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The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users

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From the bestselling author of  The Art of the Start  and  Enchantment, a no-nonsense guide to becoming a social media superstar.

By now it’s clear that whether you’re promoting a business, a product, or yourself, social media is near the top of what will determine your success or failure. And there are countless pundits, authors, and consultants eager to advise you.
But there’s no one quite like Guy Kawasaki, the legendary former chief evangelist for Apple and one of the pioneers of business blogging, tweeting, facebooking, tumbling, and much, much more. Now Guy has teamed up with his Canva colleague Peg Fitzpatrick to offer The Art of Social Media – the one essential guide you need to get the most bang for your time, effort, and money.
With more than 100 practical tips, tricks, and insights, Guy and Peg present a ground-up strategy to produce a focused, thorough, and compelling presence on the most popular social-media platforms. They guide you through the steps of building your foundation, amassing your digital assets, going to market, optimizing your profile, attracting more followers, and effectively integrating social media and blogging.
For beginners overwhelmed by too many choices, as well as seasoned professionals eager to improve their game, The Art of Social Media is full of tactics that have been proven to work in the real world. Or as Guy puts it, “Great Stuff, No Fluff.” http://artof.social/

208 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2014

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About the author

Guy Kawasaki

78 books2,645 followers
I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1954. My family lived in a tough part of Honolulu called Kalihi Valley. We weren’t rich, but I never felt poor-because my mother and father made many sacrifices for my sister and me. My mother was a housewife, and my father was a fireman, real estate broker, state senator, and government official during his long, distinguished career.

I attended Iolani School where I graduated in 1972. Iolani is not as well known as its rival, Punahou because no presidents of the U. S. went there, but I got a fantastic and formative education there. (Punahou is “USC,” and Iolani is “Stanford”—but I digress.) I pay special tribute to Harold Keables, my AP English teacher.He taught me that the key to writing is editing. No one in the universe would be more shocked that I have written ten books (or one book ten times) than Harold Keables.

After Iolani, I matriculated to Stanford; I graduated in 1976 with a major in psychology—which was the easiest major I could find. I loved Stanford. I sometimes wish I could go back in time to my undergraduate days “on the farm.”

After Stanford, I attended the law school at U.C. Davis because, like all Asian-American parents, my folks wanted me to be a “doctor, lawyer, or dentist.” I only lasted one week because I couldn’t deal with the law school teachers telling me that I was crap and that they were going to remake me.

The following year I entered the MBA program at UCLA. I liked this curriculum much better. While there, I worked for a fine-jewelry manufacturer called Nova Stylings; hence, my first real job was literally counting diamonds. From Nova, its CEO Marty Gruber, and my Jewish colleagues in the jewelry business, I learned how to sell, and this skill was vital to my entire career.

I remained at Nova for a few years until the the Apple II removed the scales from my eyes. Then I went to work for an educational software company called EduWare Services. However, Peachtree Software acquired the company and wanted me to move to Atlanta. “I don’t think so.” I can’t live in a city where people call sushi “bait.”

Luckily, my Stanford roommate, Mike Boich, got me a job at Apple; for giving me my chance at Apple, I owe Mike a great debt. When I saw what a Macintosh could do, the clouds parted and the angels started singing. For four years I evangelized Macintosh to software and hardware developers and led the charge against world-wide domination by IBM. I also met my wife Beth at Apple during this timeframe—Apple has been very good to me.

Around 1987, my job at Apple was done. Macintosh had plenty of software by then, so I left to start a Macintosh database company called ACIUS. It published a product called 4th Dimension. To this day, 4th Dimension remains a great database.

I ran ACIUS for two years and then left to pursue my bliss of writing, speaking, and consulting. I’ve written for Macuser, Macworld, and Forbes. I call these the “Wonder Years” as in “I wonder how I came to deserve such a good life.”

In 1989, I started another software company called Fog City Software with three of the best co-founders in the world: Will Mayall, Kathryn Henkens, and Jud Spencer. We created an email product called Emailer which we sold to Claris and then a list server product called LetterRip.

