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Chic Manila #9

Better At Weddings Than You

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Daphne Cardenas is the best wedding planner around, and everyone knows it. That's why her friend Greg hired her as an emergency replacement one month before his wedding—because he fears his fiancée Helen is falling for the guy they first hired for the job.

Aaron Trinidad is new to the wedding industry but years of conference planning and loads of charm make him good at it. Really good at it. Planning the wedding of his friend Helen should be easy, and it is. To be unceremoniously fired isn't good for his new career, but the chance to learn from the best might be the silver lining.

Aaron and Daphne have chemistry, but there’s history with Helen that at least one other person considers a threat. Who's the planner who can fix this impending disaster?

(Part of the Chic Manila series, but can be read as a standalone.)

214 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 15, 2017

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About the author

Mina V. Esguerra

45 books587 followers
Mina V. Esguerra writes contemporary romance and young adult novellas. She has a bachelor's degree in Communication and a master's degree in Development Communication, put to good use in her work as trainer and content management consultant. Mina lives in Metro Manila, Philippines, with her husband and daughter.

She finds inspiration in the lives and experiences of other people, so the answer to "Is this story based on you?" is always, always "No."

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Profile Image for Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell.
Author 58 books20.7k followers
June 19, 2019

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I'm kind of obsessed with Mina V. Esguerra's romances. They have the steamy, romantic vibe of something you would find in Avon's line-up, only most of her books are set in the Philippines and feature Asian heroes and heroines. I first found out about this author through one of my friends who saw me reading a Six de Los Reyes book and told me about #romanceclass, and the circle of Filipino writers who wrote romances under this hashtag.

The Chic Manila series is a chatty, modern set of romances featuring progressively-minded women who work, who are trying to navigate the obstacle-laden field of relationships in addition to figuring out who they are as people and what they want out of life. The best way to describe these books is as a coming-of-age story for adults in their late-twenties/early-thirties.

BETTER AT WEDDINGS THAN YOU features a hero and a heroine who are both wedding planners. Aaron is pretty small potatoes and gets most of his clients through his sister. His current job is with his childhood friend, Helen, but her husband-to-be, Greg, is firing Aaron because he's afraid Helen is in love with him. Daphne is Aaron's replacement, and one of Greg's friends. She's a little leery of the whole situation, and also of Aaron, but because Aaron has all of the details up to this point, they end up deciding to collaborate and save the wedding.

Obviously, this being a romance, the two of them end up falling for each other. This leads to some very sexy scenes; this is definitely one of the steamier Esguerra books I have read - not that I'm complaining. But Esguerra romances are fraught with last act crises, and Aaron's and Daphne's burgeoning romance isn't exempt from this. Daphne's been burned too many times before and isn't very interested in romantic relationships. Aaron is an ex-playboy who's starting to realize that he wants to settle down, but he isn't quite sure what to do with a girl like Daphne. And then there's Helen - Helen, who is a total piece of work and deserves a whole subreddit of her own on r/Nicegirls.

Screw you, Helen.

I really enjoyed BETTER AT WEDDINGS than you. I've liked all of the Esguerra books I've read to varying degrees, but this was definitely one of her best. I love reading romances when the heroines have jobs, and are good at their jobs, and it was so great to read about Daphne being as passionate about her work as she later becomes about her love life. And it's also really cool to see a hero with a job that wouldn't be traditionally considered macho or manly (i.e. wedding planning). He was also very nice and 100% not about that cad life. I was able to ship the two of them without any guilt.

If you like sweet romances with strong women and positive messages about work, sex, and love, I really do recommend these books.

4 stars
Profile Image for Sue.
767 reviews1,557 followers
April 20, 2017
I read Better At Weddings Than You after a two-week drought of not finishing anything. This novel is everything I ever needed and I gave it five stars. It was an exhilarating, fun, and steamy book. If that still doesn’t convince, I suppose we can’t be friends.

I typically don't enjoy the-we-just-met narrative for romance. I prefer long history of build-up, but Esguerra certainly knows how to flesh out her characters. Better At Weddings Than You follows the story Daphne. She’s the in-demand wedding planner in the country. She’s perfect, beautiful, and has a reputation for being petrifying. It’s not a rocket science why her friend Greg enlisted her help to overthrow their planner, a month before his wedding. He’s worried that his fiancée might be in love with this guy.

