Imprisoned on a desolate ice planet, Draka, a sidonion ex-commander and weapons master, plays a dangerous waiting game. In a world where mercy is a weakness and staying ahead is the only rule, he dominates over the frozen expanse with a numbed heart, haunted by loneliness.
Until he discovers a human female in his territory. One glance, and the unthinkable happens – she awakens something primal in him. For the first time in years he feels alive. She is like the sun breaking away the darkness.
But then she runs from him.
And so the hunt begins…
A Lone Survivor
One reckless mistake thrusts Ria onto Arkona, a perilous prison world teeming with the galaxy's most ruthless criminals. Amidst the danger, one name stands above all – Draka, the King of the Mountain. Lethal, cunning, and relentless, he warns all to steer clear or face his wrath.
Until another misstep puts her in his path and Draka locks onto her like a predator to prey. As he pursues her across Arkona's treacherous terrain, Ria grapples with the burning Can she outrun the flames of Draka's obsession, or will she succumb to the scorching heat that threatens to consume them both?
It wasn’t terrible but I also didn’t really enjoy it as I found some of the issues I had with the first book in the series to be present in this one as well.
The first half of the book was actually exciting. I was holding my breath for the situation the heroine was in and I thought it was a great way to have her and the hero get closer to one another under false pretences which would later help build a foundation for a deeper connection. Or so I assumed…
Once the heroine’s deceit was uncovered, the story and the characters became banal. There was little to.. nothing happening until the very end, when we got a bit of rushed and frankly boring action, after which they miraculously just sailed away for a better life but not before meeting up with the couple from book 1 for some very cringe and forced dialogue and interaction.
It’s like after almost halfway through the book, the story caught a different frequency. At the most pivotal moment when their connection could have been explored and solidified it all became about hormones, like they were horny teens.
Apart from that, the heroine overdid it with her doubts and constant internal questioning of the hero and how he could change, or change his mind, or have a freaking personality transplant or ANY possible scenario as long as she got to moan about it and we got to read about it over and over over again.
Anyway, point is, I didn’t end up liking either character because once they were next to each other without any pretence, they ceased to have an actual relatable personality or have any meaningful conversations, or do things together which would help them know each other and like each other for reasons other than hormones and the fact that there were slim pickings on that planet.
This was a unique take on the prison planet boss trope and I really liked it. Ria was a fiercely intelligent woman who was surviving life on the frozen prison planet using her wits and no small amount of luck. Draka was a questionably sane prison boss who was determined to have her after she slipped through his fingers. The build up was great, with the MCs building a foundation in an unexpected way. Draka was surprisingly tender with her, especially in comparison to how ruthless he had to be to succeed as a pack leader.
I’m obsessed with Riley’s books and how dark and deeply moving they are. I wanted a little more length to invest more in the MCs relationship, but it was still beautifully done.
Spice: 4/5
Triggers: violence, gore, murder, imprisonment, burn injury, infection, severe illness, voyeurism, discussion of medical experimentation/unethical use of organs, animal attack
This was a great read, I always love this author's stories and they always have such imagination and heart. I was incredibly excited to embark on this one as it contains one of my favourite tropes the prison planet scenario. It also has a super sexy, touch-her-and-die, alpha alien hero, with a hidden vulnerable side, so I was in my happy place for sure. This is the story of Ria and Draka, she's human he's a Sidonion. There is a violent backstory and a history of war between the two species and they are on paper natural enemies due to the bloodshed and past atrocities on both sides.
When Ria is sentenced to the prison planet of Arkona, a violent dangerous environment that nobody, even herself expects her to survive, she's resigned and naturally terrified. The crimes she committed inadvertently were serious but the only thing she is truly guilty of is trusting her ex and not asking enough questions.
Arkona is a harsh place and Ria has to use all of her wits to survive here. That also means keeping herself hidden from pack leader and alpha Sidonion alien male Draka, which Ria has also been previously warned against. But when she accidentally wanders into his territory all bets are off and he's instantly smitten and plunged into his heat. Now he's obsessed with finding and claiming the intriguing human female for himself. But his goal takes a sudden precedence when Ria makes herself some new powerful enemies putting herself in direct danger.
