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Rain’s nights have been restless, filled with sensual dreams of a big blonde Immortal whose glares indicate he wants nothing to do with her. She is determined to shake off her growing obsession until she finds out her dream lover is responsible for her rescue from a demented Demi-God.

After a devastating betrayal over a century ago, Dorian refuses to trust or engage with any other than his Guardian family. He patrols the Realms, existing, but not living as he used to. He knows the moment he scents Rain that he has found his mate and after touching her he plans to avoid her as long as he can... Until he learns she is in danger.

Finding a way out of mating Rain means Dorian could succumb to madness and harm those that mean so much to him… but giving in to his burning urge for her means losing control in a heated mating frenzy sure to ignite them both and link them forever.

Warning: This book is intended for adult audiences; brief instances of M/F/F and M/F/M ménage; voyeurism and sexually explicit scenes.

292 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 28, 2014

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About the author

Setta Jay

22 books1,635 followers
Setta Jay is the author of the popular Guardians of the Realms series. She's garnered attention and rave reviews in the paranormal romance world for creating stories that incorporate a strong plot with a heavy dose of heat.

Setta loves to hear from readers so feel free to ask her questions on social media or send her an email and she will happily reply.

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EMAIL: settajayauthor@gmail.com

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Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,058 followers
October 10, 2015
4.5 destiny is a bitch stars
“I’m going to wreck you, Rain. You won’t ever want another...You may deserve more than you’re getting, but I won’t let go once I’ve had you…”

To say that Dorian has trust issues, is putting it mildly. Centuries ago he was wronged so horribly it has haunted him ever since. Now that he has found his mate he is at a loss of what to do, there is no way he will allow another female to get too close, see all he has seen and know his failures. His female is too pure and too innocent to destroy with his nightmares. He chooses to deny them the fate that they are destined for...but all unfortunately for him all you need to start the mating process is just one touch, and that is something even he can not resist.
“You don’t get it both ways. You don’t get to treat me like some mercenary bitch without knowing a thing about me, and you definitely don’t get to hate-fuck me.”

Rain's connection with the Guardian's put a big red target on her back, regardless if no one knew she was more than a best friend of one mated to a Guardian. There was always something about Dorian that called to her, and when she finds out the truth he has been hiding, she is determined to make him feel her wrath. He may not want her but damn if he gets to be a coward and run away and hide. Too bad need and anger are ruling her every whim making it hard to concentrate but hoping to get her point accross.
“Don’t lie to me. The fact that your legs are wrapped around me and your pussy is soaking through my pants tells me you’d love it if I fucked you right here, right now. You want to ride my dick as I pin you against this wall.”

“Yes, but you still haven’t earned that… or me. I’m not lining up to be another hole for you.”

Need, hunger and pain rides them hard. What Dorian doesn't realize is that he isn't the only one he is punishing, he's putting Rain through the same exact pain. Needing to right his wrongs he takes his time making it up to her, buying himself time to find a way to hide his memories that are sure to be shared during the mating ritual. But fate has other plans and to give her the strength they need to complete the bonding sooner than later.

Denying Ecstasy is Rain and Dorian's story, we first met Rain in Ecstasy Unbound and even then Dorian was off his game. Rain is strong and fierce, she loves hard and takes great pride in protecting those she cares for. Dorian is a tortured soul, who has lived his whole life punishing himself. My heart melted for this Guardian, he was so tender and yet demanding, he wanted to love but was scared to be loved. Rain was the perfect match for him, she had the strength to help carry the weight of his guilt and show him that he is allowed to be happy.

The overall plot in the form of the never ending threat to the realms and their way of life helps moves the story along, adding the perfect mix of thrills with all the sexiness. With each book we get to know the Guardians more and more, worming their way into my heart. I am totally addicted to these men, they all have their special gift and Dorian and Rains totally gives a new insight to water play. Highly recommended to all my friends who enjoy a tortured soul in a highly erotic-paranormal world.

ARC kindly provided by the author, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

***Quotes above are taken from the ARC version of the book and may differ upon publication.
Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,397 reviews1,358 followers
November 11, 2015
4.5 Mate me NOW Stars!


Denying Ecstasy is the third installment in The Guardians of the Realms Series by the gifted Setta Jay. Although each book is centered on the mating of the two main characters, each individual book offers it's own unique idiosyncrasies. Rain and Dorian's story is one of redemption, passion, and love.


Rain is a strong willed Mageia (which is an evolved human that is compatible to be an Immortal's mate) and she is best friends with Alyssa. In the previous read (Ecstasy Claimed), Alyssa and Rain were relocated to the Immortal Guardians Manor in order to be protected from the "evil forces" who only want to cause them harm. While in the safety of the Guardians protection, Rain catches the eye of one of the guardians. She is confused by his interest because he seems to have such disdain for her. While she is reeling trying to figure out what is going on, Dorian is brooding. Why you ask? When Dorian touched Rain, he realized that she was his mate!


"If he hated the idea of mating her, then why chance touching her and pushing them into this situation? The ugly sting to her ego wasn't making the reality any less true."-Rain

Dorian has an ugly history with women. One touch and Dorian is ruined! Although he cannot deny the feelings he has for her, he feels unworthy of her. He feels damaged because of his past. He tries everything he can to get out of mating her.

