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Simon's Cat #4.25

Simon's cat: sveglia!

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A pocket-sized collection of sleep-themed Simon's Cat cartoons selected from the first three Simon's Cat books. In full colour and featuring a selection of brand new cartoons, Simon's Cat is back, only smaller, cheaper and cuter but as sleepy as ever.

80 pages, Paperback

First published December 6, 2012

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About the author

Simon Tofield

36 books231 followers
Simon started drawing cartoons at an early age and went to study Graphics and Animation at De Montfort University. He has a great interest in British wildlife, painting, the great outdoors and of course cats. He now works in London as an animator and director at Tandem Films.
Simon lives in Bedfordshire with this three cats: Hugh, Maisie, Jess and Teddy.

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 reviews
Profile Image for Gerry.
Author 43 books114 followers
November 28, 2016
I do usually enjoy all types of cat books and having tried (and failed) to enjoy one Simon's Cat title, I decided to try another. Unfortunately the result was the same as last time, I could find little empathy with the unfortunate creature. Indeed, the title of the book 'Wake Up!' puzzled me slightly although I suppose in many of the cartoons Simon's Cat is sleeping and is sometimes being messily woken up - as on occasion is Simon himself.

There are some instances which are recognisable, such as the cat doing everything possible to make sure that Simon wakes up - presumably to rise and get him some food. The cat sleeping on the radiator is another familiar scene as felines do like to make sure they are ensconced in a comfortable and warm place, which is not the case when Simon's cat is fast asleep behind the chimney pot on the roof!

Disturbing Simon while he is reading shows how mischievous Simon's cat can be, so much so that ultimately Simon gives up on the book! But overall I am a little disappointed with the cartoons and I wonder who the grey cat that flits in and out of various scenes is. Overall I don't think I will be trying another 'Simon's Cat' book - but I realise that he is probably a cult figure and it is perhaps me that is unable to understand. Sorry!

Profile Image for Merve Akpınar.
464 reviews19 followers
October 16, 2020
Videos are really much more fun than books. There is not enough detail and it is all too repetitive. Simon's cat is constantly trying to sleep. Simon's cat and the other little cat are constantly trying to get each other's place. Now I think these books are just published to make money. If I didn't find a free pdf, I certainly wouldn't have looked. See if you find it, but frankly it's not worth buying.


Videolar gerçekten kitaplardan çok daha eğlenceli. Yeterli detay yok ve hepsi çok tekrarlı. Simon'ın kedisi sürekli uyumaya çalışıyor. Simon'ın kedisi ve diğer küçük kedi sürekli birbirlerinin yerini almaya çalışıyor. Artık bu kitapların yalnızca para kazanmak amacıyla basıldığını düşünüyorum. Ücretsiz pdf bulmasam kesinlikle bakmazdım. Eğer bulursanız bakın, ama almaya değmez açıkçası.
Profile Image for Mairita (Marii grāmatplaukts).
602 reviews188 followers
December 12, 2015
Dikti jautri un patiesi, cik kaķi ir mīļi un kretīniski :) Melnbaltā versija man vizuāli patīk labāk, bet šī mazā grāmatiņa ir jauks 5 min. variants omas uzlabošanai.
Profile Image for Meakuel.
735 reviews3 followers
June 6, 2021
Einige Schmunzler dabei. Katzenbesitzer erkenn die absonderliche Schlafwahl von Katzen an, ob zu kleine Kartons, Papier(das man vorher geschreddert hat, frische Wäsche oder einfach nur im Weg. Dazu natürlich auch unausweichlich Versuche den Dosenöffner zu wecken, weil Futter oder weil halt. Wirklich niedlich und ich bewundere es, wie in zumeist nur einem Bild eine ganz klassische Situation eingefangen wird.
Profile Image for Gustavo Hernández.
199 reviews28 followers
November 14, 2020
Un lindo libro ilustrado que nos muestra las diversas formas en que se despierta un gato o bien nos despiertan. Simon Tofield despliega su talento para mostrarnos sus divertidos dibujos. Se me hizo muy corto, me faltó quizás algunos textos o bien alguna sorpresa.
Profile Image for Wilde Sky.
Author 16 books38 followers
February 13, 2017
A cat suffers and causes various indignities.

I found this book very amusing and the illustrations were good.

If you have cats this is worth a look.
Profile Image for Kristina.
407 reviews26 followers
January 30, 2019
Уникални илюстрации. Гледаш ги и се сещаш за твоята котка
Profile Image for Katy .
18 reviews1 follower
August 8, 2022
Descripción gráfica de lo que significa vivir con un gato bajo el mismo techo.
Profile Image for Jessica.M.
81 reviews1 follower
November 8, 2022
I’m surprised how many people judged a little cat themed cartoon book so seriously and harshly lol
Profile Image for Pilar Benito Gonzales.
221 reviews18 followers
November 22, 2019
Los gatos son un mundo x_x

Les aseguro que mi mamá no soportaría a uno y probablemente, yo tampoco.

Este pequeño librito ilustra las actitudes más particulares de los gatos en casa con Simon de protagonista y tambien su dueño, que tiene que soportar todo lo que le hace.

Las 3 estrellitas son de las ilustraciones :)
Profile Image for Julie Rylie.
684 reviews69 followers
August 17, 2014
This book reminds me a lot of everyday things with my own cats <3 So, nothing better, really. Made me laugh and/or smile in every page.

The reason I liked this one more was because nearly - everything - portrayed, was or could have been done by Tristan
Profile Image for Libropacat.
266 reviews23 followers
September 4, 2016
No dejo de amar esta caricatura. Muchos dirán que es un intento de copiar a Garfield pero como no he visto los cómics de él, no tengo con que comparar.

E independientemente de eso, Simon's Cat será siempre mi preferido.
Profile Image for Kathleen Dixon.
4,165 reviews64 followers
March 22, 2013
This is a cute little book full of pictures that paint a thousand words, and one of a series of "Simon's Cat" books. Very funny!
Profile Image for Inga.
1,469 reviews60 followers
June 21, 2013
Simon's sleeping cats... not letting him sleep. Cat behaviour in a few pictures.
Funny. As usual.
Profile Image for Rae Gee.
Author 6 books47 followers
March 24, 2014
This was given to me as a birthday gift and, like all of the Simon's Cat books, it's a great, easy, and very funny read. There's nothing like a bit of Simon's Cat to make a dull day a lot better!
December 30, 2015
Great Read

It's just a small book but very funny. Well worth the price.
Definitely a good way to cheer yourself up.
Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 reviews

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