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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2015) #1-2

Star Wars: Darth Vader, Vol. 1

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One of the greatest antagonists in all of fiction stars in his first volume of villainy! Fresh from a stinging defeat at the hands of the Rebel Alliance, Darth Vader must rise again to reassert the Empire's iron grip on the galaxy. But will his personal desire for vengeance against the young Jedi who destroyed the Death Star distract from Vader's duty to the Emperor? As a fateful quest begins, the Dark Lord of the Sith will face a fresh threat to his power. And as other villains old and new play their parts-from Boba Fett and Jabba the Hutt to diabolical debutant Aphra, as well as the killer droids Triple Zero and BeeTee-how long until Vader's dangerous alliances blow up in his face? Join Darth Vader and feel the power of the dark side! Collects issues 1-12.

296 pages, Hardcover

First published July 19, 2016

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About the author

Kieron Gillen

1,381 books1,844 followers
Kieron Gillen is a comic book writer and former media journalist.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews
Profile Image for Calista.
5,099 reviews31.3k followers
August 28, 2018
They really need to make this into a TV show. This could easily be a movie. It is what happened after Stars Wars a New Hope and it is told through Darth Vader's eyes. He failed to save the death star and there are consequences for that.

Darth is playing on both sides of the law and it is really interesting. I think these stories are very good. It feels very Star Wars and everyone is looking for Luke. We get to see a scene through Vader's senses when he is looking at Luke battling Boba Fett. Everything fits with the movie and we see Vader go to Uncle Vernon's farm and feel Luke's presence there. He is learning about his son. He has figured it out. They track down someone who embalmed Padme and he told them that she was not pregnant.

There are two droids working with the Renegades and they are like C3P0 and R2D2 accept they both love to torture humans. They are so creepy.

There is some great stuff here. I didn't think a story about Vader would be that great, but this is amazing stuff. I enjoyed it.
Profile Image for A.J..
603 reviews74 followers
June 15, 2022
This run is awesome, I've never been all that into Star Wars comics but this run has completely flipped my stance on them. I'm reading this in the omnibus, but I'll still give my full thoughts in individual reviews for each of the volumes as I read them. Full reviews of those first two volumes can be found below, but overall I am enjoying this run way more than I expected to.

Full Review for Volume 1

Full Review for Volume 2
Profile Image for Richard.
1,047 reviews450 followers
December 18, 2017
Taking place not too long after the destruction of the Death Star, this comic book series follows the point of view of Darth Vader as he struggles with falling out of the good grace of Emperor Palpatine due to his failure, and his search for the mysterious Force-strong teenager who became the hero of the rebellion.

It's such an awesome idea to tell a Star Wars story from the Empire's side of things (the new Star Wars Battlefront II video game does something similar), and I loved seeing Vader set on his own mission to get rid of his potential replacements and get back in favor with the Emperor. It was pretty fascinating seeing a more insecure Darth Vader and to be reminded that when it's all said and done he's just a lackey, rather than to all-powerful villain of our legend.

Unfortunately a potentially awesome story is undermined by terrible supporting characters that aid Vader in his efforts. The rogue archeologist Doctor Aphra is endlessly obnoxious and annoying, as well as her killer droids, lazy creations that are evil versions of C-3PO and R2-D2. I wish that the creators fought off the temptation of focusing so much on them and spent more time on the stuff that we want to see: Vader being a badass.

I read this as the same time as Marvel's main Star Wars series that loosely ties-in, and that book is much more engaging and better-written. But I really hope that LucasFilm gets the same idea and makes a standalone film from the point of view of the Empire.

