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The Biker's Protection

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18+ due to sexual situations.

Caught in a never-ending battle with her stepmother and a wicked estate lawyer over her late father’s money, Savannah Payton finds love and passion in the strangest way.

She meets a gorgeous biker and fireman named Foley Durham who stops to help when he watches a truck collide with her beloved dog while riding his bike in front of her beautiful Devil’s Lake home. Fortunately, Foley’s stunning ex-wife is both a veterinarian and lives down the street.

Foley enlists his fellow biker club members, the Ghosts of the Prairie to watch over Savannah. Savannah falls in love with the biker way of life…and the biker himself.
Dogged by rival bikers and greedy ex-family, Foley and Savannah set their bed ablaze with rare, flammable passion. But someone is literally setting fire to the town and as a fireman, Foley is kept busy and apart from Savannah. While trying to figure out what is going on, Savannah and Foley keep finding ways back to each other.

101 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 13, 2015

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About the author

Regina Fox

8 books28 followers
Regina Fox lives with her husband, Craig, and fifteen-year-old daughter, Alyssa, in Mansfield, Ohio. She is thirty-three years old. Regina loves writing motorcycle romance and hopes to try other genres in romance soon. Regina is thankful for giving her a chance and is thankful for all the support she's received.

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Profile Image for Emily.
5,615 reviews528 followers
November 18, 2015
Savannah Payton was just spending an ordinary morning drinking her coffee only to have everything derail and her dog got hit. Biker and Firefighter, Foley Durham, just happened to witness everything and comes to her rescue. Throw in an evil stepmother who is out for revenge and a stunning ex-wife for Foley and Savannah's world is torn upside down.

This was a fun short story. Savannah and Foley have a lot of chemistry but the ex is causing Savannah to have doubts and Foley tends to just go with the flow. Entertaining read.
3 reviews
May 29, 2020
This entire series is fantastic!!!!!!!!

This series is my go to read books that I love. Very imaginative and I can picture the sceneries the descriptions are so vivid!
Profile Image for Toni Pulley.
424 reviews2 followers
December 5, 2015

I just loved Foleys and Savannahs story. I am glad they got together even though the crazy ex wife kept interfering.
Profile Image for Becci.
247 reviews6 followers
March 5, 2016

I absolutely LOVE this series. It's quirky and funny and serious. The ending of this one made me tear up because it was so sweet and perfect!
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews

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