnicie și hotărăsc să se mute în afara Londrei, într-un conac de țară unde aceștia speră să își găsească liniștea și să își crească cei doi copii. Totul se transformă însă într-un coșmar când David petrece mai mult timp la Londra alături de amanta sa, Gus copilul cel mare își terorizează colegii și animalele, iar linistea le este spulberată de un străin misterios care se angajeza la conacul acestora, și ascunde multe secrete adânc îngropate în trecut.
Profile Image for Alina Glont.
65 reviews3 followers
January 11, 2022
Am citit cam toate romanele publicate de Santa Montefiore, de la Primavara in Toscana pana in prezent. Scriitura ei are un ceva aparte, prin descrierile naturii si a cadrelor care parca te teleporteaza in spatiul fictiunii de pe hartie. De data aceasta a gradinilor englezesti, al procesului de pregatire, sadire, curatare, plivit si ingrijire al plantelor. Daca ingrijirea platelor are efect terapeutic, cam aceeasi stare ti-o da si romanul acesta.

Intriga profunda iti da destul de mult de gandit la moralitarea actiunilor personajelor complexe, de admirat sau poate de criticat, dar mai ales de inteles. Romanul trateaza problema infidelitatii in cuplu din 2 perspective, prin povestile oarecum in oglinda a 2 femei aflate in acelasi punct al vietii lor, doar ca deciziile sunt diametral opuse si ca cititor tinzi sa fii de acord cu amandoua, sa le intelegi si sa le apreciezi pe amandoua.

Sa vedem ce va urma :)
Profile Image for Brandi.
627 reviews
August 5, 2010
So I finished this book last week but I haven't quite known what to rate it. I actually did enjoy this book, the setting in the English countryside was magical, the romance and further relationships were lovely, the one big problem- the main romantic relationship came as a product of infidelity. It's just so hard for me to get past that. And not only that, but the marriage was great, happy, everyone treated each other nicely, etc. There were no faults, no cracks, no one was being a jerk. So from that stand point it rubbed me wrong. Which is too bad, because I did enjoy the read and probably would have given it 4 stars if it had not been a "I can't help but cheat on my husband because I've fallen in love with someone else also" book. The result of the affair and the ending are interesting and not all together good/happy or bad/sad. Note that this is not a book for YA, it had a several swear words as I recall and definitely had sex, although not vulgar or terribly descriptive, and just mature issues in general.
Profile Image for Natasa.
1,349 reviews1 follower
October 15, 2019
This is a well written profound tale in which the garden serves as a metaphor of life. It separates the storyline into the four seasons with the garden different each time as is a person through the years. This book is moving because of the wise aging title character who reflects to the spring of his life so that the audience understands what passed to him and his love. Fans will appreciate Jean Paul’s wisdom as it is never too late to hug a loved one even if the person you love has passed; the good memories provide effective mental hugs.

Full review on my blog: https://poetryofreading.blogspot.com/...
Profile Image for Nina Draganova.
1,127 reviews69 followers
July 9, 2019
Санта Монтефиоре е създала една приказна сцена за своята история. През цялото време , мислено бях в тази вълшебна градина. Толкова красиво е описала всичко , че ме изпълни от удоволствие и възроди, и моята мечта да живея на подобно място.
Двете истории , които разказва паралелно и които в един момент се преплитат, също не са написани зле, но уви, отново не им достига нещо , което да направи книгата съвършена.
Но независимо от това , тази книга ми достави истинска наслада.
Profile Image for Marieke Leest.
500 reviews11 followers
April 3, 2019
Persoonlijk vond ik het 1 van de mindere die ik al las van Santa Montefiore.
Profile Image for Kristina Green.
126 reviews2 followers
October 10, 2022
Labai šilta, kvapni ir jaudinanti istorija apie neištikimybę iš abiejų pusių, iš įsimylėjusių ir iš likusios ištikimosios pusės. Tad skaitant turi galimybę pabūti abejose barikadų pusėse. Pabaiga graudinanti ir graži, džiaugiuosi kai kūrinys sugeba užkabinti ir paliesti giliausias sielos kerteles, vadinas buvo tikra.
Profile Image for Ricki Treleaven.
516 reviews13 followers
March 10, 2013
This week I read The French Gardener by Santa Montefiore. My bloggy friend, Linda, posted about it here, and I wanted to read it based on her review. I will keep my review brief and refer you to Linda's post. Linda also has another blog, News from Italy, I enjoy reading, too.

