You are cordially invited to join jet-setting financier/philanthropist Emory Jackman and his very special guests at the world's most exclusive party on Little Pearl Island!
Everyone who's anyone wants to be seen at one of Emory Jackman's legendary parties, from royalty to politicians, tech billionaires to Instagram models.
But something sinister is happening on Little Pearl. Journalist Sven Olsen has heard rumors about the Jackmans trafficking young girls, and a secret auction joined by the rich and famous. He's been invited under the pretense of writing a profile about Emory and his mysterious wife, Tess, and will do just about anything to get the scoop.
The crew and staff are unaware, including young porter Gabe Zimmer, who falls for Clarissa Hurst, a stowaway looking for her long-lost twin sister. Security is hunting her, but when the two discover what's in the crates heading to the island, they realize they're in a lot more trouble than they think.
Because it's not just parties, perverts or a prison cell awaiting them on Little Pearl. A creature lurks there, eager for his children to get their first taste of blood, and awaken him from his long slumber.
Author of the cult smash-hit Woom and Ghostland and more than 15 other books that aren't the cult smash-hit Woom or Ghostland. His debut collection was blurbed positively by the legendary Jack Ketchum. In 10 years of publishing, Duncan Ralston hasn't won or been nominated for sh*t outside of screenwriting awards, and is definitely not bitter about it. His latest novel, Pedo Island Bloodbath, was nominated for a Splatterpunk Award for Best Novel.
For 7 FREE dark fiction short stories/novellas including the prequel to GHOSTLAND, "The Moving House," signed copies of Woom, bookplates and merch, please visit
“Pedo Island Bloodbath: A Vampire Novel” by Duncan Ralston is a splatterpunk horror novel that needless to say, pushes the envelope when it comes to this particular genre. Obviously, with a title like this, there are a ton of trigger warnings going into this novel.
Before I begin my review, here’s the long list of trigger warnings I found while reading...
- Pedophilia (extremely graphic scenes) - Sex offenders - Kidnapping - Grooming young girls - Sexual child abuse - Facemasks - Hazing - Child abuse - Rape - Sex slaves - Orphans - Drugging women at parties - Human trafficking - Sexual predators - #MeToo movement
If any of these trigger you, please do not read this novel. I can’t stress this enough as there are a few scenes involving pedophilia that are so graphic that it’s beyond disturbing. If you’re not a reader of splatterpunk or extreme horror, stay far away from this one.
Moving along, I’ve been a huge fan of Ralston ever since I read “WOOM” back in 2022 which was one of the first splatterpunk novels I’ve ever read. I can’t read this horror genre all the time but when I do it tends to truly leave its mark on me which I do enjoy now and then. With “Pedo Island Bloodbath: A Vampire Novel” it was no different as it starts a bit slow but builds up to what is going on at around the 20% mark.
I felt the story was unique and all the references throughout gave way to what this novel was ultimately all about, vampires in all their bloody glory. Besides that, I loved all the mentions of death metal, Bram Stroker, Dracula, one of my favorite bands in high school Weezer, Blade, and two of my all-time favorite authors Stephen King and Dean Koontz.
This was an interesting way to write a vampire story that was original and kept me interested for the most part. The only thing is, there was way too much dialogue and once some nice plot twists hit, I felt they came too late. I wanted more of that and less of the dialogue.
There were some instances of fluff here and there and I was wondering when the splatterpunk parts would hit while reading. I was hoping that maybe this was done intentionally to build things up with this crazy story and compelling characters to bring a bloodbath toward the end and boy, was I right!
Leading up to the end was worth the slow start, especially since multiple stories were happening at the same time to keep those pages turning naturally once they finally picked up. There was decent suspense between chapters and I also thought the graphics of vampire wooden stakes to break up scenes was a nice little touch. I love when horror authors do this as it brings me back to my horror paperback days as a teenager when every chapter had a creepy graphic to kick things off.
This novel featured some of the most disturbing characters I’ve ever read and don’t worry, I won’t ruin anything for you but let’s just say that the climactic ending delivered nicely. Those moments were incredible as they were gory, bloody, and horrific. This is where Ralston shines and delivers the most as his style of writing these splatterpunk moments is of such high quality. My goodness, the wild carnage-filled ending was beyond justified and was quite the rollercoaster.