"If she's good and worthy, then I'm the last male she deserves. She doesn't even need to know how screwed she could have been."-Dorain


Both Dorian and Rain experience severe side effects from being near each other and yet NOT being together. Rain struggles with feelings of rejection and hurt. Dorian internalizes his desire to be with Rain and his feelings of guilt over his past. Once Dorian decides he can't fight the pull of her any longer, all bets are off! Rain, beyond so frustrated, plays hard to get. (And so she should!)

"Are you saying you don't want me, nymph? Because your pussy is calling you a liar."-Dorian

"Oh, my body wants you. It's my mind that wants nothing to do with you, my little guppy."-Rain


The push and pull of these two is full of intense tension and release. I felt such adoration for both of these characters as they struggle their way through. When Dorian and Rain finally come together, the mating is in place and the passion is off the chart.

"You're mine after this, Brianne. I won't ever settle for less."-Dorian

Not only do we witness the sweet redemption of Dorian but we experience the healing power that only Rain is able to offer him. These two are by far my favorite of the Guardian couples.

"She was so small and vulnerable, and he would keep her safe. She was his now, and his beast loved it."-Dorian


Overall, Denying Ecstasy offers up a magical combination of action, powerful males, mystical creatures, evil forces, and off the charts steam! The characters in this series continue to develop and intertwine as the action continues to build at a steady pace. The characters are unique and complex. The conflicts are intense and are explored to the fullest. The POV shifts seamlessly between the two main characters. I am amazed at how immersed I am becoming in this world. Before taking the plunge into this series, be prepared for anything and everything when it comes to sex. The Guardians and their mates are not afraid to lavish in anything and everything between the sheets. (Who doesn't enjoy a little naughtiness in their read?) Anyone who is a fan of PRN that has not read this series yet is truly missing out. I am so thankful that I discovered this series. Of course I am already reading the next book! What will I do when I have finished them all?


***Guardians of the Realms Series***
Hidden Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms, #0.5) by Setta JayEcstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms, #1) by Setta JayEcstasy Claimed (The Guardians of the Realms, #2) by Setta JayDenying Ecstasy (Guardians of the Realms, #3) by Setta JayTempting Ecstasy (Guardians of the Realms, #4) by Setta JayPiercing Ecstasy (Guardians of the Realms, #5) by Setta JayBinding Ecstasy (Guardians of the Realms, #6) by Setta JaySearing Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms, #7) by Setta Jay

~Arc given by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review!!!

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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,229 reviews13.4k followers
July 17, 2014
4.5 Melt the Panties Right Off of You Stars

Are you saying you don't want me, nymph? Because your pussy is calling you a liar."
"Oh, my body wants you. It's my mind that wants nothing to do with you, my little guppy."

This series needs to come with a warning. Read at the risk of your ovaries. Spare panties are not just recommended but required. Sweet mother of orgasms but Setta can write a smoking hot sex scene. But the best part? She can also write a fantastic story with phenomenal world building, hot as fuck alpha heroes and sassy-make-you-want-to-reach-through-your-kindle-to-high-five-them heroines.

I've been hooked on this series since the very first book and the author seems to only get better with each new release. It's like she's taken all my constructive criticism from the previous two and put all of it to work here to blow me away with this latest installment.

After a brutal betrayal by a woman a century ago, the last thing Dorian wants is to be caught up in the clutches of another one. A mating? Forget about it. Even if it's with his destined mate. He may burn for her like nothing he's ever experienced before, but he'll fight it with everything he's got. After all, his memories and guilt won't allow him to move on from what happened all those years ago and he doesn't feel worthy of it. When he learns of his mating to Raine, let's just say he's less than thrilled about it. OK, let's just put it out there, he was a grade A asshole about it.

I think that's what I truly appreciate about this series; while you have your usual PNR "mating" heat, there's no insta anything here. These characters don't just tumble into bed together. There's plenty of development to truly make you believe and feel their pairing.

Rain was a fantastic heroine. She gave as good as she got. While Dorian may have been a total asshole to her in his attempt to fight the mating, she certainly doesn't take it lying down...well...later she does. But really, who could resist all that is Dorian?

I loved the sexual tension in this story. Nothing better than that burn of anticipation, and the author really makes you feel it here.Though not gonna lie, it did leave me a raging sexually-frustrated-blue- ovaried mess at times that made me want to equal parts throttle Dorian ans scream at him to just

But I appreciated the burn nonetheless.

In addition to the romance there was also plenty of action, world building, and bad guys to add to the entertainment. And the author manages to weave it all together effortlessly.

There is also a side plot going on with another couple, but that only added to the enjoyment. Setta is able to combine these multiple POVs flawlessly without any confusion and making it feel necessary as opposed to a filler or addition. That's no small feat, let me tell you.

This was easily my favorite book in the series. If you're looking for a smoking HAWT PNR series, you really need to look no further than this. Just make sure you have certain "provisions" on hand as you read. Just sayin ;)

Then there is that teaser of an ending. GAH! How can an author end a book in a satisfying HEA while still leave you begging for the next one? I have not a clue, but fucking A I need Conn's book like yesterday.

