'Vicious, funny, sad, scary and provocative, Spanky is one of the great modern horror novels of our time' PETER JAMESMartyn Ross had a miserable life until he met Spanky, a tuxedoed charmer who's diabolically handsome, successful and ruthless. He's willing to share his wild world of wine, women and wealth - but at a price. And it has nothing to do with Martyn surrendering his soul.Quite the reverse...
Librarian note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name
Christopher Fowler was an English novelist living in London. His books contain elements of black comedy, anxiety and social satire. As well as novels, he wrote short stories, scripts, press articles and reviews.
He lived in King's Cross, on the Battlebridge Basin, and chose London as the backdrop of many of his stories because any one of the events in its two-thousand-year history can provide inspiration.
In 1998 he was the recipient of the BFS Best Short Story of the Year, for 'Wageslaves'. Then, in 2004, The Water Room was nominated for the CWA People's Choice Award, Full Dark House won the BFS August Derleth Novel of The Year Award 2004 and 'American Waitress' won the BFS Best Short Story of the Year 2004. The novella 'Breathe' won BFS Best Novella 2005.
Spanky is a tongue in cheek version of the Faustian Pact, although in this case a rather naive Martyn is unaware of the price and consequences for getting a vastly improved life. This is a darkly comic read that satirises the greed and politics of 1980s Britain. The story begins with Martyn frantically racing against time to try to save the life of a man, only to fail and discover him murdered. It then goes back to the beginning to explain how Martyn found himself in such dire circumstances.
Martyn is 23 years old, nondescript in appearance, with low self esteem and living the humdrum life of a loser in London. He has a dead end job in a furniture store which he expects to be fired from. He lives with Zack, a dope smoking mixed up individual with esoteric intellectual interests. Bizarrely enough, Zack is knowledgeable about daemons. After the death of Martyn's brother, Joey, his family has been grief stricken and splintered apart so that all are isolated and lost. Martyn encounters a sartorially dressed daemon, Spanky, at a nightclub. Only Martyn can see him. Spanky makes his offer to stupendously improve Martyn at a personal level, in terms of confidence, grooming, clothing and promises promotion, effortlessly attracting women, a celebrity lifestyle and so much more. Spanky knows everything about Martyn and can read his mind. He is also an able illusionist. Although it takes Martyn some time, he eventually allows Spanky to take him and his life over.
Shortly after acquiring a spacious, gleaming, well equipped apartment, Spanky makes it clear to Martyn exactly what the payment is for his changed life. Martyn is horrified, but there is to be no going back. His life slowly disintegrates beyond recognition. Murder and mayhem wrought by Spanky is now Martyn's life. No-one is safe if they are close to him, particularly family and friends. Martyn tries to desperately evade his doomed fate but can he succeed?
An enchanting and engaging morality tale, done with panache by Christopher Fowler. The comic touches are so well done as when Spanky tries to improve Martyn's sexual technique in the midst of the sexual act. The appearance of the likes of Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branagh add a scintillating touch to Martyn's celebrity lifestyle. You always know you are in safe hands with the excellent storytelling of the author. Superb read and highly recommended. Thanks to Random House Transworld for an ARC.
I am fast becoming a fan of Christopher Fowler. Spanky is by far my favorite novel of his that I have read so far. Martyn's life is not where he wants it to be in all areas possible so when he meets a new "friend" who happens to be a Spancialosaphus Lacrimosae demon his life changes for the better but there is one little problem: Spanky is a demon and nothing is ever for free with a demon. I found the writing and situations tongue in cheek and hilarious and was reminded at times of one of my favorite movies, "Bedazzled".
Hmmm something about this book and myself simply did not mesh. I had it in my Netgalley queue for far too long and tried my best to give it a thorough read but life is too short and I had to throw in the towel at 50% and start to skim because I was bored. There are an abundance of positive reviews and reviews that find it tons of fun but unfortunately I won't be adding another one today.
I will say that I did enjoy the Spanky (gawd, why that name? OF ALL THE NAMES, WHY?!) daemon character. He had charm and an infectious wickedness but the rest of the book was told from the POV of a dullard named Martyn. And I didn't enjoy reading things from his brain. He was boring, and then when his luck begins to change thanks to his new daemon friend, he becomes super arrogant and his thoughts on women grated on every single one of my last nerves. I had to give it a pass when he takes his dream girl (who is way out of his league) out for a meal and muses to himself about how much food she "ferociously" ate. How she consumed far more calories than her slim body must require. F*cker you should be thankful she sat down with your boring ass at all! He can go walk into the sun now.
