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गुनाहों का देवता

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In the idyllic university town, young women daydreamed as they lay on the grass and gazed up at the clouds. Young men took morning walks at Alfred Park. Hot summer afternoons were for drinking sherbet and eating watermelons, and evenings were meant for reading poetry. It was also a time of stifling social mores, and love was an unattainable ideal seldom realized. Allahabad of the 1940s is the serene backdrop to the turbulence of Chander s love for his professor s daughter Sudha. Driven by his passionate belief in the transcending purity of their love, Chander persuades Sudha to marry another man, to devastating consequences. Unhinged by his separation from Sudha and consumed by a restless desire to make sense of love Is it really about sex? Is the purity of love a lie? Chander spirals into a destructive affair with the seductive Pammi. Immensely popular since its publication more half a century ago, Chander & Sudha continues to seduce readers with its potent mix of tender passion and heartbreaking tragedy.

257 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1949

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Dharamvir Bharati

31 books56 followers

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Profile Image for Arun.
49 reviews64 followers
May 9, 2015
“मेरे लिए इस उपन्यास का लिखना वैसे ही है जैसा पीड़ा के क्षणों में पूरी आस्था से प्रार्थना करना..” – धर्मवीर भारती ने ‘गुनाहों का देवता’ के बारे में ऐसा लिखा था. मैं समझता हूँ की इस उपन्यास के पाठक भी यह कहते होंगे की उनके लिए इस उपन्यास को पढना भी ठीक वैसा ही है. इस मायने में मेरे एक मित्र की कही बात की लेखक और पाठक भिन्न नहीं बल्कि एक ही होते हैं, सत्य ही जान पड़ती है. और इस विचार को आगे बढाते हुए यह भी कहा जा सका है की चूंकि लेखक और पाठक एक होते हैं, जिन पात्रों के माध्यम से लेखक और पाठक के बीच संवाद हो रहा है, वे भी एक ही होते हैं. आखिर पात्रों का जीवन लेखक के अपने जीवन के तजुर्बों से निकलकर आता है और पात्रों के अस्तित्व से पाठक अपने जीवन का अर्थ समझने का प्रयास करता है. यहाँ टॉलस्टॉय की कही एक बात भी याद आती है की इंसान के अन्दर हर प्रकार की प्रवृत्तियां होती हैं और वह अपने जीवन में अलग अलग प्रवृत्तियों को प्रकट करता रहता है, जिसके चलते वह अक्सर एक ही इंसान होने के बावजूद अनेक रूपों में नजर आता है.

गुनाहों का देवता का चंदर भी ऐसा ही इंसान तो है, जिसके जीवन में एक साल के अन्दर ही इतने बदलाव आते हैं कि वह समझ नहीं पाता वह कौन है, क्यूँ है, किसके लिए है? अर्थशास्त्र में इलाहबाद यूनिवर्सिटी से डॉक्टरेट कर रहा चंदर यूनिवर्सिटी के प्रोफेसर डॉ. शुक्ला और उनकी बेटी सुधा के परिवार जैसा है. अपनी माँ को खो चुकी सुधा चंदर के असीम स्नेह की छाँह तले बड़ी हुई और चंदर का एकाकी जीवन भी सुधा के बचपने भरे प्रेम से सिंचित रहा. उनके बीच का अपार परन्तु निश्छल स्नेह जहाँ एक तरफ उन दोनों के चरित्रों को अव्यवहारिक रूप से पवित्र बनाता रहा वहीँ दूसरी और यह अव्यवहारिकता उन्हें कमजोर भी करती गयी. उन्होंने इस बात का विचार ही न करा की वे पूरा जीवन इस स्नेह के सहारे नहीं बिता सकते. अव्यवहारिकता और अत्यधिक पवित्रता अंततः भीतर की कमजोरी बनी और सुधा की किसी और से शादी की बात शुरू होते ही एक सुलग रहे ज्वालामुखि की भांति फूट पड़ी, और ऐसा फूटी की अपने साथ कई प्राणियों का सुख चैन बहा ले गयी.

सुधा की सहेली गेसू ने उसे कहा था की हम किसी के प्यार पर किस कदर निर्भर हो गए हैं ये हमें “तब मालूम होता है जब जिसके कदमों पर हमने सर रखा है, वह झटके से अपने कदम घसीट ले”. सुधा की कैलाश से शादी करवाने में चंदर ने ही न चाहते हुई अपने कदम घसीट लिए थे. इस झटके से सुधा तो कभी न उबार पायी, क्यूंकि चंदर को देवता मानने वाली सुधा में उबरने की चाह ही न थी. और चंदर ने जो कदम घसीटे तो फिर इसी उहापोह में रहा की उन्हें वापस कहाँ रखे की उसे सुकून मिले. इस खोज की नदी में डूब रहे चंदर को जब वासना के घाट की पनाह मिली तो उसे यह झूठा यकीन हुआ की इस जमीन का सहारा उसके साथ जीवन भर रहेगा. पर उसे क्या पता था की वासना के घाट पर कोई लम्बा प्रवास तभी कर सकता है जब वो अपनी सुध बुध को आग लगा दे. चंदर ने अपनी सुध बुध को आग लगाना शुरू किया तो वह आग काबू में न रहकर उसे पूरी तरह निगलने को लालायित हो उठी. ऐसे में सुधा की यादों के बादलों ने ही चंदर पर पानी बरसाकर उसको बचाया. पर सुधा, जो न केवल इस जन्म बल्कि आने वाले सभी जन्मों में अपनी आत्मा को चंदर के हवाले कर चुकी थी, उसे कौन बचाता? आत्मा चंदर के पास पर शरीर कैलाश के साथ वैवाहिक जिम्मेदारियों का निर्वहन करता हुआ, यह कहाँ लम्बे समय तक संभव था? और यूं ही तिल तिल कर सुधा का शरीर रिसता गया.

यह उपन्यास मुख्यतः सुधा और चंदर के जीवन के इर्द गिर्द ही घूमता है, और ज्यादातर चंदर के नज़रिए से आगे बढ़ता है, पर इसके अन्य किरदार – सुधा की सरल पर परिपक्व बुएरी बहन बिनती, आकर्षक व वासना में यकीं रखने वाली पम्मी डिक्रुज़, प्यार में धोखा खाकर विछिप्त हो गया पम्मी का भाई बर्टी, व एक तरह असहाय पर अपनी जिम्मेदारियों का निर्वहन करने वाले डा. शुक्ला – सब कहानी को विविध आयाम देते हैं. यह सभी पात्र अपने अलग अलग नज़रियों, चरित्रों, और तजुर्बों के आधार पर प्रेम और जीवन के उलझे हुए धागों को सुलझाने का प्रयास करते रहते हैं पर वास्तविक जीवन की ही तरह अक्सर सफल नहीं हो पाते. इनकी कहानियाँ व उन कहानियों के चलते इनके विचारों में परिवर्तन पाठकों को अपने से ही लगेंगे. निर्दयता से ही सही पर हर इंसान का भरोसा कभी तो जीवन की निश्छलता से उठता ही है और वास्तविकता के राक्षसी चेहरे से उसका सामना होता है! हममें से कई ऐसे में चंदर की तरह अपनी जमीन खो बैठते हैं और अस्थायी समाधानों में जीवन के मायने ढूंढते हैं. जरूरी ये है की हम अस्थायी और स्थायी समाधानों की पहचान कर सकें और जीवन को वापस सही दिशा दें.

