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Los tesoros de Audrey Hepburn : fotografías y recuerdos de una vida llena de estilo y determinación

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Un hommage éblouissant, un exceptionnel document biographique sur une actrice magnifique comprenant environ deux cents photographies, dont certaines inédites, et plus d'une trentaine de souvenirs en fac-similé, notamment un extrait du scénario de Diamants sur canapé annoté par Audrey, une lettre qu'elle écrivit à son mari Mel Ferrer durant la préparation du film Au risque de se perdre, ou encore son contrat pour sa première comédie musicale.
Mais aussi un programme de spectacle de danse de son enfance ou sa carte d'identité durant l'occupation allemande... Où l'on découvre une adolescente qui rêvait d'être danseuse, une artiste intransigeante avec elle-même, une femme talentueuse et généreuse, dont la vie ne se limita pas à l'éclat des sunlights.

192 pages, Hardcover

First published June 1, 2006

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Ellen Erwin

3 books

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 60 reviews
Profile Image for Lisa.
220 reviews24 followers
April 13, 2023
If you love Audrey Hepburn as much as I do, you must must get this book!! I idolized her when I was a young girl, watching every one of her movies with my mom, over and over again! A beautiful woman, inside and out!! 💕💕
Profile Image for Karen.
206 reviews75 followers
January 25, 2008
Beautiful book! Anyone who is a fan of Audrey Hepburn should own this book. My daughter gave it to me for Christmas and I love it. Not only is it a beautiful story of Audrey Hepburn, it's full of mementos of hers like letters, tickets, drawings, invitations, you name it. This woman is not only the epitome of style and grace, she was also a great philanthropist. We could all learn so much from her, men as well as women.
Profile Image for Nadine.
Author 1 book14 followers
April 14, 2011
I loved this. It is a wonderful look into the life of not the icon, but I think, the woman. The idea of having those pouches (for lack of a better word), which hold prints of photographs, letters and so forth, makes the book personal. It is like a treasure and I have to say, I was teary eyed at the end.

So if you like Audrey Hepburn: buy it. :-)
Profile Image for PinkAmy loves books, cats and naps .
2,541 reviews243 followers
November 23, 2015
Grade: A+

AUDREY HEPBURN TREASURES is one of the most unique coffee table books I've ever seen filled not just with pictures on pages but scanned replicas of letters, call sheets, business cards, postcards, telegrams and much more. Every chapter has at least one section with waxed paper-like envelopes containing these true treasures thrusting me back to an era long ago. I felt as though I were leafing through her actual scrapbooks.

This masterpiece is a must for any Audrey fan. You'll want to come back to AUDREY HEPBURN TREASURES again and again.
Profile Image for Katie.
59 reviews37 followers
September 21, 2010
Who could ask for more? A beautiful woman. Learning of her dreams and aspirations and who she became was thrilling, interactive, and engaging. I would recommend this not to fans, but to Hepburn devotees.
Profile Image for Jae Alberi.
132 reviews
May 3, 2021
There's a reason she's endeared to so many and now I'm one of them.
Profile Image for Chelsey.
8 reviews
April 22, 2008
For those of you who don't know, Audrey Hepburn is my current fixation. I have seen almost all of her films, which you should all watch, and this is the second biography I have read about her. This one is really cool because inside it has replicas of some of her things such as: scripts with her notes, programs she signed, family Christmas cards, etc., This is just a really fun book to read. She lived a great life.
Profile Image for Abby2.
2 reviews3 followers
October 13, 2008
This is a fabulous book on Audrey Hepburn! It tells her life story from when she grew up in Europe during the war to her two husbands and her fabulous fashion. I learned sooo much about Audrey that I hadn't known before (it's kind of a hobby of mine to read about Audrey and Grace Kelly). Also, there are pullouts in the book. There are copies of Hepburn family Christmas cards, pictures of Grace when she was a dancer, and pics of her family in Europe. It's a truly amazing book.
November 30, 2008
I have three heros- Carol Burnette, my mom and Audrey Hepburn. I love this book about the last of these, the immortal Audrey. Her talent, style and charm are so unique and so clearly shown in these pages. The momentos of her life (including a letter from CARY GRANT!!!) make her so accesible- she was a real person like the rest of us! I highly reccomend this book- be prepared to pour over it for hours!
Profile Image for Brenda.
5 reviews1 follower
December 12, 2008
This coffee table book was given to me as a gift from my good friend Roberto. I love. Any one who appreciates the beauty of Audrey Hepburn will appreciate all the little trinkets and cards and pix in this book. It's delicate and feminine. Love it.
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,098 reviews37 followers
February 8, 2014
A truly unique book that is a treasure in itself! hidden inside these pages are translucent envelopes containing copies of monumental times in Audrey's life. Here you will find her birth certificate, letters and other paper memorabilia. A must-have for everyone who loves Audrey Hepburn!
Profile Image for James.
18 reviews2 followers
February 9, 2009
Very cool book along with many extras!! Nice for a coffee table or just to have on your shelf!!
Profile Image for Lauren pavey.
363 reviews10 followers
October 21, 2022
The Audrey Hepburn treasures by Sean Hepburn Ferrer

