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Into the Blue

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Tai Talagi and Ollie Birkstrom have been inseparable since they met as kids, surfing the North Shore of Oahu. Now they live with their best friends and Ollie’s kid brother in a pulled-together family, all of them piled into a run-down beach house. They share cooking, bills, and the saltwater running in their veins. They might have no money, they might argue, they might be in dead end jobs, but they live in Hawaii so it’s always summer. There’s always time for one last wave.

Tai’s spent years shutting down any feelings for Ollie. They’re friends. Their family depends on them. But with Ollie off on his first world tour, with Ollie’s dreams of a pro surfing career finally within reach, their steady world shifts. Is it worth risking their friendship, their family, their dreams for a chance at something terrifying and beautiful and altogether new?

236 pages, Paperback

First published July 7, 2016

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Pene Henson

3 books66 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 166 reviews
Profile Image for Teal.
608 reviews240 followers
May 2, 2022
This books deserves love, and I regret that I'm not able to give it.

It's well-written and impeccably edited. The friends-to-lovers romance plays out in some of the great surf spots of the world, primarily the North Shore of Oahu, where the MCs live with their found family. The cast of supporting characters is great. One MC is, at least in my interpretation, demisexual — and there's even a conversation about asexuality at one point, which I was pleased to see.

But (and you knew there was going to be a but) the tone of the book — its mood, its atmosphere, whatever you want to call it — felt so off for the story. I expected to feel the brightness of the sun and the beach and the vast sparkling expanse of ocean, plus the sheer physical joy of surfing that ocean.

Instead the book's world felt glum and blank and effortful. It made me wonder whether Ollie might be clinically depressed. But the 3rd person (present tense — ugh) POV alternated between him and Tai, so that couldn't be the explanation for the sheer joylessness of it all.

I never felt like I was in Hawaii, or Tahiti, or Surfers Paradise — instead I felt as if I was trapped in a Simon Stålenhag painting, in some long perpetual snowy dystopian Swedish twilight.

This is the mood I expected:

This is the mood I got:

Mood I expected:

Mood I got:

The story didn't bring anything original except for its depiction of professional surfing and life on the surf circuit — but that would have been plenty enough for me, if only I'd felt I was there. Instead it was as if I was stumbling around in the gloom with a couple of low-energy MCs. I considered giving up at about 60%, but managed to persevere until the end. I'd try this author again, for sure, if she ever writes more m/m. But if she recreates this kind of incongruously joyless atmosphere, I'll know to bail out instead of sticking around.
Profile Image for Tess.
2,097 reviews26 followers
July 11, 2016
4.5 stars

Featuring boys that surf and a friends to lovers storyline, this debut novel was refreshingly unique. Into the Blue is set mainly on the lush North Shore of Oahu and it's about Ollie and Tai. They're two best friends who have put together a family of friends (including Ollie's younger brother Jaime) all sharing a house backing onto the beach on the North Shore.

Ollie's days are spent like this: up early surfing, taking his brother to school and then making ends meet with a hotel job (don't worry, that's where the similarities to Blue Crush ends!). But he's been given a second chance to make it big in the World Surf League. Tai will do anything to help his best friend realize his dreams. He gets up early to help Ollie train and works in his cousin's cafe by day but his real love is shaping surf boards, including those that Ollie uses.

When Tai travels with Ollie to Australia, their relationship starts to change. Ollie begins to feel an attraction to Tai that he's never felt for him (or anyone) before (I believe Ollie is demisexual). Since they were teens, Tai had been attracted to Ollie but he'd suppressed those feelings because of their friendship. But now that Ollie feels it too, they act on the strong pull between them:
Ollie is caught up in Tai's hands and face and shoulders. When their knees brush, the connection feels inevitable. It's frightening and irresistible. This is how Ollie imagines drowning feels at the end-not the thrashing and struggling part, the part where a person is pulled softly under the water, unable to breathe and not caring anymore. Ollie moves closer.

The thing is, this new relationship between them can only be temporary. They won't let it interfere with their friendship or break up their family of friends. The reader of course knows that maybe it shouldn't be temporary but these boys will need to learn how to communicate properly first!

