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Hold Back The Stars

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A startling and evocative novel, harkening to both One Day and Gravity, a man and a woman revisit memories of their love affair on a utopian Earth while they are trapped in the vast void of space with only ninety minutes of oxygen left.

After the catastrophic destruction of the Middle East and the United States, Europe has become a utopia and, every three years, the European population must rotate into different multicultural communities, living as individuals responsible for their own actions. While living in this paradise, Max meets Carys and immediately feels a spark of attraction. He quickly realizes, however, that Carys is someone he might want to stay with long-term, which is impossible in this new world.

As their relationship plays out, the connections between their time on Earth and their present dilemma in space become clear. When their air ticks dangerously low, one is offered the chance of salvation—but who will take it? An original and daring exploration of the impact of first love and how the choices we make can change the fate of everyone around us, this is an unforgettable read.

304 pages, Hardcover

First published May 23, 2017

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About the author

Katie Khan

3 books208 followers
Katie Khan's first novel, Hold Back the Stars, was published in the UK by Doubleday (Penguin Random House) and in the U.S. by Gallery (Simon & Schuster) in 2017, and translated into twenty-one languages.

A film of Hold Back the Stars is in the works at studio Lionsgate, to be directed by Justin Baldoni (Five Feet Apart) from a screenplay by Christy Hall (I Am Not Okay With This), produced by Shawn Levy and Dan Cohen (Strange Things and Arrival).

Her second novel, The Light Between Us, was published in 2018. Katie is a writer from London who also works for a major film studio on a magical British film franchise.

Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @katie_khan.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 778 reviews
Profile Image for Maya.
858 reviews490 followers
January 13, 2017
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

What the heck did I just read?!!! This story is so complex and strange and just plays tricks on my mind. And what's up with the ending, or should I say endings? I'm just so confused right now. This is definitely a read that will mess you up and make you wonder about your own life and the concept of love and sacrifice. The plot is so unique. It all takes place in space but the main characters skip back and forth between their real situation and memory line. This is such a heart breaking story and at times it's almost a tragedy. We get to see in their memories how they met and how their relationship evolved. They had so much pain but also such strong love for each other and in their strange world that's really something to be treasured. At the beginning of he story I found it hard to imagine the world they live in and what caused the earth to become so divided. It reminded me a bit of Divergent and how that world looks like. In the end I'm still not sure how to feel about this book. At times I loved it but there were also times where I just didn't know what to feel. I think the worst was the time where they broke up and what happened after that. Just so sad.

All in all, I think you should give this story a chance. It's an unusual one and it might surprise you.
Profile Image for Maria Espadinha.
1,104 reviews475 followers
August 28, 2022
Um Romance Sideral

UAU! Romeu e Julieta em pleno espaço sideral!
Fabuloso e inédito, pois nunca antes li nada assim!

A história começa com dois corpos flutuantes -- Carys e Max andam às cambalhotas no vácuo, lutando pela vida com os parcos meios de que dispõem, pois só lhes restam noventa minutos de oxigénio.

Como foram ali parar, é uma questão que será gradualmente respondida, mas posso desde já adiantar-vos que o maior problema foi a paixão assolapada em que se enlearam!

Problema, porquê?

Porque a sociedade em que vivem decretou ilegal qualquer relacionamento duradouro antes dos 35. Sim! Até aos 35, é suposto cada indivíduo focar-se exclusivamente na carreira, para que o contributo social seja qualitativamente irrepreensível.

Mas o amor, que é um sentimento rebelde e voluntarioso, não conhece leis nem entraves.
Quando se insinua e teima em florescer, segue em frente, sem nada que o refreie, e quem o encontra pelo caminho fica viciado, e incapaz de prosseguir sem ele...

E foi assim que Carys e Max, contra tudo e todos, se entregaram a um amor proibido, que os elevou ao espaço sideral!
Porque o amor é mesmo assim -- insubordinado, selvagem e imparável!...

Sabem que mais?
Este Amor Sideral, deixou-me siderada! 😜

Adorei! 👍👍
Profile Image for Diana.
1,917 reviews299 followers
October 22, 2016
I am sorry but no. I thought this book was gonna be more science fiction and less romance, and man... was I disappointed...
The structure of the book moves between their present moment (dying floating on space, with no way to return to their ship and with oxigen shortage) and the story of how they met each other and how their story together moved from here to the moment they are in at present.
I just couldn' care for the characters, and the only part that really atracted me to the lecture was the stranded-in-space part.
Profile Image for Sarah DiMento.
187 reviews519 followers
April 13, 2017
Carys and Max are stranded in space with minutes ticking away on their oxygen as they float further and further from their ship. But rather than finding a solution, they waste too many precious minutes on flashbacks and reflections of their tumultuous history... which was irritating and inappropriate. Hello? You have 90 minutes left and you're thinking about how you first met, had that breakup, ect? Maybe you should be trying to find a way to live?! I wanted the characters to be proactive and find a way out of their predicament, but instead they were both very contemplative.

