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1 июня 1914 года. Хью Стэнтон - отставной спецназовец и знаменитый авантюрист, самый одинокий человек на свете. Те, кого он знал и любил, еще не родились. Возможно, теперь не родятся вообще. Только Стэнтон знает, что грядет большая страшная война, коллективное самоубийственное безумие, которое разрушит европейскую цивилизацию и ввергнет в страдания миллионы людей. Двадцатый век станет веком Великой войны, унесшей десятки миллионов жизней. И лишь Стэнтон понимает это, ведь для него нынешний век уже история. Он прибыл из будущего - перепрыгнул с одного временного витка на другой, воспользовавшись посланием сэра Исаака Ньютона, которое тот завещал вскрыть через столетия после своей кончины.
У Хью Стэнтона есть миссия. Он спаситель человечества. Хью предстоит изменить жуткую историю столетия, обратить Век смерти в Золотой век. Он должен предотвратить войну - войну, которую начнет один выстрел, не дать Гаврило Принципу убить эрцгерцога Франца Фердинанда. Но может ли одна пуля погубить целый век? И если да, то сможет ли другая единственная пуля его спасти?
Новый роман Бена Элтона - удивительные приключения во времени, в череде альтернативных версий XX века, среди которых наша собственная - совсем не худшая.

384 pages, Hardcover

First published November 6, 2014

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About the author

Ben Elton

55 books1,388 followers
Ben Elton was born on 3 May 1959, in Catford, South London. The youngest of four, he went to Godalming Grammar school, joined amateur dramatic societies and wrote his first play at 15. He wanted to be a stagehand at the local theatre, but instead did A-Level Theatre Studies and studied drama at Manchester University in 1977.

His career as both performer and writer encompasses some of the most memorable and incisive comedy of the past twenty years. His ground breaking work as a TV stand-up comedian set the (high) standard of what was to follow. He has received accolades for his hit TV sit-coms, The Young Ones, Blackadder and The Thin Blue Line.

More recently he has had successes with three hit West End musicals, including the global phenomenon We Will Rock You. He has written three plays for the London stage, including the multi-award-winning Popcorn. Ben's international bestselling novels include Stark, Inconceivable, Dead Famous and High Society. He won the Crime Writers' Association Gold Dagger Award for the novel Popcorn.

Elton lives in Perth with his Aussie wife Sophie and three children.

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Profile Image for Elaine.
604 reviews238 followers
October 23, 2014
I thought I “knew” Ben Elton. I remember the shiny suited motormouth monologues on Friday Night Live and Blackadder, and years ago I read and enjoyed Stark and at least one other of his books, but for the life of me I cannot remember which one. Time and Time Again though is a book that I will find very hard to forget – It absolutely blew me away. I loved it and am going to be telling everyone to read it.

If you could go back in time and change one piece of history – what would you consider to be the most important one to change? That is the question that Hugh Stanton has to answer in this very cleverly written time travel story which spans 300 years and a few weeks, depending on how you look at it.

I loved the descriptions of 1914 Europe, the author really brought it to life, especially Berlin with his exquisite attention to detail. I am not going to go into the plot any more, because I think that just the words “time travel” and “1994” are enough for you to know. The story twists and turns constantly and each separate twist in the tale comes as a complete surprise and shock, right up until the last page. It certainly kept me on my toes as each time I tried to second guess what was going to happen, the rug was well and truly pulled from under my feet. It is a book that blew my mind and one that will leave me thinking for a long while, although not too hard I hope – because my mind is a wee bit fragile now!

Many thanks to the publisher for the review copy.
Profile Image for Michael Finocchiaro.
Author 3 books6,053 followers
July 15, 2017
Original ideas but pulp fiction in terms of writing. Maybe reading PKD and Cixin Liu has spoiled me, but I did not find this sci fi story convincing. There were too many moments that were written like a cheap screenplay, "the emperor would be dead in 24 hours!" and yet it is actually three days later. Sorry, I know, no spoilers but this book is so irredeemably predictable that if you don't see that coming, you need to stop watching Fox&Friends because your brain is turning into oatmeal. The love interests are stuff and vapid as is the protagonist. Not my cup of tea by a longshot.
Profile Image for Andrew Smith.
1,194 reviews917 followers
July 5, 2024
If you could travel back in time and change just one thing, what would it be?

This question was put to ex-special services soldier Hugh Stanton by his former Cambridge University history professor. The year is 2024, and Hugh’s spirits are low as he struggles to deal with the loss of his wife and children, who’d been killed in a road accident. He’d received a call from Professor McCluskey summoning him to a meeting at Trinity College where she unveiled a letter that had been passed down the ages, penned by the legendary scientist Sir Isaac Newton. It seems that Newton had discovered the secret of time travel but there would be just one opportunity to exploit a window he’d identified – and that window would open, for just a few seconds, very soon. they most use this, but to what end?

After batting the question around, McCluskey declared that the obvious answer to the question was that all the horror of the 20th Century could be traced back to the event that precipitated WW1 – the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand, in Sarajevo. If that hadn't happened, then just think of all the lives that would have been saved and all the horrific events of that century that would certainly not have occurred as a result. Yes, this is the thing that would have to be changed, and Hugh was the man to do it. Back in 1914 he would have to go.

