The Lives of Remy and Book One A CalPac Crew Story Remy Babcock and Mikey Castelreigh are stalwart members of the Capital City Rowing Club’s junior crew, pulling their hardest to earn scholarships to rowing powerhouses like California Pacific. Just a couple of all-American boys, they face the usual pressures of life in an academic hothouse and playing a varsity sport. Add to that the stifling confines of the closet, and sometimes life isn’t always easy, even in the golden bubble of their accepting community. Because Remy and Mikey have a they're both gay. While Mikey has never hidden it, Remy is a parka and a pair of mittens away from Narnia. Mikey has always been open about wanting more than friendship, but Remy is as uncomfortable in his own skin as he is a demon on the water. After their signals cross, and a man mistakes Remy for a college student, Remy takes the plunge and hooks up with him. After a furious Mikey cuts Remy off, Remy falls to the pressure of teenage life, wanting to be more and needing it now. In his innocence and naiveté, Remy makes mistakes that have life-long consequences. When Remy falls in the midst of the most important regatta of his life, he can only hope Mikey will be there to catch him when he needs it most.
Dreamspinner Press's Harmony Ink imprint for Young Adult gay novels has turned out some great titles, and POZ is one more example of that. Christopher Koehler is a clever writer. He made me care about the characters. Remy, Mikey, and Remy's twin brother Goff, all rang true as real high school boys. The story kept a high school flavor even while the subject matter was anything but. I'm embarrassed to admit I even learned some things about HIV and AIDS that I didn't know before, and considering the age group of readers this story is written for, I think it's a very good thing to get that information out there. POZ is a quick read, but it's a story that will stick with me for a while. The denouement of the story was sad, but uplifting at the same time. I was moved by it. I'd love to see where Remy and Mikey end up ten years down the road. Hopefully still together. It seems to me, that between the two of them, they might just have the strength to make that happen. Five stars.
For Remy and Michael and everyone else like them, and their loving families and friends.
Starting out, the tone and narration are unmistakably those of a teenager. Frenetic, sarcastic and energetic, Remy begins his story and my brain was trying to keep up. <<< Does not mean I’m old! ;)
Not surprisingly, fitting in is a major theme in this book. It gets right to the heart of how difficult it is, how isolating and painful it feels when fitting in seems impossible. It’s a struggle that exhausts and drains. It actually ends up stifling and impeding someone from really sharing and being who they’re meant to be.
Oh wait, two of my favorite phrases: “erg ninja” and “ego candy”. Did I just become cool(er?) for adding these to my own verbal stash?
Sidebar: I just might flit and flip twixt subjects like Remy does in telling his story, like mental ping pong.
And back to the struggle…
I locked my throat so I didn’t scream, but I wanted to and one of these days I would.
A strong physical effort to hide an even stronger emotionally crushing existence.
There are some repetitive words and phrases, sometimes in consecutive paragraphs. I chalk this up to a very real portrayal of the way a teenage brain works and therefore communicates. The brain can get stuck on “repeat” just like a favorite or meaningful movie or song that gets played over and over as a way of dealing with life.
It shouldn’t be a surprise to learn that this is an emotional book. It’s simultaneously very personal and universal. It’s a complicated and multi-layered story about teamwork and neglect thereof, friendship and the loss of, and the learning curve on which we all seem to live, whether teenager or adult. It’s about acceptance and forgiveness and demanding that those who supposedly love us behave like they do.
This is a good mix of language and the handling of subjects and actions that would probably be best read by those around 17 and 18, unless someone younger has a certain level of maturity.
”Remy,” Goff, said, putting his hand on my shoulder, “you’ve never been young, not once in your whole life.”
Being Remy’s twin brother, Goff would know. As do I. As someone who has always been told that she came into the world already acting like she was 30, I understand Remy. ;) This also speaks to that fact that this isn’t all serious drama. There is definitely humor and typically teenage angst, which translates to even more humor.
The prose was mostly smooth, never halting or awkward. The dialogue felt natural when the kids and coaches were conversing. When it came to some of the other adults, it did feel a bit overdone, but we’re also talking about parents here, so it fit.
