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Dragonlance: Legends #1

Time of the Twins

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New York Times–bestselling series: The War of the Lance has ended, and the darkness has passed. Or has it?

Sequestered in the blackness of the dreaded Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas, and surrounded by nameless creatures of evil, archmage Raistlin Majere weaves a plan to conquer the darkness—to bring it under his control.

Two people alone can stop him. One is Crysania, a beautiful and devoted cleric of Paladine, who tries to use her faith to lead Raistlin from the darkness. She is blind to his shadowed designs, and he draws her slowly into his neatly woven trap.

The other is Raistlin’s twin, Caramon. Made aware of his brother’s plan, a distraught Caramon travels back in time to the doomed city of Istar in the days before the Cataclysm. There, together with the ever-present kender Tasslehoff, Caramon will make his stand to save Raistlin’s soul.

Or so he believes.

The first title in the second Dragonlance novel trilogy is now being released for the first time ever in a trade hardcover edition. Featuring the stunning art and design that graced the cover of the paperback edition, this new version is a follow-up to the release of the Dragonlance novels Chronicles trilogy in hardcover in 2003. It also continues the planned release of all of the core Weis & Hickman titles in trade hardcover, allowing fans and collectors alike the chance to obtain the entire set in hardcover.

389 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 1, 1986

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About the author

Margaret Weis

695 books5,696 followers
Margaret Edith Weis is an American fantasy and science fiction author of dozens of novels and short stories. At TSR, Inc., she teamed with Tracy Hickman to create the Dragonlance role-playing game (RPG) world. She is founding CEO and owner of Sovereign Press, Inc and Margaret Weis Productions, licensing several popular television and movie franchises to make RPG series in addition to their own.
In 1999, Pyramid magazine named Weis one of The Millennium's Most Influential Persons, saying she and Hickman are "basically responsible for the entire gaming fiction genre". In 2002, she was inducted into the Origins Hall of Fame in part for Dragonlance.

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Profile Image for Markus.
485 reviews1,901 followers
October 7, 2015
"It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it.”

That line is unfortunately not from this book, nor even from this universe. However, in addition to being a favourite of mine, it describes this book perfectly.

The War of the Lance is over. The Queen of Darkness and her Dragon Highlords have been defeated against all odds. But Krynn is devastated by the conflict, and new dangers lurk in the shadows. In solitude in the Tower of High Sorcery, a familiar wizard is setting his master plan into motion…

With the beginning of the second trilogy of DragonLance novels, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman take the leap from classical, cliché-ridden, D&D fantasy, to something much more interesting. Time of the Twins is the first real step on the path to this universe getting an identity of its own.

In some ways, this is more of the same. In others, it’s a vast improvement. Characterisation has changed a lot. For the better. But the setting and storylines are similar to what we see in the first trilogy.

Overall however, this is definitely my favourite DragonLance book so far. And look, it even has good writing!

"It is easy to have hope in the spring, warrior, when the weather is warm and the vallenwoods are green. It is easy to have hope in the summer, when the vallenwoods glitter with gold. It is easy to have hope in the fall when the vallenwoods are as red as living blood. But in the winter, when the air is sharp and bitter and the skies are gray, does the vallenwood die, warrior?"

"Who spoke?" Caramon cried, staring around wildly, clutching his sword in his trembling hand.

"What does the vallenwood do in the winter, warrior, when all is dark and even the ground is frozen? It digs deep, warrior. It sends its roots down, down, into the soil, down to the warm heart of the world. There, deep within, the vallenwood finds nourishment to help it survive the darkness and the cold, so that it may bloom again in the spring."

"So?" Caramon asked suspiciously, backing up a step and looking around.

"So you stand in the darkest winter of your life, warrior. And so you must dig deep to find the warmth and the strength that will help you survive the bitter cold and the terrible darkness. No longer do you have the bloom of spring or the vigor of summer. You must find the strength you need in your heart, in your soul. Then, like the vallenwoods, you will grow once more."

Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 9 books4,641 followers
July 15, 2019
I feel kinda bad that it has taken me thirty years to finally get around to reading this second main Dragonlance trilogy. I mean, sure, it took me fifteen years to read the first Dragonlance trilogy and that was AFTER I had been playing D&D for years. Oops? Ah, but never mind that.

I discovered something awesome. This reads BETTER than the first trilogy. A lot more fun, more interesting, better characters (and not just Tolkien ripoffs), and a much more twisted story.

No, this isn't a classic fantasy in most cases... but then... maybe it IS. Raistlin has that VIBE. Originally a dark hero master magician, like Elric from Moorcock's series, Raistlin is, in some ways, a lot more interesting, evil, and sympathetic than Elric. Awesomely powerful by the end of the original Trilogy, he's insufferably cocky and sure he could take over the world in a single day in this one. So he gets more ambitious. As in taking out the Dark Goddess to become a God, himself.