**ARC gifted (and gleefully received) by author in exchange for an honest review**

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Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,135 followers
October 5, 2015
Deny all you like, but mating wins out in the end…

I can’t decide if knowing what my hubby is thinking would be a good thing or a bad thing. Yes – When he sees me in a nice outfit and his eyes light up. NO – When I’ve spent too much on a shopping trip or my one-click addiction. Maybe – When I got that cool orange top…either it makes my skin glow…or I look like an oompa loompa. I think I’ll leave the mind sharing talent with the immortals and hope that hubby will let me down gently if it’s oompa loompa.

Denying Ecstasy was another great installment to this series. I generally start each story grumbling, mumbling and disliking the heroes for their stubborn and sometimes idiotic ideas. I feel sympathy for the heroines, but also want to tell them to not put up with crap. Then there is a few AHHA moments when I see what the main characters have lived through. The desire between destines mates jumps off the pages and I get dragged into the mating frenzy with them. The conclusion leaves me on a high and I want to get to the next installment as soon as possible. I’m glad I came to the party late and a few of the books have already been released.

In Denying Ecstasy we’ve met both Dorian and Rain in previous installments. Dorian is a cranky arse. He uses women for pleasure and release to keep himself at optimal performance. Setta Jay is good. Where else would you find a storyline that the main characters energy is dependent on sexual release? He only has sex with humans now after a very bad experience with immortal women. This experience changed his life and left him with feelings of inadequacy and shame. This means that when his mate drops into his life…he runs screaming.

Rain has had her whole life uprooted. First from her best friend getting mated to a Guardian and that friendship put her in the firing line from their enemies. She has to leave her home, family and business to stay safe in the compound where the Guardians live. Once moved into the compound she is drawn to Dorian, but is ignored or glared at by him. Rain isn’t the sort of woman to go where she’s not wanted, so avoids him as much as he avoids her. Things change when the frenzy hits and it is not plain sailing or straight to – “sit on my face and tell me that you love me” (Monty Python -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkJnd...) feelings. This mating takes time and a lot of work to get to their happy place.

As I said above, some things in this series makes me want to be a destined mate and have a partner who’s possessive, controlling and manipulates me (in a good way) to do what they want. Other times I would definitely steer clear of an immortal who’s possessive, controlling and manipulates me (good way or not) to do what they want. Lots of sexy times with great characters who draw you into their world and make you feel like you know them.

I’m addicted to this series and I can’t help myself…I NEED TO GO ON :-)

I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

October 19, 2014

This was definitely a favourite of mine. I've mentioned it before, I love love love rejection and loneliness and it seemed like Setta Jay once again channeled into my likes list and delivered a book that I couldn't help but love.

It's comes as no surprise that I loved the hell out of the steamy sex scenes (and can I just say, I was more than hella prepared for them this time around, kufufufu), but what made it even more delicious was the terrible wait that our misguided hero forced us through. When it finally happens its all

And I absolutely loved Rain. I definitely had an emotional connection with her so I was feeling for her every step of the way. And Dorian is a great hero as well. Considering his past, it's totally understandable why he acts the way he does, even though he does come off as a jerk (not that I minded, that assholelustaemia of mine was on a blissful high). But he's man enough to admit he was wrong and try to make it up to her by seeing to her pleasures. And let me tell ya, he takes his pleasuring duties hella seriously.

So, why not five stars? The lack of five stars actually comes from the side story. I have no problem with side stories, in fact, I absolutely loved Erik and Sam's side story in the previous two books. But Brianne and Vane? I dunno, they're just not clicking for me. Whilst they look good on paper (BAMF female and possessive alpha), I'm not a big fan of their century long on and off hookups. Just a personal preference.

Overall, an enjoyable read. I cannot recommend this series enough. And if my attempt at a sensible review has not convinced you to at least consider reading this series, then have yourself a quote I'm sure you could probably keep in mind when your significant other needs to beg your forgiveness and wants to know how they can make it up to you.
"If only he could just spend his days eating her sweet pussy until she forgave him."

Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,711 reviews1,408 followers
March 20, 2020
You ever get so caught up in a series that you're frustrated having to take the time to write a review?
That's where I'm at. I just want to get back to it. So I'll sum up some of the things I loved and hope it's enough to entice you to join me!

💦 This story starts off with one insanely hot menage scene (although it led to devastation) and had another insanely hot menage scene towards the end. Setta Jay knows how to write some AMAZING sex!
💦 Dorian is an Immortal Guardian who lived through a horrific loss and still suffers from guilt and remorse. His burden is so heavy that although he finds his mate, he strongly believes that she deserves better than him and does everything possible to keep her away. His determination only ends up hurting them both.
💦 Rain turned out to be powerful mortal. She not only has power over water, but the creatures that live within it. She was the perfect match and complement to Dorian. She just needed to get past his doubts, insecurities, and general a-holeness first. Let the grovelling begin!
💦 A sexy story is brewing between Brianne and Vane. These two have been lovers for ages, but always knew that their relationship was doomed. There's no way that they could be together forever because the races don't mix. However, something's happening and I'm eager to find out exactly how it all fits.
💦 There's so much going on and although this could be read as a standalone, I think it would be a better experience if the books are read in order. And really, you're not losing anything by reading all of the books because they're awesome!