This was such a great read, Ria is such a strong individual and with her background in chemical engineering, she is one smart cookie. She's naturally wary of Draka but as time goes on she discovers he has a hidden vulnerable side giving her hope for the future. Draka was such a contrast of behaviour, on the one side he's a brutal without mercy warlord, willing to do what's necessary for survival. But then with Ria, he opens up allowing her to see what's hidden beneath the surface. They had great chemistry together and worked great as a couple, they were also both extremely likeable.
This combined an intriguing storyline with some fantastic characterisation. I really enjoyed myself and this was such an easy and well-written read. I'm a sucker for a good alien sci-fi romance and this managed to deliver for me on every front. I totally recommend reading if this genre is your jam. I voluntarily reviewed a copy of Draka's Heat
Draka’s Heat is everything sci-fi romance fans could ask for—sexy thrills, compelling characters, impeccable world-building, and an original take on aliens combined with a romance that is as equally sweet as it is sizzlingly hot.
Ms. Riley never fails to impress with her creativity and captivating storytelling, transporting us to a prison planet so we feel the cold desolation and danger right alongside the characters. The true highlight of this story however—of any Olivia Riley story—are the characters, their dichotomies between strength and vulnerable so beautifully vivified through very human emotions despite the otherworldly backdrop and, in Draka’s case, genus. Ria and Draka are no exception, she’s fierce and intelligent to his ruthlessness and finesse, and together they’re nothing short of stunning.
The ending lacks a touch of the excitement and action promised all along, but that’s a minor quibble in an otherwise gritty, wickedly sensual, and darkly entertaining read, leaving us mesmerized by all things extraterrestrial and waiting with bated breath for what Ms. Riley has in store for us next.
Olivia is back with another story set in the same world as Shade's Embrace. With that being said, I was looking forward to meeting Draka, if he was anything like Shade, I knew I was in for a ride. But before I say anything further about that, the world building. Our journey is set on a prison planet where no human has the hope of surviving alone. The planet is an ice trap, with tunnels, caves, and vicious wildlife regulated by the guards, but the prisoners dominate.
Ria was convicted to a slow death depending on who got their hands on her first, however, she's smart, intuitive, and careful but a little too curious for my liking. Personally, the risks she took I wouldn't have thought twice about making, I was hightailing it the other way as fast as I could. Unfortunately (fortunately), Draka got to her first. The hesitancy and caution Ria portrayed were believable I wouldn't trust a fly, especially since she was warned about his unhinged mind and ruthlessness.
Draka was described as crazy, and bloodthirsty, who protected his territory with a ferocity that had everyone afraid of him. I fully expected his ferocity to continue throughout the story. He became tamed in comparison to our initial introduction of him. He didn't hold the same punch I got from Shade. Ria and his chemistry was soft which didn't mesh well with their environment but I could understand the need for it because or despite this. The 'heat' between the two was very subdued, their interactions didn't portray the level of 'need' Draka exhibited.
I also wished we had gotten more of Ria and Draka's relationship. That might seem confusing because why would we need 'more' when the story centers around them, you'll see what I mean.
This was an enjoyable read, if a little predictable. I'm looking forward to reading other couple's stories in the future.
Another 5-star book by this author, who is an auto-buy for me. Experience an ice world full of dangerous prisoners alongside the FMC, be hunted by the most dangerous (and hottest) alien out there, and find yourself falling in love with the enigma that is Draka! The thrill of being desired by a powerful male feared by all who has eyes only for you, my oh my *fans herself*
3.8 stars. This is a sci fi romance with dark elements that takes place on a prison planet. It is a story of a sidonion, which is the same species of alien as Shade from Shade’s Embrace. I liked the set up and the romance. The format was a little different and the ending felt a bit open ended. I kind of wish we could have gotten a clearer view of what the day to day would look like in the future for them. Basking in his obsession for her felt like a guilty pleasure. I will anxiously await the next Olivia Riley book. Love her storytelling.