This is such a personal story. It makes it even more difficult for me to accurately explain my emotions while reading, especially in the final chapters. At some points, it got so intense that I found myself harboring a strong desire to skip or ignore entire sections. I didn’t. No way would I do that in reading a book like this.
It’s important to me that I read this and I think it would feel that way to you, too. Compassion, understanding and the ability treat people in a non-judgmental way are all… well, they speak for themselves. We can’t forget these things.
This book is frankly a great resource, especially if you or someone you know is in Remy’s or Michael’s situation. This can help open doors if you have questions and aren’t sure where to go for some answers. This will lead you in a good direction.
I would never know their names, but I had to live because they had never had the chance.
I find it very hard to write a review on this book. On the one hand, it is a high quality young adult novel that deals with HIV infection and provides important knowledge to young readers who might not know a great deal about HIV and AIDS. It shows that life doesn't end with an HIV diagnosis, which is the most important message that you can give people in that situation.
However, I had a little problem with Remy. He came off as arrogant and inconsiderate, hurting his friends whenever he opened his mouth. The romance with Michael didn't work at all for me. The way I see it, in real life, Remy would just end up alone. Why would Michael put up with him after all that happened? Clearly Michael had what it takes to be a responsible young man. Remy, however, made enough mistakes for a whole 'crew' of gay teens with raging hormones...
Being a gay man, I always felt that the real danger of HIV is not that you can get it if you sleep around unprotected, but that one single encounter can be enough to get you infected. Say, you grow up without having sex partners and just meet the one that you think will be Mr Right - and he's positive and maybe not even knowing it. Bam, you end up infected for all your morally flawless behaviour. Remy was the total opposite. He did exactly what many straight people accuse gay men of: Promiscuity. However, an even sadder tragedy would be Michael ending up infected if he had had sex with Remy before he showed any symptoms. That's what really makes me think about HIV. We can all say we wait for the one instead of sleeping around. But who knows if that one perfect moment won't change your life forever.
It's too bad I didn't really like Remy, but I still rate this book with 5 stars, because I hope it will be read by many gay teens and helps them make informed decisions in their lives.
Oddly enough, I had just finished a book by Christopher Koehler, and was bemoaning the fact that I didn’t have any new books of his to read, when I saw this book pop up on our giant list of books that should/could/can be read. So good timing that. :D
This book is basically about Remy figuring his shit out and growing up–-the hard way. He is no stranger to hard work-–because even reading about all the stuff he has to do for crew makes me exhausted–-but like most teenagers he is a bit self-centered. All those hormones…they really do make you a bit stupid. So when his advances on his friend Mikey get shot down he goes a bit off the rails. Ok, mainly he just figures he might as well be getting laid somewhere if Mikey does not want him. Not exactly a new concept in teenagerhood, but one that he seems to embrace with reckless abandon. Emphasis on the reckless. But despite feeling invulnerable, Remy sets himself up for some pretty big consequences, and even if he can get his shit together there is every chance it might not be enough.
The fact that I kinda adore Koehler’s rowing books won me over into reading this, despite the fact that it is YA. Though where I grew up isn’t far from Sacramento, there was not a whole lot of rowing going on–-and even if there was I would hardly be a prime candidate-–but there is something about the sport that I find intriguing. That may or may not have to do with all the hot fit men in constant risk of getting all wet. Anyways…I really like reading about rowing, and I love reading about the area I grew up in.
Especially the Davis-bashing. I don’t know if anyone who didn’t grow up in the area will get nearly as much joy as I did from this book because of this, but it is practically a requirement of living around here. Especially in my hometown. Even if you love the town you are kind obligated to point out how ridiculous it is sometimes. And if I had a dime for everytime I almost died because some biker thought he was king of the world…
Er…I guess that is neither here nor there right now.
I never really felt the romance between Mikey and Remy…mostly because I don’t think that his book was really about them as a couple. I mean, Mikey was gone from the scene for a good portion of the story, so it’s hard to feel something for someone you hardly know. But at the heart, this was more about Remy (who is in like with Mikey, yes) but who is mostly just trying to figure life out. Sometimes really really badly-–but at least he is trying, right? The scenes with the two guys were really cute, and there were some definite sparks there, but because of the way the story is handled, those sparks are not given a lot of time to grow to full force. Which probably makes sense for these guys, right now, but I would have loved to have a bit more love going on between these two.