ये धर्मवीर भारती की उच्च श्रेणी की लेखनी व जीवन की उनकी अपार समझ का ही असर है की गुनाहों का देवता पढ़ते हुए पाठक ये इंतज़ार करता रहता है की कब इन पात्रों का पवित्रता और देवत्व का बाँध टूटेगा…कब चंदर या सुधा का पतन होगा और वे आम इंसानों की तरह अपनी प्राथमिक इच्छाओं के सामने आत्म-समर्पण कर देंगे…कब इनका अटूट चरित्र धराशायी होगा…कब हमारा पुण्यों का देवता गुनाहों के देवता में तब्दील होगा! ये इंतज़ार क्या दिखाता है? की हम जो जीवन की कठोर सच्चाइयों से सामना कर रहे हैं, उन्हें यकीं है की दुनिया में चंदर व सुधा जैसे स्वच्छ चित्त प्राणियों के लिए स्थान नहीं है? या फिर चंदर व सुधा के विनाश में हम अपने विनाश का प्रतिबिम्ब देखते हैं? यही धर्मवीर भारती के उपन्यास की खासियत है. वे दोनों पक्षों की तरफदारी करते हैं, हालाँकि शारीरिक प्रेम की आवश्यकता की तुलना में वे भावात्मक प्रेम की पवित्रता के प्रति अपना झुकाव स्पष्ट प्रकट करते हैं. और यह झुकाव मानवीयता के लिए जरूरी भी है वरना दुनिया अवश्य ही इंसान-रुपी पिशाचों का घर बन जाए!
Profile Image for Priya.
42 reviews78 followers
April 21, 2014
What a shame that I can't write review of this book in Hindi! Frankly speaking I am scared to do injustice to the language. This has been my first serious attempt with Hindi literature. I am overwhelmed and in complete awe with the writing. The simple story is conveyed in a subtle intense style. After reading this book, I feel a shooting pain inside the heart. It grows with time. This book has a hypnotizing power. The way it explores various shades of love has mesmerized me completely. Considering that this book was written in 1949 and one can totally relate to it after six and a half decades depicts the brilliance of this book. More than the story, the selection of words and style is commendable. The sheer excellence in conveying different opinion is something which I came across after so long.On the one hand, Dr. Shukla bows down to the patriarchal set up so prevalent in the society back then, on the other he feels himself victimized by the tenets of the patriarchy when his daughter suffers. The ways in which Chander and Sudha pay for not being together is heartwrenching. '...और क्षितिज से एक तारा टूटा! can totally move you into tears and take you to the unexplored depth of your heart.

Please read the book only if you have good command of the language.
Profile Image for Pushpam Singh.
Author 1 book19 followers
August 19, 2010
Not many of us will be familiar to Dharamvir Bharti but I must admit that he is a brilliant writer of the league of greatest ever to be here. His only drawback as i can see is he wrote in Hindi.

This book is a story of a young man Chander who is very aspiring and wants to achieve great success in life. He has just moved to city of Allahabad where he is doing his Phd under the guidance of professor. Professor has a daughter. Chander and His daugher share a cutie relation not of lovers.
Chander is of perception that one must keep itself away from indulgence in any kind of intimate relationship with anyone as it destroys innerself. As the story progresses he meets an anglo indian and one day couldnt control himself and both happen to loose control.
In the mean time Daughter had to marry someone, chander thinks it would be best for her as she has grown young. Against her will she is married.
she kept writing to chander to stay in touch.
Here author talks about a very contradictory sprouted idea, chander thinks that she is talking to him only because she is married and needs a lover. Chander thinking changes overnight and he starts ignoring her.
She out of being ignored falls sick and finally dies.

Chander assumes that if he treats a woman like idol and not touch her thats the best way to be in relation but he is proved wrong again and again. Although he thinks he is god by not indulging in intimate relationship with anyone, at the end he finds himself standing alone.
It is a very strong debatable subject but the way author has dealt with it is simply awesome.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
November 12, 2017
वो जो हम करना चाहें और वो जो हम कर बैठे हों , इन दोनों के बीच का अंतर हमसे गुनाह करवाता है , ऐसे गुनाह जो हमारे अंदर के देवत्व को और मज़बूत बना देते हैं और जन्मते हैं "गुनाहों का देवता"

एक ऐसी कहानी जो शुरुआत में बहुत साधारण हर दूसरे घर की कहानी से शुरू होकर अंत तक आते आते असाधारण हो उठती है , ये भीतर छुपे बैठे भय को झंकझोरती है कि जो बेमन हो वो कभी अच्छा नहीं हो सकता , उम्र को सालों से महीनों में समेट देता है , अंदर घुटन का धुंआ भर देता है और बाहर केवल राख .... वो राख जो सुधा थी , और सज गई बिनती की मांग में , चंदर को गुनाहों का देवता बना कर ।
बेमेल विवाह समाज के लिए घातक हों न हों , इंसान के लिए आत्मघातक हैं , समय रहते 'न ' और 'हां ' कह देने में संकोच न करने का भेद भी सीखना चाहिए ।
प्रेम में देह और आत्मा दोनों की आवश्यकता होती है , अन्यथा व्यक्ति देव होते हुए भी नर्क की राह पकड़ लेता है ।
उपन्यास पढ़ते वक्त मैं बीसियो बार रोई हूँ , हो सकता है आप खुद को संभाल पाएं , मगर इस किताब को केवल एक कहानी नहीं कह पाएंगे , ये मानव सम्बन्धों का मनोविज्ञान है । यक़ीनन हर किसी को पढ़नी चाहिए " गुनाहों का देवता "
Profile Image for Vikalp Trivedi.
132 reviews111 followers
February 7, 2017
'Gunahon Ka Devta' , according to me , is a story of love between the sky and the earth ('zameen aur aasman' can be more clear expression) . The sky , our male  protagonist Chander and the earth , our female protagonist Sudha . The sky loves the earth and proudly claims that he has made the earth what she is , somewhere in the deepest recesses of his conscience he knows that he and the earth co-exist , there will be no reason of existence of the sky if the earth wouldn't have existed . But the sky can't accept his love for the earth because of its own height , vastness and purity .

On the other hand there is the earth , who is , throughout her life , has been brought up under the love and pampering of the vastness of the sky . When the earth realises her love for the sky she tries just to touch the heights and vastness of the sky . But no matter how hard she tries she can't match up or even touch the heights and vastness of the sky and ultimately becomes the victim of the qualities and her  devotion to the sky .

But when the sky dwells bewildered in his own eternal vastness , it's the earth who gives the sky stability . The earth proves her real love for the sky and starts her new journey in the search for the horizon where the earth and the sky seems to be meeting .

The another thing which I like most about the novel that throughout the novel each and every character is on a journey of it's own change . Every character will be appear to be different from what it was initially in the story . And this change is a constant factor of the novel . Change in one character impacts another character and somehow changes the another character (I especially liked Gaisu's encounter with Chander and then Chander's encounter with himself .)The internal tussle of Chander between carnal love and soulful love was wonderfully depicted . But the changes in the character of Sudha was the best of them all.

Reading this book was a wonderful experience of lifetime.

