Meet the women of Mysteria—and the creatures they fall for—in four stories of paranormal passion from four New York Times bestselling authors.
Located in the picturesque mountains of Colorado, Mysteria is a place where the supernatural co-exists with the natural. It’s a town of bewitching seduction, dark magic, and sensual demons...
In MaryJanice Davidson’s “Alone Wolf,” Charlene Houtenan is the voluptuous local realtor, who knows a hot property when she sees one. And when a new werewolf appears in town, she’s going to make a move he can’t resist... In P. C. Cast's “Candy Cox and the Big Bad (Were) Wolf," Candice Cox may be Mysteria High’s sexiest teacher, but after five husbands, she’s burnt out on romance. Until a former student—a drool-worthy werewolf—makes her howl at the moon…
In Gena Showalter's “The Witches of Mysteria and the Dead Who Love Them," Genevieve Tawdry is a witch with a bad case of unrequited love for the owner of the local bar. But is his sudden change of heart the result of a love potion—or a literally breathtaking passion?
In Susan Grant's “Mortal in Mysteria,” Harmony Faithfull is the new minister in town. She’s having a crisis of faith—in herself—until she finds a buck-naked man in her garden, a former demon who unleashes the devil inside her...
MaryJanice Davidson is an American author and motivational speaker who writes mostly paranormal romance, but also young adult and non-fiction. She is the creator of the popular UNDEAD series and the time-traveling historical fiction A CONTEMPORARY ASSHAT AT THE COURT OF HENRY VIII. MaryJanice is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author who writes a bi-weekly column for USA Today and lives in St. Paul with her family. You can reach her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.
I've already determined where my "TOO MUCH" boundary is for erotica; I believe I know where it is for paranormals now. This anthology featured MaryJanice Davidson, Susan Grant, Gena Showalter and P.C. Cast. I felt the stories of the latter two probably deserved a rating of 4 stars, while the first two would probably only get two stars from me. Hence my three-star rating.
The town of Mysteria is filled with paranormals of all kinds ... and then some. There were so many different ... breeds? ... species? ... that I actually became annoyed trying to keep them (and their powers) all straight. Showalter's and Cast's stories were very sensual, steamy, and romantic. I found the plots interesting and I even cried a little! The other two barely kept me interested enough to finish them, but I'm glad I stuck with them to get to the better stories. Rather than go the anthology route with these authors again, I think I'll try full-length books by the two ladies I really enjoyed reading.
1. Mortal in Mysteria by Susan Grant. Blushing and all the double entendres with the Pilgrim talk was too much. I had to either skip the story or skip the book. I'm skipping the story. No rating because I didn't finish it.
2. Alone Wolf by MaryJanice Davidson. I'm glad this story was good because I almost gave up on this book. Cute story about a werewolf that came to Mysteria to find people like himself and fell in love (lust?). 3-1/2 stars.
3. The Witches of Mysteria and the Dead Who Love Them by Gena Showalter. Was not loving this story. The woman kept throwing herself over and over again at a guy "knowing" there was a reason he was so hot and cold (mostly cold, he never reacted to her). Humiliating for her and for me as a female reader. 2 stars.
4. Candy Cox and the Big Bad (Were)Wolf by P.C. Cast. Sweet story about a May/September romance. 4 stars.
A collection of romance short stories centered around the paranormal haven of Mysteria. All four stories were good, though P.C. Cast's was my favorite (totally liked her character, Justin.). And when you have recurring pre-teen triplet characters named Withering, Scornful, and Derisive... how could that not be great?
Note to self: Want to write sex scenes like P.C. Cast. Just hot/erotic enough, very explicit, but not remotely offensive or vulgar.
It's hard for me to wrap my brain around the idea of "cozy" and "paranormal" together, but these stories manage to perform decent marriages of the two. Violence, yes, but rather restrained, and much more focus on relationships and humor.