There were so many things I loved here. I loved the Hawaiian setting. I loved the uniqueness of Ollie and Tai and each of their family of friends. Tai came from a Samoan background which was a little different in the world of m/m. I really enjoyed the writing as well - despite the fact that it was present tense (not my favourite!). Overall, this was a very impressive debut and I'll be on the lookout for more from this author!
Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,149 reviews196 followers
March 24, 2017
Tai y Ollie son amigos desde niños, y junto con el hermano de Olllie, James, y dos amigas más, Hannah y Sunny, han formado una familia. El surf, el agua, la playa, la amistad, son constantes en la vida de estos amigos en Honolulu. Todo cambia cuando Ollie y Tai convierten su amistad en algo más.

Realmente no quiero contar más sobre la trama, tras un primer 20 % un poco titubeante en el que la autora nos presenta a todos los personajes que van a salir durante el libro, el corazón de la historia es cómo Ollie empieza a descubrir su propia sexualidad, y todo el entramado de sentimientos que van a surgir, y que van a salir a la luz entre el y Tai, y sus consecuencias. Todos los personajes son maravillosos, tanto los secundarios como los principales, pero con todo lo adorable que es Tai, es Ollie quien le roba el protagonismo a todos ellos. Aunque en ningún momento se dice con palabras, tal y como se comporta Ollie, todo parece indicar que es demisexual, y es posible que dentro del espectro del autismo, es una belleza ver cómo empieza a conocerse y a abrirse a los demás, sin dejar en ningún momento de ser él mismo.

La autora hace muy buen trabajo metiéndonos en la atmósfera de Hawaii y el surf, parece que puedes oler el mar, y es aun mejor su trabajo a la hora de trasladar las emociones de los personajes. La forma de escribir es realmente bonita.

Muy recomendable.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,490 reviews245 followers
October 5, 2016

4.5 Stars

So here I go again confessing another book weakness and addiction. Surfers! *sigh* I go all soft and melty whenever they float by. But come on! What’s not to love about a surfer boy? Am I alone here? Haha…I don’t think so. There’s just something special about a surfer. There’s an extra twinkle in his or her eye. Trouble, excitement, and magic in the air and waves. The grace, strength, and courage it takes to ride one of the Earth’s most awesome forces leaves me in awe. Every time! Jaw dropped and a complete loss for words. Surfers. *shakes head* I just adore them.

And Into the Blue by Pene Henson introduces us to two! Well to several but Tai Talagi and Ollie Birkstrom steal the show. Ollie and Tai have been best friends since they were kids. Surfing the North Shore together from sun up to sunset. These guys have such a strong connection made up of Tai's easy to like charm and Ollie's withdrawn, quiet nature. You can feel it at once. It feels solid and real. They know what each is capable of down deep. And in their rented, beat-up, beach house nicknamed the Blue House, Tai and Ollie created a family with friends--Sunny and Hannah--and Ollie’s younger brother, Jaime. The Blue House is home. Trust, support, and love are the foundation of the House through good times and bad. But change is hitting Ollie and Tai and the family hard. Ollie is facing his big second chance at a surfing career with big competitions and big waves. Then seemingly out of the blue (but not) new feelings and desires for his best friend start to rock Ollie’s world! Both Tai and Ollie take risks on the water almost every time they surf, but are they willing to risk their hearts? Can Tai and Ollie’s friendship survive the changes and waves threatening to pull them under?

”Tai’s whole body is alive with that ever-present tide, pulling and pulling when Ollie’s around. Ollie draws him in.”

The quiet power and dynamic between Tai and Ollie is like nothing I’ve come across in fiction before. You can feel their pull even when they’re apart. A force that can be heard in every look or shoulder bump or silent ride on the water or walk along the shore. I adored their silence just as much as their passion and sexy times together. OH-do they make my heart zing and belly flutter at times…

”Tai’s heart races. His skin is electric, his blood warm. He’s spent years kissing strangers and convincing himself that a kiss would never be like this, as if everything that’s always been caught inside him is bubbling over.”