Indeed A Cult Classic .
A Must Read .
Perfect 5 Stars .
Profile Image for Gorab.
781 reviews135 followers
May 13, 2016
I'm relatively novice in Hindi literature. Having read only a few (precisely Devdas, Gaban, Path ke Davedar, Chandrakanta and Nirmala) this is easily the best I've read.

This 1949 gloomy twisted love story is even relevant to date, which the youngsters would be able to relate very easily. The protagonist(s) are torn into the dilemmas of love, lust, friendship, trust, honour and code of conduct.
Very deep and detailed characters, so much that you can pick anyone and think like them!

No wonder in spite of its sheer brilliance, it cannot be translated into English. Coz only the plot could be translated, not the beauty of writing style.
Try this for instance :
हल्की चाँदनी मैले कफन की तरह लहरों की लाश पर पड़ी हुई थी।
All the nature related descriptions are mind blowing.

Plus it uses pure Awadhi for a couple of characters adding to the authenticity. Loved these!
''हमैं मालूम होता कि ई मुँह-झौंसी हमके ऐसी नाच नचइहै तौ हम पैदा होतै गला घोंट देइत।''
"अगर ई लड़का ठीक हुई जाय तो बियाह अषाढ़-भर में निपटाय देव। अब अच्छा नाहीं लागत। ठूँठ ऐसी बिटिया, सूनी माँग लिये छररावा करत है एहर-ओहर!''
"तो फिर तुम ही इन जूतापिटऊ, बड़नक्कू से कह दियौ; आय के कल से हमरी छाती पर मूँग दलत हैं।''
"अरे राम चाही तो जमदूत ई लहास की बोटी-बोटी करके रामजी के कुत्तन को खिलइहैं।''

Last but not the least, buddy reads often makes the reading experience more pleasant. I was blessed to have awesome buddies making it a vibrant discussion :)
Highly recommended for Hindi readers.
Profile Image for Neha Gupta.
Author 1 book193 followers
March 29, 2013
I had seen ‘Suraj Ka Satvan Ghoda’ long back and since then I had become the fan of the movie and then its creator ‘Shyam Benegal’. But the real thing which made me like this movie was its story.. so grounded with small town realities and people, with no heroes or heroines but characters living normal lives with complications of life, love and livelihood. So I started searching the person behind the story and knowing it was ‘Dharamvir Bharati’ I wanted to read his book. He has been a popular Hindi author with a lot of acclaim and credit to his name. His books have not been translated into English and even though it would have been it would have missed essence of small village India and their simple dialects and daily conversations.

So after my considerable search I found his one book ‘Gunahon Ka Devta’ in the book shop outside Prithvi Theatre in Bombay. Weird isn’t it, out of all the places..

For rest of the review, refer my blog: http://storywala.blogspot.in/2013/03/...
Profile Image for Nandan Dubey.
96 reviews12 followers
June 9, 2010
One of the best book I have ever read. Surely the best book I have read in Hindi. I wish to read this again. The story make you think/realize many things. It shakes you from inside. The characters Sudha and Chander are still live in my memory. I can't explain the relation between between Sudha and Chander and there is no way to explain it, you have to read whole story for this. The relation build itself along with story. They themselves don't know how it all started between them. They have obligation/command over each other. Then the sad part starts which breaks you apart. Sudha a very playful and happy girl was married to a good guy by not Chander. Chander was responsible for this or I can't say it was Chander actually it is society and it's unsaid rules. Chander sacrifice has no comparision that's why the book name Gunaho ka Devata. His sacrifice made him Devata but he was completely broken, hollow from inside.

In the novels foreword, Dharamvir Bharti has wrote, "While writing this novel I experienced the feeling one has during depressing moments when he prays ferevently, with full faith.... It appears as if the very same prayer has been ingrained in my heart and I am still repeating it..."

Whatever I say here can't be sufficient or can't judge the greatness of the book you must read this and before starting this book make sure you don't have any commitment for as long as you take to read this because you will not be able to pause your reading. The book addicts you to read it more and more.
Profile Image for S.Ach.
641 reviews201 followers
November 26, 2018
"Writing this novel, for me, is same as praying with full devotion during distress," writes the author in the preface.
Reading this novel and trying to empathize with the author's or the protagonists' heartfelt agony, for me, was same as searching for buried treasure in a vast field of land. I knew that it ( the essence, the great realization, the soulful discovery) was there somewhere. After all so many people had found that over many many years since its publication 70 years ago. But, my frustrations just got increased, when after struggling through the umpteen hackneyed juvenile discussions between the lead characters in the initial pages, I failed to find that. I knew that I would find that towards the end, that would give me an epiphanic joy and a moment of self-realization. But would it be worth the effort? After all, it was the first time I was reading a Hindi novel. But, then I remembered that, I chose this book despite it having a cheesy title similar to an 80's Bollywood B-Grade movie, as I had loved the author's translated book that I have read last year "The seventh sun of Sun" and also, this book featured in all most all the lists containing the names of the best of Hindi literary works. So I trudged on. Platonic love, self-inflicted pain, misplaced idealism, discovering one's own romantic side and desire for physical intimacy - all there. But sadly, neither the plot nor the writing could evoke that desired emotions in me.

I know, I am in minority when I failed to appreciate this book as others did. May be too dated. May be my expectations from this was too much. May be I am a heartless brute who doesn't appreciate 'true love'. Whatever may be the reason, I was utterly disappointed.
Profile Image for Madhulika Liddle.
Author 18 books503 followers
December 23, 2014
Dharamveer Bharti, considered one of Hindi literature’s finest and foremost talents, wrote the classic Gunaahon ka Devta (the name of which, incidentally, inspired two Hindi films and one TV series, neither of which was actually based on the novel) in 1949. It was hugely popular when it was first published, especially among Hindi-speaking young urban males. It still is regarded by dozens as one of the best (if not the best) Hindi novels ever.

Which is why I thought it was high time I finally read it.

The story, set in Allahabad just after Independence, centres on a studious young research scholar, Chandar Kapoor, and Sudha, the daughter of his mentor, Dr Shukla. Dr Shukla regards his protégé more as a member of the family than a student, and Chandar treats their home like his own. His relationship with Sudha is one of deep affection and camaraderie, almost fraternal—at least to Chandar.

This state of affairs does not last for long; it soon becomes obvious to Sudha’s nearest and dearest—her friend and collegemate Gesu, and Sudha’s cousin Binti, who has come from the village to stay with them in Allahabad along with her harridan of a mother—that Sudha is in love with Chandar. And, in time, Sudha confesses to Chandar. He does love her, too, but with all the chaste fervour of a devotee at the foot of a deity.

Which is why, when Dr Shukla (unaware of the love between Sudha and Chandar) decides to get Sudha married, Sudha is shocked to find Chandar insisting she marry the man her father’s picked. Because the man, Kailash, is someone Chandar himself has met and knows to be good; because he will keep Sudha happy; and because, after all, honour being what it is, Chandar cannot dare to marry Sudha—that will be taking advantage of Dr Shukla and all that Chandar owes him.

So Sudha gets married to Kailash, and Chandar embarks on a mad journey, from being Sudha’s devta—the ‘deity’ she worships—to being the gunaahon ka devta, the ‘deity of sins’. En route, his relationship with the beautiful divorcee, the Anglo-Indian Pummy, goes from friendship to something much more turbulent, and his relationship with Sudha’s cousin Binti takes a not-unexpected turn. And through it all, swamped by his own growing sense of guilt, his despair, and his frustration with life and love—in all its forms, emotional and physical—Chandar grows.

