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The Evolution of Ivy #2

The Evolution of Ivy: Antidote

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"It should have been easier.

I changed everything. Became the beauty I didn't think he'd resist. Lived the lie I thought he could love.

I sacrificed my soul to recover the years that she took from us, yet I'm still empty-handed.

But he's mine. I've earned him. It's time to collect my prize, and I'll be damned if I let anyone come between us this late in the game.

If only I'd known my greatest obstacle would be me."

NOTE: The Evolution of Ivy: Antidote was formerly titled as The Evolution of Ivy: Corruption. Antidote is the final book in the series.

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First published January 1, 2017

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Lauren Campbell

10 books651 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 167 reviews
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,704 reviews4,756 followers
October 15, 2017
2 Stars

Overall Opinion: This is yet another example of why some duets and/or series should just be standalone books IMO. This was so sloooow! I struggled with keeping engaged, and I skimmed a bit. I’m not sure how I didn’t add it to my dnf shelf tbh — maybe it was because it felt like a train wreck, and I couldn’t look away! The drama and push/pull felt OTT. I also feel like the last 10ish% felt rushed and unbelievable. And that was all the closure we get?! Super frustrating. I have no confidence that they will make it in the long run, because some of their major obstacles were still there!! I am really disappointed, because while the first book was crazy it did feel like it had so much potential 🙁

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is the conclusion of Emily and Brooks’s story. Emily is still trying to have Brooks fall in love with her any way she can. There is an unexpected obstacle she has to face, some more crazy behavior, some sexy times...and they get a HFN ending.

POV: This alternated between Emily and Brooks’s POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Not so great. I skimmed a good bit, and I don’t think I missed anything important doing it.

Instalove: No, but feelings were already developed/developing when the story begins.

H rating: 2 stars. Brooks. He needed to grow some balls and make up his mind! His hot/cold was really annoying after a while.

h rating: 2 stars. Emily. She was a mess! I sadly thought of her as just plain desperate and not all that likable in this one tbh.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes

OW/OM drama: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM: Yes

Cheating: Yes

Separation: Yes

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This had not enough closure considering all the stuff they went through. They share “ILYs” right at the end, and . I would call this a HFN ending.

How I got it: It was part of my kindle unlimited subscription.

Safety: This one is probably Not Safe for most safety gang readers
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,100 followers
September 22, 2017
5 brilliant stars ❤

This is one of my most anticipated books, since I loved so much the first.I didn't know what to expect with this one and this is what I loved most.The author surprised me one more time with the brilliant plot.

Ivy is one of the most interesting characters I have ever read!I loved being in her mind.The ending was beautiful.Ivy and Brooks has an amazing connection.

If you are looking for a crazy and unique journey pick this series you'll be not disappointed!


Profile Image for Lauren Campbell.
Author 10 books651 followers
October 3, 2017
Psst. For those who have questions about Deacon, guess what? His spinoff book is coming 2018. <3

But first! A standalone tragic type centered around cheating. Won't be for everyone, but if you love a good cheating story, you may love it!

Profile Image for Beatrix.
546 reviews94 followers
September 30, 2017

I loved the first book - Poison. This one - not so much.
The first 50% were boring. There IS a cool plot twist around 70%, after that it was one crazy event after another. But overall, I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first one. Plus it took me days to finish it.

My main problem is - I don't like the ending. I don't support it, I think it doesn't fit this kind of book.
Profile Image for Rachel Beamin'.
366 reviews45 followers
October 5, 2017
Well that took a turn into serious life issues.
Book 2 picked up right where book 1 left off.
In Evolution of Ivy: Poison, I knew there were issues with Ivy, the stalking and plotting and planning and the mindset of “…he doesn’t know it yet, but he will soon….”, but through it all, her humor had me rolling. With this book, however, instead of laughing, I actually had a bout of the feels.
This book, gives you a good idea of what it is like to suffer from a mental illness. To lack that sense of right and wrong and not know why. Ivy was oblivious to reality, more so in book 2, she couldn’t decipher the real vs the fake, and logically in her mind she was living the “real”.

Everything unfolds, secrets crumble, and friendships dissipate, the new wears off and the old starts to shine through.

It was a great ending to the superb beginning.

My only question is what the fuck with Deacon and his mother? That whole part was integral to the book and the plot and then BOOM, nothing more is said. What’s up with the keys? And the trashing of the house?