In the meantime, his twin brother, a brawny, broken oaf of a warrior and pretty much Raistlin's opposite, has his own redemption arc going on because he let himself go to seed. Big time. And then we get a full corruption of a good cleric, time travel, Kinder mischief, and a big return to the awesomely big cataclysm from the Dragonlance's ancient past. And we get to see it from the ringside seats.

Awesome? I think so.

Let me be clear, however. I have only a little patience for money-grubbing franchises and the D&D series as a whole definitely qualifies. I had some issues with the original trilogy, but somehow this book kinda pushes all my reservations aside.

I had FUN. A lot of fun. And the writing is not bad at all. :) I can't wait to see the big, big events I've already been spoiled on by old friends back years ago. :)
Profile Image for MissBecka Gee.
1,936 reviews870 followers
January 13, 2024
Reread 2024:
I love this book!
Sooo much time with two of the greatest characters ever created. Tasselhoff and Raistlin, or as I like to refer to them...

Original Review 2019:
The first time I read this book I was horrified by the ending.
Now I know it's really just the beginning. 😉
Looking forward to starting book 2 tonight!
Profile Image for Krell75 (Stefano).
385 reviews64 followers
January 13, 2024
Dopo aver concluso la trilogia delle "Cronache di Dragonlance", diventando famosa in tutto il mondo con milioni di copie vendute, la Weis ha pensato bene di utilizzare il suo personaggio migliore ed iconico: il mago Raistlin, maledetto, cinico e ormai potentissimo, per narrarne un seguito.

Le "Leggende di Dragonlance" si focalizzano sui desideri di due fratelli, i gemelli Majere: Caramon, guerriero ormai sfatto e depresso dalla perdita e il suo gemello Raistlin, malato ma potente nelle arti oscure, ormai passato al Male. Il loro particolare legame di amore/odio è il collante che tiene unita la trama, mentre Caramon il buon fratello cerca con tutti i mezzi di redimere il suo gemello, Raistlin ha i suoi piani e non demorde. Il suo piano è chiaro, sconfiggere la Regina delle Tenebre e diventare egli stesso un dio.

Trilogia di un'epicità unica, ci si lega al personaggio di Raistlin in modo assoluto e pur nella sua "malvagità" lo si ama alla follia. La Weis sforna il suo capolavoro.
Profile Image for Brad.
Author 3 books1,844 followers
June 7, 2010
I love this book despite the fact that about half of it is steeped in serious suckiness. The fact is, at least for me, that the excellent bits in Time of the Twins are far more excellent than the excellent bits in the three Dragonlance books that preceded this one (and those books had some excellent bits), making Time of the Twins a favourite of mine.

Sucky Bits:
Sucky -- This story hinges on the corruption of the Kingpriest of Istar. The Kingpriest arrogantly (and weakly) calls on the gods to come down as peers and help him wipe evil from Krynn (the World of Dragonlance for the uninitiated). This is a solid idea for fantasy fiction, and it allows Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman to express their idea about the need for equilibrium between good and evil. The problem is that we never see enough of the Kingpriest, his court, his "good/bad works" or anything else related to him to fully accept the Cataclysm he brings to Krynn.

The authors rely on our Dragonlance-fed understanding of Krynn's history to fill in the Kingpriest-gaps rather than giving us the time we need in Istar to damn the Kingpriest ourselves. We know he's arrogant and foolish because we're told he is, not because they make us believe it. And that is sucky.

Suckier -- Something similar happens with the other important characters in Time of the Twins. The gladiators, Kiiri and Pheragas, the priests, Quarath and Denubis, and the slavers, Raag and Arack, aren't given anywhere near the time they need to fulfill their potential as characters -- not even as supporting characters. Kiiri and Pheragas are supposed to be important to Caramon, but we're left to assume and accept their importance based on some barely developed camaraderie. Quarath, Arack and Raag are supposed to be the story's supporting villains, but they never movie beyond the Sneak, the pseudo-Mobster and the Muscle. Denubis (who returns later in the series) is the one true cleric left for Crysania to meet, and just as we are beginning to like him he disappears with an old, father-time style, Elven cleric. And all this is suckier.

Suckiest -- Tasslehoff Burrfoot. Tas is a favourite from the Dragonlance Chronicles. He is the lovable kender from who befriended a god and imbued the original stories with a sense of wonder. The authors lost their way with his character, though. He was designed to be a full-grown adult from a race cursed with insatiable curiousity and no fear. He is touched by the War of the Lance, and he learns how to fear for the lives of those he loves, which should make for a more mature character, a wiser more sober character. But Weis & Hickman blow it. They turn Tas into a little boy. He feels like an insufferable, annoying, spoiled four year old. And that is the suckiest of all.

Excellent Bits:
Excellent -- All those sucky problems are offset by some cool stuff, though. One excellent element of Time of the Twins is Lady Crysania. She's second in commmand of the newly revived Order of Paladine -- cold, haughty, and utterly convinced of her natural superiority. But all that changes when she meets and is challenged by Raistlin, the dark wizard who has become the "Master of Past and Present." Her intellectual awakening at the hands of Raistlin is excellent.