In 1995 I returned to Apple as an Apple fellow. At the time, according to the pundits, Apple was supposed to die. (Apple should have died about ten times in the past twenty years according to the pundits.) My job on this tour of duty was to maintain and rejuvenate the Macintosh cult.

A couple years later, I left Apple to start an angel investor matchmaking service called Garage.com with Craig Johnson of Venture Law Group and Rich Karlgaard of Forbes. Version 2.0 of Garage.com was an investment bank for helping entrepreneurs raise money from venture capitalists. Today, version 3.0 of Garage.com is called Garage Technology Ven

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 395 reviews
Profile Image for Kathy.
2,741 reviews5,994 followers
November 13, 2014
I attended a conference last month up north. One of the classes I attended was on social media marketing. Guy Kawasaki was mentioned in that class so when I saw this book was available on Netgalley I downloaded and read it.

The version of the book I got from netgalley did not have any links in it. This would have been so much better if I would have had the ability to click the links and be able to visually see the pages and examples he was referring to. This problem should not occur from anyone buying this as an ebook off Amazon or another book seller.

This is packed full of useful information. It's a little overwhelming especially for a social media novice like myself. This is a book that would be nice to have in print for an easy reference guide but then it wouldn't have clickable links... which was the issue I had with my review copy.

My biggest take away was a simple one. I need to include a lot more graphics and photos with my social media posts to capture reader's attention.

Rating: 4 Stars - Great Book

Content: Some language

Source: Netgalley
8 reviews2 followers
December 8, 2015
This is a fairly good book for what it is. An overview of and a general guide to the different social media platforms and how to use them most effectively. More a 3.5 than a 3.

Although this book may seem a tad mundane for those more digitally inclined, it served as a valuable book for me -- a person who is in the dark about social media and a bit shy about "online presence".

This book offers good ideas and step by step guides for maximizing total exposure online by combining most or all of the platforms it covers.

Would recommend if you fit its demographic.
Profile Image for Carin Clark.
Author 3 books10 followers
December 6, 2014
In The Art of Social Media, Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick deliver valuable, actionable tips that will help you succeed in bringing value to your followers and making meaningful connections online.

What I liked the most…
It’s not a basic how-to. As the subtitle would suggest, this book is packed with power tips for power users. Tips for how you should link your content across platforms {without being spammy and failing to consider the different rules of engagement} and for perfecting your interactions on each profile are some of my favorites.

The tips are next-level. For example, do you often wonder how to make yourself a part of larger conversations that are happening on social media? Well, they’ve got you covered. They’ve included things I hadn’t even thought about. But will make all the difference.

They give you more resources for just about everything. I always appreciate when an author points you towards the great tools they mention than you having to go searching for yourself.

Who this book is for…
Anyone and everyone who want to go PRO in social media. There are hundreds of insights, tips, and tricks that will help you to build a consistent and valuable online presence.

I especially think every blogger – beginner, intermediate, and advanced – should have a copy. No offense to my fellow bloggers but seriously, we are some of the worse offenders! I know the number one goal is to get people back to our sites, but we’ve gotta do better about optimizing social media profiles, adding value to peers and followers, and making valuable connections online.

This book is also perfect for business owners who’ve been using social media for a while and are looking for ways to take it up a notch. You will get exactly what you need to step it up and truly position yourself as an expert in your industry.

Whether you’re wondering how to best maximize the use social for your next event, to spark conversations about your business, or to share your valuable content, The Art of Social Media is the tool for you.

It’s not a book you’ll read once and put to the side. This one stays on the desk {or is first on Kindle}. Trust me, you will refer to it often.
Profile Image for Mallie Hart.
4 reviews8 followers
December 15, 2014
I absolutely loved APE and I still talk about it when someone asks about a good business read for marketers and budding authors.

I keep seeing everyone say that this isn't a book for beginners, but I feel that everything said in this book has already been said and already said well (better) by others.