The great thing about anthologies is discovering new authors you like, and I found two, possibly three new ones to add to my list of readables. Susan Grant's entry, "Mortal in Mysteria," was the funniest, even rather impish, but still a great romance about a young minister with a struggling church and a demon cast out of Hell for being nice. I've got to get more of her books and find out of that sly humor carries over into other stuff she's written. P. C. Cast's "Candy Cox and the Big Bad (Were)Wolf" was a much gentler romance about an ex-student wooing his former English teacher, hoping to get her to see that things change and options do, too. MaryJanice Davidson's "Alone Wolf" is another quiet-ish romance between a normal woman and a werewolf hoping to find his true mate. The final entry, Gena Showalter's "Witches of Mysteria" is a romance built along the lines of the knight and his lady, when the knight has been through the wars. The only author I was familiar with was Ms. Davidson, so I really lucked out with a whole bushel of new (to me) writers, and since "Mysteria" is the start of a series, I have at least a few more times to revisit!
All of these stories are set in the small Colorado town of Mysteria, home to many very unusual individuals and a place that most of us wouldn't want to live in, unless we were a little strange ourselves. But I never said I wasn't somewhat different, at least.... Vampires, werewolves, fairies, witches, and who knows what else, call Mysteria home. This book introduces you to a few of the people who inhabit it. Come in for a visit, and you may want to come back. I know I wish I could live there.
Out of 4 stories, I loved 3 & that's not bad odds. The big name on the book (MaryJanice Davidson) wrote the story I least cared about or found interessting. It was bad, just not me. The last 2 stories by Showalter & Cast were my favorites. Not for people who don't like 3rd persons stories....some are in 3 person, but not all. :)
Un libro multi autoras interesante, no puedo decir que todas las historias me encantaron, porque de las cuatro que nos entregaron en este libro, confieso una no me gustó mucho, pero no puedo ser muy dura con la misma pues asumo la autora ha tenido que resumir bastante toda la historia, es solo que no me convenció del todo, las otras tres estuvieron bastante bien, siendo la primera y la última las que más me gustaron.
Four novellas, and while all of them were worth reading, some were more compelling. My favorite was "Candy Cox and the Big Bad (Were) Wolf". That was definitely different.
It looks like there are more books in this series.
And another TBR bites the dust. I still have a bookcase (more than one bookcase) of books to read. Anyone else have a horror of running out of books to read? Large TBR numbers will prevent that from ever happening.
I really liked this. All four stories were great and I actually enjoyed all of them. I loved the characters and the romances were cute. I've read other stories from the Mysteria series so I'm glad to have finally read the first book.
Mysteria Anthology (2006) – Mortal in Mysteria (Susan Grant), Alone Wolf (Mary Janice Davidson), The Witches of Mysteria and the Dead Who Love Them (Gena Showalter), Candy Cox and the Big Bad (Were)Wolf (P.C. Cast)
As with all Anthologies some you like all the stories and some are all over the place. Despite what I am going to rate them I actually did kind of like all of them to some degree. But that said they were all over the place for me. I know for sure I have read GS and MJD and like them. I am not sure if I previously read the other two. As having 4 stories in 1 book makes them fairly short and not every writer writes as well in this length I wouldn’t make any judgment on whether or not you like any of the authors on their one story. Not wanting to ruin anything with a spoiler I think the short blurb about each in the book is all you need as far as a description goes to explain the story for this shorter length. . The Introduction sets things up well. This would be one very interesting town to live in. No boredom here for sure. . The first entry by SG is ‘Mortal in Mysteria’. It ranks 3 stars IMO. Interesting and totally original. I loved both the H and h and thought things came together well in the story. It was a lovely story showcasing both compassion and a few lovely souls with a beautiful ending. . Mary Janice Davidson and ‘Alone Wolf’ was different. You could picture all the characters well and I liked them all. Even though I did like them I couldn’t really get into the H as he was a bit limp (if you read the story you will understand). The whole thing was kind of disjointed and didn’t really fall together as well as I expected when starting this. I hate to do it but think 1 star is all I can reasonably give this. . Seeing as Gena Showalter was next I expected things to get much better. While it did get better the story only gets a 2 from me (but edging toward 3). The H of the story makes both himself and the h miserable. Yes, it was for a reasonably good reason but the h didn’t know it and for how strong she was supposed to be she took it lying down way to long. The H secrecy kept them together when they could have been way farther apart but it also made the end seem way to quick. . So, I am almost sure I never read P.C. Cast (although she is on my TBB list). The story starts out fairly strong. Good characters fleshed out well so that they are clear in one’s mind. The initial meeting of the H and h was well done and seemed to be moving right along. Toward the end you get a terrible conflict and in that short length wonder how well it can be resolved. This is when the story goes from the 4 you think it will be toward a 5. It is so beautiful and touching how things get resolved you will want to re-read this part a few times. This is a well- rounded and full story both about not settling (living life not just existing) and how one can be strong alone but be amazing together sometimes. . I am glad I read all of them even if they weren’t as good as expected at times. The last one just blew my mind about this anthology. Happy reading everyone!