The story, and all the facts and research behind it, was interesting. I don’t know all that much about the details of HIV, but I like how the information was given here. There were a few times where it felt like info dumping, but it always make sense to the scene, and it never went on for too long. I only felt as much lectured-to as Remy did, which was good. And since this book is geared towards a younger audience, I think intent behind this was very good.
There were parts where I kinda wanted to start banging heads together, but that is pretty common for me. I have a very short limit for stupidity-–mostly because a lot of the things Remy does in this book, I have myself done, and know just how monumentally idiotic it is-–but I do recognise that most teenagers are idiots whenever hormones get thrown into the mix. Which is like 90% of the time. I just don’t normally have the patience to read about it. However the way it written, intercut with rowing and just normal everyday stuff, made it a bit easier to bear.
I’m kinda at an impasse when it comes to the rating of this book. Personally it was something like 4 stars, but I think that for the target audience (teenagers) it would be closer to 4.5 stars. So I’m going to go with 4.25 stars (even though we don’t really have a graphic for that) just because I can’t make up my bloody mind. Plus, I have every intention of reading the rest of this series when it get written, so I can’t say I really disliked it all that much.
4.25 stars
This book was provided free in exchange for a fair and honest review for Love Bytes. Go there to check out other reviews, author interviews, and all those awesome giveaways. Click below.
I didn't enjoy this book. I found there was too much telling and not enough showing and because of this it didn't grab my attention. I never cared about any of the characters. Then towards the end I felt the book got a bit preachy. This wasn't my cup of tea.
This was my first book by Christopher Koehler and I can tell he's a very clever writer indeed. POZ was very enjoyable with an important message. There was a lot of self-discovery, I think, a little family drama and some sweet romance. It all ended on a hopeful note, despite the rather sad topic.
I instantly clicked with Remy and fast cared about him; his brother and Michael too. I admit, I would have loved to have seen more of Michael. Since this is 95% Remy's POV, the short POV jump near the ending was great, but too short and I really wanted to see more of what Michael thought and felt :(
There was also a lot of boat, crew and rowing talk I couldn't relate to, and I'm not much into sports, so I would have been happy without it. But that was Remy's story, his life (and Michael's) so I it was needed and all is good.
I hope that Remy and Michael will make it, as a couple, as friends.
Jeremy (Remy) Babcock was a sixteen-year old virgin who knew he liked boys and hid all that desire from his family, including his fraternal twin and closest friend, Geoff. Out but not out, Jeremy shared his sexuality just the tiniest bit with the guys on his rowing team, but did not flaunt it and even there it was kept close to the cuff, not to be shared beyond the tight-knit crew. When he discovers that his friend Mikey is also gay, Remy begins to sense mixed signals coming from the boy. But by a series of miscommunications, any thoughts of a relationship with Mikey are shoved aside and suddenly a chance encounter with an intern opens up a whole new world for Remy where life is exciting and clandestine and full on with random hook ups that include unsafe sex. You see, despite Remy’s dad having the “talk” with both Geoff and Remy, diseases such as HIV are never discussed. Instead, Remy hides who he is from parents who are wrapped up in their own worlds and from a father who sees his son as second rate next to his brother, Geoff.
Emotional read but one that takes a serious health issue and presents better than many other informative pamphlets could. This is because it is told in a believable way about two youths that touch the reader deeply. Others reviewers have expressed this better than I ever could.
On the one hand I really liked it, on the other it was merely ok. As a contribution to the Real Story Safe Sex Project with the goal of taking a more entertaining approach to HIV and safe sex education among gay and bi teens and twenty-somethings, it reads more like safe sex for eleven- or twelve-year-olds. Actually there is no sex at all, "real" or otherwise.