I also genuinely went crazy with the awesome plot twist at the end which was a jaw-on-the-floor moment. This tied in nicely with all the vampiric lore and mythology which is always fun to read about but even more so when done in a splatterpunk kind of way.
Ultimately, this was a decent read but I felt the good parts took way too long to get there and Ralston saved most of the brutal violence for the end when I wish there was more of that sprinkled throughout reading. As I said before, some parts were pretty boring and I was just waiting for the splatterpunk parts to hit. Even at the end in an author’s note, Ralson mentioned that he wanted an old-school horror novel that wasn’t what he’s used to writing with tons of violence, sex, and deranged splatterpunk.
Either way, I went into this not knowing what to expect and bracing for the worse since the title alone was pretty out there. I also noticed that while reading, Ralson added “A Vampire Novel” at the end of the title across Goodreads since there wasn’t much buzz, reviews, or anything going on when this was released likely due to the title and likely turning people off from it. I also noticed a small typo towards the end (put Shannelle instead of Shantelle) which is a huge no-no in my book. I get that we’re all human and mistakes can and will happen, but little things like that take me out of the reading experience a bit.
I give “Pedo Island Bloodbath: A Vampire Novel” by Duncan Ralston a 3/5 as it was a decent vampiric read with a unique twist. This isn’t for everyone and if you can get through all the trigger warnings and the few disturbingly graphic pedophile scenes that will make you feel a certain way, it’s a good read. I enjoyed the characters, story, and honestly, the bloody viciousness toward the end saved this novel for me. Several parts dragged on which I didn’t enjoy but all in all, it’s worth reading if you enjoy splatterpunk with a vampiric twist. It’s good but not extraordinary. I’d like to thank NetGalley, Duncan Ralston, and Wicked House Publishing for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Emory Jackman is known for hosting the best parties for the wealthy and elite so it seems to not be unusual when he invites some friends for a cruise aboard his boat to be taken to Little Pearl Island to have some fun. However things are not all what they seem as creatures of the night are prowling around on the boat and the island lies in wait for a tasty treat of warm blooded bodies!
What is in store for the boat travelers? What lies in wait on the island? Does anyone make it out alive? No spoilers here as you will just need to read the book!
I wasn't sure where Duncan Ralston was going to be taking me on this hellish ride but once I started reading the book and found out that vampires were involved the story notched up quite a bit. There are quite a few characters to keep track of within this book and a couple or so main characters to track as well.
The story becomes fast paced more around the 35% mark of the book along with some suspense of what is taking place with the characters. After the halfway point the action picks up and the story goes on a full scale ride into terror. There is lots of blood and gore within the pages of this book but I was not surprised as Ralston has written other books with some red gooey stuff that you have to swim through to reach your destination. I was prepared though as I grabbed my gore suit when everything started to hit the fan!
So if you want a book that has vampires with lots of blood and gore then check this book out and if you need a gore suit then I have one to lend out! Giving this book five "Vicious Vamps" stars!
Fake News Shocker! Ancient Scribe Revised Historical Account! "Well, I was shocked beyond belief to discover that Bram Stoker got the real Dracula mixed up with an entirely different vampire! I, of course, would never descend to making such a complete and utter dick of myself!" - Sven - The Paranormal Investigator's Gazette
A very readable and entertaining story where a whole host (or dare I say island) of bad guys come to a very satisfyingly bad end.
PEDO ISLAND BLOODBATH [2023] By Duncan Ralston My Review 3.5 STARS Rounded Up To 4.0 STARS
You are cordially invited to join jet-setting financier/philanthropist Emory Jackman and his very special guests at the world's most exclusive party on Little Pearl Island!
This was my second novel written by Duncan Ralston and having read “WOOM” first, I had anticipated down and dark extreme horror. That is my bad. I did not read the description carefully or otherwise. This outing is pegged as Occultism and Horror Comedy. Say what? Yep. That is what we have here, too.
I read this novel in spurts and stops which is not fair to the novel, so many interruptions falling back on my pillow like the living dead, and then trying to resume and regain the momentum the next night. It is a doggone good thing that Duncan did offer up something lightweight to ingest.
So---Ralston takes on the vampire myth retro ‘80s and adds some pizzazz and other not so fun touches. The Ceres is being sailed to Little Pearl Island in the Virgin Islands by jet-setting financier Emory Jackman. His mysterious spouse “Tess” is to join him later. Duncan takes the vampire myth and turns it on its head. We have a teenage beauty named Clarissa as a stowaway who is looking for her twin sister Ava who is only 8 years old if I recall correctly.
