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Sarah's Scribbles #2

Big Mushy Happy Lump

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Sarah Andersen's second comics collection picks up right where the first left off - huddled under a pile of blankets avoiding the responsibilities of the real world. These new comics (and illustrated personal essays!) follow the ups and downs of the unrelenting self-esteem roller coaster that is young adult life: budgeting woes, cramps, the nuances of sweater theft, and the joy of staying home all day with a box of pizza. All aboard.

128 pages, Paperback

First published March 7, 2017

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About the author

Sarah Andersen

20 books8,547 followers
Hello! I’m Sarah and I’m a cartoonist and illustrator. I graduated from the Maryland Institute College of Art in 2014. My comics are semi-autobiographical and follow the adventures of myself, my friends, and my beloved pets.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,420 reviews
Profile Image for karen.
4,012 reviews172k followers
June 25, 2018
congratulations, 2017 goodreads choice winner in graphic novel & comics!!

oooh, goodreads choice awards semifinalist for best graphic novel! what will happen?

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this is both very similar to and very different from Adulthood Is a Myth.

thematically, much of the same ground is covered: procrastination, social awkwardness, the joy of comfortable clothes, the irritants that go along with being female, self image, and the bullying inner voice we all have that keeps our ego in check.

however, while adulthood was a collection of unrelated cartoons (and NOT a graphic novel, goodreads), this one contains some longer-form pieces where we get more insight into what makes sarah andersen tick, which makes it a good companion book to Introvert Doodles: An Illustrated Collection of Life's Awkward Moments, as both address the difficulties the authors have with the world's expectations of being a social person to someone who is not naturally that way inclined, and how much human interactions can suck.

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and as honest and laudable as I Don't Know How to Be a Person was, i'm much more drawn to one of the other long-form pieces called SADIE (How I Learned to Get Over Myself and Love Cats), which is about how she went from being alienated by the internet's catcentric obsession:

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to accidentally becoming a crazy cat lady like the rest of us through the fuzzy mind-control of a loaner-cat named sadie.

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and now she is one of us

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well done, sadie! more bodies for the calvary!

as with adulthood, there are plenty of scenarios very familiar to my own experiences. some that i think are true for many:

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some that i know are familiar to all the ladies out there:

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and some that fall into the "i thought i was the only one!!" category:

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there's also some nice giggle-pokery at insufferable people

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and, while i understand it is not the point she is making, i am interpreting this to be a bold anti-bird stance, which you know i'm on board with

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so, another fun and funny collection which only strengthens my resolve to be sarah andersen's bestie.

sarraahhhhhh…. come to maaaaaaggie!!

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although this will probably not be tolerated.

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i did not turn my computer on once during the holiday weekend. and it felt great, but also very stressful. so when i saw the first cartoon in this collection, my heart recognized a kindred spirit:

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thank you for putting my feelings into pictures, sarah andersen!

full review to come


someone plz gimmie a heads-up if this comes onto netgalley!!

come to my blog!
Profile Image for Aneela ♒the_mystique_reader♒.
176 reviews122 followers
June 7, 2017
Sarah Andersen is the "Queen of Relatable Humor". I laughed at every single page saying "Yeah, I can totally relate to this and this and this and......."

The way she has illustrated social anxiety and over-thinking is just superb. With her awesome sense of humor she has become my favorite author. Love her a lot!

I can't wait to get a copy of Big Mushy Happy Lump for myself and I am already waiting (eagerly) for the next one. Yes, yes, I am that greedy for her books!

Here are some of my favorite pages:

That's exactly how I spend my money


And when I read the lyrics of my favorite song

Guilty as Charged

Exactly! Hurt my babies and I will roll you like flat breads

ARC of this book was provided by Andrews McMeel Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for MischaS_.
783 reviews1,447 followers
May 7, 2019
It was good but nothing new. And I know it probably sounds strange because I could have said the same thing about the first book.
But before reading the first one, I knew that Sarah Andersen existed. I saw some of her work and I related to it. I still do. However, ever since reading her first book I started to pay more attention to her and realised that I was seeing her work everywhere and soon I got to know most of it.
But it is something that is slowly but steadily getting on my nerves. Authors publish something on their facebook or blog, and then they put the same content into a book with ALMOST nothing new.
I still love Sarah Andersen but... Please! More new content in the publications.
Profile Image for Shelby *trains flying monkeys*.
1,716 reviews6,452 followers
December 26, 2016
2.5 stars.

