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Fransk debutroman af vinder af 2015 Nouveau Talent Award:

Elsa har været involveret i en frygtelig skiulykke og ligger nu i koma på hospitalet. Det er flere måneder siden, og lægerne kan desværre ikke melde om nogen bedring eller livstegn fra den unge kvinde.

På stuen ved siden af Elsas ligger en såret mand, der har kørt spritkørsel og slået to mennesker ihjel. Thibault vil aldrig tilgive sin bror for den handling og ønsker ikke at besøge ham. Han kommer kun på hospitalet, når han giver sin mor et lift. En dag kommer han til at tage fejl af dørene og går ind til Elsa, hvor han beslutter sig for at tage et hvil. Hun sladrer jo ikke, i den tilstand hun er i. Men stilheden føles tung, så Thibault begynder at tale til hende, selv om han ingen reaktion får fra hende.

Mens lægerne, familien og de nærmeste venner har givet op, begynder Thibault langsomt at nære følelser for Elsa. Er han virkelig så desperat? Eller kan han se og mærke noget, som de andre ikke længere kan?

262 pages, Paperback

First published May 27, 2015

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About the author

Clélie Avit

14 books112 followers
Clélie Avit est née en 1986 et a grandi en Auvergne. Elle a fait ses études à Lyon avant de devenir professeur de physique-chimie. Elle enseigne également la danse.
Elle est la lauréate du Prix Nouveau Talent 2015 de la Fondation Bouygues Telecom.

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101 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 697 reviews
Profile Image for Jurgita.
2 reviews155 followers
July 3, 2017
It‘s such a unique, beautiful and emotional book. The story full of hope and faith. I really enjoyed it but I wanted more at the end. But definitely worth a read!
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,162 reviews659 followers
February 5, 2017
Qué puedo decir? La historia está bien, es original, pero a medida que avanzas se vuelve plana. Es decir, a los personajes les falta ese 'algo' que hace que te enamores de ellos.
Profile Image for Diane S ☔.
4,901 reviews14.4k followers
September 15, 2016
A young woman, she will turn thirty soon, lies in a coma after a serious accident. A young man visiting his brother, who has done something terrible, finds himself in her room. He shares things about himself to a person who cannot respond, but he is convinced she can hear him. Elsa's feeling and thoughts are internal and we are privy to them as well. Visitors, family and friends come and go but the young man comes back, again and again.

Very easy to read, the prose is straightforward, the tone should be maudlin but is not, a very different read for sure. I liked it, liked the characters very much, they are varied and descriptive. A quick read, somewhat of a modern day fairytale with a dramatic ending.

ARC from Netgalley.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,381 followers
September 6, 2016
ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review

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An emotional riveting tale that transcends the beauteous message of hope and love. I j’adore I'm Still Here (Je Suis Là) by Clélie Avit as this author completely had me enraptured with her deep poetic and tangible prose. In this modern take of Sleeping Beauty meets Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, Avit writes a delicate balance of love and friendship brewing between two strangers.

I'm Still Here (Je Suis Là) is told in dual perspective. Elsa is a young woman who has been hospitalized for five months after a terrible accident that has left her unable to see, speak or move. Being placed in an irreversible coma, her family see little hope in her recovery that is until a stranger walks into Elsa’s hospital room.

Thibault was looking for a quiet place to regroup his emotions after visiting his brother, who was involved in a drunk driving accident that was responsible in killing two innocent young girls. When Thibault enters Elsa’s room, he finds the silence deafening and soon he begins to find comfort in talking to her. As Thibault continues to talk to Elsa, he believes that she can hear him and sense his presence. And soon an unlikely friendship that is blurred by love begins to ignite. Readers are well aware that Elsa can indeed hear Thibault, her mind is lucid but her body are held captive by the coma. What others may see as a hopeless case for Elsa, Thibault knows the truth that she is still here.

In this emotionally compelling story, Clélie Avit sensitively wrote a story that was full of heart and hope. With Avit stunning prose, she lures readers to feel the tangible connection that Elsa and Thibault have formed. So if you are a looking for a story that was devastatingly raw, beautiful, poignant and touching then I would recommend you give this book a try. Nothing was lost in translation because Avit depicted the power of hope in a celestial and moving manner.