An interesting premise for a story, and a story, actually, that’s pretty well-narrated. For me, the most satisfying elements of Gunaahon ka Devta were the character arc of its protagonist Chandar; the way the story unfolds, slowly and believably; and the characterizations, which are mostly shades of grey. Both Sudha and Chandar are by turn weak-willed and strong, selfish and generous, self-righteous and self-pitying, naïve and wise.

On the other hand, several things put me off. One was the stereotypical characterization of the Anglo-Indian Pummy as the siren, the woman who lives only for the sensual pleasures she can get out of life. A divorcee, too, and one who—in her more ‘enlightened moments’—admits that Hindu women, whose marital lives are decided by their parents, have it the best. Ugh.

Then there were the inconsistencies between how people were described and how they acted. Binti is described as being somewhat stoic, never crying—but she’s shown crying at several points in the book, even before this statement has been made. Similarly, Chandar is described as being serious and stern, but some of his pranks (for instance, one he pulls on the poet Bisariya, who tutors Sudha and Binti) belie this.

Lastly, the dialogue, which was often—especially when bordering on the esoteric—completely unrealistic. (Oddly enough, there were other dialogues which I admired a lot: Bharti does a brilliant job of putting in the dialects spoken by Binti’s mother, or by the Maharajin, both of which brought them to life).

A good book, path-breaking for its time, but also somewhat dated. And not one I’m likely to re-read in a hurry.
Profile Image for Shatarupa  Dhar.
620 reviews82 followers
August 12, 2019
In Civil Lines, Allahabad, we are introduced to Chandrakumar Kapoor (who's doing research in economics) taking a stroll in Alfred Park. His patron (Guru/family/father figure is a more apt description) is one Dr Shukla (who's in the Government Psychological Bureau, and was a senior professor in Chander's college before that). He's waiting for Mr Shukla's daughter, Sudha, to help her gain membership of the library.

Other characters also come in – one Thakur Saheb, a fellow student who's evidently the happy-go-lucky guy and also the strong one. And the other one, Ravindra Bisaria, who's an MA student second and a poet first.

Then comes in Sudha, a bubbly and chirpy girl. There's a brief description of Sudha's childhood and the relationship she shares with her father and with Chander, who during his bachelors/masters days was a frequent visitor to the professor's home and enjoyed his affections, being a bright student.

The subtitle reads 'A passionate tale of star-crossed lovers'. And if you know me, you will know that romance is one of my favourite genres. Divided into two parts (no chapters), it tells the tale of a debilitating love that Chander had for Sudha. Or was it the other way around? Written in the year 1949, it's definitely a passionate tale of love but with purity and innocence at its heart. They don't love each other but consider themselves soulmates.
That's why I hate books. To write one story, God knows you have to endure the tragedy of countless others.

I loved the main characters, their mutual attraction, the teasing banter. Also, a friend like Gesu would be a treasure, regaling everyone with her Shayari. Also, the couplets appearing throughout the text create an otherworldly feel. I loved this book because of the debatable stance it took about the issues that plagued that generation, of caste, marriage, etc.; issues which are still very much present in our society, but which no one is ready to sit down and discuss. Nowadays, you will rarely see a student-teacher bond like that of Chander and Dr Shukla. This story is so much more than about only Chander and Sudha. Steeped in the social construct and reality of those days, this is a love story where love has been defined in an entirely different manner.

More than star-crossed, it's a tragic tale of love. Tragic for not only both of them but their families as well. The era of letters certainly made me nostalgic.
I've come to believe that love is actually just sex, indeed, sex is the main aspect of love, everything else is merely a preparation for sex, the creating of the requisite environment and trust for it... These are the facts. I don't know why, but I detest all this now. I always thought that sex and love were two separate things. I believed in love and hated sex. But now I think they are one and the same thing. I'm beginning to feel disinclined towards life...

I don't recall the translation I read of Chandrakanta a few years back, and this is only my second Hindi novel (again, in translation). That love and sex are discussed so openly is nothing short of surprising. While love is put on a pedestal and does not mean being intimate, pleasurable sex - or is it lust? - is considered sinful. From Devta (God) Chander whose love is pure and selfless, he becomes a demon, in his own words; and hence the apt title, Gunahon Ka Devta (Lord of the Crimes). There is only a glimpse of Sudha in Part II because it's mostly Binti and Chander. After reading the story, I can definitely say that basically it's Chander's story and the English title is misleading. As was the name of the televised serial.
Man is a strange creature. When he shows pity to another person, he wants that person to accept his pity with gratitude. But if the person dares to show even a glimmer of self-respect, he forgets his charitable impulses. All he wants to do then is to demolish that self-respect as cruelly as he can.

It's a steady flow of life, a life which keeps on changing, a life which means to move forward and not look back, forging new ties with people you are already familiar with, letting go of old relations... I was quite surprised with the trajectory that the author followed, within a space of a year, the change in Dr Shukla's views about caste, marriage, etc. was profound.
Earlier I never understood why women did so much puja. Then I realised that Hindu women are so helpless, they endure so much humiliation and contempt from their husbands and son's, that if they didn't fall back on puja, they would turn into animals. It's puja that has allowed the Hindu women to retain her nobility.

Chander's inner conflict, displayed through the war between his conscience and temptation, reminded me of the yesteryear's Bollywood scenes; standing in front of a mirror, talking to the good and the bad side of oneself.

This is such a sad story, a timeless tragedy.

P.S. I chanced upon this book in the Delhi Public Library while browsing the shelves without any specific purpose. It jumped out because a TV Serial by almost the same name had aired on the now-defunct channel Life OK a few years back. A translation of Hindi's highest-selling novel Gunahon Ka Devta by Penguin India, surely I had to read it!
I am yet to watch the show, and since Hotstar has uploaded all the twenty episodes I can watch it at my leisure.

Note on the translation:
I have fallen in love with the written word again. Such a wonderful translation this is, I could almost smell the book if you know what I mean. Titled Falling Stars, the translator Poonam Saxena has provided a wonderful insight into her journey of translating this book, together with a conversation with the author's wife! I believe that there is a story to tell there too.

Originally posted on:
Profile Image for Deepak Pitaliya.
78 reviews6 followers
August 6, 2017
The book is very high on emotions but all female characters are portrayed as if their existence is solely for the benefit of males. May be this is true of the time when book was written(I think around 1949) but in today's world I don't like it. Ending of the book is on expected lines, you could feel it beforehand. The best part of the book is description of behaviour changes in Chandan.
But whatever, Sudha's tragedy leave a mark on heart and I feel sad.
Profile Image for Ujjwala Singhania.
220 reviews65 followers
September 15, 2017
After finishing this book, I just sat there for few minutes staring in the space. I felt like my every emotion has been put through the wringer, and I was spent by the time I read the last page. It was such a beautifully tragic story, which shows how people grow up when life happens to them.
The characters in the story where so real, it could have been someone I might know. Their ideals, choices, emotions all were alive on the pages, and I was sad that the book has ended.
Profile Image for Dhiraj Sharma.
203 reviews84 followers
May 23, 2014
This is a classic tale of unrequited love. The love of the protagonist Chander towards his Professor’s daughter Sudha. The novel is aptly titled “Gunahon Ka Devta” which in English translates into “Deity of Sin”.