short stories... sometimes it is pure bliss to able to read a complete story in one afternoon... 4 stories Mortal in Mysteria by Susan Grant A demon is banished from Hell for doing good ...and helps hamony Faithful te pastor of Mysteria and together they build a parish, something to be proud of
A Lone Wolf by Mary Janice Davidson Werewolf baby has family killed and is raised by humans... last step mom did understamd whay he was and tries to help ... He finds love and pack in Mysteria
The witches of Mysteria by Gena Showalter Three sisters and how they found their loves Genevieve and Hunter (he is in love with her but he is psychic and he know that he will die if he is ever alone with her) He decides she is worth his life and they are attacked and she is not powerful enough to fight the demons(she forgets to call her sisters ... because together they are stronger) Hunter dies but the local vampire turns him and Hunter returns. The vamps take a blood suppressant pill so he does not crave blood HEA Godiva and Romeo - one night Godiva finds a dog that has been bsdly injured in the woods near their house . She brings it home and tends its wounds and after a long time the dog begins to recover- the combined power of the three sisters helps him pull through. Godiva pets the dog and allows it to sleep in her bedroom and soon the dog is following her everywhere. Godiva is really surprise dwhen Romeo turns into a man HEA Glory and Falon - Falon works with Hunter in the local bar. He can sense when Glory is in danger and he comes to her aid.. she is independant and does not want his hwlp initially.. then HEA Candy cox and the Big BAd (Were)wolf by P. C. Cast - Candice is a teacher ..older then most and she is non magic.. ie magic does not work on her. Glodiva sets a spell to awaken attraction for her in a strong male and it turns out to be Juston (local pack leader) but former student of Candice. Some merry chases and funny moments and a few regrets ... she writes poetry and he used to paint. and when he breaks her heart she writes two poems and fairies steal them and take them to Justin and he is so moved by them that he paints a picture for each and the effect on others is magic.. the feelings expressed in the poems spill over to the audience.. they get back together realising they would never be happy apart and their paintings provide income for them both.
*a demon being shunned and demoted by Lucifer. He is now a mortal man – He is THE Demon that helped the ban of misfits begin Mysteria – that is where he’ll go to live out his life as a man.
I enjoyed this love story very much. It was interesting, with a twist of heat that wanted to be erotic and in the next breath you have laugh-able scenes.
From the hot body of the ex-demon to the forgiveness of GOD. Knowing it is there for us all we only need ask for it. Damon and Harmony were such a cute story to read. I loved it. Her grandmothers acceptance and then teaching her of her power combined with Damon is strong enough to ward off evil.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A Lone Wolf by MaryJanice Davidson -
Oh you done have my interste with the haunted house. I liked this story of the child that grows up in foster care. How he’s bothered by the noise of the other children and he escapes. Then when he is sitting at the table and his foster mom that the boy thinks of with loving thoughts and has nicknamed the Moon, tells him he needs to find more of his kind, there should be more werewolves out there and he needs to find them.
He does as his foster mother advises and uses his nose to find another… in Mysteria. He finds a house there for sale and buys it. Falls in love with the realtor that is a mial and wants a baby. But he fears if he settles down with her he will never continue the hunt to find his kind. But in the end it all pans out and he not only has his lovely Charlene pregnant with his baby that will grow rapidly as the mial do. But he also meets the pack leader and is taken into his new pack.
I loved the ghost Rae… she was so funny, I really wanted to read more about her.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Witches of Mysteria and the Dead who Love them by Gena Showalter -
Candy Cox and the Big Bad Werewolfs by P.C.Cast -
I didn’t like either of these story’s.
Sorry to both these authors – You win some and You lose some… and you lost me. blah
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
An anthology with each author tackling a different kooky resident in the magical town of Mysteria. I never expect too much from anthologies, so the light-hearted fluff made for pleasant reading. It's fun to see how different authors approach the same setting.