I already spent enough time telling you how great this read was and I'm eager to dive back into Tempting Ecstasy.

Book 1 - Ecstasy Unbound - ★★★★✩
Book 2 - Ecstasy Claimed - ★★★★✩
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,509 reviews83 followers
April 2, 2016
ARC received for review

This series and these Guardians are HOT! I'm loving every story I'm reading. Sexy and possessive males and their amazing mates. I wanted to knock Dorian on his arse for making Rain wait so long. His reasons were valid, but he didn't give Rain enough trust.

Plus there's again the bonus story with Vane and Brianne, but that one is not over yet.

Then there's the last chapter, and I really hate that I have to go to work and can't start Conn's book.
Profile Image for Lillian ☁ Cloud 9 Books ☁.
574 reviews343 followers
June 16, 2017
***** 4.5 Stars *****

"You want me to apologize after catching you nearly f*ing another male? If you want to be f*ed, then you will be. By me."

I loved this much better than Book 2. Rain is a woman that has been rejected constantly in her life. Disappointment is nothing new to her. Being mated was something to be cherished, but Dorian didn't want to be with her. He believed that she deserved a life without his failures and pain.

The mating frenzy is driving them both crazy until they can't control themselves. Like the previous books in the series, it gets seriously HOT and dirty. We also get to finally witness the chemistry between Vane and Brianne. Their story contains a lot of unknown surprises.

Although these books can be read as a standalone, they are all connected. To fully enjoy Guardians of the Realms, these books should be read in order.

description description description

Profile Image for J. Kahele.
Author 15 books438 followers
March 9, 2016
After being betrayed by a woman centuries earlier, Dorian is set on never letting a woman into his life, accept to take care of his sexual needs. But what if he finds his mate?

Rain’s body begins to suffer, her body feeling different than normal. She looks to Sirena, the healer for answers who tells her that she has been mated. What she is feeling is the sexual draw that cannot be satiated until she mates with him. It doesn’t take very long to find out who that mate is.

Dorian is denying Rain as his mate, fighting it with all that is in him. It’s not because of her, but is because he is afraid of bringing her into his life, afraid that she may be harmed. But can he just ignore the sexual urge for her, that literally takes over his body and his every thought?
Profile Image for Tanja ~ KT Book Reviews .
1,505 reviews206 followers
February 1, 2016
Rain and Dorian. He is tormented with betrayals and mistakes of the past and is our emotionally broken and unavailable Guardian. She didn’t ask for this, didn’t want this and feels hurt, angry and embarrassed by a mate she doesn’t even know. It’s a good old love-to-hate-you kinda vibe! Oh-so much hot alpha going on.

Click here for Series Review books 1-5

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KT Book Reviews
Profile Image for Stacie.
2,405 reviews260 followers
March 28, 2016
I'm loving this series!! It is deliciously indulgent and sexy with a good storyline going too. The series must be read in order. Raine and Dorian tried to fight the frenzy, but the frenzy will always win. I loved them together. Something about the water...There is also something very interesting going on with Brianna and Vane. I can't wait to see what that is all about. I'm in this series until the end. Lots of great characters to see find their mates. I think I'm finally getting all the characters and races down. Happy reading!
Profile Image for Jeanny.
1,985 reviews168 followers
December 15, 2015
This eARC was kindly provided by the publisher via Netgalley. All comments, reviews, & ratings are my own.

An entertaining read with interesting characters. Vlane of course continues to please me.*wink I look forward to the conclusion in his love story.
Multiple( 3+) POVs - This book revolves around two separate couplings.
Some progress was made in the overall story arc
My rating: 4 solid stars
I will be continuing the series.
Profile Image for Mindy (Book Snitch).
725 reviews225 followers
August 28, 2014

A century ago Dorian was betrayed by a woman and watched as she brutally murdered his best friend in front of him. This event forever changed him and the only immortals he trusts are his fellow Guardians. When he catches his mates scent, he will do anything to avoid her. Until his beast senses her in danger and starts the mating process by touching her.

Rain now lives in Tetartos at the Guardian Manor. She has been feeling sexually frustrated for a while now and soon discovers that she's come in contact with her mate. The only person she can imagine it being is the only person she knows she's never touched or even talked to.

Setta Jay has hit her stride with this one. I absolutely love Rain and Dorian. Of course I wanted to bitch slap Dorian through the first half of the book and I could feel my anger rolling with each turn of the page. Rain is the sassy and feisty in Ecstasy Claimed and still is but we get to see her vulnerable side in Denying Ecstasy. The sex is off the charts hot! And can I just say HELLO PROLOGUE!! WOW!!


I do have to give a shout out to Conn for asking the question that I constantly ask myself when reading series like this "How is it that we go centuries with hardly any Immortals finding their destined mates, and then within weeks, Uri, Gregoire, and now you (Dorian)? Not to mention Erik, all at the same time." Did we get an answer? Hell no, but at least the question is out there and I'm ok with that.

