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The Nuremberg Trials: The Nazis brought to justice

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Involving over a hundred defendants, the Nuremberg Trials took place between 1945 and 1945 and broke new ground. Twenty-one Nazi leaders were charged with crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity - and with having a common plan or conspiracy to commit those crimes. It was the first time judges and members of the judiciary had been charged with enforcing immoral laws. Doctors too stood in the dock for the many hideous medical experiments conducted in concentration camps, while members of the death squads were tried for the indiscriminate murder of civilians. The Nuremberg Trails brought closure to the Second World War.

190 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 8, 2015

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About the author

Alexander MacDonald

144 books10 followers
There is more than one author by this name on Goodreads.

Alexander MacDonald is a military historian and author

See also:
Alexander MacDonald, Canadian bishop, 1859-1941
Alexander MacDonald, Scottish war poet, 1698–1770
Alexander MacDonald, Scottish antiquary, 1791-1850
Alexander MacDonald, 1878-1939

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Profile Image for Thanawat.
438 reviews
July 4, 2020
ผมชอบนะ หนังสือเล่มนี้ขยายภาพที่เราเห็นกันจากคลิปสารคดีสั้นๆ ที่เกี่ยวกับ Nuremberg trials ได้ชัดเจน เห็นภาพมาก
ผู้เขียนเล่าถึง Nuremberg trials ให้คนอ่านเหมือนกำลังดูละครโรงใหญ่ที่มีศาลอาญาที่เกิดจากการร่วมมือของเหล่าประเทศผู้ชนะสงครามเป็นโรงมหรสพ
และค่อยๆ เปิดเผยตัวละครทั้งจากฝั่งโจทก์และจำเลย ไร่เรียงที่มาที่ไป การเบิกความกล่าวหาจำเลย การซักค้านแก้ต่าง ไปจนกระทั่งสรุปคำพิพากษาซึ่งกินเวลาเกือบหนึ่งปี

ระหว่างที่อ่าน ผู้เขียนทำให้ภาพอาชญากรรมที่เลวร้ายของฮิตเลอร์และนาซีกลับมาฉายซ้ำจนรู้สึกรังเกียจได้อย่างชัดเจน มันเป็นความเลวร้ายที่คุกคามมนุษยชาติที่สมควรได้รับการชำระโทษ

ช็อตต่อช็อต คำต่อคำ เผด็จการคนไหนพูดอะไรยังไงในการไต่ส่วน แถมยังถ่ายทอดพฤติกรรมอันหลากหลายของเหล่าเผด็จการเมื่อถูกลากมาพิพากษาต่อหน้าชาวโลก ไม่ว่าจะพฤติกรรมกร่าง ตาขาว เย้ยหยัน ยืนหยัดในสิ่งที่ทำ ไปจนถึงแกล้งโง่ แกล้งอินโนเซ็นต์ แม้กระทั่งแกล้งบ้า ล้วนถูกถ่ายทอดออกมาเป็นตัวอักษรทั้งหมด

1. ความยุติธรรมของศาล เพราะศาลนี้ตั้งขึ้นจากเหล่าผู้ชนะสงคราม โดยมุ่งเอาผิดจำเลยที่เป็นผู้แพ้สงคราม
2. หลักการเอาผิดทางอาญาย้อนหลัง เพราะก่อนหน้านี้ไม่เคยไม่มีบทบัญญัติความรับผิดทางอาญาของเหล่าอาชญากรสงครามมาก่อน Nuremberg trials ใช้บทบัญญัติที่เขียนขึ้นมาภายหลังเยอรมันแพ้สงคราม แต่กลับใช้เอาผิดเหล่าผู้มีอำนาจของนาซีย้อนหลัง

อย่างไรก็ตาม ผู้เขียนก็แสดงให้เห็นว่ากระบวนการหลังจากนั้นไม่ได้รวบรัดตัดความ จะเอาผิดจำเลยอย่างเดียว แต่ให้โอกาสจำเลยได้ต่อสู้คดีตามหลักสากลจนจบ

แม้ว่าเหล่าอาชญากรสงครามจะคัดค้านในหลักการ แต่ฝั่งโจทย์ก็ตอกกลับว่า พวกนาซีมีโอกาสขึ้นศาลตามกระบวนการ แต่ผู้คนที่ถูกนาซีพรากชีวิตและทรัพย์สินไป ไม่เคยได้โอกาสนั้นจากนาซี

ผมชอบนะ รู้สึกถึงแสงสว่างที่จะตามมาหลังช่วงเวลาอันมืดมิด เพราะ Nuremberg trials สร้างบรรทัดฐานให้กับโลกใบนี้ว่าเผด็จการที่คร่าชีวิตมนุษย์ มีสถานะเป็นอาชญากร ไม่วันใดก็วันหนึ่ง ก็จะถูกลากมาพิพากษาทั้งสิ้น

