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高嶺と花 [Takane to Hana] #5

高嶺と花 5 [Takane to Hana 5]

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185 pages, Paperback

First published July 20, 2016

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Yuki Shiwasu

37 books103 followers
Name (in native language) : 師走ゆき

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Profile Image for Dilushani Jayalath.
1,000 reviews213 followers
July 14, 2023
I am still wondering about the legality of their relationship. It's true they keep reminding themselves also that they have a 10-year age gap and she's still a high schooler but I am still on the fence regarding how few romantic issues are portrayed.
Profile Image for Dani ❤️ Perspective of a Writer.
1,512 reviews5 followers
October 1, 2018
Check out more manga and graphic novel reviews @ Perspective of a Writer...

Hana is pressed into a marriage meeting with Takane, a scion of a business empire, impersonating her sister to save her father's job! Ready to put that fiasco behind her Hana is shocked that Takane actually seems interested in her! She is exasperated by his immaturity but intrigued despite herself at the fun she has as they try to outwit one another...

This is an incredibly fun manga... It neatly combines an unusual romance with comedy, friendship and the pains of life!! But what makes it real... why I keep coming back to it... is because of how well the mangaka develops these two. Takane & Hana vol 5 takes our hero and our heroine and shows us sides of them that we haven't seen. We explore their relationships and see how they react in tough situations! It truly is awe inspiring and gives all the fun and funny heart!

And that is reflected in the art! You'll read in my vol 1 review that I saw the art as "typical manga style" - I did also see the promise in how she frames things... but I've come to see just how good that art is... there isn't anything typical about it! I love that I always recognize everyone and that I laugh just as much at the art as I do the situations and the dialogue. It really is a super version of what a manga is.

One of the things that I enjoyed in Takane & Hana vol 5 is the introduction of a LGBT+ character! It shines a light on Takane that one may assume he doesn't have. We've seen glimpses of the good man he is but now we learn that he doesn't mind going up against prejudice. Anyone reading this may say, "this is just the same old rival lover" but I will fight anyone who does! I think it really is a great portion of the story that takes into account our changing society and even better it motivated Hana to do something she hasn't been brave enough to up to now...

I really appreciate how there are different pressures on Hana... She has her friends, one of which has a little thing for Nikola, and the things they do together, i.e. not totally disrupting her high school life! Then there is Takane. How does she really feel about him? How does she feel about easing into his life? What about his adult friends and contemporaries? And then she meets someone important to Takane and who is even worse to deal with than he is! It's fun to learn these things and experience their road to love...

Takane & Hana vol 5 really ups the ante in the story... We have a nice crew who I adore and we see a genuine merging of his and her friends! And an important meeting happens plus we meet another spark in Takane's life... Will Hana be able to hold on?! Well what are you waiting for? You need to check out the Takane & Hana series!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Authenticity
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Tension
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Plot
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Art

Thanks to Edelweiss and the publisher for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review. It has not influenced my opinions.

You can find this review and many others on my book blog @ Perspective of a Writer. See my manga and graphic novel reviews in a special feature called Saturday Morning Cartoons...
Profile Image for Knigoqdec.
1,102 reviews176 followers
September 4, 2020
Празненствата по Коледа, ама разбира се, как не се сетих...