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Profile Image for Jodi.
496 reviews192 followers
November 25, 2019
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. On the edge of my seat, breath held, eyes wide. What a book!!! I can't stop thinking about it! All the what-ifs it brings up! OMG. This book was incredible!! A must read - especially for all those in the medical community because ... you just never know, do you?
Profile Image for Jessica Hull.
936 reviews653 followers
August 17, 2016
I'm Still Here (the English translation of Je Suis Là) is a beautifully haunting story about never giving up, about finding hope where there is none. Elsa is trapped within the confines of her own mind as she lies in a coma. Thibault is trapped within the confines of his own reality as he traverses the aftermath of his brother's drunk driving accident that resulted in the death of two teenage girls. Their individual circumstances are tragic and sad and the only modicum of joy and hope they each find in these desolate moments are those they find with each other, never really knowing what their presence is also doing for the other.

The chapters alternate between the points of view of both Elsa and Thibault. Elsa's point of view is strictly her inner monologue as she listens to her visitors and doctors, reflects on her own well being, and gets to know the mysterious Thibault who's oddly comfortable crashing in her room. Thibault, in his perspective, takes us along through his day to day with friends and family, and to Elsa's bedside as he turns to the stranger for comfort during one of the darkest times of his life. Thibault seeks the solace of this stranger's hospital room over the nightmare of his brother's next door, and Elsa silently longs for Thibault's company because he's the only visitor that gives her something to hope for. As beautiful as their bizarre connection is, there's a solemnity coursing through every page as this story evolves. What if she never wakes up? And what if she does?

I expected a profoundly somber storyline going in to I'm Still Here and this author delivered on that promise. What I wasn't expecting were the moments of humor, the sharp, witty banter between this colorful cast of characters, the wide spectrum of emotions I was made to feel. This story is maddening at times. The frustrating sense of suffocating paralysis I felt while reading Elsa's thoughts was a feeling unlike anything else I've had while reading. Her thoughts are concrete, her desire to speak or move or blink are so evident, yet her body doesn't cooperate. No one knows if she's still there. It's a captive feeling and it physically hurt to endure it along with Elsa, just as it hurt to see Thibault and Elsa's friends and family long to see her open her eyes.

There are moments in this story that are so wildly inappropriate, moments that are just downright creepy when you truly consider the dynamic between these characters and the fact that they truly don't know each other. Thibault crosses so many lines with this comatose stranger, does things and says things and takes liberties that really made my chin hit the floor despite how strongly I was also rooting for him. But knowing Elsa's thoughts in those moments somehow allowed me to just let go of the wrongness of it all and simply get lost in the romanticism, in the hope, in the possibilities. Truly, I did get lost. I was lost in these characters, in their devastating circumstances, in the tragic course that brought them together, in the numbing uncertainty that never let up. The barrage of emotions, the sheer beauty Clélie Avit created with this unforgettable story is unlike anything else I've ever read. This was a fairly fast read, a rather simple storyline, adorned with a no-frills cover, written in a clean writing style... but the impact of this story is a profound one. I hope every story this author ever writes is translated to English because I'm already longing for more.
Profile Image for Jeannine Allison.
Author 13 books536 followers
August 30, 2016
Have you ever read a synopsis and thought, I need to read this now, and I don't care that I have 54 other books waiting on my Kindle... I'm buying and reading this son of a bitch RIGHT NOW?

Well, either way. That was me with this book. I was very intrigued by the synopsis.


I loved how unique the premise was and I was really excited to dive in! *Side note: I did have a mini panic attack at the $10 ebook price :o But I decided to buckle down and take a chance on it anyway. And I. Regret. Nothing.


The story begins with Elsa in her coma and Thibault visiting his brother who is currently a patient on the same floor. His brother was driving drunk, killing two teenage girls and injuring himself, landing him in the hospital. Thibault is furious at him and when he brings his mother to see his brother, Thibault refuses to see him. He accidently stumbles into Elsa's room and soon seeks refuge there every time he brings his mom.

This was such a beautiful read. I'm not sure how it works when it's a translation. Do you credit the author? The translator? Both? Well, to whoever gets the credit, you did a fanfreakingtastic job!! I just loved how lyrical it was.
"In my head, I start trying to draw the sound to see what it looks like. It reminds me of a flame flickering, or a pair of golden wings, flapping up and down with the sound of his voice. With each new burst of laughter, they flap away some of the blackness from around me, and everything lightens a little. When his laughter stops I hang on to the glow of those wings for as long as I can."