Did you hear that? Better yet—did you feel that? The writing is my favorite part of this book. Pene Henson excels at capturing the movement, heat, light, and feel of the beach. Of nature actually. In simple, gorgeous descriptions and wonder, the Hawaiian waters and more come to life on the pages. Ocean and air. Sun and waves. Sand and salt. All of it! This story is soaked in the glory and grace of the sound and beat of the waves, the endless blue sky, and glow of the sun. I can still feel the sun on my head and salt on my lips. Breathtaking little lines that make me want to stand by the water’s edge and dream and stare off into the hugeness of it all. But it was more than that too! There is something special about Henson’s writing that catches on my imagination and sticks with me long after reading the words. Little lines and words that felt new and alive to me somehow. Lines like….”The joy simmers brightly up and down Tai’s spine.” I could see that. See Tai move with the joy dancing down his spine.

One aspect I did have to adjust to was the transitions. It took me a few chapters to get used to the quick, jump right into the action and events transitions. For example, there was very little suspense or waiting to see if Ollie won or not. BAM! Contest done and tallied in a line or two. But once I picked up on the pace of the story and the rhythm of Tai and Ollie’s energy—my heart was all in. In the water. In the surf. On the board riding along.

I highly recommend this beautiful story about love, friendship, family, communication and waves. Waves in life and in the ocean. We all have to learn to ride ‘em. Find someone you love and trust and hang on.

Looking forward to more from Pene Henson.

Profile Image for Andreja.
387 reviews2 followers
September 4, 2016


“It wasn’t just— I guess I wanted to see what the fuss was. I wanted to know what it was like,” Ollie continues.
“What? What it was like to kiss a boy?”
Ollie frowns. He speaks as if it’s all so very obvious. “No. To kiss you, you fucker.”

It’s frightening and irresistible. This is how Ollie imagines drowning feels at the end—not the thrashing and struggling part, the part where a person is pulled softly under the water, unable to breathe and not caring anymore.

This book was so beautiful. The characters are really mature and in the beginning it was kind of "weird" because they are 22 yo, and at 22 you're still kind of crazy and don't have your shit together, but it really grew on me. Ollie and Tai basically knew each other their whole lives so this was definitely a slow burn friends to lovers romance which I absolutely adore. Tai always had a crush on Ollie and Ollie just had his own pace and he needed some time to grasp this concept that is love and my god it was a beautiful ride. This love story leaves me a sappy romantic sitting on beach while watching a sundown. Pipe dreams are real people.

P.S.: While searching for gifs or pictures of two surfer dudes kissing I stumbled on a major problem. There are none, like zero nada. That's why I dived deeper (see what I did there :D), and lo and behold homosexuality is still a big taboo among surfers. Like what. Why?? It's 2016. That's just sad.
Profile Image for Skye Kilaen.
Author 18 books365 followers
February 21, 2024
A lovely, gentle, friends-to-lovers surfing romance that happens within a found/created family. It's a really quiet book at times, which was striking and different from many other romance novels I've read.

Ollie Birkstrum is a gifted surfer on his last chance to go pro after an injury. Tai Talagi is his gay best friend. They're both part of a group of roommates that has become a family over the years. When Ollie needs Tai's continued coaching (and social support, see diversity note below) to make his comeback, Tai puts his life on hold to travel with Ollie. Ollie finds himself wanting more than friendship with Tai, though he's rarely or never experienced sexual attraction before. (I and some other readers interpret Ollie as demisexual or similar. On my August 2023 re-read, I also suspected Ollie is autistic.) This new development is hella awkward for Tai, who's devoted like 20% of his energy for years to suppressing his crush on Ollie.

The "we'll just have sex while we're on the road" decision causes some significant complications, the resolving of which require more honesty than either is used to, and quite frankly they're both kind of terrible at it. Even when they're hurting each other, though, it's within such a context of caring that you're confident they're going to work it out.

