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One Piece [ワンピース] #79

One Piece, Volume 79: Lucy!!

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The battle between Luffy and Doflamingo enters the final round. Luffy remains confident, but he'll need the aid of the people of Dressrosa if he is to have any hope of toppling this terrible tyrant. Can peace finally arrive for the long-suffering citizens of this island?!

200 pages, Paperback

First published October 3, 2015

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About the author

Eiichiro Oda

1,862 books4,197 followers
Eiichiro Oda (尾田栄一郎, Oda Eiichirō) is a Japanese manga artist, best known as the creator of the manga and anime One Piece.

As a child, Oda was inspired by Akira Toriyama's works and aspired to become a manga artist. He recalls that his interest in pirates was probably sparked by the popular TV animation series titled Vicky the Viking. He submitted a character named Pandaman for Yudetamago's classic wrestling manga Kinnikuman. Pandaman was not only used in a chapter of the manga but would later return as a recurring cameo character in Oda's own works.

Please also see:
尾田荣一郎 (Chinese, simplified)
尾田榮一郎 (Chinese, traditional)

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Profile Image for Subham.
2,989 reviews83 followers
May 13, 2021
And finally the epic fight comes to an end with everything being destroyed and time up, Luffy comes in with all his might and his battle with Doflamingo happens and he destroys him for good saving Dressrosa and they all rejoice and a apology scenes with Fujitora which was shocking and we learn some of the backstory of Luffy's brother SABO and also enter KAIDO! Epic stuff and one of the greatest volumes easily, the conclusion to one arc and hinting of another is insane and the art especially the fight scenes are insanely well done!
Profile Image for Bradley.
1,173 reviews7 followers
October 27, 2024
While I still feel getting here felt like a drag at least the payoff does not disappoint.

This gets close to the moment the One Piece crew lines up ready to take Robin back. It's more a victorious moment for Luffy.

The flashbacks with Zolo and Luffy remind us how great their teachers are and how they are able to hold their own against these peeps. And Zolo shines more than all of them by overpowering his opponent in ways that seem effortless.

Momentous volume.
Profile Image for Tilly.
226 reviews6 followers
March 4, 2017
I am very happy that the final battle in the Dress Rosa Arc was so satisfying but it was not even my highlight in this volume. My two highlights were definitely the backstory of Sabo with the loss and finally recur of his memory and also the reveal of Kaido in the end because it was absolutely epic. I love how Oda manages to surprise his readers so many times with amazing new plots and characters. Brilliant as always!
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Profile Image for Ahmed Gamal.
395 reviews80 followers
October 15, 2022
The conclusion of Dressrosa's endgame fight.
Luffy barely defeated Doflamingo with Gear fourth and I loved its concept.
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Profile Image for bookstories_travels&#x1fa90;.
673 reviews1 follower
May 6, 2021
El arco de Dressrosa llega su fin de una manera que no desmerece para nada a lo que hemos visto en tomos anteriores. No obstante creo que aun siendo muy buena saga, lo que la ha cortado un poco es la lentitud que ha habido en varios tomos centrales. Aun así, como arco me ha encantado.

La pelea entre Luffy y Doflamingo ha sido tan eficaz como prometía, y en ella hemos podido ver a dos combatientes realmente fuertes. No obstante, para mí lo más emotivo y bonito de todo es que como han sido los esfuerzos de todos los compañeros de Luffy y de todos los habitantes para impedir que la jaula de pájaro cayese sobre ellos aniquilándoles. No sé, no me suena que no me llegado al corazón. Y el personaje de Gatz, que asi como quien no quiere la cosa, ha terminado siendo el héroe del momento. Espero de todo corazón que salga mas, porque me parece un personaje enternecedor. Otro personaje a destacar creo que ha sido Sabo, un personaje que promete mucho de cara al futuro. La escena de su despedida con los sombreros de paja me ha parecido de lo más bonita. Ace siempre en el recuerdo de todos xd. Pero para futuras promesas la entrada en escena de Kaido, el Younko que nos faltaba por conocer. Del tío sabiamos que era una bestia, pero con su introducción deja claro hasta que punto lo es.