Last week, I wrote about The Winter Sea, and I loved it because it was two stories in one book. I was a little surprised that The French Gardener also contained two separate stories. It has been a joy reading two very good books in a row.

The French Gardener is about a young couple, David and Miranda Claybourne, who have moved from London to rural Dorset. They purchase a sprawling estate that is reputed to have had the most beautiful garden in England. The reason for the move: their troubled son, Gus, has been expelled from his elementary school, and David decides that moving to the country will help his son's behavior. The couple also have a daughter named Storm. Both children are attention starved and disturbed by the move. Miranda is overwhelmed by the responsibilities of the estate, so she seeks to hire a cook, housekeeper, and a couple of gardeners to right the garden that has gone to seed. Storm finds a gardener while out playing one afternoon, and he helps her find her way back home. He is French, very handsome, and looking for work.

Miranda offers the estate's neglected cottage by the river to the gardener. While renovating the dilapidated structure, she finds a mysterious scrapbook that celebrates a rare and beautiful love. The story took place over a year's time over 26 years ago. Miranda is captivated by the scrapbook and the story it tells. She decides to keep the scrapbook to herself, and it becomes a muse to her work as a writer.

David is away all week in London working, and he feels a bit out of place when he comes home for the weekend. The gardener, Jean-Paul, is fantastic with the kids, and they bond with him because he spends time playing with them. He works tirelessly to bring the garden back to its former glory, but it seems that the more Jean-Paul accomplishes in the garden, the more resentful David is of his influence on the estate and his family. The Claybournes are in jeopardy, and there are secrets that could tear the family apart.

The book is divided into the four sections based on the seasons, and follows the story depicted in the scrapbook as well as the transformation of the Hartington House estate and the Claybourne family. I love the descriptions of the garden, main house, cottage, and Jean-Paul's vineyard in France. There is something very special about books set in gardens, and it makes me want to learn much more about gardening and own acreage one day. Two other books set in gardens I really liked are The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton and The Savage Garden by Mark Mills.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
924 reviews20 followers
April 1, 2021
A beautiful story with endearing characters, just a tad on the sappy side. Still, very scenic and very organic. It would be a lovely movie, in place, and sure to be well attended. The entire story rings of a full summer cottage garden, overflowing with bright blooms and lingering scents. But perhaps a bit of cutting back here and there would help.

I liked the fruity surprise, every character, every scene, just not the over emotion. It lingers, nonetheless, with warmth and contentment.
Profile Image for Vismantė.
165 reviews9 followers
August 28, 2018
„{...} saulėlydis – tai tragedija, nuo kurios apima liūdesys, nes jo negali suturėti. Galbūt laikinumas ir yra grožis. Gal mūsų meilė tikresnė dėl to, kad ji be vilties. Jei kas pajėgtų suturėti saulėlydį ir nuolat gyventų nutviekstas gaisų, ar stebuklas išliktų?“

Labai ilgai galvojau, kokį įvertinimą šiam kūriniui skirti. Iš esmės knygos pradžia buvo sunki, veikėjai nedomino, prasidėjo labai lengvabūdiškai: turtingo vyro moteris, kuri nesusitvarko su vaikais, vyras, turintis du gyvenimus, nauja "pradžia". Nuobodu, neįdomu. Į knygą sudėjau visas savo viltis, kadangi dar paauglystėje skaičiau šios autorės kūrinį "Po Italijos saule", kuris vis dar išliko kažkur giliai širdyje. Jau negalėčiau atpasakoti, kokią istoriją pasakojo, tačiau vis dar atsimenu, kaip jaučiausi ją skaitydama. Tikriausiai tos per didelės viltys ir numušė knygos vertinimą. Reziume duočiau 3,5 žvaigždutes.