This was written in the 90's and it does show its age pretty badly but I'm usually fine with that. This guy though was just far too bland and annoying to carry the story for me and I found none of it amusing so I quit because I have too many good books sitting here that I'll probably love and I'm far too short-tempered for a book that isn't doing it for me.
No rating because I only read half of it, and skipped around to see if it could engage me. When it didn't, I slammed it closed and called it a day.
I received an e-ARC of this novel through NetGalley and Random House Publishing Hydra. Thank you.
One of my favorite authors of mystery novels is Christopher Fowler. When I saw he had written some horror stories I was intrigued and wanted to try one. Actually I read Roofworld also, but that's for another review. Interesting information was revealed early on when I found this book was originally published in 1994 and when I read the Introduction by Fowler. It was a revelation to see how his experiences with this novel ultimately led to him writing the hugely successful Bryant & May mysteries. I enjoy reading a horror story every once in a while and I definitely enjoyed reading this one, but after realizing how close readers came to being deprived of the Bryant & May books I can't help but be glad things didn't turn out so well for Spanky.
Right away the reader can see that this novel will be filled with black humor with the most obvious example being the name of this daemon, Spanky. Spanky assures Martyn Ross that he is a daemon, not a demon, with the difference being that Spanky wants to be Martyn's muse. He even gives examples of famous people down through history who have allowed their muse to give them a little hand up to utilize their genius. Martyn Ross would never be described as a genius of anything but he is a plodder and he wants desperately to change his life because he is discontented with it all. The only thing he has going for him is his understated attractiveness but he is smart enough to tell Spanky that he will not trade his soul in exchange for having a muse who can give him all the best in life. Spanky is quick to assure Martyn that he isn't interested in Martyn's soul.
This was quite a good read even though it took a full 50% of the book for Martyn to wake up and smell the daemon. Once the blinkers were off, though, the author definitely delivered a worthwhile addition to the horror genre. This story didn't give me shivers down my spine. It also didn't make me afraid to turn the lights off when I went to bed. I found it to be more engaging my attention to find out how Fowler was going to end the situation Martyn found himself in. I wasn't sure up until the final moment what was going to happen and I count that as a worthy accomplishment by an author.
This is a twist on the Faustian pact. There's an interesting introduction at the beginning of this version which explains how the book came about, how it was originally bought to be made into a film. The falling apart of that deal led to the development of the authors best selling detective series. Funny where life leads is isn't it? There's a saying that is you're turned down for something it's because better things are on the way. Very true in this case
The book itself is set in the 80/90s when greed was good. I have to admit I did keep forgetting that and wondering why Martin has to keep looking for a phone box! Phone box aside there's some frightening parallels with today's society. As much as the old hippies like me want love and peace there's still a huge amount of people obsessed with owning things, possessions and the needs of the few seem far more important than the needs of the many (stealing a bit of general election slogan there oops). I can just see some poor, down trodden person being blindsided into the idea of a better life without spotting the potential consequences. Nothing in life is free. Martin kind of questions that but then gives in to the idea of a better job, flat, girlfriend and not spotting all the good things that are under his nose until it's too late.
Really what he needed was a life coach (like me) not a daemon!
There's a good mix of fantasy and horror with Martin in a battle to not become possessed and Spanky's increasingly horrific methods to win the opportunity to take over his body. It's a great book, recommended
Lo que nos cuenta. Martyn tiene 25 años, trabaja en una tienda de muebles de supuesto lujo pero poca clase, no tiene mucho éxito social y es una persona corriente con una vida insulsa. Pero cuando en una discoteca es abordado por Spanky, un Spancialosaphus Lacrimosae, su vida va a cambiar radicalmente.
¿Quiere saber más de este libro, sin spoilers? Visite:
Este libro es uno de los que más me sorprendieron. Revisando en un cuarto de mi casa en donde depositamos cosas que algún día quizás necesitemos, lo encontré sucio, sin la sobrecubierta y con las tapas ligeramente arqueadas. Creo que es claro que mis expectativas por esta lectura fueron nulas.