Excellenter -- Caramon Majere, twin brother of Raislin, has his own struggle, but his is more a recovery than an awakening. He's a broken man when the story begins: broken by war, broken by being unnecessary when there's none left to kill, broken by his love for his brother. His story is the simplest, but also one of the most emotionally satisfying. Not a false note is struck in Caramon's rebirth, and there is even a promise of something more to come. This is even excellenter.

Excellentest -- Nothing compares to the opening chapter in Raistlin's journey to become a god, however. Time of the Twins is Raistlin's tale, and when he's onstage the story is better than any other thing Weis & Hickman have collaborated on. Raistlin does terrible things, it's true; he wears black robes (the mark of an evil wizard on Krynn), he murders people, he hungers for power, he manipulates and controls, he lies, and the god he wants to replace is Takhisis, the Queen of Darkness. He is a bad ass extraordinaire. But he also cares. He cares about dignity, he cares about the poor, he cares about the meek, he cares about his friends, he cares about his brother. He shows mercy, compassion and wisdom that no other character in all six of the core Dragonlance books possesses. He may be a badass, but he's also a hero, making him one of my all time favourite Fantasy characters. Raistlin's story is the excellentest part of Time of the Twins.

The biggest problem with Dragonlance Legends, then, and the main reason for the suckiness in Time of the Twins, is that each installment of the three part series needed three parts to be fully realized. This series should have stretched over nine volumes, only then could it have achieved its full potential. But that's okay. I love it anyway. Even with all its flaws (yeah...I know...it's probably a nostalgia thing).
Profile Image for Jim C.
1,697 reviews31 followers
July 23, 2020
Actual rating is 4.5 stars.

This is the first book of a trilogy. This takes place after the original trilogy and I suggest reading that trilogy first. In this one, it is two years after the events of the first trilogy. Raistlin is still all powerful and could achieve world domination but that isn't enough for him. Caramon is reeling from the fact that Raistlin chose the black robes. Meanwhile, a cleric of Paladine is convinced she could stop Raistlin and she seeks him out with help from Tasslehoff.

What a terrific start to a new trilogy. We get some new, terrific character depth from these characters as well as time travel to Istar which was mentioned in the previous trilogy. What ties this book together is the theme of redemption. We have Crysannia who seeks redemption for Raistlin, Caramon who doesn't seek it but ends up on its path, and the Kingpriest who should be asking for it. I really like how it was tied in throughout. This could be my favorite setting in this universe as I love how it sets up that being narcissistic could lead to a downfall. And through out all these themes we have the contrast between the twins. Caramon loves his twin to a fault and Raistlin who is the "weaker" one supposedly but has become all powerful by evil ways.

This is a reread for me and it still holds up. I know that a common complaint from the first trilogy that it was derivative. Even though one could argue the aspect of two brothers battling is nothing new this adds to that theme while bringing in some amazing concepts that will entertain all readers.
Profile Image for Dale.
Author 28 books69 followers
August 31, 2007
This was the first book I read when I started my new bus/train commute. But, this was not the first Dragonlance book I've ever read. It was the tenth. Dragonlance is a gigantic moneymaking franchise that runs off the insatiable appetites of geeks, among which I count myself. It's almost besides the point for me to review the book at all, because it's so niche. Either you "get it" or you don't. But, shoot, I'll give it a try.

The original Dragonlance trilogy (which I read in high school) was about a group of friends living in a fantasy world in which a medievalesque society exists alongside magic, gods, monsters, etc. The friends become unlikely heroes who play a central part in saving the world. Time of the Twins is the first book of a follow-on trilogy that focuses on the further adventures of two (and a half) of the original adventurers: twin brothers Caramon and Raistlin. These two characters will always have a soft spot in my heart. Big-hearted, simple-minded, strong and tough Caramon; frail, sickly, brilliant, manipulative Raistlin. Caramon is one of the world's greatest fighters, and Raistlin one of it's most potent wizards. They love each other and they hate each other. In every pair of brothers, or even friends, one is usually the Raistlin and one is the Caramon. I've been both.

The "and a half" is the pint-sized thief Tasslehoff. He's a recurring character who is supposed to be comic relief, and he's hit or miss. Sometimes he's annoyng as crap, and sometimes he makes me laugh.

But mostly the story is about Caramon and Raistlin, as they begin a new adventure. They end up going back in time, where Raistlin learns the secrets of a legendary wizard and Caramon becomes an infamous gladiator (and Tasslehoff causes general mischief), just before a Cataclysm is sent by the gods to punish a prideful humanity. And set the scene for book 2! Like I said, if you're a geek, this stuff is GREAT - all action and imagination. If that's not your cup of tea, it probably all seems silly and/or needlessly complicated. I eat this stuff up.