And despite the heavy subject, it also had its funny moments...
"Mind your own business."
"Oh, I see. Translation: it’s a girl."
"I said, mind your own business!"
"Translation: yes, it’s definitely a girl!"
There were also some romantic lines...
"I'm in love with a girl who’s in a coma. And for the moment, this seems like the most sensible thing that has ever happened to me."
"If she stops breathing, I think I’ll stop with her."
All that being said, and while I definitely did enjoy it, there were some things I really wished were different (and I do think they might be deal breakers for others), but I just had such a pleasant overall experience that I couldn't give it less than 4 stars.


My expectations were pretty high, and unfortunately if I were to rate on that alone it would probably be around 3 stars. There were just one thing (listed below) that would have made it a much more enjoyable for me. But, like I said, I couldn't justify anything less than a 4. Besides the writing which I enjoyed, the two or three times I tried to skim, I got pulled back in. So I was clearly invested. Now to what I wished were different...

-The falling in love
He has one conversation with her friends. The other times he's just sitting there with her. So it made "falling in love" a little unbelievable. I could understand if there were multiple visits with her friends where he learned a lot about her. Or maybe read some things she'd written (like a diary was there or something... I don't know...) but how can you fall in love with someone when you technically know next to nothing about them? It would have been a stretch either way, but I wanted him to know her more. Despite this, it did still feel romantic. Maybe it's how beautifully it was written (and/or translated) but it didn't feel cheap or gimicky. I just would have preferred more.
*Also, I wish I understand the idea, and it made for an impactful ending, but I just wanted to see them together more.


Is it worth $9.99? ... I'm not really sure. If push came to shove, I think I'd say no. (I do understand the higher price considering it's translated but it's still steep) I think it really depends on what you're looking for. I know some might consider parts of it unsettling considering he does kiss her (mainly on the cheeks and forehead, I think once on the lips) while she is unconscious. And maybe I'd feel that way if we didn't get her side, but it just wasn't as creepy as I thought it'd be because we could hear her thoughts and how she wanted Thibault to bring her out of it.

I think if you're really interested, give it try (or download a sample) but with a price this high and with me wishing some things were different, I can't 100% say this is a must-read, but it was enjoyable :)


Profile Image for Dianne.
6,803 reviews608 followers
August 28, 2016
Imagine your consciousness being trapped within the confines of your body, unable to communicate with those around you, frozen in a kind of suspended animation. For months, after the avalanche that trapped Elsa under the snow, she lay in a coma, no signs of life, machines doing the work of breathing, monitors beeping their sad and monotonous tones. When her hearing returned, she was able to hear what went on around her, from the cold proclamations of the experts to the heart-wrenching pleas from her family and friends. Still, she lay trapped within herself, until one day, one stranger gave her a reason to truly fight to survive.

Thibault cannot bring himself to visit his brother, a self-centered party boy who barely escaped death in a crash he caused. The crash that killed two innocent girls. Was it fate that had him hiding out in the rook with the comatose girl? As time went on, he finds himself talking to her, resting next to her and he swears she responds to him, while the experts brush it off as spasms. He knows he isn’t wrong, but cannot get Elsa to show them she is in there…and time is running out.

Don’t expect action and adventure, bold moves by brawny heroes or heaving bosoms from the heroines in Clelie Avit’s I’m Still Here. Prepare to find yourself immersed in a tale of hope and love, of loss and pain and to feel every emotion, every frustration and the feeling of pure joy and agony faced by both Elsa and Thibault, as well as every character involved. Clelie Avit’s message is not lost in the translation from her native tongue to English and this story will warm even the coldest heart. Almost like a sweet song, this tale will resonate with readers looking for something with true depth and beauty. Step out of your comfort zone and feel each word as it slams into your heart.

I received this copy from Grand Central Publishing in exchange for my honest review.