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Profile Image for Václav.
1,088 reviews42 followers
May 9, 2019
Chtěl jsem si to užít, ale nešlo to. V tomto souboru dvou TPB v hezkém vázaném vydání (obálky sešitů included) s parciálním lakováním, které prostě dává knize šmrnc, se pořád něco děje. Příběhově je to má krásný SW feel - nahlédneme do zlovolnosti a chladné mysli císaře, pod pokličku Vadera a jeho cílů a záměrů, seznámíme se s několika lovci odměn a Aphra zde má své intro, a její droidi "origin". Celkově je to na nové i staré známé postavy bohaté, zákulisní hry, zrady a další přetahování jedou na několika frontách (dokonce jeden mě svým vývojem mile překvapil). A díky tomu jsem to ráno načal a večer dočetl. Prostě při každé příležitosti jsem musel číst dál a dál. Kresba je v pohodě, taková "standardní". Opět jsem zde musel přivírat oči nad tvářemi, protože ač droidi, roboti helmy a nehumanoidní formy vypadají v pohodě, lidské obličeje jsou v křečích a vypadají normálně pouze v nějakém základním výrazu. Jakékoli emoce je degenerují že si občas ani nejsou podobné. Díky bohu, že tu těch "lidí s tvářemi" není tolik, takže jsem se přes to dokázal přenést...
Imperiální linku mám moc rád, ať už je to Vader nebo samostatná Aphra, a tohle je dobrý start do skvělé série. A české vydání je více než důstojné - svým formátem, provedením a i překladem.
Profile Image for Matěj Komiksumec.
324 reviews19 followers
March 5, 2021
Vadera není nikdy dost, to je věc co každý řekne. Věc co každý řekne po přečtení? Tohle je zatraceně super! Osobně jsem spíš čekal, že půjde o takový akčňák ale rozbíhá se tu pěkná zákulisní hra o přízeň Imperátora. Tento koncept byl k vidění i v Legendách ale tady je díky více linkám zajímavější. Rozhodně velk�� plus je kombinace starých etablovaných postav s těmi novými, rozhodně velké ❤ pro Aphru protože tu si snad zamiluje každý včetně zábavné dvojice droidů. Velké mínus je pro mě kresba, tu prostě ne. Je sice pravda, že droidi i lokace vypadají dobře ale obličeje humanoidů vypadají jak kdyby zrovna měli mrtvici a to hned zkazí celkový dojem. Jinak převládá spokojenost, těším se co bude dál. (2019)

2021 Update - sérii miluju ještě víc než na první čtení a hodnocení zvyšuju. Je to nejlepší věc co vznikla v novém Canonu. Český Hardback je super, ale absence bonusů mrzí včetně toho strašného letteringu. Jinak souhlasím s Matějem z minulosti!
Profile Image for Jakub Kvíz.
343 reviews40 followers
June 14, 2019
This was better than I expected and also different as I was expecting lightsabre swinging Vader crushing Rebels all over the galaxy.

Instead of that, I got brooding Vader who is getting some shit from Emperor after the Death Star went down. And Vader doesn't like that and he also has his own agenda because screw the old wrinkled butthole. In his search for the young rebel pilot who destroyed Death Star, he meets Doctor Aphra, rogue archeologist who knows her way with droids.

Doctor Aphra is a really interesting addition to SW universe and her assassin droids (Triple Zero and BT-1) are really entertaining. And I also loved Vader's tiny flashbacks to his Anakin days.
Profile Image for Stephen Richter.
860 reviews36 followers
April 16, 2018
Darth Vader is seriously in the doghouse with the Emperor and needs to find that certain Rebel pilot who blew up the Death Star on the sly. For that Darth need a slush fund, thus the introduction of Doctor Aphra " Rogue Archaeologist." Gillen and friends puts the Art in Darth !
Profile Image for Scott Rhee.
2,132 reviews120 followers
April 15, 2019
I am apparently reading the Marvel Star Wars comics backwards. I recently discovered a series called "Doctor Aphra" about a cute ex-Imperial rogue archaeologist who galavants around the galaxy finding artifacts with significant Ancient Jedi or Sith importance, not knowing that she had initially made her introduction in a series devoted to Darth Vader. So, I'm now reading the "Darth Vader" series.

This series has apparently been going for a while, starting (I think) in 2015. Disney/Marvel has since published omnibus collections of the series for those of us who like to binge-read an entire year's worth of comic books in one sitting. "Darth Vader: Omnibus 1" collects issues #1 - 12. It is written by Kieron Gillen (the same writer for "Doctor Aphra"), with artwork and coloring by, respectively, Salvador Larroca and Edgar Delgado.

One can enjoy this series based solely on the artwork. It's very pretty, and Larroca manages to capture the look and feel of the original movie series perfectly. Indeed, each panel looks like it could be a scene from a "Star Wars" film.

The writing is decent, although the plot can basically be summed up in a sentence: Vader searches the galaxy for the young pilot who blew up the Death Star, and in doing so, is forced to deal with uncomfortable memories about his life as Anakin Skywalker.

