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Une histoire d'amour torride dans la lignée de Cinquante nuances de Grey Il me manque à un point intolérable, comme un membre fantôme. Je suis incapable de me défaire de mon addiction. Tout en moi brûle de le retrouver, avec une telle violence que j'en perds le sommeil. C'est plus fort que moi, et j'ai peur que ce désir ne faiblisse jamais.

Vous croyez que l'homme idéal n'existe pas ? Faux. Chloe l'a trouvé, il s'appelle Ethan Frost. Il est beau, intelligent, riche, et a toutes les filles à ses pieds. Pourtant, c'est elle qu'il a choisie. Mais cet homme merveilleux est aussi son patron, ce qui ne simplifie pas les choses. La jeune femme ne résiste pas à cet amour qui l'aide à surmonter son passé. Cependant, leur relation peut-elle vraiment survivre aux terribles secrets que cache Ethan ?

« Un roman poignant, riche en émotions. » Scandalicious Book Reviews « Si vous cherchez un bon livre, haletant et brûlant comme un plaisir coupable, celui-ci est fait pour vous. » Paradays « Sexy et intense. » Love Romantic Fiction « Le dosage parfait entre la romance et les moments coquins ! » Inside the Pages of a Book « Un roman en tout point captivant ! » AYA M. Productions « Les fans de Cinquante nuances de Grey adoreront ce roman ! » Stacey Kennedy

280 pages, ebook

First published July 14, 2014

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About the author

Tracy Wolff

136 books11.7k followers
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Tracy Wolff is a lover of vampires, dragons, and all things that go bump in the night. A onetime English professor, she now devotes all her time to writing dark and romantic stories with tortured heroes and kick-butt heroines. She has written all her sixty-plus novels from her home in Austin, Texas, which she shares with her family. tracywolffbooks.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 445 reviews
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews888 followers
July 19, 2014
2.5 Stars


Chloe finally opens up to Ethan about her past, events that she's never shared before - exposing herself in a way that she never wanted. But Ethan made her feel safe, she trusted him... until she didn't. When reality hits her in the form of the man who ruined her life standing in the doorway of Ethan's house she runs. Bound and determined to erase the last few weeks from her life... her heart.

Ethan has all the money a man could want or need, he finally found a woman that seemed to see beyond his wealth to the man he was - who he wanted desperately to be. But poor Ethan can't seem to not hurt Chloe as he tries to protect her. As he struggles to right the wrongs of her past, his present and a chance of a future begins to unravel.

These two are consumed by the way they feel about each other - addicted to the craving they can't seem to get enough of. But with each step forward something from their past continues to push them two steps back.


I wanted to love this book. I remembered how much I loved Ruined and how eager I was for the sequel to this story and then I had it and then it all just fell apart. I've thought about what it was that didn't work for me in this story and I think it all boils down to Chloe. I had whiplash from her back and forth and was so tired of how weak she seemed. Now, I get she suffered from a traumatic event but at some point the constant woe is me, and repetitiveness of being broken just became too much to take. There is a distinction between a victim and a survivor. Chloe never came across as a survivor for me, she was merely a victim of the events of her past. My inability to connect with her on any level was a major roadblock.

I felt like this story was a rotation of three basic events... fighting, wallowing in self-pity then make up sex. Wash, rinse and repeat.

Ethan was my only saving grace while reading this. He was sweet and once he worked up enough nerve turned into a sexy alpha. I loved the concept of this kind of hero. A rich CEO that had a decent heart that wanted to do good things with what he was blessed with. I think being stuck in Chloe's head was just too much. Had this switched over to a dual POV with some insight into Ethan I think that would have balanced it out a bit.

ARC received on behalf of Random House Publishing Group/Loveswept via Net Gallery.
Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
987 reviews1,304 followers
July 22, 2014

Series:Ethan Frost #2
Author: Tracy Wolff
Release Date: July 15, 2014
Rating:3 stars

In Addiction, we get the conclusion to Ethan and Chloe's story. I absolutely loved the first book. Everything about it: the angst, the strong hero, and the fragile heroine with her own hidden strength. But most of all, I love this author's writing style. It's descriptive and almost poetic style is just the kind I enjoy the most and I was ready for this couple's HEA. Well, you do get that here, but it sure takes a lot of work. I'm not going to say I was all that crazy about all the drama, but my love for this author's writing and the exceptional steamy moments kept me hanging in there until the end.

There's a strong theme running through this book:

This pretty much sums up their relationship to perfection. Dependant. Devoted. Obsessed. Passionate. Enslaved.

Not always healthy. This couple has just about everything possible going against them but their intense feelings won't allow them to give up and they certainly can't attempt to move on. This couple is like an over-caffeinated bunny hopping at an insane pace from ecstatic, to desolate, to angry to passionate. At times, it was like watching a married couple that has deep issues that are unable to resolve their problems. Only, they've been together a short time and they have huge conflicts to resolve.

I want normal and this...none of this is normal. Neither the bad nor the good.

They keep coming back to the same issues and making the same mistakes. Then they fight, break up, and get drawn back to each other. It's a little exhausting.

This all results from one truth-that one truth that neither knew until it was too late. And now it colors everything in their lives and their tenuous relationship. Chloe is forced to confront and conquer her demons and she has a very difficult time with that. She's used to pushing her feelings down and out of the way and now she has no choice but to deal with them.