There really is some good character development between the brothers, you just have to wade through a lot of genre tropes to get to it. But that characterization elevates the twins' story above your usual sword-n-sorcery hackwork. There's a general consensus among Dragonlance fans that "Legends" (as this trilogy about Caramon & Raistlin is known) is the best among the literally hundreds of other Dragonlance volumes, and that's probably true.
Profile Image for Joseph.
727 reviews120 followers
November 21, 2017
It's actually kind of surprising that these books exist, at least in their current form.

The original Dragonlance Chronicles was the trilogy that launched a thousand other D&D tie-in novels; a wildly successful story in which the Forces of Evil were pitted against a half-elf, a dwarf, a Hobbitkender, a knight, a plainsman and a cleric. Oh, yes, and a fighter and his sickly twin brother mage. And there were epic journeys and dangers and setbacks, and a few tragic deaths, but in the end the aforementioned Forces of Evil were, in fact, defeated.

And the follow-up trilogy took just about all of those elements and threw them right out the window, opting for a much more personal, much darker story.

The time: A few years after the end of the War of the Lance. Although we begin with a reunion by all of the (surviving) heroes from the first trilogy, the focus shifts to a much smaller subset: the sickly mage Raistlin Majere, who, by the end of the first trilogy, had cast his lot with the powers of darkness even as he helped the others defeat the powers of evil; his twin brother Caramon; the cleric Crysiana, a new character who thinks she can redeem Raistlin (and also he makes her feel all fluttery, although she's not necessarily ready to admit that even to herself); and, of course, the irrepressible/irritating kender Tasslehoff Burrfoot, who continues in his role of kleptomaniac comic relief and occasional conscience.

The years have not been kind to Caramon -- yes, he's now married to Tika, his sweetheart from the first trilogy, but he's also (not to put too fine a point on it) a fat drunkard driven to despair at the thought of his brother's fall from grace. But through circumstances he finds himself, together with Tasslehoff and Crysiana, traveling back through time to the city of Istar a thousand years past, in order to foil his brother's schemes.

Remember Istar? The city that, in the original trilogy, is best known for getting smacked by the gods with a meteor or something because its Priestking got entirely too full of himself? Yes, that Istar. And time is growing short ...

This is a difficult one to rate -- considered purely from a story perspective, it's much better & more interesting than the original trilogy (which, to be sure, I enjoyed). But (as with the original trilogy) the actual prose is, um ... not great. To the point where there were times when if I'd had a red editor's pen, I would've been scribbling all over my Kindle. So it's just as well that I didn't have such a pen.

And in the end I'm going with four stars because however painful I might find some of the sentences, I read the book in basically two or three sittings and will be moving immediately to the next in the trilogy.
Profile Image for Sarah.
335 reviews11 followers
July 4, 2012
I gave this book a 4, but I'm actually calling it a 4.5 because I absolutely devoured it. Fantasy books like this are my guilty pleasure, mainly because I feel like I should be spending my time reading "classics" and whatnot, but I had a blast diving back into the Dragonlance universe. I read some of the books when I was younger, and I'm ready to read some more!

I started with the Legends trilogy because, well... angsty brothers are my weakness. I remember loving Caramon and Raistlin and their complex relationship in the first Dragonlance books I read, and I still love them now.

The subtraction of a half-star in my rating was because of Tasslehoff. The kender is, basically, everything I hate in a character, with his constant meddling and thievery and naivete. I just wanted him to sit still and stay out of the way, but alas.

So... Yes, I loved this book, and I'm off to read the next!
Profile Image for TS Chan.
784 reviews940 followers
May 14, 2019
Dragonlance was one of the very first fantasy series I've read a long time ago. I remembered that I loved it then. And yep, I was one of those fangirls who liked Raistlin over Caramon.
Profile Image for Greekchoir.
344 reviews954 followers
January 2, 2024
Was not expecting to find a toxic enemies to lovers arc in DRAGONLANCE of all places
Profile Image for Jason Pierce.
807 reviews96 followers
November 21, 2019
I believe this was my favorite of the Dragonlance novels, and it's easy to understand why if my memory is correct. There's so much more going on with this than just your typical teen-boy fantasy stuff. I remember a lot from this because I think it made an impression on my impressionable teenage mind. I remember absolutely nothing from the next installment, War of the Twins, which has me a little nervous, but I shall proceed and persevere regardless. As for Test of the Twins, the conclusion to this trilogy, I remember a couple of kick-ass scenes at the end, and that's it. We'll see what we see when we get there.

As for this, it was fantastic. Reading the Chronicles was like watching the storyline of an RPG like something from the Final Fantasy series, but this surpasses regular fantasy fare and ventures into actual literature. There was great character development for most of the main characters, especially Caramon and Crysania, both of whom sorely needed it. Lack of character development was a problem in the Chronicles trilogy, but as I've mentioned elsewhere these are teen fantasy novels, and great literature isn't what most readers are here for, so it's easy to let it slide. There was also pretty good humor. In fact, the chapter where Caramon is forced to get into shape for the arena is one of the best chapters in both series, partly because I found it so hilarious, and yet the end of it was a little tragic, and it lets the reader know matters are still serious.