There is, of course, more to it than that. Vader recruits Aphra as a useful tool in the search. Meanwhile, Aphra is scheming to double-cross Vader, which is probably a bad idea, as ideas go. Then again, Vader is kind of feeling fragile right now, so it's no time like the present...
Profile Image for Siona St Mark.
2,551 reviews52 followers
December 15, 2016
Actual rating: 4.5 stars.

This was a really fun book, but I wish it had focused more on Vader (there were some scenes that focused on Dr. Aphra, which is fine because she's an interesting character, but as I've said before I mainly only care about star wars because of the Force and Jedi/Sith/Force-users). Hopefully Vader Down/the next hardback volume will follow him more closely (to be clear, I want Vader (or at the very least a Force user) on every page).
Profile Image for Liam || Books 'n Beards.
541 reviews49 followers
March 24, 2020
March 2020 reread: Really enjoyed re-reading this! The art is on point, and Vader is characterised fantastically by Gillen.

I've not read a comic in a long time, and A Star Wars comic in even longer but I quite enjoyed this. Probably a more detailed review once I finish the second hardcover.
Profile Image for Gabriell Anderson.
312 reviews18 followers
May 22, 2019
Jestli to s kvalitou SW komiksů takhle půjde dál, tak mi nezbude než je koupit a přečíst všechny.
Jak už jste mohli pochopit z mého hvězdičkového hodnocení, tak Vader nezklamal. Vlastně přesně naopak.
Přijde mi naprosto super, co všechno se dokázalo vejít do prostoru, který je pevně ohraničen filmy. Čekal jsem Vadera jako nepřemožitelného badass zabijáka a místo toho jsem dostal Vadera, který musí bojovat o svůj vlastní osud po zničení hvězdy smrti, snaží se zjistit, kdo přesně byl onen mladý klučina, který ji zničil a to všechno aniž by přitáhl pozornost Palpatina, který má jako vždy vlastní plány. Na prostoru souhrnného vydání dvou paperbacků tady uvidíme, jak se Vader snaží využít každý malý prostor k vlastním plánům a získání byť malé výhody, zatímco mu jdou po krku prakticky obě strany konfliktu.
Naštěstí na to všechno Vader není tak úplně sám. Při první příležitosti si k ruce pořídí doktorku Aphru a její dvojici šílených (a šíleně zábavných) vražedných droidů. A ani trochu se nedivím, že dostala vlastní sérii, protože ta se mi hned vetřela na wishlist.
Kresba se mi tu líbila, ať už zobrazovala akci nebo cizí světy. Občas se našel nějaký ten obrázek u kterého se mi trochu zkřivil úsměv, ale to byly opravdu snad dva nebo tři na celou knihu.
A co si rozhodně, zase, zaslouží pochvalu, tak je tohle naše české vydání. Poctivý hardcover za rozumnou cenu a v něm rovnou dva paperbacky. Jediné zklamání tak plyne z toho, že si teď na pokračování příběhu musím počkat než mi dorazí další díly anglicky.

Mohlo by se vám líbit, pokud:
- moc dobře víte, že Vadera není nikdy dost
- si chcete rozšířit to, co znáte z filmů a máte chuť na kvalitní příběh zasazený mezi čtvrtou a pátou epizodu

Spíš vás zklame, pokud:
- jde svět Star Wars úplně mimo vás
- pro vás, co SW týče, existují jenom filmy a tečka
Profile Image for Matthew.
505 reviews17 followers
July 6, 2017
To check out my reviews: https://dancinginth3dark.wordpress.co...

This is my first omnibus I have ever read and own in my life and it is hard to conceptualized two volumes worth of plot and dialogue to be contain in a single review so I will try my best to provide enough details to satisfy those who are curious about the Star Wars comics and the expanded universe. I am grateful that the day that I wanted to start on the Expanded Universe, Disney announced that everything that has been published up to now will no longer be canon. I have no doubts there are plenty of comics and novels that are phenomenal and I will definitely check it out but when it comes to the comics I believe it is necessary for a restart button.

