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Time to Write: More Than 100 Professional Writers Reveal How to Fit Writing Into Your Busy Life

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"Okay, no more excuses. Light bulbs went off in my head as I read Kelly L. Stone's Time to Write with its shrewd observations and sage, practical advice for making time to write."
-Hallie Ephron, author of Writing and Selling Your Mystery Novel and 1001 Books for Every Mood"When it's a writing day, I'm writing. Period."—Jodi Picoult

"I set myself a 500 word a day goal. . . . If I can do that, I can finish a first draft in six months."—Hallie Ephron "If the trouble is just getting started in the morning, I often change my writing place or method."—Jennifer Blake

In Time to Write, more than 100 professional writers from across genres-including Sandra Brown, Catherine Coulter, Wendy Corsi Staub, Merline Lovelace, Steve Berry, Tess Gerritsen, Ann Major, Cherry Adair, Christine Feehan, Julia London, and Eloisa James-share their secrets to finding time to write. And if they could find the time to write, then so can you.

The time is now.

216 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2007

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Kelly L. Stone

5 books2 followers

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Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews
Profile Image for Julia.
277 reviews6 followers
December 14, 2009
This book has been a great help in getting me to look honestly at the time I have to write and come up with strategies for dealing with distractions, negative thoughts, and all the other problems I have faced getting my writing time reestablished.

Up until five years ago I used to write fairly regularly, but for some reason of my own doing it has fallen off. I bought this book rather spontaneously when I found it at the bookstore and I'm really glad I did. It isn't one of those beat the writer up for not being perfect kind of books (the kind where you feel horrible after reading them), but it wasn't fluffy or insubstantial either. It had real down to earth ideas to use and implement.
Profile Image for Victoria Ichizli-Bartels.
Author 47 books25 followers
December 11, 2013
An absolute must read to any writer with a self-doubt, however short this self-doubt-phase might be.

The book is very well written. In a very light and reassuring way.

Yes, there are quite a few repetitions. But they are not out of place at all. They are rather showing the same ultimate recipe from different angles. "Writers write". No matter what. And the authors shows hundreds of possibilities how to come to the wish of writing and how to achieve writer's goals.

We perceive often the writers we love reading as divine with special powers. And although they do have special powers and talents, they are humans as we are. And this book helped me see that I have these special powers too. I have the ingredients in my knowledge and my life story and stories of those I know and met, that no one else has. Everyone is unique and me too.

I started writing my first novel this year in spring. And until reading this book I managed to write a bit less than 20000 words. That is quite good considering the full time job and family with a small child and a parent who needs assistance time to time.

But with inspiration found in this book, I managed to write more than 9000 words in just a bit more than a week, with the same amount of duties.

I am extremely grateful to Kelly L Stone for this book. It is enlightening and extremely inspiring!

You might be a very good writer before reading this book. But you will be a happy writer after reading it!
Profile Image for denise kay jacobs.
54 reviews2 followers
October 15, 2016
The book is based on published authors' writing strategies as revealed to Stone in interviews. This is a little fluffy, I think, but it builds the book. It's also a good way to discover some new authors (or for the authors interviewed to plug their writing).

All that aside, the book has great take-aways for those willing to do the work of investigating their own writing style. Stone helps us figure out how to fit writing into our life. Are we binge writers? Can we write any time we have a spare moment? Do we need to write in the morning? Should we go to work early and write an hour before the work day begins? These are good questions, and as a writing coach, I'm going to pull from this book when working with clients. Stone also includes a section on creating a writing action plan. Again, if you're willing to do the work . . .

I consider the book a good resource. It's useful, but I can't rave about it. To me, it feels like Stone is attempting to fit a workshop into a series or a seminar into a semester-long class.
258 reviews1 follower
August 10, 2015
The writing in this book feels very workman-like, not exciting, but full of practical, helpful advice. It has helped me to give up the idea (and the accompanying profound frustration) that I don't have time to write, and instead, I have chosen and am committed to a consistent morning writing schedule. I'm still discovering where that writing will take me, but the writing itself had to come first. The book is aptly titled, and accomplished what it promised - directed me in how to stop making excuses and just sit down to write!
Profile Image for Karin.
89 reviews5 followers
December 5, 2009
Insightful work about the challenges all writers face. This book covered everything from the discipline of having a writing schedule to resources for writers. Two specific things I took from this book: 1) Successful writers write (seems so simple, huh) and 2) Believe you have something to say.