I know. I'm that mean heifer.
I love this author's work, but if I'm going to shell out my hard earned monies that I earn at a job I hate..it's got to be for some new work.
Not just a re-hash of stuff I've already seen.

For example:
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I do admit to thinking the above image is one of the most fantastical things ever, but to put it back in book two? Umm I'm not a fan of that.
There is plenty of wonderful in this one..
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I'm still going with being a hater and liking her first book way more.

Booksource: Netgalley in exchange for review.
Profile Image for Andy Marr.
Author 4 books1,086 followers
October 2, 2022
Just like Adulthood is a Myth, this was pretty funny and very relatable. However, the subject matter, the cartoons and the jokes were so similar to those in Sarah's Scribbles #1 that I think the two books would have been better condensed and then combined into a single volume.
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,302 reviews152 followers
September 9, 2019
I didn't like this book as much as the first. I didn't find myself relating to as many of the comics, and some I just didn't get at all. Maybe I'm not the right demographic?
Profile Image for Elyse Walters.
4,010 reviews11.7k followers
March 6, 2017
"Has anyone ever told you that sometimes, maybe, you can be......"


"No Baby"


Sarah Andersen's scribbles collection is ADORABLE!!!!
and hilarious, for both men and women of all ages.

Life can be messy, and painful. Sarah Andersen is sweetly funny and moving....
filled with with "personal essays on Sarah's real-life experiences".....with adult challenges!

Completely Lovable!!!

Thank You Netgalley. Andrews McMeet Publishing, and Sarah Andersen
Profile Image for Natalie.
623 reviews3,856 followers
August 2, 2018
I was mentally and emotionally spent after having read Hannah Kent’s Burial Rites, so this comic collection fit perfectly for my need of something light and easy to cheer me up. I also found Big Mushy Happy Lump a lot more enjoyable and relatable than Andersen's previous collection, so that left me with an ever bigger smile plastered on my face.

Sarah Andersen's second collection picks up right where the first left off–huddled under a pile of blankets avoiding the responsibilities of the real world. These new comics (and illustrated personal essays!) follow the ups and downs of the unrelenting self-esteem roller coaster that is young adult life: budgeting woes, cramps, the nuances of sweather theft, and the joy of staying home all day with a box of pizza. All aboard.

So without further ado, here are some of my favorite pieces:



I hate how relatable the above one is….

I laughed out loud at “punch the sun.”


Reminded me of the song Take a Hint from the show Victorious.

This genuinely happened to me today!! And I was stunned when I read the lyrics and discovered how they didn't fit my expectations in the least.

Where is the lie!!!

This is me. This is who I am.

“Let's just cuddle in spirit made me burst into laughter.

I hate when this happens!!


I snorted at the description of “a greasy onion.”

I feel personally attacked by this.


Overall, I was more than surprised by how much I enjoyed Big Mushy Happy Lump. Particularly the addition at the end of personal essays combined with comics were surprisingly fun to read. This time around, I cannot wait for more of Andersen's comics!

ARC kindly provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Expected publication: March 7th, 2017

Note: I'm an Amazon Affiliate. If you're interested in buying Big Mushy Happy Lump, just click on the image below to go through my link. I'll make a small commission!

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Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.9k followers
December 6, 2017
Second collection of Sarah Scribbles, more of the same, funny, light, focused on her introversion, lack of self-confidence, social anxiety, body image, guys vs women. . . . her life, basically. Some pieces on art. I smiled throughout, sometimes laughing aloud. Adorably self-deprecating.

You don't know who this is? Here's some of her stuff:

Profile Image for Nostalgia Reader.
848 reviews68 followers
March 13, 2017
Precious fuzzy book. <3333

The "I Don't Know How to Be A Person" story is gold.

Also, yes, this does contain many comics that Sarah has published on her blog and have inevitably made their way around the interwebs. But I honestly don't care that I'm paying for already published stuff, as these are life right now, and I want to have access to them on screen as well as off.

Pre-release fangirling "review" here (the one y'all liked a lot):
Profile Image for Megan Hoffman.
187 reviews320 followers
April 5, 2017
After reading Sarah Andersen's first book of comics, I couldn't resist checking this one out. Luckily, it was just as cute as the first one and just as enjoyable.