[Update on a re-read: Still love this, but there's this weird pattern where Tai and/or Ollie will use the word "boy" to refer to Tai's sex partners where I would think the characters would use "guy." They are 23 year old men who have been working/doing pro sports for at least five years. I don't have an issue with the playful use of "boy" sometimes but this was distracting.]
Profile Image for Line.
1,082 reviews168 followers
August 17, 2016
Oh I needed this book! This was such a beautiful, lovely, cozy romance that just came out of nowhere and left such a good feeling in it's wake! (see what I did there;-)
Also if you like the movie: Blue Crush, this book should absolutely be for you. It's not the 'same' story, but it invokes the same feelings and the same mood!

Ollie and Tai have known each other for years! They are both surfers, but where Ollie is trying to get back into professional surfing after a an accident, Tai has realised that he will never be at Ollie's level. He supports Ollie in all the ways he can, and makes boards for Ollie.

Tai and Ollie live together with Ollie's brother Jaime and their friends Hannah and Sunny in the blue house by the beach. They are a family (THANK you Pene Henson for making up a 'put-together' family that does not share blood, but are role models for how families should be!)
Ollie and Jaime lost their mother a few years back, but have -with the help of the others in the blue house- gotten their lives together.
This book is a story of 'coming' back, of opening up your eyes, and seeing what's in front of you, of friends and family and love and life!

Ollie has decided that he will try to go pro one more time in regards to surfing, if it does not work this time he will leave his dreams of surfing professionally and find something else to do.
He qualifies for the World Tour and invites Tai to go with him, since Ollie is not good with people, is not comfortable in crowds and hates talking to journalists.
Tai is gay, Ollie knows Tai is gay and Ollie is pretty much a virgin. Also Tai is the person everyone wants to talk to and so chill and nice and cool, that you cannot help but love him!

What follows is Ollie's awakening as well as the development of the relationship between Tai and Ollie, and it is a beautiful story!
I am pretty sure that you could give Ollie a diagnosis of -maybe- mild autism or something like that, since he has issues with touching and can seem quite OCD in some of his mannerisms.
But Tai and Ollie were freaking lovely together.

There is the 'normal' crisis at around the 70-80% mark, but I thought it went well with their development as a couple and the 'angst' had it's place because of their differences as people and their problems communicating...

This will definitely be read again, and I am pretty sure that Tai and Ollie are one of my favourite MM-couples in a LOOOOONG time!
Profile Image for LenaRibka.
1,462 reviews426 followers
May 4, 2017
29th Annual Lambda Literary Award Finalist

DNF at 40%

Waves, surfing, sun, summer, beach, Ollie and Tai, family, friendship, sweet, cute, friends-to-lovers, boring, dragging, conflict free, colorless, empty, not for me, DNF.
Profile Image for Gabi.
692 reviews115 followers
June 12, 2018
Tai and Ollie met when they were 13 years old, became best friends and were inseparable. After Ollie's mom died, when he was 18, they moved into a beach house, with Ollie's kid brother and two of their friends.


They struggled to make ends meet, but they were happy nonetheless. When Ollie got a chance to tour and compete with the best surfers in the world, he did his best to get in the circuit.

He decided to take his best friend/maker-of-best-handcrafted-surfboards with him. While on that trip, Ollie realized he wanted something more from Tai. It wasn't a dramatic, oh-shit-why-do-I-want-him realization, but it was kinda sudden. He saw Tai in a new light.


Given that - in my opinion - Ollie was asexual, or at least demi, he didn't feel comfortable with touching and crowds, and didn't let anyone close to him. Tai was different, he knew and understood his boundaries. So things happened on that trip, which complicated things when the tour was over, and they had to go back home.

I love when authors get so invested in a story, that they do a lot of research, so it can be accurate. And not just that but putting the feelings behind it too.

I honestly thought it would be harder to get used to the writing style, but for me it wasn't. The ending was a bit too convenient, too easy. But overall I loved this book.