It’s Aaron Trinidad, an amateur wedding planner. He’s oblivious that his friend Helen might be in love with him. Being fired from his job might not be the worst thing ever when he’s roped into working with Daphne. He might learn a thing or two from the queen of wedding planning.

I love that both of them are wedding planners. It challenged masculinity and gender roles. There’s a twist, it’s the female character Daphne who’s more reveled and prominent in the industry while the male character Aaron is the amateur.

“Why don’t you want a relationship?” He blurted that out without an intro . “I… I’m curious. You could be married with kids by now if you wanted to, but you’re not.”

“Hmm.” Daphne looked at him, but turned to the water when she answered. “Do you think I’m just saying that? Like I’m reverse psychologizing the universe?”

“If you wanted to, you could have anyone.”

“This is so fascinating,” she said. “This conversation. I keep wanting to have this conversation with someone and it figures I’ll be having it with a man.”

Daphne did that. This scene just struck me, it’s so funny and ironic. I love that she’s talking about the double-standard expectations we set for women in their thirties. Daphne doesn’t give a damn. She’s flippant. She states her mind. She’s tired of giving people the benefit of the doubt. She’s in charge of her autonomy and sexuality. She’s “too much” for the barricade we subject Filipina to. I love a well-crafted character and she’s one of them.

It's also endearing that despite being crowned as a man eater and being considered as an unlikable female character you never see her bring down another woman to uplift herself. I wish more authors would remember that in terms of writing their female characters. There’s no necessary reason for pitting girls against each other.

What you can expect: wedding extravaganza, food descriptions, hot massages, and more.

Verdict: I would recommend Better At Weddings Than You in a heartbeat. I love the romance, the female characters, the lovely ambiance. It was a win-win situation.

Review also posted at Hollywood News Source.
Profile Image for K.J. Charles.
Author 63 books11k followers
February 14, 2018
Delightful contemporary Filipinx romance with two wedding planners getting it together. Daphne, introduced as a woman who doesn't give a fuck, is marvellous. She's highly job focused without being portrayed as sad, obsessed, spinsterish or all the other career woman cliches. She knows what she wants, which does not include being the person on whom a man relies for his happiness. You know the gif of a cat knocking things off a table captioned "Fuck this--fuck that--fuck the other thing"? Daphne. She takes no prisoners, is happy to have enjoyable hot sex, and is not going to see her success sabotaged by a man ever.

Aaron is equally lovely. He could easily have been a classic 30something is He Finally Ready to Settle Down character, except he's with Daphne who isn't even putting that on the table, and as a result we get a lovely situation of this thoroughly nice, if somewhat feckless guy finding himself in determined pursuit of a woman who isn't walking anyone else's path.

Fun, lightly trodden but still emotional, highly readable, sexy (though mostly closed door): a romp of a read. And what a fantastic title. A very pleasing V-Day read.
Profile Image for Solaine Chioro.
Author 28 books138 followers
June 29, 2021
Esse livro é tão curto e me fez de trouxa tão rápido, estou chocada!
Eu decidi ler Better At Weddings Than You porque é romance filipino, a protagonista parecia sensacional e o casal não parecia problemático. E o que eu recebi em retorno? EXATAMENTE ISSO! A Daphne Cardenas é uma personagem tão incrível que eu não sei nem como começar a falar dela. Ela é bem-sucedida, sabe o que quer da vida (e não fica esperando as coisas acontecerem) e poderia muito bem ser a dona do universo. Por causa de uma treta muito estranha, ela meio que é obrigada a trabalhar com o Aaron no planejamento de um casamento, um novato que não sabe o que tá con te seno direito, mas tá super animado de trabalhar com a organizadora de casamento mais topzera da cidade. O desenvolvimento do casal é super bacaninha e você fica sorrindo desde a primeira interação deles, só esperando todos os clichês serem jogados na sua cara. Eu sempre fico com pé atrás com NA e esperando vir os relacionamentos abusivos da vida, mas graças aos céus não rolou isso em Better At Weddings Than You. O livro representa um relacionamento bem maduro e que desenrola de uma forma bem orgânica, sem nada que me fizesse revirar os olhos ou querer jogar o kindle pra longe. Recomendo muuuito a leitura pra quem curte um romance bem amorzinho (e que não se incomode com umas cenas quentes aqui ou ali), porque esse é um livro que com certeza vai agradar.
Gostei tanto que agora tô condenada a ler todos os outros livros da série Chic Manila, não tem jeito.
Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,131 followers
April 19, 2017
Loved the hero who is also wedding planner like the heroine. Steamier than the other Mina Esquerra books I've read. I wish there was more of a grand ending. Although I must say that the ending does fit with both Daphne's and Aaron's character so it works.
Profile Image for Shealea.
492 reviews1,255 followers
March 8, 2019
First things first: I received a digital Advance Reader’s Copy (ARC) of this book as part of my participation in a blog tour hosted by the author herself – this, however, neither affects my opinion nor the content of my review in any way. Many thanks to Mina V. Esguerra for this delightful opportunity!