Esas cosas pasan, Martyn. La vida que habías planeado se queda sólo en un plan. Para la mayoría de las personas el futuro se convierte en pasado, sin ser nunca presente.
Pero bueno, lo abrí y me dispuse a leer la primera carilla para ver más o menos de qué iba este relato. No pude parar.
Lo terminé en un día porque es sumamente adictivo, no te da descanso. Una maravilla lo de este autor.
El final me dejó un buen rato pensando.
El diseño de portada es horrible, pero no se dejen llevar por las apariencias.
A fun twist on the Faustian Pact. The story has the soul and greed of 80/90s London, the cravings for an expensive perfect life filled with wine, women and wealth. It reminded me of my first delightful horror reads as a teenager, very tongue-in-cheek but with some cringy descriptions of women. Darkly British humour, some graphically violent passages, a sprinkling of sex, and social commentary are all mixed together to form an entertaining cocktail that was a quick and easy read.
Martyn's short-sighted naivety made him hard to have sympathy for but certainly fit into the plot. I loved the daemon Spanky, in my head he was a cross between Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp, all delicious swagger, a true cheeky bad-boy. Definitely the star of the book. Is it wrong that I was rooting for the deamon to win?
I'd recommend to anyone who enjoys fun, light-heart 90s British horror.
I received a free ARC of this book via Netgallery and Random House Publishing Group in exchange for my honest review.
Wow I started this book a way back in October and I've only just finished! It's been a long haul with many interruptions along the way but this book is SO GOOD! So thrilling and realistic! A real page turner. I've been up until after 4am these last few nights reading it! I kept reading until my mind began to dull with sleep. My imagination was working overtime, I used to think that for something fantasy or supernatural themed to be good it had to be set in another world or era alien to my own. This novel is set in England in the 1990's (yes, a slightly different era and not quite Ireland but it's close enough and at least I was alive for the 90's!). Wow, I mean Fowler really has brought Spanky to life, when reading this book in the dead of the night with everyone in the house asleep, but me, I'm actually too scared to leave my bed and go to the toilet in case he appears in the corridor! Or in the shower! Haha I feel like a child again, not an adult of well...19! It really kept me on my toes!
I really wish I read this novel all at one time! But there were too many interruptions in my life this year. Even my doctor told me to stop reading books like this because I went through a phase for several months of frighteningly vivid nightmares in which I died or was harmed. It was because of immense stress and my totally messed up sleeping pattern etc. because I NEVER had a nightmare before that in my life. These nightmares were NOT caused by this novel so don't be put off reading it!! This is the happiest I've been about a random find of a book in a long time. I'm always picking up random ones in pokey little second hand bookshops and I am so glad I wasn't too embarrassed by the prospect of the conservative old woman behind the counter seeing the cover when I decided to buy it! ^^,
One of Christopher Fowler's early and by far one of his most inventive and hilarious, even though it is a horror/supernatural tale, novels. It is full of wit, and inventiveness and is just a rollicking good read.
I think Spanky is one of Fowler's finest creations, in a way he is a metaphor for everything that happened to the UK, but especially London, in the years of Margaret Thatcher and beyond. A certain sense of the UK died in the glut of affluence, greed and consumerist materialism that swamped something uniquely different. Of course this didn't only happen in the UK - it happened everywhere, even the USA. It doesn't mean the past was perfect just different and worth more than the mess of pottage we sold it for.
That is what Spanky is about, it is a fable and morality tale, it is about getting what you think you want and discovering the paucity of your imagination and discovering to late how much you have paid for so little. Above all like all great fables it is about never doing deals with the devil and even more important recognizing the devil in time. But also it is a wonderful story of the triumph of ordinary decency over the blandishment of the devil on the high tower and all the powers and principalities at his beck and call. Because in the end it is arrogance that destroys the monsters we give power to because we can always take it back.
Brilliant novel, also delightful homoerotic though it is not anyway a gay or queer novel, it is just suffused with that time in the late 80's and early 90's when male sexuality was final being acknowledge by heterosexuals.
This is a classic black humour book meshed with bits of horror and fantasy. It is not my normal reading genre, but a friend recommended it a while back. I found it both suspenseful and gloomy, but I was oddly fascinated by it.
