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It’s 1536 and the Queen has been beheaded.

Lady Grace Fairfax, witch, knows that something foul is at play—that someone had betrayed Anne Boleyn and her coven. Wild with the loss of their leader—and her lover, a secret that if spilled could spell Grace’s own end— she will do anything in her power to track down the traitor. But there’s more at stake than revenge: it was one of their own, a witch, that betrayed them, and Grace isn’t the only one looking for her. King Henry VIII has sent witchfinders after them, and they’re organized like they’ve never been before under his new advisor, the impassioned Sir Ambrose Fulke, a cold man blinded by his faith. His cruel reign could mean the end of witchkind itself. If Grace wants to find her revenge and live, she will have to do more than disappear.

She will have to be reborn.

171 pages, Hardcover

First published July 23, 2024

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About the author

Juno Dawson

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 881 reviews
Profile Image for milliereadsalot.
917 reviews193 followers
July 20, 2024
Ugh, Junooooo, why was this not a full length novel?? I would’ve devoured 500 pages of this so easily. This author’s writing is so fantastic and so immersive, and I loved getting this background insight into the world of Her Majesty’s Royal Coven. I think that because it was so short, I didn’t feel properly connected to the characters like I do of those in HMRC, but this does pack a punch and is full of emotion and I still really enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Jamie Canaves.
1,061 reviews294 followers
July 2, 2024
I adore this series!
The audiobook is narrated by Nicola Coughlan aka Penelope Featherington aka Clare Devlin so obviously that format is fantastic.
Profile Image for Izzy Reads.
437 reviews6 followers
December 12, 2023
I can't wait to read this!! HMRC is so kickass. I just know this will be amazing especially after seeing how Juno talks about this book. Screw the one star reviews. I'm super excited.
Profile Image for Bill.
1,089 reviews184 followers
July 23, 2024
Juno Dawson's previous two novels in the Her Majesty's Royal Covern series were excellent & this novella takes us back to the 1600s with a cast of new characters.
Dawson blends fact & fiction together very neatly, but this time the story doesn't have the excitement of her previous books. The characters are as good as ever, but the plot lacks the magic (!) of the other HMRC stories & is missing Dawson's wonderful sense of humour. It's still worth reading, but I hope the next HMRC novel will see a return to form.
Profile Image for Brend.
736 reviews1,459 followers
October 5, 2024
Conflicted because it being short is the reason I gave it a try, yet after reading it, wishing it was 400 pages.
This was wonderful. So wonderful, in fact, that I have decided to pick up the other books.
I felt connected to every character despite not knowing them very much, the story was fast paces and interesting, the time jumps were executed perfectly and never confusing, it was sapphic, it had a cool ending, loved the writing style. Will update you when I read HMRC.
Profile Image for Hannah.
231 reviews8 followers
July 28, 2024
So sad not to have loved this, I’m just not sure what the point was? Short, sharp chapters that only give what feels like a third of the story, a 2D villain shoehorned in, expecting the reader to know all of Henry VIIIs court… “Bow Down Witches”, to what?

I’m still excited for Human Rites but so disappointed to pay £16.99 for 169 pages that felt like a cashing in exercise rather than adding to the reader experience.
Profile Image for Lucia.
401 reviews36 followers
November 12, 2023
Can we PLEASE fucking stop perpetuating the harmful anti-Elizabethan propaganda about Anne Boleyn (accused of) being a witch??? It’s 2023. Let’s put some fucking respect to this judiciously-murdered woman’s name and let her rest!
Profile Image for Ashley.
3,281 reviews2,255 followers
September 18, 2024
I would have liked a full novel of this! But I get why she made it a novella. Still, with more space and development room for the characters, this could have been a five star read for me.
Profile Image for Emilie Christine.
127 reviews14 followers
September 19, 2024
Given that I have not read the other books in this series and therefore only as this sequel to go off of, I was slightly disappointed - however, I acknowledge it might be due to reading it first.

That said, I found the book's whole concept to be interesting and original. It's a fun way to use historical events and change them or breathe fresh air into them.