Vis dėlto, nors pradžia buvo tikrai sunki ir ne kartą kirbėjo mintis padėti į šalį ir imti kitą kūrinį, tačiau vėliau knyga įtraukė, o galiausiai paskutinius skyrius vos galėjau užbaigti, nes per ašaras nebemačiau teksto. Va, kokius prieštaringus jausmus gali sukelti vienas kūrinys. Jeigu patinka meilės romanai, tai šis yra vienas tų, kuris kažką stebuklingo savyje talpina. Dabar mąstau, ar didelė dalis skaitytojų priverstų save tą ašarą išlieti, ar tiesiog mano nuotaika buvo tokia, bet žinau, kad ši knyga guls į tą knygų sąrašo pusę, kurioje vėlgi prisiminsiu jausmą, kurį išgyvenau skaitydama.

Knygoje susijungia dvi istorijos, kurias sieja viena vieta ir vienas asmuo. Visada labiausiai mėgstu tuos pasakojimus, kurie turi kelias laiko linijas arba yra pasakojamos iš kelių veikėjų perspektyvos. Tai amžinos meilės istorija. Istorija realistiška, nėra "gerų" ir "blogų" veikėjų, matoma jų transformacija. Visa istorija apipinta vienos paslapties, intriga išlaikoma beveik iki pabaigos.

Tikrai siūlau tiems, kurie mėgsta tikras ir geras meilės istorijas.
27 reviews
March 29, 2020
Tai ne pirmoji skaityta šios autorės knyga ir,kadangi pirmoji manęs nepakerėjo,tai ir šiai knygai daug vilčių neteikiau. Bet turiu pripažinti,likau sužavėta. Man patiko💯 neskaitant,kad buvo vienas erzinantis dalykas-jau toks žavingas tas ponas Prancūzas,kad vos tik jį išvydusios moteriškės "lydėsi" abiejuose pasakojimo dalyse:praeities ir dabartyje.
Profile Image for Ivana Todorović Kruisz.
4 reviews7 followers
January 25, 2019
Previše mlako, neubedljivo, predvidljivo. Previše bespotrebnih detalja. Kao da je nabacano tek da bi se popunile stranice. Volim njen način pisanja. Jako sam se radovala,ali prvo razočarenje.
Profile Image for Bart Vanvaerenbergh.
245 reviews11 followers
October 3, 2021
Een aantal jaar geleden werd dit boek mij aangeraden door een collega.
De wereld van Santa Montefiore bestaat uit zuurstokroze meisjeskamers en witwollige winterwolken.
In de jaren 1970 las mijn grootmoeder stations-/doktersromannetjes : dunne boekjes op flutpapier.
Deze 'roman' is beduidend dikker dan die boekjes, maar qua inhoud, opbouw en schrijfstijl lijkt er weinig veranderd.
Zonde van de (lees-)tijd !
Profile Image for Dede Erickson.
180 reviews2 followers
September 19, 2024
I read this for my libraries 50 books in 50 weeks and 50 categories challenge. This fulfills, my reread a favorite book.

I know quite a few of the reviews talk about their impression that Santa Montefiore made light of infidelity by the deep life, long lasting love of Ava and Jean Paul. I don’t think she treated it lightly because Ava stayed married, even though her heart was torn in two. She loved her husband. She loved her children and she loved Jean-Paul.

The new family that lives in Hartington House is healed through the words Ava left behind and the return of Jean Paul. Jean-Paul teaches the young family to value the earth and all it has to give and to value each other.

I think one of the lessons the book teaches is that family time should always win out over money. And today I don’t see that happening but it’s a lesson more people should learn.
Profile Image for Amra Isović.
96 reviews30 followers
October 5, 2016
Ovo je knjiga koja se "pije" kao najljepša izvorska voda , priča tako fino teče,žubori, likovi detaljno opisani i jako realistični, životni, a onda sve to oživi i razbukta nevjerovatna ljubavna priča, i završi na moju žalost sa gorko slatkim okusom u ustima, kraj koji vas u isto vrijeme rastuži i razveseli, ova knjiga je u meni budila razne osjećaje i definitivno je jedna od lijepše napisanih koje sam čitala u zadnje vrijeme...Tko voli osebujne likove, sadržajnu priču i finu razmjenu monologa i dijaloga...topla preporuka....
Profile Image for Alexandra.
275 reviews
October 31, 2021
Aceasta este a doua carte scrisă de Santa Montefiore care o citesc.

Pot să spun că scriitoarea mi-a intrat în suflet prin felul ei de a expune povestea. Felul în care conturează personajele și modul de expunere, nivelul psihologic al romanului sunt savuroase și unice.