OH!! The plot thickens! There is some major shit going down in the realms and I'm eagerly waiting for the next books. I've gotta know what's going on. What the fuck is Elizabeth doing? Conn!! OMG Conn!! I wanna know what he knows. Vane and Brianne! I LOVE THEM!! I can't wait to read more about them. Alyssa and Gregoire... well, well... that's all I'll say.

Overall, I LOVED IT!! Hot sex, fantastic story and it just keeps getting better and better! AND I LOVE THE GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND CHARACTERS!! It helps out so much when trying to keep your characters and realms straight :)


"It's my mind that wants nothing to do with you, my little guppy."

"Yes, Rain's a cool chick. She'll rule all your little sea horses, Flipper. She's also feisty as shit, and I don't envy you if you hold out much longer."

"Im fine with this, whatever it is, but pee on me and start acting like Gregoire and we have issues."

"You've seen his warhorse. I'm surprised he hasn't broken Alyssa in half. My respect for that female went up fifty notches when she didn't run screaming from him when she caught sight of that thing. Shit, we all know she was a virgin."


Profile Image for Liz F.
719 reviews
August 13, 2016
Review copy courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley.

This was another interesting entry into the Guardians of the Realm series. I'm continually delighted by this series and how the author manages to keep the stories fresh, even three books in.

Rain was a pretty cool heroine. She saw her mate at another mating ceremony and knew he was for her (it's a scent thing). The fact that he seemed like he hated her really threw Rain for a loop! Her reactions and feelings made a lot of sense to me. Finding your mate is a huge big deal. Rain was thrilled that her mate was such a strong, awesome, sexy guy. But to be rejected by him was so terribly horrible. I mean, knowing that he would rather literally be in pain than be with you - wow, talk about a serious blow to the ego! Rain handled it like a champ, though. I liked that she was determined to no let him see how much he hurt he with his rejection. I loved that she stuck to her guns, especially when she came out with her dignity intact.

Dorian was a right prick at first. It helped to learn what he went through a century ago. It explained why he was so mistrustful and distant with women, especially Rain. But that doesn't mean that I forgave him right away! The reason that he didn't want a mate made total sense but, damn, he was REALLY mean to Rain. He said some awful things and it just wasn't necessary. Having said that, I ended up being glad that he was such a jerk at first because when he finally takes his head out of his butt and realized how awesome Rain was, it was that much sweeter. He really would end up being an amazing mate and Rain ended up landing herself one hell of a guy.

The Sexy Time was hot and plentiful. Wow! It didn't begin until after the 50% mark but it felt natural to wait, seeing what Rain and Dorian were going through with each other. They really make up for the wait though... yowza! I loved that Rain and Dorian went from disliking each other to not being able to get enough of each other. I thought it was great that Rain didn't make it easy for Dorian once he came around but she wasn't a bitch and she never made him grovel like she originally planned. I really respected her a lot for letting it go because instead of holding on to her anger, she went with her gut and with what her heart was telling her.

This was a great book. Like Book 2, I don't feel like this is a stand-alone book. But if you insist, I think readers who don't need to have the WHOLE picture could probably muddle through and just enjoy Rain and Dorian's journey. Keep in mind though that there is the series-arcing story of the bad guys and there are at least one, maybe two, other love stories going on as well. Some that started back in Book 2. So sure, readers could enjoy this on its own but I'm having such a good time with this series that I can't imagine why anyone would want to miss anything! Anyway, there are more than a couple of laughs in this story, a bit of angst, and a little action. For me, this book had everything I need in a paranormal romance!
Profile Image for Marta Cox.
2,803 reviews214 followers
August 5, 2015
This is yet another extremely erotic read from this author who clearly has the most vivid imagination! Yes these books should indeed carry a warning because hot and sweaty times abound. This time it's the Immortal Dorian who has found his Mate but his past haunts him and he has absolutely no intention of claiming her because in doing so Dorian would be sharing all his memories and secrets.
Rain is a mortal whose family have chosen to live in the Tetartos realm and since first seeing Dorian at her friends wedding he's all she can think about. Problem is he looks like he hates her and Rain has no idea why . When Rain starts showing signs of the "Mating Frenzy" it's feared that she is bound to one of the evil acolytes who recently kidnapped her but no it turns out the source of her misery is much closer to home and it's the one male who keeps trying to avoid her it's Dorian!
Dorian has reason not to trust females but he was such an arrogant and rude armpit towards Rain! Accusing her of just wanting to share his immortality. Now the reader knows that if he would let his past go Dorian would make an awesome Mate because he is just so protective. Luckily Rain is made of stern stuff and no matter how much her body might yearn for Dorian she stays strong. When things come to ahead and they both realise that maybe they should take things further it's still not quite a done deal but Rain is never bitter and her quiet determination really impressed this reader. Although I confess it was Dorians possessive nature that really gave me qualms.
I wanted more plot if honest and although there are some action scenes and one in particular that had consequences that will reverberate as this series continues I felt something was lacking. Yes we still get to see the "bad guys"but I have a sneaky suspicion that the author mght try to redeem at least one of them. Sexy times dominate the second half of the book with dirty talk and interesting scenes involving water. So if explicit reads are not your thing then this book is not for you as believe me you could not just flick through the odd page to avoid them. Having said that I am enjoying this series and wonder just what will happen next. I believe it's Conns book up next and he's a lovely wolf shifter so I'm onboard for his book I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Beth.
3,138 reviews290 followers
August 4, 2015
Warning: This is an explicit read.