หนังสืออ่านได้ไม่ยาก เห็นภาพชัด ถ่ายทอดออกมาได้ดี ไม่ได้มีศัพท์ทางเทคนิคมา bombard ผู้อ่าน
เป็นอีกเล่มหนึ่งที่แนะนำเลยถ้าสนใจประวัติศาสตร์สงครามโลกครั้งที่ 2
Profile Image for Usanisa.
76 reviews5 followers
December 27, 2024
หนังสือเชิงวิชาการประวัติศาสตร์ว่สด้วยการดำเนินคดีพิพากษานาซีหลังการพ่ายแพ้ ซึ่งรู้จักกันในนาม การไต่สวนที่นูแรมเบิร์ก อันเป็นจุดเริ่มต้นของ ศาลอาญาระหว่างประเทศ ผู้เขียนได้รวบรวมข้อมูลและข้อเท็จจริงในการไต่สวนผู้ต้องหา ซึ่งอยู่ในองค์คณะผู้บริหารของพรรคนาซี ทั้งที่มีส่วนเกี่ยวข้องกับการก่ออาชญากรสงครามระหว่างที่นาซีเรืองอำนาจไม่มากก็น้อย อย่างไรก็ดีหากจะนับงานชิ้นนี้เป็นหนังสืออ้างอิงข้อเท็จจริงก็ได้ เพียงแต่หนังสือเล่มนี้ยังขาดการสรุปอย่างเป็นสีดส่วนไปมาก แต่ออกจะเล่าในเชิง "ข่าว/สารคดี" มากกว่า ซ้ำยังหยิบยกการโต้เถียงระหว่างทนายและจำเลยเมื่อมีการเบิกความ แต่บางครั้งบทสนทนาฌต้เถี���งที่ถูกนำมาขับเน้น ยังขาดการชี้นำด้าานอารมณ์เพียงแต่บันทึกไปตามเนื้อผ้าเท่านั้น
นอกจากนี้การแปลจากภาษาอังกฤษหลายส่วนมีข้อบกพร่องอยู่เยอะ แต่ถ้าจะอ่านผ่านๆ เพื่อรับทราบข้อมูลทั่วไปก็ยอมปิดตามข้างหนึ่งได้
Profile Image for Heather.
257 reviews17 followers
June 13, 2016
Admittedly, I haven't read that many books on the Nuremberg Trials, but I can't imagine they get much better than this one. There is so much detail, yet it never gets muddled or confusing. The writing style is very clear and it doesn't try to get too academic, so it's very easy to read.
My only complaint, and it's a very smaller one, is that it didn't go into the Japanese trials enough. But, considering that the other books I've read about the Nuremberg Trials never even mentioned the Japanese trials, this book has a one up on them. But I would have liked a bit more in-depth section on that issue, as it is rarely or never talked about.
I think anyone interested in WWII history, or even any non-fiction fan, will get a lot out of this book. I highly recommend you check it out.

**I received this copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Kristenia.
11 reviews1 follower
January 20, 2021
If you are looking for a laundry list of quotes from the judges, counsel, and defendants during the trials, this is a great book for you. This book went through each of the 21 people charged with criminal acts in regards to crimes of war and crimes against humanity (yes I now wonder if the popular game is connected to this).

I was hoping more for information about the specific acts of crimes that these defendants performed during WWII and the Holocaust. While there were some of these specifics sprinkled through out, it was a lot more of quoting from the court records, something that becomes more tedious to read, like reading an instruction manual.

The highlights for me were the accounts of the Doctor who sat with these men while behind bars awaiting their trial and sentencing and what the defendants confided in him. As well as the mannerisms and thoughts after they were sentenced. This really showed me who and what these men really were.
239 reviews2 followers
June 20, 2021
I will be travelling to Nuremberg next July (2022) and will be visiting this site. I wanted to get a deeper understanding of this part of the World's history. My book was actually written by Paul Roland and printed in the UK - but the front picture is the same. It is not an easy book to read - the brutality of some of the atrocities overwhelm me. But, I consider it a must read for anyone who really wants to understand this history. It made me watch the movie - the Nuremburg Trials -all over again, but with a better understanding. I didn't realize that there were separate trials for different crimes. I applaud the judges for their decisions. I was also amazed that some were found not guilty (I felt they would all have been found guilty) - so each individual was treated as an individual. Kudos.
Profile Image for Neil.
34 reviews2 followers
January 27, 2025
I’ll begin by saying every person, and it seems to become more important as each day goes by in the current environment, should know about the Nuremberg Trials. At under 200 pages this book is an excellent quick overview.

However, I feel in order for the book to be a true stand alone primer on the Nuremberg Trials it needs a little bit more intro and context to be fully appreciated by a reader who isn’t well versed in WWII.