At times, I got frustrated with her because she unfairly laid blame on Ethan for certain things and though she finally got things straight in her head, she took a while to get there. Other times, it was Ethan who couldn't get it right. His overprotectiveness would cause him to keep secrets from her and though I understood it, he really needed to get a clue. There was no denying his complete and total devotion to her though. This man would do anything for her. He tries to help her overcome her past, he supports her in any way he can, and he's tender and loving and oh so sexy. That's one thing that hasn't changed from the first book. He's strong, powerful, and intense, but Chloe brings out a vulnerability in him-he needs her like his next breath.

Their chemistry was still in full force, despite their emotional issues. I certainly have no complaints in that department. I loved Ethan and Chloe in all their sizzling hot moments. That's one place where they always know how to get it right. Maybe that theory about make up sex has some truth behind it. They say that it's more powerful and passionate. Well, they sure do get to test out that theory a lot. And it was definitely explosive. But then again, I always thought they were. If only there were more of that going on and less of the drama and shitstorm surrounding them, I would have been able to rate this one higher. It was a little disappointing, to be honest, but I still enjoyed those moments when they got it right. And the ending was beautiful and wrapped everything up very nicely. Despite my mixed feelings about this book, I will continue to read Tracy Wolff's future books. She really has a wonderful way of putting her words together and bringing her characters to life. I think fans of the first book will be satisfied, even if they aren't completely happy with this conclusion.


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Profile Image for Eliza.
661 reviews844 followers
July 10, 2014

Title: Addicted (Ethan Frost, #2)
Series: Yes
Author: Tracy Wolff
Release Date: July 15th, 2014
Rating: 3.5 "I've got You" Stars
Cliffhanger: No

I was so much looking forward to the next part of Chloe and Ethan's story. The shocking cliff hanger ending in book one left me guessing at to what would possibly happen next.
The book starts directly in the fall out of the first, the painful decisions that are made and the repercussions of them.

"You're in my blood. You're in my heart, in my brain, in the very fabric of my soul. You're an addiction, one I'll never get enough of. I love you, Chloe Girard. I love you more than you could ever possibly imagine."

A sticking point in their relationship is her unwillingness to acknowledge or speak about the past. It's a topic that weighs heavily on the relationship they are trying to keep afloat. For a while things are smooth sailing but with outside influences rocking the boat, it's a wonder wether they will sink or swim.

"I think about keep walking. Down the sidewalk, across the beach, into the water. Walking and walking and walking until I'm totally immersed, the dark water closing over my head, the undercurrent pulling me down"

In her hurt, Chloe sometimes lashed out, which could come across as immature. I empathise with her, she's still traumatised and although she has made a better life for herself and appears strong; moments of doubt and weakness cause the merry-go-round of emotions in their relationship.

"Stuck with you? Jesus Chloe, I'm not stuck with you. I'm blessed with you."
"Oh, Ethan, love, I think you've got that backward"
"No. No, I don't."

Admittedly I had a slight feeling of a lack of resolve when it came to Ethan's brother. Justice is eluded to with Ethan's plans to thwart him but as a reader I would have preferred the outcome to be more explicit.

Tracy Wolff loves, love and I love how she writes about it. The way Ethan and Chloe love each other is never in doubt, they do. In declarations, in actions. It's the action of others that try to break them apart, but it is their love; as sad, joyful & passionate as it is that over comes overall.

The Epilogue concluded the story nicely and I'm so happy that Chloe and Ethan got their "Happy Ever After."

~Copy provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you~


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344 reviews10 followers
July 5, 2014
I received this ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The gist: This is the conclusion to Ethan and Chloe's story. Book 1, Ruined, left off with a cliffhanger (Ethan's brother showing up on his doorstep) and if you haven't read book 1, don't bother reading book 2 because that's like starting a book in the middle. Ethan is the uber rich CEO of Frost Industries, a biomedical technologies company. Chloe is an Intellectual Property Law intern at his company. They met at work when Ethan made her a smoothie and she didn't realize who he was. They quickly started a romance. Chloe is deeply troubled because she was raped in high school and then forced to keep quiet about it. They have a turbulent relationship with all her issues and her constant running away over the slightest infraction.

I REALLY wanted to LOVE this book, but I mostly just ended up with whiplash. I FINALLY got a satisfactory conclusion to the story, the HEA, but it was hard won. There was A LOT of eye rolling on my part because Chloe is one of those incredibly annoying heroines who runs away every time Ethan doesn't tell her he took a shit. He's keeping shit from her. Blah, blah, blah. And this bitch dwells CONSTANTLY on the past. Yeah, yeah, I get it. It'd be hard being raped. It'd be hard to deal with intimacy after that. But I know rape victims (and I understand not everyone is the same) who don't live every day as though they are broken shells of humans. It's fine to give a character a rough background in order to give them depth, but MY GOD with the CONSTANT DWELLING!!! Get over it already, Bitch. And her constantly thinking Ethan is evil is ridiculous because he's done NOTHING to indicate he has a bad or malicious bone in his body. She was just ridiculous.

Ethan is great, of course. Yeah, he maybe contributed to his brother being a POS, but honestly, he was just trying to help him out. Most people would help their family members if they could, especially when they aren't being given the whole truth about a situation. When their family is playing the victim card.

Anyway, this story was A LOT of Chloe running away from Ethan and Ethan begging her to come back. A lot of Chloe SAYING she trusts Ethan when she doesn't. AT ALL. A lot of Chloe playing the victim. A lot of adults (her coworkers) calling her names and bullying her like high schoolers because she's boinking the boss. It was a lot of ridiculousness.

