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382 pages, Kindle Edition
Published October 27, 2016
3 out of 10
“He was a reckless fool,and I was a girl pulled along by puppet strings.”
— Air Awakens (Пробуждение воздуха) #1/5
— Fire Falling (Влечение огня) #2/5
— Earth's End (Край земли) #3/5
— Water's Wrath (Гнев воды) #4/5
— Crystal Crowned (Коронованная кристаллами) #5/5
“He was a reckless fool,and I was a girl pulled along by puppet strings.The fire burned too hot,and we didn't notice until it consumed everything.”
“She'd been the library apprentice everyone expected-and hoped-would die.Now she was the Windwalker,a lady and a hero,and this was her home.”
“What is most beautiful just before it dies?”
“No matter how far she ran or how many people she met,an invinsible hand pulled Vhalla back to the crown prince of the Solaris Empire.”
“We're hopeless,you and I.”
Buddy-read with my partner in "rolling our eyes all the way through the book" Katerina
This series is like a balloon slowly loosing air and falling, falling, falling until there's no air left at all. From the very start I really liked this series, though it wasn't unique, at least it was entertaining and Aldrik and Vhalla's relationship, which always was the main theme of the series, was something I liked to observe. In Earth's End it was no longer an option, because the characters' behavior was beyond annoying. But at least I was angry at characters; in Water's Wrath I just felt nothing at all. This book was better in some way than the previous one, but when you loose faith in characters and your interest in the plot vanishes, there're only boredom and indifference left to reap.
Now, lets look at my reaction regarding some "important" events that happened in this book.
- Jax's supposed death.
My reaction:
- Vhalla came back to the Capital and met Aldrik again:
My reaction:
- Baldair's death.
My reaction:
Baldair was one one of the best characters in this theater of nonsense and now the author decided to kill him. And you know how she explained her actions? His death was for the sake of Aldrik's character development. Every character that dies in this series dies because Vhalla or Aldrik need to grow from their suffering. Well, if you can't make your characters grow without killing someone in the process, you have a problem. And if you do it more than one time, than you are a lousy author who can't think of a better way to develop their characters.
- The ending.
My reaction:
That was so predictable. Nothing new, nothing special. And I can tell you what will happen in the last book: Aldrik and Vhalla will free the Empire and rule together and have cute babies (baby talk already happened in this book) and in the process they won't stop repeating "My lady, my love" and "my lord" and I won't stop rolling my eyes because of it. I know, I know, if I feel so passive-aggressive toward this series why continue reading it? Good question. I should've stopped after book three disappointed me. But I didn't, because I still believed the spark wasn't blown out completely yet. Now I don't feel so optimistic, but dropping a series on the last book is not an option either. So it'll be my punishment to read the Crystal Crowned and endure.
“We all know the story. We heard it not long after the Night of Fire and Wind. You were the low born library girl turned sorceress who rode with princes.”
She no longer longed to be anyone more or less than who she was.
“We're hopeless, you and I," Vhalla whispered.
"If I am going to be hopeless for anyone, let it be for you, Vhalla Yarl.”
Vhalla remembered when Daniel had cut off his shirt to help her hide it. Distance had helped her sort a little through her heart, and Vhalla didn’t like the woman she saw when she replayed her interactions with the swordsman. She didn’t like her reliance on him or how she had abused the fact that he would be there for her without question.3. Gummy Throat - THERE WAS NOT 1 MENTION OF GUMMY THROATS!!!!!!!!!
“You’re not the first low-born I have invited to lunch.” [Baldair] leaned back in his chair, food forgotten. “They come in, swoon over my chambers, prattle about the food endlessly, try everything they can to make eyes at me. By the end of it all, they’re belly up and bare on the bed.”
“Even something very small can cast a large shadow when it is close to the sun.”
“...Fire needs air to live. Air fuels fire, stokes it, and makes it burn brighter and hotter than it ever could alone. But too much air will snuff it completely, just as too many flames will consume all the air. They are far greater than the sum of their parts together, but are equally as dangerous to each other’s existence.”
“I am the property of the crown. My chains are invisible, but just as heavy.”
“You show up as if you materialize from the wind itself, to save the life of the crown prince whom you jumped off the side of the Pass in an attempt to save. You’re unassuming, you’re filthy, and you’re soaked in what I can only presume to be the blood of our enemies.”
“Is that any way for a lady to sit?” Aldrik teased.
“I am a lady, and I am sitting this way; therefore, yes.” Vhalla nodded her head to underscore her response.
“Together,they were unstoppable.Bound,Joined,madly in love,there were no longer any boundaries that could limit them.They were a single force of nature.”
“He was a reckless fool, and I was a girl pulled along by puppet strings. The fire burned too hot, and we didn't notice until it consumed everything.”