Also, why do I find frotting so much hotter, than anything else? Rhetorical question, don't answer it! ;)
Profile Image for Amanda.
47 reviews2 followers
August 5, 2016
THIS BOOK IS EVERYTHING I NEVER KNEW I WANTED! Hawaii! Surfing! Friends to Lovers! Found Family! I usually reserve 5 start ratings for books that have touched me in a deep emotional way, but I couldn't not give 5 stars to this one when it gave me so much joy to read it. I always complain about LGBT-centered novels being predictable or not as well written as I would like, but this book does representation SO WELL. The character's sexualities are never used as part of the conflict, there aren't big tragic events, asexuality is discussed, the author portraits Ollie's introvertion accurately...and I'm sure I'm missing many of the little things that made me love this book. An amazing first novel, I'm looking forward to reading more from the author in the future.
Profile Image for — lily.
120 reviews39 followers
March 19, 2021
I loved everything about this book. I loved the special atmosphere of Hawaii with the beaches, the sand and the water, I loved my surfer boys Ollie and Tai, I loved the strong bond with their family, I loved the friendship and the sweet romance. It was everything I love. This book is a treasure.
Profile Image for Cheyenne Blue.
Author 90 books427 followers
December 16, 2018
Having read and loved Pene Henson’s Storm Season, I was excited to read her earlier book Into the Blue.

Tai and Ollie grew up together as best mates surfing Hawaii’s big breaks. Now aged in their late teens, they live in the Blue House, a tumbledown surf shack opposite the beach with Ollie’s kid brother and two other friends. The household pulls together and is determined to stay together, not least because Ollie has custody of his younger brother, Jamie.
Ollie’s always been the better surfer of the two, but he’s never quite made it to the pro tour. When he gets one final chance to get a wildcard into the local pro event, he decides it’s now or never. Tai, while loving the ocean as much as Ollie, has his calling in the shaping and making of handcrafted surfboards.

Ollie makes it onto the tour and, accompanied by Tai, heads off to Australia. In Oz, his steadfast friendship with Tai turns to romance.
There are so many things I love about this book. The writing is third person present tense, and it’s beautiful. Short sentences, straightforward language that never the less is utterly beautiful. Actually, straightforward language is always the most beautiful. This is the sort of book I would read for the writing alone.

I love the descriptions of the ocean and of surfing. Both Hawaii and Australia are described very individually: a wave is not a wave is not a wave. They break and roll and curl and there’s tubes and all sorts of surfing terminology and language that I didn’t know—but I didn’t need to, they made perfect sense in the context and added to the intimacy that both boys had with the ocean.

I’m not a surfer, and know very little about it, but there’s something about a writer with a passion for surfing and the ocean that always sucks me in. My favourite book EVER, is the Aussie author that everyone knows, Tim Winton, and his paean to the ocean and surfing and teenage relationships, Breath. Into the Blue shows the same love the for sea that Breath does

Much as I loved the romance between Tai and Ollie, it was the love between the housemates that I loved best of all in this book. Found families are one of my favourite themes, and Pene Henson writes them perfectly (Storm Season also had a found family). The kids of the Blue House are a family in every sense of the word. The Blue House is a tumbledown place on the edge of ruin, that the kids love. It’s their home and they can’t see themselves living anywhere else. They pull together as a unit. They pool their money, they make collective decisions about their future, and together they raise Jamie, who is still at school. When Ollie and Tai go away to Australia, the remaining two in the Blue House, Hannah and Sunny, remain with Jamie. The scenes of life in the Blue House are some of my favourites in the book. (And the ending was just perfect!).

This book won the Lambda Literary Award for Gay Romance in 2018. IMHO, it was a worthy winner.

Profile Image for Mimi.
147 reviews
March 11, 2023
I really wanted to love this book but I just liked it. This book started really strong for me, I loved the prologue with the potential and the atmosphere the author created but it fizzled out really quickly after that.

The language in this book is just so flat. And by flat I don't mean they're cookie-cutter sentences I have read a million times before, there are some good lines here in isolation. But the short, choppy sentences make it sound very dull overall. Which wasn't a problem at the beginning of the book - I even liked it because I thought it was by design. As Ollie got back his groove in surfing and fell in love with Tai, the language would brighten up, the sunshine would finally shine blah blah.

It never did.

The atmosphere created is so strong but so damn incongruent with this story. It says something that I was reading this at 30 degrees celcius here in the Southern Hemisphere and considering whether I should postpone this surfing book to autumn. Everything is told in this almost gloomy way that every moment - ones meant to be heartwarming, romantic, disappointing, raging - all felt static.

