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Slow Burn #2

In His Keeping

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Arial knows the rules that keep her safe. She's been following them since she was a little girl: Do not tell. Do not show. But in a moment of terror, facing an attacker intent on taking more than just her life, Ari has no choice but to unleash the psychic powers she's been hiding since childhood.
Now, with her abilities revealed, a bigger threat looms - something that makes her question everything she thought she knew about her parents and her secretive upbringing. But this isn't a fight she can face on her own.
As the head of Devereaux Security, Beau Devereaux is no stranger to the strange. But when he takes on a new client - a beautiful young woman with an extraordinary gift - Beau isn't prepared for the extent of his attraction to her. What began as a simple assignment, just another job, quickly turns personal as Beau discovers he'll do anything at all to protect Ari. No matter what it costs him personally. Even his heart and soul.

432 pages, Paperback

First published January 6, 2015

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About the author

Maya Banks

349 books21.3k followers
Maya Banks is the #1 New York Times, #1 USA Today and international bestselling author of over 50 novels. A wife and mother of three, she lives in Texas.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 592 reviews
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,216 followers
October 29, 2016
In His Keeping, the 2nd book in Maya Bank's Slow Burn Series............well, not much better than book #1, Keep Me Safe, which I really did not like at all.

This is Beau Deveraux's story. He meets Arial, another woman with special powers. Naturally he's just as domineering and controlling as the rest of his brothers.

And Ari.....well, talk about a woman who can't make up her mind...should I or shouldn't I kind of stuff!!!!

Insta-love, bad guys, secrets, lies and more and more and more!!!
It was an okay story...just never managed to grab me and keep my attention for more than a couple of minutes....so ....skim some more parts that were repetitive and tedious.

Hell, why am I torturing myself??
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,411 reviews979 followers
May 3, 2020
Phew! Finally finish. I think this is the longest book in the series that I listen so far. It is,like other books in this series full of cheesy ober the top dramatic romance. Insta lust etc. The sex is there but not too heavy. Miss Banks more focusing on the love of parents and child.

Maya Banks writes a story that is min of drama/ conflict, except in this series there are some suspense and action. Aside of that, everything is cheesy. Well, during the pandemic, it is essential to read something cheesy romantic.

3 stars
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,973 reviews1,521 followers
May 3, 2015
4 Powerful Stars

In His Keeping is the second Slow Burn novel. This time, it’s Beau’s book, another Deveraux brother. You can read the books out of order since each book focuses on different characters, but the previous characters are mentioned in the current book.

The difference between In His Keeping and Keeping Me Safe is that In His Keeping has a lot more meat. Maya Banks really developed the characters and you get a ton of history, which I loved. I loved the way In His Keeping started. It starts with Arial’s parents and how they struggle with conceiving a child. I usually don’t like references towards characters that aren’t really the main characters, but I really enjoyed reading this.

I felt like the beginning was setting the tone and pace of the book and it really got me worked up and ready for what’s coming next.

Arial isn’t your average girl. She has telekinetic powers and she was taught at a very young age to hold back her powers. Her parents were afraid if anyone found out about Arial’s abilities, she would be taken. Years later, Arial is attacked and she indirectly used her powers to save herself. Someone filmed her and now everyone knows what she can do.

Arial is in trouble and she needs help.

Beau is the only man that can help her

Beau is known as the brother with muscle. With a military background, he’s roughed and doesn’t have a lot of tact. He likes to stay behind the scenes and he has no interest in involving himself with a woman.

Until he met pretty, gorgeous and rich Arial. People are after Arial and Beau is willing to protect her.

I know I said it so many times, but I love me a damsel-in-distress storyline. I like it! I like that Arial is so sheltered and she needs someone like Beau to protect her. Don’t get me wrong, I love a strong Heroine, but there’s something really sweet and very enjoyable reading a strong Hero wanting to always be there for the girl.

The thing that I really enjoy about this book is that there are a lot of elements. I love the villain. I love a really nasty villain and having an underground operation seeking Arial is something I really like reading. When I mean nasty, I mean, really really really mean and it was awesome.

We do get glimpses of Zack, who will be in the next book. He isn’t a brother, but he’s a family friend and I’m very excited to read his side of the story.

Overall, I’m really enjoying this suspenseful series from Maya. I feel like it has everything I’m looking for in a read with romance, a strong Hero, major character development and different storyline.

An ARC was provided in exchange for a review

Keep Me Safe (Slow Burn, #1) by Maya Banks REVIEW | AMAZON
In His Keeping (Slow Burn, #2) by Maya Banks AMAZON
Profile Image for Karen.
1,435 reviews110 followers
January 12, 2015
The action was pretty good but the dilogue was so sappy and over the top at times I was cringing.