The religious theme was one I appreciated as well. Our characters end up in a time when the church ruled everything, and all was good, and pure, and hunky-dory... and yet not all was well. Everything was so good it was also bad because there was no balance, and the leaders were so arrogant that they thought the Gods served them instead of the other way around, and... well, you know how that kind of thing can get out of hand. The Gods had had enough, and blew the fabled city off the face of the Earth. (Or Krynn, rather, which is the name of their planet.) This isn't a spoiler because the "Cataclysm" is referred to often from the beginning of the first book of The Chronicles. All clerics in the far future as well as most denizens of Krynn look on the time before the Cataclysm as the greatest era in their history, and Crysania's discovery of its flaws is great stuff.

And Raistlin! Still my favorite character, and still so complex though it doesn't seem that way on the surface. He's definitely evil and does plenty of evil deeds, but his endgame is godhood and an effort to improve the world, or so he believes. It's just fun watching all this play out.

The audiobook version I have was a Library of Congress thing read by John Polk for the benefit of the blind in 1995, and I thought he did fine. Sometimes he'd get his voices mixed up so it sounded like one character was speaking when it should've been another, but it was still easy enough to follow. However, the best line in it came at the beginning when he was giving us the credits and everything, and he told us "the maps in the print edition are not included in this recording..." Well, why the hell not? You read everything else for us out loud, why not the map? Jerk.

Anyway, this is a great book for any fantasy fan even if it doesn't have anywhere near as many battles and fights and quests as the earlier books. But don't worry, there's still enough magic and fighting to make this count as fantasy.
Profile Image for Craig.
276 reviews24 followers
March 6, 2023
“It was an old kender proverb—Don’t change color to match the walls. Look like you belong and the walls will change color to match you.”
Profile Image for Choko.
1,400 reviews2,672 followers
August 23, 2024
*** 4 ***

... " So you stand in the darkest winter of your life, Warrior. And so you must dig deep to find the warmth and the strength that will help you survive the bitter cold and the terrible darkness. No longer do you have the bloom of spring or the vigor of summer. You must find the strength you need in your heart, in your soul. Then, like the Vallenwoods, you will grow once more. "...

These Adventure Fantasy books are very nostalgic! They remind me of the time I fell in love with the genre and related to Tasslehoff, full of adventurous spirit and mischief Kender. It is very interesting to return to these books now, many years later, and see I still adore Tess, but I relate to the broken down, again, let his body go and having no control of his life aging warrior, Caramon. Man, do I wish I could still be that full of vigor and adventure Kender, and not have lived through things that have made me more like Caramon... But life leaves its imprint on all of us to some degree and we try to fight for the light we cradle deep in our souls, so it would shine through us as we keep on going! ✨💪

Caramon, Tess and Crysania are on a quest, some more willingly than others, to try and "save" Raistline from the darkness he seems to have aligned himself with. There is time travel, WWE style Gladiator games, some humor and some heartache... And I was still rooting for our heroes!

I would recommend these books as a gateway to the Adventure Fantasy genre to readers of all ages, perfectly suitable for young readers as well.

I wish you all happy reading and may you find what you need in the pages of a good book! 😃👍📚
Profile Image for Damien Black.
Author 7 books143 followers
August 30, 2019
Well... I first read this when I was 13. I must admit, when I opened it up on a whim and started reading it again three decades later, I expected to be partly amused, partly bemused. YA sprang to mind.

YA it might well be, but was I ever surprised. And I by that mean, I was REALLY surprised. A book hasn't captivated me like this in a long while. It drew me in as much as it did when I was a teenager, and time flew by...

This story brings everything to the table. Powerful descriptive prose; time travel; Cain and Abel revisited; a sincere questioning of the need for a balance between good and evil, and whether one can exist without the other. Even the Tasslehoff scenes had me laughing out loud (and I expected as a grumpy 'old' man to find him really, really annoying): they punctuated the serious psychological interplay between warrior hero Caramon, his dark mage twin Raistlin and the idealistic young priestess Crysania so well, in addition to being full of ironic humour (never let it be said our American cousins 'don't get' irony - they do, but use it more sparingly than we Brits).

The storyline was mesmerising, the interaction of the major characters is so compelling you cannot help but be enthralled. Crysania was alienating in her self-righteous pomposity, and yet I could not turn away from her completely. How can you not feel for someone like that when they fall for a man like Raistlin, the would-be demon god of Krynn and the worlds beyond? And what sort of man is Raistlin, truly? Is he truly evil? Or just a progressive mage, streets ahead of 'old order' so-called good wizards like Par-Salian who seek to oppose him (at any cost)? What seems at first sight a simple good vs evil tale turns out to have a lot more nuance to it. Pretty impressive for 'YA'...