This book tries to be two things at once- romance and science fiction. Unfortunately, the romance aspect overpowered everything so much that the worldbuilding couldn't be taken seriously. This story is set in space and in an utopian society on earth, but it felt forced or simply used as a backdrop for the romance because the story needed a setting and in space was more interesting than... not in space? The characters don't have enough interaction with their environment for it to be compelling or relevant, and I got the impression they were really inexperienced re: space which had me wondering how they ever got as far as they did.

As for the romance itself, it was okay. Carys and Max have a volatile relationship compounded by the strict rules of their utopian society that don't allow people under 35 to couple (sounds more dystopian than utopian to me, to be honest). The idea is that by promoting individualism, young people will stay focused and contribute more to society until they're ready to settle down. This rule is what drives a lot of the conflict in the story. Carys and Max start to question the rules of their society, convinced that their love is real love that can overcome difficulties despite society telling them they're too young (they're in their mid twenties). I found this part of the story to be a bit implausible (how can a society expect twenty-somethings to not fall in love?) and again had me questioning the feeble worldbuilding.

Overall, I'd probably still recommend as a light read. If you're a romance fan, you'll probably like this. It doesn't delve deep into the science fiction, making it an easy read that packs an emotional punch at the end. I liked the ending... It wasn't what I was expecting.
Profile Image for Теодор Панов.
Author 4 books155 followers
October 17, 2021
Нещо изобщо не останах удовлетворен от тази книга. Очаквах вълнуващо sci-fi приключение, или нещо поне малко доближаващо се до Gravity (филма), а получих една банална любовна история, разказана през първата и втората част, а космосът служеше по-скоро като фон. Третата част ми дойде малко мелодраматична и леко объркана. Разбрах идеята в крайна сметка, но все пак изпълнението можеше да бъде и по-добро.

А и това с Европия, изкуствения интелект, който всъщност не е изкуствен, Ротацията и цялото устройство на това бъдещо общество, не ми беше достатъчно убедително, за да повярвам в тях. Краят също не ми беше много ОК.

Цялото нещо би изглеждало далеч по-добре показано във филм.

Корицата на книгата обаче е страхотна. Много красиво се е получило с тези звезди.

Оценка: 3.3 ✨
Profile Image for Joanna Park.
602 reviews47 followers
February 7, 2017
Wow what a beautiful book! Beautiful, haunting and really unusual.

Stranded in space with only 90 minutes of air left and no help in sight, Cerys & Max have a chance to reflect on their relationship and the events that have led them here. In a world where love is forbidden, Cerys & Max broke the rules when they fell in love. Facing fierce opposition from friends and family the pair decide they can't live without each other and decide to fight for their right to love. But can they really help change the rules and convince the council of the importance of love?

Firstly this isn't just a love story so don't be put off by the fact that love is a central theme to this book. It's setting and underlying themes make this book part science fiction, dystopian and thriller.

The setting of Europia, Europe in the future, was fascinating to read about. I liked that it wasn't all doom and gloom like a lot of dystopian novels I have read. There was some resemblance to the life we know now which helped to add a little sinister edge to the story as it made it much more real. Also adding to the sinister feel was that love is forbidden. Initially I thought this was just in relation to couples but I think it extended to families too which lead to some quite poignant and heart breaking parts in the book. Being a mother myself I can't fathom a world were parents wouldn't hug children and families didn't live together. This world contrasts beautifully with the love story that develops between Max & Cerys which is very realistic and never seems forced. Their story isn't perfect they do hit a few bumps along the way which is of course true innormal relationships. The main characters, Max & Cerys, are really well developed and realistic characters with lots of flaws. I didn't really like them at the beginning but I found I really warmed to them as the story developed.

The use of the time remaining as the chapter headings helps add to the tension which gradually increases as the time counts down. The fear and hopelessness Cerys and Max feel is almost tangible. I felt myself holding my breath and reading faster and faster as the book progressed as I needed to know what happens next. A few twists towards the end keeps you on your toes and you aren't really sure until the end which ways things are going to go.

The ending is so beautiful and poignant a really good way to end this book. I liked that the author didn't choose an easy and obvious ending and instead went for a hard hitting one. I found I was tearing up at the end and I never cry at books.