One more thing, Brooks was a bit douchy at times. Just saying, though it doesn't take away from the book, I just figured I would throw that out there.
Profile Image for Dri ✰.
693 reviews237 followers
October 2, 2017
3,7 stars!

Hummm... diferente do primeiro livro, a leitura desse foi meio arrastada. Não gostei dos pensamentos e algumas atitudes e ações dos personagens.
E acho que por ser um duo, o final foi corrido.
O desfecho poderia ter sido mais trabalhado e isso me frustrou um pouco.
Mas não me arrependo, porque gostei bastante dessa história!
Profile Image for Shannon.
166 reviews348 followers
September 17, 2017
ARC was provided by Lauren Campbell

This is book two, so make sure you read the first book of the series.

I'll be honest, I haven't read a romance in a looong time. I'm more of a psych thriller reader these days. Nor have I read a series in awhile. But because I read Lauren's Evolution of Ivy and knew Ivy was a crazy bitch, I was all about Antidote!!

Three words to explain this book: funny, crazy af, cute.

I laughed, I cringed and was smiling by the end. If I were Brooks, I'd be scared out of effin mind LOL but maybe I'm just a paranoid person. Ivy is a straight psycho, or Emily is. 🤔

The story opens up just where The Evolution of Ivy ended. The end of the prologue my mouth kind of dropped, trickster. I breezed through it within a day and was definitely satisfied as the series has ended.

I'd like to bring up the fact that it wasn't just all about sex, because yessss girl! Yes, it was mentioned, yes, there was a scene or two. But that's pretty much why I stopped reading romance. I would be rolling my eyes because I want A STORY, not 1738383 descriptive sex scenes. So thank you, Lauren LOL. This is a two book series, I don't want to spoil the journey of book one or two so I suggest you get on it and start book one! Lauren's words flowed effortlessly. Thoroughly enjoyed this! Highly recommended series!

I'm very excited for Lauren's work to come! 🤓
Profile Image for talon smith.
710 reviews128 followers
September 22, 2017
2.5-3 stars

Listen. I’m a huge fan of Lauren’s work and her individually and I’m also a huge fan of Ivy and Brooks. The first book in this duet was INSANE! But it was a good type of insane. It was an insane that entertained me and kept me flipping pages all through the night. But let’s just cut to the chase with this book, Antidote…

It was exhausting. That is the only way I can think of putting it, honestly. If it wasn’t about Ivy coming up with ways to be a damsel in distress for Brooks’ attention it was about Brooks internally telling himself over and over again NOT to sleep with Ivy. Not to be with Ivy. Ultimately, I’m a smart reader, I get it. And personally, I really loved Brooks in the first book, Poison. And besides him constantly talking to himself internally, he was still my favorite.

Where was my OG Ivy at? The determined one? The one who fought with teeth and nail and didn’t have to resort to petty actions? The one who KNEW what she wanted and how she wanted it. Bring her back because “oh pity me…oh pay attention to me Brooks…oh help me Brooks!” wasn’t cutting it for me. GIRL, WHERE ARE YOU!? The one in the first book seemed like a completely different character than the one in the second. And I didn’t even see the growth. It sort of just…happened.

This book still has fantastic writing. I’m in awe of Lauren’s capability to plot and construct such a great story but redundancy was a huge issue for me in this book. Cycles. Repetitive. Then you get an exciting moment three quarters of the way. It was so much repetition which in turns makes me want to skim the book. And let’s face it. That is no good. I think the cause of this repetition was because the book was rushed. All of the events taking place seemed like they were just thrown together.

For an author who was originally going to put out three books and downsized it to two, I feel like Lauren made the smart choice. These characters are ones that I will always enjoy but the story line in Antidote I just…didn’t.
Profile Image for Sandy Ⓢ.
293 reviews9 followers
December 31, 2017
Mucho que decir sobre la conclusión de esta historia. Reflexionado, me gustó más el libro 1; en la primera parte de este segundo libro me encontraba entre la risa y el aburrimiento; entendía los sentimientos de 'Emily' hasta cierto punto pero no eran justificables para tal obsesión; divertido porque todo lo que hacía ella era tan descabellado que sólo quedaba reír y reír, hubieron varias partes muy cómicas. En la segunda parte decayó la historia, en mi opinión personal hubiese sido mejor otro rumbo para la historia u otras razones para que concluyera. No me gustó el papel de la madre de Deacon, y eso me quedó inconcluso; todo lo que ocurrió y cómo ocurrió desde que ella aparece en el apartamento de la protagonista, desde allí decae la historia hasta el final. Me gustó que fue final feliz porque de una forma retorcida Ivy merecía su felicidad, pero creo que necesitaba más drama y que Kate fuera el antagonista, no la misma Ivy, no el cliché que sale cuando surgen estas temáticas.
En fin, muchísimas cosas por decir, pero para cerrar, fue una entretenida historia.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,172 reviews
September 30, 2017
4.5/5 stars

