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The Driving Force: Extraordinary Results With Ordinary People

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What makes a company great? After all, management trends come and go. Economic conditions fluctuate and market demands shift. Corporations re-structure and new owners take over. The one constant, the one enduring truth, is that people define the character of a company. They always have and always will. Motivated, passionate people make the difference between ho-hum mediocrity and extraordinary performance. That's the message from Peter W. Schutz, former CEO of Porsche AG and author of this new book. Schutz explains that people are the heart and soul of any business. In The Driving Force , he shares a wealth of insights he learned throughout his career that relate to the successful management of people.

327 pages, Hardcover

First published November 1, 2005

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Profile Image for Mallory (onmalsshelf) Bartel .
795 reviews77 followers
January 10, 2019
5 🌟. I listened to the audio book. While the quality of the audio recording could have been improved, the story and advice of Peter W. Shutz is extraordinary. I grabbed the audiobook on Audible upon recommendation from his daughter, Lori, when she visited the PCA Michiana Region for an event as our zone rep.

I would recommend the book to anyone who is a Porsche fanatic, an engineer, or anyone in management and business. His advice his unparalleled.
Profile Image for Russ.
160 reviews5 followers
September 29, 2018
Possibly the best book on leadership I've ever read--really connected with me. Not written by a consultant, but rather someone that actually gained enough experience and perspective to have a "teachable point of view" on just about every aspect of leading.
March 31, 2014
Peter Schutz is a client of mine. I wasn't sure what to expect when I got this book as a gift but it was a really good mix of Porsche history and management ideology.
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 reviews

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