Oh, yes, there will be pedophilia, and it is tied in with the vampire myth. I will not touch that little number and let readers find out how that little gem works. Sex trafficking minors to adult men was really happening on Little Pearl Island. There is a good-natured reporter who endeavors to expose the crimes (Sven). The two villains you love to hate are naturally Jackman and his immortal wife “Tess” shades of Lady Bathory.
Tweaks to the vampire myth include humans who partake of vampire blood and gain certain powers (Strigoi) whereas a vampire was a Moroi. There is the original Van Helsing en route. There are a number of lovable characters naturally with a lot of romance in the air. The plot struck me as pretty darn original notably the vampire perversion of regular already bad enough pedophilia.
I admittedly needed an Expresso every time I picked up this book. No, not the book’s fault. It was lightweight but humorous, sometimes downright funny, and not in the least dull. It was me being exhausted all week from hospital runs and then caring for my partner and our fur-babies. I was leaning in for a solid Three Stars going into the final stretch.
Duncan created amusing, lovable characters and when the chips started to flow toward the virtuous team of players, I loved the plot twists that brought that outcome about. It had a stupendous ending, loved it. I rounded it up to 4.0 Stars.
That said, after reading Duncan’s notes at the end it confirmed what I thought but I was all puzzled about his change in direction. Not for me to know. The novel is good but not extreme horror. It was not at all what I expected but I did really like it. It has a few over the top sex scenes and episodes of horror but retro ‘80s and ‘90s as the Ralston acknowledges.
Look, the reality is, with the way the online, social media world operates, you’re going to fall into one of three categories. Category One – I like Duncan’s work and I like Duncan. Category Two – I like Duncan’s work, but I don’t care for what he posts/don’t interact with him online. Or Category Three – I have him blocked and refuse to read him.
It’s a shame that this is where we’re at, but even Duncan will agree that’s where we sit. And the truly shameful part of that is, those who don’t read his work are missing out on one of the most cerebral authors currently putting out high quality books. Much like Matthew Stokoe has achieved with COWS and High Life, Duncan has accomplished with the one-two punch of WOOM and Gross Out. Both of those works are escapism, psychological thrillers, masquerading as Splatterpunk/Extreme horror. Yes, the content is extreme, but so is life when you’re not living in a four bedroom, two bathroom home with a mortgage payment and two cars. Three point five kids, a white picket fence and a border collie that loves everyone.
Duncan’s work is always a multi-layered conversation on world events, timely, topical moments and often times has a deeper metaphorical aspect to things big and far. Take Gross Out and its conversation on the often-cited cliques that exist within the writing community at large. Ghostland examined the rising role of AI, technology and mankind’s continued desire to push things too far and then apologize after everything goes crazy. And I’ll add in Wildfire, a story about someone living off the grid, trying to keep themselves safer from the ever-changing insanity that is world events, while also discussing themes of domestic violence.
His work is more than what is shown on the surface, more than what you see when you read a title, see a cover, or spend a few minutes reading one star reviews of his work from folks who aren’t very keene to dive deeper into the narratives shared.
With this newest one, Duncan has decided to add to his growing repertoire of global issues by frankly discussing human trafficking and the horrible reality of how many kids get gobbled up by the rich and famous with no repercussions. Now, I will say here, that I’m not a full on conspiracy theorist regarding many things, but when it comes to child sex trafficking, the stats are there and when you start to read more and more about just how prevalent it is, its soul crushing.
Saying all of that, I did go in with trepidation, simply because I knew this was a vampire story at its heart and I struggle with vampire stuff. I always give each story the benefit of the doubt and go in wanting to love it, so with this one, I put my trust in Duncan’s hands and let the tide take me away.
What I liked: The story follows a few different characters whose paths eventually merge. We have Sven, a journalist who has made a name for himself with in-depth features over the years. He’s gotten an invitation from the ultra rich, Emory. He has invited a whose who of super wealthy on his massive yacht, to travel to a strange, exclusive island. Sven knows something’s up and wants to expose what it is. Even odder, is Emory’s wife, Tess, an enigmatic figure who stays in the shadows. Then we have Clarissa, a young woman searching for her sister who was kidnapped when their parents were brutally murdered. She knows a monster did it and wants to find the truth. She meets Gabe, a young man working on the ship and connects with him, as well as a strange, but friendly, older man, who has a history that’s hard to believe.