In true Ms. Wolff style, there was A LOT of unnecessary repetition. The book could have been AT LEAST 50 pages shorter if Chloe wasn't dwelling on her woes.

There were quite a few consistency errors from the first book and this one. The primary one being that Chloe was a redhead in Ruined, but a blonde in Addicted. She had a Mini Cooper in Ruined, but a Honda in this one. There was one part where it was suppose to be her brother's name, but it was Ethan's brother's name instead. There was one part where it talked about how she and Ethan got a medal for a sand castle they built in Ruined, but they never got a medal for the sand castle. Details like this REALLY get under my skin, because a book is an author's brain child. The author decides what their characters look like, how they act, what they drive, etc. If a detail is important enough to mention (ie the heroine's hair color), it shouldn't change from one book to the next without an explanation. They should keep character names consistent (ie her brother's name). Maybe that's too much to ask as a reader and maybe I'm just too damn neurotic, but that type of shit makes me stew and it eats at my soul. (Okay, maybe that's A BIT melodramatic...) Proofreading errors are bad enough, but there's NO excuse, in my opinion, for storyline errors/inconsistencies. Those types of mistakes will reduce a rating by a MINIMUM of one star. Constant repetition and dwelling will, too.

I did get my HEA (or rather, Ethan and Chloe did...), but it was actually wrapped up a bit too quickly and neatly. It left me feeling as though the author was at her page limit and just said, 'Well, I've written enough now so let's wrap this puppy up.' Chloe literally left him AGAIN in the next to last chapter and then they got back together in the last chapter and then the epilogue was a year later. Whiplash, anyone? I'm just glad to be finished and moving on to something else.
Profile Image for Claire.
2,321 reviews738 followers
July 15, 2014
3 - "I'm sorry. I didn't think." Stars.

I have to say that I had high expectations for Addicted, after reading and really enjoying Ruined. Ethan Frost is my kinda guy, and I loved him hard at the end of Ruined.

That is why it’s difficult for me to write a less than stellar review for this book. It is also hard for me too put down in detail the reasons as to why, because my review would then just be one big massive spoiler.

Ethan Frost is my addiction. He’s the itch just below my skin. The fire that skates along my every nerve ending. He’s the craving I just can’t shake.

Addicted picks up literally where Ruined left off, and if you haven’t read Ruined I urge you too, because you will struggle to understand alot of what happens in this book if you haven’t.
Chloe Girard in the main was the reason this book didn’t 100% work for me, and it pretty much boils down to the fact that she spends the bulk of the book listening to everyone but Ethan, reacting and then regretting it. The main flow of most of the book goes like this –

”Are you sure?”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m sorry.” ...
“I love you.” ...

All interspersed by lengthy inner monologues and followed by copious amounts of make-up sex.

”I know you still love me. I can see it in your face. I can hear it in the way your breathing stutters when I touch you.”

Granted it is well written and imaginative sex, but still the whole crux of the story namely the connections between Ethan and Chloe’s families, seemed to get lost. There are a lot of revelations in this book, and most of the issues from Chloe’s past seem to in one way or another all end up on Ethan’s shoulders, and what was a strong confident, cheeky alpha male, in Ruined, gradually turns into a gibbering emasculated wreck in Addicted. I struggled to understand how he inadvertently ended up getting blamed for everything; bearing in mind he didn’t know Chloe prior to her internship at Frost Industries.

”I would do anything for you Chloe, even sit in a room with you all day and pretend I’m not dying to touch you.”

I still enjoyed the book, and if you asked me how I wanted it to end I couldn’t really give you a straight answer. I just think the cliffy at the end of Ruined, wasn’t really explored to its fullest potential in Addicted. I loved the epilogue, but I find that I still have questions that I would like answered, mainly about both Ethan and Chloe’s families and the abhorrent act that bound them all together.

”It hurt’s way more to be without you that it does to be with you.”

ARC provided via Netgalley, in exchange for the above honest review.
Profile Image for ★¸. • * ° * ༺*Blanka*༺*°°*•.¸. ♥★.
2,293 reviews309 followers
April 6, 2024
This one wasn't as good as the first one.
Chloe started to really annoy me. Secrets were revealed and yes they were harsh however Ethan was trying to protect her and in my opinion went above and beyond. I wanted to shake him like leave the bitch already.
One day she loves him so much, the next she is leaving him then she is mad because he is ignoring than she is back to not being able to breathe without him, than again back to leaving him.
I felt as though I was watching a ping pong tournament. Swear it!
Poor beautiful Ethan and the shit he has to deal with. He can't control his mothers or brothers actions just like Chloe can't control hers. She needs a shrink and needs to stop bottling all that shit inside one day she is going to explode and I hope Ethan is far far away!
Profile Image for Zakirrah BookBlogger.
317 reviews182 followers
March 9, 2015
2.5-3 Stars!!

'Ethan Frost loves me the same way I love him.Wildly,completely,absolutely.'

*Sigh* I really wanted to love this book. I really did. After the cliffhanger from book 1 and i really did enjoy Ruined as a whole I was expecting a lot more from this book.I feel like it's not finished, that there is still more to come.I was hoping to see how the characters coped, more development and to see how it would all work out.

'He tastes like the ocean and feels like it too.Powerful, violent, infinite.I want to immerse myself in him, to drown in him.And I want this kiss-this feeling- to go on forever.'

Everything was going well for Ethan and Chloe and for the first time Chloe felt safe enough to open up about her past.Ethan has always made her feel safe and protected but what happens when the truth shatters her? What happens when the man she thinks can save her is the brother of the man who destroyed her?