Well, I'm convinced now that Olivia Riley is just incapable of writing a bad book. No matter what the setting, the tropes, the alien's appearance or the heroine's background, it is always relatable, intriguing and exciting. While this book has a bit of a different vibe with the prison planet setting, it still very much feels like coming home when it comes to her books. You'll recognize the hardened hero with a soft spot for the heroine, who initially fights her attraction but just can't help herself. The world-building is, as always, well done, though I definitely wish we got to see more of the planet than was described to us. It felt a bit rushed in the description, and I was left wanting a little more detail. That being said, I really cannot complain, as I enjoyed this book from the first page to the last.
Our heroine, Ria, is a human on a prison planet intended to house the worst of the worst, and she is immediately told not to attract the attention of the one of the leaders among the inmate population - Draka. Naturally, he is our hero. Draka is considered one of the most dangerous inmates around, having built up a reputation of ruthlessness and total power over his territory. Ria lasts a month before she attracts his notice, when homegirl decides getting off in a hot spring is a good idea. Draka sees her, his mating heat hits HARD, and her strategy for survival needs to change. He is beside himself that he can't find her, and it's honestly how much he searches for her and barely stops to rest for wanting her. And then when she infiltrates his territory and becomes his bestie in disguise? He may think she is a dude, but we all feel the tension. Think Disney's Mulan and you'll see what I mean. Also, a hardened criminal with a cute blind pet he saved from certain death is his companion, and who can resist that? I just adored this couple, especially with the slow buildup of their relationship as friends to lovers. He was patient, understanding and utterly ensnared by her. And likewise, she could not resist him, even when she thought he may still try to harm her. So angsty, so romantic, you have to love it.
I can't wait for more Sidonion romance...and I wouldn't mind some more stories with this prison planet vibe. I enjoy reading about a man in uniform, even if said uniform is paired with a prison sentence.
**I received a free copy from the author and this is my honest review.**
Loved it! This author is really good at peppering in small bits of background story and world building in a way that feels natural and interesting. The ending felt a little rushed. The big battle scene was so short and the mech was kind of unbelievable (but then again this is set on a non earth planet with aliens lol). I also liked getting a peek at Shade and Madelyn's life at the end! This can definitely be read as a standalone though. Love the prison planet setting, love the cold survival stuff, love how apocalyptic everything felt. Wouldn't have minded if it was darker but I love bleak and dark! Excited to see what is next!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Liked the plot a lot but so much of it was soooo stupid. The criminal organisation just let in a random person without demanding to see their face? She went off by herself to find some hot springs and skinny dip? Then there's the grammar mistakes! "on accident" kills me every time but this whole thing was an editor's nightmare. I don't think her other books were like this so I'm not sure what happened here. The previous ones for sure didn't have these kinds of plot holes
I love the Sidonions! This book was very different than Shade’s Embrace and even set on a different planet. They one was on a prison planet with primal play… oh yeah!
I received an ARC for Draka’s Heat and all opinions are my own.
I loved it! Olivia Riley is one of my favorite authors and that’s saying something as I’ve read around 200+ Sci-fi romance novels these past 3 years. There is just something about her writing and story telling that just hits right.
The FMC Ria is on a prison planet where Draka is the head boss of one of the alien gangs. She unwittingly runs into Draka and he’s totally obsessed with finding her. Spicyness ensues and the chase was on! What I like is that yes, the prison planet boss x human female trope has been done a lot, but Olivia Riley was able to make it unique and interesting! I won’t say more to spoil the plot but the romance and the way the plot played out was something I didn’t expect as it wasn’t the typical storyline I expected from these type of prison planet novels.
And yes for all the nasties, he does have unique alien anatomy if that’s what you’re wondering. My only complaint is that the novel was too short! I wanted to keep reading more and the ending was an approaching too quickly for me.