Great research and practical applications. This book will stay on the shelf with my writing and editing resources.
Profile Image for Marcelo.
89 reviews2 followers
February 9, 2011
Some good tips, especially in the middle chapters, about how to make time and different strategies to tackle writing; but in the end it becomes a bit repetitive and the constant author vanity quoting (lots of similar tips, all starting "so and so, author of", probably a requirement from these authors to participate in the project) becomes tiresome... Skip through, extract some major tips to get started and get a more advanced book if needed.
Profile Image for Crnbryeggshls.
30 reviews2 followers
August 9, 2011
I don't normally read self-help type books, but this one struck me as having a really interesting concept. It's not about learning how to write, the author assumes you already know that. Instead, it's about making time to get your writing done, and getting inspired enough to stick with a schedule once you have one. I absolutely recommend it to anyone who wants to really write something, rather than simply talking about it.
1 review
March 31, 2013
This is a book about finding and carving time out of your day for writing. Only it's not. It's really about shining light on all of your excuses for not writing. I often go to it when I need a push to get me motivated. It's a nice little common sense motivational book. As writers, we can all use a bit of a soft kick in the ass once in a while (or more). This is not so much of a "how to" book as it is a "why not?" book. And that's okay.
Profile Image for Keith.
551 reviews2 followers
October 28, 2016
Time to Write by Kelly L. Stone is sort of like a daily devotional for writers, something to dip into for a few moments here and there for a word of encouragement. I appreciated the numerous quotations of writers on writing and the writing life. There's a heavy emphasis on positive thinking and work discipline, two things I believe in! As an aspiring fiction writer, I was a bit put off by the input from Non-fiction writers, whose advice wasn't terribly applicable.
Profile Image for Krista Loreen.
112 reviews
January 2, 2017
It was difficult and distracting to get used to all the name dropping but I suppose that might have been a requirement from all of those interviewed. There were some common sense things and as far as I'm concerned I could have skipped the first few chapters. But I did find some real nuggets in this book and I will keep it in mind when I need some motivation.
Profile Image for Dan.
234 reviews9 followers
March 25, 2011
The advice here is not particularly original: make schedules, stick to it, and believe in yourself. And there's plenty of repetition padding to stretch that advice into book length. And yet, while reading it I did find myself writing more. Maybe all you need is the simple, obvious advice.
Profile Image for Alexa Grave.
Author 32 books11 followers
July 15, 2012
This is probably best for writers just starting out. She really didn't cover anything I haven't tried before. Seriously, it just takes motivation and determination, and that's what it boils down to.
Profile Image for Marianne Peters.
Author 5 books6 followers
February 16, 2013
Very practical. Liked hearing how other writers live this literary life. I think it might be the second best book on writing I've read. But if you're reading it, you should probably put it down and get back to writing ...
Profile Image for Karen.
283 reviews1 follower
April 22, 2014
Pretty decent advice on how to squeeze in writing if your profession isn't writing or you are parenting small children. The author attempts to dispel the notion that a writer needs uninterrupted chunks of writing time. May be true for some, but this writer still needs chunks.
Profile Image for Jenna.
53 reviews1 follower
May 27, 2015
Not necessarily ground-breaking, and it felt pretty repetitive toward the final third of the book, but still contained some helpful tips and encouragement for writers. I won't rush to re-read it, but not all books are meant to be read more than once!
Profile Image for Kevin.
68 reviews4 followers
April 5, 2008
Practical tips on how to carve out time in your schedule to write, whether your writing is fiction or non-fiction.
Profile Image for Joanne Hofmeister.
Author 1 book2 followers
July 21, 2009
LOVED it. The best book I've read for writers in a very long time. It helped me set goals for my own writing and reminded me that the key to being a writer is perseverance.
Profile Image for Amy.
27 reviews4 followers
October 2, 2010
This book made me realize that I have to have a more structured approach to my writing and come up with an actual plan
5 reviews
July 31, 2011
The sample writing schedules were solid, easy-to-do examples meant to get readers seriously focused on writing.
Profile Image for Lindsey.
226 reviews13 followers
May 27, 2014
This really helped me set a schedule for myself to sit down and write. I would recommend it for anyone that believes they are too busy to write.
Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews

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