A lot of things were left half way.What happened to Brandon, that issue is not really solved and if it is I didn't find closure I needed, I wanted to know exactly what happened to him.I wanted to know that he wouldn't hurt anyone again because of so and so..he being run over by a car..possibly? Anything! I wanted him punished.

'Ethan Frost is my addiction.He's the itch just below my skin. The fire that skates along my every nerve ending.He is the craving I just can't shake.'

Ethan tries to protect the woman he is in love by not telling her what he knows.It's like every time he thinks he is doing something right it ends up being a cause of another fallout.He finds out that you can't protect a person when you hide the truth and take it upon yourself to sort out.I loved Ethan, loved him in book 1 and still love him in book 2! I feel sorry for him its like everything he did seemed to come back to bite him.All he wanted was to protect Chloe and all it did was hurt her.I felt that Chloe was harsh to him, you don't choose your family and even though I understand her situation I wanted to scream at her that its not Ethan's fault! Give the man a break!

It was constant pattern of there being a problem which leads to Chloe running away, Chloe's boring mind and then making up and back to the start. Vicious cycle.I hated being in Chloe's head her inner dialogue was just too slow and boring for me.It was the same thing over and over again I felt so frustrated with her.I think if this was in dual POV it would have balanced it out and maybe I wouldn't have been so annoyed at Chloe.I'd loved to have gotten more of an insight to Ethan's side and how he was coping and so on.

*ARC provided by NetGalley for an honest review*
Quotes are subject to change in the final publication.

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Profile Image for Carolina L. .
145 reviews
August 3, 2014
Ethan Frost is my addiction. He's the itch just below my skin. The fire that skates along my every nerve ending. He's the craving I just can't shake.

 photo addicted_ethan_frost_2-652018_zpsd5c005ff.jpg


When I thought I couldn't love more Ethan Frost... Tracy Wolff prove me wrong.
When I thought that Chloe and Ethan's story couldn't get better, intense... more heart-breaking... Tracy Wolff prove me wrong, again.
With the first book, I felt lost after I've finished it... Because I needed more, because I wanted to know what would happen next!
And then I read it... and I feel lost again... I turned from "ruined" to "addicted"...! There's no better description of my feelings towards this story... I'm deeply and purely addicted!
This is nothing I ever imagined... I thought it would be unforgettable... it turn out to be epic.
I thought it would be amazing... it was superb.
I am crying while writing this review, because I feel like a part of me was taken with this series...and seeing come to an end, makes me feel a sorrow I never thought I would feel!
Chloe and Ethan took a part of my heart... and if there's stories that will stay with me forever... this is for sure one of them.
The angst is indescribable... the tears I drop are countless... I could feel their pain, their hearts being broken...
It was a nirvana of emotions. The most beautiful nirvana.
Tracy Wolff got me. She got me profoundly.


You're in my blood. You're in my heart, in my brain, in the very fabric of my soul. You're an addiction, one I'll never get enough of. I love you Chloe Girard. I love you more than you could ever possibly imagine.

 photo my_chloe_girard_frost-652021_zps14945586.jpg

For long seconds he doesn't blink, doesn't move, doesn't so much as breathe. And neither do I. How can I when I'm staring into his eyes - his beautiful, hauntend, stormtossed eyes -and can see everything I feel, everything I fear, reflected back at me.

 photo my_ethan_frost-652020_zps0ab3c4cf.jpg

... I don't fight him. I can't, not when I crave his touch like a junkie craves a fix. I'm addicted to him, to his strength and his kindness, to the way he holds me and the way he makes my body burn with just a touch.

 photo ethan_frost_2-652019_zps5af71861.jpg

I belong to Ethan Frost. He owns me in a way no one else ever has, in a way no one else ever will.
Heart, soul and body.
He's my obsession. My addiction.


That's me, now. Ripped open. Bleeding. Unsalvageable.


ARC kindly provided via NetGalley in exchange of a honest review.

Profile Image for ~Nichole~  Sizzling Pages Romance Reviews.
1,674 reviews622 followers
September 17, 2015
First books cliffhanger let me know I was in for a very angsty ride but Chloe took it almost too far. Ethan was beyond amazing and patient ..more than any other hero I've read before. I loved him so much. I absolutely adored the epilogue and pray so hard with two more books that this author doesn't mess with their HEA.
Profile Image for Rose  Puls .
1,867 reviews325 followers
July 4, 2014
Everything I didn't know I was missing...
I'm a huge Tracy Wolff fan and this book just fed my addiction (pun intended). I fell in love with 'Ethan f***ing Frost' in RUINED and I'm even more so now. We all need a man who loves us so much that they want the best for us, even if that means it's not them, right? The darkness in Ethan, the secrets that he can't share, the obstacles that keep blocking their future together are a page turning treat that you don't want to miss. Well done, Tracy, keep them coming because I am "wildly, completely, absolutely" addicted to your books. ❤️
Profile Image for CeCe.
3,574 reviews109 followers
March 18, 2020
03/13/20 - Reread.