I’m looking forward to the next creation Olivia comes up with!
I liked the first half of this book better than the second. As usual Olivia Riley’s aliens are very alien, but I like that. The build up was more fun for me than the aftermath. I found Ria’s reluctance to trust Draka exhausting especially since he’d never given her one reason not to trust him and actually had shown time and time again he had her best interests in mind. Also I found the blurb misleading with the whole “hunting her across the mountain” thing…that kind of happens at 80% for like one second but the first time she runs from him it’s successful lol and not like the blurb… anyway I was just expecting something a little darker and this ain’t dark at.all. The way she evades his capture was cute, but I would’ve preferred a more standard forced proximity captured by an alien situation. Draka is sensitive and sweet and had barely any “king of the mountain” on an ice prison planet vibes...he kills one dude and not even in a violent way so 🤷🏼♀️ …sue me, I wanted more bloodshed and scary alien behavior lol. Also his dialogue is sometimes awkward especially the few times he says a lot at once. And lastly, as with all O.R. books I’ve read, I find her endings to be very unsatisfactory. They end just when the story is getting interesting and the epilogues are when they’re on their way to better endings not when they’ve gotten there you know? Give me a little more🙏 please. So overall a fun alien book and an easy read that kept my attention pretty well especially the first half, I flew through that waiting for him to figure it all out if you know what I mean.
I really liked this book. It has all the tropes I love. Despite it being a very light heartwarming read, it still has angst from the loneliness that the characters were feeling. The story moved quickly without any annoying parts as the conflicts were logical and were quickly resolved. What held me back from giving this a 5-star read is the missed potential of the writing of this book. It was already nicely written but if there's just a little bit more oomph to the emotions, that'll be awesome.
Ria was sent to a prison planet for making fuel using an inhumane method. She was roped into the business by her ex and she wasn't aware of their practices, but she was sentenced regardless (the rest of the crew were killed). She survived several months by hiding in a cave and disguising herself as another species. But one night, she stumbled upon what she assumed was an unclaimed hot spring and pleasured herself there. Drakar saw her and was immediately drawn toward her scent. Their first interaction was quite funny, Drakar was just rambling about how he'd keep her safe if she'd come with him etc., but it came off as loony talk to Ria lol.
Ria slipped away when he was preoccupied and managed to hide herself again while he had his pack hunt for her every day. One day, her hiding place was exposed while she was out, so she had to find a new shelter quickly. She stumbled upon unguarded boxes of food and got reckless--she thought she could steal some before someone came back. She wasn't successful and ended up killing a guard in self-defense. Side note, a bit unrealistic how good this girl is at physical combat but okay, I'll look past it. Turns out this guard was a pretty important person, so the pack leader, Margrul, was out on the hunt for her too now.
At the same time, she knew that Drakar's pack was looking for a chemist to create fuel so she felt that her best option at the moment was to be under his protection. She went in using a disguise, utilizing a mask to lower her voice, lied about getting her face burned, and wore a jacket that reeked to mask her scent. She became close friends with Drakar and she sneakily advised as to what he should do once he actually found her. She learned that he was quite an easy-going love-sick guy so she was starting to trust him more and more.
Ria's true identity was soon exposed when she passed out from an infection she had. Draka waited on her as she recovered and they got together. There was doubt created by Draka's second in command to make the readers assume that he was a traitor (he wasn't) which I thought was a nice touch for a shorter-length book such as this one. Ria didn't fully trust Draka too because he hadn't revealed the true reason as to why he needed fuel. She only trusted him after challenging him to hunt her as she ran and hid. Draka claimed her as his mate once he caught her. This part was a bit unclear to me tbh, why she needed the chase. The conflict was resolved quickly once Draka explained that he created some sort of ship/weapon so they could get off the planet.