Remy complains in the story that he might not have ended up HIV positive, poz, if his father's sex talks were more informative. The Real Story Safe Sex Project aims to fill that void with useful information, however, Poz is so bleached and sanitized of any sexual content (I assume to get it past the censors in US school boards) that it is useless from a safe sex perspective. In addition, the HIV messaging is the same dry crap I heard in 1990 with the words PEP and PrEP tacked on. Furthermore, that tiny section is simply dropped in the middle of the story as a lecture to Remy from his doctor.
Remy becomes seriously ill within weeks of weeks of contracting HIV and he knows he has it even before going to get tested. He then falls deadly ill shortly there after. If I knew nothing, I would assume this was typical, meaning practically every HIV positive person would know his/her status and so Remy's tactic of simply asking "are you clean" should actually work. Not the intended message.
The phrase 'negotiated risk' is dropped once or twice, but an example of how to actually do it never given. Indeed, many of the problems teens get into (sexual or otherwise) result from their inability to identify their own feelings, sort through them, and then communicate around them effectively, and this is another area where Poz fails to provide any useful guidance or insight. With the exception of Remy's argument with his parents at Thanksgiving, the book is close to emotionally dead, which is the exact opposite of any teenagers' experience, including an outwardly stoic one like Remy.
Graded on its stated goal of effective communication about HIV and safe sex: 1-star. As a recruiting tool to get teens to sign up for rowing: 5-stars. As a light and entertaining read: 4-stars.
Remy, a seventeen year old confused young man is at the end of his junior year of high school, when he starts getting feeling for another young man on his rowing team, Michael. Michael has never shied away from his sexuality so knowing that Remy starts guessing he may be gay as well. But Remy family unlike Michael’s will not take kindly to the news that one of their sons is gay, especially his father so he hides this fact. Over the junior/senior summer, after the rejection he felt from Michael he decides to explore his new found sexuality, unfortunately this had some lifelong consequences that a seventeen year old boy shouldn't have to face. First, I have to state two things, I'm not a seventeen year old gay boy and I've never been. Also I never read YA, but this one intrigued me. However, I was left disappointed. It was well written and you could feel that you were experiencing the life of a confused teen. And I did learn a lot about the breakthrough with new drugs, who knew that with the right cocktail they could reduce the levels to zero! Also I had no idea that the virus could manifest so quickly, esp. in a healthy young adult, just a month or two. WOW. My problem is the author is basically saying that if a young man goes out like this character's mindset that he will catch AIDS. But yet, if you stay home and be good like the other character, you'll be fine. Isn't that the same as preaching abstinence? Which we all know doesn't work. Among other things, this book is full of every stereotypical young and old gay male action and reference I thought the LGBT community was trying to avoid and stop? Not to mention stereotyping the good family with the good kid and the bad with the bad. I would not suggest this book to any YA confused kid. I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review by Crystals Many Reviews
Intense, well-written, YA story about HIV. I really liked Michael and Remy...and the trials and emotional tribulations of youth, discovering who they are, coming to grips with their feelings and emotions, learning to communicate, making terrible decisions, and navigating relationships and becoming adults. I teared up a few times, sad for Michael, and felt anxious and stressed for Remy many times. But I also smiled lots, and was left feeling happy at the end. I look forward to more stories about the boys...and hopefully a HEA.
As I work in this field I thought this was such a great book, for the way the message was delivered to the story itself, I have loved all the cal pac books.
Education, education, educatiom, Remy's ideas of HIV are so very common and the rise of diagnoses is showing in the 14-25 age group, they are also the same demographic that are showing increases in other sti's.
This is such an important book for young gay men, I hope they read it and realise they aren't alone.
I don't even know where to begin... WOW! This book got it right on so many levels. I work in the pharma industry and am currently working on an HIV study so this book addressed so many questions that I often ask myself. Remy reminded me of stories I have heard from my sites about many of their younger patients. I can't wait for more books in this series!
This was a great read. For me, a story has to have believable, well-developed characters to draw me in, and that was definitely the case here. Remy especially caught my interest, and I'm looking forward to the next installment.
Because of my work on the Stonewall Book Award Committee, I cannot publish reviews or publicly post my opinions concerning any children's or YA book with LGBT themes. I will update my reviews once the 2016 Stonewall Book Awards have been announced.