En general debo decir que Dressrosa ha sido una muy buena saga, quizás de las mejores que hemos visto en todo “One Piece”, donde Oda ha podido mostrar, una vez más, sus dotes como narrador y creador de personajes.Pero aún así he visto ciertas cosas que no han acabado de gustarme (por así decirlo, porque como ya dicho antes Oda es muy buen escritor). Como la lentitud que el arco, y cierta repetición tanto dentro de este arco como de elementos que ya hemos visto en otros arcos anteriores. No obstante, la saga, y este volumen en concreto, me han tenido completamente enganchada, he sufrido, llorado, reído, y me he enfadado con todo lo que visto en este arco. Creo que una de las cosas que más me ha gustado es que aquí aunque hay muchísimos personajes, Oda sabe cómo tratarlos, hay algunos secundarios (o incluso algún terciario) que está muy bien construidos y tiene una historia de fondo muy interesante, lo que les hace muy humanos y realistas.
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Profile Image for Javier Avilés.
Author 9 books140 followers
September 19, 2017
Y uno se pregunta por qué no incluir estas lecturas. Veamos... qué narices... me divierte mucho One Piece. El puñetazo que Luffy le propina a Don Quixote Doflamingo (sí, ese es el nombre del villano que domina un país cuyos edificios están inspirados en Gaudí y en el que hay peligrosas bailarinas de flamenco) me resulta tan épico y memorable como... yo que sé... es incomparable. Oda se ha propuesto una saga interminable en la que al final Luffy será el rey de los piratas. Sabiendo el final, como en la historia de Odiseo, lo verdaderamente importante es el viaje. Oda, Homero y Kavafis.
Soy fan incondicional de One Piece y sucederán dos cosas que tendrán el mismo resultado: me moriré o se morirá Oda. Lo cual significa que nunca conoceré el final de esta historia. ¿Y?
Profile Image for Graham Barrett.
1,144 reviews1 follower
November 14, 2024
Well after what seems like forever, Dressrosa reaches its climax! While it felt like the end of last volume should have marked Luffy’s takedown of Donquixote Doflamingo, as drawn out as the first part of the volume felt, it definitely had a measure of tension as well as Luffy needed time to recover, Mingo going on a rampage in the meantime, and the Bird Cage getting smaller and smaller and threatening genocide.

My only true complaints:
- As perhaps a sign Oda Sensei was doing too much with Dressrosa, I pretty much had forgotten that one of Blackbeard’s inner circle, Jesus Burgess, was present until the previous volume. They at least had him do something this volume and had Sabo get some indirect revenge on the Blackbeard crew for Ace but still it just added to the feeling Dressrosa was a bit too jammed packed.
- It really kind of hit me that the climax of Dressrosa with everyone trying to escape an encroaching environmental hazard was a repeat of Punk Hazard’s climax. It’s not horrible or anything, just odd that it happened right after Punk Hazard.

Beyond that this was a great final fight between Luffy and Mingo. I particularly liked how most of the Dressrosa residents/visitors and even members of the Navy teamed up to either help Luffy recover, slow the bird cage etc. I particularly liked how the Colosseum announcer, perhaps not as minor a character as I thought, rallied everyone to “Lucy’s” cause. All this added up to making Luffy’s final blow against Mingo all the more worth it and epic. It’s been some time since I said it, regardless of my feelings on the Straw Hats’ redesigns, Oda Sensei’s artwork is stupendous here in the final fight and the volume/arc’s artwork in general felt great.

Besides the final fight there’s plenty of other moments to love. First we got Admiral Issho/Fujitora breaking with the World Government and apologizing for Mingo and the Warlord system (he’s made it to the top of my list of Navy characters). Then we got a glimpse of the grander societal/political effects of Mingo’s fall. And in heartbreaking/heartwarming fashion we finally got flashbacks explaining Sabo’s survival and reunion with Luffy. Lastly we got our reveal of Kaido, setting up a particularly intimidating main villain for the next arc/saga.

As bloated and drawn as it was at times, Dressrosa ultimately had a lot of what makes One Piece so popular and this volume was a nice way to draw it all together for an exhilarating conclusion.
Profile Image for Léa.
127 reviews4 followers
October 17, 2022
J'ai eu envie de pleure : mon eye-liner a coulé EN COURS !!!!
Profile Image for Young Kim.
Author 5 books22 followers
December 5, 2021
Yes, there's the vit'al role of the leader.