If you enjoy those cute, relatable comics that everyone seems to enjoy sharing on social media - you MUST check this out. Every one of these had me giggling and appreciating Sarah Andersen's humor. Not to mention, the artwork is so well done in it's simplicity and there's really something for everyone to enjoy.

I mentioned in my review of her first collection that these comics seemed unrelated to one another and that there wasn't a cohesive story told. In this one, that's mostly still the case with the exception of a few towards the end where a few of them are grouped with an additional text to tell a short story that reads like it's a personal account from the author. Even in this different formatting, the comics are relevant and enjoyable.

What did I think?: I enjoyed this collection of comics just as much as the first, and as a new Sarah Andersen fan I am excited about seeing more of what she creates and shares with her audience in the future.

Who should read it?: If you've enjoyed other work by Sarah Andersen or are looking for a fun, easy read then I highly recommend you check this out. I read this in one sitting and then flipped back through several times and shared my favorites with friends - there's something for everyone and this is one I can see picking back up on occasion for years to come.

Profile Image for Alex ☣ Deranged KittyCat ☣.
651 reviews424 followers
December 27, 2016
Sarah Andersen, I love your drawings!


I could say that it feels as if she can crawl inside my head and see my most intimate thoughts and frustration. But I see many other people feel the same way. So I want to thank Sarah for showing me that there are other people such as myself out there. And I hope that she will publish many more Sarah's Scribbles books/comics.


*I thank Sarah Andersen, Andrews McMeel Publishing, and Netgalley for this copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Reading_ Tamishly.
5,221 reviews3,296 followers
August 27, 2021
This is so damn funny. But real👍 Re-reading this for the second time still makes me happy. The thoughts and the illustrations are so damn relatable. It's is like my secrets getting revealed slowly and hilariously. Adult life sometimes does not feel real and this collection represents so well what we as adults feel.
A perfect representation of adults being adults so damn perfectly human and expressing our innermost thoughts!
Loved it!

Bingereading Sarah's scribbles is ALWAYS WORTH IT✨
Profile Image for Maede.
448 reviews632 followers
October 21, 2017
سارا اندرسن عزیز؛ تو هیچوقت این ریویو رو نمی خونی ولی کتاب کوچکت منو تو یکی از سخت ترین و دردناک ترین هفته های زندگیم خندوند و باعث شد برای چند لحظه فراموش کنم و تو دنیای ساده ی گربه و سویشرت و درگیری های روزمره غرق شم
و فکر می کنم این انتهای رسالت بعضی کتاب هاست
ازت ممنونم

Profile Image for Ahmed  Ejaz.
549 reviews373 followers
November 15, 2017
WOW! Again I am amazed how she has created humor out of real life situations. Adulthood is a Myth was also a relatable and humorous read. And so was this one. Another thing I liked about this comic is that, this time Sarah wrote personal essays on 'mostly she doesn't like popular things' and 'how she came to love cats' and 'her being a sweater theif'. Last one was uniquely weird. But I liked that too. :p
All in all, I highly recommend both, this one and Adulthood is a Myth. You will love them because they both are very relatable in a humorous way.


There are more, but I am too lazy to upload all of them.

14 November, 2017
Profile Image for Jess the Shelf-Declared Bibliophile.
2,324 reviews883 followers
June 26, 2021
Probably more of 3.5 stars, but I’m feeling generous. I love how endearing she makes introverts seem, and it makes me feel like I’m not alone in my quirks! I loved the part of the cat Sadie the best, mostly because I’m such a cat person.
March 27, 2017

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Oh, Sarah Andersen. I love you the way Californians love avocados.

I've been purposely putting off reading my ARC of this book. Not because I thought it was going to be bad, mind, but because I enjoyed ADULTHOOD IS A MYTH so much that I wanted to savor the anticipation of reading this book because I knew it would be at least another year or more until Andersen published a new one. That can't be too weird, right? Surely I'm not the only person who avoids reading books they're excited about...right?

Like ADULTHOOD IS A MYTH and HYPERBOLE AND A HALF, BIG MUSHY HAPPY LUMP explores many common problems that introverts, millennials, women, and book lovers will be able to relate to.

For example:

Why does puberty suck for women so much more than it does for men?

Why are periods so damn inconvenient, not to mention inconsiderate?

Why is talking to people so hard?

Why do we all love cats so obsessively?

Why do we throw so much money away on books?

Why are we cold all the time, even with a sweater?

Why do we like this thing?