With that as the setting, Duncan races along in this gripping, mystery-thriller that has a ton of squirm-worthy moments, extreme scenes and grisly gore. In his afterword, he mentions this starting as a Splatterpunk work and morphing into a mainstream novel with extreme aspects and I think that’s accurate. I fear though, that this title will prevent many of those specific fans from taking the plunge and enjoying this brutal romp.
The novel turns things up another notch, when we get to the island, meet The Duke and the mansion/manor comes into play. It’s a great set piece itself and I’ll hold out hope that Duncan might do a special/exclusive/limited hardcover type release with a map of the island and a blueprint of the abode.
The ending was spot on – BUT – much like his most recent work Puzzle House, does end on a cliffhanger and at the moment, we have no idea if there will be more entries into this world.
What I didn’t like: As I said, if you, like me, struggle with vampire based stuff, this one does have a very straight up vampire storyline. Saying that, Duncan does do a lot with the mythology/folklore behind it and our old man character was a blast, reminding me of a character from the TV Show, The Strain.
Additionally, this one does have a lot of dark moments, extreme scenes and if you feel fuzzy at the first signs of gore, you’ll want to stay clear of this.
Why you should buy this: I mean, at this point, I don’t really need to try to convince fans of Duncan’s to read any of Duncan’s works. He’s a GOLD BANNER machine and someone who has built a massive fanbase through hard work, exceptional writing and some of the best books released in the last decade.
So, for those who’ve not read his work yet and are hesitant, I’ll say this – give it a try. Take this one for a spin, or Salvage, or Ghostland, or The Midwives, or Wildfire, or Puzzle House. Give one a shot and you’ll see what I’m talking about. A phenomenal writer creating phenomenal works of fiction.
As for this one, if you’re looking for a very solid vampire story, wrapped in a child trafficking yarn, told through the lens of an extreme horror conspiracy theory, look no further.
"Pedo Island Bloodbath" is the latest, gore-infested book from author Duncan Ralston, and I want to thank Netgalley and Ralston and his publisher for the opportunity to read it. I was attracted by my knowledge of Ralston's earlier works, particularly his Woom. And "Pedo Island" delivers, with enough gore and bloody action that any fan of horror would be satisfied. Additionally, there's the obvious shades of Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking for the world's rich and elite. Add some undead creatures of the night, and the book is a clear winner. Kudos to the author!
Pedo Island Bloodbath proved to be a mainstream horror adventure combining 'teen vampires' and the 'prostitution of young girls,' with all the action set aboard a boat, and eventually, on land on a mysterious island, the destination of said boat.
Lots of different goodie and baddie characters, and a decent storyline, although the action appeared tame and rather contrived at times ending, to my mind, in a predictably 'too nice to be true' conclusion which just didn't quite deliver for me.
Some good parts which could have been developed further, but overall the story blew hot and cold and eventually left me feeling a little disappointed.
Not one of DR's best, but a good story for horror fans with a predilection for action movies that may have come straight from the 1980's and 90's.
obviously based off the title, this book goes to some really dark places. HOWEVER, it doesn’t feel like shock-value horror. it feels like something that you would hear about in the news, minus the vampire aspect. teenage girls and younger get revenge on the disgusting people who have hurt and exploited them. gabe, digby, cheery, ava, clarissa, i loved them all and am going to miss their badassery.
Totally not what I was expecting, but it was a blast to read. I had some initial guesses as to what this book would be and be about. I was very wrong.
Duncan Ralston comes in with a heavy hitter in this book. It has all the blood, guts, gore, and depravity that we all crave, but also has a good plot that it sticks with throughout the story. There are also plenty of funny bits sprinkled throughout that made me chuckle a few times. It is a very solid book, in my opinion. It is also quite a bit beefier than I expected, clocking in at over 400 pages. Despite its thicker size, the story doesn't drag on or become monotonous and boring. 5 star book all day long!
This fast-paced novel is set mostly on a small ship, and on a tropical island. Seventeen year old Clarissa is "called" by her twin sister. The problem? Her sister disappeared ten years ago, at the time their parents were grusomely murdered.