Ria was then captured by Margrul's men when Draka was away hunting intruders. She was put in this dark place where vultures attacked and nipped at her. When Margrul came to get her, she used the darkness to her advantage and when Margrul was distracted, she killed him. Outside, Draka was using the machine he had been building to come and get her. They then managed to get off the planet.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
And I am not mad at all about this chosen destination. The first time I read something from Olivia Riley was Heart’s Prisoner, and from that moment, I fell in love with her dark and broody alien characters. I have read all her books by now, but Heart’s Prisoner still holds a special place in my heart because the prison setting was done to perfection, with the right amount of romance and plot. So, I was extra excited when I saw that this book was also going to be set in a prison.I love the way the main characters are put into this strange setting where they have nowhere to go but must use their wits and show how badass they can be. Something about that plotline mixed with aliens makes these books some of my favorites to read. And that’s exactly what was delivered: a badass character who wasn't just pretending to be tough but had the wits and brains to back it up. Ria was thrown into a place where it was clear she was meant to die quickly, but she overcame that with her intelligence.First, we have a great prison setting where the main character, Ria, is put to the test in all types of survival scenarios, and we get a friends-to-lovers dynamic mixed in. It almost reminded me of Mulan, where she had to go undercover and pretend to be a guy to fit in—except with more spice, a hot alien, and trying not to die. The way their relationship developed was very believable, which made me enjoy the romance even more. It wasn’t a super dark romance like I was expecting, but like Ria, I misunderstood Draka, who turns out not to be the big bad wolf that everyone thinks he is (unless there is a waterfall nearby and he is feeling extra pissy that day). That made me love the book even more. Sometimes, I like my aliens to be extra broody and alpha, but Draka was not that, and I LOVED it. He was his unique self, and once we got to know him, I just fell harder for him.It was semi-insta mates, but more on Draka's part than Ria’s. But it was done in just the right way—it wasn’t like boom, now we love each other forever and we are soulmates. He wasn’t sure why he felt the way he did, but the pull was strong on his side. Ria, on the other hand, was scared, and it took her going undercover to fall in love with him and the real person behind the scary persona he had going on.
The spicy level was a 3.5 out of 5 for me. But it fits with Draka and his character just right, so I wouldn’t change anything about it. 4 out of 5 stars for Ria as the main FMC 5 out of 5 stars for Draka as the main MMC
Now, the con: I wish the book was longer. This book feels like it should have been another 100 or 200 pages longer, in my opinion. I wanted to read more about them and watch that friendship develop deeper. But to be fair, it’s more being greedy for more Draka and Ria than anything bad against the book.
**Semi-ARC for the book. I did fail completely to realize that a link expired and I was forced to read via Kindle instead, but that was very much my fault. And it helps the author, so I’m not mad at all about that.
𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖/𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒: Holy hot meet-cute! Our heroine (who's been sent to a prison planet) finds an empty hot pool to soak in which just happens to be in our hero's (a very hot alien's) territory. Giving in to the relaxing pleasure she... well... pleasures herself. And said hot alien comes upon her and goes a bit internally wild. Of course she's frightened by the staring alien who says he could eat her up. So she sort of freezes. While he basically salivates the entire time, a predatorial gleam in his eye.
She gets away and this guy pines and hunts for her, all the while she's right under his nose! It was sooo good! I honestly think Draka was half in love with Ria the minute he saw her. There's without a doubt a large level of lust though and it was heady! I loved his character and the way he would smirk so much and the way he talked to Ria. There's definitely some very hot word foreplay!
I think Draka was my favorite part of this book because he just made it so HOT. But I enjoyed both of them together so much and it was such a fun and interesting storyline. There's also a little kinky bit involving these weird goggles that can x-ray into anything. So there's a bit of a "let's see how I can fit"/"how deep can I go" moment that I'm not sure I know how I felt about because I think it would actually gross me out! But I was also so intrigued the whole time. If you're looking for a new/unique kink, Olivia has provided!
I really enjoyed this so much and I love how uniquely alien and hot her MMCs are. Even a bit morally grey almost, in a not too major way. They just work perfectly and they're so irresistible.
I appreciate being able to read an advanced copy because this was so good! Thank you Olivia!