The book felt somewhat empty at times, and the plot relatively thin, but given that it thankfully did not stretch over more than 200 pages, it did not take away from the reading experience.
I found the book interesting, and while I was not blown away, I am not opposed to reading the other installments in the series.
Profile Image for Sara.
1,407 reviews419 followers
September 3, 2024
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

I love the HMRC series from Juno Dawson, and I also love Tudor history so I thought this combo would be a match made in heaven. Unfortunately though, this novella is just too short for me to sink my teeth into the story. And for someone who knows a fair bit about Tudor history, I was pretty confused by the large cast of characters too. There's bits and pieces of brilliance, with some great action scenes, but I found the relationships between all of the women to be really lacking in depth and meaning - especially that of Grace and Anne, and to a lesser extent Cecilia and Grace too. The lack of development to their relationships really undermines Cecilia's motives as I just didn't find her actions to be all that believable.

If you enjoy the HMRC series, maybe give this a go, but I don't think it's a necessary addition to that story and I even found the tone of this one to be very different
Profile Image for Rachel.
400 reviews75 followers
August 3, 2024
3.5 Stars

I'm always happy to read about witches but this wasn't quite up to the standard of the other HMRC books.
Profile Image for TL .
2,162 reviews134 followers
October 19, 2024
Wasn't sure about this at first, seeing the title and then reading the summary. I was worried it wouldn't be enough about Anne and too much about the other ladies.

Glad to see my worries were unfounded. It has a nice mix of Anne and the people around her, how they were affected/influenced by Anne and the aftermath of her execution, the Coven struggling to stay afloat, find the traitor and keep out of the witchfinder's grasp.

The blend of history and magic/fantasy was well done. It felt like real life in it's own way and not overdone with the fantastical with magic just shoehorned in there.

There was more than meets the eye with a certain person in the story. I felt more sympathy for her afterwards.

I will continue with the series:) Eager to see how the next ones play out.

Wouldn't mind another novella or book about the witches in the past , partly to see how they fared with the witchfinders.
Profile Image for Jayne Hunter.
542 reviews
November 7, 2024
I love this series, and Juno Dawson has done it again! The story of the 16th century coven of Anne Boleyn and her lady's maids was so interesting and, of course, full of female empowerment in a time when that was hard to come by. Their coven has been betrayed, The queen has been beheaded, The king's witchfinders are on the hunt. Grace, the queen's most trusted lady's maid, is determined to find the traitor and protect the coven. The mix of action, character development, and character interaction and relationships was just right, as it was in the other books in the series. The time period and the setting were expertly portrayed. Honestly, I would have loved it if this had been a full-length novel with even more of the same. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-arc of this wonderful book!
Profile Image for Julia.
Author 1 book51 followers
May 20, 2024
A prequel novella to Dawson's HMRC series.

It's an alternate historical fantasy based on the historical figures of Anne Boleyn and her ladies-in-waiting.

The story didn't grip me like the other books in the series. It wasn't just the usual depiction of promiscuous Anne or Anne the witch that didn't sit well with me, what pulled me out of the story most often were the anachronisms used (right now only "sharing a bevy" and "smog" come to mind, but there were more).

All in all it an interesting prequel, but it didn't add depth or important information to the existing story.
Profile Image for Kate.
341 reviews1,014 followers
August 24, 2024
The writing in this was stunning. I’m obsessed.

THE PREMISE: Anne Boleyn is dead and her lover, Lady Grace Fairfax, is hunting the witch who betrayed her.

- Now and then time-jumps
- Multi-pov historic sapphic novel
- Lesbian witches
- Female rage
- Secrets and lies
- When the novella’s so good you wish it was a full-length novel
- When the author note at the end gets you teary

I haven’t read Her Majesty’s Royal Coven yet (like an idiot!), so can safely say this can be read as a standalone. Thank you for the arc, HarperCollinsNZ. I loved it. Clearly.

5⭐️ No 🌶️
Profile Image for Abbie Toria.
297 reviews25 followers
August 21, 2024
4.5 stars

My favourite HMRC book so far! I loved the premise and historical setting of this one.

Queen B shows a more traditional view of witches, yet with a modern outlook that features LGBT+ relationships and female emancipation. This novella is filled with passion and power, set in the vibrant historical world Juno Dawson has created.
Profile Image for Aoife.
1,443 reviews631 followers
August 28, 2024
I received this book from the publishers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Queen B is a really fun side story related to Juno Dawson's HMRC trilogy and in this we go all the way back to the 1500s and the time of Anne Boleyn who we know from the main trilogy was a witch. We follow Grace Fairfax, a young woman in court and part of Anne Boleyn'c coven reeling from the devastating execution of Anne and the growing threat of witch hunters.