I would recommend this book to everyone as I think the mismatch of genres means there is something for everyone here. If you don't believe me pick it up and give it a try I'm sure you'll be hooked.

Thank you to Sophie Christopher and Transworld publishers for giving me an ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Amar.
402 reviews
October 14, 2018
What the heck did i just read!?
Jedinica je inače rezervisana za knjige koje ne uspjem završiti, ali jedinice mogu dat i knjigama koje su mi bile užasne. Razumijem težnji da se smisli nešto orginalni, ali blago rečeno pretjerivanje u same detalje bez ikakvog smisla je užasno. Likovi su toliko jednodimenzionalni, njihov odnos, okolina oko njih je šablonski loše urađeno. Premisa je bila ok, ali ovo što je na kraju ispalo je za mene bilo užasno loše. O kraju, toliko konfuznom koliko može biti, neću trošiti riječi.

1* i za brz zaborav iz memorije mozga..
Profile Image for Jano.
827 reviews555 followers
March 12, 2018
Reseña completa: http://elcaosliterario.blogspot.com.e...

Lo primero que me atrajo de él fue su portada, llena de estrellas por todas partes y algunas de ellas brillantes. Es una de las portadas más bonitas que he visto en lo que llevamos de año. Pero la portada no fue lo único que me llamó la atención ya que su sinopsis consiguió convencerme por esa mezcla entre historia de amor y lucha por la supervivencia en una situación más que compleja.

La historia está narrada en tercera persona e intercala los momentos actuales mientras Carys y Max están a la deriva en el espacio, con su vida en la tierra y cómo se conocieron. Es un libro que atrapa muy fácilmente y supera por poco las 300 páginas en una lectura muy ágil y que mantiene en vilo al lector hasta el último momento.

Me encantó la combinación de ciencia ficción con historia de amor ya que de por sí son dos géneros que normalmente no suelen ir tanto de la mano como otros. Cualquiera puede leerlo aunque no le guste la ciencia ficción ya que no aparecen términos complejos ni cuatro páginas de discursos con palabras incomprensibles.

Los dos personajes principales son geniales y prácticamente llevan todo el peso de la historia al encontrarse solos en el espacio. Los personajes secundarios son muy pocos y únicamente aparecen cuando se recuerda la vida de Carys y Max en la tierra pero no se profundiza en ninguno de ellos ya que no son parte importante de la historia.

En resumen, el género de ciencia ficción y romántico se dan la mano en una historia de supervivencia, recuerdos y amor. Libro ágil, bien escrito y con un final sorprendente. He encontrado en él todo lo que esperaba encontrar tras ver su portada y sinopsis.
Profile Image for Miniikaty .
690 reviews137 followers
October 17, 2018
Reseña completa: https://letraslibrosymas.blogspot.com...

Me tenía ganada desde el principio porque mi vena superficial me había hecho fijarme en la hermosa portada que tiene (llena de brillos y estrellas por todos lados) y encima la sinopsis me intrigaba y prometida una historia de amor épica y dramática, justo lo que me gusta, a pesar de todo esto no había leído ninguna opinión sobre él e iba totalmente a ciegas, con todo no dude mucho en lanzarme de lleno a descubrir si merecía la pena.

