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Beauty #3

Beauty in Autumn

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Inspired by the story of Beauty and the Beast, a short and sexy interpretation of the classic fairy tale…

For years untold, there has always been a beast in the cursed forest. Every year at the Harvest Festival, a new bride is sent to him... never to return. But when Willow is chosen to be the newest bride, she seeks out the help of the local wise woman.

Willow might be able to break the curse, but to do so, she must refrain from looking at the beast entirely. It sounds easy enough, but as things get heated between them, can she keep her promise? Or will she need to see who — and what — she's bedding first?

70 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 14, 2017

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About the author

Ruby Dixon

156 books17.7k followers
Ruby Dixon is an author of Science Fiction Romance. She likes fated mates, baby-filled epilogues, and cinnamon roll heroes. She also likes to write biographies of herself in the third person, because it feels more important that way.

Ruby also loves coffee and dirty books and will probably be a cat lady at some point. :)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 365 reviews
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,814 reviews25.2k followers
June 19, 2021
Beauty in Autumn by Ruby Dixon is book three of the Beauty series, four books by four different authors, all Beauty and the Beast retellings. These are short novellas. I’ve been wanting to read something by Ruby Dixon since she’s a new to me author and I also needed a fairytale retelling so this seemed like the perfect choice. I enjoyed it very much.

Willow is twenty years old and lives in the village of Windybrook. All her life, she’s known of the beast that lives in the cursed forest. Every year at the Harvest Festival, a new bride is chosen and sent to him. This young chosen woman never returns.

Willow has recently been having dreams about the beast. But her dreams aren’t frightening. They are erotic. She somehow just knows that she will be the chosen bride this year. Willow seeks advice from a local woman who lives alone by the lake and is perceived to perhaps have a little bit of magical ability. Willow’s question, though, isn’t how to survive. It is how to break the curse. She desperately wants to save the beast.

“Somewhere in there is my beast, and maybe in saving him, I can save myself. We can save each other.”

This was a short, sweet, and very sexy little story. I read it in just a couple of hours. It’s a perfect break for in between longer books. I’ve read two of these four stories, now and look forward to more. They are all stand alone and can be read in any order.

For more about this book and so many others, come and visit me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

Profile Image for Deborah.
3,711 reviews485 followers
June 20, 2017

I started this series with 'Winter' purely because I like Alexa Riley but that book turned out to be less than 40 pages long and I was left feeling disappointed and cheated.

This book 'Autumn' had the most appealing blurb and so I decided to give this a try and I'm glad I did.
Yes it's a short read but there's enough story to make it entertaining.

Every year a bride is chosen for the Beast, every village puts forward one girl.

'The harvest festival is a time of dread instead of a time of joy for every woman under the age of twenty-five. No one is allowed to marry before then, and no one is allowed to leave the kingdom. We're all the cursed prince's property, even if we've never seen or heard of him.'

Willow's been having hot sexy dreams about the Beast and the closer it gets to the festival the more certain she is that she'll be the one chosen to be his bride and she's right.
After all these years could Willow be the one to finally break the curse?

Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,142 followers
April 23, 2017
The third book in this series is my favourite so far! Again it is another short read with Beauty and the Beast theme to it; just like the rest of the series books. The author of this particular book is one I'm definitely going to check out some more! Even though this was a quick read, it captured my attention right to the end!

The last book is written by Alexa Riley, and no way am I turning it down! I am very eager for her interpretation of Beauty and the beast!
Fingers crossed it will be awesome!!!
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,239 reviews3,694 followers
May 2, 2017
Once upon a time, there was a beast in the castle at the edge of the forest and a young maiden who was dreaming about it, eh about him. In a very very naughty way.

When she was chosen at the harvest festival to become the bride of the beast, she was not really scared. She was mostly curious:
-What happened to the girls that were chosen the previous years and they had never come back?
-What happened to the cursed beast and how did he look like? She could never see details when she was dreaming.
-How could she help the beast?
-How could she break the curse?

She was never worried that she would die.
She was never worried that she would never come back.

"You sure you want to touch the beast's paw?"
Well, when he puts it that way, no, I'm not sure. But now's not the time to be missish. "If I'm to be your wife, I'm probably going to touch more than your paw." I continue to hold my hand out to him. "I'm not afraid."

Out of the three books I have read in this series so far, I believe that the “Beauty in Autumn” has the most intense fairytale feeling in it.

I have known Ruby Dixon from her stories about Dragon shifters and Blue Aliens. This is the first fantasy book I read by her.
I absolutely loved her interpretation of the fairytale of Beauty and the Beast.
It is magical, wicked, sassy, naughty and funny.
Profile Image for Bookloverme.
620 reviews599 followers
May 30, 2017
5+++ Stars

Out of the first 3 books in this series, this one is my favorite. It's cute! I felt connected to both H and h here more than the first two books and I loved the epilogue. I hope the fourth book is as good as this one or even better.