07/08/14 -There may be some spoilers from RUINED in this review. I will try to be as vague as I can not to give away as little as possible. It is hard to explain some of my thoughts without giving some of the key points of RUINED away.
Okay, I am going to have two different ratings for this book. Let me explain. First of all I loved the book, however, I did not like the ending since I think there are still so many questions I want answered. I asked whether there will be a sequel and I was told that at this time there was not discussion of one. So my rating without the sequel is a 4. If there was a sequel then the rating would be a 5. It was just hard for me to believe things would end like that…it was all too simple.
I hate that I cannot even tell you what I want answered since I feel it would be a spoiler for you. First, you must read RUINED before you read ADDICTED. And even though I am a little disappointed in the ending, I still strongly recommend the ETHAN FROST series. There is an Epilogue in ADDICTED, but to me it was not believable. The Epilogue is in Ethan’s POV, but it did not clear a lot of the questions I had about Ethan’s family and how everything really ended.
ADDICTED left off where RUINED ended. Tracy Wolff gives the readers a Prologue of how RUINED ended. She did an amazing job recapping everything that happened in RUINED that was important in ADDICTED. The information did not seem repetitive. In RUINED, the last scene was Chloe opening the door in Ethan’s house. There on Ethan’s front door step is Brandon, the guy who raped Chloe five years earlier. Of course Chloe has a lot to deal…the rape and that her parents accepted 3 million dollars for Chloe to recant her story. Chloe has had a hard time living with the fact that her rapist, Brandon, was never charged for the crime. In ADDICTED we see how Chloe has to once again relive a lot of what happened to her plus deal with how Brandon is part of Ethan’s life.

I loved the book like I mentioned. I loved that Chloe was not quick to accept everything that Ethan told her. The reader got to see how she struggled with all she finds out. I think I liked Chloe more in ADDICTED than in RUINED. She appeared stronger and with a better head on her shoulders.
Overall, this series was a great read.

A copy was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Gina *loves sunshine*.
2,114 reviews91 followers
May 18, 2018
Book 1 ended in a cliffhanger, so picking this one up 6 days later was a little to long for my old memory bank. I wish I had started it immediately!! Loved book 1 because it had a lot of story to it, a lot of chemistry and a lot of Ethan Frost swoon!!! This book was a little bit more make-up and break-up and a lot of making up, from the break ups - the extended version. Add in a few more pieces of this big take down puzzle and then you are on to another cliffhanger!! This time, I will start book 3 pronto.
Profile Image for Penny Well Reads.
892 reviews229 followers
March 1, 2023
It's ok, better than the first installment.
Generally, it feels receptive and incomplete. The relationship depicted here keeps going in circules and repeating the same patrons and problems. And even though the book ends as if everything has been resolved, it really hasn't been. Nothing has changed or evolved, they seem to be in the same place to me, still within that same repetitive wheel.

I actually think that this installment and the first should have been just one book. As separate books they feel lacking.

I'll probably move on to the next installment, where I believe the characters' story is supposed to really end.

Ruined (Ethan Frost, #1)
Profile Image for Kara.
1,369 reviews24 followers
August 31, 2016
Stars: 4.5

[image error]

I enjoyed this story. I liked the characters. I like the plot. I liked the sex. I liked the writing. Ethan... sex on a stick.
Tracy Wolff did a great job with this series!

I belong to Ethan Frost.
He owns me in a way no one else ever has.
In a way no one else will.
Heart, soul, and body.

**ARC received from the publisher via Netgalley for an honest review**
Profile Image for Chandra.
228 reviews38 followers
July 4, 2014

ARC provided by publisher via NETGALLEY in exchange for an honest review.
**May Contain Spoilers**

Story Rating 4 Stars
Hero Rating 4 Stars
Heroine Rating 3.5 Stars
Romance Rating 4 Stars
Heat Level 5 Stars
Overall Rating 4.1 Stars


I received this ARC this week and was super excited to sink my teeth into it. I read this first book a few months back, but it kind of always stuck with me and I was excited to see where the author took it, and I wasn’t disappointed!


First, what I didn’t like…
The rushed ending.
I felt Chloe and Ethan’s story could easily have been 3 books.
Maybe there will be a third? I don’t know.
But, it seemed like the author tried to wrap their story up too quickly and it left too many things in the air for my liking
There was just too much left unsaid and I didn’t like it.
I loved the book. Just not the rush job ending.
So for me…that made the book just ok…


What I did like...
I love him!
He’s sexy.
He’s sweet.
He’s smart.
I want an Ethan of my own.

2. Chloe was much much better in this book too.
The first book she seemed kind of all over the place. And while she did have those types of moments in this book too, they weren’t as out of place as they were in book one. I understood her better in this book, and her issues.
Big improvement in her character. Brava.

3. The steam!
Oh. Em. Gee. Way hot.
Made the book even that much more amazing IMHO.


So, while I did not love the ending of this book holds out hope for a third.
I still loved it, I would recommend it and I would definitely re-read the series.


Here’s my casting for Ethan…

Profile Image for Kimberly .
136 reviews
July 19, 2014
I really love Ethan Frost, or at least the potential this character holds. He's everything you could want in a corporate world romantic lead... Brilliant, powerful, handsome, charming, a bit mysterious, and also kind. The question remains: What the Hell does he see in this twit named Chloe Girard?

I don't care that Chloe is a brilliant pre-paw student. I don't care that she's probably gorgeous. I can't even sympathize with her over her tragic past because throughout this entire book she was pure stupid, idiotically wrapped in a bizarre belly chain of love (what sort of gift is that anyway?!) The drama. Oh the drama. The endless inner monologue of Chloe doom. I wanted to do one of those movie smacks where you slap the person across the face as hard as you can to bring them out of their baby tantrum.

I tried to read this book. Really. But, the last straw was about 50% in when the idiot brother showed up. Kill me now. Or, better yet kill Chloe and her brother and then find Ethan a woman with some poise and a touch of common sense. Ultimately, I did skim this book through to the end.