¡Y la merece! es un libro que aúna una extraña combinación de ingredientes como son la ciencia ficción, la distopía, el drama y el romance pero lo hace suficientemente bien como para captar la atención del lector y que encima se disfrute. Asimismo es un acierto que la autora vaya combinando el presente de los protagonistas -perdidos en el espacio y buscando una solución para salir vivos del apuro- con flashbacks de cómo se conocieron o de cómo llegaron a la situación actual.
Para ser el primer libro de Katie Khan está muy bien narrado, es directa, ágil, con un vocabulario amplio pero sencillo y un mundo futurista original y muy trabajado (es uno de los puntos fuertes del libro), la trama también está bien hilada aunque el ritmo alguna vez falla, pero sin duda repetiré con la autora si se publica alguna novela más aquí.
Profile Image for Jenny (Reading Envy).
3,876 reviews3,618 followers
May 21, 2017
Two people are abandoned outside a spacecraft with 90 minutes of oxygen and they spend it reminiscing about their relationship. Huh. I got halfway through this novel and then decided I didn't need to finish. The worldbuilding (future, USA ruined by nuclear war, Europa and individualism reign) would have been more effective if the characters felt like they were also in the future or were any different than us, but the dialogue and actions feel very YA (but they are in their 20s.) Is this new adult? Perhaps this is the first encounter I've had with that elusive new genre. I don't care much for it, or at least, I do not think this book is very successful in what it is trying to do, in a way that goes beyond it simply not being my thing.
Profile Image for Kalina Mincheva.
487 reviews97 followers
February 24, 2018
Добре, дори на сутринта все така нямам думи, с които да опиша тази книга. Стоях до 3 посред нощ да я дочитам. Това трябва да ви говори достатъчно. Но ако още се колебаете, ще ви кажа, че също така изхабих солидно количество кърпички, както и немалка доза гласни струни повтаряйки "защо", "не", "не може да бъде"... в случаите, когато изобщо можех да произведа членоразделни звуци. Страхотна, фантастична, тъжна - история, която се изживява, не просто се чете. И която те замисля - колкото и далеч сред звездите да достигнем, едно нещо никога няма да се промени у хората. И това са емоциите, чувствата. Любовта.
Profile Image for T.Y. Mazer.
Author 6 books116 followers
January 26, 2020
Migrenli kafama ağır gelen bir hikaye. Çiftimizi çok sevdim ama benim için bazı şeyler çok muğlaktı. Çok. Daha net daha mutlu hikayeleri seviyorum ne yapayım, huyum kurusun.
Profile Image for Danielle.
656 reviews44 followers
January 5, 2017
Katie Khan tried too hard with hold back the stars. She tried to make it original and beautiful and meaningful, but because she tried SO damn HARD I just felt like it all fell flat. I didn't care about the characters. The asteroid field rubbish is scientifically implausible. The ending was confusing, but simultaneously predictable.

And then the romance... the book is based around it, but it just didn't feel real. This is meant to be an adult book, but it felt more YA than a lot of YA books! Well the romance doesn't have the air of maturity that people in their late twenties would bring to a relationship. It felt like two 15-17 year olds declaring their undying love and being unable to survive without the other. Ughhhh!

This was unoriginal, predictable and boring. Would not recommend.

I received this copy as an ARC for review purposes.
Profile Image for TL .
2,161 reviews133 followers
July 28, 2017
I received this this via Goodreads Giveaways in exchange for an honest review. All my opinions are my own:).
Not a bad read but just okay for me.. couldn't get into the romance portion at all.. was more interested in the Voivode and everything that had led up to it.. and the whole trapped in space with 90 minutes of air left.

Potential there, but a dud for me. Aah well
Profile Image for Liz Barnsley.
3,645 reviews1,069 followers
November 5, 2016
Gah! I hate love stories. Except this one. I loved this one.

I was hooked into the idea of reading this because its something slightly out of my comfort zone (the whole romance thing) and I like to try things I might normally pass by, but also had the whole lost in space running out of air vibe which seemed like it might be quite thrilling. Which it was. But mostly it was beautiful.

So Carys and Max they fall in love. Except in the world they live in you are not allowed to do that really. The world has changed. Things have happened and to counter that people live differently. I say no more on that, because that is part of what you will learn while you are up there in space with Carys and Max, desperately praying for their survival as you begin to understand what it is they have to survive for.

Hold Back the Stars gets under your skin. As the minutes tick away, as these two try everything to get back to safety, you will be completely immersed – when we were getting to the end, when those precious minutes were disappearing , I was barely breathing myself. And I didn’t even have Osric…

ANYWAY thats not the whole of this. Even if it was I would have been entirely engaged by it. Katie Khan has a gorgeous almost ethereal use of language that just gets you right in the gut even in those quieter moments. The flashbacks to life on earth, how Carys and Max came together, how they may well change the world yet again, those parts are entirely emotive and cleverly written.

Add to all that a fascinating and imaginative setting that asks those questions, makes you consider the world around you. Thought provoking stuff – instead of giving us a society that is broken Katie Khan gives you one that actually may be mostly mended. This is not the Hunger Games, here the problems almost seem gentle. But they are problems none the less. I came to the end wondering if there was actually anything like a perfect world. See? Thought provoking.

A love story like no other.


Also I cried at the beautifully placed, intensely emotional, unforgettable ending.