My memory of Ben Elton stems back to his standup comedy days. Motor mouthed and whip-smart, he was one of the comedians who really grabbed my attention in the 1990’s. He became a successful television comedy writer thereafter, too. I knew he'd also written a number of books, but this is the first I’ve managed to catch up with. His humour comes through here in the form of the hilarious McCluskey, but for the most part he plays it straight and if you're a fan of time travel stories (and I certainly am) then this is one you really should take a look at. The historical detail is fascinating, and it's all clearly very well researched. The whole thing also has a tense The Day of the Jackal feel about it, and there are some really good twists that made me think about how things could have played out so differently in my own life ‘if only’. But then again, would that necessarily have made my life any better, any richer? It’s all wrapped up well in the end, and it’s as believable as any tale of this nature can be, but above all, it's just great fun!
Profile Image for Saturday's Child.
1,432 reviews
November 17, 2014
Another brilliant read from the very talented Ben Elton. This one would make a fantastic movie or TV mini-series.
Profile Image for Mogsy.
2,192 reviews2,728 followers
December 12, 2015
4 of 5 stars at The BiblioSanctum http://bibliosanctum.com/2015/12/11/b...

While I enjoy time travel books as much as the next reader, I still recall my doubts when I was first pitched this book: What if I don’t know that much about World War I? How much history do I need to know in order to follow the plot? Will I still be able to enjoy this story?

Looking back at those questions now, I have to laugh. Really, I needn’t have worried about a thing. Even though history is at the center of this plot and WWI is the inciting incident that sparks the fuse, Time and Time Again turned out to be about so much more. With shades of Stephen King’s 11/22/63, this novel is a suspenseful and heartfelt adventure through time and alternate realities. In truth, it focuses more on the repercussions of changing history and what it means for the main character—as well as for the whole world and the generations after him.

In a not too distant future from now, Hugh Stanton is an ex-soldier and a washed up celebrity who has lost everything. The army wants nothing to do with him, and his once popular survival webcast had to be shut down after ratings fell. His wife and children are dead, killed in a hit-and-run accident in which they never found the culprits. With nothing left to lose, he agrees to take on an insane mission from a group of Cambridge scholars who call themselves the Order of Chronos.

If you had one chance to change history and make the world right, when and where would you go and what would you do? This was the question posed to Stanton by his old history professor Sally McClusky, the Master of Trinity College herself. For all of them, the answer was simple—June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo, to prevent the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand thus removing the catalyst for World War I.

The reasoning behind their choice is both surprising and not surprising, but you’ll have to read this book for yourself to find out why. Suffice to say though, it made for a good premise. It’s no wonder that there are all sorts of “What If?” speculations surrounding this date, considering the string of extraordinary coincidences that led directly to the Archduke’s death (if you haven’t heard the story about the sandwich that changed the world, definitely look that one up!) If just one thing had changed that day, could the Great War have been averted? And how might the world look like afterwards?

And here, Ben Elton had my full attention. As I said before, I enjoy stories about time travel, and my favorite books are always those that make me see things in a whole new light. Time and Time Again definitely deserves a place in this category. I love time travel theories that pull together history and science fiction, and Elton achieves this in style, postulating that Sir Isaac Newton had found a way to travel back in time and even tied this event to the great mathematician’s nervous breakdown during the period of 1692-1693. However, the best thing about this book is all the twists and turns, especially when it comes to a couple of big revelations near the end. Obviously I can’t go into them in any detail, but what I can say is that with so many poignant and unforgettable moments, Time and Time Again is one truly special book.

Ben Elton also knows how to keep a reader’s attention. I went into this book thinking it would be similar to a historical drama, but I was surprised to find an exciting mix of mystery, suspense, and even some romance and light humor. This isn’t a story that relies on a single element or one aspect of its premise to make its point, and again, this was what made me think of King’s 11/22/63. If you enjoy multi-faceted time travel stories, Time and Time Again is worth checking out—even if you aren’t particularly well-versed in the history of World War I. I myself have never been too interested in the topic, yet I found myself unable to resist the author’s vivid descriptions of early 20th century Europe, and it was doubly interesting to experience this world through the eyes of a character as fascinating as Hugh Stanton.

But above all, I loved how this book made me think. Going back to the original question Sally McClusky posed to Hugh Stanton: If you could make one change in history to make the world better, what would it be? Perhaps our protagonist should have answered the question with another one: Would you even want to? Not that the idea itself isn’t tempting, but who makes history anyway? Can a single person really make a difference, or are we all just like particles in Brownian motion, creating history with each and every random collision? Maybe it’s naïve to believe we can change the future by altering the past, deciding who lives and who dies. Maybe it is hubris and lack of understanding that ultimately causes Stanton to make all his mistakes, leading him to his own little quandary.

In case it’s not obvious by now, I had a great time with this book. This is the first time I’ve ever read Ben Elton, and I’m very impressed with his extensive knowledge of the time period as well as the brilliant way he structured and paced this story. I thought I’d seen it all when it comes to time travel plots, and never have I been so glad to be proven wrong. Time and Time Again swept me up in its richness and intrigue, taking me to places I never expected. I know this one is going to stay with me for a long time. Definitely one of the most captivating time travel novels I’ve ever read.
Profile Image for Paul.
2,420 reviews20 followers
March 7, 2020
I absolutely loved this one. It’s a truly excellent slice of science fiction. Fast paced, intelligently written with appealing characters and even a few laughs. Saying that, this is not a comedy. A lot of the negative reviews I’ve seen of this have been people who expected it to be; perhaps understandably as Elton is far more well known for his comedy writing (he did write most of Blackadder, after all).

It’s not especially high brow speculative fiction; the time travel mechanism isn’t examined too closely and it’s got a big slice of boys’-own-adventure-story about it; but that’s not to say it has no value to SF fans. It’s not about the science as much as it’s about the ramifications of the science. Elton really knows his history, too; there are a couple of things you might think are errors along the way but turn out not to be. To say any more would be to give too much away.