There are a few gems by Peg, especially her process, but otherwise, I just didn't think the book added anything to the discussion.
Profile Image for Mihai Chindris.
72 reviews79 followers
September 6, 2018
It was enjoyable. Although it didn't cover all the social media platforms that are out there, it covered at least the major ones. Guy and Peg really know their stuff and it's helpful to implement their tips and tricks, cause they truly work. As the author says, in an ideal world, you would also have to come up with ideas, which you should share, that could boost your presence and influence online. And he's right. That's how it works. Sharing is caring.
Profile Image for Judy.
88 reviews19 followers
November 26, 2014
This book failed to meet its purpose which was to enable me to rock social media. Well, the gotcha word is “enable” because I need to learn to follow all of the 123 numbered tips and tricks, some of which are just a paragraph long and lack any depth. Don’t get me wrong--I learned quite a few guidelines but some I questioned like:
“If you’re not pissing people off on social media, you’re not using it right.”
I was expecting a few more case studies and statistics to substantiate these tips, tricks and insights. In the end, Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzgerald openly admit: “Social-media guru is an oxymoron because nobody really knows how social media works.” I’m looking forward to the next more in-depth book. Could that be titled “The New Rules of Social Media”? h/t author:David Meerman Scott (Author)|8059245].

This was a free book that I downloaded from NetGalley.
Profile Image for Gabriella Campbell.
Author 39 books444 followers
September 14, 2015
Manual indispensable y práctico de social media. Impresionante la cantidad de conocimiento que se ha concentrado en este librito. Especialmente indicado para escritores y otros creadores que buscan darse a conocer.

No le doy más estrellas porque Goodreads no me deja.
Profile Image for Harley.
Author 14 books104 followers
November 15, 2014
I first became involved with social media in 2009 when I joined Goodreads and it remains to this day one of my most favorite sites. I wish I had had it 50 years ago so I could have an accurate record of the books I have read. The second site I joined was LinkedIn which I am also a big fan of and wish I had it 40 years ago when I got into business. I have since joined Twitter, Facebook, SlideShare, YouTube, SoundCloud and Google+. I have written a blog since 2010. So I have been active on social media for about 5 years but I am not by any means an expert. The reason I became involved with Google+ is because I read Guy Kawasaki's book, What the Plus! Google+ for the Rest of Us. I have been very active as a moderator of a poetry group.

Even with my experience, I found helpful tips in Kawasaki's new book, The Art of Social Media, co-written with Peg Fitzpatrick due out in December. This is a book that you will want to go back to again and again. I read the Kindle version in 3 short days. The book is filled with links that I could easily click on in the Kindle and immediately see what he was discussing. Kawasaki gives lots of examples and sites for more information. The 123 tips are numbered and well organized into 12 chapters.

If you are new to social media or have some experience like me, I would highly recommend this book. If you are an expert in social media, then this book is probably not for you unless you want to give it to your clients.
Profile Image for Naomi.
4,767 reviews142 followers
November 4, 2014
1.5 Stars

Unlike Mr. Kawasaki's book, APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. How to Publish a Book, I felt that there were critical element missing to this book. The better chunk of the pieces were there, but it was put together in a very sloppy manner.

Furthermore, as someone who is on social media and works with authors in social media consultation, I felt there were critical elements missing, such as follower purchasing. He dealt with abuse on social media but very superficially. Since this is a hot issue right now, I would like to have seen him discuss it more.

Lastly, Mr. Kawasaki made a comment that really bothered me through out the book. It was in reference to if you aren't being a pain in the ass on social media then you aren't doing it right. I can see that line being misinterpreted in oh so many ways! Plus, I am sure that those of us who are on social media numerous hours a day would disagree!

There are much better books on author social media strategies out there by those who have specialized in this arena for years...not as a side job.
Profile Image for Colleen McKenna.
1 review7 followers
November 28, 2014
The Art of Social Media is like a master class in social. I appreciate how Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitpatrick arranged the book and included the option to go deeper with all the hyperlinks. The easy to follow power tips make sense and really provide the insight and path to go to the next level.

This is a reference guide that everyone on the social spectrum can benefit from. Not everyone will do everything but I think people will realize that social media is more than they realize. This is particularly important for business leaders who downplay social. It's really marketing in a social world.