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing (August 23, 2016)
Publication Date: August 23, 2016
Genre: Women's Fiction
Print Length: 256 pages
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
For Reviews & More: http://tometender.blogspot.com

466 reviews8 followers
September 1, 2020
I liked the short chapters with the two alternating viewpoints, but I found this book to be quite creepy. A savvy thriller writer could take the story and turn it into something much more horrifying and fitting. Maybe I'm just cynical, but how the hell can you fall for a woman in a coma? You've only heard details about her second-hand, and what's more, she can't even react because she's in a friggin coma. My stomach started to drop when Thibault GOT INTO ELSA'S HOSPITAL BED BECAUSE THE PLASTIC CHAIR WAS TOO HARD. What very normal human behaviour!

I'd love to read a feminist take-down of this book. There needs to be a sequel where Elsa gets a restraining order.
Profile Image for Λίνα Θωμάρεη.
469 reviews32 followers
July 29, 2017
Η ιστορία μου θυμίζει λίγο το Like a heaven (η ταινία που παίζει η Reese Witherspoon και ο Mark Ruffalo αν δεν την έχετε δει να το κάνετε!)
Πλοκή που την έχω ξανά συναντήσει και ίσως για αυτό τα 3 αστέρια.
Οι κεντρικοί χαρακτήρες ήταν ενδιαφέρων αλλά ένιωθα ότι κάτι στην πλοκή έλειπε... ίσως το βάθος ή στο συναίσθημα.
Πάντως φεύγει γρήγορα και δεν κουράζει ...
Profile Image for Maggie.
437 reviews433 followers
September 6, 2016
This is a book that shouldn't have worked at all. Like, AT ALL. There's (almost) instalove, and oh yeah, one of the parties is in a coma. A COMA. And yet......... it works.

Elsa and Thibault are strangers who "meet" each other when Thibault stumbles into her hospital room thinking it's the stairwell while trying to escape his brother. His brother is in the hospital after a drunk driving accident that killed two girls. Thibault, who doesn't drink except on rare occasions, can't even look at his brother he's so disgusted and ashamed. However, he can't say no to his mother's weekly requests to drive her to the hospital.

Elsa is an adventurer who suffered a serious accident while ice climbing and has been in a coma. She hasn't been responsive and her vitals haven't changed so no one realizes that she's regained the ability to hear. Her family and friends visit regularly but they mostly talk about her or at her. It's only the stranger Thibault who addresses her directly.

I got this because I loved The Diving Bell and the Butterfly and, well, it's not Diving Bell. I also saw it recommended for fans of If I Stay by Gayle Forman, and that's more accurate, but it reminded me of Colin Firth's storyline in Love Actually. (I loved Jamie and Aurelia!) The alternating POVs let you see how in sync Elsa and Thibault are even though they are each having one sided conversations. I bought how quickly Thibault's feelings developed because he's lonely and in upheaval. BUT this is also with the knowledge that he's fallen in love with the Elsa he's created in his mind. It's only as a reader that we know that his Elsa is pretty true to life.

I actually think this is a relationship that, if ever realized, would be doomed to fail, but in the context of this story, I bought the characters' actions and motivations. I found myself pulling for them despite my better judgment and really invested in Thibault's relationship with his brother. All in all, I was pleasantly surprised by this book.
Profile Image for Claudio Silva.
274 reviews108 followers
February 8, 2018
Estou aqui faz-me lembrar um arco-íris, que aparece sem dar-me conta que está lá; vibrante e brilhante. Estou aqui é assim mesmo simples, bonito e mágico. Um arco-iris roubado num dia entre a chuva e sol, transposto para palavras publicado num livro.

Sou fã de retellings e embora comparem este livro à Bela Adormecida, arrisco a dizer que são histórias completamente diferentes. Não temos princesas adormecidas, fadas madrinhas, príncipes encantados e bruxas más que lançam as suas maldições como vingança, nem beijos que acordam belas princesas adormecidas. Temos, porém, personagens que são feitas de medos, sonhos, personagens com carácteres diferentes, bem estruturadas, profundas, com um passado penetrante e tão (mas tão) interessante.

Esta história é contada em duas frentes; a visão de Elsa, presa numa cama em estado coma, onde somos atingidos por descrições do que gira somente à sua volta, dos seus pensamentos, das suas trivialidades da sua luta constante parar sair no estado coma. Outra visão que a autora nos brinda é a de Thibault, o homem que recusa enfrentar o seu presente e entra por engano no quarto de Elsa.