The story revolves around Martyn Ross, a regular guy who feels like a loser most of the time. He has a boring job, lives in a dilapidated home, has no love interests, and his future seems quite bleak. All of this changes the moment Martyn meets Spancialosaphus Lacrimosae (Spanky), a devious demon with a very cunning mind. Spanky becomes his “friend” and gradually helps Martyn fulfil his deepest desires and change his mundane life. As the story unfolds, Martyn realizes that Spanky wants something from him too and payback day is approaching…
Note: This is not a BDSM/erotica book, regardless of the title. The Josh Harnett look-alike on the cover is not a sexy alpha male, he’s an honest-to-goodness evil demon. This is actually a horror/fantasy fiction novel.
I'm afraid Spanky (who still looks like Brad Pitt to me) didn't get to see any California sun. It's been raining the entire time he's been here.
Anyway, the book reminded me a lot of the film Shawn of the Dead in its blending of comedy (with the array of loser characters stuck in dead end jobs and dreary lives) and horror (daemons in this case). The pacing was good, though the last show down took longer than I thought it warranted but it was compelling enough a read that as soon as I got home from work each day, I carried the book around to sneak a few pages between making dinner or doing the dishes, etc.
Reading Spanky by Christopher Fowler is like walking through a fair. Just like each stall in a fair gives you different experiences, Spanky gives you a taste of different emotions. Throughout this journey, I found myself laughing aloud, biting my nails in intrigue, feeling sad, getting infuriated, thumping his fist in indignant triumph, and feeling defeated. And also, just like in a fair, there's something common in all those varied stalls—they are all great fun.
The storyline has been often heard—man (Martyn Ross) succumbs to greed and makes a pact with the devil (a daemon named Spanciolophus lacrimosa or Spanky) in this case, has a great ride for a while with all the necessary 'w's (wine, women, and wealth) and then comes the time to pay! So, I didn't start reading the book with a lot of expectations, but there were things constantly happening and I was happy. It was enjoyable to read everything that Martyn was getting from the daemon, and then came the time to pay...
The moment Spanky tells Martyn what he wants in return, you know this is not one of those novels!
From here, Spanky takes you on a completely different ride. It's like you have left the psychedelic lights of the dance floor and stepped out into the darkness of the alley from the back door. The music is still ringing in your ears, but you are afraid of what's going to come.
I won't tell you what Spanky really wants from Martyn, because that is what this book largely pegs on, but suffice it to say that it's not what you think.
The great high of this book is also in the brief supernatural lore details that are interspersed in the dialogs. Many of these come from Spanky, but there are other people who say something interesting. It's also a testimony to Fowler's amazing writing how he has kept things interpretative almost till the end. There is a chapter towards the end where I was almost sure that Spanky isn't real, but then is he? This 'is he real/is he not real' tease is a fun game that Fowler plays with us throughout.
I'd strongly recommend Spanky to anyone who wishes to get into a great read, horror or otherwise. This one goes beyond genre anyway, and it really doesn't hang on the scare element. That's not the point of the book. The point of the book is to tell us, in its own inimitable fun and yet profound manner, what it means to probe into the depths of our desires and what might happen if we have a way to make them come true.
Set in the late eighties/ early nineties, the story revolves around Martyn & Spanky and their relationship. Martyn Ross is a regular guy with a mundane job and life. There is not much going on for him and for most parts he considers himself to be a loser. When Martyn meets Spanky, who insists that he is a daemon and offers to be his muse… Slowly Spanky becomes his friend and helps Martyn achieve his dreams and desire and change his life for good. However, Martyn soon realizes that this wasn’t a one-way deal and he has to pay Spanky for it soon.
The first thing that attracts the reader to this book is the element of Faustian Pact but with a twist. The second thing that stands out in the book is its dark humour. Together they give the book a solid base for the plot to play out with its characters. Martyn is partly naïve as is clear from his entering into the pact with no idea of what he must pay for it. However, it is quite easy to feel kindly towards him. Spanky on the other hand is the star of the story. He is devilishly charming and has a cunning mind.
There are moments in the book when you just cannot help but draw a parallel to our reality. For instance, the fact that nothing in life comes for free. It was a surprise to me as I picked up this book expecting it to be just another story. But the book turned out to be much more than that.