I don't like trashing books. This author holds such potential for me. Her style is easy and flowing and her potential to draw a great character is right there.

I give this book 2 stars. One for the potential of Ethan Frost. The second for the epilogue in Ethan's voice.
Profile Image for 💫MakeU1dor 🌺.
123 reviews6 followers
July 6, 2014
~*~ I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. ~*~

Lies, Love and Forgiveness!!!

I have to say that I have been waiting for this follow up, and I was not disappointed!!!

In the conclusion, we really see how fragile and strong Chloe is! She was broken down, then put her self back together all in the name of her obsession, addition and her one true love Ethan Frost. I love that she tried to do what she thought was right for her, and in the end found out that it was never the right thing. In the face of everything that happened to her and what she found out and how, she persevered and and came out on top!

Ethan was just as damaged as Chloe just in a different way. I will say that I did not agree with the way he handled things and just couldn't be upfront with her. But, in the end I could see from his side as well, and his thought process. I loved the package in the end and what it symbolized!

I LOVED the conclusion to this story and and still wanting more... I will HIGHLY recommend this book.
Profile Image for Chan.
769 reviews48 followers
June 9, 2022
I was aggravated with Chloe in book 1. In book two, I expected to see some growth. Chloe wouldn’t continue to be contradictory in her actions and words.

Welp, I was wrong. Chloe got worse. Her waffling of wanting to be with Ethan and not be with him went up 10 notches. She also would blame Ethan for things that I didn’t understand how they were his fault.

Then the high schoolish office crap. OMGosh. I had to double check if I was reading YA. It was so frickin immature. It was like kids in a lunchroom or classroom pointing and whispering behind their hands and giggling.

I was expecting something different or another level of maturity with book 2, but I didn’t get it.
Profile Image for Dolce.
1,157 reviews7 followers
March 10, 2020
3.75 steamy vexing stars. This book DELIVERED on the steamy factor (just as much if not more so than the first). AND...same day read-which says a lot for me.... and....There was a LOT of trouble in this second book. I’m not super into exorbitant levels of trouble. Honestly I felt like books 1 and 2 could have been condensed into one book. And yet.... same day read. Lol
Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,690 reviews621 followers
September 1, 2014
Book – Addicted (Ethan Frost #2)
Author – Tracy Wolff
Publication Date – July 15, 2014
Type – Part of Series
Genre – Romance, New Adult
Rating – 3 1/2 out of 5 Stars

Complimentary copy generously provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this after reading the first book….but I kept picking it up and then putting it back down again for almost a month…I wanted to get into this book and find out what happened to Ethan and Chloe…but the beginning of the book I found myself so pissed off and frustrated with Chloe for second guessing Ethan.  She seemed whiny and annoying to me and that’s a complete turn-off for me.

Then what really killed me was the ending…it just doesn’t feel like the end.  The author tried to wrap up everything so quickly that a lot was left unsaid and questions are still left unanswered.

Ethan Frost is my addiction. He's the itch just below my skin. The fire that skates along my every nerve ending. He's the craving I just can't shake.

It annoyed me to no end how Chloe continued being a ping pong ball….Run away….come back….run away…..come back – there were so many times that I wanted to bop her over the head hopefully knocking some sense into her.

Now I do have to mention that the author can sure write a sex scene that will leave you panting and running to ease that tension!

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Profile Image for Christa.
104 reviews6 followers
September 15, 2014
**ARC courtesy of Random House Publishing Group via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

2.5 Whip-lash Stars

Addicted picks up right were Ruined ended and we are provided the answer to the cliffhanger Ruined left us with. I was right in my prediction on the relationship between Chloe’s rapist and Ethan. This revelation turns Chloe’s world upside down once again. Chloe is devastated not knowing how the man she loves and trusts completely can be related to monster that ruined her life.

I had whiplash for the majority of book from Chloe’s back and forth feelings toward Ethan and I honestly don’t know how he put up with it for so long. I understand it would be hard to date the half-brother of your rapist, but Ethan did everything he could to prove to her that he loved her and would do anything for her, including separating himself from his family, to prove to Chloe how deep his love was for her.

I’ve have never been in a situation like Chloe’s so I don’t know how it feels to live through a traumatic experience and I hate to call a survivor weak, but at times I felt she was. She constantly blamed everything on what happened to her on her past experience and refused to deal with her feelings and begin to live again.

Thank god for Ethan. I loved reading about all the things he did for Chloe and his love for her. I’m glad Chloe was finally able to not let her past run her life and realize Ethan was her saving grace and that they were meant for each other. I felt the ending was a little rushed and am left with unanswered questions. Whatever happened to Brandon and his campaign? What agreement did Ethan and his mother come to and did he ever try to interfere again? Did Ethan every see or talk to his family again? I wish a little more time was spent explaining the answer to these so I could really appreciate the epilogue and Chloe and Ethan’s HEA.

My Review of Ruined (Ethan Frost 1)
Profile Image for Honey Warren.
761 reviews4 followers
April 9, 2015
You're in my blood. You're in my heart, in my brain in the very fabric of my soul. You're an addiction, one I'll never get enough of. I love Chloe Girard. I love you more than you could ever possibly imagine.