Full on, soul deep love after 1-2 days? I tried to like Ari but she was so immature (but kind) that I couldn't go with her jumping from her parents straight to a relationship with Beau. I would have liked to see more growth first.

I suppose if you like paranormal mixed with action and romance of the naive virgin/possessive protector type this might be for you but I'm sad to say it didn't work at all for me.

Too bad because I do enjoy Bank's KGI series.
Profile Image for Julie .
4,202 reviews38.1k followers
August 18, 2016
In His Keeping by Maya Banks is a 2015 Harper Collins publication.

For me, this series got off to a rocky start, but I was hoping the second book would be a little firmer, with a stronger plot, and characters I could feel empathy towards, but also respect.

Thankfully, things have improved with this second installment, although there are still a few issues.

Ariel was adopted, illegally, by a couple desperate for a child. As an infant she begins to exhibit paranormal abilities, prompting her parents to feel more protective of her. Ariel is so sheltered it stunts her emotional and social growth, creating an inability to cope with harsh realities, leaving her ill prepared to deal with the outside world. However, she insists on living her own life, becoming a teacher, and learning to live outside of her parent’s watchful eye. But, things go horribly awry when she is attacked and uses her paranormal abilities to save herself.
The cat is out of the bag, and those who would like to exploit her abilities are hot on her trail, kidnapping her parents in order to flush her out.

But, she remembers her father telling her to call on the Devereaux family in a dire emergency, which is how Ariel meets Beau, the head of Devereaux Security.

Beau isn’t sure how Ariel’s parents connect with his father, who was involved in illegal and shady deals, but he promises Ariel he will help her find her parents. However, he never expected this assignment to become so complicated or to find himself falling for his beautiful, vulnerable, but very powerful client.

Ariel may be a little gullible, a little naïve, but she’s a fighter. Beau’s protective instincts roar to life as Ariel copes with her paranormal connections that take a huge toll on her physical health, and it becomes increasingly obvious she is in grave danger.

The action is pretty much non-stop in this story, and the connection between Ariel and Beau solidifies quickly. The plot is much stronger in this second installment, but the bad guys are still too shadowy. We never get a feel for who is behind the attacks, what they are thinking and so on, although it’s obvious what the motive is.

The Devereaux brothers are not exactly warm and fuzzy when it comes to their sibling’s girlfriends, with Caleb showing his butt in this one, which made all the progress he made with me in book one, totally evaporate, despite his protective reasoning for his behavior. It was over the top and turned me off. Hopefully, he will redeem himself somehow in the next book. So the double standard for certain characters carried over in this book, like it did in the first one. Beau's protectiveness is sweet, but the author hammers on Ariel's small stature and vulnerability a little to much, as if a taller woman wouldn't feel vulnerable or need protection. Beau's thought processes were, unfortunately, a little too one dimensional and he often repeated himself.

Ariel's character grows and changes as she becomes more determined and confident, but the guys have a long way to go still.

However, the series is now showing some real promise, since this second chapter is much stronger, with a spunkier female lead, and solid plotline, which gives me hope for the third installment. 3 stars

Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,382 followers
June 21, 2015
ARC provided by publishers in exchange for an honest review

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After reading Safe at Last, I knew I had to go back and read the first two books of the series. And I have to say that I love and adore In His Keeping. From the first pages to the end, I loved every moment of this book. This story had a great suspense and mystery element that surrounded the storyline and I have to say that I absolutely loved Beau and Ari's story. These were two great main characters who added depth to the story as layers of suspense, love, and family secrets are exposed and unraveled. Without giving away anything about the story, In His Keeping kept me entertained throughout the story since I instantly fell in loved with Beau and Ari. The chemistry and bond between them was so tangible and palpable that you couldn't help but fall in love with their different personalities. Ari is a heroine who showcased what it means to love, sacrifice, and fight for your love ones. If you are looking for a romantic suspense story to get lost in that deals with the importance that family doesn't necessarily means blood but LOVE then this book is for you. Be prepared to get hypnotize and spellbind in a great book.

[image error]

Review can also be found on Four Chicks Flipping Pages: http://fourchicksflippingpages.weebly... Maya Banks
Profile Image for Tanja ~ KT Book Reviews .
1,504 reviews206 followers
December 24, 2014
Book two in the Slow Burn series has hit one out of the park! Honestly book one was a little meh for me, but this one: Fantastic!

The little girl that was sheltered and taken care of can kick ass! After the prologue it was nonstop action at breakneck speed. Beau Devereaux didn’t know what hit him. This seemingly broken beauty walks into his shared offices asking for help and protection walks out amid gun fire and a car chase that feels snatched from the scenes of an action movie. With the added excitement of Arial’s supernatural powers…well, it’s mayhem at its finest!