Highly recommended to anybody who likes good time travel stories and alternate histories.
Profile Image for Ellie.
1,534 reviews294 followers
June 20, 2015
The premise is an interesting one; can you go back in time and prevent the suffering of millions? Hugh’s target is the First World War, understandably an event with triggered a snowball effect across the world. If he can prevent the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and stop his warmongering uncle, the Kaiser of Germany, from stirring trouble, will the future be different? Is one event really the cause of so much pain?

I found the sections about the history, especially the assassination in Sarajevo, the most fascinating parts. However it failed in the execution of the story and the unrealistic characters. Well, maybe I just disliked Hugh in a way that wasn’t interesting. Sometimes you get characters you don’t like but they are stilling compelling to read about. Hugh was not such a character, he was just a bit of a nob.

It’s a contender for the Bad Sex Awards too. Don’t start me on the fact that he’s grieving for the loss of his wife and kids from only one year ago…but he’s soon diving into bed and falling in love in the past. And halfway through the sex scene he stops to wonder if he should feel guilty. But it’s OK, the woman he’s with says it’s what his wife would have wanted and off they go again. Plus there’s an extensive paragraph going on about how she has pubes and comparing her to the modern woman. How romantic.

I’m sure it’s a decent read for the kind of book it is (men’s commercial fiction) but it’s all action no emotion. At times it even seemed to mock the kind of book it is. Hugh’s a kind of working class Bear Grylls, well-educated but rather bitter about his peers having had better chances at life. I’m not sure if he was aiming at serious or tongue in cheek really. The whole thing comes across as mildly ridiculous.

The last few chapters picked up a bit, although were very rushed, and it has a thought-provoking message at the centre. Anyway, I would prefer to go on and read more about the start of the First World War. I read this for book group otherwise I definitely would have put it down. Just not my cup of tea at all.
Profile Image for Віталій Роман.
Author 2 books32 followers
January 5, 2022
Неперевершено. Чудовий початок читацького року.

Ще одна книга, яку сам колись мріяв написати. Але не склалось. Проте в Бена вийшло, за що йому велика шана.

Час - тема одвічна для письменників. Коли б вони не жили - знаходяться отакі от літературні альтернативи історії нашого людства. Спроба змінити страшні гріхи минулого - гаряча тема, як не крути. Хто б не хотів? Хто не думав про це? Напевно кожен. А коли на кону життя тисяч, мільйонів, чи не має це стати ціллю людства? Тепер вже не впевнений. Після прочитання бажаєш, щоб все лишалося як є. Бо ж може бути ще гірше...

Гостросюжетно, бо наче спецоперація. Динамічно, бо ГГ увесь час під прицілом і увесь час в русі. Чуттєво, бо кохання-пам'ять-надії і час - нерозлучні. Страшно, бо світ Кеті міг бути реальністю й для нас. Спокійно, бо закінчив читати, а за вікном ще 2022 рік.
Profile Image for Belinda.
247 reviews52 followers
December 2, 2014

I found the premise of this book to be good... what would happen if we went back and stopped the bullet that killed Franz Ferdinand? Unfortunately, the rest of it fell flat for me, and became overly predictable. I still enjoyed the writing, but didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped to. The cover definitely drew me in, isn't it cool?

It's a little bit history, a little bit sci-fi and a little bit dystopian, which all worked surprisingly well together. The research in this is very good, giving you the definite sense of time travel. I quite liked the villain and the dystopic aspect of the book, but they weren't there for long enough to impact the story enough for me.

I rated this 2.5 stars, because I felt there weren't enough consequences for some of the actions in this book, I wasn't overly fond of the protagonist and I think it was just too predictable.

The rest of my review this time contains spoilers, because I've found it too hard to review this without giving something away! I think this book is best read without knowing much more than this, so if you intend on reading this, please don't read any further!

The rest of you...

I borrowed this from a friend, as I really wasn't sure that I'd like it enough to spend money on it, but the premise sounded interesting and it's set in one of my favourite time periods. I'm now glad I did borrow this, as I definitely would have been annoyed if I'd spent $30 on this book.

I was really disappointed. Like I said, I think the premise is good, but it just fell flat for me. Maybe I've watched too much Doctor Who, but as soon as they mentioned going back in time to stop the bullet that killed Franz Ferdinand, I knew exactly what would happen. It's fairly obvious... you're going to cause big problems. Like wiping yourself out of existence, or making everything worse than it was before. And I was right.

McCluskie was an interesting villain, as it's unusual to have an elderly female professor as the evil figure. You're built up to tolerate her, but not like her particularly, which I also found interesting. It's a bit of a change from the obviously evil character or the good one that turns out bad. I figured her out pretty quickly, which I was a bit disappointed in... I would have liked more of a surprise. I also think we maybe should have had more time with her, to let her do her villainy thing more thoroughly.

I didn't really connect with Hugh- so much so that I just had to look up his name, even though I finished it not even 12 hours ago. Either that or my literary Alzheimers is coming on strong today. But no... he just seemed a little bit thick, a little bit too self righteous and just not relatable. We kept being told he's "dishy", heroic and very clever, but he really didn't show it to me.

I liked the idea of going back in time with all your futuristic equipment and the problems that could cause, but I think that angle could have been dealt with more thoroughly... like, actually having consequences for someone coming across your futuristic things. That would have been cool, but it wasn't really a problem. The fear was there that it would become one, but it never eventuates.

I think Bernadette should have had more consequences... actually, her appearance was around the point that I stopped enjoying the book. Hugh became even more annoying than he was before, with his crappy pick up lines and insta-love.

The future girl was really cool, I enjoyed her and how the dystopic future was built around actual historical figures. I wish she'd been around for longer. Actually, I wish the whole middle bit was cut, so no more Bernadette, with more emphasis on the beginning and end. It almost feels to me like there were three sections to the book, all being different.