I had never read this author before I read Roofworld a couple of months ago. I just fancied something a little different then and that book ticked that box quite well so I thought I'd give the author another whirl with this book. And now, having read it, I can say that I think that, as with the previous book, I made a pretty good choice. So Martyn is a bit lost with life. He feel a bit like a spare part, bimbling along not really getting anywhere. If I had to liken him to anything it would be that strange shaped little plastic thing that is left over from when you assemble something. Something which seems to work very with without it. Dead-end job, no real friends so to speak, no special person and pretty much estranged from him family, he really is a walking cliché. No wonder he becomes interested with what Spanky has to offer. But, Spanky is a daemon (yes, the 'a' is important) and we all know that daemons aren't to be trusted. Well, we should all know this, and then again, knowing and doing do not always go hand in hand! Oh Martyn, what have you got yourself all caught up in and can you get yourself out of it without losing everything or indeed everybody? This was, for me, a delightful book to read. Full of brilliantly dark humour that was right on my wavelength and with some descriptive passages that reminded me of my youth reading my first horror in the form of early, Graham Masterton books at the ripe old age of 14! There are some brilliantly described gory bits in this book although not as many as Roofworld. Some are a tad on the graphic side and those that aren't graphic tend to hit on an emotional level instead. It's a book that will affect you on some way whilst reading it. I know it did me! I laughed, I cried, I winced, I shuddered, I got a bit angry and shouty at one point too as Martyn can be little on the stupid side on occasion! I know I am probably not really meant to like Spanky but I really couldn't help myself. He is deliciously devious. He tells a good yarn and also knows how to spin a deal. He obviously doesn't like cats though and, being a cat lover myself, that was the point where my loyalties zoomed right back to where they should have need from the start. Albeit still keeping the same reservations regarding Martyn's denseness/naivety. Did he really think it was all free, gratis, complimentary? Still, there's one born every minute and I guess it only needs one for Spanky's existence to continue. All in all, this was a cracking read that I thoroughly enjoyed. I see that more of Fowler's stand-alone books are being re-released this year. I will definitely be looking out for them but, in the mean time, I have borrowed the first Byant & May from my library so will give that a whirl whilst waiting.
I received a free ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Ο Κρίστοφερ Φόουλερ είναι Άγγλος συγγραφέας, εντελώς άγνωστος στην Ελλάδα, σχετικά γνωστός στο εξωτερικό, έχει γράψει κάμποσα αστυνομικά βιβλία όπως αυτά της σειράς Bryant And May αλλά και μερικά καλτ βιβλία τρόμου και urban fantasy, αλλά το Σπάνκυ είναι το μοναδικό βιβλίο του συγγραφέα που έχει μεταφραστεί στα ελληνικά.
Τι είναι ο Σπάνκυ; Ο Σπάνκυ είναι ένας δαίμονας που κυκλοφορεί στην Γη με την μορφή ενός νεαρού και ��μορφου άντρα και ψάχνει νεαρούς, γυναίκες ή άντρες, που έχουν φτάσει σε ένα αδιέξοδο στην ζωή τους, κοινωνικά, οικονομικά, ερωτικά και λοιπά. Ο επόμενος "πελάτης" του είναι ο Μάρτιν Ρος, ένας 23χρονος άντρας που απέτυχε στις εξετάσεις και γενικά το σχολείο και δουλεύει σε μια μάλλον βαρετή δουλειά σε ένα επιπλάδικο. Ζει σαν φοιτητής μαζί με έναν τρελό με τα μεταφυσικά και τις συνωμοσίες (που καπνίζει και μαύρο κάθε μέρα) και γενικά έχει βαρεθεί τη ζωή του. Εμφανίζεται ο Σπάνκυ λοιπόν και του υπόσχεται πλήρη αλλαγή σε όλα: Από τα ρούχα μέχρι την δουλειά του και από το σπίτι μέχρι την κοπέλα των ονείρων του. Όμως στο τέλος έρχεται ο λογαριασμός... και δεν ξεπληρώνεται με κανένα νόμισμα...