I would have preferred to name the protagonist a complete jerk, not only he fails to express his love explicitly to Sudha he also ends up ruining her life by persuading (rather forcing) her to marry someone else.

The author does not make it clear as to why Chander does not ask for Sudha’s hand in marriage (perhaps it was because of them being from different castes) The conversations between Chander and Sudha can be termed as mild flirtations but it becomes clear right from the onset that the two are deeply madly in love and simply can’t spend a moment without each other. Their relationship can’t be explained in words.

Chander’s actions after Sudha’s marriage primed with vacillating mood swings don’t exactly qualify him to be a Devta (Deity or Angel) in my opinion. On rebound his wanders between various shades of love be it Anglo Indian Pammi’s physical attraction and Binti’s (Sudha’s close friend) platonic love. There are also philosophical discussions exploring the thin line between love and lust and man’s needs for each.

Nevertheless “Gunahon Ka Devta” is a masterpiece of unrequited love. A Shakespearean tragedy in true sense of the word. I am sure had this novel been written in English or by any foreign author it would have got wider coverage and would have been compared to the classics of Charles Dickens. That does not mean that I am demeaning my national language Hindi in any way. The shuddh (pure) Hindi words were a treat to read after so many years. It’s a crying shame I can’t write this review in Hindi.

I gave the book 5 stars because the story touched my heart. Oh how I would have loved to see Chander and Sudha embrace and get married. Though a bit melodramatic by today’s standard, the last scene will choke you in anguish.

This book was out of print for so many years and has recently started appearing on online sites for purchase. Had it not been for my GR friend who graciously sent me the link for the e book I would never have got to savor the timeless appeal of this true gem.
Profile Image for Mohit.
Author 2 books94 followers
July 13, 2024
I never picked this book sooner because for some unfathomable reason, probably because of the title, I was under the impression that it is a crime thriller, a genre that I avoid completely. Just couple of days back read about it somewhere and immediately ordered and prioritised amongst all other TBR in my library (153 to be precise).

This is a masterpiece!

Originally published in 1949, it is in it’s 82nd edition this year and for the legit reasons that merit this kind of popularity. Penned by a 23 year old Dharamvir Bharti ji, this piece is like a slow paced local train that stops at every station on it’s route, adding new passengers and their cultural legacies on the way. Set in Allahabad, this is the story of Sudha and Chandar and Binti and Pammi and Dr Shukla and Bua ji and so many other characters who casually walk in, leave an indelible impact and then just bow out as casually. Starting out light, with just the banters between the characters, it evolves into something so deep that the heart tugs at it strongly and irrevocably. As the story progresses, how the central characters realise that the feeling they have for each other is of ‘unconditional love’ is where I got tethered and permanently connected. The way characters have devotion towards each other’s happiness makes it a beautiful story of sacrifices made to keep the love alive.

There is a kind of layering that’s done in the story telling which like a web of wordsmith, entices and then entangles the reader, and how beautifully so. There were times when I had to just put the book down to breathe. And it doesn’t happen a lot with me.

All in all, a beautiful piece of work and anyone who can read Hindi, should read it at the first opportunity.

With writers like him and Kohli ji and Chatursen ji and others, it is impossible for Hindi to become irrelevant anytime soon, even is this generation refuses to acknowledge it’s beauty. Polite applause.
32 reviews10 followers
April 5, 2013
I remember reading this book in Standard 8 and being completely baffled, by the strange love story between the protagonists.

15 Years later, I re-read the book to understand, why this book is considered to be a corner stone of Hindi Literature. To describe this book as a love story will be churlish, because this book talks of a love that has very ideals to follow.

As a grade 8 kid, I could not agree to this book and now I cannot agree more with this book. There are some love stories where lovers cannot come together, and this book has re-affirmed that faith.

A must read for a Hindi Literature lover.
Profile Image for Anurag Anil.
15 reviews6 followers
April 9, 2015
दो चीज़ें इस कालजयी र���ना को अद्वितीय बना देती हैं :
क) धर्मवीर भारती ने इसे तेइस वर्ष की अवस्था में लिख डाला था.. इतना दर्शन, इतनी परिपक्वता, ऐसे अनुभव!
ख) इसका अटूट पाठन करना, कम-से-कम, मेरे लिए तो असंभव रहा! पंक्तियों में व्यक्त वेदना आपको व्यथित कर देगी।
Profile Image for Abhinav Yadav.
59 reviews36 followers
September 8, 2016
Chandrakumar Kapoor, a doctoral student who spends most of time helping with academic and household chores of Dr. Shukla. Dr. Shukla is professor at Allahabad university and has a young daughter, Sudha, who is about to complete her bachelor studies. Chander and Sudha behaves as if they are untouched by the malice of growing old. Both shares a very pristine relationship, somewhere between friendship and love. Chander has a large role in building the character of Sudha as she does not have a mother to look after her and father being much engaged in his own studies.

In the beginning of novel, Chander is shown as a man of principles, one who believes "true love has deeper and superior meaning", completely out-casting physical intimacy from relationship. He weathers on the turn of events when he himself persuades Sudha to marry some other man. On departure of Sudha from his life, slowly he finds himself disintegrating. He becomes physically weak and irritated. In recent past, he had met Mrs. D'Cruz. She was married but left her husband due to ill nature of him and medical condition of her brother. Chander finds solace and comfort in companionship of Mrs. D'Cruz. He finds himself rejuvenated in the physical intimacy with D'Cruz. He recovers from the slump in physical strength and finds himself more cheerful. He experiences the power of intimacy.

Now he is really confused about the definition of love. What is true meaning of love?

Added on 08 September 2016
अदबी ख़तूत : पंद्रहवीं कड़ी :
चन्दर! तुमने अच्छा नहीं किया। मेरी आत्मा सिर्फ तुम्हारे लिए बनी थी..
सुधा! उपन्यासों के ही पात्र ऐसे खत लिखते हैं, वास्तविक जीवन के नहीं..