One of the strongest points of this novel is the manner in which Daphne and Aaron’s relationship is handled. Their transition from mildly hostile strangers to unlikely friends to perfectly matched lovers is so thoughtfully developed that the progression flowed both naturally and almost magically. The chemistry between the two of them is consistently palpable (most prevalently evidenced during the fantastic sex scenes), and their clever banter never failed to keep me engaged.

Truthfully, I can go on and on about how much I loved this and how much I enjoyed that, but realistically speaking, I don’t have the time for such indulgences. But I will say that Better At Weddings Than You is the kind of story that I cannot imagine myself getting sick of rereading. In fact, it is my first 5-star read for 2017!

Although this is my first time to encounter her work, I am thoroughly convinced that Mina Esguerra is a brilliant and cunning wordsmith. At first glance, her writing style seems pretty simple, but as I further immersed myself into the story, I’ve come to realize that the ripples her words leave are powerfully profound. Esguerra writes with unparalleled flair, subtle precision, and striking imagery. I look forward to reading many more of her books!

Actual rating: 5 stars
* Read the entire review on That Bookshelf Bitch!
Profile Image for Emily.
522 reviews44 followers
May 21, 2017

I picked Better at Weddings Than You for this years' Asian Lit Bingo (the prompt was romance with poc / indigenous love interest) and also because one of my friends can't stop talking about Mina V. Esguerra and I wanted to understand WHAT WAS GOING ON.

I can safely say now I understand what is going on.

Better at Weddings Than You is a fun, light, quick read that follows both Aaron (THE MOST TROUXA MAN IN THE ENTIRE WORLD) and Daphne, a woman who knows what she wants and gets it when she wants it. They both work as wedding planners and end up meeting because their friends are getting married and the groom fears the bride is in love with Aaron.

The book is quick, but Daphne and Aaron's chemistry is there since page one AND I LOVED IT. They're two grown adults and they act like it AND I'M SO!! GLAD!! I'm not sure I could handle all the tension between them for long. Mina's writing pretty great too and, even though the book's in third person, it's pretty clear when Daphne or Aaron are the main focus.

And since I'm here, both Daphne and Aaron ARE SUCH GREAT CHARACTERS. I loved Daphne and how she's super sucessful at what she does and I loved that Aaron himself was such a puppy. Them working together was great and I can only praise Mina for writing a new adult book that has such a good relationship and a couple with such good chemistry t_t If you're looking for a fun, light hearted, great na book, READ THIS.
Profile Image for Chelsea SWATCHSEA.
293 reviews494 followers
June 21, 2017
review also posted on Wordpress! spoiler-free review!

I read Better At Weddings Than You back in May, so I have to write this review based on the notes I took back then. I apologise that this review won't be as thorough as usual.

I never read M/F romances. It's absolutely not something I tend to enjoy, but I saw Better At Weddings Than You receiving hype on Twitter, so I was intrigued. Since this is written by a Filipino author, I was definitely more willing to give this a chance than if this were a novel about allocishet able-bodied white people written by an allocishet able-bodied white author.

Though I didn't necessary love this just because this genre isn't my favourite, I did find Better At Weddings Than You very entertaining. Towards the end there was some unnecessary drama that has to be in every romance novel, which definitely made this more predictable, but I can live with that.

I read this in public, which is quite embarrassing because this book features multiple sex scenes :D So be aware of that, because the cover might look fluffy, but the content is definitely more mature.

It's 100% my fault that this isn't a five star read, because like I've said, I'm not the biggest fan of M/F romances. But that is entirely my opinion, so if you do enjoy romances, I'd definitely recommend Better At Weddings Than You!