Just in case you haven’t read Maya Banks before, this is your warning; she is the queen of insta love. This is not a put down, it is just what she does and she does it well. Yes, it can be unbelievable; this time however, it totally works. It’s the adrenaline pumping, fast moving energy that makes 24 hours seem like a week.

All in all, another great read by Maya Banks and I can’t wait for the next installment in the Slow Burn Series!

*ARC provided by the publisher Sullivan and Partners, LLC

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Profile Image for Celia Honda.
1 review
March 3, 2017
SHIT, AWFUL. At one point I thought of throwing my kindle Paperwhite across the room, while cursing and exclaiming no- just no. I seriously found myself seething contemplating murdering this book, how, Idunno. But, for the life of me I was a miserable person reading this book, my husband steered clear from me as i would burst out loud and vocalize the bullshit i was enduring all because i have to finish a book once i start, masochist? there was no pleasure, no accomplishment, just anger that I had to endure this shit. Is there a term for that? I am seriously questioning the purpose of publishing houses... the plot holes are wide and deep enough for a coffin. the story line is on repeat, you can go from chapter to chapter haphazardly throw a finger down and the characters will be belching out the same bullshit storyline and dialog, the author doesn't even give it a twist, a fresh outlook.

I don't know where to begin, honestly its that bad-even the devotions to love feel forced and not really felt. Remember this is first and foremost a "romance" novel. The author just tells you over and over again about their desperate love, at the sake of all. She never shows you why they feel that love or how even after all the good times they supposedly share they still feel their love is not safe.

secondly motives are weak, like non existent. the h parents love each other and you get her father is a "bad" guy turned "good" but it is so paper flat it would be comical however, when you’re painstakingly turning the pages it's not funny. When in winter and very close to Christmas they hear the door knock he opens the door to see a baby, and a note and before he goes looking for the reason why? The love for his wife blinds him and he reads the note and announces to the wife pack a bag (paraphrasing) the baby is theirs bar none legal proceeding. like all the note said, was protect my child and he's like " yup,I love my wife so much and she wants a child and I will do anything for her at any cost. so, I will liquidated all my assets and forge and commit fraud and drag her/his wife into this too, because legally adopting this baby is dangerous. Why? Well we don’t know the note said protect my child and that's enough to catapult this man into extreme lengths.

The child grows up very protected with constant security and in the littlest world possible to appease her "paranoid" parents fears because in all of her 24 years she has not given them reason and they have not received an outside reason to be so paranoid. she has said on more than one occasion once she realized her "powers" she did not use them and she lived a normal life. period. Donezo

now she living in apartment owned by her father, working as a teacher, okay so a student no less a rich spoiled private high school student brings a knife to the school parking lot to kill her and she has to use her powers because the lifelong taught self-defense training was a mute point and what better way to protect herself then to dislodge mortared cinder blocks from a wall. yup, you read that right, she dissembles a cemented wall to protect herself, because magic makes everything one dimensional. she was to caught off guard to use the embedded self-defense lessons she had been taught all her life but she had enough wherewithal to picture in her pristine picture perfect memory the brick wall behind her and think yes if i just dismantle it and hit him over the head. no, just no.she has already claimed the lack of knowledge of her own abilities but enough to know she has to imagine it. so? yeah, not buying it.

She lives a small secular world basically herself and her parents no mention of friends, neighbors, maids or students except for the murdering kind all are omitted from this book. She does acknowledge their is a "celebrity" psychic no less making the rounds on the news and held as a hero for rescuing kidnapped children and the h has kept tabs on her no less. why hasn't she reached out? why hasn't her father reached out? 24 years old college graduated and she has never even tried broadening her world? no, just no. again no motive. no one has given this family reason to think otherwise. again they don't know about these would be killers/adoption agency-mercenary baby makers so?

The father is the all encompassing bad ass greater-than-thou, tough-as-nails' he-man, muscle and brains, that has power and money that makes world leaders jealous and is always two-three steps ahead of the unknown (he's made his daughter 3 alias no less) but not that smart, that he and his wife are kidnapped you know because the plot has to bulldozed along somehow. he tells his daughter to go to DSS security and talk to Beau or Kaleb for years he tells his daughter this. but the DSS security team haven't a clue who she is or her father, the h is father is placing his daughter's life in their hands why? its later disclosed the father of the DSS clan tried blackmailing him? well that makes sense, Not.

yeah, no, no amount of sugar will me allow me to think this shit taste good. your are telling me he spews on about his love for his wife and daughter but insist their love must remain ignorant and they must be helpless to his dealings, because it is better they stay in the dark? and the DSS guys are the same flat note as, see spot run. i'm big bad tough, rawr. hear me roar. grrr. see how tough. I love you, so stay put and don't move because I am big bad and tough and know everything. There thinking runs along the lines of, I can't explain myself to you, you would just get in my way, and i love you so much... do as I say because you are a delicate flower helpless and guileless and i'm big bad and tough.