The Evolution of Ivy: Antidote is the second and final book in The Evolution of Ivy series. You must read The Evolution of Ivy: Poison first as this is a continuing story.

There will be some spoilers from the first book.

The story alternates POVs between Emily/Ivy and Brooks. Occasionally we have some chapters from the past.

The book begins right where the first book left off. In the first book we found out that Ivy changed her name to Emily and got a complete make-over (with surgeries) in order to get Brooks. This included tormenting his fiancée. The Evolution of Ivy: Poison was so good. Ivy was so damaged and disturbed. I could not get enough of her. The book was completely addictive.

For this reason Antidote was one of my most anticipated reads of Fall 2017. I absolutely loved The Evolution of Ivy: Poison and could not want to see what would happen next.

In the first book we met Ivy and she was a psycho. And I could not get enough of her. She was so mean. But everything she did was so hilarious. The reader should not want to root for her. But I just loved everything about her. And I could not help but want her to succeed.

Book two was good. But I was finding myself wishing for more crazy. The first book was so amazing. But I found much of this book to be a bit tame in comparison. This book felt like more of a romance. Whereas the first book to me did not have that same feeling at all.

Brooks definitely annoyed me in Antidote. He wanted Emily from the start. His reasoning re: Deacon (his best friend having previously dated Emily) honestly made me want to hit him. Especially how on and off he would get.

I definitely liked the last third of the book the best. This part was the craziest and had the most surprising events. I'm glad the story became more unpredictable and interesting. I can honestly say that I never could have predicted where the story was going to end up. And I love that about this series.

Overall, I do think that I enjoyed the first book more just because of Ivy's craziness level. She definitely did some crazy things in Antidote. But I just wanted more madness in the second book. There were definitely one or two people who I wanted to see get what they deserved. However, that said this was a very interesting sequel and conclusion to a very impressive series. If you want a sweet heroine then this book is not for you. But if you want to read something different, original and addictive then I would definitely recommend this duet!
Profile Image for αиgєℓα.
572 reviews3 followers
December 12, 2017
Bueno si ame el primero ,,adore el segundo esta saga me mantubo al borde del colapso,ya estaba igual de loca que Emily ,pero vuelvo a reaptificar en el amor y el odio todo se vale ....

empezamos donde emily(ivy) logra su objetivo teniendo de nuevo a brooks a su favor y desaciendose de la odiosa de Eliza

En esta vemos POV de Brooks cuanto niño ,son los mismo que ivy en el primer libro pero desde el punto de vista de el y sufriiiii x IVY esta niña sufrio mucho y su final almenos para mi no fue el mejor ,dicen que mejor sola que mal acompañada ,y brooks fue solo la culminacion de mi odio por el era patetico,mediocre,debil,tarado,ciego por no decir mas ...y me quedo corta

Me sigo preguntando si brooks era un ken modelo perfecto ,por que todos estaban enamoradas de el enserio tenia p@#$ de oro o semen de vida eterna nunca lo comprendere ...


y luego ivy(emily)logra lo que siempre soño y lo disfruta a lo grande .. pero dijo esta loca lo queria desde el primer libro que les aseguro vale la pena la espera


pero volvemos a brook idiota total ,segun el lo hace por su amigo pero lo que nunca dijo es que su familia esta en la quiebra y la familia de deacon lo esta ayudando eh ahi la culpa


pero cuanto creemos que todo es miel sobre ojuelas ,por un error de malententido pierde emily a brooks y comete un grave error ,error que le cuesta su demencia


y cuanto creimos saber todo se resuelve gracias a la logica de eliza y a los famosos pandas ...!!!DIOS y para colmo emily no puede retractarse ni defenderse por que NO RECUERDA NADA QUE DIABLOS?!!