Just send me all the chocolate in the world….
Profile Image for Sandra.
222 reviews29 followers
February 5, 2023
Skaudą širdį kai knygą tenka vertini tokiu įvertinimu. Knyga pasirodė keista, neįtraukianti ir nežavinti. Nors mėgstu fantastikos žanro knygas ši knyga nepatiko. Ši knyga ne man.
Profile Image for Marcia.
1,097 reviews114 followers
July 4, 2017
Tussen de sterren is een bijzonder liefdesverhaal in outer space - al was het voor mij niet de romantiek die me zo van dit boek deed smullen. Wat mij betreft zat de kracht van het verhaal op aarde, ik las graag over de nieuwe ordening van de mensheid in Europia. De world building van deze toekomstige samenleving was erg indrukwekkend (het rouleren, de vovoides, de relatieregel). Heel graag zou ik meer lezen over dit universum! Het einde van het boek was overigens wel een beetje verwarrend.
Mijn complete recensie lees je op Oog op de Toekomst
Profile Image for Jana.
1,419 reviews85 followers
February 6, 2017
I received a free copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book wasn't my cup of tea. It was extremely heavy on the romance, which to me felt very cheesy and cheesy romance just isn't my thing. Considering they were facing the possibility of death the entire time, I just thought they were way too focused on their romance and the actual problem was pushed into the background. Overall this book didn't have much to offer in a unique sort of way, it felt like a staple sci fi romance, which is great if you're into that type of book, but it didn't quite live up to my taste.
Profile Image for Lyndi.
137 reviews2 followers
July 28, 2017
A startling and evocative novel, harkening to both One Day and Gravity, a man and a woman revisit memories of their love affair on a utopian Earth while they are trapped in the vast void of space with only ninety minutes of oxygen left.

After the catastrophic destruction of the Middle East and the United States, Europe has become a utopia and, every three years, the European population must rotate into different multicultural communities, living as individuals responsible for their own actions. While living in this paradise, Max meets Carys and immediately feels a spark of attraction. He quickly realizes, however, that Carys is someone he might want to stay with long-term, which is impossible in this new world.

As their relationship plays out, the connections between their time on Earth and their present dilemma in space become clear. When their air ticks dangerously low, one is offered the chance of salvation—but who will take it? An original and daring exploration of the impact of first love and how the choices we make can change the fate of everyone around us, this is an unforgettable read.

I did not really know what to expect when reading this book. I dont usually read books that are set in space but after reading this I will definitely read more books to do with space. I like watching movies that are set in space though. This book was definitely different from all of the books that I have read this year so far. Set in a futuristic world and by the settings of it, it was probably not set too far away from the present day which is kind of scary when you think about it. Everyone in this book is in a rotation meaning an individual stays in a country for 3 years and once those 3 years are up , they move on to the next one. The people in the book are big advocates of individualism encouraging their citizens to not form solid relationships and attachments but instead believe that career and having individual choices as the prime source of an Utopian life. In my opinion utopia is set to fail every single time, its an illusion due to the fact that there will always be people who will challenge the system. In this book, Carys and Max are two individuals in rotation. Max comes from a founding family of the Europia which is basically European utopia. Anyone outside of the european union are considered outcasts or abnormal in a way. Carys is new to rotation she has been living in wales for the most part of her life whilst Max has been in rotation since he was very young. I believe they meet in chesterfield england. What I liked about this is the fact that the style of writing was more British than everything. Alot of books and movies set in space tend to be from America so it was refreshing to be able to relate to the characters a bit more and understand the British slang, be British myself. I have to admit when i was reading this book i couldnt help but think of Brexit as there are some similarities to that highlighted int his book. As for the rest of the world, war and conflict from previous years has caused devestation and desert lands in the middle east and Asia, America is known as the former united states, its not quite specified what happens to it.

Europia has a rule called the couples rule which prevents people from being together in a long term relationship. The book does a good job in relating Carys and Max relationship with that of Romeo and Juliet and shakespeares Hamlet. Alot of the people in Europia are against the whole idea of the two being together due to individualism, it was seen as abnormal and quite frankly absurd. Many of the people who challenged the system of Europia were banished outside of the European Union in order for them to be together. In Carys and Max's case when they go to appeal the couples rule, they are essentionally "banished" to space in an experiment to look and study the asteroid belt I believe, i cant quite remembe. The asteroid belt is situated in Earths atmosphere preventing scientists and astronauts from investigating space further due to the inability to use rockets and space ships outside of the asteroid belt. Unfortunately, carys and max's ship gets struck by astroid and find themselves stranded in space. This book had that movie feel to it, the present day of them talking about their past and how they got there and how to get out of their situation and then flashbacks of how they met and the events leading up to now.