The h in less the 24 hours is attacked by sleeper agent in her father's security team. (that whole fiasco has Swiss cheese holes), Keep in mind she has previous injuries like bruised ribs.. *cracks neck anyhoo. she is then shot at twice, once by a sniper (NO) and multiple times by a car brigade on a high speed chase (damn it NO), she is then in a serious car accident and she is now experimenting with her power... while a slow trickle of blood/profuse bleeding is streaming out of her heads orifices but low and behold she only sustain one gunshot wound, just a two inch gash. the trickle of blood well it's either a trickle or its profuse enough to be considered a hemorrhage the author goes from trickle to profuse to half the h blood so easily I started picturing the h as a slug walking around with blood trail behind her. no worries though she just has a bruised brain! she is given strong narcotics and the doctor tidies up all the paperwork and i’m assuming that includes police paperwork and sends her off. in this time she loses her virginity too because nothing says fuck me like a bruised brain, kidnapped parents and a strange man you met less the 24 hours ago! so bruised ribs, a gunshot wound, and hemorrhaging from your head won't stop this h and H is lust and "love" , awe.

the ending is just as pathetic. I honestly started skipping ahead, I just couldn't handle the repetition and the stalling of the "storyline" and that was so weak it was lost in the trash I kinda feel betrayed by this author didn't she even once think of her audience's feelings?

so this is long winded but it all still fresh I finished at lunch. now i'm being very harsh and i'm sure ppl are going to read my review and be like damn but your grammar and spelling is shit to and it's true i'm dyslexic it's not an excuse it just is. what I will say is i'm not as writer I am however a reader so I know a good book and a bad one. Disclaimer we all have differences in taste, if you are critical and notices inconsistencies or leaps from the author's reality or the reality they are writing from like me you will not like this book
Profile Image for Nareh.
231 reviews
March 15, 2015
In His Keeping has an interesting premise that pulled me in. Then the story fell flat for me for a few reasons.

The first reason was the heroine, Arial. She is the "adopted" daughter of Gavin and Ginger Rochester. Her history is interesting that it kept me reading well after the point I would normally give up. But then it fell flat. She can't seem to decide if she wants to let everyone take care of her or if she wants to grow a backbone and stand up for herself. So when she finally does, this behavior comes out of the blue and smacks you in the face. I actually flipped pages back and forth to see if I missed something. This complete reversal threw me out of the story.

The second reason was the hero, Beau Devereaux. He is one of the owners of Devereaux Security and the man Arial runs to when her parents are kidnapped. He is supposed to be this tough guy, alpha male and yet he seems to have as many emotional mood swings as a hormonal teenager. He falls What did I miss? How is that possible? This complete insta-love aspect didn't really work in this particular story.

The last reason was the plot itself. I found myself shaking my head at half of the things that happened and the other half I was easily able to skip over. There is not only the supernatural aspect that was introduced in the first book and continues in this one. There is also the return of her past that serves no purpose other than to completely tie up any loose ends but I would have preferred another ending to that particular loose end.
Profile Image for Sarah (Head Stuck In A Book).
166 reviews159 followers
January 21, 2015
I loved the first book Keep Me Safe, so I was extremely happy to get my hands on a copy of In His Keeping, I adored this book so much more than the first.

From the very first page I was captivated, starting with a prologue which sets the story up and gives us a feel for the strong relationship between Arial and her parents.

When Arial who is telekinetic is attacked one day, she uses her telekinesis and is unknowingly filmed using her powers and it's then that her life becomes fraught with danger, forcing her to seek out the aid of Beau Devereaux who owns a family run security firm.

In amongst trying to keep Arial alive, Beau and Arial develop feelings for one another, a big case of insta- love if I've ever seen one.

But besides that this was still a thoroughly intriguing and action-packed novel that was a great addition to this series.

I eagerly await book three and the next couple which I believe is Zach's story.

I highly recommend this series for those who like a touch of paranormal with their contemporary romances.
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,497 reviews1,064 followers
November 13, 2022
In His Keeping is the second book in the "Slow Burn" series. I was so nervous to read this one, because I struggled so much with the first book. I really was so intrigued by this one here. I am so happy that I read this one in audio and I think I will plan on doing the whole series like that. I was so addicted to this book. Its not super common where I just want to stop everything and just sit back with an audiobook haha I love audiobooks but they normally don't gravitate me like this. I do think listening to this too fast will ruin it for you, I don't recommend going faster than 1.5x.