Това е официално последното томче, което притежавам и да, тъжно е.
Я да видим какво разбрах за историята дотук...
- Хората масово се възмущават от възрастовата разлика на героите, но според мен това не е показател за нищо, защото мангата е комедийно шоджо и ако човек не е чел такова нещо... изненада! Това няма да е първата манга, в която ще попаднете на такива странни неща xD
- Дотук е изчистена от абсолютно всякакви ъгълници, което я прави много разтоварваща и приятна като история, при все, че върви в задължителния за жанра ред. Мангата всъщност е много динамична, успява да те накара да си представиш героите живи, най-малкото в аниме вариант (което всъщност при мангите не е много трудно), харесва ми тази действеност.
- Авторката всъщност не изглежда особено привързана към героите си, всичките ѝ бележки за тях, мангата и прочие, са доста професионални. Не ми е особено типично. Да, тя изглежда мила и забавна, но, както се казва, не ляга и става с Такане и Хана.
- Знаете ли кое, според мен, е най-дразнещото нещо всъщност? Семейството на Хана. Твърде безмозъчно (потвърдено от братовчеда на Такане xD).
Profile Image for Victoria ✮⋆˙.
1,076 reviews105 followers
August 10, 2021
I really enjoy the comedy in this manga it’s just really fun and lighthearted. But the series also manages to be so sincere at times, it’s really nice I love it a lot. It can handle serious topics at times and have the classic shojo feel whilst also being really funny in other chapters !! Obsessed
Profile Image for Lena.
306 reviews
May 3, 2019
Arriva il terzo in comodo che riesce a far aprire gli occhi ad ALMENO uno dei due protagonisti.
E' palese che anche Takane non sia indifferente nei confronti di Hana, ma di questo ne parleremo tra qualche volume... vediamo come si evolveranno le cose.
Mi aspettavo il colpo di scena che ci riserva il terzo che compone il "triangolo" di questo volumetto, è un po' il tipico clichè dei manga shojo, ma ho apprezzato tanto lo sguardo al passato che ci permette la sua entrata in scena.
Profile Image for frau.meln.
593 reviews10 followers
March 23, 2020

Gefühlt hat dieser Manga unfassbar viel Text. Geschrieben ist es gut und gespickt mit Stichelein und Sarkasmus. Die Wortgefechte, die die Protagonisten austragen sind wirklich unterhaltsam.

Der Zeichenstil könnte wirklich toll sein, wenn er denn mehr detaillierte Zeichnungen erhielte. Leider sind die Chibis der Mangaka nicht so meins, aber das ist bestimmt Geschmackssache.


Takane ist ein arroganter Schnösel. Und obwohl er beruflich ein hohes Tier und sehr erwachsen ist, so kann man das privat von ihm nicht behaupten. Für ihn zählt nur eins: Hauptsache Luxus.

Hana ist Oberschülerin und rotzfrech. Außerdem kann sie kontern, Hola die Waldfee.

Ich muss mich leider wiederholen, denn noch immer steckt der Kern der Geschichte fest. Auch die Nebencharaktere, die so viel Potential haben, scheinen irgendwie nur gut zu sein, um die Entwicklung etwas voran zu treiben, aber ansonsten gibt man ihnen nicht genug Raum, dafür, dass die Hauptgeschichte irgendwie auch festzustecken droht. Wenn in den nächsten 3 Teilen, die hier noch liegen nichts passiert, verfolge ich diese Reihe definitiv nicht weiter.
Profile Image for Laura A. Grace.
1,761 reviews233 followers
September 22, 2022
Continues to get better and better!

I never expected this story to be so slowburn, but the shenanigans that ensue really make any small romantic payoff worth it, even though…

I love love love Okamon so much! Gah!! Him and Hana would be such an epic couple and now I feel like I'm desperate to read to some childhood friends-to-lovers shojo manga! LOL!

But despite that I can't help ship them, I really did enjoy see Hana actually admitting her feels for Takane in this volume (though definitely not to him LOL)! I'm officially waiting for Takane to say something because I feel it has to be obvious that he DOES like her because of the way he says things...

Really fun volume though! I enjoyed meeting Takane's cousin because he's a very fun character. I also really liked Rino! But gah Mizuki and Nicola!! They better have an actual romance by the end of this series! LOL!
Profile Image for Christina.
589 reviews4 followers
June 24, 2019
I really enjoy this series so much!!! This volume also has fantastic cohesiveness from one to the other. Also compared with another series (if you have been reading all my reviews you know which one I'm talking about) it handled a unique character more effectively/made me feel more comfortable about the representation. I also appreciated that there were a few character growths but it wasn't too overwhelming. I also really enjoy that this volume had Christmas I always enjoy holiday aspects when it comes to stories but this one was especially nice because it showed how the main characters act through Christmas. Because of these points I have to give this manga a 4.5 out of 5 stars I really enjoyed this and cannot wait to continue on with the series.
Profile Image for Raven.
822 reviews
August 12, 2018
I loved this.

It's still a little creepy that this older guy is interested in a significantly younger girl, but they are super cute together and really, all he's done is kiss her. Wow. Listen to me rationalize this.