Kudos for a great book that I know I will be referring to for a long while.

Profile Image for Nicki Markus.
Author 55 books292 followers
October 31, 2014
The Art of Social Media is an easy read that offers tips and tricks on making social media work from a business perspective. It is aimed at the absolute beginner and so a few of the comments felt obvious to me. That said, I did pick up a few handy hints that I will try to incorporate into my own social media presence - particularly when I have a new book release coming up.

If you are starting out in social media for business promotion, this book will be a good starting point to set you on the right path.

I received this book as a free e-book for review via NetGalley.
Profile Image for Selma Šljuka.
Author 4 books41 followers
October 13, 2019
Nije lose stivo za pocetnike u social media... Svakako strucni savjeti uspjesnih ljudi
Profile Image for Ruel.
130 reviews18 followers
December 4, 2014
Co-authors Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick are masters of social media, so expectations were high upon receiving my advanced e-book copy of The Art of Social Media. Thankfully, it lived up to the “no-nonsense” billing in its description: this straightforward nut-and-bolts guide to optimizing social media strategies and increasing one’s social media presence will be appreciated by power users and casual enthusiasts alike.

I’ve been following Kawasaki and Fitzpatrick for years on Google+; not surprisingly, the emphasis tends to be on Google+ rather than Facebook, Twitter, and other sites (note: for those who haven’t fully embraced G+ yet, I’d suggest pairing this book with Kawasaki’s excellent G+ primer “What The Plus”). Kawasaki and Fitzpatrick are aware of the ever-evolving world of social media and give tips that are both specific and immediately useful (how to stylize text in G+ posts) while also offering more general and easily adaptable advice (how to keep things simple in Instagram). “No matter how smart you are, best practices always change, because the platforms change how their sites work,” they write. “Therefore, everyone needs to keep experimenting.”

This awareness is what I appreciated most about The Art of Social Media. Despite their success, they don’t offer themselves as gurus with the secret to rocking social media. Even with over 100 clearly written and illustrated examples (and plenty of clickable links in the e-book), they’re willing to concede that things could change at any moment; Kawasaki even admits to not being a fan of Pinterest until Fitzpatrick’s ongoing success there convinced him otherwise.

Based on both authors’ successful track records and the amount of solid and practical advice given here, The Art of Social Media is worth its weight in gold. It is recommended for social media power users and strategists, but especially for small businesses with a limited social media budget.
Profile Image for Lê.
Author 11 books34 followers
May 28, 2017
Là một người sử dụng internet bình thường, không có mục đích kinh doanh hay làm truyền thông xã hội chuyên nghiệp, nên tôi không tận dụng hết được những gì Guy&Peg chia sẻ trong cuốn sách này. Tuy nhiên, với tôi như thế đã là quá đủ. Đây là một cuốn sách hữu dụng, được viết gọn gàng, đi thẳng vào việc chỉ dẫn cách thực hiện một cách cụ thể và trực quan, không rườm rà. Với những kiến thức, kỹ thuật và chỉ dẫn ứng xử từ sơ đẳng đến chuyên nghiệp, bất kỳ ai cũng có thể tìm được điều gì đó hữu ích cho riêng mình cho dù họ đang ở trình độ nào và có nhu cầu khác nhau ra sao...

Tôi thích cách tác giả giới thiệu mục đích của các mạng xã hội này qua 5P:

Google+ = Passion (dành cho cộng đồng những người có cùng đam mê nào đó)
Facebook = People (nghĩa là dành cho mọi người
LinkedIn = Pimping (nghĩa là dẫn dắt, dành cho mạng lưới phát triển nghề nghiệp và chuyên môn)
Pinterest = Picture (nghĩa là hình ảnh)
Twitter = Perception (nghĩa là cảm nhận)
cùng những gợi ý nên và không nên làm gì khi sử dụng Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Youtube, LinkedIn...