I found In His Keeping to be such an amazing read. It was super addictive, great sense of found family, a sexy alpha protective male and a sweet endearing heroine. I just love this heroine because she ends up being a badass when the people she loves are put in danger. I think she will be one of my faves for the year. I really enjoyed the plot, it just kept me on edge so much. And it turned out to be something so different than what I expected. Maya Banks really kept me on my toes with this one. The romance itself, is more of a instant love but I really adored it. I really felt that deep connection and it just ended up working out so well for me and I just didn't want this book to end.

Overall I found In His Keeping to be such a vibrant sexy read that Maya Banks delivers all the way!
Profile Image for Esther .
930 reviews197 followers
January 30, 2015
Rating it more like 3.5.

It was an okay ready. Didn't grab by attention, infact I skimmed some parts.

I'm glad to hear the author is going to take more time writing books and not put so many out a year. I miss her older books, when she really put more effort and time into writing them. Loved her historicals and hoping she has more in the future.
Profile Image for Anna's Herding Cats.
1,274 reviews313 followers
February 5, 2015
Sooo. In His Keeping. Romantic Suspense meets paranormal woo-woo. Yay! How fun is that?! I had a good time with In His Keeping as Ari's life is thrown into chaos after an attack exposes her psychic abilities and she's forced to turn to Beau and his security team for help in finding her parents who have been kidnapped and in keeping her alive and safe from those hunting her. It was exciting, entertaining and had me turning the pages pretty darn quickly. I was halfway through the book before I realized and had a double take over that. lol

The Suspense-- Was pretty exciting. I'm not exactly sure what the people hunting Ari planned for her but...nothing good that's for certain. It kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen and oh my word I wanted the bad guys to get theirs so freaking bad! It was all nicely done and interlaced with the past as well which was interesting. 

The Characters--I really enjoyed both Ari and Beau. They're passionate and they're people who will go to the ends of the earth and to hell and back for the people that they love. 

Ari is sweet and loving and finding her inner strength. She's been very protected in her life because of her abilities but she's still got some serious backbone and when push comes to shove she's ready for a fucking throwdown and going to come out on top. I loved that. 

And Beau is a bit rough around the edges and can be a little scary now and again but damn that was sexy too. lol Could be crazy over the top alpha male but then so damn sweet and gentle it kind of balanced him out. 

The paranormal woowoo- I'm lurving it! Each book is taking on a different version of psychic abilities. This time it was telekenesis and man...bad...ass. Ari's always kept her abilities underwrap but they're out now and seeing what she could do was crazy. How much damage it could do to others and to her body as well. She went a little power crazy for a second there at the end which was something to see too. It's all a little out there but not too out there?  

The Romance--While I actually really liked these two together it was just too fast for me. That's been a complaint of mine the last few from Banks. I just struggle with believing declarations of love in a matter of days/hours. But they were nice together and you could feel that connection between them. It would have worked better for me if it had been weeks rather than days. Like had there been a few more chapters there in the middle I would have been all on board. I will say though that I do love the men of this series and that once they're in...they are IN! There is no denying them their women and Lord help anyone who tries to get between them or hurt their mate. 

The Heat-- I don't know. I wasn't quite feeling the sexy bits in this one either. Usually I'm pretty on board with the sexy moments Banks throws in but this time while they were nice they didn't make me squirm? There wasn't a ton of heat either. Just 1 or 2 scenes if I'm remembering right. Not a horrible thing but I preferred the suspense elements this go about. 

Overall, In His Keeping was an exciting and intriguing read for me. While I'm still not totally on board with the romance aspects of the series the suspense and the characters are easily robbing me of hours of sleep...and I'm totally okay with that. They'll definitely keep me coming back and ready to see what will happen next with this group.  If you like paranormal romances of the psychic persuasion totally a series to check out.

Profile Image for Katelyn Rose.
563 reviews24 followers
June 12, 2020
Maybe 3.5 Stars - I wish I liked these more. I have enjoyed the first two books but don't connect to the story as much as I hoped. I will say the story is very unique and the characters are interesting! I will eventually finish the rest since my library has the audiobooks and I do enjoy them, but I think I will like her other series more!
Profile Image for Thenia.
4,135 reviews185 followers
May 14, 2019
And the book slump continues...

This is the story of Arial, aka Ari, who has telekinisis powers that she has been hiding all her life, until an unguarded moment that get captured on video and turns her whole life upside down. Her parents are kidnapped and she follows her fathers instructions in case she ever needed help that he couldn't provide, she turns to Beau Devereaux.

Beau is the head of security for his family's company and is already intrigued by her story when she shows up in his office and asks for his help. He is immediately attracted to her, something that makes staying professional more difficult than he expected, but he is determined to keep her safe, especially when it becomes clear that people are after her too.