There isn't a lot to say. I liked ADULTHOOD IS A MYTH and I liked BIG MUSHY HAPPY LUMP. My fear was that LUMP might be nothing more than a reprisal of ADULTHOOD and I am happy to say that my fears were misguided. LUMP stands on its own, and it is both endearing and hilarious.

Thanks to the publisher/Netgalley for the review copy!

5 stars!
Profile Image for Sara Kamjou.
654 reviews465 followers
October 27, 2017
جلد یکش رو بیشتر دوست داشتم شاید چون محوریت بیشتری داشت موضوعاتش.
خیلی لذت بردم از خوندن اکثر صفحاتش. بعضی بخش‌هاش نکته‌ش رو نمی‌گرفتم ولی در کل خیلی احساس خوبی بود و بعضی صفحاتش رو برای بقیه به اشتراک می‌ذاشتم تا از این درک مشترک نهایت لذت رو ببریم!
Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,205 reviews804 followers
January 2, 2018
3.5 Stars

Not as funny as the first book, but wasn’t that bad. Just wasn’t really great like the first one!
Profile Image for Erin .
1,480 reviews1,476 followers
March 16, 2017
I love these books. Sarah's Scribbles are short, witty, and hilarious. While I don't have social anxiety ( I just hate people and enjoy solitude) I do understand her battle with over thinking everything and her epic battle against her ovaries. While not as great as book 1 I still found myself giggling and nodding in agreement. Plus boyfriend sweaters are way more comfortable than your own. Highly recommend The Sarah's Scribbles collection.

Popsugar 2017 Reading Challenge: Book with an Eccentric Character.
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
5,024 reviews2,295 followers
January 11, 2018
A book to bring a smile to my heart

Sarah knows how to make her art express the everyday life trials in a funny way yet with truth! Her art is fun and heartwarming and I can't help smile at the crazy antics she draws. Another winner of a book! Loved it. Will read it again before returning it to the library. Great fun!
Profile Image for Behin.
99 reviews20 followers
February 9, 2022
خوندنِ این خیلی یهویی شد:)چند روزه رسیده ولی من داشتم شدن رو میخوندم نمیتونستم اینو بخونم ولی خب دیگه اونو تموم کردم و سریع اینو آوردم😍خیلییی کتاب باحال و مودیه بعضی جاها انگار داره خودِ منو توصیف میکنه🗿خیلیم تند خونده میشه و اصلا وقت آدمو نمیگیره
Profile Image for Scarlet Cameo.
634 reviews407 followers
February 7, 2017
English review at the bottom

Cuando leí Adulthood Is a Myth nunca había visto nada creado por Sarah Andersen, ese fue mi primer acercamiento con su obra y puedo decir que me gustó mucho y continué, de vez en cuando, siguiéndole la pista a los post en Facebook que ella realiza, es por ello que para este libro muchos de los cuadros ya no se me hicieron novedosos o fascinantes, de hecho conforme conocí un poco más el trabajo de Andersen muchos de ellos terminaron cayendo de mi encantó, no obstante hay un aspecto que hace que se me haga al mismo nivel que el anterior y es la narración de la autora acerca de cómo estas tiras le han ayudado a crecer y mejorar como persona, más allá de la fama o el reconocimiento que le han traído. Para mi ese aspecto le da un poco más de interés a los dibujos, que por demás siempre han sido autobiográficos.

No puedo decir que es la mejor tira cómica que he leído (Mafalda sigue y seguirá teniendo ese trono) pero se mantiene entretenido, no obstante siento que deberían espaciar las salidas de estos libros, no tanto del web cómic, para no morir de éxito, dado que se nota la reiteración de varias ideas y chistes, lograr la "formula simpson" (repetir un chiste una y otra y otra y otra vez hasta que te canse y repetirlo nuevamente hasta que vuelva a gustarte) es bastante complicado especialmente en espacio tan limitado por lo que lo mejor sería no sobreexplotar a este simpático personaje.

A digital copy of this book was provided by NetGalley

When I read Adulthood Is a Myth I had never seen anything created by Sarah Andersen, that was my first approach to her work and I can say that I liked it a lot and continued, from time to time, following the post that she puts at Facebook, is why for this book many of the strips were no longer new or fascinating, in fact as I knew a little more Andersen's work many of them ended up been kind of disappointed, however there is an aspect that makes me put this but at the same level as the previous one and is the author's narration about how these strips have helped to grow and improve as a person, beyond the fame or the recognition that they have brought her. For me that aspect gives a little more interest to the drawings, which have always been autobiographical.