We are back on the prison planet and some badly timed naked bathing has landed our protagonist in hot water both literally and metaphorically.
So basically, I loved one section of this book so much that it was almost a victim of its own success — once it was over I was like “but I was having fun!” and definitely lost interest a bit. But definitely worth a read for that bit alone tbh.
Overall, really enjoyed this book especially the first half and would recommend for fans of the genre.
Olivia Riley is back with a new addition to the Sidonions series! Draka's Heat is perfect for both new and longtime lovers of sci-fi romance. This book lets you dip your toes into the genre or jump right in! (Personally, I would leap into anything Olivia Riley writes!)
Draka's Heat is about Draka, a sidonion imprisoned on a prison planet. He's a fearless warrior and leader of one of the main "gangs" on the planet. And he's about to get this world shaken up with the arrival of Ria.
Ria is a human female who's been sentenced to 75 cycles on the prison planet. In Arkona's treacherous landscape, humans are rare. Human females, even more so. She unknowingly stumbles into Draka's territory, and so begins a delightful (and often steamy) game of cat and mouse, with Draka hunting the little human woman down and Ria doing her best to hide. (And hide she does!)
I won't go into too many details because this is a book that needs to be experienced in its entirety, but I will just say two words: x-ray. kink.
What an unexpected (and very much appreciated) surprise! Riley warned readers it was going to be spicy, and she delivered. She's the queen at writing unusual characteristics and scenes into really amazing moments in all of her books.
Another aspect I love is how well-developed her storylines are. Draka's Heat is very thorough, and everything - from the back story to the characters and scenery - is so complex and detailed but written in an easily digestible way so you don't feel overwhelmed.
If you haven't read the first book in the series, don't worry. This book can definitely be read as a standalone, but I guarantee you'll want to devour book 1 (Shade's Embrace) and her other books after reading it.
Overall, I thought this book was so enjoyable! It's everything that I want in a sci-fi romance: weird yet hot/lovable aliens, a realistic and deep connection between the MCs, and well-developed world-building. This book is very bingeable and will leave you wanting more! If you enjoy sci-fi romance or are intrigued by the idea, definitely check this book out!
I love prison planet stories. Or heroines being stuck on planets that might as well be prison planets. Something about the vastness of a planet to have an impression of freedom for the protagonist but have it actually keep them from being able to roam freely due to the local fauna monsters or guards/drones. Are we free or are we not free?
The first half of this book was great. The heroine gets sent to this planet for being involved in a fuel scheme without knowing what was really going on with the fuel ingredients. I don’t understand though why she was the only female in the prison, and so I don’t think any galactic tribunal would have sent her there, but ok, I’ll bite.
I also don’t think for a moment the prison would have allowed her to wear a helmet to work. That’s really stretching things. Unless other inmates were wearing them too but there was no mention of that. I get that the prison was run very loose and all, but still.
But without that aspect, the story wouldn’t have floated. So, again, I could let that go.
Having her join the mmc’s crew of prison scallywags was interesting as well. All under the helmet still. Her excuse to them for needing to wear it was passable. Nobody would want to see a truly fucked up face.
I liked that she was intelligent. An engineer. Heroines with useful skills make me happy.
The mmc.. he was a non-psycho psycho. Honestly he wasn’t psycho at all.
I get not wanting to deal with uber amounts of angst as an author. It can’t be that fun to write for some people. But I don’t know. The story flattened out until the very end when it picked back up a bit.
Oh yeah and another thing… what happened to Timothy when they got ready to run and hide from Draka at the end?? One minute he’s putting on his coat and the next minute he’s gone??
