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The Destiny of Dragons #5

The Book of Courage

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Having been sent back in time to be killed, Soren resolves on retrieving Kai. However, to stabilise the realm and keep Bran at bay in their absence, the most appropriate guardian is also the most unsympathetic.

Soren's company breach the past, but are accidentally bonded to the rebellious Tiger-Tail Cause. Constant imperial assaults are the least of their concerns, as the Raven God’s ultimate ambition, to deprive them of The Source’s power, costs those who are a product of it dearly. And whilst trying to defend innocents, they struggle to preserve history. Their most difficult trial comes when allies, critical to both the past and future, are captured by an unforeseen enemy and condemned to death.

Back in the present, former enemies make dangerous friends and many doubt Ay’s new guardian is capable of overcoming his penchant for mischief. He also exposes a weakness, one the Raven God intends to exploit, to conquer Ay once and for all.

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/destiny...

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/TheDestin...

Twitter: @acorok and @destinyofdragon

461 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 31, 2013

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About the author

Billie-Jo Williams

8 books73 followers
Born in Shrewsbury, died who knows where, I currently bathe in that beautiful, cultural, historical Shropshire air!

I seek to become a full-time author to fulfil a life-long dream. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t write and I can’t imagine a time when I won’t. Having lived without electricity for a time, necessity sparked my love affair with the written word, as it was easier to write than read in poor light. No one else had penned the story I wanted to read and my characters yearned to live and breathe, so I had to bring them to life. Now I write for the experience and the pleasure, for it is my passion, my religion, my parent, my councillor: my identity. I write because I don’t know how not to! My head is full of stories all jostling for position and it’s never a matter of which book to write next, for I work on concurrent projects. I primarily write fantasy, but have written poetry, science fiction, historical fiction and horror.

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Author 8 books73 followers
September 24, 2017
Check out the latest in the epic Destiny of Dragons fantasy series, fifth of nine books and second in the second story arc.

Billie-Jo Williams :[
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