Given that it was originally conceived (I believe) as a spin-off series based on a D&D campaign brokered by RPG factory TSR in the 1980s, this book is nothing short of remarkable, and for me it has certainly weathered time; despite the odd obvious references from gaming ('spell components', 'continual light spells' etc) it didn't feel like a cheap rip-off but a genuine fantasy novel in its own right, one that engages the heart as much as it provokes thought. Hats off to Weiss and Hickman: I could say more, but I think you should just go out and get a copy for yourself.

One final note: I don't even think this was a total nostalgia trip for me. Of course, some of that must inevitably have an impact on my opinion, but I certainly didn't approach it in that spirit: I fully expected to groan inwardly and silently chuckle at the 13-year-old me as I re-read it... I didn't.

Revisiting this series has made me take a step back and ask myself if I shouldn't also revisit my own approach to writing fantasy. Both popular and textually rich, this is a fantastic piece of genre fiction anyone would be proud of writing.
Profile Image for Scott.
695 reviews128 followers
April 24, 2016
Like the Chronicles trilogy before it, this book is an oddly addictive hack job. Early on, you will find out Raistlin is thinly muscled. Then almost every chapter makes reference to his lean muscles. She felt his lean muscles through his robes. His thinly muscled form wrapped around her body. She could see his lean muscles through the silk of his black robes. Crysania also repeatedly smells his spell components while simultaneously noticing his thin muscles. These muscles can be found under his black robes, in case you forgot where they were and needed to double check whether they were lean or not.

Caramon starts out fat, but later he gets hot again. (Spoilers if you're not good at foreseeing entirely predictable plotlines.) Too bad he has 80s hair.

Anyway, this trilogy is more character-driven than anything that came before, and character is what the authors are worst at. So get ready for that. Some actions make no sense at all, and there are a couple direct contradictions.

But I don't have the heart to give this less than three stars. Margaret and Tracy are my fantasy babies, and I love them. Plus, the last 30 pages were oddly compelling.
Profile Image for Roberto .
60 reviews3 followers
January 21, 2024
Questo primo volume della seconda trilogia l'ho trovato molto diverso. La scrittura rimane di facile comprensione ma c'è un'evoluzione dei personaggi molto importante per la storia narrata. È una scrittura piu "riflessiva" e invita il lettore a farsi determinate domande come ad esempio la sete di potere; è giusta questa voglia di entrare in guerra con i nostri rivali? A cosa ci porterà tutto questo? Soprattutto ci si chiede se vale la pena fare determinate scelte nella vita.
Nella storia troviamo meno personaggi, Raistlin e Caramon sono le due figure principali. Si esamino appunto le loro scelte di vita. Le cose non spiegate nella prima trilogia sono qui spiegate attraverso un risvolto della storia quasi futuristico. Ho trovato questa cosa molto bella e soprattutto molto innovativa considerando l'epoca nella quale è stato scritto il romanzo.
Sicuramente consigliato.
Profile Image for Joey Hines.
100 reviews3 followers
June 22, 2015
I enjoyed the Dragonlance Chronicles in a Tolkien-lite type of way. Time of the Twins, however, really stands apart from the series that preceded it. This book mainly concerns the relationship between Caramon and Raistlin and the unpredictable force of Tasslehoff. These three were easily my favorite characters from Chronicles, so it's a thrill to see them get so much focus. New character Crysania has a well-developed struggle between her clerical faith and the callings of her heart, making this a highly compelling read on a plot-and-character level.

I enjoyed this book even more, though, for the philosophical questions it poses. The symbiotic relationship between the good, evil, and neutral forces of Krynn is explored in great depth, and the narration is fittingly ambiguous. By the end of the story, I was less sure than ever which characters were heroes or villains. And Caramon's love and loyalty for his (apparently) evil brother must be one of the most fascinating character traits in fantasy fiction.

After reading Time of the Twins, I understand why Dragonlance gained the fanbase it did.