आज कितने दिनों बाद तुम्हें खत लिखने का मौका मिल रहा है। सोचा था, बिनती के ब्याह के महीने-भर पहले गाँव आ जाऊँगी तो एक दिन के लिए तुम्हें आकर देख जाऊँगी। लेकिन इरादे इरादे हैं और जिंदगी जिंदगी। अब सुधा अपने जेठ और सास के लड़के की गुलाम है। ब्याह के दूसरे दिन ही चला जाना होगा। तुम्हें यहाँ बुला लेती, लेकिन यहाँ बन्धन और परदा तो ससुराल से भी बदतर है।
मैंने बिनती से तुम्हारे बारे में बहुत पूछा। वह कुछ नहीं बतायी। पापा से इतना मालूम हुआ कि तुम्हारी थीसिस छपने गयी है। कन्वोकेशन नजदीक है। तुम्हें याद है, वायदा था कि तुम्हारा गाउन पहनकर मैं फोटो खिंचवाऊँगी। वह दिन याद करती ह��ँ तो जाने कैसा होने लगता है! एक कन्वोकेशन की फोटो खिंचवाकर जरूर भेजना।
क्या तुमने बिनती को कोई दु:ख दिया था? बिनती हरदम तुम्हारी बात पर आँसू भर लाती है। मैंने तुम्हारे भरोसे बिनती को वहाँ छोड़ा था। मैं उससे दूर, माँ का सुख उसे मिला नहीं, पिता मर गये। क्या तुम उसे इतना भी प्यार नहीं दे सकते? मैंने तुम्हें बार-बार सहेज दिया था। मेरी तन्दुरुस्ती अब कुछ-कुछ ठीक है, लेकिन जाने कैसी है। कभी-कभी सिर में दर्द होने लगता है। जी मिचलाने लगता है। आजकल वह बहुत ध्यान रखते हैं। लेकिन वे मुझको समझ नहीं पाये। सारे सुख और आजादी के बीच मैं कितनी असन्तुष्ट हूँ। मैं कितनी परेशान हूँ। लगता है हजारों तूफान हमेशा नसों में घहराया करते हैं।
चन्दर, एक बात कहूँ अगर बुरा न मानो तो। आज शादी के छह महीने बाद भी मैं यही कहूँगी चन्दर कि तुमने अच्छा नहीं किया। मेरी आत्मा सिर्फ तुम्हारे लिए बनी थी, उसके रेशे में वे तत्व हैं जो तुम्हारी ही पूजा के लिए थे। तुमने मुझे दूर फेंक दिया, लेकिन इस दूरी के अँधेरे में भी जन्म-जन्मान्तर तक भटकती हुई सिर्फ तुम्हीं को ढूँढूँगी, इतना याद रखना और इस बार अगर तुम मिल गये तो जिंदगी की कोई ताकत, कोई आदर्श, कोई सिद्धान्त, कोई प्रवंचना मुझे तुमसे अलग नहीं कर सकेगी। लेकिन मालूम नहीं पुनर्जन्म सच है या झूठ! अगर झूठ है तो सोचो चन्दर कि इस अनादिकाल के प्रवाह में सिर्फ एक बार...सिर्फ एक बार मैंने अपनी आत्मा का सत्य ढूँढ़ पाया था और अब अनन्तकाल के लिए उसे खो दिया। अगर पुनर्जन्म नहीं है तो बताओ मेरे देवता, क्या होगा? करोड़ों सृष्टियाँ होंगी, प्रलय होंगे और मैं अतृप्त चिनगारी की तरह असीम आकाश में तड़पती हुई अँधेरे की हर परत से टकराती रहूँगी, न जाने कब तक के लिए। ज्यों-ज्यों दूरी बढ़ती जा रही है, त्यों-त्यों पूजा की प्यास बढ़ती जा रही है! काश मैं सितारों के फूल और सूरज की आरती से तुम्हारी पूजा कर पाती! लेकिन जानते हो, मुझे क्या करना पड़ रहा है? मेरे छोटे भतीजे नीलू ने पहाड़ी चूहे पाले हैं। उनके पिंजड़े के अन्दर एक पहिया लगा है और ऊपर घंटियाँ लगी हैं। अगर कोई अभागा चूहा उस चक्र में उलझ जाता है तो ज्यों-ज्यों छूटने के लिए वह पैर चलाता है त्यों-त्यों चक्र घूमने लगता है; घंटियाँ बजने लगती हैं। नीलू बहुत खुश होता है लेकिन चूहा थककर बेदम होकर नीचे गिर पड़ता है। कुछ ऐसे ही चक्र में फँस गयी हूँ, चन्दर! सन्तोष सिर्फ इतना है कि घंटियाँ बजती हैं तो शायद तुम उन्हें पूजा के मन्दिर की घंटियाँ समझते होगे। लेकिन खैर! सिर्फ इतनी प्रार्थना है चन्दर! कि अब थककर जल्दी ही गिर जाऊँ!
मेरे भाग्य! खत का जवाब जल्दी ही देना। पम्मी अभी आयी या नहीं?
तुम्हारी, जन्म-जन्म की प्यासी-सुधा।''
चन्दर ने खत पढ़ा और फौरन लिखा-
''प्रिय सुधा,
तुम्हारी पत्र बहुत दिनों के बाद मिला। तुम्हारी भाषा वहाँ जाकर बहुत निखर गयी है। मैं तो समझता हूँ कि अगर खत कहीं छुपा दिया जाये तो लोग इसे किसी रोमांटिक उपन्यास का अंश समझें, क्योंकि उपन्यासों के ही पात्र ऐसे खत लिखते हैं, वास्तविक जीवन के नहीं।
खैर, मैं अच्छा हूँ। हरेक आदमी जिंदगी से समझौता कर लेता है किन्तु मैंने जिंदगी से समर्पण कराकर उसके हथियार रख लिये हैं। अब किले के बाहर से आनेवाली आवाजें अच्छी नहीं लगतीं, न खतों के पाने की उत्सुकता, न जवाब लिखने का आग्रह। अगर मुझे अकेला छोड़ दो तो बहुत अच्छा होगा। मैं विनती करता हूँ, मुझे खत मत लिखना- आज विनती करता हूँ क्योंकि आज्ञा देने का अब साहस भी नहीं, अधिकार भी नहीं, व्यक्तित्व भी नहीं। खत तुम्हारा तुम्हें भेज रहा हूँ।
कभी जिंदगी में कोई जरूरत आ पड़े तो जरूर याद करना- बस, इसके अलावा कुछ नहीं।
अपने में सन्त��ष्ट- चन्द्रकुमार कपूर।''
52 reviews28 followers
November 24, 2015
गुनाहों का देवता उपन्यास की गिनती हिंदी साहित्य जगत में उन रचनाओं में होती है जिन्होंने साहित्य की धारा को ही एक नया मोड़ दिया है । प्रथम प्रकाशन के 65 साल बाद भी यह सबसे ज्यादा मांग में रहने वाला उपन्यास है और स्वयं के अनुभव से कह सकता हूँ कि जब मैंने दोस्तों को दिलाने के लिए पता किया तो ऐसा दो बार हो चुका है कि इसकी सभी प्रतियाँ बिक चुकी थीं और वितरक नए संस्करण या पुनर्प्रकाशन के आने की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे थे । इतने वर्ष के बाद भी अगर यह उपन्यास लोगों की निगाहों में बना हुआ है तो इसमें कुछ तो बात होगी और सचमुच प्रेम का इतना प्राकृतिक और वास्तविक वर्णन मैंने और कहीं नहीं पढ़ा और कहीं नहीं सुना । उपन्यास के शुरुआत में ही भारती जी कहते हैं कि "मेरे लिए इस उपन्यास का लिखना वैसा ही रहा है, जैसा पीड़ा के क्षणों में पूरी आस्था से प्रार्थना करना और इस समय भी मुझे ऐसा लग रहा है, जैसे मैं प्रार्थना मन ही मन दोहरा रहा हूं, बस।"

इस कहानी का ठिकाना अंग्रेज ज़माने का इलाहाबाद रहा है । कहानी के तीन मुख्य पात्र हैं : चन्दर , सुधा और पम्मी । पूरी कहानी मुख्यतः इन्ही पात्रों के इर्दगिर्द घूमती रहती है । चन्दर सुधा के पिता यानि विश्वविद्यालय के प्रोफेसर के प्रिय छात्रों में है और प्रोफेसर भी उसे पुत्र तुल्य मानते हैं । इसी वजह से चन्दर का सुधा के यहाँ बिना किसी रोकटोक के आना जाना लगा रहता है । धीरे धीरे सुधा कब दिल दे बैठती है यह दोनों को पता नहीं चलता । लेकिन यह कोई सामान्य प्रेम नहीं था । यह भक्ति पर आ���ारित प्रेम था । चन्दर सुधा का देवता था और सुधा ने हमेशा एक भक्त की तरह ही उसे सम्मान दिया था । यह ‘विराटा की पद्मिनी’ के कुंजरसिंह और पद्मिनी की सदृश प्रेम था ।