Unlike most coffee table style books this isn’t just for flicking through this is an immersion into the life of an icon!

I honestly can’t impress how beyond beautiful this book is. It is a complete treasure trove of delights.

Anyone who is a fan of Audrey Hepburn should own this book. She was the complete epitome of style and grace and reading about all of her charity work she showed me how beautiful and good she was through and through.

I love the mementos and letters and how interactive this book is, although the telling of her story would be reason enough for me to buy this.

Right now I’m off to watch Roman holiday again and dream of Vespas and Italian food . Ciao
Profile Image for Trissy.
74 reviews
April 24, 2022
Love love love this book to bits and to the point where you will have to pry it from my cold and dying hands when I eventually pass on because you won't get this book from me. You really learn a lot about Audrey; what she was like onset and off and you get to learn about all her struggles that she encountered in her life and through all of that, she was the sweetest person. The extra add-ons that come with the book make it feel very personal and you feel as though you're sifting through someone's personal belongings but it's okay because they give you permission to do so. This book is honestly a gift and one of the best purchases I've ever made. ❤
August 4, 2023
I’ve been a lifelong fan out Audrey Hepburn. I was first introduced to her, as most were, through her iconic roles. I came to love her through the way she loved her life - from overcoming immense hardships to devoting herself to the children of the world. This book is a beautiful arrangement of images from her life and artifacts you can touch. It’s fabulous. The only piece lacking is more of her voice. She has so many wonderful, inspiring quotes and several of the more meaningful ones (at least in my view) were left out.
Profile Image for Eugenia Snyder.
58 reviews1 follower
January 3, 2019
I loved all the little extras this had. I've read a lot of books about Audrey and this had so many lovely extras about her life.
946 reviews14 followers
February 21, 2019
Beautiful book. I learned so much about Audrey through this book.
Profile Image for Salma.
2 reviews1 follower
February 5, 2020
Beautiful collection of mementos that brings audrey to life
Profile Image for Annie-Claude.
16 reviews
January 31, 2021
A must have coffee table book for any self-respecting Audrey admirer. The mementos, beautifully inserted within the surprisingly detail-oriented pages, make it a unique collector’s piece.
Profile Image for Patrizia.
334 reviews15 followers
February 17, 2013
via amazon.de:

In der luxuriös ausgestatteten Bild-Biographie, entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Audrey Hepburn Children's Fund, stehen Audreys eigene Worte im Mittelpunkt und sorgen für eine einzigartig persönliche Erzählung. Diese besondere Sammlung zeigt ca. 200 Schwarzweiß- und Farbfotografien, die aus dem Hepburn-Nachlass sorgsam ausgewählt wurden, sowie Reproduktionen von Andenken aus Audreys Leben. Das Buch enthält 34 entnehmbare Dokumente, unter anderem einen Auszug aus dem Drehbuch von Frühstück bei Tiffany mit handgeschriebenen Anmerkungen, einen Brief, den sie während der Entstehung von die Geschichte einer Nonne an ihren Mann Mel Ferrer schrieb, sowie eine Anzeige anlässlich der Geburt ihres ersten Sohnes.