Mortal in Mysteria by Susan Grant
Apparently it's the season for beautiful naked men to rain down on Mysteria. A pastor's plea for a "sign" is answered when a former demon appears in her yard and helps her fulfill her calling. (I'd really like to know if Great Grandma Eudora has a story somewhere, the old minx.)
Alone Wolf by MJD
A werewolf is searching for his own kind. But what's more important--finding other werewolves, or feeling like he belongs? Typical crazy characters, my favorite being the ghostly Rae. I liked seeing the triplets through Cole's eyes. The love connection was bizarre though.
The Witches of Mysteria and the Dead Who Love Them by Gena Showalter
There is something about Showalter's writing that always rubs me the wrong way. This is an overly sweet romance, and the language of her sex scenes seems too harsh by comparison. It's as though her characters become raving rough nymphos. I'm all for dirty talk, but it doesn't flow properly here.
Candy Cox and the Big Bad (Were)Wolf by P.C. Cast
The best of the four stories. Cute, sexy and amusing, this one actually brought out the sappy in me. A burnt-out school teacher takes on a passionate younger werewolf lover. Apart, they're each lacking the magic to make life fulfilling. Together, they've got the inspiration to ::snifflesniffle:: make their dreams come true. Justin is ridiculously perfect.
A really good anthology! I loved the first story "Mortal in Mysteria" by Susan Grant - what is it about a naked helpless man that gets us all goosey and excited? Damon (similar to demon) is returned to the town that was formed because of an act of benevolence that has cause him to fal out of favour with the Lord of Darkness. In fact Damon likes feeling good all over. Just ask the new minister trying to get a congregation to come to church.
In MJD's short story "Alone Wolf" Cole (were) meets sexy real estate agent and hh's not so alone anymore, with a ghost housemate and a ready supply of tasty pies conjured by the local fishy smelling baker, and he has a trove of new friends.
Gena Showalter has introduced us to a set of three sisters - witchy women who get to meet their matches in this town of alters. Who gets vampy, who gets wolfy and who gets Falon - and just what is he???? "The Witches of Mysteria" is fun and sexy and makes me want more of these girls, and especially their men!
P. C. Cast helped create the premise for this anthology along with pal Gena Showalter. Her story "Candy Cox and the Big Bad Werewolf" follows her galpal's story in that Candy is best friends with witch Godiva. Candy want to leave town - fed up with teaching rotten teens high school and yearning to pursue her poetic talents, and perhaps wanting to leave after the last of her 5 marriages has faded. Godiva's new love is a were, and she believe wolfy love is the answer to Candy's woes. Justin is the local resident were with a slutty background and a former student of the sexy Ms. Cox. It is a meeting of the arty minds waiting to happen.
This is a collection of 4 stories, by 4 paranormal romance writers, all about 1 town in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Mysteria was originally established by a group of settlers that were slightly different from the normal. This is a place were the slightly different actually fit in. All creatures are welcomed, the Demon High Lord that has been banished from hell for committing random acts of kindness, the vampires who have found ways to not crave the taste of blood, the witches, the werewolves and the non-magical humans have all found ways to live - and thrive in the small town - together.
Susan Grant, Mary Janice Davidson, Gena Showalter and P.C. Cast worked so well together on this project, it was almost a continuing story (especially the last 2). I typically write a review for each individual story, but this one doesn’t need individual rating, they are all good stories. Short little stops in this very interesting town where you can run into anything and anyone, I liked the way several of the authors just continued each others stories, just a heartbeat later. Getting to know some of these characters made it feel like a novel instead of several novellas. Mary Janice Davidson has an Author’s note about how this story relates to her others (‘Bewitched, Bothered and Bevampyred’ and ‘Derik’s Bane’), I haven’t read them, but I might now. Anthologies are great for introducing new authors, I have read Susan Grant and Gena Showalter, and was happy to be introduced to May Janice Davidson and P.C. Cast.
This is an unusual complication of short stories by some of the best paranormal romance authors around. What makes this so.unique and def one to pick up is the short stories are all based in the town of mysteria, so the authors have characters and themes that overlap. This was such a great read an its written so well that withouth the story breaks for whentheauthors change I don't think I would have noticed the writing and stories just flowed so well. I bought this cause I love Gena Showalter and have read just about everything shes written. So when this popped up.I just had to read it. This is the first book in a two book set and I even boughtthe second and I'm reading it right now. There is a third book out called Mysteria nights but this is just a compiling of the best stories from.the other two books not a new book at all so.don't be fooled. If you enjoy the paranormal and you like any of the authors listed on this book I.recommend you buy it otherwise your missing out on a funny sexy romp.through a very unusual town
I picked up this anthology for the Susan Grant story after reading "Your Planet or Mine?" then checking her website and finding an excerpt.
