Continuing their first semester at university, fast friends Susan, Esther, and Daisy want to find their footing in life. But in the face of hand-wringing boys, holiday balls, hometown rivals, and the willful, unwanted intrusion of "academia," they may be lucky just to make it to spring alive.
i'm still not wild about the art, and i liked this story slightly less than the first volume, but that doesn't mean i'm not counting down the days until the third one comes out. i am writing this review before part 3 pubs, but it will likely be posted after release date, so i have just blown your mind with time-confusion.
and yes - this is the volume where the artist changes halfway through. it's not wildly different, and i didn't even notice it at first, since i was reading it for the stooooory, but s. pointed it out and then i was all - derrr, true fact, s.!
old art:
new art:
so, it's different, but it's still not rocking my world. however, i do like the characters very much. and i can relate to all three, in different ways
but i'm probably the most similar to esther, since we have the same taste in dudes
we are both very camera-happy
and we have similar approaches to confidence
and compliments
i like susan the least now, but only because i felt singled out and scolded
eeek! no, i do not! i take back all i said!
in this volume, we have some romantic relationships forming, but there is disapproval
as well as fretting about possible disapproval
and the longing to be in a situation where disapproval could arise
there's also a great deal of dancing
the story is a bit less fun in this one - there was less of the three of them together - two are off getting kissy, they scatter for winter break, esther blows off school to go to a concert with some nameless dude, daisy gets caught up in this bizarre friday night lights reverie, there's a crime family subplot - it felt very scattered. i liked the smaller stories, where they were just hanging out being normal girls, not getting all delusional and morphing into a character from a tv show, as awesome as friday night lights is. although i did love the punchline to the dinner party fiasco.
and there's still some good banter and teasing
some unusual confessions
some good bro time
a celebration of the female form in all its permutations
and plenty of hugging, from both of the artists
so even though i am not a huge fan of some of the more dramatic and farfetched stuff
as long as the girls keep being charming and supportive huggers, i can stay on board.
I enjoyed volume 1 a lot but wasn't sure if I was one hundred percent sold on this series until reading this volume. You can tell the creator really hit his groove a bit more here and the characters feel more fleshed-out, plus McGraw has to be one of the cutest love interests I've ever seen and his antics with Susan constantly cracked me up.
This was great and I was so happy to be back in the world of Esther, Daisy, and Susan. If you haven't picked up this series I would definitely recommend it. I won't say much because I don't want to spoil it but I'm definitely picking up volume 3!
It took me a bit of time to connect to this much-acclaimed series in Volume 1 for some reason—it was fun, it was manic, but not particularly engaging to me—nothing much happens. In volume two I seem to have gotten to know the characters, they seem familiar to me, and I now I like it. Maybe because this has been a bit of a rough week or so, it is just what I needed. And what would that thing that I need be, you might well ask? Answer: A little light-hearted, sweet, silly, warm, read. Sometimes happy is just the thing, eh?
Continuing their first semester at the university, dorm friends Susan, Esther, and Daisy—very different, but still connecting--face boys, holiday balls, bisexual curiosity/questioning. My favorite part of this one is the mustached McGraw and Susan story here—okay, they get together at the ball. Ed crushing hand-wringingly on Esther continues. Esther is the central and favorite character; she’s nice, relatable, knowable, funny, punny.
This Brit series is sort of like Seinfield here in the U.S. It’s not “about” much more than a slice-of-life of the central characters, and that is all I needed right now. Check it out, I'd say, if you need a few smiles, if you need nice.
I think this might just be my favourite comic series EVER. Somehow this volume was even better than the first and I am so desperate to read more! I love how each chapter is like a mini story, so the next time I go to the comic book store I might have to buy whatever individual issues they have because I NEED MORE ESTHER, SUSAN AND DAISY. Also, fun fact, Daisy is literally me. We're so similar it's insane.
I find this hard to explain other than College life. Those were good days mostly. I guess I'm back at university and it's still good days. Homework does suck though.
The story continues with the 3 college girls dating and going through life. I love the art and the kinetic nature of the illustrations. There is much angst and finding oneself in this story.
The delightful saga of first year uni students Susan, Esther and Daisy continues with our heroes shopping for budget dresses to the ball, fighting the evil Shaw family in Susan’s hometown of Northampton, and Daisy helping Esther revise for her winter exams. Meanwhile, Susan and McGraw give in to their badly-hidden desire for one another while poor Ed Gemmell sees his unrequited love for Esther continue unrequited as his Gothic beloved falls for a blandly hot invigilator. And why’s Daisy suddenly using American football lingo?!
I love love love how John Allison’s writing these characters! There’s definitely a focus on Esther in this volume but all the girls get some great moments. Daisy is so cute as she tries figuring out whether she likes boys or girls or both, experimenting with the unwitting Ed in a moment of rashness. Then later she acts as the academic voice of reason to Esther’s party girl mentality and the Friday Night Lights thing was totally out of the blue and hilarious.