At this stage I read so many friends to lovers stories that I think anything else surrounding it feels as important to me. If I felt like I was on the beach and the sun was warm on my face and I was surrounded by the joy of surfing, that'd be enough. But alas. Overall, I think this would be so much more stronger if there was more cadence to the language and it was singular pov as Tai's voice neither sounded any different from Ollie's nor added anything to the story.
Profile Image for BeckieLouLou.
399 reviews15 followers
November 27, 2024
4.5 stars. Beautiful BFF to lovers, a journey through the in-between time, the phase from meandering youth to a young adult with a path and plan. Softly written, low drama, medium angst story of living paycheck to paycheck, being dependent on friends, dreaming big, second chances and navigating the growing pains from BFF to more. There is always pining in these types of stories and this one is done really well.

Good writing, lovely beach setting with sand and surfing. Nicely handled MC with coping issues and sensitivity to stimulation and touch.

Contemporary, surfing, sports, m/m, Hawaii, inclusion, best friends to lovers, young adult, t/b roles, mild spice.
Profile Image for Brittany.
325 reviews106 followers
July 14, 2016
4.5 stars

I'm not even sure how to coherently discuss this story. I fear that it will just be a mess of enthusiasm. Because I loved this book. It came as such a huge surprise to me. I saw a review for it in Publisher's Weekly and it immediately had my interest. So when we actually had it on the shelf at the library I immediately picked it up and started reading it on my lunch break. And I couldn't put it down from there. It's not a terribly long novel, but it manages to have a big impact anyway. I was so completely absorbed in this story. I fell in love with the writing and I fell in love with the characters.

And oh what impressive characters they are! This may very well be some of the best representation I have ever come across in a book. Among the five characters we have gay, demisexual, bi, and asexual representation. And it is well written and thoughtful representation. Written by an author who is a part of the LGBTQA+ community. So even though a couple of those characters are supporting, they are still well developed and are not just there to fill the role of "this or that" representation.

How well these characters are presented would be reason enough for me to sing this novel's praises. But that was far from the only thing I enjoyed about it. I genuinely liked all of these characters and loved reading about them. And oh Ollie and Tai. I don't even know what to say about them. Their story was beautiful and so well written. It was such a simple but profound look at the development of their relationship. It felt so honest and real that I couldn't help but root for them.

I am so impressed with this book and will be eagerly waiting to read more from this author.
Profile Image for Kirsten.
1,743 reviews79 followers
November 30, 2022
Surfing?!!? Who knew? Boys
chasing waves, adulthood, glory,
each other. Hot, wet, sweet.
Profile Image for Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮.
746 reviews30 followers
August 5, 2016
4,5 stars

I’m so happy to have read Into the Blue by Pene Henson, it was exactly what I was craving, light, sweet, with zero pauses and awesome characters. The second ones almost stole the MCs roles, and I’m not saying it as a criticism, on the contrary they were all so well done, Sunny, Jamie and Hannah deserved to be put on the spotlight. They are Tai and Ollie family, it couldn’t have been different. After all since they met at thirteen, Tai and Ollie were inseparable and building a family with the most important persons in their life was simple a necessity of the heart. That said, the story focuses a lot on the main couple, thanks to the time they spend around the world following Ollie’s chance at finally pursuing a surfing career. They support each others dreams so it is natural to Tai to travel with Ollie and help him be the number one in the World Surf League. Just then Ollie finally realizes there is more than friendship for them to share.

Into the Blue is well written and engaging, a friends to lovers story fresh and lighthearted. I know nothing about surfing but I wasn’t once left dubious about what was happening. It’s real, in the setting, in the characters, in the action. It is evocative with the great descriptions, I felt myself riding Tai’s boards, I smelled the ocean’s air, I felt Tahiti sand under my feet and I was cooking with Jamie at the Blue House in Oahu.

I’m surprised this book is Pene’s debut novel, I’m hungry for more by the author. I feel to highly recommend it.