Either way this was adorable. I loved Hana and Takane together. She makes him a better person and that's what he needs.
Profile Image for Julie.
2,243 reviews190 followers
November 4, 2020
I've been mildly okay with Takane & Hana, but Nicola and Mizuki's relationship is pushing it. I hope nothing happens there. I feel like as it goes on I get more uncomfortable with the relationships lol. Takane is a big man child, but he's still 26. Idk!! I think the introduction of Riko made me step back a bit.
Profile Image for Pflanzis.
326 reviews6 followers
February 1, 2022
Ein paar neue Charaktere aus Takanes Umfeld haben für Trubel gesorgt. Außerdem haben die Weihnachtskapitel begonnen. Ich finde es immer noch total niedlich, wie die zwei sich gegenseitig necken und ärgern.
Profile Image for Emmy Rayne.
183 reviews5 followers
August 3, 2022
this volume was very entertaining the antics that occured made this volume a wild ride. You get introduced to Takane's younger cousin who looks exactly like Takane. You also get introduced to Rino an old friend of Takane's who happens to be trans. The funny thing is I didn't like Rino at first, but the more you learn about her and her past the more likable she becomes. Another thing I liked about this volume was Hana finally admitted that she liked Takane and that added to the suspense of the volume though she still hasn't yet presented her feelings to Takane, but at least she admitted that she does like him that's something. I can't wait to see what the next volume has in store.
Profile Image for Teresa Sporrer.
Author 40 books223 followers
February 27, 2019
Ich muss sagen, dass die Reihe immer besser wird. Neben "Keine Cheats für die Liebe" ist das der einzige pure Romance-Manga, der mir richtig gut gefällt.
Profile Image for fanciful.reader.
126 reviews
January 11, 2022
This is my favorite cover so far.

I'm proud of how this manga is handling a Trans character, so many in the past have been so cringy. Rina is a wonderful woman I hope we see her find love.

Also more Kazuma and Hiromi, I love those cuties!
Profile Image for Kristin.
122 reviews2 followers
December 3, 2020
Hana and Takane are best enemies to lovers 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Profile Image for Thamy.
546 reviews26 followers
September 28, 2018
While I can say this volume was an improvement from the fourth volume, it's mostly stabilized in general. Still, it makes me fidgety for these two actually getting together way more than any other of this trope.


If you don't know this series, it's about how Hana had to sub for her older sister to go to an arranged marriage meeting with Takane. He did notice the change and ever since, they've been going on with the charade despite the age difference and personality clashes. But don't expect their arguments to go the same way it always does in similar stories, Hana is smarter than that, and she has Takane feeding in her hand thanks to his weak point—his pride. Of course I can't recommend you start from this one but the story is easy enough to follow if you do, it's almost episodic.

Now if you're following the story and also felt the fourth book was too much of the same, I think the fifth had a slight discovery. Yuki Shiawasu still seems to be exploring all the cliché situations in shoujo manga but she's back to surprising us with how she develops them. I'm glad, since it's what I like the most—second only to how I've come to ship the main couple.

Now we meet a young member of Takane's family, who's basically a mini Takane, and a high school friend who seems to be in love with him and with whom Takane may have made some promise a long time ago. Plus, Christmas is nearby, so Hana is busy making plans and buying gifts.

I think I already made clear my overall feelings about the volume, but I have to add that I loved the new characters. There's another comment I have to add very carefully not to spoil anything but I admired how Shiawasu treated Takane's friend, that was more than a step up from what I expect from Japanese manga. Many points to Takane for how he acts about it too.

But really... in this manga the two felt much closer to a couple, I think it was the first time they acted to explicitly about their relationship. Although I admire how Shiawasu is actually taking her time to make them grow closer, I'm itchy! How will they get together?

This manga is already 11 volumes in Japan and ongoing, but it's also a very entertaining read with charismatic characters and smart comebacks from the heroine. If you're a shoujo manga fan, this a need for your collection!