All four stories are fun - silly, even a bit ridiculous, but fun.
Mysteria is a small town that is home to magic and all its creatures - vampires, werewolves, fairies, witches and pretty much anything else you can imagine. Life there is weird and crazy and that makes for four fun, short romantic stories.
Take your pick from the naked demon in the flowerbed, the werewolf raised by humans, three witch sisters or the ex-English teacher and the artist werewolf.
My favourite story is the first one, "Mortal in Mysteria" by Susan Grant, which is appropriate since its the reason I bought the book. I enjoyed the other three as well, particularly P. C. Cast's "Candice Cox and the Big Bad (Were) Wolf" which was actually a lot less campy than the title suggests.
I couldn't say if I'd buy another Mysteria book if it comes out or not, but I certainly enjoyed this visit.
[Copied across from Library Thing; 17 October 2012]
A bit of light, romantic paranormal reading in the form of related short stories in & about a small Colorado town founded by a demon and populated by paranormal & human outcasts more than a century ago.
Apparently, the founding of Mysteria was an act of empathy on the demon's part, and the story of his punishment for that, and similar acts of kindness, is told in this collection. But can a "disgraced" demon be punished the same way as when he willingly committed evil acts? Can the unswerving love of a naive pastor keep him from being sucked back in or torn apart by Lucifer's fury? Or is love the punishment that can give a demon a soul?
Bah; that makes it sound ten times heavier than these stories of lust, romance, and magic actually are, whether it's the tale of a burnt-out, five-times divorced teacher who longs for love and a fresh start, or the lothario werewolf hiding the sensitive heart of an artist.
Very nice, fun, sexy, interconnected stories. Even better, there are more stories of the town of Mysteria collected in other volumes.
This book only got 2 stars as I was going by the "it was ok" rating. And that's how I felt about it - it was ok.
I was familiar with three of the four authors in the anthology and was very surprised that I didn't love their entries more. In fact with some I was a little disappointed. Of the eight stories in the two anthologies I think I can say about three were really entertaining and enjoyable. The others were interesting but didn't keep me turning pages. I read them but I wasn't desperately wanting more.
I really liked the concept of a town where all the different species and magics (and non magics) can live peacefully and interact. I think the possibilities are endless of what can occur. I just felt that this didn't deliver for me.
"Mortal in Mysteria" by Susan Grant was unexpected. I haven't come across a lot of High Demon Lords. But the story developed quite nicely and had a good sense of humour. I think MaryJanice Davidson is the most successful author out of the group. But her werewolf story did nothing for me. There was just no spark. It felt pretty pointless and I have already forgotten the ending.... "The Witches of Mysteria" by Showalter were cute. Although if that guy told me that he would teach me to obey him, I would kick his butt out of the door. The last story by P.C. Cast was the best, just a bit tacky. This one has the best potential for more. I will look for her books.
Like another reviewer said, I couldn't continue with any of the other short stories after the very first one.
I would probably give the first story ('Mortal in Mysteria' by Susan Grant) 2 stars.
The weird thing is that it was MaryJanice Davidson's short story that made me decide that this was getting taken to the used bookstore. I usually really like her stories. They are at least enjoyable, but this one was a pain to go from paragraph to paragraph. :(
I bought this for Gena Showalter, but I can not bring myself to spend another moment on the town of Mysteria where all the stories are set.
Mysteria includes four short stories written by four different paranormal authors- Mary Janice Davidson, Susan Grant, Gena Showalter, and P.C. Cast. As I have become a fan of Cast and Showalter, not to mention paranormal romance, I was drawn to this book. And was pleased to find that it was not only enjoyable, but a fun, light read! If asked, I would say my favorite story is a tie between Showalter's and Cast's stories w/ Davidson's story coming in third, and Susan Grant's fourth. I guess the best way to describe the series is Desperate Housewives w/ a paranormal twist. I am definately looking forward to reading the next book, Mysteria Lane!