The cover art by CB Messer perfectly depicts the book.
Profile Image for ash.
560 reviews24 followers
March 3, 2022
This is just not a good book. Everything is "sweet" or "lovely," no one sounds like they've ever had a conversation aloud with another human, it's managed to make surfing -- surfing! I'm from southern California! SURFING! -- incredibly boring, and sex somehow doubly so. Nobody sounds like a young adult or a surfer and there's not a unique voice to be found. They are on a big deal, very important surf comp tour and it feels like there are no stakes at all! For anyone! DNFing at 59% but I should've done it when I first had the impulse around 20%. Please take the one star as my affection for Carise and nothing else.
Profile Image for roma.
384 reviews109 followers
April 19, 2021
rep: ace-spec(demi?) mc, samoan gay li, sapphic ace sc, sapphic sc, japanese sc, black sc, samoan sc's

angsty barely concealed mutual pining between best friends in a melancholic tone, my beloved

almost immediately liked the characters and their dynamics and the writing style and i just vibed. if you're reading for the acespec rep there's explicit sexual content for quite some chapters just a heads up. wasn't bad or anything just a bit unexpected!
Profile Image for Aly.
28 reviews21 followers
July 6, 2019
I did really like it and the characters were awesome. I also really liked the style this book was written in .... however I found my attention wandering whenever I tried to read it so I had to wait till I was in the right mood to read it instead of getting sucked in by the book which is what usually happens with me.
Profile Image for Belle.
42 reviews
November 2, 2016
This was such a feel good story. I flew through it in no time because I couldn't put it down. Beautifully written. It felt so summery and like I was right there in Hawaii. Ollie and Tai complemented each other so perfectly and I loved their family.
Profile Image for Ash.
448 reviews21 followers
May 11, 2017
4.5 stars. I loved this book. It's slow and sweet and subtle. It's two best friends who become more. It's a story about family you build yourself. The prose is beautiful and vivid. Lovely.
Profile Image for Bárbara.
1,183 reviews80 followers
June 30, 2018
I have absolutely no words for how perfect this was.

This story made me feel soft and warm inside. I lived for every little element that made up the whole of it: the found family, the caring and supporting group of friends, the amazing, truly amazing, perfectly-paced evolution of the relationship between Ollie and Tai (and how precious their friendship was!)... EVERYTHING. It was damn perfect.

One of the first wins of the story is the writing: it's so alive, and filled with emotion, and each word is perfectly placed to paint just the picture the author is trying to show- I could not only see everything clearly in my head, but it was like an out-of-body experience: while I read, I truly felt like I was there with them, I could smell and see and feel exactly what the characters were experiencing; not going to lie, it got a bit overwhelming, too, since the descriptive skills translate so beautifully when describing emotions as well. Or maybe it was that I could definitely relate to Ollie's character so much that everything he felt hit so close to home and it became almost impossible to bear. I don't know, really.

Speaking of Ollie: sweet, precious Ollie; his character (and I'm sorry for being so biased) was the light that shone the brightest. True, he was the main character, so it was obvious he'd be the most fleshed-out, but you could get a headache thinking about all the ways that could go wrong (I mean, you *could*, if you were like me, inclined to veer a bit too much towards the worst possible scenarios). Thankfully, none of that was an issue here: he was so delightfully complex, and so carefully crafted, and as a human he was so beautifully imperfect that as a character he was nothing shorter than perfect. He was hard not to love, really. On top of everything, I was also really happy to find a character I could relate to so much- and on a broader sense than merely the way in which we experience our sexuality. This was a character that spoke to me on such a deep level, I was on the verge of tears several times whenever there was something on the page that hit the right spot in my soul. I really, really appreciate the care that was obviously put into bringing this character to life; he's become one of my favorite characters ever, for sure.

In connection to Ollie, but in a slightly indirect way, another of the big aspects of this book that I really, really appreciated was the aforementioned found family: the kids from the Blue House were not only friendship goals but also family goals: they were so caring and supportive of one another, and they showed their love in the healthiest, purest, most positive ways, not shying away of calling out on each other's shit. It was glorious. True, the most prominent relationship depicted was between Ollie and Tai, whose bond was so pure and precious it made my heart hurt. I do wish there had been a chance of seeing more of the others, though, but as it is, I enjoyed their presence quite a lot- plus, for such a short on-page presence, they were still characters with considerable depth and a well-defined shape. Found families are an element in fiction that remains fascinating to me, and in this case, I can honestly say I appreciated their presence a great deal.