Things finally went the "love addiction" way!! I wanted more obsessed love in book 2 and I def got!! With words like these you know, just KNOW that things are moving along nicely=)))) I LOVED Addicted! It was right along the lines of what I need to make a book like this one of my fav's. The crazier the love the better. These two can barely even breathe when they aren't together, that just makes me giddy=)) Addiction + Obsession = Happy Honey lol=) On to book 3. Although I did think 3 was the last...there is a book 4?!? What?!? It comes out in December?! I always do this to myself!!
Profile Image for Angela James.
Author 3 books61.1k followers
July 13, 2014
Sensuality level (1 being kissing only and 5 being Penthouse Letters graphic:: 3, frequent, graphic sex scenes, but it didn't read like an erotic romance. Lots of description of him performing oral sex on her!
Grammar errors/typo level (1 being what you'd see in any book, 5 being this read like a rough draft): 1

Would I re-read?: No, but I'd read other work by this author.
Profile Image for Sharon.
417 reviews10 followers
July 27, 2014
3 Break up and get back together stars! This story made me tired. Chloe needs to either get over it and move on or not but this going back and forth was exhausting for everyone. Ethan needed to man up and take what he wants and stop with the torturing himself in the name of 'giving you space.' Brandon needed to get what was coming to him and the fact that nothing seemed to actually happen there was enough to knock this down a star. The parents were monsters and needed to be cut off. Miles was hopeless and I have no idea who Ethan and Chloe can keep in their life going forward. It started off promising but fizzled..
Profile Image for Kristy Mills.
1,813 reviews38 followers
February 26, 2021
Chloe kind of annoyed me a lot in this book. She was all over the place. I couldn’t understand her logic a lot of times. Basically she blames Ethan for everything, and he takes it on himself because he’s such a great man and would do anything for her.

I enjoyed the story overall but every time they argued and Chloe, who wasn’t ruled by her past, would bring up her past again, it got tiresome. Granted, a lot of their problems centered around what happened back then. But her issues with him trying to spend money on her, shouldn’t have to do with her past. It was a stretch at best and was only added to create more drama at the end.

Ugh it got annoying. She seemed like one of those “typical” girls who is never happy with anything her guy does for her, but has this wonderful man completely by his balls and all of his friends are like “dude, why are you so devoted to a psycho?” That’s the vibe I got from her every time she got upset over stuff I thought was dumb.

Or when he would explain why he didn’t tell her something and then explain all the things he has been doing to try and make all the past wrongs right for her and she basically says, it’s not enough and she needs more from him and he better chase her when she leaves. I like runners in books, but I just wanted her to stay. Ethan was NOT the bad guy, he wasn’t completely up front with her because he was terrified of losing her, and it’s exactly what happened almost every time she got upset with him.

Still there were lots of happy times in this book and I still gave it a high rating because... Ethan. He was great and I loved him in this story. I just don’t know if I can read the next book. I’m ready for their story to be over and this is almost a HEA. There are definitely loose ends with his family but I’m kind of done with Chloe’s drama.

Oh and I know this is kind of minor in the grand scheme of things but I thought Chloe was a redhead. I’m pretty sure that’s what the whole flamingo hat scene was about at the zoo in the first book, pink doesn’t go well with red hair. But then she mentions her long blonde hair in this book. What? Did the author forget what color hair her character had? Or did I miss something, like a scene where she changed her hair color...
Profile Image for Fiordiligii.
1,785 reviews26 followers
April 23, 2017
My comments apply to the first two parts of the series. Ruined started out great if not overly original, however, every so often I am in the mood for a billionaire meets damsel in distress book (without ever having read FSoG). The story is very much over the top and full of steamy encounters that truly sizzle. And while I LOVE sexy love scenes there is such a thing as too much sex and too little plot. And while this series does have a solid plot it has definitely been padded to stretch into originally three books. After finishing part one with a solid B, I was looking forward to three more delicious installments full of drama and sex.

Part two, however, had way too much drama, so much I couldn't stomach it anymore. Spoilers ahead so beware: To me it seems they are constantly breaking up, making up, some more construed drama ensues, more breaking up, makeup sex, more broken heroine, more hero who assures the heroine she's the strongest woman to ever have graced the earth ... blablabla. It was really repetitive and made me truly dislike the characters. Ethan IS innocent in this drama but feels very guilty and hence comes over as overly demure and submissive (except for when they are having sex). Chloe is a drama queen in the making who became truly dislikable after breaking up with Ethan at every turn. D for part two.
Profile Image for Duchessbookworm.
1,299 reviews44 followers
May 31, 2020
Chloe and Ethan finally open up with each other. They get close. Betrayal and lies. They break up. They get back together. Repeat. For the whole book. I like books with plot and this one lacked.
Profile Image for JL.
176 reviews16 followers
November 8, 2022
Addicted is the perfect title for this book. Chloe and Ethan are addicted to each other and for me, it isn't in a good way. The entire book was just Ethan and Chloe fighting, fucking then making up. Repeat cycle.
How could you ever get over your trauma while dating your rapists brother? Or avoiding your fiancé's mother who bribed your money hungry parents into signing an NDA and forcing you to recant your statement?
I understand Chloe wants to forget her trauma. It's how she deals and she knows it's not the most healthy coping mechanism. But it's so naïve too because how can she ever forget if she marries her rapists brother? Her mother in law will be the woman who treats her inhumanly? She keeps saying she's moved on from it. But how can she when it's constantly amongst her family?
Everything about their relationship is tied back to her rape. It's all intertwined.
Chloe can't even accept any of Ethan's money because it was his own money on behalf of his family that paid for her silence. It is never ending fucked up ness.