This is Rain's and Dorian's story.

Rain is a mortal living in the Tetartos realm and her best friend was mated to a Guardian. After attending the wedding she can't get the big blond Guardian, Dorian out of her head.

Dorian knows he found his mate in Rain but refuses to accept it. Destroyed by a past lover, Dorian doesn't believe he deserves happiness and he absolutely doesn't trust a woman...so how can he tie himself forever to a mortal woman?

Jay writes ignitable situations that sizzle off the pages. The story is EROTIC with a capital E but is also balanced with a strong plot. If you are looking for a page burning erotic read, Denying Ecstasy is the book for you.

I received this copy of Denying Ecstasy from Setta Jay, LLC in exchange for a honest review.

My Rating: 4 Stars

Written by: Setta Jay
Series: The Guardians Of The Realms
Sequence in series: 3
Paperback: 290 pages
Publication Date: June 26, 2014
ISBN-10: 1500315176
ISBN-13: 978-1500315177
Genre: They say Paranormal Romance | I say erotica

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For Reviews and More Check out: http://tometender.blogspot.com

Profile Image for Steph (Teacups & Tropes).
842 reviews124 followers
April 14, 2020

“Are you saying you don’t want me, nymph? Because your pussy is calling you a liar.” - Dorian


I love Rain. Okay. So I loved her when she was introduced alongside Alyssa. She has spunk and fire and attitude. She's adventurous and she's brave and she runs the cutest little shop that sells stuff from Earth to the people in the cities in Tetartos. And then she finds out Dorian is her mate and he says he doesn't want her.


I get it. Dorian has a bad past, but all of the Guardians have tough pasts. DORIAN! DORIAAAAN! Lock this lady down! Rain has power over the creatures in the seas and she is one badass woman. Dorian does come to realize it, but Rain doesn't want to make it easy for him. He hurt her and she makes him work. As she should.

Rain is also one of the few partners who is not immortal. This means we get a tense and hot threesome at the mating ceremony. ;D I was happy to see finally getting some. Although I definitely thought Rain would use him to make Dorian jealous. But that's probably what I would have done. Rain isn't that type of girl.

Overall, I loved this book and I'm writing this review late because I literally could not stop myself from continuing.
Profile Image for Beebs.
549 reviews42 followers
January 14, 2016

Book 3 in the Guardians of the Realms series, Dorian and Rain's story.

Due to a betrayal years ago, Dorian no longer trusts women and doesn't think he deserves to find his mate and be happy. He has known for a while that Rain is his mate but chose not to claim her. Rain knows something is happening but is unaware that Dorian is her mate until events happen that result in the onset of the mating. She is hurt and confused by Dorian's rejection, especially as he hasn't even bothered to get to know her. Eventually, they have no choice but to get together and though Rain accepts that they have no choice, she makes Dorian explain his reasoning and grovel a bit for being such a douche previously. I think that this is one of the things I like most about this series, the women are not meek and mild, they are strong women who will fight for what they want. The sexual tension between these two is hot but there is no insta-love, their relationship and love grows as they get to know each other better.

While this book focuses more on the main couple, we do get glimpses of what is happening with Brianne and Vane and I can't wait to see how that plays out. There is a lot happening with the world building and that plot just gets more and more compelling, off to read Conn's book and to see what happens next.

* Received this book free from Netgalley
Profile Image for Rachel.
648 reviews11 followers
June 24, 2014
I've said it before and I will say it again, run don't walk to buy this book. You NEED to read Dorian and Rain's book. Plain and simple.

This book is HOT! I loved every page of it and couldn't put it down when I started it.

Dorian, what can I say other than he is just yum. Tall, tattooed and hot. Le sigh.

Rain is just awesome. I want to be her when I grow up. Not just so I get Dorian ;)

Throw them together and you get a book that will set your ereader on fire.

"I'm going to wreck you, Rain. You won't ever want another. You'll be mine completely after this."

This is the 3rd full length book in series and it's a series that keeps getting better, hotter and better. You also get a secondary storyline that has a plot twist you won't see coming.

All I can say is READ THIS SERIES ! I love this author and am already hanging out for the next book. Go see why she is my new favourite author.

I received a copy of this book from the author for review.
Profile Image for Kate.
162 reviews2 followers
March 26, 2017
Another sizzling Hot read;)

Loved! Book 3 in this series was amazing! Setta Jay makes you fall into her world of sizzlin hot writing and you fall in love with each character! This is a must read! Ten stars if I could:)
727 reviews72 followers
August 9, 2017
I have been thoroughly enjoying the Guardians of the Realms series. I’m a paranormal junky and so far this series has treated me to some exceptionally good, unbelievably sexy stories. Denying Ecstasy was no exception as I enjoyed it, although it’s not my favorite of the series.