Darth Vader has always been one of my favorite villains as a child because of the iconic voice, suit, and the sheer fact that there is a level of mystery to his character. If you are one of the few who live on a rock and have never seen the prequels, theres not much information about Vader except he used to be good, became evil, is Luke and Leia's biological father, and seeks redemption in Return of the Jedi. And if you have seen the Prequels, Clone Wars, and Rebels, you learn about the man who became Darth Vader but I guarantee you there are plenty of questions that have left audience wondering who is Darth Vader and what are the conflicting thoughts that surface on a daily basis as he deals with the pain of the past and succumbing to the dark side. What I love about this series is it takes place between Episode IV & V and we learn the struggles that Vader faces with the destruction of the Death Star and how that effects his relationship with Palpatine.

Kieron Gillen was able to get into the mindset of the character because there are countless moments where the dialogue sucked me into the story and made it feel like I was watching a Darth Vader animated show and having James Earl Jones voice pumping in my ear in full blast instead of reading a graphic novel.

The general plot for this series is Darth Vader is trying to track down Luke Skywalker because he cannot conceive that a boy was able to destroy the Death Star and crippling the Empire. He knows the force is strong in Luke but he cannot place his finger as to why or how it is possible. Meanwhile he learns that Palpatine is doing some shady business and refuses to tell Vader about it so now he has to jump through hoops and ladders to make the secret connection without causing suspicion from the Emperor. I have always been curious about Vader's relationship with Palpatine because if you really think about it Vader at his greatest could have killed Palpatine without batting an eye and yet he obeys and worships Palpatine as Master. If you really think about it, Vader is an excellent chess player calculating his opponents move and how to strike them at the proper time. By the end of this graphic novel series I have a certain feeling that Vader will be on the course of trying to overthrow his master with the help of his son which changes the tones of the films if you think about it.

In order for Vader to maintain his cover and his clandestine missions, he finds a girl called Doctor Aphra who is an archaeologist and techno wizard who is able to create droids and other mechanical objects into lethal weapons. At first she pledges allegiance to no one except those who are willing to commission her services but she is a fond admirer of Vader and feels a great honor to work under his wing. Somehow Aphra is able to connect with Vader and probably is the only woman who has spent countless hours in his presence in decades without getting killed after every mission she accomplishes for Vader.

The only downside about Aphra is the creators of this comic focused on her for 70% of time during the last half of the book. At a certain point I felt is this a Vader series or Doctor Aphra? Which I am not shocked at all now that she is getting her own comic book series! There is a revelation in the Star Wars comics about Aphra that could suggest that Vader may have picked up those undertones and learn that she would never stray from him.

This is my 3rd reading of this graphic novel series and it still holds up. I do not have patience for waiting on the next issue of a comic book so I would download all the comics that would be packaged in a TPB and then read it on my tablet but then I've learned that I forget all about the plot by the time the next issue comes out so I have learned that it is easier to wait for the Omnibus so that way all the intricate details can be gathered together in a concise manner and I can retain a better knowledge about what is happening in the Expanding Universe.

I cannot rave enough about this graphic novel series! I suggest if you fall in love with Vader you should check out Jason Aaron's Star Wars series because they are connected in the same timeline and have a major crossover that is unforgettable called Vader Down. It is sad to see that Kieron Gillen ended Darth Vader after issue #25 but I believe it is better to end a series on a high note than drag out a certain storyline that leaves no room for growth later on in life.