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
I went into this book fairly blind — meaning I knew it was a stand alone but didn’t realize it was also the 2nd book featuring a Sidonion. Naturally, after having read this one, I immediately downloaded the 1st to learn more lol. Ok, now for the characters: Ria was pretty smart and versatile, with the exception of getting wrapped up and having blinders on for her ex; which landed her on the prison planet Arkona — think icy tundra. Bleh. She was not expected to survive long at all. Ria did what she had to do and managed to keep herself hidden and safe. I liked that she knew her weaknesses and adjusted things to help her to survive — it showed her perseverance for staying alive. Who can blame her for her one mistake? That hot springs would have caused my mind to shut down too lol. And here enters Draka. Oh I REALLY liked Draka. That man is stubborn almost to a fault. He had Ria then in his own arrogance, lost her. 😂 That part cracked me up. Throughout the rest of the book, this man is tearing apart the world searching for Ria. I loved this! He was so stubbornly fixated on getting, and keeping, Ria — even when all of his men looked at him like he had lost his mind. It was heartwarming that Draka refused to give up on the search. Of course, it didn’t help matters that Ria inadvertently triggered Draka’s heat. I don’t want to give anymore away, so I’m just going to say this: in reading this book, I downloaded the 1st, then immediately jumped back into this one again. That should tell you how much I enjoyed this — I definitely recommend. Now I just hope the author chooses to write a 2nd epilogue for Ria and Draka because I need more!
Oh I do believe that this series about the Sidonions is going to be my new favorite. My Vrisha warriors will always be first in my heart but I can see the Sidonions becoming a close second. Ria a human female caught up in the wrong crowd, trying to do the right thing. But she trusted the wrong people and how's she heading to the worst prison planet at the edge of the known sector. She doesn't have hope she'll survive long but she's not going to give up. Through cunning , intellect and sheer determination she survives working , eating and living in this cess pit without any even knowing she's human , until by Chan e the most dangerous inmate on the planet sees her takes a very serious interest in her. Draka a Sidonion weapons master has mastered the prison planet very few defied or crossed him without feeling the consequences. When he catches a human in his territory beside disbelief obsession takes hold of him. He goes into heat and the bunt begins! Hide and seek is the game of the day and Ria if very good at hiding until she desperately needs help and Drama is her only choice. Once together they become the storm ! Each finds the home and sense of belonging in each other that they both craved. Trust is earned danger draws them together and I've binds them in the end . I loved both characters they had serious chemistry, and some great funny banter in perfect spots. World building was excellent and I honestly can't wait for more! One of my absolute favorite authors. Highly recommend🌟🔥🌟🔥💖🌟🔥💖🌟🔥💖🔥🌟💖🔥🌟💖🔥🌟💖💖🔥🌟🔥🌟💖🔥🌟💖🔥🌟😘🌟🔥😘
Draka’s Heat finds another Sidonion male finding his forever mate in this taunt, entertaining Sci-Fi Romance from author Olivia Riley. The world of Arkona is a prison one and where MFC Andria Reeves is sent for crimes against a sentient alien race, a mistake she never intentionally made. A human female doesn’t stand a chance on this cruel world and Ria has to use her wits along with disguising her appearance to prevent the other inmates from finding out what she is. This works until the day she comes across a cavern with a heated pool of water and during a luxurious soak is found by pack leader Draka. Ria manages to escape but now has a Sidonion male hunting her non-stop. After getting caught stealing food and supplies from one of the other prison pack leaders Margrul, and killing one of his men in self defense, an enemy has been made who also now hunts Ria! This misstep leads Ria to Draka’s compound where she finds work while still in her head to toe disguise and known as Oza. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t is now Ria’s mantra. But what will happen when Draka discovers his little goddess has been hiding within his sights all along? I loved this new story which was written well, had excellent world building, passion, romance, intrigue, action, adventure, and wonderful characters. Wish the story had been longer though because with this author I never want them to end!
I received a free ARC copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
I liked the mains in this better than B1, and the aliens were a definite improvement.
Still very human centric in many ways sadly. The patriarchal focus is still prevalent, with males still presented as the largest and most dangerous of the sexes. Also only has 2 sexes, no hermaphrodites, or those requiring a third sex in order to procreate…
Also, all the behaviours and personalities were very human centric, with crude jokes focusing on appearances and sex only, and no other representation to identify them as criminals, or less ethical.