The story is about Ruari and Willow.

She had a dream and the beast was in it but she's not afraid of him. Instead, she's aroused.

Her mother told her a story about the beast being a handsome prince before. He was cursed and hideous.

Every year during the harvest festival, a woman is chosen to be the bride of the beast in hope that the curse will be lifted but every year, the curse remained. No one heard from the old brides and the search for a new bride continues. And that year, she was the one chosen. And she has 3 days to break the curse.

The story is shorter than the first two books but I enjoyed it and there's a nice epilogue.

Profile Image for Hannah B..
1,149 reviews1,940 followers
October 19, 2023
Criminally short but very compelling and I’d easily read more of the story.

⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5 🌶️🌶️/5
Profile Image for Tanya T..
255 reviews121 followers
May 26, 2017
Edit: Due to the fact that this is the ONLY one of the four where the Beast is not a wolf, it's getting 5 stars for being original.

O.G Review: 4.5 Stars!

Spoilers, Myth, and Science!!

This probably the best one of the series even tho it's very short. Willow, the heroine ,was very fearless in this which was to refreshing to see. She was freaking grusy and she knew what she wanted. I just wish instead of being three days that it was at least week or a month she spent with Ruari (aka the beast) in his castle because it felt on the side of instalove even tho they did have attraction to each other.. Also the fact their interactions was just at night and not during the day. The smut in this was pretty damn good even if I still wish the story was longer. Also it wasn't explain why Ruari was cursed per se so his backstory was a little weak to me even tho I did like his character. We knew that he was a prince and that's it. Also from what I gather from the hints,his curse was almost like how Medusa curse works hence why people couldn't look at him. Even tho in hints it sound like that never had a beast form but was still human. I wish the epilogue was longer but all and all it was a good story.

One more thing before I wrap this up.

I saw someone in the reviews saying that the heroine was " too horny"for their tastes . Which to me I think it's nonsense since she was embracing her sexual side with no one tell her it's one not to do so. That's what wrong with society in the first place. A woman can't embrace her sexual side without being calling a slut,whore, or too horny. Then on the flip side, if woman doesn't want to embrace her sexual side or desire she's called a prude. Can a woman do what the ever the hell she wants without people telling her what she can or can't do? Thank you! Also the fact that this is erotica so what the hell do you expect?? But before I get on a feminist rant which is not the point of this review, I think I have a couple as to reasons why Willow was very horny not because it's erotica.

I do believe the author had other meaning behind it which she probably didn't know.(or she probably did) The whole story took place doing a fall harvest which mean they probably getting crops. They usually harvest crops doing a full moon which is called the harvest moon. According to studies and myths, a woman's menstrual cycle follows the phases of the moon. Usually doing a full moon, a woman is at her most fertile aka her ovulation period of her cycle. During ovulation, a woman's libido aka sexual drive and desires increase fourfold. A period of ovulation is 24 hours but a woman can be fertile at least 5 days to week. If that's the case,it makes perfect sense as to why Willow's sexual desire was up when she met Ruari for three days. It also makes sense as to why at the end of the story, she had a child 9 months after the curse was broken. Which makes sense as to why the old woman,Leta, told her not to let Ruari ejectlate inside her if they had intercouse.. She was ovulating during her time with Ruari which she conceived the child that night and Leta probably sense that she was about to ovulate before she left. Take that for saying the MC was to horny! Science wins again. *drop the mic*

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/... Here's an article about the effects the menstrual has on women's sexual drive.

My review of all four is here on my blog! https://tanyasreading.wordpress.com/2...
Profile Image for Elle ✟ Søren's ♡ (i'm too old for this shite).
690 reviews473 followers
May 20, 2017
3.5* desperately in lust STARS!

My first read from Ruby Dixon from the Beauty series. A dirtier retelling from Beauty and The Beast with a touch of paranormal. Sounds great, huh? Well, it is. I didn't know what to expect but the story was slightly better than other books in this series. Promising plot but ended up okay in the end.

Willow always dream about the beast and couldn't help the desperation inside her. When the Harvest Festival, she 'sacrificed' herself. One step closer to the beast. However, someone told her about the cure for the curse. The beast can turn back into human and Willow prepared for everything.

Willow is an intriguing woman. She's not afraid of the beast instead has wet-dream about him. I adored her bravery. Her tug-of-war with the beast also sparks with sexual chemistry. The beast himself also shocked with how different is Willow. My only issue is with the sex. It's more like making love that I didn't expect. Such a gentle beast. Anyway, I liked the plot and a bit humor inside it.
Profile Image for Lori [semi-hiatus].
276 reviews157 followers
June 19, 2021
I liked this and I wish it was longer.
It was a really good retelling of the beauty and the beast (a little oversexed, though). It could have totally been made into a full length novel.