✿ You can also find me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest and Wordpress! ✿
Profile Image for Claire - The Coffeeholic Bookworm.
1,257 reviews111 followers
April 24, 2017
Planning a wedding is Daphne Cardenas’ expertise. She’s the one who meets every bride’s demands, who talks to couples having second thoughts, who makes sure that their dream wedding come true. When she was asked to take over her friend’s wedding, she was stumped. Not only did she feel bad for the one she was replacing, she knew a wedding disaster would unfold if the bride had other groom in mind.

I can always count on Mina Esguerra to level up her game and make sure that the cliched insta-love wouldn’t make readers cringe. Daphne and Aaron may have met a few days before spending their “honeymoon” together, but this kind of relationship is slow-burning and intoxicating. I wouldn’t mind getting a backrub from Aaron Trinidad on our first date, mind you.

Better At Weddings Than You is such a fun read; I had a grin on my face nearly the whole time I was reading it. Daphne isn’t your typical lady-in-waiting, she’s smart, defined and professional on the outside, and a one hot dynamite inside the bedroom. Aaron needs all the help he can get when it comes to planning a wedding; but he’s an expert in the honeymoon phase. Go figure.

I always found Esguerra’s writing very captivating. I love how she engages the reader from the beginning and allows to connect with the characters until the end. This isn’t my first book by the author, and it definitely isn’t the last.
Profile Image for lisa.
2,102 reviews307 followers
July 2, 2018

I thought it would be kind of a rivalry thing with Daphne and Aaron but it wasn't and I'm okay with that because I love the plot. I love Daphne and Aaron's relationship development, and most importantly I am now a big fan of Daphne Cardenas. She's awesome, she's successful and the best at what she does, she doesn't give two fucks about what people say re: her single at 30s status, ... I want to be that successful and confident in my 30s.


My Twitter reading thread: HERE.
Profile Image for sil ♡ the book voyagers.
1,280 reviews3,111 followers
March 20, 2017
Mina's newest, Better At Weddings Than You, was simply my favorite of the month. I needed my romance fix and it sure gave me that and more. The main characters, Daphne and Aaron, are weddings planners and I love that Daphne is the one who is the veteran in the business while Aaron is the newcomer and the one who has been doing wedding planning for not so long. He really admires Daphne as well so I really find that super nice and great, I imagine this situation where Daphne is doing wedding planning stuff and she enters the room and Aaron is just like *sighs* *taking pictures of her* you're doing so good sweetie i'm so in love *keeps taking more pictures* I love this duo and their dynamic.

Profile Image for Miel Salva.
Author 8 books14 followers
April 12, 2017
We are so used to the woes of the couple (usually just the bride who wants to be hands-on all of the stuff while the groom is just chill) but not with the behind-the-scenes handled by the people hired to make the event perfect. #BAWTY shows both sides but here, Ms. Mina focused more on the equally stressful life of coordinators.

One of the many interesting things about the main characters Daphne and Aaron was the swap of roles. It was apparent with their chosen profession. What was a straight, hot tattooed guy doing in the wedding coordinating business? And then there’s Aaron’s penchant for old-school planning, almost like scrapbook style. And the fact that he’s more showy with his feelings…it’s refreshing to read about a guy doing things mostly associated with girls. Which added to Aaron’s charms too.

And then, Daphne.

Yes, she is the boss who knows her thing. And she makes sure Aaron knows it too. She gets the job done even if it’s uncomfortable. But she also acknowledges if she needs help (albeit reluctantly. But really, who could turn Aaron down anyway? hehehe)

Daphne and Aaron’s chemistry is so strong that before Chapter 1 ends, I was already shipping them hard.

I think dialogues is one of Ms. Mina’s strengths and it’s apparent in this story. It’s not just the banters that always crack me up, but the way the characters’ conversation and their topic could make you ponder on your own life choices and situation.

