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20 pages, Audible Audio
First published April 29, 1983
I was going to be a senior in high school next month, and…when school started again it meant the end of a long, quiet phase of my life. I was getting ready to be a grown-up…And I think I understood…that what really scares people about growing up is that you stop trying on the life-mask and start trying on another one. If being a kid is about learning how to live, then being a grown-up is about learning how to die…
إن كنت قد شاهدت الفيلم المأخوذ عن الرواية فانسه تماما و تعال هنا لنحلق في آفاق جديدة و مختلفة تجعل أنفاسك محبوسة رغم ظنك أنك تعرف مسبقا ما سيحدث و لكنك ستكتشف كم كنت واهما. كالعادة يتلاعب بنا كينج بفكرة ليست جديدة تماما و ان كان قد تناولها بـ اسلوب قل أن تجده عند غيره.
كنت في طريقي لأصبح راشدا. و أعتقد انني أدركت عندئذ أن ما يخيفنا هو النضج. هو انتهاؤنا من مرحلة تعلم كيفية الحياة – أي مرحلة الطفولة – و البدء بتعلم كيف نموت.
BIG fan of Stephen King, but not so much of CHRISTINE. Reading a 700+ page book....especially one written by SK usually does not bother me in the least, but CHRISTINE was just too long....too wordy....was expecting more wicked deeds than the movie.
The storyline IS creepy good with a possessed red 1958 Plymouth Fury....her deadlights and "moldering stench"....on the prowl seeking justice from anyone who dislikes her....so best stay out of her way.
Besides a feared CHRISTINE, there's a great cast of teen characters, bullies, weird parents and an evil presence from the beyond to keep things rolling along. AND, as in many KING novels, you'll find a variety of dark nightmares, hear many a cool oldie from the 50's and 60's and take a ride to the submarine races. (you're an oldie like me if you remember that one.)
Not a favorite (for me), but NOT bad either.