"This is THE central theme of Legends: that we have no right to FORCE change on anyone. Change -- true change -- comes only from within. It is motivated, inspired, or invoked in others but never enforced. Faith is not dictated; it must come from within. Goodness and righteousness are not mandated; they must come from within. Every soul must choose for itself. This is the greatest gift of God. This simple lesson, if we could all learn it, would eliminate terrorism and warfare. It would revolutionize the world we know today. It can revolutionize our own personal worlds as well -- the world of our acquaintances, friends, and supposed enemies. It can change the world -- one soul at a time." - Tracy Raye Hickman
Profile Image for S. Bavey.
Author 11 books64 followers
April 9, 2021
Time of the Twins is the first book in the second Dragonlance trilogy, Dragonlance Legends, following on after the end of Dragons of Spring Dawning. This second trilogy follows the stories of the Majere twins, Caramon and Raistlin. Caramon’s devotion to his brother is stretched to the utmost limit in Time of the Twins. We see his character go from hopeless drunk, sent back through time to the time of the Cataclysm when the gods destroyed Istar, to protect the lady Crysania, sobering up and training to become a successful gladiator in the process. Raistlin meanwhile continues his expert manipulations of people and situations always with his own goals at the forefront of his mind.
The other main characters in this novel are Tasselhoff Burrfoot, the beloved kender, and Crysania, a devout and annoyingly perfect cleric of Paladine’s faith. Sent back through time to save Raistlin she falls in love with him and tries to persuade him away from his dark path.
Tas also travels back with Caramon and Crysania, by accident, but without him to keep an eye on Caramon, the drunken warrior would never have survived the time they ended up in. Tas also provides some fun moments as usual and proves himself to be as brave and loyal as any of the companions.
I enjoyed this book, but definitely missed having the other companions involved in the story, having got used to their group dynamic in the previous trilogy. I will be continuing my travels through Krynn with War of the Twins next month.
Profile Image for David.
Author 6 books43 followers
October 28, 2015
This is a fabulous tale and if you want to read any Dragonlance series, this is it. It’s a tale involving going back in time which is normally fraught with difficulty in writing a sensible plot. The authors’ do this amazingly well and this is a haunting tale. Characterisation is brilliant and fantasy fans will be enthralled by the main characters. Cameron and Raistlin are twins but more different twins you could not get. In this tale Cameron is a shadow of his former strength. Drink has brought him to a sorry state and not even his kinder friend, Tas, can help. Into the tale comes Crysania and she believes strongly in Paladin. She is persuaded on a quest by Raistlin who clearly has his own agenda. In his haste for power he has been cursed and he sees the world through hour glass eyes and everything decays as he watches. Raistlin wants to challenge the Dark Queen, but to do so he must travel back in time to destroy Fistandalus, the worlds greatest ever sorcerer. This is cleverly written and surprisingly believable.
Profile Image for Paulo "paper books only".
1,334 reviews68 followers
December 31, 2011
Small Review: My two favourite characters are on this book. Raistlin and Tassheloff. Caramon and Crysania are in it too. Interesting tale about the mind of Raistlin and the quest to rule the Abyss overthrowing Takhisis. This was the tale of Finstandituls and Raistlin travelled back in time to fulfilled it. Interesting tale.
Profile Image for Zoran Krušvar.
Author 47 books69 followers
August 23, 2015
"Dragonlance: Legends" is actually a good series. And that's weird, because game-inspired books do tend to suck big time. I give most credit for complexity of Raistlin's character and for the fact that Caramon suffers from PTSD. And that's just great, because too often fantasy heroes tend to be completely immune to distress and we know that human mind doesn't work that way.
Profile Image for Barışcan Bozkurt.
75 reviews11 followers
December 11, 2017
Mızrak Destanı serisinde karakterlerin yolculuklarını, yolculuk sırasındaki arkadaşlıklarını ve muhabbetlerini oldukça seviyordum. Bu kitapta ne yazık ki bu yok, ama hikâye açısından kritik bir olayı anlatıyor. Ayrıca hikâye daha çok kapalı ve aynı mekanlarda geçsede sürükleyiciliğinden bir şey kaybetmiyor.
Profile Image for Lindsay Farassat.
190 reviews4 followers
August 4, 2018
RAISTLIN! Imagine my glee when I learned as an overexcitable preteen girl that there was a whole trilogy of books that featured my favorite character. (And apparently everyone else's.) Oh how my girlhood trembled. lol I wish I were kidding.

If I went back and read these books now, I'm sure I would still enjoy them despite the fact that I now see them in a different light. Sure, they aren't original and they use just about every fantasy cliche there is. But it's not like I knew that when I first read them. And so most likely, all I'd feel reading them now is a fond nostalgia.

Come on, who can resist Raistlin? Hacking, frail, freaky-golden-eyed Raistlin? I certainly couldn't.

8/4/18: I finally decided to reread a few of my Dragonlance books for the first time since I was a young teenager. I wanted to see if I still loved them as much as I did then. Unfortunately...they didn't really hold up. The nostalgia factor definitely improved things, but I think if I had come to these books as an adult, I would hate them. Of course, I suppose you have to keep in mind that every character plays to a D&D alignment and that's why they're all kind of cookie cutter. But even so...the writing itself is just bad. Also, who was the editor for these? There were tons of grammatical errors, most often missing periods.

Raistlin wasn't actually in this book much, but the scenes with him were much more underwhelming than I remember. He comes off a bit like an angsty teenager. (Uh oh...is that why he was my favorite character when I was a kid?) The only character that I honestly liked in this book was Tasslehoff. I know - he's the character everyone else hates. And he can be annoying at times, but he also keeps things more lighthearted and helps the book maintain a sense of wonder. So I appreciated his presence in this book.

On to the next book in the trilogy, which I remember Raistlin being in a bit more. Maybe I'll remember why I liked him so much.