Did I say I had to skip lunch and get my nails done instead so nobody would talk to me and I could read the Coron part in peace? Yep, I did that. It’s been a while since I picked up something I wanted to read so bad, hahaha.
Profile Image for Kris Mauna.
533 reviews51 followers
July 7, 2017
This is a perfect romance novel for the broken hearted!
I easily fell in love with Daphne and Aaron - their relationship is sexy and fun, definitely had me swooning! ;)
Mina V. Esguerra is just the best. I'm always a little hesitant when it comes to shorter romance novels, but her characters manage to be fleshed out and easy to relate to. And Daphne is such a boss! Also, it was refreshing to read from older POVs (both Daphne and Aaron being in their 30s). The wedding planning, their romance, and individual stories made this an enjoyable read!
Another Mina book that I loved and highly recommend.
Profile Image for Laís Arjona.
374 reviews
May 29, 2017
This book is so good! A light romcom with a independent successful female character and a sweet gentle (and really trouxa) male character, adults acting as adults, no drama.
I loved how they interacted with each other, they had chemistry, they respected each other, they were honest, they were mature and i loved it.
Actually, I don't even know what to say about this book, because it's so much fun and SO sweet. I already knew a lot about this story cause my friends talk about it nonstop and it was EXACTLY what I expected! Daphne and Aaron's love was (tranquilo, com sabor de fruta mordida) EASY! Not that it didn't have it's challenges, but for them, it was easy to love each other, and for me, it was easy to love them too.
Also, Julie was amazing! The kind of friend that everyone loves <3
Profile Image for K..
4,432 reviews1,146 followers
April 19, 2020
Trigger warnings: emotional cheating? I guess??

This was cute! I feel like there were a few things I missed out on because this is book 9 in a series, even though the author has said the books can standalone.

But on the whole, I enjoyed this story about rival wedding planners being forced to work together and falling in love.

Really, I think the only reason it's not a higher rating is that the book is about 200 pages and it's a lot to have them go from meeting and not liking each other to being madly in love and together forever-y, and it wasn't QUITE enough time to develop the relationship between them for my liking.
Profile Image for maha.
269 reviews233 followers
August 28, 2021
this was SO CUTE! i absolutely loved the writing and the dynamics between the characters! i cannot wait to read more of this author's books :D
Profile Image for kb.
696 reviews21 followers
January 15, 2020
Weddings are fascinating. They’re beautiful, they’re moving, they’re dream-come-trues. Everybody loves celebrating love—including me, especially if there’s good food and dancing, and even though I have to wear a dress.

But attending a wedding is different from planning one. The planning part is crazy, and if the wedding is a huge wedding, then it’s even crazier. (I should know—I helped plan one just last year.) There’s a lot of ongoing confusion, disagreements, disappointments and not to mention, a FAT LOT of money-wast—I mean, spending, involved. And when you’re in the middle of it all, you can’t help but get thisclose to “F*ck it, just elope.” Fascinating, huh? No? You can’t imagine?

Better At Weddings Than You might be able to help.

Note: I read an ARC in exchange for honest thoughts. Want to share your book with me? Reach me here.
Profile Image for N.G. Peltier.
Author 5 books291 followers
February 22, 2018
I found my fave romance class couple, and it is Daphne and Aaron :D

I was so thrilled to have the opportunity to review a new Mina Esguerra book . I became aware of romance class books last year and let's just say my goal is to devour them all!! So when i saw Mina had a new one coming out yessss I was pretty excited, and that title? Definitely intrigued me right off.

And the premise? double yes! I've never read a book with a male wedding planner before and here we have Aaron Trinidad who's just been fired, one month before the wedding and now he has to work with the new wedding planner. What could possible go wrong?

Right off I liked Daphne! The fact that Daphne is in her thirties (34 like meeee) was definitely a plus! More heroines over 30 please. We do deserve our HEA too.

Back to Daphne and Aaron. So much banter. I love banter. it is my favourite thing. I loved how their relationship unfolded. i loved being in Andrea's head but was so thrilled we get Aaron's POV as well.

And listen there's this scene where Aaron gives Daphne a back rub...my...word...it's simple and yet so sensual. Just...damn...

There is so much swoon worthy stuff here folks!

Daphne is such a great character. Confident. Knows what she's about, business-wise and relationship-wise. Aaron was great for Daphne, able to go head to head with her, held his own quite well, so very charming. Survived her friends interrogating him LOL.

This was such a fluffy, funny read. So well paced. I was never bored. The story kept rolling and I kept wanting to know what would the next time these two meet look like.

While i enjoyed the romance between Aaron and Daphne what I also particularly liked was how through these characters we see the pressures 30 somethings face in any society to be in a relationship and married by that age. And you're viewed as an anomaly if you aren't. I can so relate. The family members and friends who are like why are you still single? When are you getting married?