Honest review based on an ARC provided by Edelweiss. Many thanks to the publisher for this opportunity.
Profile Image for Joti.
Author 3 books13 followers
April 16, 2018
Hana meets Hiromi, Takane's nephew who wants to be just like that that it's freaky LOL but also cute.
The next big thing is Christmas & they're all planning parties & presents & in the midst of all this, Rino shows up, Takane's female friend from school & it's clear that she likes him & Hana's trying to act indifferent about it - but it's actually annoying her. And on the day that she & her friends have this party, with Rino, Takane & Luciano, SHE DISCOVERS RINO IS ACTUALLY A GUY. HE'S TAKANE'S HIGH SCHOOL FRIEND BUT A CROSS-DRESSER. So it's shocking but he still actually loves Takane since he helped him out way back then. On the day of Christmas, Takane dresses up at Santa & takes Hana out to see the lights and stuff because she'd said that's what 'commoners' do (SERIOUS TAMAKI VIBES FROM OURAN LMFAO) SO CUTE <3
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Chelsea.
1,297 reviews77 followers
December 10, 2023
Volume Contains Chapters 22 - 27: This was a really fun volume and I enjoyed seeing the rest of the school festival story arc as well as the cute Christmas Chapters included in this volume. This volume also introduces a few new characters including Tanane's cousin Hiromi. I look forward to seeing what happens next in this story.
Profile Image for Ren (A Bookish Balance).
955 reviews104 followers
September 5, 2020
3.5/5 stars

Review of volumes 1-5.

Takane and Hana follows a 16-year-old girl named Hana Nonomura who attends an arranged marriage meeting to Takane Saibara, 26-year-old heir of a successful business group, in her adult older sister’s place. After a very unsuccessful meeting, Takane continues to want to see Hana, much to her dismay. Thus begins their unlikely relationship.

Starting with the positives, Takane and Hana’s strength really lies with its main characters. Hana is not your average shoujo protagonist in that she’s feisty, can be smart when she puts in the effort, and she doesn’t put up with anyone’s nonsense. Takane has an incredibly overinflated ego, and has trouble getting closer to others. Together they make for a very amusing dynamic, with both characters often reluctant to express the dearer sentiments they have towards each other. Their interest in each other, while often hard to define, is also really believable and the sweet moments the two sometimes share and the way in which their relationship slowly begins to change make them relatively easy to root for. As well, while I’m not a fan of age gap romances, I think this is an instance where it’s well handled in the sense that the characters are very aware of the age gap and it isn’t ever something that is brushed aside. I like that the characters often talk about it and their awareness gives me the impression that there are boundaries they won’t be crossing.

I also love how this series has gone about with its rivals. Okamon is extremely likeable, he’s incredibly sweet and kind to Hana and he gives the impression that he’s a character who really cares for others. Once he realizes Hana isn’t playing around with Takane he tries his best to look out for her. So far, from what I think is respect for Hana, he hasn’t pushed his own feelings onto Hana and I admire his character for this. I also really liked Shiwasu’s take on Hana’s rival. The two communicated really well and I appreciated that they cared about Takane more than they cared about a rivalry.

The art is another strong point of the series. The character designs are cute and with enough variation that I don’t ever confuse two different characters. Shiwasu uses her art effectively with her story, in that facial expressions are well placed, and chibis heighten comedic moments. While it’s not my favourite art, I definitely enjoy looking at it.

Now for the negatives. I’ve gone back and forth over my decision as to whether or not I wanted to see this series through to the end, but I’ve ultimately decided to stop after five volumes. While Takane and Hana undeniably has its charms and cute moments it really rubs me the wrong way how Hana is always expecting the worst from Takane. While I’m sure this is an aspect that will change over time, and while Takane’s past transgressions are what led her to this mindset, its still not something I enjoy reading and would rather see a romance in which the main characters are kinder to each other.

Also, while I do feel somewhat invested in Takane and Hana’s relationship, I’m apathetic towards Hana’s and Takane’s respective friends (with the exception of Okamon). I find that when the focus of the story shifts to side characters I often lose interest. They just aren’t as well fleshed out as our main protagonists and feel very flat in comparison.

At this point I don’t think this series has quite hit its stride, it doesn’t quite feel like slice-of-life in that it tries to have story arcs, but overall it doesn’t feel cohesive enough that I’d say there’s really a story going on either. Obviously I can’t say whether this improves over time, but it is an aspect I didn’t particularly enjoy.