Pero todo se soluciona y vuelve ah antes que brooks se fuera a francia , la verdad esperaba que se quedara con jared el la cuido ,protegio a su manera retorcida pero siempre estubo para ella ,mil veces preferiria que se fuera quedado con el pero creo que la loca que mas amamos tubo su final FELIZ:)♥



This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for A.S.
192 reviews8 followers
January 30, 2018
What did I just read?

I have certainly never read anything like this book before.

It was a total mind-blowing work of art (abstract art)

I was beyond excited to read this and my excitement just grew and grew after each page.
I read this in one sitting. I had to read this book in one sitting.
Like the first one this story consumed me, the whole story had me stoked and wanting to know what would happen next (actually more like needing to know what will happen next) -As in what new factor Emily would have to face and overcome to finally be with Brooks (because how, after everything she did could she not end up with Brooks?)

I’ve decided I love Emily - even with all her crazy. But I’m not gonna lie, there were quite a few times I had to reevaluate my decision on that because well, she was crazy.
But nonetheless, she was good crazy. Actually she really just needed help.

But my god this book! I wanted to stop reading it at some points not because it wasn’t great, but because I couldn’t take it. It pulled at my emotions and had them feeling like they wanted to explode. Because as much as Ivy/Emily was crazy and she did do a lot of bad things, I still wanted her to be happy and so I felt her pain when all the things she had worked so hard to achieve- seemed like they were for nothing.

The first like half of the book was Ivy/Emily just being unbelievably crazy again like the first one and then the second half was like a roller coaster of emotions.
There were also moments when I had to pause or rack my brain and think what the hell is happening?

God, the tension I felt reading this books last few chapters was unsettling, I thought I was going to pass out!
This book has so much crazy in it but wonderful crazy! The last few chapters felt like they were clawing my heart out but the ending much to my surprise was so cute and so damn beautiful.

Lastly, I want to say that I love this author! The writing is remarkable and the stories she writes as well as the characters are too. I cannot wait for more books from her (someone tell her to hurry up with writing them).

I can’t work out if this author is a genius or someone maybe just as crazy as Ivy. I’d say both ;)
Profile Image for Melanie.
431 reviews17 followers
October 5, 2017
As we learn in the first book, Poison, Ivy goes to great measures to redo her looks and also changes her name to Emily. The 2nd book picks up where the 1st book ended.

Emily is still her crazy self trying to get Brooks to fall in love with her so they can live happily every after. She won't let anyone get in her way. Emily even resorts to a book of tricks on how to win a guy over.

Brooks feels the connection between the two of them but can't quite figure out why. He doesn't realize Emily is his first childhood love, Ivy. He tries to resist the magnetic pull between them but the lust/chemistry always wins. Brooks has regrets after they share a night together because his best friend, Deacon had been dating Emily and Brooks doesn't want to mess up their friendship.

There are a few chapters that go back to the childhood moments between Brooks and Emily told in Brooks POV. I am not a big fan (personal taste) on reading a scene again told by the other POV and I thought these chapters about their past were exactly that.

All the characters from the first book are part of this story - Eliza, Kara, Deacon and Jared. Of course their presence adds drama to the story. There is one chapter toward the end where I swear there is a cat fight between the 3 ladies, Brooks is trying to get them to stop fighting, all the lies are revealed and I actually found it rather entertaining.

There are a few twists thrown into the story and the ending I thought came together well. The author took an interesting approach to Emily's craziness for the book conclusion. I was satisfied with how it ended and thought she tied it all together - nothing left hanging.

I still was not a big fan of Emily - she came across as a pyscho/fatal attraction like/crude with many of her thoughts. I didn't have any big issues with Brooks like some other readers have noted.

I would highly recommend reading Poison first to understand all the people/events in book 2 but I thought it was written in a way that it wasn't a requirement.

* ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Wendy LeGrand.
1,212 reviews50 followers
September 21, 2017
When I finished reading The Evolution of Ivy: Poison, I sat back for quite a while thinking about Ivy/Emily and asking myself on a constant loop: is that girl really batshit crazy or is she just one of the most clever characters ever written? And to be honest, by the time Lauren was getting ready to release Antidote, I still hadn't drawn a conclusion.

Book 2 picks up right where the first book ends, so make sure to have read that first before diving in to this book because you'll be completely lost otherwise. And even though I've read the first book, I found myself going back to it several times to refresh my memory on some key points that are referenced in this book.

