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Council of Black Dragons #2

Hunted by the Dragon Duke

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Sexy, royal and one of the ferocious black dragons… he’s way out of her league.

Orphaned and forced to live under the cruel eye of her stepmother, Saskia spends her days and most of her nights sewing gowns for rich dragonesses to wear to balls she will never see. When a chance encounter brings her into contact with the handsome Callan, Duke and cousin to the Queen, she thinks nothing of it. After all, what royal duke would want a woman with a broken, mad dragon?

But when the otherworldly intervenes, Saskia gets her chance to go to the ball, and dance with the man of her dreams…

Tiny, delicate and utterly beautiful… but where has he seen her before?

A royal duke by birth, and a black, Callan’s life has been dictated since the moment he was born. Ordered by his cousin, the queen, to pick a bride at the ball or she’ll pick for him, he’s between a rock and a hard place. Until he sees her. The tiny woman in the purple gown runs him a merry chase over the ballroom but one look and he’s determined. She will be his.

And she is, for the briefest of moments before his duty intervenes and he has to return a wayward youth to his father before he gets himself into a lifetime of trouble. When he returns his delicate princess is gone, leaving behind a single shoe…

Furious, Callan launches a hunt for his love…one that leads to a woman who is not who she pretends to be, a raid on a brothel and a fight with a troll. Can he persuade his delicate princess she’s not broken, but that she’s the perfect dragoness for him?

84 pages, ebook

First published April 21, 2017

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About the author

Mina Carter

287 books2,334 followers
Mina Carter is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of romance in many genres. She lives in the UK with her husband, daughter, a puppy who pays no attention to her whatsoever, and a bossy cat.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 183 reviews
Profile Image for Monty Cupcake ☠ Queen of Bloodshed ☠.
952 reviews246 followers
August 16, 2017
Short book about Saskia, the Cinderella character, who has a chained inner dragon, working for her evil stepmother and stepsisters. She goes to a ball and meets Duke Calan, the hot dragon dude of her dreams. A very short dragon version of Cinderella.
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,326 reviews213 followers
April 28, 2017
Oh, I liked this one. Cinderella with dragon-shifters. Yesssss. Complete with a wicked stepmother and a driven duke and a shoe left behind for him to find her by.

MAN, I like dragons. They're ruthless and focused and they definitely go after what they want when they see it. The first time they meet, Callan might not have realized what Saskia was to him, but he figured it out soon enough. But by that point Saskia is already on the run and in some deep water with her "family."

Driven dragons, a mistreated girl, and a stepmother with zero redeeming qualities. I'm all in!

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Kait.
1,370 reviews240 followers
December 31, 2023

For some reason I wasn’t a big fan of Calan this time. Loved Saskia though! The epilogue was beautiful. Really goes to show you what love, family, and a healthy home can do for a person. ❤️

Aug 2023 review: 5⭐️ The epilogue 🥹

This was so beautiful. I have a soft spot for damsels and royalty, and this was everything I could have wanted. Saskia is such a sweetheart and Duke is a possessive, protective alpha. They’re perfect together!
Profile Image for Sydney M Neblett.
2,632 reviews18 followers
May 19, 2021
Hidden in plane sight

I’ve always been a fan of the Cinderella story, and this one just warms my heart. I love how these two met completely by chance and developed into something so much more. Their connection is sweet and more than makes up for the years of abuse her petty “relatives “ steeped on her. Plus they are dragon shifters! Who doesn’t love a good dragon shifter story? This book had my heart racing and smile blooming before the end. I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Profile Image for Stephanie  Hale.
235 reviews
April 28, 2017
Purple Dragons

This story was short and sweet. Loved the storyline, a little bit of Cinderella, oh my. Ms. Mina please write the Queen's story. I have to know if she finally mates what's his face. Great read.
3,148 reviews62 followers
February 10, 2019
Fairy tale retelling of Cinderella with steam. The H is strong dragon and the h is downtrodden servant, a little too pathetic at first. It is a very short and very fast pace, suitably horrid evil stepmother, nice clothes and a great HEA. Good fun.
Profile Image for C.J..
Author 4 books396 followers
April 27, 2017
A quick read with a Cinderella take on a dragon story. Would have liked more comeuppance for the Blaise women. Overall, a nice story.
Profile Image for Lisa.
Author 2 books122 followers
May 3, 2017
Amazing short story!

A lot of book in a quick read! Loved the interplay of both families. The hotness is not underscored in anyway by the teasing banter. Well written! Highly recommended!
Profile Image for LIA  Kh. .
329 reviews38 followers
July 10, 2017
this one have cinderella plot mixing with shifter world. I must say its quite boring and I hate a weak character that starring in in this book. something like that.
Profile Image for Raygun ∆ Gothic.
953 reviews10 followers
December 4, 2023
I finally found it! The worst, most horrifying book ever written. Ok, fine, maybe not ever, but...

A of all)
There's this worrying case of fantasy racism: "Male or female, only a white could rule their race, and whites were only born to the royal line..."

Look I'm not saying that the author is a white supremacist... but occasionally reading your sentences back to yourself to see if they're a little neo-nazi-esque might be a good idea.

Fantasy writers, we have got to come to an agreement that Tolkien, despite being outwardly progressive for his time, had some issues to resolve. Look, being "tolerant" or actively anti-racist at a certain time period is not the same as being fully immune to the antisemitic air everyone was breathing.