My main issue is with Dorian. He let the past rule over his future and in doing so left his mate hanging. His thought process here was ridiculous, he was shocked when no one tried to force him to mate with Rain, not understanding that everyone but him knew they wouldn’t have to. It was going to happen whether he liked it or not, and he was just being a shit for putting not only himself but Rain through the pain of not being able to mate once he activated the process.

I really liked Rain and her situation really tugged at my heartstrings. She stayed strong throughout. Not being as much a dumbass as Dorian was, she knew it was inevitable but she made his life hell for his actions, and I cheered her for it.

What this book really excelled in was the chemistry between Dorian and Rain and the absolutely awesome sex scenes. Once Dorian pulled his head out of his ass, their chemistry caught fire and it was glorious. Their interludes were full of passion, emotions, and genuine feelings plus some Class A dirty talk. Holy cow, these scenes jumped off the page at me and I wanted more, even though they get down and dirty often.

I also loved time spent with the rest of the Guardians. Alyssa and Gregoire were just so sweet together, and Drake just keeps getting better and better. I peeked and it looks like I won’t get his story until book 7! I’m bummed but it just means I’m going to have to read the others faster.

Rating: 4 It’s All About The Passion Stars

Profile Image for Miri.
21 reviews2 followers
August 28, 2014
Denying Ecstasy

I received a copy of this book by the author for an honest review – and holy moly was it awesome reading! I’m not normally a fantasy reader, romance yes, but fantasy not so much, but this book has swayed me.

"I'm going to wreck you, Rain. You won't ever want another. You'll be mine completely after this." Yep, Dorian had me with that line. A dirty talking alpha is hot, hot, hot!

"Oh, my body wants you. It's my mind that wants nothing to do with you, my little guppy."

As for Rain, that woman has got sass along with sweetness and determination and she sure has Dorian’s number. Put them together and its like a volcano erupting!

Holy shit can Setta write a sex scene and steam up the pages, not to mention my glasses!

All that aside, the story was great to follow. The details, the trust issues, hurt, sadness, guilt, violence, action, love, sexual frustration…well you get the picture.

Now I have to find the rest of the books to the series…seriously Setta, if you are feeling generous, throw a fan a Guardian or two…or the books…I’ll gladly take those!
Profile Image for Nikki.
971 reviews257 followers
October 9, 2014
Holy Hot Merman Batman! I freaking love this series! I couldn't put it down! This author has really dug her claws in and hooked me! I love love loved this installment! Dorian, while a total ass at first, turned out to be such a hot, possessive, and loving merman (although they're called something different in this series). Rain was a spitfire and I loved that she didn't just rollover when he came to his senses and decided it was time to claim her. I loved the primary love story, I loved the secondary love story and can't wait to see how that turns out. I was even a little saddened when one of the bad guys met his untimely end. I really can't wait to see how that plays out. And, I so cannot wait to read about Conn! ❤
Profile Image for Lizz.
205 reviews15 followers
January 15, 2022
This book was definitely more about what is going on in the realms with fated mates and smut mixed in. The story was interesting and held my attention for the most part. Dorian and Rain's relationship was full of sexual tension which kept things interesting. The writing was great and kept me on the edge of my seat. I finished this book in a few hours.

The one complaint/issue I have with this book is that the author did not write about Dorian and Rain's blood bonding enough. She briefly mentioned what memories Dorian saw of Rain's life before him but she didn't write anything about Dorian's memories that Rain saw during the ceremony! The author teased it through the entire book going as far to say that was one of the main reasons Dorian did not want to complete the mating ritual. She teased it and then skipped right over it. It was so frustrating. I even went back a few chapters to make sure I didn't miss anything. That really surprised me since she was very thorough and detailed regarding just about everything else in the book.

The whole thing about Kane and Elizabeth was a little confusing to me. I had to go back and reread a few parts in their chapters to understand what was going on. Some of those chapters did not hold my attention as well.

Conn is mentioned a few times but not a lot is known about him. The next book in the series is his story about finding his mate. I am going to continue with the series but I am so disappointed about the author skipping over one of the most crucial elements of Rain and Dorian's mating ceremony.
816 reviews
October 16, 2016
- My initial thoughts: Oh boy… this won’t be good… don’t fight it man
- The whole find-your-mate-and-get-mated process becomes more intense with each book!
- I LOVED Dorian's depth of emotion; loved how he was possessive even though that's not a trait for his kind
- The tension between Dorian and Rain pre-mating was AWESOME
- The two were so hot together
- I KNEW Alyssa from the previous book! I loved being right about it :D
- HOLY CRAP I'm so excited about developments with Vane and Brianne!!! I. CAN'T. WAIT. to see what'll happen
- Author continues to deliver scorching hot scenes throughout the book
- Really enjoyed seeing a little more of Kane's character & story

Again, intensity remains until the very last page!!!! Can't wait to start the next one!
Profile Image for Marianna.
341 reviews530 followers
December 6, 2014
Read more reviews at A Lust for Reading. I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Guardian Dorian doesn't want a mate. Ever. A century ago betrayal has left him tainted towards women and feeling unworthy of happiness. But his brother Guardians are suddenly finding their own mates and it looks like he is next. As soon as he scents Rain, he knows she is his. But he wants nothing to do with her and her hot little body and he plans to fight the mating frenzy every step of the way. Unfortunately for him, that gets considerably more difficult once he touches her.