And we only tend to remember a name, but there's always many others’ behind the scene.

It's never a man who makes great things, but always a group of "People as one."

The United Humanity!
Profile Image for lizzie mcguire.
258 reviews13 followers
July 29, 2022
this was incredible, outstanding, wonderful, iconic. one piece just keeps getting better and better. gear fourth was amazing to see. and let’s just not talk about sabo’s backstory because i could go on and on for hours about why i love these three brothers so much. ace, luffy and sabo mean so so much to me. the ending was !!! i can’t wait to see what’s to come
Profile Image for ☆ Franzi  ☆.
84 reviews33 followers
October 15, 2017
So I stopped reading years ago at the Fishmen Island Arc and now after picking up on the anime in August I decided to continue the manga, too.

I started with this volume because 1. I had it at home and 2. SABO MY LOVE ❤❤❤❤
Profile Image for Emi.acg.
603 reviews218 followers
November 3, 2024
Continúa la lucha entre Doffy y Luffy, a este último se le acaba la cuarta marcha y la gente del coliseo lo ayuda a ganar tiempo al igual que Zoro y los demás empujando la jaula de pájaros que ahora se está cerrando más rápido por obra de Doffy.
El relato del coliseo tiene su momento, Gyats. La princesa Manchery restaura temporalmente a los del coliseo y a las personas que ya no podían correr para que sigan sobreviviendo.
Gyats se manda un discurso para hacer tiempo y evitar que Doflamingo mate a Viola usando a Rebecca. Lo consigue y en el último instante se cambia de lugares con Viola por medio de la habilidad de Law para el enfrentamiento final.
No dura mucho más, saca en King Kong Gun, mezcla de la cuarta con la tercera marcha y vence a Doffy.
Lo demás ya es para mostrar la felicidad de la gente, las repercusiones en el mundo y las de Fujitora por revelar al mundo lo que pasó y no encubrir como fue en Arabasta. Y el final del tomo es mostrar a Kaido, el próximo rival.
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Profile Image for India♡.
774 reviews
June 8, 2022
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAR BELOVED WIFE PERONA ♡☆ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ !!! We get to see a calendar with all the characters birthdays at the end of the volume and as a gemini I'm so glad my favorite One Piece character is one too!! Also Buggy being a Leo makes SO MUCH sense. Anyways, WE FINALLY GET SABO'S REACTION TO ACE'S DEATH AND IT WRECKED ME!!! We also get to see his reunion with Luffy and it's so wholesome. Him asking Luffy for permission to eat the flame-flame fruit really got me. Finally got to see some Nami and Chopper after like three volumes. Kaido is introduced.
Profile Image for Ray.
Author 18 books412 followers
November 1, 2016
Another epic conclusion to a Shonen jump mega fight! At the ultimate last minute, Luffy has barely defeated the powerful Doflamingo at last. What's really intriguing about this volume is the setup to what's next for the Straw Hat pirate crew, with the rest of the Oda's incredibly imaginative world is explored at the end. Can't wait to see what happens next with the Four Emperors...
Profile Image for Viedefun.
710 reviews26 followers
August 4, 2016
je suis toujours aussi fan de ce manga et le calendrier avec l'anniversaire des personnages à la fin est vraiment super sympa !
Profile Image for Hafeez.
595 reviews6 followers
February 6, 2024
Volume 79: Chapter 786-795
Saga 8: Dressrosa
Arc 27: Dressrosa

Luffy go the upperhand and overpowered Doflamingo but it's not enough to defeat him. Luffy runs out of energy and worn out. He can't used Haki for 10 minutes. Law save him to give him a time to recover. At the same time, Jesus Burgess trying to capture Luffy but Sabo stop him. Jesus Burgess was defeated.

Doflamingo keep slaughtering Dressrosa. Straw Hat Pirates, Corrida Colosseum's contestant, Marines and people of Dressrosa help to stop the birdcage from shrinking. After 10 minutes, Luffy back in the fight. He used his most powerful attack to knock Doflamingo out. Doflamingo is defeated.

King Riku back as the ruler of Dressrosa. Admiral Fujitora and other Marines bow down to King Riku as the Dressrosa tragedy is also Marine's fault as Doflamingo is a Shichibukai. Admiral Akainu told that Admiral Fujitora cannot return to any Marine base in the world without getting Luffy'sand Law's head.