So I rate this 2.5 stars. I liked the beginning and the end, I liked the premise, I liked the villain and I liked the cover. I just feel a bit disappointed in the predictability of the plot and how annoying the protagonist was. But, if you're ever given the opportunity to time travel, keep this book in mind!
Profile Image for Maja.
12 reviews
May 1, 2015
If you had one chance to change history...Where would you go? What would you do? Who would you kill?"

It took me a while to finish reading this book and I'm still unsure what to make of it, even though there's a lot to like - the promise of time travel, alternative history, action and Elton's reputation as one of the world's best satirists.

What I didn't expect was that it would dissolve into time traveller's compendium of clichés.

The year is 2024. Hugh 'Guts' Stanton, a 'mysterious, tall, blond and fiendishly dishy Englishman', an ex-Special Forces turned internet celebrity (something like Bear Grylls meets Daniel Craig as James Bond), is adrift following tragic death of his wife and children. Soon, he is recruited by his former history professor and the Trinity Master at the Cambridge University, Sally McCluskey, for a very special mission - to travel through time to 1914 and save one monarch (Archduke Franz Ferdinand) and kill another (Kaiser Wilhelm) and prevent the Great War. We learn that this is possible because of a secret discovery made by Sir Isaac Newton (so, he wasn't mad after all?) that gravity affects time, 'like a slinky', allowing one to step into the past and fix it. And who is better equipped or more entitled to tinker with history than the British?

As soon as Stanton (and McCluskey) steps from 2024 and into 1914, the story starts to crumble. Elton's initial tongue-in-cheek description of McCluskey as a Gorgon-like crone - old, fat, booze swigging, chimney smoking, with I don't-give-a-shit attitude - is clearly a poke at the Oxbridge institution. For a woman to become the Master of Trinity, she would no longer resemble a woman, but an ugly, mythical creature, a she-man. But, soon, too soon, she dissolves into a mere caricature who, when challenged about a historical accuracy of an event, responds with a resounding "Whatever!" Yes, I'm sure that an eminent Cambridge scholar would be saying something like that in the distant future that is 2024.

It seems that Elton doesn't quite know what to do with the 1914 McCluskey and consequently she never gets off the train heading to Sarajevo. Unfortunately, from this point, the story, buffeted by the hailstorm of clichés, is hurling towards a disaster.

By now, I started to wonder why anyone would bother spending a small fortune to study history at Cambridge when all they need to do is read Wikipedia, particularly when Stanton starts to wax lyrical about 'the brave and noble' Archduke, who 'like him, had guts.' The Archduke is good, the 'terrorists' are bad; that pretty much summarises the events of the 28 June 1914.

Stanton fulfils his mission in Sarajevo, but not quite as he planned. You see, it is the women. They are everywhere and it is their fault that he is distracted and makes moronic errors.

First, it was the sneaky McCluskey. Then, there's the dead wife who haunts him through time and space. In her honour, he has to prove he is the man she once married 'cool, but not cold'.

This is why he saves a Turkish woman and her daughter in Istanbul (or is it Constantinople. Elton annoyingly keeps switching between the two) and is kind to a pretty flower girl in Sarajevo. Both events threaten to have disastrous consequences on his mission.

And then he gets a 'second chance' with Bernadette, Irish suffragette, who Stanton decides is pretty before he even sees her. And of course, she is not only independent and bi-sexual, she is all strawberry blonde hair and emerald eyes. And pubic hair (yes, nothing quite captures Stanton's attention like pubic hair of 1914). It is love at first, convenient sight. Of course, we soon learn that Bernadette is only pretending at being a suffragette "Well, I don't know what life you think it is I've dropped, Hugh. I'm the original bored and pointless rich girl."

Then there's the famous revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg who Stanton decides to save from the maddening crowd (they go mad after he kills the Kaiser) because Bernadette admires her. 'Such a small face. Such a small woman.'

But then, a surprise. Somehow, this runaway train makes around the sharp bend and we meet Katie or KT, another time traveller. Here is the most interesting character, who, unfortunately, arrives too late. (I'm sure I will one day forgive Elton for giving Stanton the power of a male gaze to turn a tortured soul to a 'fine, noble face' "Stanton found himself wondering if she might even be beautiful". Ugh!) We get a glimpse of an alternative history, of an Orwellian world that was the result of Stanton's actions, the butterfly effect at its most frightening. A glimpse of another story that should have been told instead.

Time and Time Again promised a lot, but failed to deliver. I wonder what this story would have been like had Elton fully unleashed his satire and his acerbic wit -think Pratchett meets HG Wells. Or, how powerful and poignant it would have been had it been told from KT's point of view.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,915 reviews577 followers
October 28, 2014
Hugh Stanton is an ex-army officer, and former internet survivalist sensation, whose world collapsed when his wife Cassie and two children are killed in a hit and run while crossing the street. Invited to spend Christmas with his former history professor Sally McCluskey, Stanton only goes because he is totally at a loss at what to do with himself. McCluskey is larger than life; vibrant, enthusiastic and a mentor who enthused the younger Stanton about history. She liked to pose questions to her students – historical possibilities, the influence of individuals on world events, and now she has a question for Stanton. What if he could go back in time and change history? What event would he change? For Professor McCluskey has been left a legacy which will allow Hugh Stanton to travel back to 1914; to stop the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and thus halt WWI before it happens. All those young men marching off to die will be saved and Stanton will be the hero who changes the future. In theory, at least…