After all the years fantasizing of what it would be like to find her mate, Rain can't believe her's turned out to be such an asshole. Dorian's rejection equally hurts her and pisses her off and she plans on giving him a piece of her mind. That is, if she can actually get him to stay in a room with her for more than a few seconds. Or pull her mouth away from his long enough to talk.

When Dorian realizes just how much staying away is physically and emotionally hurting Rain, will he finally stop denying what is meant to be? Or will he continue to torture both of them?

I've said it before and I'll say it again (and again and again until you tell me to shut up): I. Love. This. Series. All of the men are dominant, dirty talking alphas and Dorian is no different. He was a pretty big jerk at the start and his avoidance of the inevitable was extremely frustrating, but eventually he makes up for it. With his mouth and in more ways than one.

Rain is feisty and independent but that doesn't make Dorian's rejection sting any less. I loved that she was strong enough to tell him how he was making her feel and put the brakes on when needed. Dorian's stubbornness meant we had to wait a little longer for these two to get together, but that just made it that much hotter when they did.

One of the other things I love about these books is that in addition to the main couple and story, we also have interesting side stories going on. While Dorian and Rain are trying to figure their shit out, the Guardians are still dealing with the constant unrest throughout the Realms. It feels likes something big is coming, but no one knows what. There is also something strange starting to happen between Vane and Brianne and I can't wait to see how that plays out.

This was another erotic and captivating read in Setta Jay's Guardians of the Realms series and I can't wait to continue on. Literally, as I plan on starting book 4, Tempting Ecstasy, next week. All of these books can absolutely be read as stand alone novels, but I highly recommend reading them all and in order. And for anyone keeping score, while all of Setta'a men are delicious, Uri is still my number 1.
Profile Image for Eva Millien.
3,115 reviews48 followers
November 23, 2015
Dorian knows that Rain is his mate but because of his past, he plans on avoiding her as long as he can and insists on finding a way out of the mating in this gripping paranormal romance.

Rain’s nights have been filled with dreams of a big blond guardian who wants nothing to do with her and the reader can’t help but get pulled into this gripping romance as Dorian fights his fate. The chemistry is certainly hot enough to test the strongest of immortals resolve but Dorian proves quite stubborn which keeps this relationship on a razor’s edge of restless desires, emotional turbulence and unfulfilled dreams. Strong captivating characters seize the reader’s attention and captures their heart while the fast paced, smooth flowing plot captivates readers with lots of suspense, action and romance.

Lots of dangerous battles keeps the adrenaline pumping as the Tria continuously send dangerous creatures to attack spreading the Guardians thin and causing lots of chaos and Vane and Brianne have a very unique and passionate experience that leads to some startling discoveries. Tension builds as heated encounters between Dorian and Rain make the mating harder to deny with their special abilities adding spice to the story. The well written scenes and details paint vivid imagery and sparks the readers’ imagination and makes it easy for them to become immersed in the story while the intriguing events draw the readers in and ensure that there is never a dull moment with some unexpected twists adding a bit of mayhem to the war.

This series just keeps getting better and better and I was completely taken with Dorian and Rain’s story from the very beginning, it was fascinating to follow Dorian’s stubborn denial of his mating and his inevitable downfall and I can’t wait to find out what happens next, especially as it seems that Vann and Brianne have something mysterious going on and it seems that Conn may have caught the scent of Lykos.
Profile Image for Tracey.
1,448 reviews69 followers
June 11, 2018
Book 3 in Setta Jay's Guardian Series. This is Dorian and Rains story.

The Guardians of the Realms series is centered around a group of Guardians that protect the earth and other realms from demons and others that might be a danger. The Guardians are hot sexy alpha men, but there are strong females in the group too. In the series there is a complete mixture of paranormal beings, something for everyone.

Onto this book-

Dorian has trust issues after being betrayed in the past, Rain has her own issues, one being she doesn't like being rejected and doesn't want someone that doesn't want her. If only the mating frenzy that ignites in them both knew how they felt!

How can Rain make him see her, can Dorian learn to let someone in......all this will be answered in this erotic PNR love story which is full of emotion, sex and action.

Dorians barriers need breaking down before we see the real him, but once you see him you'll love him. Rain has many qualities and a surprise of her own.

Mixed in with Rain and Dorians story we get to visit with the other couples, I'm a big fan of seeing how they are getting along, they're one big family who have each other's backs. We also get a taste of the next book which I'm now impatient for, bring on Con!

I enjoyed both previous books, but this one drew me in even more, maybe because I'm more familiar with the world and the characthers. Even if you're picking up this book before the other two, you would be able to enjoy but I'd really recommend starting with book 1.

Expect lots of sex, some angst and a gripping story full of engaging characthers.

5 super sexy vampy and racey stars

Want to check out the characthers, here's the link to how Setta visualises them - http://www.settajay.com/guardians.html

**i was gifted a copy for an honest review**
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