I'd recomend checking trigger warnings on this one, if you have any. I didn't think the gore was over the top, but there are a few descriptions of child SA, which I definetely could have done without. I've realized after reading this book that extreme horror (even though I would categorize this as extreme horror light) isnt' for me.
Thank you to the author and publisher for this ARC. All my opinions are my own.
I've heard a lot of hype surrounding Duncan Ralston and he lives up to it. Pedo Island Bloodbath is a dope take on the vampire trope and Ralston adds his own flavor to it. A super yacht full of rich folk, celebs, influencers, and more travel to an island, but little do they know it could turn into a bloodbath. The obvious Epstein references are ballsy and bold, but that makes me respect the book even more.
The gothic elements of vampires is present and something I've been missing for a long time. Ralston is probably the most mainstream of the extreme horror authors, but that's a compliment. A nice accessible point that shows you what the genre is really capable of when taken seriously. Also, he has a knack for distilling current cultural trends in a way that's fun and somewhat comedic. Anyway, read this book if you want a bloody vampire book that'll leave you in awe.
This was much different from the other Ralston book’s I’ve read but still his talent was evident in his writing. To me, this was Syfy / horror with taboo subjects. As someone who doesn’t typically enjoy the whole vampire storyline, Ralston brings a whole new original take on Vampires that undoubtedly drew me in! I really enjoyed everything about this book and I would definitely enjoy seeing a series based on the surviving characters.
Duncan Ralston keeps raising the bar with one great book after another! Unlike his previous one in 2023, 'Puzzle House,' this one, 'Pedo Island Bloodbath' can't be reviewed without giving out major spoilers: the description of the book in the synopsis does not even hint at what the reader is going to find once they've gone through the first 100 pages or so. My jaw dropped when I realized where the story was going, it got me totally unprepared and I was pleasantly surprised to find out who we were going to meet on the island! A horror icon! This and the concept upon which the novel is based, though not groundbreakingly original, will surely draw readers in. Again, unlike Ralston's other books, the gore is rather tame, but the plot twists will give you whiplash and the easy writing will keep you going through the night. Despite the occasional exposition-heavy narrative style, and the (rather deceiving) YA vibes in the first half of the book, Ralston is a consummate storyteller, and his characters abstain from unnecessary melodrama, without giving up their relatability and humanity. And as always, the dialogue is amazing! Get ready for a wild ride!
Clarissa is in search of her sister whose been “speaking” to her after being kidnapped years and years ago.
She boards a ship owned by a well known pedophile Mr. Jackman. This is where her sisters voice has led her. She quickly realizes her sister is not what or who she thought she would be after all this time.
Time is of essence if Clarissa would like to save her sister from her ailment and help her become normal again. She also learns some hard truths about what her sister has been used for in the time she’s been missing.
There is plenty of blood and some sex. But this novel is so much more than that. I loved all of the lore which really helped push this book into the 5 star category for me personally.
Some of the twists I did see coming but I’m a bloodhound for twists. But it didn’t take away from the story for me. I enjoyed the character development as well. All in all this was a good novel.
If you like vampires, blood, gore, revenge and good story telling go pick this book up 🤌🏻
Well, here it is in all its grace and glory, Pedo Island Bloodbath! Come aboard the Ceres and enjoy all the amenities brought to you by your host, Emory Jackman. Once you reach Little Pearl Island, you will party like you have never partied before. Just don't poke your nose in places it shouldn't; you may not like what you find.
An absolute blast. I was hooked from the start and couldn't put it down. There is one thing that I love about his writing: the characters. He has some of the most memorable characters in his books, and this one is no exception. Gabe, Digby, Cheery, and DJ SAFE-T! Twists and turns await you in this fantastic novel. Great fun, great dialogue, and a must read. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
I had this on my TBR for a while, so downloaded a sample. I started reading it without knowing what the book was about, other than what was implied by the title and cover. Turns out it’s a vampire story and a damn good one. A vampire story with a twist, hence the five star rating.
I read this author's latest book, Puzzle Room, and wanted to read something else by him. I think I picked this one because it had the highest Goodreads rating without reading the blurb or anything.
The book is set on a billionaire's yacht, on its way to his private island. Shockingly, the billionaire turns out to be a bit evil. The guests are very famous individuals, some of whom are also evil. They're turning girls into vampires to then be used for sex - it was at this point that I regretted not reading the book blurb or even really the title, ha. But I was committed, so I kept going.