Alot of this book, Had me on the edge of my seat. There were a few times where I thought carys or max had died but they always seemed to find a way preserve their air supply a little bit longer. My favourite part of this book was where carys and max had lost their audio comms and had to find an alternative way to communicate. Carys had got out a torch and used it to form letters to make up words to Max. One of my favourite characters was Osric the interface comms who carys communicates with in space to find a solution to the problem of them drifting through space.At one point, the book got a bit confusing. The situation seemed bleak and Max decided one of them should live at least, he untethered the rope keeping carys and him together and pushed Carys away closer to the ship and he would die. We see a parallel world of what carys life would be like without Max and somehow Osric the computer is a now a person and wants to date carys which was a bit akward. But, at first I didn't know that it was a parallel world as we see this vice versa where Carys is the one who dies and we see how Max would have coped without her. In the end both decide that they dont want to live in a world where the other does not exist and decides to end it on their own, to have control of their own deaths. Whilst looking at the northern lights on the earth, they remove their helmets and die together hence the romeo and juliet aspect of this book. On the one hand, I was glad that they decided to have control over their own destiny and on the other hand, I really wished they were able to find a way back to the Ship or Earth and live happily ever after. It is quite rare for the two main characters to die simultaneously together like that, it was kind of beautiful to be honest. I generally, dont know how to feel about this book. It was good and had me at every turn but I wanted to feel more for it, the flash backs were not essentionally eventful. I liked the olympics feel to this book inspired by the London 2012 olympics. The way this book is set out, the idea of this kind of utopia is not ridiculous, it could generally happen. This book gives you many emotions and it s a good read. I recommend reading it.
Profile Image for Sibel Gandy.
1,030 reviews75 followers
July 3, 2019
2,5 / 5
İlk 100 sayfada ciddi sıkıldım, zorla devam ettim. Sonrasında nispeten açıldı ama kitap geneli itibariyle pek hitap etmedi bana. Son kısımlar biraz orjinal geldi ama finali pek içime sinmedi 🤔
Profile Image for Lia.
340 reviews103 followers
April 13, 2017
I immediately fell in love with this book the moment I saw that cover. It is so pretty! (I need this on my shelf). But this book is not only beautiful from the outside but also from the inside.
Things I loved about Holding Back the Stars by Katie Khan
- When I read about the world the story took place in, I was so excited because it sounded so cool! The story takes place in the future, there has been a disastrous nuclear war and a new country has been formed, namely Europia. (It took me way too long to figure out that this was a contraction of Europe and Utopia.) This war resulted in an asteroid belt around the Earth, so everybody was earthbound. The technology they use is really cool and futuristic, but beside that, the thing that makes this world so awesome that it’s focused on the individual. They instated Rotation, which means that every three year you move (alone) to some other place on the Earth. No three years are the same, you meet new people, you get to see the world, learn new languages, but you are still able to visit your friends because the transport is super fast!
“It’s a better society, if everyone can give their all. So we all contribute towards the utopia as an individual, until such a time we can begin to think about settling down and starting a family.”

- I loved that Carys was really smart. I always love smart characters, but usually the scientists are male. And seeing a bad-ass female scientist/astronaut/pilot always makes me happy.
- This is no simple love story where two people fall in love and live happily ever after. It’s complex, it’s wonderful but it’s also awful at some times. In this society there is the Couples Rule, which basically means that you can’t have a family before you’re like 35 or something. The first part of your life should be focused on you, and you alone. But what if you fall in love against all your better knowing?
- This book is funny. There were so many times I found myself laughing out loud. Especially Max is really funny, but Carys can be funny too!
“‘Carys?’ he asks, as they continue to watch the fireworks display over the People’s Republic of China.
‘Yes, Max?’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Yes, Carys.’
‘I’m glad we had this conversation, Max,’ she says, deadpan.
‘Me, too,’ he replies.”

- It’ll make you happy, it’ll make you sad, it’ll make you wonder, it’ll make you think. This book is filled with beautiful quotes:
“There will always be broken people, no matter how well society works”

There was one thing that I didn’t like, and I can’t really say what it is, because then I would spoil the book for you. But I can say that it left me feeling very confused and only after a few chapters I understood what was actually going on.

I am giving this book ★★★★ (4/5 stars) because it is wonderful. It is everything I didn’t know I was looking for in a book. I gave it one star less because of that vague thing I am not going to tell you about. It makes me wonder if I should read more sci-fi, because I barely do and I have read two real sci-fi books now and I loved them both. They were both funny and smart and so good! I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to read something that is both romantic, thoughtful, interesting, and likes sci-fi. IT TAKES PLACE IN SPACE, like, go read that book!! Also this is Katie Khan’s debut, so I will definitely keep my eye out for next books.
Profile Image for Lizzie Huxley-Jones.
Author 12 books366 followers
September 19, 2016
In January, you must all go to your bookshops to get Hold Back the Stars by Katie Khan.