चन्दर पूरे समय आदर्शवादी बना रहा । उसे सदैव यह लगता था कि जिन प्रोफेसर ने उसे इतना प्यार दिया, अपने बेटे की तरह रखा उन्हीं की बेटी से अगर वह प्यार कर बैठता है तो उन पर क्या गुजरेगी । इसी उधेड़बुन में वह कभी तैयार नहीं हो पाता है । चन्द��� के माध्यम से भारती जी ने एक मध्यम वर्ग के नौजवान की मानसिक स्थिति का वर्णन किया है जिसमें उसे सामाजिक और पारिवारिक अपेक्षाओं के आगे अपनी इच्छाओं की बलि देनी पड़ती है । साथ ही साथ प्रचलित मार्ग पर ही चलना पड़ता है, नए मार्ग पर चलने पर मानहानि का डर भी सताता रहता है । चन्दर हमेशा पसोपेश में रहता है कि क्या करना उचित रहेगा । चन्दर समाज के हर एक बंधन से बंधा था जो कि हमेशा उसे अपने मन की करने से रोक देते थे । यही एक गुनाह चन्दर ने किया था जिसके कारण वह गुनाहों का देवता हो गया था । चन्दर की लाचारी इन वाक्यों से ही झलकती है :
“कुछ नहीं बिनती! तुम कहती हो, सुधा को इतने अन्तर पर मैंने रखा तो मैं देवता हूँ! सुधा कहती है, मैंने अन्तर पर रखा, मैंने पाप किया! जाने क्या किया है मैंने? क्या मुझे कम तकलीफ है? मेरा जीवन आजकल किस तरह घायल हो गया है, मैं जानता हूँ। एक पल मुझे आराम नहीं मिलता। क्या उतनी सजा काफी नहीं थी जो सुधा को भी किस्मत यह दण्ड दे रही है? मुझी को सभी बचैनी और दु:ख मिल जाता। सुधा को मेरे पाप का दण्ड क्यों मिल रहा है?”

सुधा वासना में पड़े बिना प्यार का निश्छल प्रतीक थी । उसकी बातों में सामाजिक तानोबानों के प्रति उसकी अनभिज्ञता और उनसे आज़ाद होने की इच्छा साफ़ झलकती थी । लेकिन कभी भी उसने अपने देवता यानी चन्दर की इच्छा के विपरीत कुछ नहीं किया । उसकी मासूमियत, उसका भोलापन चन्दर की ताकत थे । उसका अल्हड़पन चन्दर से कोई संकोच नहीं रखता था । वह व्यवहारिक नहीं थी , वह हर चीज के लिए प्रश्न करती थी कि ऐसा क्यों नहीं है । चन्दर भी उसे क्या जवाब देता । जो चीज सदियों से चली आई है उसमे वह क्या ही कर सकता था । सुधा कहती भी है कि,"गलत मत समझो चन्दर! मैं जानती हूँ कि मैं तुम्हारे लिए राखी के सूत से भी ज्यादा पवित्र रही हूँ लेकिन मैं जैसी हूँ, मुझे वैसी ही क्यों नहीं रहने देते! मैं किसी से शादी नहीं करूँगी। मैं पापा के पास रहूँगी। शादी को मेरा मन नहीं कहता, मैं क्यों करूँ? तुम गुस्सा मत हो, दुखी मत हो, तुम आज्ञा दोगे तो मैं कुछ भी कर सकती हूँ, लेकिन हत्या करने से पहले यह तो देख लो कि मेरे हृदय में क्या है?"

पम्मी आधुनिक ज़माने की युवती है । पम्मी के माध्यम से भारती जी ने समाज की घिनौनी सच्चाइयों को आवाज दी है । उसके वाक्यों के माध्यम से लेखक ने जाने कितनी सच्चाइयों को कह डाला है । उसके लिए प्रेम की परिणति संबंधों में ही हो सकती है, वह कहती भी है कि, "मैं जानती थी कि हम दोनों के संबंधों में प्रारंभ से इतनी विचित्रताएं थीं कि हम दोनों का संबंध स्थायी नहीं रह सकता था, फिर भी जिन क्षणों में हम दोनों एक ही तूफान में फंस गए थे, वे क्षण मेरे लिए मूल्य निधि रहेंगे।" उसके और चन्दर के संबंधों में किसी प्रकार के आदर्शों का स्थान नहीं था । और शायद इसीलिए चन्दर और पम्मी के संवाद आदमी की मन:स्थिति और आदर्श और व्यवहारिकता में द्वंद्व को बहुत अच्छे से पेश करते हैं ।

पूरी पुस्तक में संवाद सराहनीय हैं । प्रेम की अलग अलग परिस्थितयों के द्योतक हैं और उन स्थितियों का मानसिक विश्लेषण भी करते हैं । एक मध्यम वर्ग की दुविधाओं को भारती जी ने अपनी कलम के माध्यम से बहुत ही खूबसूरती से कागज पर उकेरा है । घटनाओं का चुनाव बहुत ही सावधानी से किया गया है । ऐसी विचारोत्तेजक और कालजयी रचना दशकों में एक बार ही आती है ।

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4 reviews
November 4, 2013
While I was looking for a good Indian classical writing to gift my sister the bookseller suggested me this book saying that if you have not read this one then you have read nothing in Hindi literature. I thought, well, why not to read it by myself and see whether he gave me a genuine advice or it was just one of his marketing tricks. Now I must say this book is fabulously written and very well woven with its characters. More or less the whole story rotates about the life of an, we can say, adopted child chandar and Sudha the daughter of the adopter. Chandar is a very intelligent and open minded person. Chandar is so faithful to this family that he has been fully entrusted with the responsibility of taking care of Sudha and decide what is good or bad for her. They both help each other to understand behavior of the people around them. They learn the worldly things together. They become so fond of each other that they reached in a state where they started showing utmost respect to each other. In parallel the cloud maintain closeness which even lovers can't imagine. Then comes separation with the marriage of Sudha. Chandar couldn't understand sudden loneliness in life which Sudha's farewell brings his life. It started troubling him and testing all his the devotion towards Sudha. Few more characters come into play as story progresses. Its a very nice artistic wording of a love story mixed with ups and downs that comes into a person'd life. A nice read.
10 reviews6 followers
March 1, 2016
हिंदी साहित्य में अगर किसी उपन्यास ने मुझे अधिक झकझोरा है तो वह यह उपन्यास है. यह कालजयी उपन्यास अपने आप में एक ऐसा संसार है जहां की दुनिया से आप निकलना कदाचित पसंद नहीं करेंगे. चंदर और सुधा शायद भारतीय समाज के सबसे ज्यादा जटिल और प्यार किये जाने वाले पात्र हैं. धर्मवीर भारती को अगर किसी पुस्तक के लिए याद किया जाएगा तो वह उनकी इस कृति के लिए. चंदर और सुधा इस ढंग से आके ह्रदय में समा जायेंगे की आप खुद को उनसे अलग करने में अक्षम महसूस करेंगे. हर एक पात्र उपन्यास के बुनियादी थीम को पकड़ कर रखता है. फिर चाहे वो कोई भी किरदार क्यूँ न हो. मेरा ��ग्रह है की इस किताब को भारत की हर भाषा वाले लोग पढ़ें क्यूंकि यह किताब किसी एक भाषा की मोहताज नहीं होनी चाहिए. जिस तरह यह किताब ह्रदय से लिखी गयी है उसी तरह मै भी ह्रदय से इस किताब को पढने के लिए आप सबसे आग्रह करता हूँ. प्रेम को जिस स्तर पे ले जाकर उसे परिभाषित किया है भारती जी ने शायद ही किसी माध्यम से किसी और ने इसे परिभाषित किया हो. प्रेम के मायने जो भी हो आपस अब के परन्तु इस पुस्तक में इसके जो मायने बतलाये गए हैं वो निश्चित ही आपके ह्रदय को छुएगा. धन्यवाद.
Profile Image for M.
38 reviews18 followers
February 10, 2017
Its a must read by any hindi literature lover...a masterpiece of its genre and an all time classic...wrtten simply ...the storyline establishes an instant rapport with its readership...that said ... love is many - splendoured .. You get to glimpse the finest nuances of love.. It makes you think..reflect and introspect....its gripping , heart-wrenching , idealistic and absolutely soul shakening !!!
Profile Image for Srija.
156 reviews3 followers
January 5, 2017
What is it about epic Indian tragedies and self-centered men?