Μέχρι λίγο μετά την μέση το βιβλίο έχει χιούμορ, είναι ευχάριστο, βλέπουμε τις αλλαγές πάνω στον Μάρτιν αλλά και στους γύρω του ανθρώπους, με την ευκαιρία ο Φόουλερ σατιρίζει λίγο και κάποια πράγματα της αγγλικής πραγματικότητας, αλλά μετά, όταν η μεταμόρφωση τελείωσε και έρχεται ο λογαριασμός, η στάση του Σπάνκυ αλλάζει δραματικά και απαιτεί κάτι το αδιανόητο. Ο Μάρτιν αντιστέκεται και ο Σπάνκυ θα χρησιμοποιήσει ακραίες μεθόδους για να πετύχει τους στόχους του.
Το βιβλίο δεν είναι τρόμου, αν και διαθέτει στοιχεία που τρομάζουν λίγο, θα έλεγα ότι είναι περισσότερο urban fantasy, αν και το τέλος μπορεί να αλλάζει λίγο την κατηγορία του βιβλίου (...).
Η γραφή του Φόουλερ πάρα πολύ καλή, ο κεντρικός χαρακτήρας συμπαθητικός, ο Σπάνκυ μέχρι ενός σημείου είχε πλάκα αλλά μετά αγρίεψε λίγο, οι σκηνές δράσης αρκετές και καλά δοσμένες, γενικά είναι ένα βιβλίο που διαβάζεται γρήγορα και με ενδιαφέρον από την αρχή μέχρι το ανατρεπτικό τέλος.
This idea of urban angst seems to be the basis for all of Fowler’s recent novels, and tying it in with the age-old belief in ‘personal demons’ was a great trick. Set in London, this tells of a 23 year old man, with a dead-end job and no mates, who makes a deal with a devil for a better life. After this, everything goes his way, from his luck with women to his job promotion. But then he finds out that Spanky has a trick or two up his sleeve, and his life becomes hell.
The story is packed with suspense from beginning to end. Fowler has a great knack for getting inside his lead’s head, making him one of the most psychologically believable characters I’ve encountered in a book. The London settings are superbly described, and its clear that Fowler has got a fantastic knowledge of the city, its inhabitants, and what makes it tick. Spanky himself is a hugely charismatic figure, despite being a demon, and it seems impossible to dislike him despite his murderous actions.
Fowler himself has said that he divided this book into two parts – the first half being heaven, the second, hell, and it follows that the first half is a dreamy, enjoyable ride through fortune and good luck, the second a more typical horror outing with some nasty bloodshed and plenty of terror. The ending seems a little unfocused to me, but that’s probably because Fowler left it ambiguous on purpose. All in all a fine and intelligent horror story which should please horror fans and general readers alike through its highly readable, yet complex, style. A short story sequel followed, entitled SPANKY'S BACK IN TOWN.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Oodles of fun to be had with this Faustian tale. I binge read it in one evening. Fowler has never disappointed, at least his earlier genre works and this one is no exception. Tough to find books, so it was very exciting to see a new digital release on Netgalley. Not merely a sell your soul to the devil thing, this is an elaborate is he or isn't he sane, daemon possession psychological trip of a story with some clever social commentary thrown in for good measure. Temptation has always been a tricky one and Martyn is just the sort of aimless lackluster young man to give into all a charming demon named Spanky can offer...sartorial perfection, opportunities, sex, money, success. All sounds too good to be free and, of course, it is. And the price turns out much to steep. Then the games begin. Fast paced, very entertaining, despite the somewhat protracted second act, darkly humorous at times, graphically violent at times enough to please even the seasoned genre fans, this one is a really wild ride. Recommended. Thanks Netgalley.
My first Christopher Fowler book, and it's as good and as fresh as it was when I first read it.
The first half is very much a 1980s/90s strive for everything for Martyn, our hero, a no hoper until he meets the Daemon Spanky. The second half is very much pay back time and Spanky doesn't want Martyn's soul.
A cat and mouse chase ensues between the two and the brilliance is Fowler plays on the Jekyll and Hyde and split personality traits. Does the Daemon really exist? Is Martyn talking to himself? Is he feeling guilty about accidents and taking on the guilt? Or is Martyn doing all the nefarious deeds and transferring them onto a mystical being?
Although set in that era it's as relevant today. I think would make a good TV drama or film.