E é graças a este encontro desastrosamente delicioso e inconveniente que nasce uma amizade uma cumplicidade entre estas duas personagens, que mesmo que não falassem uma com a outra, compreendiam-se um à sua maneira.

Estou aqui quase que me obrigada a reconhecer que existe certos tipos de magia; a do destino, a do amor e a magia de procurar por um final feliz, mesmo no caos onde nos encontramos. Pois ele existe e Estou aqui é um livro que me faz acreditar que há por aí um final feliz também para mim, mesmo que seja ao entrar num quarto por engano.
Profile Image for Yakoytroy.
61 reviews12 followers
February 14, 2016
Una historia de amor atípica que es un canto a la esperanza y al afán de superación
Profile Image for Alex.
576 reviews76 followers
October 1, 2015
La dolcezza nella sua forma più pura.
Questo libro mi ha trasmesso moltissime emozioni contrastanti e tutte belle.
La forza di Elsa ed il suo trasformare il mondo in colori, odori e istantanee della sua vita passata. Il suo osservare attraverso l'udito per scandire il tempo e i ricordi... la vita che poco alla volta si "risveglia" attraverso il tatto, il calore e la dolcezza!
E poi c'è Thibaul che è il mio zucchero filato colorato, sì perché se per Elsa ha il colore dell'arcobaleno più splendente, per me è la dolcezza fatta uomo.
Che ci crediamo o no alcune delle cose più straordinarie e meravigliose al mondo accadono senza un perché...
Una giovane donna in coma ed un uomo che deve tornare alla vita, uno l'ancora dell'altro, entrambi tenaci e caparbi nel volerci riuscire.
Nelle ultime dieci pagine eravamo io, il mio IPad e il fiume di lacrime, perché porcaccia la miseriaccia il finale mi ha sradicato il cuore!!!
Avrei voluto leggere molto altro ma, come ogni lettrice, fantasticherò sul seguito di questo piccolo gioiello di libro.
"Sei qui" è diventato il mio finale perfetto ❤️
Profile Image for Adrijana.
98 reviews23 followers
September 23, 2019
Pročitah ovu knjigu u jednom dahu. I mogu reći da nije ništa spektakularno, ali mi je prijala. Imala sam osećaj kao da gledam neki romantični film iz sredine devedesetih (jak vajb onog sa Sandrom Bulok iz 95-e). 💖
Profile Image for Lost In My Own World Of Books.
639 reviews306 followers
January 27, 2018
Mas que livro fascinante com uma capa maravilhosa. Um romance ao qual não estamos acostumados. Esta leitura é impossível de parar de ler, adorei cada parte da história.
Profile Image for Noémie.
469 reviews99 followers
March 1, 2017
4,5 une jolie surprise c'est un peu rapide mais j'ai aimé les personnages
Profile Image for Irmak.
399 reviews907 followers
October 13, 2016
Kitaba olan hislerim çok karışık. Konusunu okuduğum ilk anda merak etmiştim çünkü ben bu tarz kitapları okumayı o duyguları kendi içimde hissetmeyi seviyorum. Ama bu kitapta o hissi alamadım. Yazarın anlatımı bana çok basit geldi. Cümleler ve paragraflar basitti. Böylesine güzel bir konuya daha sağlam karakterler ve daha sağlam bir anlatım olmasını isterdim.
Thibault, çözemediğim bir karakter oldu. Güçlü desen güçlü değil, ne istediğini bilen biri desen öyle de değil. Kitabın sonundaki halini daha çok sevdim ve açıkçası Elsa'ya olan hislerini fark ettiği andan itibaren o adam olmasını isterdim.
Kitabın konusu çok güzeldi. Sadece anlatım bu kitabı ortalama bulmama sebep oldu. Ben hissedemedim ama belki siz o duyguları içinizde hissedersiniz :')
Profile Image for Donaam.
538 reviews30 followers
March 26, 2022
Krótka książka, ale ile w niej buzujących odczuć.
Profile Image for ELisabete Marques.
171 reviews8 followers
November 15, 2018
O que posso dizer deste livro?
Adorei. Simplesmente adorei.
Confesso k nunca tinha reflectido sobre o tema. Fez-me pensar e refletir ...
E se fosse eu?
Soube a pouco.
Daqueles livros k nos deixam com uma sensação de perda, de saudade.
Recomendo vivamente.
Profile Image for Ana Stanciu-Dumitrache.
916 reviews104 followers
September 25, 2017
Am ales romanul acesta pentru că ideea mi s-a părut bună și originală. Nu pot să zic că aveam așteptări mari, dar eram curioasă cum o să o dezvolte. Însă, nu se întâmplă absolut nimic. E un roman care ne prezintă poveștile de viață ale Elsei și a lui Thibault și cum se îndrăgostesc ei, deși ea în comă și e capabilă doar să îl audă. Apoi un final previzibil. Atât. Mi s-a părut extrem de scurt și lipsit de acțiune. Pagini întregi cu gândurile Elsei, urmând apoi capitolele dedicate lui Thibault ... Nu apuci să cunoști niciun personaj cu adevărat, nici să intri într-o anumită stare... Nu am rămas cu nimic după această dramă, iar autoarea nu a reușit să mă impresioneze nici prin limbaj, nici prin construcția personajelor și cu atât mai puțin prin poveste.
Profile Image for Evangelia.
102 reviews25 followers
January 22, 2019
Καλούτσικο. Τίποτα το τρομερό αλλά δεν ήταν κι άσχημο. Ιδανικό μετά το Sleepers που ήταν αρκετά βαρύ. Προβλέψιμο και γλυκανάλατο αλλά τουλάχιστον δε με έκανε να βαριέμαι (σε αντίθεση με το μικρό παρισιανικο βιβλιοπωλείο). Μου άρεσε η εναλλαγή των προσώπων ανά κεφάλαιο. Στο τέλος, θα μπορούσε να γράψει και κάτι παραπάνω αλλά εντάξει. Δεν είναι ένα βιβλίο, που θα μου μείνει αξέχαστο, αλλά πέρασα καλά κατά τη διάρκεια της ανάγνωσής του.
Profile Image for Fabi.
482 reviews32 followers
February 21, 2018
Que livro maravilhoso! Espero que tenha continuação!
Profile Image for Snudaitienev.
43 reviews2 followers
January 9, 2025
Aš nežinau... Skaičiau šią knygą paauglystėje ir ji man taip patiko, pamenu. Tai po šitiekos metų sugalvojau vėl ją perskaityt, bet pasakysiu, kad man ji vistiek patinka. Tokia neįprasta istorija. 💙
Profile Image for Carina Carvalho.
645 reviews17 followers
July 8, 2018
Será possível alguém se apaixonar por uma pessoa com quem nunca se falou, nunca se interagiu ?? Gosto de acreditar que não é uma questão de se apaixonar mas sim uma questão de encontrarmos quem nos está destinado. Alguns tem o privilégio de saber que encontraram o seu par mesmo sem nunca se terem falado
Profile Image for Amanda.
612 reviews100 followers
August 25, 2016
Originally posted at Desert Island Book Reviews