My copy from Katie arrived one evening night and I just finished it in 24 hours, tear stained and overjoyed and in awe. Set in the future in utopian Europa, Carys and Max meet - she an astronaut in training, he an aspiring chef running his family's food store business. But the book starts much later, as they fall through space with only 90 minutes of oxygen remaining. Told in flashbacks and real time, Hold Back the Stars is a story of love in a time where romantic coupling is restricted.

I'm totally in love with this book and I cannot wait to share it with you all in January.
Profile Image for Veronika Can.
305 reviews42 followers
November 28, 2021
Užtrunka, kol daugmaž imi suprasti, kokiame pasaulyje gyvena veikėjai. Kokia vyrauja santvarka, struktūra, ateities pasaulis.. man trūko įvado, platesnio paaiškinimo.. bet turbūt tai nebuvo knygos esmė, svarbiausia čia jaunų žmonių meilė, neįsitenkimas į visuomenės rėmus ir katastrofiška situacija, kurioje jie atsidūrė.

Ribotas laikas, per kurį prisimenama viskas kas nutiko jų gyvenime, taip pat išbandomi visi variantai stengiantis išsigelbėti. Įdomiai parašyta pabaiga, trys galimi būdai, ir visi jie verčia susimąstyti.. ir visi jie atrodo netinkami..

Nors knyga pristatoma kaip unikali ir savita meilės istorija, bet man didelio įspūdžio nepaliko. Nepaisant plūduriavimo kosmose ir situacijos dramatiškumo, patys dialogai silpni ir neįsimintini.

🖋️ Tu kitokia, ir tai mane verčia pagalvoti, ar aš irgi galėčiau tapti kitokiu.
🖋️ Mūsų nesėkmių ruožas jau turėjo baigtis.
🖋️ Per akistatą su mirtimi visi parodome tikruosius veidus. <...> Tokiomis akimirkomis neįmanoma nuslėpti, kas iš tikrųjų esi.
🖋️ ..pomirtinis gyvenimas yra tai, ką mes paliekame kituose.
🖋️ Kai tau pasako, kad kažko negali turėti, manau, labai žmogiška tų dalykų užsimanyti.
🖋️ Atsiriboti nuo išgyvenimų ir priversti juos užmiršti - lengviausias kelias judėti pirmyn.
🖋️ Neįkalink savęs praeityje.
🖋️ Numano, kaip be jo gyvens - nesiliaus gedėjusi. Slenkant metams, sielvartą nuslopins ir įtikės, kad jis išblėso, bet savo meilę praradę žmonės nebeatsigauna, neišsivaduoja iš liūdesio, amžiams pasikeičia.
🖋️ ..kad ir kaip sielvartaujame, kad ir kaip meldžiame širdies sustingti, ji nesustoja plakti. Gyvenimas tęsiasi.
Profile Image for Aoife.
1,443 reviews631 followers
July 1, 2017
I received a free digital copy from the author/publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Hold Back the Stars is a dystopian/sci-fi romance about Max and Carys - two travellers in their mid-twenties who fall in love in a world where coupling is frowned upon until a later age. The story shifts back and forth from the couple’s first meeting to a point where they are stuck in space together with no hope of survival and only 90 minutes to live.

If I had to describe this story, it would unfortunately be with a “meh.” This book wasn’t terrible but neither was it good. I didn’t like how as a reader I was immediately thrust into Max and Carys’ relationship while they realise they are stuck in space and start arguing with each other (like really, that’s what you’re going to do?). Carys immediately got on my nerves with her repeated, “Oh my god, we’re going to die,” in the first few pages. The problem here was i was faced with characters in a deathly situation and I was suppose to care but I didn’t know them at all, so…I didn’t.

The story eventually picked up for me as it reached its mid-way point.I found the world of Europia and the devastated US and Middle East really interesting and I liked the idea of rotations and the Couples Rule (even though I felt like this ‘rule’ had very little to back it up). I was way more interested in the world in this book than I was with the characters, who remained for the entirety of the book annoying, self-centred and just whatever for me.

This book is mainly a romance set in a sc-fi world. The problem is I was a lot more invested in the sci-fi aspect than the romance and I just didn’t get enough of the world to satisfy.

The ending was…well, it was a bit eye-roll inducing to be honest. I wouldn’t say this was an unenjoyable read and once I got into the book, it was a quick read which I appreciated but I don’t think this is a book I would be recommending to people.
Profile Image for Gab.
74 reviews
November 17, 2021
Изключително въздействаща книга и обратите ми допаднаха особено много. Просто зашеметяващо! Освен това не бях чела за Космоса, представен по този начин.
Profile Image for Tez.
858 reviews229 followers
September 15, 2017
NOTE: I first published this on Speculative Chic.