Surely alien societies would have different priorities, and perceptions? Cultural behaviours would also vary, depending on how they live, procreate, eat, and interact with each other.
Different rites, clothes, scents, preferences…?
Would have really liked to experience some alien feeling to it beside just appearance.
That was also something missing from this that was more present in B1. Much less description or awareness of the physical differences between the two mains, was disappointed with that.
However, the story was even better written, the characters very engaging, and their interactions and choices way more plausible all the way through.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself and can’t wait to read more! Here’s hoping the author reads these, and continues to hone and improve their craft.. Thank you for an awesome story and world.
p.s. more critter pets and found family interaction would be greatly enjoyed, and would build the story to more than just a genre specific work 😬☺️
Our story begins with human heroine Ria being dropped off on a prison planet where her odds of survival are almost nil. As the doors open to introduce the freezing hellscape where she will serve her life sentence, she thinks back to the circumstances that led her to that moment, a mistake she made in trusting the wrong person.
As the story moves forward, our plucky heroine shows how resourceful she is through her actions to stay hidden and alive. She is warned to stay away from Draka’s mountain, where danger is certain to find her. Eventually, though, she stumbles upon a chance encounter with Draka, not realizing her location.
Our male lead Draka is instantly taken with clever human Ria. He makes his intentions known which has Ria escaping scared down the mountain. What ensues in a cat-and-mouse game between the two. Eventually, danger lands Ria between a rock and a hard place, leading her to witness a different side to Draka.
When reading the synopsis and during the beginning of the book, I felt that this might be a darker read, but our couple turned out to have such a sweet and strong relationship. I really enjoyed the friendship Ria and Draka shared. Its evolution felt natural and ended up being a great foundation for their love.
As always, I absolutely LOVE diving into Olivia’s worlds. The worlds and the characters she creates really draw you in. Her creativity always impresses me! I look forward to seeing what she comes up with next!
Does anyone else feel like someone ran some Olivia Riley novels through an AI and this is what popped out? It was closer to fanfiction level in terms of grammar, plot and character development. What happened to the slowly developing passion between two people who learn to see past different cultures? Instead we got weird insta-lust and a FMC who acts like the lead in a bad slasher movie (I'm going to get naked in the prison planet hot tub I found! xoxo) if that lead were played by a robot.
Her entire game plan is based on staying alive but she doesn't tell anyone she has an infection because then the alien (who she likes and is super nice to her) will find out that she is the woman he's looking for??????? None of it made any sense which made her weird dithering truly eye-rolling.
Draka was a huge disappointment. He's so one-dimensional. The only character development comes free these rambling conversations in which he just tells the mysterious person (who won't show their face, in his camp that keeps being infiltrated with spies...) his entire emotional motivation. The reason? None of his other friends asked. Seriously? How has this guy run a prison gang? He has the instincts of a poodle.
An example of remembering to take a great plot and ARC reviews with a grain of salt
After being conned by her ex and dumped on a prison planet, girl gets herself in hot water by catching the attention of one of the local crime bosses. She therefore decides the safety course of action is to start working for aforementioned crime boss, albeit in disguise.
This my favourite of the two Sidonion books. I always love a prison planet, particularly if there's a chance of a grand escape. I quite like the MMC. Despite his background as a criminal, I did enjoy Draka's softer side. First with his wee pet, and then with the care he took of the FMC both while disguised and out of it. It showed a level of depth that is quite hard to achieve in these shorter romantasy type stories. The FMC was fine; she showed strength when required and was nice enough, although her charade in trying to convince Draka to "be nice" when he finally catches her is slightly contrived.
In terms of story, I really enjoyed the plot for the FMC to hide and almost wished this lasted a little bit longer. Once the subterfuge was up, everything else happened quite quickly and felt slightly rushed. One moment they're bonking away, the next they're on their great escape.
Either way, I really really like this story and its an excellent alien romance fantasy book (which ever category you want to stuff it in).