I was a little bit disappointed there wasn’t much in the way of analysis or philosophy about the importance of the Trials or the goals/effects of the Trials. To be fair, it doesn’t seem like the author set out to have much analysis but I feel like it is remiss not to include such a thing for an event steeped in theory/philosophy
40 reviews1 follower
June 1, 2020

Provides a superficial overview of an incredible event in history, the first ever trial of war criminals in a court of law. Glosses over the 21 top Nazi leaders. Albert Spear is effectively ignored. The coverage of Herman Goring's role in the story is nonsensical in contrast to his significance to the Nazi criminal organization. For some reason, the Japanese war crimes trials get a short chapter in this book about the Nuremburg trials. There are much better books on this subject.
Profile Image for Larmie Fahrendorff.
237 reviews
May 10, 2020
Unable to unsuccessfully download

I tried multiple times to download this book but was unable to complete successfully. I removed from my device and tried anew without results. Symptoms were like parts missing... I would read 8-10 pages, then it would default to cover page. And would repeat this from different areas of book. I gave up.... could not find any help through on-line kindle.
Profile Image for David Rogers.
258 reviews4 followers
October 15, 2018
I've read dozens of books on World War II so I finally got to the point that a book on the Nuremberg Trials seemed natural (especially, after reading East West Street). This book (as well as EWS) made me realize that the allies, as well as Germans and many of the refugees, knew what was happening to Jews, or at least had suspicions. I often wondered how long it took for the Allies to realize the horror that was going on. Apparently, they knew early but were powerless to do anything. The Nuremberg Trials, which I'm rather grateful was a short book, was very informative and while it probably didn't end my interest in WW2, it felt like a good time to read about the conclusion of this terrible war.
16 reviews
March 9, 2019
Lost Justice

This account of the trials gives the reader an unmistakable look into how political differences between the allies affected justice. Future usefulness to the west clouded the application of justice, to some really bad actors.
144 reviews1 follower
June 12, 2020
Fantastic point of view on the vilest scum being brought to justice in the 20th century!
Profile Image for Wendy Mendola.
1 review
January 10, 2024
I am confused as to why the cover flap says 11 days fo accusation and rebuttals. What does the 11 days indicate? Is this an error?
Profile Image for John Pilkington.
32 reviews
July 31, 2024
A detailed account of the trials - includes a good basis of the legal framework without getting too bogged down in the legalities. Happy I read it.
Profile Image for Nannette.
534 reviews20 followers
March 8, 2017
I have read several books on different aspects of the Nuremberg Trials. Each one covered a different aspect or group involved. The Nuremberg Trials: The Nazis brought to justice by Alexander Macdonald was an excellent overview. The book did a wonderful job of explaining how revolutionary the trials themselves were. Genocide was a new word. Although it had happened before in history, the perpetrators had never been held accountable.

Macdonald introduces the personalities on both sides of the dock. He introduces the individual Nazis and what they were charged with. He also introduces the lawyers and judges. The book then leads the reader through the trials itself and the reactions of the defendants and others in the courtroom to the evidence.

The book ends with the sentencing and continues onto the similar trials in the Pacific. The lasting effects of the trials are still with us. Nuremberg was important for many reasons and Macdonald does touch on them all. If you are unfamiliar with Nuremberg, this book is a wonderful introduction. If you have already have studied Nuremberg, Macdonald’s book is a terrific way to pull all the pieces together.

A copy of this title was provided by Netgalley in exchange for a fair review.
2,047 reviews23 followers
June 27, 2016
If ever there was any doubt about man's inhumanity to man, the Nazis would be the poster child. More than seven decades later, what they did is still stunning and unbelievably cruel.
What truly comes to the forefront in this book is the degree of delusion and/or rabid belief that those at the top shared. Many of them took the cowardly way out when it was certain they had lost. Some committed suicide, other tried to escape but a group of them were forced to face the world in the Nuremberg Trials
There was little regret expressed,, other than being brought to justice. Excuses, finger pointing, lies and deceits- even when confronted with an avalanche of proof- it is difficult reading short chapters on each defendant. They still saw nothing wrong with what they did.
I cannot imagine what it must have been like to have been in the courtroom watching and listening to hours of testimony and seeing the evidence mount.
The author has managed to whittle down the Trials into a manageable bites. The taste is still sour and it will give indigestion but this should be required reading to the naysayers who say The Holocaust never happened.
One can only hope that this is something that will never be repeated.
I give it four sad purrs and two paws up.
Profile Image for Rachael Westbrook.
233 reviews4 followers
May 29, 2016
I have ready many books on The Nuremberg Trials and I have to say that this one is the most detailed yet. Even though it is full of facts, the author writes it in a way that draws you in. I learned from this book, which is always my goal when I read. This book is for anyone interested in WWII/Holocaust. Highly recommend.

Official review for netgalley.com.
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews

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