Lastly, and this is a pretty big deal breaker for me when it comes to romantic comedies, I found that the jokes didn’t work for me. They’re cute enough to get a smile out of me, but it bothers me that I find the extra/bonus 4-koma funnier than the jokes that appear in the actual story. This is a matter of preference, and I have heard from others that this series is hilarious, so could very much just be me. Given the popularity of this series I do think its worthwhile to check it out to see if it does work for you, it just didn’t for me personally.

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Profile Image for Rereader.
1,392 reviews163 followers
January 17, 2019
I'm going to be blunt, I have very mixed feelings about this volume. While the comedy was on par and there were some genuinely funny scenes, I had a hard time with the romance factor. My main problem is with this insufferable back and forth of, "I can't tell him how I feel, too embarrassing! I can't tell her how I feel directly, that would make a rational adult!" I can't believe I'm saying this, but Hikurako/Take Jun's and Nicola/Mizuki's relationships were better portrayed in this volume for the simple fact that at least ONE member of these couples' is true and outspoken with their feelings.

Look, I get it. This is a rom-com manga, we have to keep the drama going and build up to the inevitable confession and all that fun stuff, but honestly I'm so tired of it at this point. I am now five volumes into this series and I have been witnessing the same back and forth nonsense for way too long. I know this is standard in most rom-coms, hell even in shounens, but having read other series that are quicker to establish a relationship (Say I Love You!, Honey So Sweet, Horimiya) I'm just getting tired of this. At least with series like Kaguya-sama Love is War, the whole point is that the confession is unnecessarily drawn out because Shinomiya and Shirogane are prideful geniuses who don't want to "lose" by confessing first. That's funny and there are many fresh ways of playing out that gag. Takane and Hana is simply dragging this out without making that much progress because both parties are too prideful and incapable of basic communication to just tell each other how they feel. Oh, and I feel the need to mention that the childhood friend love interest still bugs me and confuses me. Seriously, the dude has so little personality that it's kind of incredible. I am continuing with the series because, as was mentioned earlier, I still enjoy the comedy and I do like Takane's character. Hana has some good bits, but she can still be pretty annoying.

Oh, two things I want to briefly address before wrapping this review up. First up, Rino's character. Not much to say, honestly: she's the stereotypical "has known main love interest since school and is solely there to create a rival for Hana" character. I thought it was nice that is transgender to add representation, however as a cisgender person I cannot speak to how appropriately/correctly she was represented, so I'll leave it at that. Second, Takane's younger (and I mean he's in fourth grade) cousin makes a comment after bonding with Hana that he is somewhat interested in her. Why? Why was this necessary to add into the story? He's in FOURTH GRADE, COME ON!!!! Didn't sour the entire volume, but I found it trite and unnecessary.

Anyway, that's all for this volume, on to volume 6!
Profile Image for Luana.
1,455 reviews59 followers
April 27, 2020

Si avvicina il Natale, ma i problemi per Takane e Hana non accennano a diminuire. In questo volume, facciamo la conoscenza non solo di Hiromi - il cuginetto di Takane, di cui copia in tutto e per tutto gli atteggiamenti, il modo di parlare, le espressioni facciali, fino alla pettinatura, e per cui prova grande stima e ammirazione (un arrivo che getta ancora la luce sulle complicate dinamiche all'interno della famiglia Takaba) -, ma anche di Rino, ex compagna (lasciamolo al femminile, perché la faccenda è un po' complicata) di liceo del nostro protagonista, da sempre innamorata di lui, sin da quando l'aveva difesa da certi bulletti e l'aveva spinta ad accettare la sua vera natura senza nascondersi (fondamentalmente, Rino è un maschio, ma si sente più affine al mondo femminile - notare che già all'epoca Takane aveva poca tolleranza per le persone incapaci di essere oneste con se stesse e che sentivano il bisogno di nascondersi dietro le apparenze). L'arrivo di Rino, e la sua iniziale antipatia per Hana, portano la ragazza a fare delle riflessioni sui suoi sentimenti, arrivando ad ammettere ad alta voce, per la prima volta, il fatto che Takane le piaccia sul serio. Piccolo passo avanti! (Da registrare nel mentre anche la poca simpatia tra Okamon, migliore amico di Hana, e il matusa, sento che primo o poi arriveremo al punto di rottura).
Menzione speciale anche per lo strano rapporto che si sta venendo a creare tra Luciano (l'amico di Takane) e una delle compagne di Hana: siccome il primo è un dongiovanni incallito, bisogna vedere che piega prenderà la faccenda, anche se la ragazza mi sembra decisamente coinvolta. Queste coppie miliardari-liceali mi lasciano davvero basita...
Profile Image for Lynn.
1,625 reviews42 followers
June 14, 2022
Todays’ post is on Takane & Hana, Vol. 5 by Yuki Shiwasu. It is 200 pages long and is published by Shojo Beat. The cover has Takane being over the top, like normal. As it is the fifth in the series you need to have read the first four volumes to understand the story. The intended reader is someone who likes comedy manga, over the top characters and shojo manga. There is no foul language, no sex, and no violence in this manga. There Be Spoilers Ahead.
From the back of the book- Hana’s usual Christmas family celebration gets canceled, so she can’t help but feel disappointed at the prospect of spending Christmas Eve alone. Takane decides to ask Hana out to dinner for that night, but then a beautiful medical school student named Rino shows up declaring her love for Takane! Does this mean Hana has a love rival?!