I've never been interested in book clubs, where everyone reads the same thing at the same time like assigned homework. But in the case of Katie Khan's Hold Back the Stars, I definitely would recommend it to book groups. Having read it, I want to discuss spoilery things and ask questions!

This literary sci-fi tells the tale of Carys and Max, the supposed utopia they're from, and why they're stranded in space with only ninety minutes left of oxygen and no help in sight. The space scenes are fraught and fascinating as the duo does what they can to avoid drowning in their own tears. (Yes, that's a thing that could happen inside their helmets.) Communication - or lack thereof - is challenging enough on its own, but also they battle to create propellant and avoid asteroids. Hopefully film rights will be snapped up, because the ever-present danger and uncommon setting would make for a spectacular cinematic experience. This novel likely involved a heck of a lot of research, and Katie Khan's work pays off big-time.

Though I wouldn't recommend anyone removes their glove in space. Creative licence there, I'm guessing.

But Carys and Max's time on Earth doesn't grip like the space scenes. It's a relationship drama with a whole gamut of obstacles to overcome, and refreshing that they argue like couples in real life. Ultimately I didn't cheer for their relationship, but that's not unusual for me as a reader.

Here's what I wrote before I got around to drafting a review:


Right now, the only things I want to discuss about the book are spoilers, so click at your own risk.

I loved all the science, particularly the space scenes. I loved the side characters of Kent, Liu, and Priya. For reasons mentioned in the spoilers, there are particular people I can't recommend this book to. But everyone else, have at it! :-)
Profile Image for Serap.
896 reviews82 followers
July 19, 2019
Eğlenceli yazlık çerez niyetine başladım ama şaşırtıp durdu (iyi anlamda)
6 dk lık havaları kalana kadarki kısımda uzayda geçen bölümleri sıkıcıydı, geçmişlerini anlattıkları bölümler ise 3luk ne iyi ne kötü eh işteydi...

6 dakikanın olduğu ilk bölüm şok oldum max in öldüğüne inanamadım, simülasyon filandır diye düşündüm. Sonra kızın yas bölümlerinde bir baktım gözyaşları sel olmuş tutamıyorum...kızla birlikte yıkıldım resmen hele cenazedeki hali mahfetti beni....Sonra osric süprizi yine iyi anlamda şok etti tam kabullendim finali tamam 4 yada 4,5 tan 5(tabi osric le olan gelişmelerin nasıl aktarıldığı burda asıl etken olacaktı,daha sayfa olunca bunlar anlatılacak sandim) alabilir max in ölmesine rağmen ki çok derin mesajlar verdi yazar...
Bir baktım yine 6 dakika bölümüne geri dönmüşüz bu defa alternatif iki ;kız ölüyor max yasta ki bu bölümler beni hiç etkilemedi gereksiz geldi ,tamam 3.defada mutlu son olacak 3 lük olsun dedim....
Ama bu defa da bana göre en kötü son ki kitabın gerçek sonu birlikte ölmeyi seçiyorlar...Yani birlikte yaşama şansı varken ölmeleri benim için çok kötüydü...hani ikisi de kendince önceki sonları yaşamışlar ve bu sona onsuz yaşamaya çalışmaktansa birlikte ölelim dediler ama son plan iyidi yasayabilrlerdi ölmeleri gerekmiyordu...1 Veresim var ama ilk son beni çok etkiledi ve cok derin mesajlar vardı...o yüzden 2...
Boşa okudum almasaydım dedirtti malesef🤷‍♀️
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lena’s Version.
1,130 reviews521 followers
March 1, 2018
¡Qué grata sorpresa de libro! Me ha enamorado.
Una historia de amor ambientada en un mundo utópico que me ha parecido fascinante conforme iba descubriéndolo. Compagina los 90 minutos más angustiosos y de supervivencia vividos en el inhóspito espacio entre Carys y Max, con flashbacks de sus vidas hasta llegar a ese momento actual. Y he de decir que son muy OTP.
Pero, sin duda, lo que sorprende es ese final. Vaya WTF de final. Era como ¿qué está pasando?, y no sabia si estaba de acuerdo con ello o no... pero tras reposar toda la historia una vez "cerrado" el libro, he de decir que no había mejor(es) forma(s) de ponerle fin. Y hasta aquí puedo leer.
Recomendable. Inesperada y bonita
Displaying 1 - 30 of 778 reviews

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