It's an interesting story and it's well written (it needs a good edit). I didn't dislike it (other than needing a 3 hour shower to clean off the ick) and it was a creative story, hence the 4 starts... but also not sure if I'd recommend it.
I read this book as a courtesy from NetGalley. I had just started reading this book when I heard about the controversy with a certain seller of products. I immediately stopped reading another book and dove back into this one. I managed to read this book in 24 hours. My opinion of this book was H3!! Yeah! I will not post any spoilers. If you like to see bad people get theirs in the end then this book should be on your list to read. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. There was plenty of gore, action and revenge to make this one amazing read. When you try and ban books it only makes people want to read it more.
Pedo Island Bloodbath is Duncan Ralston at his most horrific and terrifying yet!
Pedo Island Bloodbath is at its heart about family! This story has several characters who, in a lot of ways, are attempting to find family. There is Clarissa, whose sister has been kidnapped and she thinks that she has a lead on where to find her. Gabe is working on the luxury boat attempting to ferry passengers to the mysterious island set up by Emory Jackman. Emory is naturally the supplier of all luxuriousness in this story - it is his venture to this island with this unique and terrifying band of passengers. There are so many more characters to discover, however, you will just have to dive into these pages to learn who they are.
I loved this book, even if I did find it so strange to begin with. There are some twists that I NEVER saw coming. Like for example, what exactly is being transported in the hold of this ship? I never saw some of the connections that occurred in this story. When they finally were revealed, I was shocked (and perhaps a tad bit amused). I know that both classic horror readers and newer readers are going to love this story because there is a little bit for everyone.
This is an extreme horror novel. So if you feel like you need to double-check those trigger warnings, I encourage you to do so. There are some very DARK scenes in this story. As someone who has enjoyed a majority of Ralston's other stories, this is very on par with what he has put out before. However, don't think that this is like anything else that currently exists. This is such a uniquely dark and terrifying experience. I didn't know what twist was going to come next and I was left guessing who was going to survive until the very last page.
Loved it!!! It’s good to see the bad guys get what’s coming to them. This was my first SERIOUS vampire read and it’s definitely made me want more.
All of the characters were so well written it made me feel for them when something bad happened. The gore and horror was perfectly balanced with story and character development. And that ending was absolutely perfect!!!
Thanks again to Duncan Ralston for providing this ebook for review. It’s so worth the read!
One of the weirdest vampire stories I ever read. Was deeply disturbed by certain aspects of the story, involving children. It has some really gorey and bloody scenes, but what can you expect from a book with "bloodbath" in the title? Definitely a lot of blood and body parts being ripped apart. Overall a good read.
He delivers again folks. Do you want a trip to a exclusive island if you have been invited aboard this boat then karma is about to catch up with you. Hooked from the start great read.
*I just realised this review has a spoiler at the end, sorry!* I went into this book completely blind. I'd not read the synopsis so as I started it I began to wonder if I'd started the wrong book. So first things first, this felt very long, like wordy-long. And I felt myself urging the author to hurry up and get to the action, already. But when the action was there it was so much fun. I found this story to be a strange mix of extreme horror (it IS called Pedo Island Bloodbath after all) and vampire horror that just seemed to work. Who wouldn't want a bunch of mega-rich pedophiles to rock up to an island filled with hungry child vampires? So, ya, a fun filled gore vampire fest with a sick inner dialogue from some pedo's with a very sombre authors note at the end (Edge Lord, indeed hahahhahahhahah)
This one is hard to review, but I enjoyed it a lot.
Duncan Ralston writes some odd stories, and I have liked all the ones I've read so far. The fact that this one touches on some disturbing stories, very similar to some things that have been in the news, is cleverly delivered with the addition of vampires. The characters are all pretty well developed, and the storyline moves along just right.
This book was amazing! I must say this was my first vampire story I usually do not like vampires but this one was amazing! I absolutely loved this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Pedo Island is harbouring its own secret. There is a blood and gore. Clarissa is trying to find her sister who has been taken by a creature. The book is mysterious and suspenseful. The closer she gets to her sister, the more she gets tangled in the mystery of the island. There are vampires and so many thing’s happens in the plot. There was a mystery about Duke. And it’s such a dilemma for Clarissa who should she trust? As people have facades and they are not what they appears to be. Will she be able to find her sister? The mystery is so deep and frightening.
Many Thanks to the Publisher, Author and Netgalley.