One issue I believe these creators tackle on creatively is how do you write a comic series dealing with characters where the vast majority of the audience know the ultimate fate for the characters especially for Vader. Regardless of the situation that Vader is placed in, he will either escape or succeed because he does not die until Episode VI: Return of the Jedi so with that knowledge certain events can feel boring or dull and yet I am completely captivated by everything from the illustrations, coloring, to the plot and how Kieron Gillen is able to get into the mind of Vader.
Profile Image for Jordan Lynch.
826 reviews11 followers
November 6, 2017
A fun, dark read. I love seeing more of Vader, and it's great to see him outsmart and outwit those who oppose him. The reveal that the Emperor has been planning replacements for his apprentice was a bit shocking, but I loved that Vader managed to prove himself better than his competitors. Also totally love the introduction of Dr. Aphra. She's a lot of fun, and I love how she interacts with Vader. Her missions for Vader are personal, and the trip to Naboo to find out about his son is actually rather heartbreaking. The mortician remembers how strong and how good Padme had been, and it's sad to realize that Vader wants to destroy all that's left of her. Interesting that they don't find out about Leia; the mortician does a nice job of taking that secret to the grave with Aphra and Vader none the wiser. Great action, clever dialogue, outstanding artwork, and a great look at Vader that lets us peek into his mind without tearing down that ominous, plotting aspect we know and love.
Profile Image for Mark.
827 reviews10 followers
December 14, 2017
For the hardcore Star Wars fan that wants to know what Darth Vader was up to after the Death Star was destroyed, this volume collects 12 issues of the comic into a lovely graphic novel.
While I liked the beautiful artwork, Vader's machinations in trying to locate Luke Skywalker just didn't interest me that much.
Going against the wishes of the Empire, he enlists the aid of a mercenary thief and a couple of killer droids, all while deftly deceiving the Imperial watchdogs that are sent along to oversee his actions.
Although I enjoy the Star Wars Universe, I suppose I'm not enough of a fan to have to know everything that happened between "A New Hope" and "The Empire Strikes Back".
Profile Image for Lena’s Version.
1,128 reviews521 followers
February 26, 2022
Icónico inicio de esta serie protagonizada por el gran Darth Vader. Espectacular en dibujo y en historia. Todo un acierto mostrar más de este emblemático personaje, yendo más allá de lo visto en las películas y complementando la historia original. Un must dentro del canon de Star Wars.
Sobre todo porque al fin he conocido a Aphra, y me ha encantado. Quiero conocerla más. Además tiene un par de flashbacks increíbles de ver en formato cómic, así como apariciones estelares de Boba Fett o Krrsantan, entre otros. De verdad que es una inmersión total en el universo galáctico, en todos sus detalles.
Ojalá Planeta traiga junto a Carrefour el siguiente tomo para completarla.
Profile Image for Judah Radd.
1,098 reviews13 followers
December 6, 2021
You really can’t beat this. Not only is it a thrilling story, but it also introduces some wild new characters. This is where we meet Doctor Aphra, among others.

There are a couple moments here that are so compelling and engrained in Star Wars that it’s mind blowing that they weren’t actually shown in one of the films.

It also ties really well into Jason Aaron’s concurrent Star Wars run. It stands up on it’s own seamlessly, but reading both and understanding the interplay is a treat.
Profile Image for Jessica McKendry.
Author 2 books28 followers
May 5, 2023
My enjoyment level of this comic series was definitely 4 stars but I’d say a more fair review of the actual content is 3 stars. But Darth Vader is just my favorite fictional character of all time so anything centering on him is just 👌🏻❤️

Also loved being introduced to Doctor Aphra! Really liking her character and excited to see how her story develops.
Profile Image for Adam Šilhan.
663 reviews8 followers
March 26, 2019
Příjemné. Na to, že mi SW nic neříkají, tak mi to přišlo dobré.
Profile Image for Andrew Galbreath.
95 reviews8 followers
January 31, 2019
One of the best graphic novels I've read in a long time - consistently beautiful artwork, a perfect characterization of Vader (you can HEAR him say every line), and an action-packed story about what Vader was up to after the events of "A New Hope." Highly recommended for Star Wars fans, especially for the scene where Vader is told the true identity of the rebel pilot who destroyed the Death Star, which is one of the greatest Vader moments in any canon.
Profile Image for Kyle.
869 reviews25 followers
February 24, 2020
While some of the artwork was really beautiful, reading this was like watching paint dry. Aphra made no sense to me; a steampunk-looking, quip making, millennial-acting sidekick for Darth Vader?? The bulk of the supporting cast in this collection was lame, in my opinion, with the exception of 000 who at least was consistently characterized and funny. The Tagge twist was enjoyable, too, but it took some suspension of disbelief to accept it.
This is supposed to be what Darth Vader got up to between episodes 4 and 5? It just doesn’t sit right with me.

Profile Image for Relstuart.
1,238 reviews109 followers
July 15, 2016
Star Wars the Expanded Universe (EU) is dead. Long live the new expanded universe... this book captures the proper feel of what I've come to expect of the Star Wars universe. Characterization seems to be on point and both story and art were interesting and fun. Well done and I will be picking up the second volume.