She is out of her depth and follows his lead, but also manages to save herself and others a number of times, by finally starting to use her neglected powers.

Overly dramatic and more than a little repetitive, with a slow start and villains who want to exploit Ari's powers and will stop at nothing to get her to fall in with their dastardly plans. I could forgive much of the book's other shortcomings, but not so much the fact that it delivered no warm and fuzzies.

The series continues with Zack's story next in Safe at Last, but it will probably be a while before I get to it.

Previous book reviews:
Keep Me Safe (Slow Burn #1)
Profile Image for Maria.
211 reviews10 followers
October 24, 2023
Being a fan of both paranormal and contemporary romances, I was excited to read the second book in the "Slow Burn" series.

This book focuses on Arial (Ari) Rochester, who is telekinetic. As a baby, Ari was abandoned on the Rochester's doorstep. They immediately decided to raise her as their own and came to discover her "powers". Ari lives the next twenty-some years trying to hide her powers and live as normal a life as possible. Then, her existence is shattered when she's assaulted and unintentionally uses telekinesis to save herself. This draws the attention of an unknown organization who wants Ari for themselves. After her parents are kidnapped, Ari heeds her father's prior advice and runs to Beau Devereaux (and his family's security firm) for help.

I enjoyed this book slightly more than Keep Me Safe because there seemed to be a deeper connection between Ari and Beau than Ramie and Caleb. Even though it's still a case of almost instant love, Ari and Beau's relationship seemed stronger and more heartfelt. I'm also becoming invested in the secondary characters. I still want to know more about Tori, but am looking forward to learning Zack's story in the next book.
Profile Image for Sonia Cristina.
2,140 reviews66 followers
February 1, 2017
Tem um enredo muito, mas mesmo muito interessante, que é usual nos livros de suspense romântico de Maya Bankas, só que perde-se muita com a lamechice da escrita, o que é uma pena. Apesar disso, dei por mim a apreciar este Salva-me mais do que esperava. Beau e Ari são tão queridos, gostei tanto da relação rápida de confiança que se desenvolveu entre ambos. Também foi emocionante a relação de Ari com os pais, muito bonito.

Para mim, o melhor de tudo mesmo, acabou por ser o poder de Ari; ah super-mulher! LOL

O final deixou-me a pensar. Não sei se é apenas um pormenor sem importância em que me fixei e a que a autora não deu importância ou se é ainda algo a desenvolver mais tarde.
Profile Image for Jane Kriel.
125 reviews7 followers
December 31, 2014
I find it amusing that this book is part of the "slow burn" series, when it's another insta-love. I wasn't even sure if the hero and heroine took five minutes to find out anything about each other before falling into a relationship. A tiny bit more relationship development in the beginning of the novel would have improved this book SO much. You also have to suspend disbelief where the heroine is battling gunshot wounds and psychic nosebleeds but still manages to fall effortlessly into bed with the hero about five minutes later.

This book felt very familiar. Maya has written some other paranormally gifted female in peril books in her KGI series and this is similar to those. But it did have more of an epic feel with the family back story for the heroine which I really enjoyed.