Cartea te primește cu brațele deschise și te face să visezi și să intri în povestea Avei și a Mirandei cât ai clipi. Trăiești odată cu personajele și simți fiecare vibrație.

Profile Image for Apatricia.
335 reviews31 followers
February 5, 2017
O meu coração ficou totalmente rendido a este livro, foi magnifico numa maneira super diferente, adoro aqueles romances super frescos que se lê numa noite, mas este estava carregado de uma historia profunda, adorei, não esperava gostar assim tanto
Profile Image for Justina Urbo.
177 reviews22 followers
June 5, 2021
Šilta, jauki, išminties kupina knyga. Man tikrai patiko.

Miranda su Deividu ir vaikais atsikrausto gyventi į kaimą, į dvarą kadaise turėjusį nuostabų sodą, kiekvienas turėdamas savų tikslų. Miranda tikisi įgyvendinti savo svajonę ir pagaliau parašyti knygą, o Deividas tiesiog nori savaitgaliais pailsėti ir atsipalaiduoti nuo Londono šurmulio. Tačiau gyvenimas kaime pateikia savų iššūkių, tenka susidurti su nutylėtomis nuoskaudomis, neišsakytu nepasitenkinimu ir abejonėmis. Negelbėja ir tai, kad visi kalba apie buvusius savininkus ir tobulo grožio sodą, o Miranda neturi supratimo kaip jį reiktų sugrąžinti iki buvusio vaizdo. Ir štai pasirodo žavusis sodininkas iš Prancūzijos, paskui save atsinešdamas praeities paslapties šleifą. O kokia gi ta paslaptis, paliksiu išsiaiškinti Jums patiems. 🤗

Šiuolaikinė istorija apie šeimos vertę, draugystę, tėvų ir vaikų santykius, paklydimus ir džiaugsmus, o svarbiausia apie visa įveikiančią meilės galią.
877 reviews4 followers
July 21, 2017
This was my first read by Santa Montefiore and I really enjoyed it. It was beautifully written and very descriptive. She made me want to go out and start digging a garden! Even though I don't have a yard! The characters were well developed and I really liked most of them. A beautiful love story told in two different time periods. One thing I really liked were the author's chapter titles, very unique. And the epilogue was beautifully written and brought a tear to my eye. A definite thumbs up!
Profile Image for LindyLouMac.
951 reviews72 followers
September 5, 2011
It is only two months since I last read and reviewed a book by this author but this one from the blurb on the back cover sounded just perfect for spending a few lazy summer afternoons reading. It was perfect so Santa Montefiore gets to feature here again. These are the words that jumped out at me from the back cover ‘A neglected garden. A cottage that holds a secret. A mysterious Frenchman, (handsome naturally). A family in need of some love. These elements are entwined in this heart warming novel that reviewers consistently compare to Maeve Binchy and Rosamunde Pilcher.’

I have in fact made this very same comparison myself, here in my review of The Swallow and the Hummingbird, when I recommended her writing to all lovers of romantic fiction, especially fans of Rosamunde Pilcher.

The French Gardener is a very romantic story, but not in a sickly sweet way, that found me with tears in my eyes a few times. Maybe I have been feeling a little too sentimental recently but I really enjoyed the way this story was told. The book is divided into the four seasons and within each section there are told the stories of the two families, linked past and present by The French Gardener himself. In modern times we have David and Miranda Claybourne moving out of London and buying Hartington House a country estate. It is not the idyllic lifestyle that Miranda may have imagined partly because her husband is hardly ever there, finds she is lonely. I found her husband to be arrogant and intensely annoying actually for most of the novel! The gardens have been neglected so when a Jean Paul a Frenchman turns up offering to help restore the place to its former beauty Miranda jumps to accept his offer. Little does she know when she takes him on that he has a connection with the garden and the previous residents Phillip and Ava Lightly from nearly thirty years ago. Both stories centre around Hartington House, its garden and the village it is part of. Anyone who has experienced village life for themselves and or loves gardening will appreciate how well Santa Montefiore has captured the essence of the characters and their surroundings. A story that truly captures the struggle to balance love and duty.

Personally I am really looking forward to reading more of her novels and am disappointed that at the moment there are no more sitting on our bookshelves waiting for me.

For a fuller post please visit LindyLouMac's Book Reviews
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