After the incident at Goa Kingdom regarding Sabo's departure, his ship was blown by the Tenryuubito. He was saved by Dragon. He lost his memories and was served as a Revolutinary Army. During Ace's death at Marineford, Sabo's memories are coming back after reading it in newspaper. Then, Sabo come to Dressrosa to reclaim Mera Mera no Mi. Before leaving, Sabo give Straw Hat Pirates Luffy's vivre card.

Sanji's team was attacked by Beast Pirates. They were looking for a certain samurai. At Kidd, Hawkins and Apoo's hideout, something was fell from the sky. It was Kaido, king of the beasts, the strongest creature alive. 
Profile Image for belle ☆ミ (thisbellereadstoo).
2,242 reviews174 followers
January 27, 2024
zoro got people to push against the birdcage that is shrinking. fujitora helped as well.

the colloseum announcer broadcasted to everyone about luffy = Lucy


the marines captured the donquixote family.

Kid’s alliance is targeting Shanks

Fujitora kneeled down and apologised to king riku about the marine’s negligence that caused this tragedy. he did this such that the story about the truth doesn’t get changed by the world government.

dragon saved young sabo who couldn’t remember anything when he woke up. he only truly remembered when ace’s death reached him 😭😭😭

sabo left the island first

kaido jumped from the sky and landed on the island kidd’s alliance was at.

volume 79: chapter 786-795
Profile Image for Juju  ♡ ~('▽^人).
614 reviews22 followers
November 10, 2024
1. everybody calling for 'lucy' while rebecca is drawing closer to viola - DOUBLE CHILLS

2. you know - the trust nami, sanji, chopper etc have in the rest of the crew to finish off doflamingo and all the officers.

3. "the force responsible for letting that vicious pirate hold official reign under the authority of the warlords of the sea system is none other than the world government!!" - oh my god, he is a breath of fresh air. my god, a marine alongside smoker who i can absolutely respect. he is killer


5. what the hell type of person is kaido, and why is his hobby suicide
Profile Image for Jhamankys.
325 reviews9 followers
September 18, 2023
De mis cosas favoritas de este arco, definitivamente siempre va a ser la escena del re encuentro de Luffy con Sabo. Paso chillando siempre porque lo primero que Luffy le dice es que Ace está muerto, que murió frente a él y que no pudo hacer nada para salvarlo, y mi bestoboy solo le dice "estoy agradecido de que estés vivo, gracias por vivir" 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Y nada como la introducción del conflicto que se arma con Kaido al eliminar a Joker, y con ello, los cabos hacen que nos acerquemos más a Wano. QUE EMOCION!
Profile Image for Ja.
915 reviews21 followers
March 5, 2023
Volume 79 covers chapters 786 - 167. The final fight in Dressrosa, Luffy vs. Doflamingo. All of the tension and drama reaches its final climax, and it's well worth the wait. But the fun is not over yet. We get some cool after-the-battle story updates, finally get to see the missing Strawhats after so many chapters apart, and the reveal of Kaido, King of Beasts. The story just keeps on getting better.
Profile Image for Blaine Bentley.
286 reviews
November 25, 2024
The final conflict was a little more dragged out than I thought it would. However it was a great conclusion. It was great to see everyone working together. The post conflict was also great. There was a lot of little strings left and I'm excited to see where each of them will go from here. I did appreciate learning more about Sabo, as well as seeing where the rest of the crew has been and what they've been up to.
Profile Image for Marta.
477 reviews13 followers
November 7, 2017
La verdad, la historia de Sabo me conmovió mucho más en el anime, tenía... no se, más sentimiento, supongo. Aún así me seguí emocionando de manera increíble cuando aparece para salvar a luffy.
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Profile Image for Annie.
38 reviews
March 6, 2021
Finally finished Dressrosa, even though I took a few breaks. Definitely a little slow to start but really picks up about halfway through
Profile Image for Paige.
101 reviews4 followers
March 7, 2022
I could go on and on about Oda's storytelling from the characters to the worldbuilding. An epic end to an epic arc. Dressrosa is probably one of the my favorite arcs in One Piece.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 183 reviews

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