This was fun as a fan of both HMRC trilogy and also a big fan of Tudor history. I do think a prior knowledge of Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII and his wives etc would be best going into this book and really understanding some of the tensions and the threats and also as a way of appreciating how Juno Dawson fine tuned history to fit in with her witchy story.

I would have liked this to be a longer, full-scale novel as I don't really feel; I truly got to know who the characters were. I feel like we didn't have enough to really understand Grace's affection for Anne, and in turn Cecelia's affection for Grace. I feel like the relationships were suppose to be integral to the story but we barely got to skim the surface of them, and because it was novella we missed out on some of the slower paced building up of these relationships.

I'm all here for more HMRC novellas though and would love more in Queen Elizabeth's time as well - and even more interesting would be some set in the time of King James and the English Witch Trials of the time.
Profile Image for Val - My Little Library.
206 reviews118 followers
June 21, 2024

J'ai adoré les deux premiers tomes de HMRC, j'attendais donc avec impatience ce prequel, et il ne m’a pas été déçue ! Se déroulant sous le règne d'Henri VIII, connu pour avoir exécuté plusieurs de ses nombreuses épouses, l'histoire tourne autour de l'emblématique Anne Boleyn. Dans cette réimagination, elle est dépeinte comme une sorcière déterminée à amener son peuple au pouvoir. Le récit est riche en conspiration, ambition et trahison, faisant de Queen B un roman féministe et saphique extrêmement prenant. C'était fascinant d'assister aux premières étapes de la création de Her Majesty’s Royal Coven et à la manière dont elles façonnaient déjà le monde moderne. Juno Dawson excelle dans la création de personnages complexes et attachants, notamment dans son portrait de femmes fortes.

Merci NetGalley pour l’ENC.
Profile Image for Jodie Simpson.
187 reviews14 followers
May 10, 2024
2.5⭐️ I adored Her Majesty’s Royal coven and look forward to continuing the series, so when I received an ARC of Queen B I was very excited. Unfortunately I didn’t enjoy this one which I put down to it being historical fiction, as I don’t usually enjoy this genre.

Queen B taps into the history of Anne Boleyn but instead of being a retelling it focuses on the women around her and their lives after her death. The main focus being on Grace, who is determined to find the traitor within their coven with whom she holds responsible for her Queen’s death.

I did try to enjoy the book but I just found that I couldn’t connect with the characters in the same way I have done in the main books of the series. This was a big part of why I loved the books so much therefore highlighting the difference of Queen B for me.

This novella isn’t a necessary read within the series as it doesn’t add to the story. I can imagine those who love the series and enjoy the historical fiction genre would really enjoy the reading experience.
Profile Image for V. M. Brewster.
305 reviews6 followers
August 19, 2024
• "Grace, listen to me. The king, the coven, is my work. You are my fate. We will not be changed, come what may." •


Hexen im historischen England, die das Königshaus zu unterwandern suchen, um endlich nicht mehr um den Fortbestand ihres Zirkels bangen zu müssen - "Queen B" ist eine nette, kleine Ergänzung zur Haupttrilogie von Dawson in Form eines Prequels.

An der Story und ihrem Aufbau in zwei zeitlich versetzten Zeitsträngen habe ich nichts auszusetzen; außer dass sie eine volle Buchlänge verdient hätte, um ihre Wirkung entfalten zu können. So gibt es ein paar erfreuliche Momente, doch insgesamt liest sich die Novelle leider recht dröge.
Profile Image for Rodger’s Reads.
322 reviews125 followers
October 30, 2024
4 ⭐️

I simply must have so much fun with the world of Her Majesty’s Royal Coven. If you are like me and loved HMRC and the Shadow Cabinet and want a little tid bit to tide you over to book 3….here it is. This is a very quick read detailing how HMRC came to be and starting the conflict with the witch hunters that features prominently throughout the series. I would not recommend this as a starting place to the series, it is just a fun side bit of world building if you are already loving this series.