First of all, I'd like to talk about how, even though every review talks about caste being the main theme in this book, it is not really at the forefront. In fact, a direct discussion about the caste system only happens twice through out.
Something about Chander and Sudha is way more tragic to me than the other tragedies I've read - probably because both of them refuse to acknowledge that they're in love with each other until it's too late. It is denial through and through probably because the caste system is so ingrained into them that they dare not even consider the possibility of fighting it. And that to me reflects more on the timeline of the novel more than anything.

I have to talk about the characters. Chander's character was irksome at best for me throughout the novel. The man is selfish, self-centered, hypocritical. His gratitude for Dr. Shukla is probably what propels his sense of nobility when he 'persuades' (read: emotionally manipulates) Sudha to get married. After that, it's all about his struggle, his failures, his jealousy, his dukh-bhari kahani, how Sudha will wash away his sadness. He takes people who care about him for granted, and treats them will very little respect. He is a flawed character for whom I have no love. And his flaws are addressed in the novel in one scary chapter.

The females in this novel are the best part of it. Even though Chander is the main narrator, we get to read about these complex women who enter his life and change it in some way. Binti, Gesu, Pammi and Buaji too.

Yes, it is primarily a love story. But there is so much more being addressed.

I have so much to say about this novel, and my thoughts are too scattered to organize it mostly because there is so much in here that could be discussed. If anyone is interested in discussing this novel, message me.
22 reviews1 follower
October 15, 2024
मेरा मा���ना है जिस किसी ने भी कभी प्यार किया है चाहे वो कैसा भी हो.. इकतरफा, दुतरफ़ा, सफ़ल या असफ़ल.. उसे ये उपन्यास जरूर पढ़नी चाहिए.. जैसे कभी मन में बहुत हलचल हो और शोर करते समुद्र के पास चले जाने से मन एक दम से शांत हो जाता है.. गुनाहों के देवता ने मुझे वैसी ही अनुभूति करवाई है... ये कहानी एक यात्रा है.. प्यार की आध्यात्मिक यात्रा.. जो अठखेलियों, स्नेह, त्याग, नफ़रत, वासना से होते हुए मोक्ष की तरफ ले जाती है... इसमें भावुकता भी है और व्यवहारिकता भी... इसके दो मुख्य किरदारों ने अपने आस पास के हर व्यक्ति को महत्वपूर्ण बना देते है...
मेरा ये भी मानना है कि ये कहानी उन लोगों को भी पढ़नी चाहिए जिन्होंने कभी प्यार नही किया ताकि वो समझ सके कि स्नेह की डोर से बंधा कोई व्यक्ति इतने तकलीफो के बावज���द भी क्यों उसी डोर से बन्धे रहना चाहता है....
खैर इस कहानी का जिस तरह से अन्त किया गया है.. मैं समझता हु वो लेखक की मजबूरी रही होगी क्योंकि अगर इसे खत्म न किया जाए तो ये पाठकों के जीवन के साथ साथ चलता ही रहेगा फिर कोई भी किसी और की कहानी में गोते नही लगा पाएंगे!!!!
29 reviews1 follower
March 31, 2020
A rustic raw ground to earth rendition of the lifestyle of UP , parsed with love, loss, longing ,innocence and very very strong characters.(Sudha and Chander)
Potent ,stays with you, and makes you feel for the characters
I couldn't get my mind off the ending , for months. It just stayed with me.

Beautiful.Powerful. Love.
Profile Image for Prateek Singhal.
7 reviews5 followers
June 10, 2014
Was my first hindi novel. The prologue itself is heart touching.
And the ease with which, he has been able to sketch the mental battles related to relationships we fight through our lives. Ati uttam :)
Profile Image for Nisha.
1 review1 follower
August 29, 2011
A book which gives different aspects of love and makes it clear that 'LOVE' can only be felt and expressed and it does not have any definition..
Profile Image for Chelsea Mcgill.
85 reviews29 followers
June 1, 2015
I have very mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, the writing is gorgeous - especially the way Dharamvir-ji portrays the emotions of the characters in both their mental and physical manifestations. But on the other hand, Chander is an idiot. I found myself pausing every few pages wanting to hit him over the head with the (hardback) book I was reading. It's a mixed bag.

Dharamvir-ji is in his element when describing the physical and mental manifestations of the characters' emotions. The most profound and realistic example is Sudha's emotions about getting married. Sudha's anxiety, terror, and stress at being forced to do something so against her nature are palpable. In Dharamvir-ji's description, it is obvious that her physical health rapidly deteriorates. She finds herself unable to eat or sleep, and she becomes emaciated and looks ill. Her once glossy hair becomes dry and crispy. It seems that she is descending into anorexia as a result of her depression.

From an objective viewpoint, her husband and his family are not so bad. Her husband is a good man and takes care of her when she's sick. She is not abused; in fact, her in-laws love her, especially when she takes over the family's religious duties from her mother-in-law. But being in this situation and in this relationship is so counter to her basic instincts and desires that it causes her a huge amount of stress. It is this inescapable, insufferable stress that ultimately leads to her decline in physical health and eventual death.

While Sudha's emotional turmoil is beautifully poignant, Chander's emotions demonstrate complete confusion caused mainly by society's ideas about love. As I said earlier, Chander is an idiot. At the beginning of the book, he is completely naive: he has noble ideas about how life should be, and about how a physical relationship is incompatible with a true, pure Platonic love. He believes that marrying Sudha would somehow sully their relationship by bringing sex into the picture. This is why he forces her to marry someone else: it is for Chander's own benefit - as a test of his resistance to temptation? - although he tries to convince himself that it is better for Sudha as well. So instead of thinking about what the affect of his actions would be on this person that he loves, he forces her to do something against her will as a way of proving that he really is as pure as he wants to be.

Yes, he really is that stupid.

Read the rest at: http://thegloballycurious.blogspot.in...
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