Real life is not quite so clear cut, but we follow Stanton as he trains for the mission of his life. This is totally engrossing –a really thrilling adventure story with fantastic characters and an exciting plot. Ben Elton has created both a present and a past which are totally believable, as Stanton travels across Europe. He is determined to leave as little mark on the world he is visiting as he can, but that is easier said than done. I think this novel deserves to be a huge success as it is a book which it is hard to put down. Full of the most amazing twists and turns and yet, despite the fast moving plot, the author makes his characters both sympathetic and believable. It is hard to say too much about this novel without giving away the plot and I have no wish to spoil it for you – so just relax and enjoy this novel – from Constantinople, on the Orient Express, through Berlin and full of atmosphere, history and the reality of what changing a moment in history can lead to. Lastly, I received a copy of this book from the publishers, via NetGalley, for review.
Profile Image for Elena Rodríguez.
994 reviews482 followers
September 16, 2020
Hace años una amiga que suele leer en inglés me recomendó este libro argumentando que su inglés no era tan complicado y que seguro que así empezaba a leer en este idioma. En su momento lo dejé de lado, recuerdo, pero porque no tenía tiempo y me dije "ya lo leeré". Ahora por fin le eché ganas y lo terminé.

El inglés que se encuentra en este libro no es complicado, yo lo situaría entre un intermedio- intermedio alto pero que no llega al nivel de avanzado. El autor escribe de forma clara y concisa y no se deja llevar por muchos detalles y utiliza muchos diálogos.

-I don’t understand, sir. You have shown to the world so brilliantly that gravity is the force that binds all things together and fixes their place and progress in the heavens. What else could exert a force on?
-Well, light, perphaps-, the old man said, the old main said glancinf at a shaft of sunshine that had appeared through a gap in the curtains as i fon cue. - Perhaps it might bend light.
-Could we then see round corners? Bentley enquired, unable to conceal a smile.
-We might, sir, we might. And then there is something else again.
-What else?
-Yes, time, Master Bentley. What if gravity can bend time?

El argumento está bien pero tampoco me cautivó. Imagínate que te hacen la típica pregunta de ¿si pudieras cambiar algo en la historia que sería y por qué? Claramente, la respuesta cambia según la persona en cuestión. Sin embargo, en este libro daba la impresión que te intentaban imponer que 1914 es el peor año de la humanidad y que Europa y no el resto del mundo es lo único que importaba. Me daba la impresión de una mentalidad muy europeísta (si es que se puede llamar así). Asimismo, hubo algunas partes de la historia que se hacían eternas, mientras otras que parecían más importantes se acababan en un capítulo.

El personaje principal es el único que me acabó gustando. Muy plano eso sí y su desarrollo dejó mucho que desear al final de la historia, pero le cogí cariño. No era tan cuadrado de mente como otros personajes.

¿Conclusión final? Un libro interesante para leer en inglés al mismo tiempo que interesante a nivel “histórico” pero nada más. Al menos para mí.
Profile Image for Banner.
330 reviews51 followers
January 6, 2016
Man this was a great book to end the year on. Time travel books can be hit or miss with me and this one was a hit.

First of all and this may not interest anyone else, but it had my all time favorite historical person playing a pivotal role in the book. That was worth four star from me. Elton did a great job with his character. (You won't have too read too far into the book to see who I'm talking about).

Hugh Stanton was the perfect man for being a time traveler. A kind hearted, skeptic, rugged outdoors man, a bit of a romantic (not always)...I could go on, but maybe you get the picture. The theme of the book focuses on the question, "If you could change one thing that is wrong with the world, what would it be?" A very profound question.

Highly recommended!
November 25, 2014
I was very disappointed with this book, particularly after reading so many positive reviews.

In this review, I'm going to include information about the ending, so please stop reading now if you don't want to be aware of that.

The premise seemed promising... The traditional "hero" who had lost his family being given a magic-like ability to travel to a different world to right the wrongs afflicting the people in his own world (as in Frodo, Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter etc).

In this story, our hero is going back in time to 1914 armed with detailed fore-knowledge of events, modern single-combat training, training in required languages, a working computer (!) and modern medicine and high powered weapons in order to change history for the better by stopping one assassination and performing another.

As a premise, what's not to like?

But of course, things inevitably don't go according to plan. Besides having to kill his mentor (think Gandalf, Obi Wan, Dumbledore) by throwing her off a train, he then has to kill an innocent girl while completing the first of his tasks. Oh well, no big problem... It's just what a hero has to do.

On a train he meets an impressionable young suffragette and he dazzles her with 21st century pickup lines that would make a modern girl roll her eyes. She thinks he's amazing for "inventing" such terms as "civil disobedience" and "sexual equality" which she madly writes down for later use and he shags her without the slightest sense of irony. Like shooting fish in a barrel really.

Which brings us to his assassination of a major political figure, which he does using a modern high power rifle with telescopic sights from the top of a building at a distance not normally possible in 1914. Fish in a barrel.

To cut a long story short, things go pear-shaped and no matter what he does, everything gets worse. (He even starts smoking again.)

When he dies at the end, it seems the message is "no matter what you do, no matter your best intentions, you will be manipulated, you will stuff up and make everything worse... So don't even try".

Such a shame. I liked the cover.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tracey.
457 reviews91 followers
February 19, 2016
This book is a great boys own adventure of a read.
Imagine travelling back to a time where you can change the history of our world, make it better, make the wars of our time not happen, prevent the deaths of soldiers in the trenches of ww1 the holocaust of Hitler's mania.
Our man Hugh Stanton is engaged by the people who have the knowledge to do just that , is it foresight or hindsight? Time loops confuse the most avid sci fi boffin so I decided to just go along for the ride and it was quite a ride! Just when I thought I knew where we were heading there was another twist, another change, another loop. If you change one thing going back in time it affects every other thing.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book by Ben Elton and hope to read more from him sometime.
Profile Image for Idril Celebrindal.
224 reviews49 followers
June 22, 2023
I wish I had written this immediately after reading the book, instead of having to go to bed. It would have captured my deep, deep irritation with this book much better. Now that a night of sleep has passed, I feel calmer, and my profound irritation has lost some of its urgency.