Also can i just say the sex scenes were so smoking hot and sensual, they weren't even all that graphic but damn...so sexy and you totally felt that while yes there's the chemistry there between them, you can see the genuine like they had for being in each other's company, even after the sexy times. They ate cheesy snacks in bed after, i meaaaaan...that was just adorable :D

the food descriptions in this book my word...had me hungry.

Anyways i loved this book, i loved the MCs so much and i'll be posting a longer (hahaha yes more flailing) review on release day :D
Profile Image for Claire.
982 reviews108 followers
October 28, 2017
That was enjoyable and stress-free! And *interesting* - Daphne's a really unusual heroine.

Recommended if you like:
- very little angst
- no-nonsense heroines
- lots of communication
- competence porn
- "older" (for romance - 30something) heroine
- non-Western setting & cast

Definitely kept my attention even though I'm normally a reader who likes high-stakes emotions, brooding, and a lot of angst. I kind of loved how Daphne was just so straightforward and not having it... and I'm trying to think if I've ever encountered a heroine who was like "eh, romance, whatever, I'm not here to do a dude's emotional labor so fuck it." (And then when the dude shows up, to tell him "hello, let's talk about your experience of emotional labor as a dude vs mine as a lady. Here's what's up with me and my choices.") She knew what she liked, went for it, was unapologetic, made her own choices, and had very little anxiety over any of it. It was... restful! (I know this sounds odd, but it honestly felt like my experience of reading The Martian, in a good way -- at an emotional remove, fun, intriguing, undemanding of a big emotional investment from me in order to succeed.)

One of the things that I've noticed in reading so many romances from Pinoy authors lately (that #romanceclass community is really fun to read!!) is that there's often a very strong sense of setting, both physical and cultural. That wasn't foregrounded so much in this one, though obviously it's present throughout. If you're reading primarily for setting, this book might not scratch that itch.

Smoothly written and edited- this was the most polished of the #romanceclass books I've read so far.

Maybe not for everybody? For me, it wasn't a "happy book sigh" or cathartic romance reading experience, but it was really satisfying and genuinely interesting.

Profile Image for Jennifer Hallock.
Author 5 books39 followers
April 2, 2017
Mina V. Esguerra writes sexy heroes, for sure, but I think the author's real comparative advantage is great heroines. Daphne is at the top of her profession because she's organized, competent, and a strategic thinker. And maybe a workaholic, but not whining about it.

She is the female version of the classic billionaire trope. (She's not that rich, but she's not doing badly, either.) It does make you wonder, why do the savvy business types seem to be men? What happens when the hero is the ingenue? Aaron is all strong, hot male—don't get me wrong. With tattoos. But he's new in the business, a relative free spirit, and he's totally in awe of Daphne's skills. He has to convince her to take a chance on love. I love how Esguerra has flipped everything around here, and it works wonderfully.

And it's hot. So hot. Another big win in the Chic Manila series!
Profile Image for Jason Molenda.
85 reviews4 followers
December 28, 2017
A fun contemporary romance set in Manila - I heard an interview with Mina on Smart Podcast Trashy Books a while back, and have been meaning to check out one of her books ever since then -- finally got to it. It's a quick read and I had great fun, I think I'll be checking out more of her books in the future.

The bride is having an old friend organize their wedding - it’s only the fifth wedding he has put together. The groom is concerned that his bride and her wedding planner friend are getting too close, and he is friends with ANOTHER wedding planner; he asks his wedding planner friend to take over their wedding one month before the date. She is a big deal in the local wedding planner scene, and because it’s so close to the date, she keeps the newb guy planner involved. What’s that, they’re both single! What a surprise! 😂

I did love the slightly different flavor of language here -- 99% of it, it could have been written by anyone in another English speaking country, but then you'll see a phrase like "tita-sanctioned blind date" (auntie) or twice in the book characters "do an ocular" (inspect a location / scope out a facility, something like that -- the first time it was used I couldn't puzzle out the meaning & thought the hero had an optometrist appointment!) I had to text my filipino friend a couple times for an idea what location names were meant to indicate, or what tita meant. It was a fun to read a book intended primarily for a domestic (Philippines) audience and I get to keep up

Profile Image for Allie.
797 reviews38 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
April 5, 2023
DNF @ 79%