I cannot say that it is the best comic strip I have ever read (Mafalda continues and will continue having that throne) but remains entertained, however I feel that they should space the releases of these books, not need it for the comic web, to avoid die of success, since you can see the repetition of several ideas and jokes, achieve the "simpson's formula " (repeating a joke over and over and over and over again until you get tired of it and repeat it again until you like again) Is quite complicated especially in space so limited so it would be best not to overexploit this nice character.

A digital copy of this book was provided by NetGalley
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,712 reviews13.3k followers
December 29, 2016
Sarah Andersen follows up her Goodreads Choice Award-winning book Adulthood is a Myth with Big Mushy Happy Lump, which is essentially more of the same - if it ain’t broke, eh?

Andersen’s strips are humorous and self-deprecating snapshots focusing on her insecurities, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, social awkwardness, period pains, and general self-loathing (procrastination) couched within drawings of cute big-eyed/small-bodied figures.

That might sound a bit too neurotic but Andersen turns her public therapy into really funny strips. I laughed at the feline Paris Hilton (that vapid face was dead on!) and Sarah’s expression at seeing a puppy in a sweater, and her observations on tattoos and the differences between men/women’s fashion were insightful and clever.

She’s doing something different from her first book in the second half of this book by branching out into longer-form narratives. Included are stories on learning to overthink less, the Saga of Sadie (a cute kitty who helped solve her mouse problem and showed her why people love cats), and The Sweater Thief, which was adorable. I can see her maybe moving away from strips soon and building up to a book length-narrative - these encouraging longer pieces definitely show she’s got the storytelling rhythm down.

Andersen’s strips are charming and easily accessible and, like many other readers I expect, I identified with her anti-social tendencies to be alone, watching Netflix or reading, over mingling with real people in the real world - blech! Combine that with self-awareness, imagination, comedic timing and wit and it’s not hard to see why people respond to her books.

Not all the strips are home-runs and a few feel like retreads of similar strips from the first book, but Big Mushy Happy Lump is still a very enjoyable, fun read - fans of Sarah’s Scribbles will love this!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,839 reviews6,696 followers
August 21, 2018
Cute, relatable, and short, Big Mushy Happy Lump is the second installment in Sarah Andersen's comic series of personal essays titled: Sarah's Scribbles. Although I've seen shots from this book on the internet every now and then, this is the first time I've actually opened the cover of Andersen's work. Overall, I liked it. Many people can relate to the life issues threaded throughout these nonfiction comics. I think since the internet tends to showcase mass favorites I just assumed the whole book would be of the same smile-enducing quality. To be clear, there are plenty of smiles to be had in Big Mushy Happy Lump. Absolutely no regrets in spending the hour it took to consume this book front to back.

My favorite page:
Profile Image for Fatima.
186 reviews375 followers
November 8, 2017
جالبه برام که من هر کمیکی رو به خودم زحمت ورق زدنش رو هم نمیدم ولی کمیک های سارا اندرسن رو حتی تو اینستاگرامم هم اعلان پستش رو روشن گذاشتم تا کارای جدیدش رو به موقع ببینم .شخصیتی که سارا کمیک هاشو میکشه گاهی فقط شبیه خودم هست اما بیشتر اوقات منو یاد یه دوستی میندازه که ۸۰ درصد کاراش همیشه تو کمیک های سارا برام زنده میشه و یه جورایی کیوته و برای خودشم میفرستم و میگه این که منم ! جالب و بانمکه و فرصت خوبی برای شیرین شدن مون بعد خوندن کتاب هایی جدی و پر صفحه و گیج کننده میتونه باشه ...
Profile Image for Korrina.
193 reviews4,086 followers
March 28, 2017
I love Sarah's comics so much and have read them for ages. Finally convinced myself to buy her new book and I'm so happy I did. I laughed out loud so many times, and so strongly relate to everything she does. I know I'll pick this book up and flick through it whenever I need a smile. If you're introverted, shy or deal with anxiety, I think you'll find a lot to relate with here.
December 4, 2017
Again, a super early christmas present from my wonderful boyfriend.

I loved her frist book and I'm also in love with her second book.
I will continue reading every comic she makes. You can't stop me! :D

Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,420 reviews

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