Because my irritation is profound. It is a vast irritation. Empire-like. It is an irritation that, were it physical rather than mental, would require medication to resolve.

Oh wait it's coming back to me.

This is a stupid, stupid book filled with the stupidest stupid people conjurable by the universe. Every one is a prize numskull; all of them would win competitive championships for idiocy.

Hugh Stanton, the narrator tells us, is super great at wilderness survival and soldiering. I find this utterly impossible to believe given that the man has literally no capacity to think ahead farther than his next 3 minutes of existence. Totally predictable results follow his every action and yet EVERY TIME he is STUNNED by the outcomes. And I'm not talking even "10 years from now" long-term, macro-societal consequences; I'm talking "what happens after I cross the street" type consequences that non-time travelers manage to handle every day of their lives.

But I guess in the universe of this book Hugh is not unique. Apparently no one has the capacity to think ahead. Cambridge as a university comes out of this looking like total shit because if the council assembled at the story's beginning is composed of their brightest minds, then they are fucked. I do not doubt my local community college faculty (no dig to them intended) is better equipped to save the world than this collection of fatheaded dingbats.

(Has my rage circled itself? Was this Elton's point, that everyone in the universe is a fucking moron? If so, I fail to see the profundity his author bio assured me I would find.)

(Oh yeah, that's another insufferable thing: his author bio.)

I just hated everything about this so much - yes, my hatred is not limited to the contents of the book or the author of the book (actually, all of it might circle round to him in the end ) but extends to, among other places, the structure of the book. The first page is set in 1914. Then we have alternating chapters in 2024 that are 100% devoid of suspense because we already know Hugh makes it to 1914. So you just slog through his thoughts about how old and smug the Cambridge faculty are, while being smugger himself. And then we abandon the non-linear structure completely.

Hugh's wife and kids, FYI, were fridged before the book begins, in a very ineffective attempt to give Hugh any sort of emotional life. Massively ineffective, because he is throughout a vapid husk. (HUSK, Elton, not "hunk;" stop telling me how irresistible to women you think he is.)

This is the motherfucker who shoots a woman, says her death will haunt him for the rest of his life, and then decides, in one sentence in the very next chapter after zero further thought, that he's sorry she died but after all it wasn't his fault because he had to save the world so he's over it. And now he'll get on with fucking the manic pixie dream-girl fake-Irish-accented bisexual suffragette who picks him up on a train... in 1914.

Goddammit just writing that made me hate this book more.

Literally every single event is totally predictable once the time travel mechanism is explained. Seriously, spend 2 whole minutes reflecting on how the time travel secret was given to these characters, and realization of every plot turn in the book will follow. Literally all of them. I think the ending is actually supposed to make the reader realize this, but since it couldn't be more obvious from the start, it just served to further emphasize how devoid of critical thought these characters are. Because in case I haven't been clear so far, they are some dumb, dumb people. Typically one thinks about the consequences of one's actions for, oh, any time at all before deciding to risk one's own life, let alone the lives of everyone in 1914 or born thereafter. But no. No, these halfwits don't want to get bogged down in any of that strategy nonsense.

But the absolute worst part about this book is that now a little of the hatred has bled over to Emma Thompson and Hugh Laurie for praising this on the back cover. (Andrew Lloyd Webber and Kenneth Branagh I already distrusted.) I get doing favors for your friends, but actions haVE CONSEQUENCES WAIT MAYBE ELTON IS RIGHT AND FORETHOUGHT IS IMPOSSIBLE OOOHHHHHHHHH
Profile Image for Inna.
760 reviews215 followers
December 21, 2022
Я свідомо взяла до рук книгу, яка своєю анотацію мене триґерила. Ну як же: головний герой, що має потрапити в минуле, завадити вбивству ерцгерцога Франца Фердинанда і відвернути початок війни. Тобто боротися з приводом до війни, а не з причиною. О, так, навесні 2022 ця тема чомусь мене, українку, дуже подразнювала.

« - Ви справді думаєте, що Бог хоче, аби ви прибрали з усесвіту ціле теперішнє людство?
- А чому ні? Яка, зрештою, різниця, коли всі й так просто сидять і витріщаються цілими днями у свої телефони?»

Головний герой ніяк не відреагує на цю маніпуляцію. І мені цікаво, чи вважав автор, що читачі також мають з нею погодитися.

Неможливо не порівнювати з Кінгом і Кінг тут точно виграє. Там принаймні герой серйозно думав про наслідки своїх дій та про свою роль, роль людини, яка раптово з’явилася в минулому і так чи інакше, але впливає на нього.

Я все чекала, чи герой усвідомить, що він нічим не відрізняється від тієї, яку ненавидів? Він так само вбиває «заради вищого блага» і абсолютно не шкодує, що так зробив. Але ні, не усвідомив.

В якийсь момент я просто спіймала себе на думці, що мене триґерить навіть не виконання, а сама ідея. Наскільки зверхньо і часто байдуже тут герої оцінюють ті наслідки, які спричинили б зміни минулого. Славнозвісний «ефект метелика», угу. Відкриття, які війна прискорила і подекуди уможливила в різноманітних сферах життя, на які ти збираєшся повпливати. О, так, як же таке можна було передбачити? На яку кількість жертв ти йдеш свідомо через не розвинені технології чи не зроблені «вчасно» медичні відкриття – всім пофіг.