Thank you to the publisher for providing me access to a review copy via NetGalley.
Profile Image for Emelye.
41 reviews1 follower
October 21, 2024
Hands down one of the worst books I’ve ever read. Very poorly written, stupid plot line and generally uninteresting. The only redeeming aspect is that it’s very short!
Profile Image for Taylor Walworth.
149 reviews22 followers
August 19, 2024
I just... ugh, I love this series so much! Genius of Juno Dawson to take those persistent historical rumours of Anne Boleyn's witchiness and turn them completely on their head. This is where her absolute brilliance as a writer and storyteller lies, in taking the words and rumours and mutterings that society has long weaponised against women, spinning them round, and drawing power and strength from them instead. While there were aspects of this that certainly could have benefitted from more development, I also really hope that she writes more of these novellas; it would be fascinating to see further snapshots of the coven at various significant points of English/British history, like during the Pendle witch trials or in the thick of the English Civil War. Also, the whole of the Victorian era.

(I'm also just, like, secretly wanting someone, somewhere, to write Aphra Behn or Margaret Cavendish as witches, because they are awesome, glorious, too-easily-forgotten women of history, and it is my headcanon that they had magical powers of some sort.)
Profile Image for Holly.
96 reviews
July 30, 2024
1.5 * rounded down unfortunately. Not for me. The writing was quite childishly written, giving the impression of a debut novel written by a very young writer. The premise was so promising, but it was just such a shame that the writing was so lousy. The characters were all very flat, relationships were all underdeveloped and the plot itself just didn't go anywhere. It was an extended chase scene at best with a few flashbacks. Some of the writing was good, like the picnic scene, which made me think that 2 authors worked on this book. Either that or the author, at random intervals, decided to actually put some effort into the writing. The dialogue was diabolical full of anachromisms alongside very Shakespearean language. PICK ONE!
Profile Image for Emily G.
341 reviews21 followers
September 18, 2024
This book was a captivating prequel to Her Majesties Royal Coven. When I saw this was a short, snappy prequel of HMRC, set in Tudor times, there was no way I wasn’t going to read it.

Dawson provides a brief reimagining of Anne Boleyns life if it was infused with magic. The book follows a dual timeline, set both during Anne’s rise to power and after her death. We are given a brief look into a key historical figure within the HMRC world. Although named Queen B, the majority of the book takes place from the POV of two of Anne’s coven-mates as they deal with the aftermath of her execution. There is not a deep dive into Anne’s character but instead a look at what she left behind (in this story).

I do not believe it is necessary to have read HMRC beforehand, but some of the world building around the witches may make more sense if you do.

As I’ve come to expect with Dawson, evocative writing captured the opulence and danger of the Tudor court, the plot blending historical events (or tragedies) with fantasy. The novel also looked at themes of power, gender, sexuality and autonomy, making the witch’s struggles feel both timeless and relevant.

I do believe the novella relies on readers having pre-existing knowledge and understanding of Anne Boleyn’s life. The book doesn’t go into a lot of detail (as to be expected with only 168 pages), but still manages to tell the story it sets out to. With short, captivating chapters, it’s very easy to devour this in one sitting.

Thankyou to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Jessica May.
48 reviews2 followers
August 22, 2024
I was really let down by this book, which is a shame because I love HMRC and the Shadow Cabinet.

I had hoped that this book would be a reclaiming of the misogynistic historical rhetoric of Anne Boleyn being a self-serving, calculating witch and the story of her infiltrating government to establish the Royal Coven as an opposition to Henry, or something similar.

I felt instead this was a really surface level story that needed a lot more to make me care about the characters. To reduce it all down to largely romantic motivations was disappointing to me, and it was really disappointing that Anne was once again presented as a cutthroat. The slips into modern parlance was also jarring at times and made it feel like perhaps the research wasn't fully there for a historical setting.

To me, I was really hoping that it would be about the formal establishing of HMRC in a similar way to how it interacts and functions with government in the main books; that in a tudor setting would have been so interesting!
Profile Image for Dee Hancocks.
472 reviews8 followers
June 12, 2024
The origin story I needed. I absolutely loved the Tudor setting and the peril created by the witchfinders. Despite being short this story packs a punch and is full to the brim with emotion and drama. I loved the portrayal of women, it’s a feminist celebration. Overall a great edition to the series. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC. This is a voluntary review of my own thoughts.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 881 reviews

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