However, this is probably one best for die hard Maya Banks fans.
Profile Image for Celeste.
134 reviews3 followers
July 4, 2018
I don’t know why I keep reading Mya Banks books. 🙄. I do like the stories. But she is just not a good writer. She just repeats herself so much. She just repeats her self so much. Wait!? Did I say that already? Ugh.
Profile Image for Il confine dei libri.
4,747 reviews150 followers
June 10, 2019
Buonasera, lettrici!
Eccoci qui a parlare di “Tienimi”, secondo romanzo della serie “Slow Burn” di Maya Banks edita Harper Collins Italia.
Arial Rochester ha sempre vissuto sotto l’ala protettiva dei suoi genitori, che l’hanno tenuta lontana dai riflettori per proteggerla da persone che potrebbero usarla per i suoi straordinari poteri.
Ma l’attacco di uno studente vendicativo la costringerà ad usarli e qualcuno la filmerà, diffondendo la prova che lei è diversa.
Ci sono segreti di cui Arial non è a conoscenza, segreti che verranno a cercarla e per catturarla rapiranno i suoi genitori.
Per questo cercherà aiuto nell’Agenzia Devereaux, dove conoscerà Beau.
Per Beau si tratta di un nuovo semplice incarico, ma la sua attrazione per la bella e straordinaria Arial si trasformerà in qualcosa di più, tanto da rendere la sua protezione qualcosa di personale per cui combattere a tutti i costi.
Prima di tutto voglio dirvi che questo secondo romanzo mi è piaciuto molto più del primo!
Arial ha il potere della telecinesi, potere che ha sin da piccola e per cui i genitori sono stati iper protettivi, tenendola al sicuro in tutti i modi possibili. Quello che non sa è che è stata adottata, in quanto i suoi genitori biologici l’hanno lasciata alla porta dei Rochester sicuri che se ne sarebbero presi cura e che l’avrebbero protetta.
Questo è un segreto che verrà alla luce solo dopo il rapimento dei genitori, un segreto che nasconde una storia ancora più complicata e solo leggendo scopriremo di ogni tassello che la compone.
Il romanzo inizia con un flashback, l’autrice ci fa conoscere i Rochester e vedere l’arrivo della piccola Arial, la prima manifestazione dei suoi poteri e tutto ciò che i genitori sono disposti a fare per la loro piccola.
Dopo qualche capitolo siamo nel presente, Arial è cresciuta, è una donna, anche se ha vissuto sotto la protezione dei genitori ha deciso di voler esser autonoma, lavorando come insegnante in una scuola privata.
Ma uno dei suoi alunni, arrabbiato per i voti ricevuti, decide di vendicarsi su di lei. Dopo tutti gli anni in cui ha cercato di sopprimere i suoi poteri, Arial è costretta ad usare il suo segreto più grande per proteggersi, scatenando così un susseguirsi di avvenimenti che la porteranno tra le braccia di Beau Devereaux.
Arial è una donna che seppur ha vissuto una vita agiata e protetta, ha un gran cuore ed è molto coraggiosa. Dopo il rapimento dei genitori non si perderà d’animo e combatterà per loro e per se stessa, pian piano acquisterà più fiducia in sé e nei suoi poteri realizzando che può usarli per grandi cose, soprattutto per proteggere chi a lei è caro.
Arial è anche una sognatrice con un cuore romantico, desidera trovare un amore come quello dei genitori, un amore assoluto.
“Allora non credi nell’amore eterno?” “Posso solo dirti che finora non ho conosciuto nessuna che mi facesse venire voglia di vivere con lei per sempre.”
Beau è il fratello più taciturno dei Devereaux, come gli altri tutti i suoi sforzi sono per la famiglia… fino ad Arial.
Dal primo istante in cui vede il video della sua aggressione sente uno strano legame con la ragazza bionda che possiede il potere della telecinesi. E quando la rivedrà nella sua agenzia non può far altro che aiutarla, ma coloro che le danno la caccia sono spietati e pronti a tutto.
Questo non lo spaventerà, anzi creerà un legame ancora più forte tra i due.
Beau non solo la aiuterà con i suoi genitori, ma la aiuterà a trovare fiducia in se stessa e nelle sue capacità.
Questo romanzo è concentrato particolarmente sull’azione che sul romance, una caratteristica che ho molto gradito. Troveremo molte scene cariche di pathos e colpi di scena, molto coinvolgenti e che ci terranno attaccati al romanzo. L’autrice in questo libro ha sorpassato quello precedente, presentandoci una protagonista capace di badare a se stessa.
Credetemi apprezzerete molto alcune scene.
Che dire, come sempre lo stile della Banks è inconfondibile, scorrevole e sprizzante. Quindi preparatevi a vivere una storia ricca di segreti svelati e scene movimentate.
Buona lettura e ci vediamo con Zack in “Salvami”.
A presto.
Voto: 4
Profile Image for Cheri.
507 reviews75 followers
August 10, 2018
I love this series! This book, #2, was even better than #1. Ari was badass and Beau a knight in shining muscles! Great mystery :)
374 reviews30 followers
November 21, 2021
If I had to pick one word to describe this book it would be “inconsistent.” It had so much potential, but the execution just wasn’t there. The romance went from “she’s just a client” to “I’m irrevocably in love with her” in the space of a few paragraphs with no justification for the shift. Ari’s telekinetic powers go from “I can barely use them” to “I’m an all-powerful psychic goddess” from one chapter to the next and with no training montage to justify the change. And Ari’s angst about being “unwanted” and a “freak” came out of nowhere and weren’t justified by her backstory. It made the characters feel unfocused and like they were doing things because the author wanted them to happen, rather than because the story made sense.