А ледь не найбільше триґерило оце: «Бо Стентон мав намір це зупинити. Він порятує Берлін і порятує Німеччину. Порятує цих дурненьких солдатів, яким би знай тупотіти вулицями, і порятує цих чудових людей, які викликали в нього щирий захват своєю працьовитістю та винахідливістю, своєю шаленою оригінальністю, своїм хистом до торгівлі, науки і мистецтва. Порятує їх від жахливої долі, яка на них чекала.
Порятує їх від їхнього кайзера»;

або отаке: «Ніхт�� не хотів воювати»;

чи ще таке: «Решта Німеччини хотіла робити бізнес. То ж була «майстерня світу».

Тільки мені це схоже на поганого путіна і бідних рос. хлопчиків?
2 reviews
December 5, 2014
The author's style is easy to read. The book's pace is incredibly fast, one can imagine entire sections of the book translating directly into a series of quick cuts in a film. As such it is a page turner and mostly entertaining.

However the premise is fundamentally flawed. the protagonist demonstrates early on that he is acutely aware of the butterfly effect yet never questions his objective of directly invoking it. Even after observing the effect first hand with his interaction with a flower girl almost causing an irrecoverable situation. This same blinkered approach is demonstrated by the characters introduced to be members of Chronos in the early stages. Who, despite being touted as some of the greatest historians, mathematicians and philosophers Cambridge have to offer, plan a mission to meddle with history apparently knowing full well that by doing so will have have far reaching and more importantly unpredictable consequences. the

The book also suffers from a lack of substance. The return through time and up to the completion of the first aspect of Stanton's mission is reasonably well developed and fleshed out. After this stage it is a rushed mess of assassination, love and closed time loops.

I heard Elton promoting the book on radio and was completely taken with the idea. Unfortunately the idea of re-writing history wasn't enough to make for a good book.

Profile Image for Susan May.
Author 297 books616 followers
August 28, 2015
Having read a couple of Ben Elton’s previous books, I knew I would enjoy Time and Time Again. What I didn’t realize was just how much. Elton has really honed his story-telling skills, and based on his latest novel, he is now arguably one of the most readable and entertaining authors writing popular fiction today.

Time travel and alternate reality are complex plots to tackle, but Elton masterfully steers his book, from the first page to the end, without any dragging or info-dumping on us like so many other authors find necessary when dealing with the time travel meme.

Hugh Stanton, an ex-soldier, recently bereaved of his wife and children is summoned to his old professor of Cambridge’s chambers where he is told a fanciful story of a secret portal that will open shortly, and once only, between the present and 1914. The members of an elite society who have guarded this secret for hundreds of years, ever since Isaac Newton first predicted the portal, suggest Stanton has the perfect skills and lack of attachment to return to 1914 and prevent WW1 — the worst event they've decided, of the previous 110 years — by assassinating figures that Stanton had only previously studied in history.

Of course, when he does return, Stanton discovers it is not so easy to carry out his mission when every interaction and move he makes has the potential to alter the immediate and distant future. At the same time, he struggles with the concept that his children might never be born and that, if he fails, millions will die.

Elton really takes the reader on a wonderful and unique ride. This is not the same old time travel trope; there are unpredictable twists and turns right up until the last page. Time and Time Again is absolutely one of the best time travel books of its genre.

I received a copy of this book from http://www.randomhouse.com.au/ for an honest review. Thank you, wonderful people there. More about this book at: Time and Time Again
Profile Image for Tetiana Garanenko.
174 reviews1 follower
April 2, 2024
Група вчених отримала змогу повертатися в минуле і його коректувати. Людство заслуговує на другий шанс. На краще двадцяте століття, ніж те, у якому народилися. Якщо розібратися, то початок всього Великого впирається у поворот не туди, або в бутерброд зі сиром, або в двигун, який глухне, або водій ерцгерцога не може елементарно здати назад… Будь-яка гіпотетична зміна, нехай навіть найдрібніша, одразу породжує можливість появи фактично безмежної кількості ймовірних варіантів розвитку подій. Можна тільки все погіршити. При зіткненні теорії з практикою часто-густо трапляються всілякі несподіванки, до яких варто підготуватися.

Вся людська історія загалом була повною катастрофою. Якщо вам так кортить її виправити, поверніться на кілька сотень тисячоліть назад і пристрелять першу мавпу, яка спробувала випростатися і прогулятися на двох, а не на чотирьох.

Головне: час - сутність таємнича і гнучка, повсюди різна - бо відносна. Руйнувати може кожен, а от для того, щоб створити, потрібен талант. Треба жити сьогоденням, думати про майбутнє і не забувати про минуле. Пливти тільки у перед.

5/5 Супер (персонажі цікаві, вдосталь іронії та гумору, несподівані повороти сюжету і кінцівка логічна)
Profile Image for Pseudonymous d'Elder.
283 reviews22 followers
July 27, 2024
The past is never dead. It's not even past.”― William Faulkner,

Wow! For most of the book, I was convinced that I would have to give it a 4 star review, mainly because the logic behind the Newtonian time loop theory seemed contrived and the fact that the main characters would try to alter history even though they knew that if they succeed everyone one living in the current time stream (including themselves) would have never existed seemed unlikely. But then Mr. Elton slapped my critical thinking facilities across the space/time continuum with a perfect 5 star ending.

Oh, and I am probably wrong about there not being people out there who would sacrifice everyone on Earth in order to create what they feel is a better world, but if you are one of these nut jobs, please read this book first. It's 5 stars. I promise.
Profile Image for Kvitoslava Svitlytska.
102 reviews13 followers
March 16, 2023
Чудова ідея, подача, історичні описи.
Надзвичайно цікаво було читати.
Настільки все продумано, що неможливо спрогнозувати розвиток подій.

Історія про подорож в часі, з метою змінити минуле задля кращого майбутнього.