I can totally see where Fowler's later series, Bryant and May comes from in this book. The quirky sense of humor an extra helping of paranormal is all there and mixed with just enough London for this non-Londoner. There were some scary parts that still leave me wondering.....if some daemon walked up to me and asked if I wanted him/her to change my life.....would I say yes or no? Like maybe I could do it better than Martyn....No, I doubt it.
No, that is not Jeff Stryker on the cover! Not everyone will get that. ") This is what happens when a DAEMON, not a DEMON (there is difference) approaches you and makes an offer to good to pass up. Nothing is free, and you always pay in the end. A very British story, takes place in the 90's.
Firstly, I received Spanky as an ARC and first off, I didn't like the title of the book or the main character's name. It seemed inconsistent with the book. 'Spanky' sounds a bit cheeky and naughty, whereas Spanky is definitely not. This is a Faustian tale of Martyn, a wet and miserable mildly depressed furniture salesman, who meets the mysterious Spanky who offers a deal to improve Martyn's life. The book is in two distinct parts, the fun and frivolous when all is going well and Martyn's life improves exponentially (the job, the girl, the car, the flat), and then the dark twisted part once Spanky seeks his repayment. This is when the horror escalates, and the gore is visceral and evocative, distinct from the earlier section set in the nightlife of 90s London. There is a strong cast of side characters, including Martyn's conspiracy theorist stoner housemate and the underrated Lottie, and the plot is fast paced. By the time I reached the end, I was still unconvinced about Martyn's sanity. But my real misgiving with the book was the vile treatment of women by Spanky, which reduced my score down from 4 to 3 stars. If you like Faustian pacts, 90s London, horror with a few laughs and people getting their comeuppances, check out Spanky.
Spanky is a darkly humorous British take on a classic Faustian pact. Readers are introduced to Martyn, a naive classic loser with a dead end job, living with a junkie roommate, and dealing with being a member of a high dysfunctional family. Spanky, a daemon, enters Martyn's life and makes him an offer he can't refuse to make some much needed improvements to his life. Martyn goes about enjoying this new life and, eventually, finds out the twist. The interactions between Spanky and Martyn provide good dark, humor. The author did paint some pretty graphic and violent scenes. There were lots of references to living in Britain during the 1990s. I found Martyn pretty annoying as a main character. His character development was lacking and he was very predictable at times. I liked the writing pace in general, but found the ending to be a little rushed.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Este relato de ciencia ficción, contado en el primera persona me ha dejado un sabor agridulce. Por un lado, la historia es simple, muy trillada, usa vagamente la técnica cinematográfica de Tarantino de desordenar la historia empezando por el nudo y desenlace final y usa el cliché usado por Marvel con Spiderman siendo un "desgraciado de la vida" que tanto éxito y carisma género en los lectores de cómics.
Por otro lado me agrada mucho como cuenta la historia, la redacción de como transcurren los hechos, contándonos paso por paso los acontecimientos es realmente bueno y eso te lleva a no dejar de leer pues es un continuo de venir de problemas, situaciones al cuasi-estilo, de la película de acción, "Speed" .
Tengo curiosidad de conocer algún libro de este autor donde no imagine criaturas, pues no motiva ni me asombra, la descripción y determinación de estos seres del averno imaginados, todo esto desde mí imberbe juicio.
I thought I was giving it 4 stars at the start of the book, but at the end I could only give it 3. The title bothered me from the beginning. In the US, Spanky is slang for masturbating, as well as being the name of one of the Little Rascals. So the title resonated with me in different ways than what the author probably meant. I thought the name wasn't as serious as the plot was. Martyn was extremely annoying with very few redeeming qualities. Low-hanging fruit for Spanky. He was very annoying and shiny and I kind of wanted him to let Spanks take over and have some fun. I wished I could have liked him more. I liked the person he ended up finally becoming.though. And I really liked the illustration of Spanky's true form. The author had a great sense of humor, though. It was reflected in both of them. I chuckled a lot.
This was an early read provided free from Netgalley.
I have to admit, since I am unfamiliar with the whole Faustian premise, I didn't quite get this book at first. As I got into it though, I slowly got hooked. Spanky is a daemon, not a demon, who comes into a man's life to make his world all better. It is based in London and the guy really has nothing to lose, as his life is plenty bland. What follows isn't exactly what he bargained for. I give it a solid 3 stars, but I'm not sure if I would search out for another book by the author.