Set in a hospital with one of the main characters in a coma and the other there to visit his seriously injured brother, this book could have been depressing, but it wasn’t. Somehow, Elsa (in a coma) and Thibault (seriously injured brother) both manage to make this book feel upbeat, even when it ought to be very sad. It’s part romance (sort of), part general fiction.

To be clear, Elsa is, through the entire book, in a coma. She can hear, but that’s it. She can’t see, feel, or move, and all of her medical data suggests she’s never waking up. Still, she narrates about half the book, solely based on what she can hear and what she imagines is happening based on that. It’s a really interesting perspective that I enjoyed quite a bit. I can’t imagine having to interpret my world based on what I could hear alone.

Thibault, on the other hand, spends most of his time talking or sleeping. I have somewhat mixed feelings about him. He’s great with Elsa, and I like that he continues to visit her, feeling some strange sort of bond even though he’s never really met her. Still, he’s pretty selfish with his brother and mom, and even though he’s good with friends, I didn’t love that he wasn’t there for his family. I also thought he was a little too forward with Elsa, and even though we know from her that she didn’t mind, it seemed like he was pushing a little too much.

There are other characters in the book, but to me, they’re practically not there. We don’t learn all that much about them and we only see them briefly. I know this is a story about Elsa and Thibault, but it would have been nice to get to know Elsa’s parents better, or even Thibault’s brother or mother, or some of Elsa’s friends who visited. The plot and characters were very straightforward with not much complexity.