Oh, and another thing I wanted to mention: there are two maps in this book. The first one shows Krynn in the present, and the second shows it 300 years in the past (the time they end up traveling to). It seems odd to me that the landscape could have changed so much in just 300 years. The spread of civilization, yes, okay, but the continent seems to have literally shifted and parts of it broken off. Doesn't that take longer...? I'm no scientist, though, so someone correct me if I'm wrong. Also, the 300-years-ago map was drawn by Tasslehoff, but how would he have known what the geography looked like? They spent all of their time in Istar. What was the point of even having that map?
Profile Image for Christie.
264 reviews14 followers
December 26, 2013
I don't know where to begin with this book. I know that I'm going to love this series just as much as The Chronicle Trilogy. I have become so wrapped up with these books, that I’m actually bugging my friends who have read these back when they first came out, to re-read the series so we can discuss them. Yes, I am a Dragonlance virgin!

I can’t believe that Camaron has changed so much in two years. If I was Tika, I would have slapped some sense into him with a heavy frying pan. I was so hurt to see how he changed and treated her. I love how Tas stepped up to make sure that Camaron followed through with Tika’s orders. I’m a little confused about Crysania and Raistlin. I realize that she is falling in love with him, but with that love, she also exhibits hate. I hope that this love doesn’t prove to be what the story is leading it to be. As for my beloved Tas, he is just so under appreciated by everyone. Then there is Raistlin. Well, who can trust a man with hour glass shaped pupils and golden skin. I have high hopes for Raist, but then he always turns and becomes the evil and untrusting person that he is.

I’ve become so obsessed with these books that I have a hard time focusing on other books that I need to review. I’m so excited about starting the next installment, War of the Twins. Again, I want to thank my friends Mike and Aj for turning me onto this addicting story!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jenny.
1,136 reviews99 followers
January 24, 2016
I'm glad I found a website that told me which order to read the Dragonlance books in. Of course, I thought to look it up after reading The Second Generation, which takes place after the Twins trilogy, but still. This first book in the trilogy is a fitting continuation of the Dragons trilogy. The Dragons of Spring Dawning ends in such a darkly suggestive way, and this book picks up on that tone right away. Weis and Hickman introduce new characters but bring back enough former characters to keep fans reading. They maintain their humor and their skill for suspense and moving a story along.
My only critique of this book is that it feels a little dragged out. From reading The Second Generation, I have an idea of what happens in this trilogy, and it seems like the plot could have been condensed. Not much REALLY happens in this book. At the same time, what does happen is well-paced and interesting enough to make me want to read the next book right away, which usually doesn't happen for me except in the cases of very suspenseful and/or very enjoyable reads.
I recommend this book to Dragonlance fans. If you're not a fan already, this book may get you there but may not. It definitely could stand on its own but also makes many references to earlier events and characters. I recommend reading Dragons first then reading these books.
Profile Image for Bianca Klein Haneveld.
122 reviews7 followers
March 6, 2016
Since this book stands out for the way it offers insights in its very interesting characters, I will focus this review on them.
The titular twins Caramon and Raistlin stole my heart in the original trilogy. Caramon, brave, good, honest and completely devoted to his twin brother. Raistlin, bitter, brilliant, evil on first sight but oddly (but convincingly) compessionate at key moments... they are fascinating. This book hints at ways to see their complex relationship that makes these characters even more wellrounded.
Added to that mix is an interesting lady Crysiana. She is captivating. Self-righteous, cold to people who don't know her, with a fatal vanity... but oh so tender, kind, intelligent and vulnerable once someone scratches the surface. Unfortunately - Raistlin is the first one who does ;-).
This book is imaginative and feels like a welcome return to the Dragonlance-world.

Some assides though: the plot hinges on Raistlin remaining a mystery for the most part. You get to know many of his actions and some of his intentions - but I would have loved to see the world through his eyes and missed this.
And another reviewer (Brad) explains expertly how Tasslehoff Burrfoot is somewhat short-changed in this trilogy. In short: this lovable kender who learned to fear by berievement and handled it admirably, is an almost childish comic relief here. Which made me sad.
Profile Image for Chris.
61 reviews2 followers
September 9, 2012
I've been a Dragonlance fan since 1988. While I've loved most of the books, the Twins(Caramon and Raistlin Majere) were never my favorite characters. Friends have always said that Legends is a better trilogy than Chronicles (which started it all and am on my fourth reread.)

I probably should have listened to them. The first book was fantastic.

Raistlin(a powerful mage of the black robes(evil) and younger of the Twins)is one of the most devious characters around. He doesn't let you down, in his quest for greater power that others cannot begin to comprehend.
Caramon (fighter and self-appointed protector of his brother) is basically what you see is what you get has started his path back to the light after losing his way two years after the War of the Lance(Chronicles) has ended.
Their connection is an odd one. Best summed up by their friend Tanis:" I would trust Caramon with the groups' lives but he would spill our blood on Raistlin's word in a heartbeat."

Dragonlance itself is a 'LotR lite.'They are quick reads. Unlike Tolkien's work, however, it's a larger body of work consisting of more books. So the rich history is there to enjoy.

On to reading book two. No spoilers but if anybody has questions-feel free to ask.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 594 reviews

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