Ngoài ra, tác giả còn mô tả cách mà các mạng xã hội thu thập thông tin cá nhân của người dùng để sử dụng vào những mục đích kinh doanh của họ. Đồng thời, cách họ đặt thuật toán để phân luồng nguồn thông tin đến với từng người dùng cũng được viết rất súc tích và dễ hiểu. Ví dụ, chắc bạn không để ý đâu, Facebook cài đặt một thuật toán để newsfeed của bạn chỉ hiện thông tin mới của những Friend mà bạn đã từng like và comment (dẫn đến một số quan điểm trái chiều mà có dịp, tôi sẽ viết thành bài). Đối với những Friend mà bạn không có tương tác, Facebook sẽ tự động ẩn đi không cho hiện trên newsfeed của bạn nữa. Họ lý giải là vì không muốn người dùng bị quá tải thông tin!!!
Profile Image for Imran  Ahmed.
119 reviews29 followers
August 22, 2018
The Art of Social Media is an easy read. The book is organized using clear headings and subheadings allowing readers to skip sections not relevant to their interests. The book is aimed at sophisticated social media users with a general grasp of most social media platforms. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile even for novices who wish to improve their social media footprint.

Like many such books, this one provides lots of referrals to applications and sites which help to optimize one’s usage of specific platforms. The e-book uses links though I read a hard copy borrowed from my local library. These referrals vary in usefulness but are necessary for any book claiming to be a handbook about social media.

In the New Economy social media is a segment all on its own. Many jobs and vocations include the term, Social Media Manager, etc. The Art of Social Media is best suited for those whose livelihoods are directly related to social media. For most social media is something used for, well, social reasons. For this segment, Kawasaki and Patrick’s book is over the top. Unless one spends a good portion of one’s day focused only on social media the book is probably not for you.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1 review2 followers
December 4, 2014
This isn't a book for social media newbies, but rather for those who have been in the online marketing trenches for at least a little while. Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick have provided excellent guidelines for taking your digital marketing to the next level in a very easy-to-understand format.

This is a book I will turn to again and again as a reference. I like the no-nonsense approach and lack of fluff. You can tell these authors really know what they're talking about and they are trustworthy. Even though the title infers social media is an "art," it's really more. But rather than getting bogged down by all the "science" and "analytics" and other big-data speak, they tell it like it is.

As I implied above, I wouldn't recommend this book to people who are just starting out. It might make them run screaming to the hills. However, I do recommend it for marketers who are past the rookie stage, either as a refresher or to pick up some useful new tips.

Great job, Guy & Peg!!!
Profile Image for Sergei_kalinin.
451 reviews176 followers
September 13, 2017
Довольно неплохая книга по SMM и контент-маркетингу. Есть лишь два "но"... Во-первых, многие каналы продвижения (вроде заблокированных Роскомнадзором LinkedIn и SlideShare) для России мало актуальны. Во-вторых, множество полезных сервисов, рекомендуемых автором также бесполезны для России, т.к. не работают с нашими соцсетями вроде ВК, Одноклассников и т.п.

Из "плюсов": 1) будет однозначно полезна начинающим SMM-щикам, т.к. даёт некий общий алгоритм/систему работы; 2) новые идеи там смогут найти и опытные интернет-маркетологи, правда, плотность их невысока.