Gillen's best work so far (IMHO) is his kid Loki run in Journey to Mystery. Still hoping that get a hardcover collection.
Profile Image for Joel.
427 reviews22 followers
December 30, 2017
Pretty fun. It’s got to be hard to write a series where the main character needs to be a man of few words. It pulls it off though. Love the droids and Doctor Aphara too.
Profile Image for Matt Smith.
304 reviews16 followers
May 18, 2019
I'll be honest: the biggest reason I read this is because there's a Star Wars board game coming out in a few weeks and I bought that game mostly because there's a playable character in that game Doctor Aphra, and I want to play the game as her but I only know her from images and basic premise (rogue archaeologist (lady Indiana Jones) in the Star Wars universe) and I felt it was unfair to play the game without having a little backstory on her.

Also, this book is supposed to be good.

But mostly? Doctor Aphra.

The thing that surprised me most about this book is how good writer Kieron Gillen is at getting into the core premise of his brief here. Basically, it's this: How did Darth Vader go from being a lackey slash weenie slash henchman albeit a really cool everything else in New Hope.. how did he go from that to the Emperor's right hand, no bullshit, ultimate badass, dope theme song Darth fucking Vader in Empire? Because if you think about it that's a REALLY GOOD QUESTION! Vader is immediately iconic in New Hope, but he doesn't really do that much except stand at Tarkin's right hand and do his bidding.

This book explains that, and does so with a path to the answer. Honestly, it's one of these interstitial, side-canon books that immediately justifies its existence by telling a hell of a good tale showing Vader in a way I haven't, frankly, seen him before and putting him into really strong story showing him building himself to earning being that right hand to the Emperor.

Oh and also Doctor Aphra, the sort of character who builds upon the Star Wars universe in new and refreshing ways that I quite like and look forward to. She's just like Rogue One: the promise of a modern take on the Star Wars universe by someone who clearly loves Star Wars, but wants to look forward at what Star Wars could be instead of unnecessarily tying the story into what Star Wars has been.

Man. This was so good I went out and bought Star Wars comics NOT written by Kieron Gillen to read along with the side stuff in the main Star Wars series because I wanted more of it. I never do that anymore.

But you know what? Sometimes it's good to slip on that sweet sweet Dark Side.
Profile Image for Márcio Moreira.
Author 3 books10 followers
December 29, 2021
Queria uma coisinha leve pro fim de ano e decidi reler essa fase do Gillen em Darth Vader. Acho que essa hq é meu terceiro filme preferido de Star Wars? A ideia de criar uma anti-Aliança (Vader tem seus próprio C3PO psicopata!) é muito boa, mas fico impressionado mesmo com o quanto ele consegue fazer com um protagonista sem expressões faciais. Geralmente não sou fã do Larroca, mas ele é perfeito pra desenhar o Vader. As disputas dentro do próprio Império retomam o princípio de que o mal planta as sementes da própria ruína e rende discussões bacanas sobre a Força e a tecnologia. Por favor, Disney, leia esse quadrinho e faça logo o filme da Dra Aphra!
Profile Image for Jera Em.
152 reviews23 followers
June 5, 2019
I often felt like Darth Vader and Anakin were portrayed as completely different people (and to a certain extent that makes sense) but this did a really good job at tying the two personalities together. For once, I felt like I could really see how they were one and the same. The supporting cast is also a lot of fun. I like Aphra in particular--I have doubts as to whether she's going to get out of all of this in one piece but we'll see--and Triple Zero and Bee Tee were fun too even if they are basically just an evil version of C-3PO and R2-D2. I'm looking forward to seeing how things end up!
Profile Image for RG.
3,087 reviews
February 9, 2019
Really enjoyed this. Star wars art always seems to have a certain style. Doesnt blow yoi away but its looks cool. Interesting tales sith regards to how Vader deals with Luke, death star, the emperor amongst other things. So far really enjoying this. I'd actually say this was S better than the Star wars regular run.
202 reviews3 followers
April 30, 2023
It's Darth Vader!!!! A must read for Star Wars fans. This takes place between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. This shows how Vader found out about Luke. It also introduced Dr. Aphra to Darth Vader. If you want to see how bad to the bone Vader is, then this is the book to read.
Profile Image for Jonathan Roberts.
2,145 reviews47 followers
July 13, 2019
Love this series. Only gotten better with time!!! Excited to read Dr. Aphra now
Profile Image for Dan.
194 reviews
January 22, 2020
Barely good enough to be a SW book. The art is a 4 the story barely a 2. I found the story to be incoherent at times and difficult to follow.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews

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