Overall it just didn’t really hang together as a story. Beau and Ari didn’t have enough time together when they weren’t getting shot at to actually develop a romantic relationship. Ari’s self-esteem issues and feelings of being “unlovable” came out of nowhere and didn’t match her backstory. And her “turn it up to 11” use of her psychic powers at the end was not even remotely justified by what we’d seen her do prior to that.
Profile Image for CrazyForRomance.
1,713 reviews246 followers
January 30, 2017
Leggere questo libro per me è stato uno strazio vero, dall'inizio alla fine. La cosa che fa arrabbiare di più è che in realtà lo stile di scrittura è buono, e francamente da una autrice come lei ci si può aspettare un libro discreto una volta ogni tanto, mentre alla fine della lettura di Tienimi ti rimane solo lo sgomento per una trama completamente sconclusionata, che a tratti sembra incompleta o tagliata, e la pessima caratterizzazione dei personaggi che è sbilanciata in maniera fastidiosa: infatti è troppo descritta lei, della quale ci viene raccontato anche quante volte si soffia il naso, mentre è troppo poco inquadrato lui, del quale sappiamo a malapena il colore degli occhi o dei capelli. In particolare è la trama suspense che fa acqua da tutte le parti: della fantomatica organizzazione che ha preso di mira Ari non sappiamo quasi nulla, non si sanno gli scopi, gli agganci politici, l'estensione della loro rete di contatti e non sembra affatto verosimile che nel finale venga sgominata completamente come avviene.
Maya Banks Tienimi Slow Burn
E non crediate che la trama romance sia meglio.. i due non si sono mai visti prima, lei è vergine e dopo solo poche ore da che si conoscono finiscono a letto insieme e come ciliegina sulla torta il letto vola nella stanza sollevato dai poteri della ragazza in estasi orgasmica. Credete sia tutto? Ebbene si, nel senso che questa è l'unica scena di sesso di tutto il libro, punto e basta. Poi è tutto un susseguirsi di oggetti che volano sangue che cola da naso e orecchie, pallottole vaganti, maschi alfa che fanno a gara a chi è il più pisellone di tutti, amenità del genere insomma, in un vero guazzabuglio scombinato, sterile, inutile e a volte francamente e involontariamente comico. E in tutto questo il lettore smarrito, abituato a ben altre trame, a ben altri personaggi, a ben altri cattivi, si chiede: ma in che universo parallelo sono finito? Che cos'è questo? Ma soprattutto perché devo infliggermi questa sofferenza?
La cosa che più mi ha infastidito è l'infinito protrarsi delle masturbazioni mentali dei due protagonisti che passano la maggior parte del libro a piangersi addosso tra continui "non sono degno" "nessuno mi vuole" nessuno mi ama" "mi sacrifico per gli altri perchè non valgo niente" e amenità del genere e in tutto questo delirio di autocommiserazione i pezzi della trama si perdono, i personaggi secondari debordano e il risultato finale è il nulla cosmico, banale, inutile e francamente inconcludente. Continua su CrazyForRomance
Profile Image for Renee Entress.
5,434 reviews75 followers
December 12, 2023
5 Stars

I was pulled right into this story. Book is packed full of suspense and twists and turns you will not be expecting. Maya knows just how to keep you turning the pages.

I would recommend reading the below story before reading this one:
Keep Me Safe (Slow Burn #1)

Arial has the ability to move things with her mind. She has been taught to hide her powers to keep herself safe. Her family is missing and she will do anything to get them back. If anything ever happened to her family she was told to go to Beau or Caleb Devereaux. Beau meets her and is under attack right away. He learns of her powers and wants to protect her no matter the cost. Can he protect her from the people who are after her? Or will all the digging and questions reveal secrets that were better left untold? Will she need his protection in the end or will she be to broken to survive the fight?

Lots of secrets and questions are answered in this story but there are still more to be answered and can’t wait to see what Maya has in store for the rest of this series.

Highly recommend this story.
Profile Image for amanda s..
3,065 reviews95 followers
March 5, 2015
I loved it!

Though I didn't really feel Maya's signature writing in this book, mostly because this book is overly "bloody" and kind of too much dramatic (and I love drama!), but overall I still loved this book!

Beau's a protector. And I loved that about him, plus Ari's father? Hubba hubba. I feel like Maya needs to write a book about him and Ari's mother, their love story, because I can feel that their relationship is just as strong as Beau and Ari's. Tehehe. The rest, well, again it's too much drama. Too much blood and at some point, I find myself skipping few paragraphs.

Ari's character is annoying, I'm not gonna lie. She's weak and spent more than half of the book sick, bleeding and unconscious. That's why when Maya Banks add some spunk to her attitude at the end, I was like, nah I'm not feeling it. But I just adore Beau. He's remarkable.

Overall, this book is still enjoyable. Can't wait to read more books from Maya Banks!! :D
Profile Image for Dominique Bebbington.
109 reviews
August 7, 2017
A book it so disappointing when it is full of editing errors. Ive come to expect it of online versions as you never can tell if you have an early release or not. However when I get and actual finished and published book that is so poorly edited that a character is named in a sense that they aren't actually in, plus other grammatical errors I want to throw the book across the room!

Other than that this was the same as the last book. Good idea and premise but calling someone baby and honey before fully establishing a romantic connection is just corny and poorly thought out.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 592 reviews

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