This book reminds me a little of “Sleeping Beauty,” but also a little of If I Stay, with some obvious differences. The idea of getting into someone’s head when they’re in a coma is really an interesting one and I like reading stories from this perspective.

The one thing that really bugged me was the ending. It seemed perfect, except that it can be interpreted in two different ways (I think) and I wish I knew which the author intended! I guess it doesn’t matter, because it’s not bad to have some ambiguity, but it’s still a little frustrating.

I liked this book and read it quickly, but I didn’t love it. There was some depth missing for me. It was very much about two people and their (sort of?) relationship developing. I would have liked to have seen more of their lives when they weren’t together. This felt a little like a one-sided romance, which is good for what it is, but which left me wanting something. I gave it three stars and would recommend it for a quick read.

*ARC from Grand Central Publishing via NetGalley
337 reviews10 followers
December 13, 2015

Une histoire d'amour peut-elle naître en s'allongeant auprès d'une inconnue endormie ?

Je n'ai même pas envie de vous raconter de quoi parle ce livre.
Parce que j'ai tellement envie que vous le découvriez par vous même. Sans à priori.

Ce livre je l'ai acheté au Salon du Livre Jeunesse de Montreuil car j'ai rencontré l'auteure là bas. Je me suis laissée tentée par cette 4ème de couverture mystérieuses et par cette couverture intrigante (et je l'ai fait dédicacer au passage!)
Et comme j'ai bien fait de le prendre!!!
Il y a des livres qui se mettent sur votre chemin comme une évidence. Il n'y a pas de hasard.

Déjà il y a alternance de points de vue.
Et je vais me répéter mais c'est un genre d'écriture que j'affectionne tout particulièrement.
Et dans ce livre, je n'ai absolument pas été déçue par son utilisation.

Tout commence par une erreur d'orientation de la part de Thibault et le mène à rencontrer Elsa. Dans un hôpital.
Et c'est seulement ce que vous devez savoir (oui c'est vague)

Alors oui c'est sans doute en partie irréaliste dans son contenu. Mais ça fait du bien.
C'est l'odeur agréable mais un peu entêtante du jasmin.
Le goût doux du jus de poire.
Les glaciers et leur froid mordant.
L'hôpital et ses intervenants. Dans leur humanité ou bien leur froideur.

J'ai adoré.
J'ai été transporté.
J'ai souri.
J'ai frissonné.
J'ai été émue jusqu'aux larmes.
J'ai vraiment vécu ce livre.
Et je l'ai dévoré.

C'est touchant.
Rempli d'émotions de tout style. De couleurs. De non dits également. Beaucoup.
Une histoire très originale et des personnages auxquels je n'ai pu que m'attacher. Les principaux et certains secondaires.
Un petit bémol, c'est que j'en aurai aimé plus, tellement plus.
Mais je suis complètement entrée dans cette bulle qu'a su créer Clélie Avit. Et je l'en remercie.
Profile Image for Meg - A Bookish Affair.
2,484 reviews208 followers
December 12, 2016
"I'm Still Here" is the story of Elsa who finds herself in a hospital after a devastating accident at work. The problem is that she is in a coma but has started to be able to hear what goes on around her. Thibault is a man whose brother is in the same hospital is also after causing a car accident while drunk. Thibault is so mad at his brother that he can't stand to be in his hospital room so he wanders into Elsa's hospital room. All he knows about her is what is written in her chart. In a strange twist, he begins to fall for her. Elsa knows that Thibault is there.

This is a modern take on the sleeping beauty fairy tale. I love fairy tale retellings and while this is not exactly a true fairy tale retelling, it has a lot of elements of the sleeping beauty tale that really drew me in.

I really like that the story is told both from Elsa and Thibault's perspective. Elsa can only hear so she doesn't actually see what is going on around here her and uses her imagination to fill in the gaps. Elsa can't talk to also so she only has a slanted view as to what's going on. I thought that it was interesting to have some parts of the story not be there because of the perspective of the two main characters.

When this book ended, I found myself wondering about what was next for the two main characters. The book is left very open-ended and while I was frustrated with that, I still enjoyed the idea that it was open to the reader to determine what happened next. I could definitely see there being a follow on to this book as to where the story goes for these characters.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 697 reviews

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