I couldn't stand how Chloe just forgives or excuses everyone around her behaviour and betrayals. Within the first few chapters Ethan has betrayed her twice. The first is when he didn't break up with her but instead fucked her and hid the fact about knowing his own brother was her rapist. I honestly think that was one of the most unforgivable things I have ever read in my entire life.
The second time is when he knew Brandon was running for congress but didn't tell her that her rapist is about to get even more powerful and wealthy.
She excuses Tori's drinking.
She excuses Miles for his attachment to their horrible parents. For his treatment of her. Just because he's her brother.

It bothered me immensely when after Brandon popping backup again and Chloe figuring out Ethan knew about what his brother had done to her, the next day she's telling Ethan he did nothing wrong. WHAT???
But in the course of two weeks after telling Ethan she still can't be with him because when she looks at him she sees Brandon... she's upset he's ignoring her and then they are doing it against a wall at a work event. Talk about fucking whiplash.

Chloe has so many doubts and second thoughts about her relationship with Ethan but her actions never match up to what she's thinking. It drove me crazy. She's also so easily swayed by lust or sweet words. I wish she took more time to think before she leapt. I wish she held people more accountable. I really was proud of her for a split second when she found out Ethan had hid things from her for a third time so she left him because she just couldn't take his overprotection anymore. It wasn't protection, it was dishonesty. But then of course Ethan begs for her back and she takes him back and accepts his proposal as if their issues are all magically healed.

Don't get me wrong, I liked Ethan. I thought he had so much potential to be everything you want in a leading male character. I don't think Ethan should be punished for his brother's crimes. They aren't the same guy. I know that. I know he thinks he's doing what's best for her. But Ethan isn't entirely blameless either. He makes some truly awful mistakes in the name of protecting Chloe that he leaves her so hurt and vulnerable and broken. He's so consumed in his love for her, he thinks that justifies everything. And because she keeps forgiving him, he knows she'll never truly leave him so he keeps making the same mistakes. If he truly loved her, I think he should let her go. Give her time to process instead of smothering her with gifts and apologies and sex.

But Chloe is equally responsible for their relationship being in fucking turmoil. I hate how she runs away all the time. Either stand and fight for your relationship if you so desperately need it or let Ethan go. She just brings so much unneeded drama into their lives and relationship. If she could communicate half her inner monologue to Ethan the guy might better understand what she truly needs from him apart from sex.

I truly dislike how often sex is used in this trilogy to be a balm to their problems for a minute. I wish I could like a sexy scene because the author does know how to write them but I just keep waiting for something to come between them next.
Profile Image for Kami Dodson-Perry.
717 reviews23 followers
July 27, 2014
When we left off in book #1 we were left with such a cliffhanger that I wanted to throw my Kindle across the room. That was not nice to do to us. But of course we are anxious to see what happens next because of it. Where we left off is Chloe answers Ethan's door to find her rapist Brandon standing on the front porch. Of course we know this is Ethan's brother. It was still a shock for me because I figured it out when Ethan and Chloe first started dating and Chloe had to tell Ethan about the rape. In that same area of book #1 Ethan talks about his brother getting into some trouble and having to bail him out. Neither one says the brothers name but I kind of figured it out early hoping that I was wrong.

So anyway, Chloe is blindsided after making up with Ethan trying to break-up with her. They spend the night together not able to give the other one up but this is too much to handle. Chloe freaks out (with good reason) and flees the house. She cannot get away fast enough. Once at home she proceeds to just flop to the ground. Tori comes to her rescue and decides to grab some dinner for them once Chloe has past out. But when Chloe wakes up she is really hungry from not eating and then she sees the BLENDER. Chloe is angry all over again and she takes all that aggression out on the poor Vitimix Blender.

I have to say that I was hysterical during the blender scene. I remember being that angry and I feel that the author conveyed it perfectly. Her going freaking crazy with destroying that blender was one of the best scenes I have ever read. I could feel every angry and crazy emotion the character was feeling. That scene was hands down a 5 STAR scene.

Chloe and Ethan have lots of ups and downs in this part of the story. Breaking up for this reason or that reason but always coming back to the same conclusion that they cannot live without one another. I get why Ethan kept some many things from Chloe. She was already hurting and having issues processing everything why add to that internal struggle. And Ethan should have just put it all on the table and been done with it so there was nothing more to blindside Chloe. But Chloe also needed to see that Ethan had no control over Brandon or his mothers choices. Ethan did not hurt Chloe nor did he ever ignore the pain she was feeling because of it. Therefore, I feel that Chloe should have just forgiven Ethan and moved past it.

I for one would not have been able to continue a relationship of this nature unless Ethan had cutoff his mother and brother from his life and mine therefore, insuring my safety. But how could you ask a person to shun their family for you, I'm not sure that you can.

Their relationship is unhealthy for Chloe and Ethan needed to make the changes that occur in order to make Chloe's life easier. I agree with this. But I feel that Ethan compromised and Chloe really didn't. And maybe Chloe was not supposed to compromise considering everything that happened to her. However, Chloe basically says over and over again that she needs to get over the rape and move forward but she doesn't. She never does because she is letting it cloud the relationship her and Ethan have.

Really the truth is I do not believe that a person can ever get over being assaulted or raped. I think that is something that stays with you forever. But I feel that even though you don't "get over it" you can move past it and move on to a future without that pain and sorrow. I do not feel that Chloe's character ever accomplished this.

I unfortunately did not like Chloe as much in this part of the story. I felt she was too WHY ME, WHY ME and too much with one foot in the past and another in the present with no foot in the future. Too whiny and not appreciative of what her boyfriend was trying to do for her.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 445 reviews

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