Meine Meinung:

Was für eine großartige und so liebevoll gestaltete Biographie! Dieses Buch hat mir mein Wochenende bereichert. Es bringt nicht nur Informationen über Audrey's Leben und das ihrer Familie und Vorfahren, sondern auch wichtige geschichtliche Hintergründe! Die Biographie ist mit so viel Herz gestaltet. Damit sind nicht nur die Fotografien gemeint, sondern auch die einzelnen "Taschen", in denen Briefe, Postkarten, Fotoalben, Premiere-Karten, Film-Skripte, Verträge verstaut sind. Natürlich handelt es sich hierbei nicht um die Originale. ABER die Verantwortlichen haben sich die Mühe gemacht, alle Dokumente so naturgetreu wie möglich darzustellen. Es handelt sich hierbei nicht nur um bloße Schwarz-Weiß-Kopien auf billigem Papier. Jedes einzelne Dokument kann als Marker für die damalige Zeit betrachtet werden, alleine durch die aufwendige Reproduktion (Für Fotos wurde Fotopapier verwendet; für Premiere-Karten keine billige Pappe, und auch an Farbe wurde nicht gespart; man betrachtet die Telegramme und fühlt sich alleine durch das Blattgefühl in die 70er Jahre versetzt; ich hatte den Eindruck Audrey Hepburn hatte alles Original für mich unterschrieben). Hut ab dafür!

"Einfachheit und Wahrheit, darauf kommt es an. Es muss von innen heraus kommen. Man hat es, oder man hat es nicht" - Audrey Hepburn.

Diese Biographie hat es! Ich hoffe, ich st0ße irgendwann wieder auf eine so liebevoll und trotzdem einfach gehaltene Biographie.

P.S. Die Einnahmen des Buches gehen an den Audrey Hepburn Childrens Fund!
Profile Image for Sophie Jones.
42 reviews30 followers
October 22, 2018
The Audrey Hepburn Treasures is a timeless collection of mementos, rare photographs, letters, scripts, programs and personal items belonging to Audrey. This includes… a ticket stub from the 'My Fair Lady' premiere, the original 'Breakfast at Tiffany’s' script (annotated by Audrey), an ID card which she was issued with in 1944 as a requirement by German occupying forces, an abundance of paintings and drawings from childhood, and so much more! This compilation of treasures is a Hepburn heaven! Each page provides you with a new delight to uncover as Ellen Erwin details Audrey’s mesmerising life story from infancy to adulthood. Erwin starts with Audrey’s humble beginning in Ixelles, Belgium and continues by revealing the horrors Audrey encountered during the Nazi occupation of Arnhem in 1941. Later we learn about Audrey’s dreams of becoming a prima ballerina as she enrols at the prestigious Rambert School of Ballet. Nevertheless, when her career as a ballerina wanes after the malnutrition she endured during the war, Audrey is forced to find a new path. Her debut, Oscar-winning performance as Princess Anne in Roman Holiday is life-changing and as they say, the rest is history. I really believe that if you are an Audrey fan like me, you need to add this wonderful book to your collection.
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,139 reviews
April 23, 2013
What a fun book! I was overjoyed to discover that my local library had a copy of this treasure. Not only is this an informative biography of the lovely Audrey Hepburn, it also contains little velum sleeves filled with interesting mementos from her life. The pictures were fantastic and I enjoyed reading over the reproductions of letters, playbills, ticket stubs and other little tokens. I adore Audrey Hepburn! She is very different from the celebrities we constantly hear about now, in that she never saw herself as anybody special. Everyone she worked with adored her because of her kindness and elegance. When presented with an opportunity to be a spokesperson for UNICEF, her message to protect and nourish children, particularly in war-ravaged countries, was loud and clear. I love her desire to put family first. What a remarkable, unique woman.
Profile Image for Ape.
1,866 reviews38 followers
May 8, 2016
This is a coffee table book really, but out of all the Audrey Hepburn books out there, it is quite original and definately worth a read for any fan.

It is brief in regards to details, and it gets through her life really quickly. If you're wanting depth, you can't go wrong with Paris' biography. However, the special thing about this book is all the pockets, like a scrapbook or a box of treasures. And in these you will find replicas of family photos, drawings, letters to and from Audrey, contracts, programmes, tickets and so forth. It's a really imaginative way of presenting a subject who has had so much written about her.

2016 note - review taken from 2007 bookcrossing journal.
Profile Image for Candice.
26 reviews3 followers
April 5, 2007
A gift from my dearest doll, aj. This book keeps you busy for hours, with ingenious glassine envelope pages that include copies of actual letters, scripts, notes, photos, etc from Audrey's archives. The name says it all - this is a treasure for all fans.
Profile Image for Chris Gorvan.
2 reviews
March 5, 2008
A wonderful book about a truly remarkable woman. It tracks Hepburn's life from beginning to end and provides a few replica trinkets along the way, such as a letter from an admiring fan, dated May 1950.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 60 reviews

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