Profile Image for Christi (christireadsalot).
2,510 reviews1,110 followers
September 28, 2023
3.5 stars! Beauty in Autumn is a beauty and the beast-inspired romance novella from Ruby Dixon. So apparently there is a whole series of these for each season and written by a different author, all beauty and the beast retellings and now I want to read them all.

“Somewhere in there is my beast, and maybe in saving him, I can save myself. We can save each other.”

For years, there has always been a beast in the cursed forest and every year at the Harvest Festival, a new bride is sent to him...never to return. So when Willow gets chosen to be the newest bride, she goes to the local wise woman who says she might be able to break the curse if she can refrain from looking at the beast or any of his magic. Willow is determined to survive, and save the beast, so all she needs to do is wear a blindfold for 3 days to break the curse!

This was just a fun and easy read and I could have stayed in this world for so much longer! I was intrigued by the magic and this world, the roses, the previous brides who were sent, the curse, I definitely wanted more. But I did enjoy this novella for what it is as well!
Profile Image for Howard.
1,834 reviews104 followers
March 21, 2024
4.5 Stars for Beauty in Autumn: Beauty, Book 3 (audiobook) Ruby Dixon read by Verla Bond.

This was a wonderful retelling of the Beauty and the Beast story. It’s certainly more of an adult take, but I just loved the characters and how they worked through their challenge.
Profile Image for May Reads Books.
684 reviews
April 16, 2017
Hot fast safe read
- no ow/drama
- both virgins... I know h was and I'm guessing H was too. He said he didn't touch any other women
- HEA with epilogue
Over all an Ok read for me
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,741 reviews575 followers
April 15, 2017
This "Chamber of Secret"-esque story between Ginny and Tom Riddle.. I mean Willow and Ruari is the latest adaptation in the retelling of beauty and the beast- filled with an enchanted forest, blindfold and a cursed beast.
It was an average read to be very honest. The only thing is adored was the batter filled epilogue.
Profile Image for Suzanne (Under the Covers Book blog).
1,746 reviews562 followers
February 16, 2018

3.5 Stars

Every year a girl from every village must go to the Harvest Festival, where one of them is chosen to venture in to the dark forest and meet her fate at the hands of the Beast. The Beast was once a handsome prince but who now has a spell upon him so he is now monstrous to look upon. Willow knows that she will be picked this year to go to the Beast. Unlike the other girls though she is determined to break the curse and free herself and the Beast. All she has to do is not look upon the Beast in the first three days of her arrival, no matter how much he tempts her, she must not look and she cannot tell him why. Only then will the spell be broken.

Another day, another fairy tale retelling, this novella is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. I am normally fairly indifferent to fairy tale retellings, however, I love Ruby Dixon so I picked it up and not surprisingly I liked it.

Like all Dixon books it was sweet and sexy, by Willow covering her eyes she wasn't fooled by the Beast's exterior and only felt the man. A very sexy man who she had been having some very racy dreams about and was ready to make those dreams into reality, even if she has to do it with her blindfold on so she should break the curse and have her happily ever after.

We all know where this story goes, however, I was happy to be along for the ride. This sexy short is bound to heat up a cold night and introduce you to Ruby Dixon's style, I recommend you give it a go.
Profile Image for Raine.
2,472 reviews54 followers
August 4, 2018
Beast retelling

This was a good, short Beauty and the Beast fairytale retelling. The village has a harvest every year and they select a girl to be the bride of the beast. The girl never comes back to the village. But this year Willow is chosen and she hopes to break the curse for the beast.
Profile Image for Michelle Claypot_Reads.
2,490 reviews61 followers
July 12, 2018
This was a fun twist on the Beauty & the Beast tale. I enjoyed the strength of the heroine's personality and the unexpected gentleness of the beast. Fun quick read.
Profile Image for Shannon.
6,856 reviews383 followers
October 14, 2023
This was an interesting little erotic Beauty and the Beast reimagining that four different authors took a turn writing based on a different season. Ruby's novella was set in Fall and was definitely Steamy AF (as anyone who's read her Blue Alien series would expect). Good on audio, this was a fun, quick, forbidden romance fantasy.
Profile Image for  B.E.Love.
1,334 reviews130 followers
April 27, 2017
I really liked this one 4 1/2 stars. I liked the story and though it was a short story is was a complete and good story. I had fun reading this one.
Profile Image for Kimberlee.
941 reviews47 followers
October 18, 2017
4 Orange Colored Roses

As usual Ruby gives us a short sweet sexy read to get a person through their otherwise dull day.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 365 reviews

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