А, можливо, минуле не змінити, або якщо й якось змінювати, то чи це на краще?
В цій книзі будуть відповіді.
Profile Image for Nika.
385 reviews162 followers
March 29, 2019
Дуже захоплива книга про гру з часом. Чи справді, за можливості, вдасться виправити помилки минулого?
Персонажі дещо картонні, але менше з тим. Цікава інтерпретація і непередбачуваний фінал!
Profile Image for Андрій Гулкевич.
Author 6 books48 followers
January 1, 2022
Погані жарти з часом

Роман про типову ідею мандрів в часу, яку можна звести до фрази – «Чи вбив би ти Гітлера, якби повернувся у часі?» Тема стара. Не раз описувалася в різній художній літературі. «Знову й знову» є яскравим прикладом ефекту метелика, хоча радше ефекту слона. Протагоніст вирушає в минуле, щоб завадити початку Першої світової війни – головне завдання вбити кайзера Вільгельма ІІ. Мандрівником у часі стає Г’ю Сентон – військовий, котрий втратив сім’ю. Його вербує колишня викладачка з Кембриджу і відкриває з рештою представників таємного ордену можливість вирушити в минуле.

Герой звичайно погоджується і навіть дізнається в далекому 1914 р більше, ніж варто. Хай там як він успішний у своїй справі, проте все завершується абсурдом. Крихітна зміна в минулому тягне вагомі зміни у майбутньому, серйозна зміна – катастрофічні. Відтак можна здогадатися кінцівку твору.

Позаяк ті, хто читав «11/22/63» С. Кінга нічого нового в «Знову й знову» не знайдуть. Ба більше, роман С. Кінга значно потужніший у розвитку цієї теми з часом. Позаяк «Знову й знову» на початку бісило і було навіть нудно. З іншого боку дивно, що ніхто з викладачів Триніті-коледжу не подумав про ефект метелика, невже ніхто не читав фантастики – ось і її користь.
Profile Image for Olena Brazhnyk.
294 reviews56 followers
November 3, 2023
Той щасливий момент, коли йшла в розвитку подій практично в ногу з автором😎
Коли виникали питання й після розуміла, що не дарма, й що Елтон про це не забув.

Було таке, що десь посередині замислилась про назву й не могла зрозуміти, а чому ж знову і знову? Але все логічно, аплодую👏

Мені фінал сподобався🔥

P.S. Іноді наш герой Стентон здавався надто крутим й автор відверто милувався його силою й витривалістю, але з іншого боку, чому йому не бути саме таким чоловіком?)
Profile Image for Lily.
223 reviews47 followers
April 6, 2022
Максимально сюрреалістичне відчуття- під час війни, яка може перетворитися у третю світову, читати, як мандрівник у часі пробував відвернути першу світову.

Я почала цю книжку ще до 24 лютого і в перші дні читалася вона важкувато - не тому, що нецікава. Просто справи давно минулих днів здавалися такими несуттєвими на тлі війни тут-і-тепер.

Що не сподобалося тут - слабка "фізична" складова. В сенсі, як працює цей портал, що відкриває двері у минуле. Завдяки чому можлива часова петля. Зрештою, книжки про мандри в часі таким страждають нерідко - у Джека Фіннея "Поміж двох часів" теж якась дивна схема переходу. У "11.22.63" так само - от просто є портал, та й по всьому. Добре, що є серіал "Dark", який у цьому плані трохи краще спрацював.

Але загалом книга захоплює - останню третину я ковтнула за день. А ви розумієте, яка це швидкість у наші часи тотальної смиканості й бажання кожних 10 хвилин читати новини. Хотілося б сказати, що кінцівка не розчарувала - раніше я дуже любила, коли фінал драматичний. Певно, бракувало такого в житті. Вже ні. Останні 20 сторінок дочитувала у нічну тривогу. Потім довго відсипалася і прок��нулася з паскудним відчуттям - фінал книги наклався на реальність і був якийсь внутрішній апокаліпсис. В книзі виявилося гірше, ніж у нас. Але ж і у нас - ще не фінал.
Profile Image for Thomas Threlfo.
70 reviews1 follower
April 27, 2021
What a colossal load of shit. I'm as keen for a good time travel what-iffer as the next person, but with cliché prose, dishwater-dull characterisations, and wince-inducing statements by main characters on every other page ("I'll never love again!" / "I reckon a perfectly tuned V8 engine's worth a couple of icebergs any day!" etc. etc. etc. it just never stops) I was completely out of patience, goodwill, and interest by around page thirty.

Oh, and if you ever tire of ceaseless, unending references to breasts, bosoms, buttocks and behinds (massive, vast, enormous, pendulous, immense—thesaurus.com got a real workout for this one), then you're going to absolutely hate this book. Honestly, I wish the Kindle store still did refunds.
Profile Image for Serhii M.
17 reviews6 followers
February 3, 2023
Подорожі в часі - це мій улюблений різновид фантастики, як в літературі так і кіно. Тому в оцінюванні цієї книги я не об'єктивний =) Книга мені сподобалася, особливо *спойлер* коли під кінець виявляється що ГГ прийшов не з нашого світу(деякі деталі могли натякнути на щось таке), а з альтернативного. Дуже классний хід, який я люблю в кіно, коли автор нас "дурить", і викриває карти під кінець. Є в сюжеті сірі діри, проте вони не зіпсувати цілісного враження, і не потянули на те, щоб занизити оцінку.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Daniel Myatt.
869 reviews88 followers
May 3, 2022
A clever spin on the time travel story, that I found utterly thrilling, a bit like a modern day Buchan novel.

Yes, it does get a bit lost in places but never enough that you lose your interest.

I found the characters empathetic enough to follow and feel what they were going through and the scene setting very well done.

A ripping yarn? Yes, for everyone? No.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,831 reviews

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