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262 pages, Paperback
First published May 27, 2015
"In my head, I start trying to draw the sound to see what it looks like. It reminds me of a flame flickering, or a pair of golden wings, flapping up and down with the sound of his voice. With each new burst of laughter, they flap away some of the blackness from around me, and everything lightens a little. When his laughter stops I hang on to the glow of those wings for as long as I can."
"Mind your own business."There were also some romantic lines...
"Oh, I see. Translation: it’s a girl."
"I said, mind your own business!"
"Translation: yes, it’s definitely a girl!"
"I'm in love with a girl who’s in a coma. And for the moment, this seems like the most sensible thing that has ever happened to me."
"If she stops breathing, I think I’ll stop with her."All that being said, and while I definitely did enjoy it, there were some things I really wished were different (and I do think they might be deal breakers for others), but I just had such a pleasant overall experience that I couldn't give it less than 4 stars.
He has one conversation with her friends. The other times he's just sitting there with her. So it made "falling in love" a little unbelievable. I could understand if there were multiple visits with her friends where he learned a lot about her. Or maybe read some things she'd written (like a diary was there or something... I don't know...) but how can you fall in love with someone when you technically know next to nothing about them? It would have been a stretch either way, but I wanted him to know her more. Despite this, it did still feel romantic. Maybe it's how beautifully it was written (and/or translated) but it didn't feel cheap or gimicky. I just would have preferred more.*Also, I wish I understand the idea, and it made for an impactful ending, but I just wanted to see them together more.