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288 pages, Paperback
First published January 1, 2015
"There's a robot in the garden," my wife informed me.
"Now, I have to admit that the idea of traveling across the desert in a Dodge Charger with a retro robot and a radioactive sausage dog is not something I would have imagined myself doing. But life takes us in peculiar directions sometimes, and on those occasions the only thing to do is give it a high-five and roll with it.
It was half past seven in the morning when the robot entered our lives.Ben and Amy never wanted kids. They’d discussed the upsides of not having them, such as never having to stress over Halloween costumes, and decided that was a very good reason for not starting a family. They had discussed getting a robot, but this wasn’t what they had in mind.
My new backpack arrived the next day, smelling of warehouse and containing an excessive amount of little packets of silica gel. As fast as I bundled things into the bag, Tang pulled them out again, each item of curious interest to him for about ten seconds, then discarded.Amy was the one who always wanted an android to help around the house, and Ben was the uncertain one, which is why it surprises them both that Amy wants this one taken to the tip, and Ben’s considering traveling half way around the world in order to fix it.
Tang noticed me chuckling and began to kick his legs up and down with happiness. But as the tune continued to ring out, my mood began to dip. Tang had such a lot of personality, and it was growing all the time. Yet he was not ‘born to be wild’, He was… ‘made to be servile’. And with the thought of his leaking cylinder that meant his time would be up sooner or later, it all made me sad.Now Amy has left Ben, and Ben and Tang are off to America in an attempt to find out where Tang was created, to find someone to fix him.
‘There’s a robot in the garden,’ my wife Amy, informed me.