Esther’s face when she deploys her “drama field” in the Northampton nightclub was so funny, and McGraw and Susan are so adorable - I love how McGraw brings out the child in Susan when he builds her a sled, dragging her through the snow to get her out of her room. What a perfect couple.
Ed finds his place at the campus newspaper but his quiet moment with Esther at the ball was so sweet (does she know?) and I felt his pain when he saw she’d fallen for the hot invigilator Ian. Ah, Ed and Esther - will they, won’t they? I hope they will!
Lissa Treiman’s art is still the business but she only draws half the book with newcomer Max Sarin taking over. Sarin’s a fine replacement though and her lively style fits in perfectly with the melodramatic lives of the colourful cast.
Sigh… Giant Days is still perfect. If you’ve yet to partake, I heartily recommend this series - enjoy a slice of comedic campus life today!
Volume 2 of Giant Days is almost as wonderful as the first. I love the charm of the setting and the characters, who always have me laughing out loud. I think I may also be a little bit in love with Esther, but don't tell the missus; she's already getting tired of me quoting the dialogue of this book at her! :-D
The only reason this isn't quite getting five stars is because I really missed the wonderful art of Lissa Treiman in the second half of this volume. Her replacement Max Savin's stuff is really good but not quite as good as Treiman's... It's almost a little too Disney for my tastes...
Still, this is an awesomely good book and I recommend it to anybody who likes their comicbooks without superheroes. MORE PLEASE, MR. ALLISON! Right away, if at all possible.
I was a little worried this volume wouldn’t live up to how much I loved the first one but this one was even BETTER. I just relate so much to these girls, I feel like I’m reading what I went through during college right on the page and it’s incredibly satisfying and makes me feel less alone. Any graphic novel that can do that is an absolute winner in my books! It’s just such a simple, fun and relatable story that just makes me feel good. This is a definite must read if you’re looking for a feel good read about the trials of being a girl and getting through it with your girlfriends.
This comic is definitely becoming one of my favorites, it's just such a refreshing break from all the other intense comic series that I read. Cannot wait for the next volume!!
Giant Days vol 2 was less entertaining for me than Vol 1. I am also a bigger fan of the drawing style in the first volume, I don’t know why ti slightly changed but I couldn’t help but notice it! The plot is still not going anywhere. It just seems like glimpses to every day life which is not bad but I want more. I want sauce and drama xD
I really enjoyed following Esther, Susan and Daisy once again. Each character is very lovable. The reason I didn't give this 5 stars is because I enjoyed the first volume more than this one. I'm not sure why, maybe because I wasn't expecting anything in volume one.
I felt this volume was a little all over the place, but it was still fun!
4.5! Τον λάτρεψα αυτόν τον τόμο! Γνωρίζουμε καλύτερα τους χαρακτήρες και έχει πολλές αξιομνημόνευτες στιγμές. Γενικά γίνονται πραγματάκια, έχουμε εξελίξεις, τέλεια γκεστς...Τους αγαπώ όλους!! Αγαπημένοι μου, η Daisy και ο McGraw ❤
A big improvement over the last volume. The characters feel more natural and developed. A few of them I didn’t like as much before warmed up to me in this one. Esther is consistently funny and Daisy is hilariously eccentric.
Volume 2 adds some comical relationship drama, funny mishaps around politics and religion and several cases of identity crisis leading to interesting resolutions. Esther remains my favorite character, especially after a certain sequence of events involving her going to a black metal concert which was my favorite genre of music for a long period of time. I like all types of metal and obscure subgenres these days.
I’m sure the charm of the series will keep escalating.
Giant Days: Vol. 2 My Rating: 4.2/5
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Still digging this series. It appears that Allison is slowly expanding his cast. We seem to get a few new faces with each volume.
For some reason, it didn't quite dawn on me until now that this is the same John Allison who does Bad Machinery. GD is a little more reality-based than BM, but still displays the trademark Allisonian knack for pushing things juuuuust past the edge of reality. It's not full blown gonzo weird slapstick or anything, merely just one notch past plausible. He makes it look so easy …
Πολύ καλός και αυτός ο τόμος! Γνωρίζουμε περισσότερο τις 3 πρωταγωνίστριες (λιγότερο συμπαθητική βρίσκω τη Susan) και γενικά είναι πολύ διασκεδαστικό!
(Επίσης ο McGraw μοιάζει 40 χρονών!!!! Νομίζω φταίει το μουστάκι!! όταν τον είδαμε πρώτη φορά στον προηγούμενο τόμο στην αρχή νόμιζα ότι ήταν ο μπαμπάς του Ed!!!!)
If possible, this was even better than the first one. Susan, Esther and Daisy continue to be the epitome of the university experience and October cannot come soon enough for the next volume!