Review- This volume picks up right at the last one left at Hana’s school for the school festival. Takane shows up to be an embarrassment but ends up getting embarrassed himself. Then we move into the meat of this volume with Christmas and an old friend of Takane’s coming to see him. Rino is an old friend from school and Takane is more than a little annoyed with her. She picks on Hana and flirts Takane into annoyance. But there is more to Rino than Hana knows and that’s this volume. Takane’s is not in too much of his normal mindset in this volume and I wonder what is going on in the background to make him tone it down. Hana is starting to realize that there is more going on with her and Takane than either wants to think about. I look forward to reading the next volume.

I give this volume a Four out of FIve stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.
Profile Image for Mandy Sickle.
1,398 reviews150 followers
October 2, 2023
I devoured the series over the course of a couple of months. Took a little longer than I hoped because a few of them decided to take forever from Amazon. Hana ends up roped into taking her older sisters place in a marriage match never expecting that anything would come from it. Instead a we get a very sweet comical whirlwind romance between her and Takane. 

I ended up reading the first one and instantly ordering the rest of them it's such a cute series kind of a enemies to lover romance between them. I loved Hana she's an adorable character and I think because of her I'm going to do bubblegum pink hair next. Each manga has the pair growing as characters. Takane had a lot of growing to do but he get's there eventually. 

The artwork is as equally lovely as the story. I was captivated right from the start and fell in love with Hana and Takane's story. This is one of my favorite series that I'm so glad I purchased the set. They will always have a special place on my bookshelf and I know they will get some re-reads as I wasn't ready to say goodbye just yet. I plan to read the authors other manga as I loved this one so much. Highly recommend a perfect sweet romance. 
Profile Image for Vivian Lu.
Author 1 book13 followers
January 22, 2019

It's better than the previous volume. I've thought about dropping this series because it's honestly quite average and pretty troupey, but I forgot about my library hold and now volume five and six are available to me. I decided that since I have it and it's short... might as well read volume five. It's not bad, but it's not great.
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,039 reviews33 followers
April 9, 2020
Cela faisait près d’un an que j’avais lu le tome précédent de la série mais j’ai eu l’occasion de me procurer la suite et j’étais contente de retrouver les personnages.

Hana prend de plus en plus conscience de ses sentiments même si elle a du mal à l’avouer. On voit que Takane fait aussi des efforts même s’il fait tout pour que ce ne soit pas remarqué !

Le petit cousin de Takane lui ressemble beaucoup et c’est assez marrant de voir tout ce qu’il est prêt à faire pour conserver cette ressemblance !

Un tome très drôle avec pas mal de rebondissements et une révélation dans les dernières pages. Je suis curieuse de voir comment va évoluer la situation pour le personnage en question !

Une très bonne lecture comme toujours avec cette saga ! Je pense enchaîner très vite avec le tome suivant ! ♥

Profile Image for TreeSpright.
218 reviews2 followers
November 15, 2021
I personally didn't care for some of the more typical romance plots like the younger sibling that doesn't like the love interest that much until they win them over or the other love interest has a different love interest that isn't me and is closer to them than me. However, I feel like the twist won me over to Rino's character a little more. It's not just a typical secondary love interest kind of character.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 90 reviews

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