PS Книга существует только в электронном виде, покупал на ЛитРесе.
Profile Image for Silvino Santos.
1 review
December 4, 2014
This book is very accessible, is oriented to be useful and practical in building our online strategy, personal and professional. It is an essential guide for anyone starting in Social Media and an essential reference for anyone who is promoting itself online presence!
This book reflects the authors' experience, through suggestions and practical tips easy to implement. Was thought to with clear guidance for action, namely: Do it yourself!
Profile Image for Steph Myers.
345 reviews3 followers
February 2, 2015
It's hard for me to say I loved this book, but I will say it is an easy and quick read. It wasn't an "I want to read" so much as an "I need to read" title. Guy is quickly becoming ubiquitous in social media circles. He definitely knows his stuff and I like that he has created something that is essentially a bulleted reference book. It would be one to keep by the desk for a while when ramping up social media activity.
Profile Image for Alice.
21 reviews28 followers
October 15, 2015
I don't feel like I am a social media wiz - although I'd love to be one, or I would have chosen another reading - but i haven't found anything i didn't know already. Or maybe i did find between the lines something that's not that obvious: to rock social media you need to be persistent and patient, something you don't always have the luxury to be. Nonetheless, the ebook version has the perk to have linked in a lot of useful resources, a really nice plus.
Profile Image for Expat Amber.
78 reviews204 followers
October 28, 2014
How to become a social media superstar? Just starting this out of sheer curiosity and the fact that it was free on NetGalley. Unconvinced that there will be no fluff between the covers.
Profile Image for Gizem Kendik Önduygu.
91 reviews117 followers
September 30, 2017
"Socialist" kelimesini sosyal medyacılar üzerinden tekrar tanımlamak gibi küçük bir hedefleri de var.
Profile Image for Melanie.
106 reviews76 followers
July 6, 2015
This book is great for people who works with social media. I liked it because is easy and straight to the point.
Profile Image for Jay French.
2,151 reviews83 followers
June 17, 2018
While I thought I was pretty well rounded when it comes to the use of social media for my work, I realize after just a few minutes of listening to this audiobook that I’m just a layman. I learned a number of things, and only ran across a few things that were obvious. There’s a mix of content that is evergreen and content that might have a shorter shelf life, including lists of companies offering content. I will find value in both. I am torn over how I feel about the audio version. There is good list-based information and plentiful web site links, and I feel that having a paper or digital book for reference might be of more value, but the audio is a quick way to understand what you don’t know. Overall, I really enjoyed this and may be looking to get the paper version.
Profile Image for Elaine.
463 reviews18 followers
December 20, 2018
Guy Kawasaki is an engrossing speaker and thinker and the vast majority of what he has to say I will listen to. The book is a slim volume, with numerous pages with pictures/screen shots of web pages. In other words, think limited power tips, and not necessarily for power users. The book is heavy on ideas for twitter and facebook, praises google+ extensively, hawks his news aggregator site in multiple places, and treats LinkedIn as if it is an unwanted invitation to the party. Pinterest is given full coverage. He provides extensive links to information in the e-book; I read the hard copy and might have found the e-version more useful as I could follow links.

Guy has as series of new LinkedIn videos that covers the same points, and in much less time. In addition, you can skip around, avoid most of his marketing for his products, and glean what you think is useful. I might have liked this book more if I had not already listened to his LinkedIn videos. Even there, however, he marketed the book, Canva as a way to create graphics and his news aggregator.

This might have been a bleeding edge book in 2014 but in 2018 it appears pretty thin.
Profile Image for Terri Nakamura.
Author 1 book16 followers
October 13, 2022
I enjoyed this book but I wish Guy or Peg had narrated it :) I once heard Guy talk about the reasons for NOT narrating one's own audio book, so I understood why a professional was used.

The Art of Social Media covers all of the essentials for anyone starting a social media account or an expanded footprint across various channels. It's interesting how the book was written in 2014, but a lot of the advice is still solid.

Because I recently wrote a book, I was particularly interested in Chapter 12, "How to put everything all together," which uses a nonfiction book launch as a case study for deploying social media. It was comprehensive and included things I haven't implemented yet, so it gave me some ideas of how I can continue to reach people. Because of this chapter, I've given the book five stars.
Profile Image for Oguzcan Yesilyaprak.
297 reviews10 followers
December 26, 2019
Reklamla ve Sosyal Medya ile ilgili birçok kitabı bulunan Mediacat Yayıncılıktan çıkan bu kitap sosyal medyada ki takipçilerinize değer katmayı ve çevrimiçi anlamlı bağlantılar kurmayı başarmanıza yardımcı olacak değerli, uygulanabilir ipuçları sunuyor. 120'den fazla "güçlü ipucu" sağlayıp 1 veya 2 saatte bitirebileceğiniz bu çerezlik kitap 12 bölümden oluşurken içerisinde ve başlığında sosyal medya geçse de sadece ilk akla gelen İnstagram, Facebook, Twitter bulunmayıp alternatif olarak Google+, LinkedIn vb sosyal medya araçları bulunuyor ve profil fotoğrafları ile profil düzenlenmesi gibi birçok konu hakkında içeriğin nasıl hazırlanması gerektiğine yardımcı oluyor.
Profile Image for Lis Carey.
2,213 reviews126 followers
December 8, 2014
Guy Kawasaki has been in the forefront of effective promotion of products, services, and one's own skills and talents since his days as the Chief Evangelist for the Apple Macintosh, when personal computers were the exciting new toy and not an appliance we all carry in our pockets. Instead of being left behind by the rapidly changing world of online computing and social media, he has remained a leader, and has become of a great teacher of how to use the same skills and tools for your own benefit. If you have a social media presence--and it's getting harder and harder to function, especially as a working professional or entrepreneur, without one, you want to use these tools effectively.

Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick have between them mastered all the social media tools you'll want to use. This book is a short, clear, practical presentation of what Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest are good for, and how you can use them. Social media platforms are also, of course, opportunities to make a fool of yourself before a public of a size almost unimaginable for the average person twenty years ago. There are also helpful pointers here on how to avoid doing that. This includes guidance on the ways the different platforms are different. What's acceptable on Facebook isn't what is acceptable on LinkedIn, or Twitter, or Pinterest. Go hashtag-happy on Pinterest, but be more restrained on Twitter, for instance. You'll find guidance on how to present yourself effectively, both to potential future employers and to peers.

I want to emphasize that this book is clear. You won't be left with useful-sounding platitudes but then find when you try to follow them that the specifics you need aren't there. The specifics are here, including visuals where that's helpful.

Highly recommended.

I received a free electronic galley of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.
Profile Image for Jo Miller.
2 reviews10 followers
December 4, 2014
The Art of Social Media Power Tips for Power Users by Guy Kawasaki
The Art of Social Media is filled with a practical and easy to use information. Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick have given us a map to social media, as it is right now. Whether you are new to social media or you are looking to fast track to the next level with your existing social media strategy, you will find useful up-to-date and step-by-step guides, tips and tools in the Art of Social Media.

Reading the Art of Social Media was like sitting down with a mentor and getting the inside scoop. Guy and Peg, along with their social media superstar friends, gave me new ideas and tools that I am quickly integrating into my own social media practice.

What I liked most about this book:

1. Peg's and Guy's personalities shine through each page.
2. Links, tools, examples, details, and clear how-tos - value!
3. Guy and Peg share the stage with many other social media evangelists and superstars that give the reader a broader perspective on many topics and introduce fantastic people and brands for the reader to follow.
4. Check lists and calls to action that focus the reader on clear steps to greater social media efficiency.
5. Chapter organization and and the index with links - I found that when I want to go back and review a topic the index is my go-to tool.

Social media platforms and technology are constantly changing. The tips, tools and reasoning in the Art of Social Media around brand creation, content curation, community management and, as they put it, 'How to Avoid Looking Clueless' will continue to serve you as social media evolves.

Profile Image for Nina.
1 review
January 15, 2015
Guy is smart and knows how to create a good book with a solid backbone on most any subject. What makes this book really good is the partner he picked to collaborate with. This seems to be Guy’s m.o. in writing books, and he picked a great co-writer in his prior book APE as well.

He and co-writerPeg Fitzpatrick have created a book that spells out how to use social media for beginners and more advanced users. I consider myself an advance user and yet learned a lot of good tips and how to develop a system in this ever changing world.

Yes, all the information in this book is on the internet but Guy and Peg put it all in one place in a clear concise way with strategies for you to implement. It can save you a lot of time.

His writing is succinct and clear with a little humor splashed in for color. The links in the book will keep you up to date so when Facebook decides to make another change you will be in the know. These links are valuable because social media is the most dynamic area out there.

It is a good book and will save you time. You wont have to read the ten or so usual blogs to figure social media out. I will be recommending it to friends who are starting out and others who need to refine their social media skills.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 395 reviews

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