Last, but not least: I think one of the main reasons it was so easy to get instantly hooked in this story was because of the general setting; ever since I was a child, I had this weird fascination with surfing (thank you, Rocket Power- which also features a found family of sorts), and I even remember being eight years old and having to write an assignment for school where you were supposed to write a short letter to your parents from some place you were on holiday, and I placed myself in Hawaii and I was surfing for some reason (to this day, over 20 years later, I haven't set foot on a surf board, not even practicing on the beach like I've seen beginners do millions of times; my connection to the sport remains purely through watching others have at it merrily while I stew in my envy). So, imagine , having the nostalgia factor inadvertedly thrown in the mix and tug at emotions it has no business touching cause this is not supposed to be that kind of story? Wild.

Anyway. Rambling aside, I hope it has somehow become clear to some extent that I loved this story for more reasons than I'm capable of articulating.
Profile Image for CamiBookworm.
109 reviews4 followers
July 13, 2024
Ollie et Tai, résidant à Hawaï, sont meilleurs amis depuis presque une décennie. Après le décès de la mère d'Ollie, ils ont choisi de s'installer ensemble dans la maison bleue, formant une famille de cinq avec le petit frère d'Ollie, Jaime, ainsi que Hannah et Sunny, deux amies. Cette maison devient un cocon pour cette famille recomposée et soudée.

Ollie reçoit une invitation pour participer à un concours de surf qui le conduit en Australie. Pendant ces six semaines de compétition, sa relation avec Tai évolue d'une manière qu'il n'avait jamais imaginé.

La plume de l'auteure est agréable et douce, bien que déconcertante au début. Les phrases courtes et la répétition des prénoms donnent parfois un rythme haché, mais on s'y habitue rapidement.

Si les 100 premières pages m'ont paru un peu longues, j'ai dévoré le reste du roman en une nuit. Ce n'est pas un roman plein de rebondissements ; au contraire, il s'y passe peu de choses, mais l'histoire a un côté addictif.

Les personnages sont attachants, même si j'ai parfois eu du mal à cerner Ollie et son amitié avec Tai. Ollie est un jeune homme souvent distant et froid, mais il peut également se montrer très doux et vulnérable. Certaines de ses réactions m'ont déconcertée, et la narration à la troisième personne, au présent, n'aide pas à mieux le comprendre.

Comme souvent dans ce genre de romans, il y a un sacré manque de communication. Mais sans cela, il n'y aurait pas d'histoire ! J'ai eu envie de les secouer à plusieurs reprises...

En conclusion, c'est une romance très douce qui m'a fait voyager pendant quelques heures agréables. J'en garderai un bon souvenir.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,531 reviews493 followers
September 22, 2016
A Joyfully Jay review.

4.5 stars

When we meet Tai and Ollie, they are already intertwined. It’s interesting here in that there are minimal flashbacks to their early friendship, yet their bond is strongly felt. Tai is the outgoing one and everyone knows him or wants to know him. He’s the central point in his friends’ lives, the friends who are his family and are everything to Tai. Ollie is way more reserved than Tai. He has few friends by choice and he doesn’t do well in crowds. He also has never had a romantic relationship. It’s presented as something that has almost never occurred to him as he’s just not comfortable with most people. He’s comfortable with Tai and when it’s just the two of them many miles from home, Ollie starts to see Tai differently.

Tai has been in love with Ollie for a long time, except he hasn’t admitted it even to himself. Their friendship is everything and Tai would never risk that so he keeps the thought of a romantic relationship with Ollie locked down tight. The guys know each other so well to the point that while surfing they can move around each other without thinking as they are each extensions of the other. It’s only on rare instances that Tai will let himself acknowledge how amazingly beautiful he thinks Ollie is until Ollie asks for more and Tai wants all of Ollie. Tai and Ollie are at once older than their years, but simultaneously in over their heads as they try to navigate the change in their relationship, but there is a certain beauty in the way they discover each other.

Read Michelle's review in its entirety here.

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