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235 pages, Kindle Edition
Published July 25, 2016
I've got a stalker ex I need to get off my case... You've got a dork you're trying to seduce. It's a win-win."
We need to focus."
"I'm focused." His lips curved dangerously. "Just not on your essay."
He was into bad girls, which made sense because he was totally bad boy.
Sometimes the scariest villains look the most innocent. And heroes don't always wear white.
“Y-you’re such a—” He was still holding her hand, though he’d loosened his grip.
“Jackass. I know. But let me pretend to be your jackass boyfriend and we’ll both get what we want.”
Everything in her screamed no, but when she finally opened her mouth, the word that fell out was “Okay.”
Mandy snatched the cup from his hand. “Apparently they don’t teach manners in hell.”
He licked a few drops of chocolate from his lips, keeping his dangerous eyes on hers. “Oh, they do. Just not the kind you’d approve of.” His lips curved into a wicked grin that sent her body temp into the stratosphere. “They teach us demons all kinds of bad things.” He leaned in close, lowering his voice. “Very bad things, babe.”
“Practice makes perfect, Disco.” He closed his eyes and brushed his lips across hers, barely making contact, but it was enough to light him up inside. He wanted more. A lot more. Fake, real, whatever the hell this was, he wanted more.
“I know about life sucking, Caleb,” she muttered. “Trust me, I know. But I choose to believe…I have to believe there’s a reason for everything.”
The desperation in her voice hit him like a punch. He hoped like hell he hadn’t hurt her. He reached out his hand tentatively, resting it on her knee. After a moment, she rested her hand on top of his.
“Mandy,” he whispered against her cheek, his mouth almost to her lips. Let’s stop pretending . The words were almost there, just hovering in the back of his throat, waiting to escape.
“Caleb,” she whispered back, just as he was about to finally taste her lips for real. “I want…”
You , he willed her to say. Say you want me, not that tool Gus masquerading as a dork.
“Apparently they don’t teach manners in hell.”
He licked a few drops of chocolate from his lips, keeping his dangerous eyes on hers. “Oh, they do. Just not the kind you’d approve of.”
“You make it sound like we’re living in a comic book with villains and superheroes.” He slanted him and assessing look. “And sidekicks.”
J.T. grinned. “When you think about it, that’s pretty much what high school is, isn’t it?”
See this review in its natural environment, Dani Reviews Things.
"If you hurt her, I will kill you Red Ranger."
He pulled out his brother's lighter, pausing before holding it to the candle wick since everyone was staring at him openmouthed.
"What? You guys seriously thought I could light it with my finger?
Let me guess? Like Warren Peace in Sky High?"
Sammie's gaze darted to Mandy, and they both collapsed into giggles