I was trying to figure out why this premise bothered me so much, and I finally got it - wedding planner Daphne is called in to plan a wedding last minute because the bride fell in love with their first wedding planner (Hot Dude Planner), okay cool cool. But Daphne was hired by the groom (Corporate Bro), who she says is her "friend" but absolutely nothing about their interactions indicates real friendship. In fact, Daphne and Corporate Bro seem to have nothing but disdain for each other. She and Hot Dude Planner have good chemistry, but it's totally not clear why they fall into bed with each other, other than #romance and also Corporate Bro sneered at Daphne that of course they would end up hooking up with each other ('cause that's profesh *eyeroll*). I don't like Corporate Bro, and I don't want him to get married, and I don't want two wedding planners to have to spend another second in his presence. So I'm cutting my losses and going back to Murderbot.

Profile Image for bookiishreads.
140 reviews5 followers
September 26, 2024
Better at Weddings Than You by Mina V. Esguerra — ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“You could love someone without ever telling them. Didn’t mean it didn’t exist, or wasn’t true at some point.” — Aaron

Another fave. It’s rivals to lovers and forced proximity. From the first page, I’m already in love! I knew I was going to enjoy this book, and it didn’t disappoint.

I love Daphne’s strong, confident personality, and Aaron’s cinnamon roll vibe is just perfect. They’re literally a match made in heaven. Daphne even reminded me of the FMC in “Bridesmaid for Hire” by Meghan Quinn with how confident she is as a wedding planner.

The writing style was a treat too. It’s fast-paced and has the same feel as some of the romance books I’ve read by Western authors, which is amazing since this was written by a Filipina author.

The story will make you swoon, and the illustrations? So hot! I need more books like this. I’m definitely checking out more of Mina’s books. 💞

It also does a great job representing corporate jobs, business, and what it’s like when you reach a certain point in life. 🫶🏻
Profile Image for M.
400 reviews53 followers
March 4, 2019
This was an enjoyable and lovely read. The setting and premises were lovely and intriguing, and the enemies-to-lovers with a twist works for me like a charm. And this D no exception. Plus, the MCs together were perfect.

I did struggle a bit with the constant comments about people in their twenties being clueless about relationships and in general, even though they were mostly directed at the MC by herself. Plus, the ending left me wanting a bit. It was slightly too abrupt for me and I wished for a little more time to go from no to yes on the romantic entanglement acceptance. But that's really just personal preference. In general this was very enjoyable, the writing worked for me instantly and I'm looking forward to reading more books by this author.
Profile Image for Reads in Heels.
48 reviews11 followers
January 19, 2018
Daphne Cardenas agrees to accept a wedding gig one confrontation away from falling apart, partly as a favor to a friend she doesn't even like that much. She meets the former wedding planner- good-looking hunk new to the industry- and agrees to "collaborate" with him.

I love how Daphne challenges double standards by being unapologetically herself. I first saw her in That Kind of Guy and instantly fell in love with her no-nonsense attitude. She'd do as the poster child (adult?) of a strong-willed independent grown-ass woman. The author also portrayed it in a way that didn't sound preachy or stuck up. Despite the insta-love plot, the story didn't seem as rushed, what with strongly defined characters with actual backstories why they did the things they've done.
Profile Image for Elke.
434 reviews
March 17, 2018
This was a very enjoyable m/f romance! It's written by a Filipino authour and has Filipino characters. For various reasons I won't get into, there were some parts I really recognised myself in, and some I didn't at all, so my enjoyment is probably pretty coloured by that. Either way, I loved the wedding planner aspect and would have liked to see more of it! Daphne was also great and I love how strong and confident and talented she was. Unapologetic female leads, yes!

CW: sex
Profile Image for Lydia Andres.
Author 26 books77 followers
September 28, 2017
I have a soft spot for competent heroines and Daphne is definitely in that category. The dynamic between Daphne as an expert and Aaron as a total newbie to the profession was fun to see, although it would've been interested to see if Aaron grows into the profession, or if he stumbles out of it as easily as he stumbles into it.
Profile Image for Miss Susan.
2,677 reviews62 followers
December 15, 2022
i really liked this! romance between two wedding planners; one of whom is like. a human take on the successful driven career woman. sometimes you know what you want and you are clear and reasonable about it! not a jerk, just straightforward! we love to see it

4 stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 104 reviews

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