So Emily - her manipulations really ramped up in this book. I was more prepared for them this time, so I didn't have the same kind of WTF moments I did in the first book, though I did still have to shake my head at her excessive machinations in the scheme to win Brooks' heart. If I was still undecided on whether or not she was batshit crazy, I am not anymore!

It was damned fascinating to see the lengths that Emily/Ivy went to, to finally achieve what she's been so desperate for. At the same time, it was frustrating to watch Brooks waffle back and forth. I wanted to reach through the book and slap him upside his head and yell, "man up already!" Between that and the added angst of some outside influences, Lauren had my blood pumping, that's for sure!

The supporting cast of characters from the first book are back, as well as a new character that really tugged on my heartstrings. I was intrigued with Jared in the first book and wanted to know more about him, so I was glad to see that he played such an integral part in Emily/Ivy's life in this book.

If you loved the first book and couldn't wait to experience more of Emily's crazy antics, you will not be disappointed with this book! It is definitely a rollercoaster ride of emotions, some you may be surprised to experience while reading. Now that Emily/Ivy's story has concluded, I am excited to see what Lauren has in store for us in the future.
Profile Image for Christine (Shh Moms Reading).
1,423 reviews570 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
January 4, 2018
Dnf at 30%
I loved book 1...it was crazy ass book crack...unputdownable.
I’m not sure what happened with this one...I was so looking forward to watching Emily win her man back but what I read made her just seem like a crazy stalker. Unfortunately with my reading schedule I had to dnf as it was so hard to get into this book...the chapters alternated from how Emily would try to get Brooks to come to her rescue and Brooks’s chapters of how he needed to avoid her.
I did cheat and skim the last 30% which was just wrong...after all the truth came out, they should have never really ended up together :(
I wish I felt differently but this was just too OTT for me
Profile Image for Tiffany Johnson.
1,235 reviews33 followers
September 29, 2017
This was entertaining but just not quite as captivating as the first book. It was slow/drug some what and was a little redundant at times with Ivy/Emily seemingly trying the same things over and over to snare Brooks and Brooks telling himself over and over again he was attracted to her but they could never be. I was hoping for more crazy antics but honestly Ivy/Emily seemed tame this time compared to the shenanigans she cooked up in Poison. I still loved Ivy's/Emily's internal no holds barred dialogue, lol, some of the things she thinks are hilarious.
Profile Image for AT.
12 reviews4 followers
September 20, 2017
Antidote is the perfect conclusion to Poison! I loved every whacked out second of it. Ivy (Emily?) is an absolute psycho, in the best possible way, and you just can't help but root for her. I loved it from beginning to end. Trust me, you need Ivy and Brooks in your life...
Profile Image for Marianne Cooper.
Author 2 books30 followers
September 28, 2017
An amazing ending to a fun, twisted, crazy ride of a duet... Lauren writes raw and real and it's so hard to put down!! Soooooo goooooood!!!!!!! cannot wait to read what Lauren come up with next!
Profile Image for Christine Ray.
181 reviews2 followers
September 26, 2017
Ok - seriously? I didn't think it could get any better than the first book, The Evolution of Ivy: Poison - but boy was I wrong!!!!

The Prolong threw me for a loop - I had to read it twice once I got to the end and a certain name was said. That caught my attention and I couldn't devour this book fast enough because I just HAD to know! As I said with the first book, you need to go into this entire series blind. You will be more satisfied with the end result not knowing anything - because Ivy is nuts! Certifiable - but you will love her all the same, especially in this conclusion of the Duet! There were twists and turns and things that I did NOT see coming, but that's what makes Lauren Campbell stand out as an amazing author.

Guys - read this book - but make sure you read Poison first as this one picks up right where it left off. I want to say more - but I don't want to spoil it!

***Arc provided by Author for an Honest Review***
5 reviews
May 26, 2017
I can already tell you this book is going to be FUCking Amazing! Hand it overrrrrrr!!
Profile Image for April.
418 reviews9 followers
August 14, 2017
Beta read = done!

Just wait!! Just effing wait! Muwhahhaa!
Profile Image for ☮ mary.
280 reviews
September 24, 2017
I Hated Brooks so much so I could never understanf Ivy's desire to be with such a stupid coward !!! This was no hero material anf even the craey girl deserved so much better !!
Profile Image for Boss.
7 reviews2 followers
December 9, 2019
I don't even care what anyone thinks because, and despite the craziness, I LOVED Ivy/Emily without an ounce of apology and was soooo happy she got a HEA!
Profile Image for Zemira Warner.
1,569 reviews1,230 followers
September 26, 2017
To me, Antidote wasn't as good as the Poison mostly because I wanted things to be even crazier in the second installment. Sure, there were crazy moments but that's nothing compared to what happened during book 1. I did enjoy it a lot and I couldn't stop reading it. I was rooting for Ivy but at the same time I wanted to sit her down and discuss all the things she's done just to get a man.

3 stars is in no way a bad rating when it comes to me and I just have to say I can't wait to read all future Lauren Campbell books. I am a fan.

Also that line about made me retch but also laugh cause it just proved how crazy Ivy really is.
Profile Image for Clara Quiroz.
144 reviews19 followers
December 6, 2017
Ella solo quería un cuento de hadas, quería amor verdadero
me gusto que Ivy llego a sanar, recibió la ayuda que necesitaba, tuvo un amigo que la acompaño, Jared no la abandono..
Llegue a odiar un poco a Brooks en este libro, quise que Ivy se enamorara de otro..
Pero igual me gusto mucho el final de la historia..
Profile Image for Dina Maio.
215 reviews4 followers
November 12, 2017
I would give this book 6 stars, no wait, 7 stars, if I could. If you have not read the first book – The Evolution of Ivy: Poison – stop reading this review and go read it. NOW!!!!! I have never anticipated a book this much. Being the second book in a series, where the first book ended on a cliffhanger, I am usually eager for the second book. But this has gone beyond eager and straight into desperate need territory. I sought the author out of Facebook, there may have been a little stalking and fangirling going on there, don’t judge. While she chronicled her writing the book, I devoured every morsel she doled out about this book.

The story picks up right where the first book left off and continues on. In the first book, I viewed Ivy as a crazy, obsessed person with a vendetta. Which she is. But in the second book, Lauren delves deeper into Ivy and what makes her tick. I started to see he more as the hurt, wronged person but still a little cray cray. This is a hard review to write without giving away the story. I read it in a day, and did not feel guilty about it.

I have been pimping out this book to all my friends and family and to anyone who mentions needing a book to read. So, I will continue my quest here. READ. THIS. BOOK.
Profile Image for Elvira Rowe.
25 reviews
September 17, 2017
Lauren completely threw us for a loop when she said this was the end of the series and book 3 was not happening!

I loved the book! Ivy is still my favorite conniving evil girl who goes after her man, who doesn't know someone like her like really we all know a Ivy! Seriously it's like watching a drama show but knowing the person.

I loved the setting, the characters, storyline. The ending was the best, it may have thrown me for a loop but I couldn't ask for a better ending to go the way it did. I loved how a curve ball was thrown in there to change characters, old and new characters come together and just like book 1 the remarks, cockiness, and favorable attitudes are back and even better.

Settings may have confused me a little as I don't know the south really well, the scenes were vivid enough you could see where they were. The characters went in depth on their lives and we got to know some better and some still mysterious.

I do love how one part was brought in and it made the storyline really good, it felt like this needed to be in the story and for all the readers to know about an outcome we didn't see coming was there. It was beautifully written and now I want the stand a lines for characters as being mysterious and not delved into I want to know more about them

Profile Image for Zetti.
1,152 reviews23 followers
September 18, 2017
This book is the second book in the evolution of Ivy duet so you need to read the first one before you read the second otherwise you will be just completely and utterly lost. It starts off where book 1 ends. I have to admit I felt really sorry for Brooks. He has found so much and he’s reeling from it all but I still love Ivy/Emily as well.

She’s so flawed and yet that is what makes it so delicious to read. This is in no way a typical romance read. Please do not mistake this for a common sweet romance. This is in no way a sweet romance read.

I did giggle and hold my head in my hands and go ‘seriously? Why?’ but in the end I loved every single second of reading this book. It’s a crazy journey to get to the end and I had moments of rolling my eyes but that was more because I just wanted to bang their heads together.

I did laugh at some parts because it was so outrageous in my opinion. I also like how this book didn’t focus on the ‘sex’, there were those moments but it was not the focal point. I like that a lot! I definitely would recommend the follow up and final book in the evolution of Ivy duet!

5 stars!

Displaying 1 - 30 of 167 reviews

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