And, to be fair to Tolkien and fantasy writers in general.... somebody gotta be the monster. And whoever ends up in that role is going to be dissected by literary critics for centuries with parallels drawn to real groups of people, despite the author's intentions.

Did the author of this particular book mean for the Royal line to be fancy white race dragons? Hmmm...
Are those characters racially white? Yep, I think so. The absolute bastard of a male romantic lead is a black dragon, but racially white it would seem.
Are there people of color in this book?
Not that I know of.

The main character is some kind of rare purple dragon from a missing lineage or something...and I guess that's why she's pretty and a good guy? Oy...
And the stepsisters and stepmother are, I think, more working class than bourgeoisie, and so they are desperate, shrill, not pretty enough, and evil. It's wowsers. I really always preferred versions of the story where the stepsisters were a little bit more nuanced, but that's not even sort of what is happening here. One of them is willing to narc on the other ones to keep her ass out of the fire, so...

B of all)
The body shaming, slut shaming, cardboard cutout evil female characters are bad enough...but the drunken, unimpressive, icky, rapey male character....hooboy. I really walked into something here.

The author's poor subconscious seems to have soaked up a lot of that, "all women are in competition with each other" ethos from past generations that is so scary. She also doesn't seem to have moved on past the whole, good=pretty, bad=ugly simplicity of the OG fairy tales.

Also, The main character is constantly constantly described as tiny and delicate and so, so pretty. With other people described as inferior. The poor author's brain. Seriously, this is VERBATIM from the synopsis:
Tiny, delicate and utterly beautiful… but where has he seen her before?

Not only that, but IN THE BOOK BLURB ALONE, the main character is described as "delicate" 3 times and "tiny" twice. The blurb is only about five paragraphs, dude. It also seems like the only thing he likes about her is that she's sexually submissive....and pretty and tiny, obviously. Pretty and tiny and delicate is paramount. Have I mentioned he's the worst?

C of all)
Wow, the dialogue is something else. The MC is really easily impressed. Actually had a hard time finding an example of how cringe it is, but the stuff that male character says is so weird and rapey. Blech.

It seems silly to have such criticisms for something that is clearly supposed to be a piece of junk food. But I honestly think this kind of thing is just as important in stuff like this.

Obvious dnf
Profile Image for Maura.
3,883 reviews108 followers
September 2, 2018
Basically this is a paranormal retelling of Cinderella, where the prince is Callan, who is actually a duke, cousin to the queen and a black dragon on the Council of 12. Cinderella in this case is Saskia, who was orphaned right before her first shift into a dragon, which she did alone and unsupported, which caused a lot of damage. Afterwards her evil stepmother put a collar on her which subdued her dragon...she's been in slavery to her family ever since. She manages to get to the ball where Callan recognizes her as his mate and whisks her off to try and have sex with her but he is thwarted by a stepsister and Saskia flees. The big difference in the fairytale is that Saskia is caught, so her stepmother sells her into sexual slavery and Callan has to go rescue her.

For a quick little paranormal fairytale, this wasn't bad. Having read the first in the Council of Black Dragons series, this had a decidedly more "historical" feel, although the characters do use cars and the occasional cell phone (IIRC). Obviously if you're reading Cinderella, then the heroine is something of a doormat, allowing herself to be slave to her family. In this case, I was a bit surprised though because Saskia is the seamstress for the family business...so when they sold her, I wanted to know how they were going to stay in business. Who is going to sew the dresses now? As such, Saskia had some major bargaining power, so I think that was overlooked (and my over-anyalytical mind just latches on to such little details!). There isn't much getting to know you, but the set up of this story doesn't really require it...they fall in insta-love, he recognizes her as his mate and adores every personality trait he sees and she adores his protectiveness and feels super safe with him. For a short story like this, that's kind of enough...especially since there weren't any disagreements or tension otherwise. So I did enjoy this, but would have loved a longer, more fleshed out story.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alejandra Guerrero.
1,260 reviews4 followers
September 8, 2024
I had a few issues:
1. The world is not described at all. Only some gowns, and very vaguely at that. At times it seemed a regency-inspired setting, but then they had cars, so…
2. The way they talk about her being a virgin is weird.
3. She was a total doormat. But we’re told she had “fire”. I never saw it.
4. They think of each other only in terms of physical attraction. They met, spoke twice (technically once, from his POV, because he didn’t remember the first time) and they immediately went to fuck. No way the author could convince me this was love.
5. Callan mentions her mother died in childbirth, but she remembers her mother kissing her whenever she went with her father to balls, so which is it? Minimal editing, I swear.
6. The bad pimp guy was arrested for trafficking paranormals. But he had a brothel, and it’s heavily implied the girls he had were minors, yet he wasn’t arrested for that. So it was ok to traffick human children, but not the fMC? Wow. Our “hero” didn't give a shit those other girls were abused, but he does that his “princess” was untouched. And proceeded to ogle and sexualize her the second he found her in the brothel. It was creepy.
Normally I’m less harsh with novellas because they’re short and there’s not much space for a lot, but this one just rubbed me the wrong way.
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,448 reviews24 followers
May 10, 2017
Okay I wrote this once and it disappeared after I hit save. Overall I liked this Cinderella retelling with a paranormal twist. That said it's like the story was rushed and too many things were summarized or skipped in order to keep this at a short story length. I didn't care for the insta love or the numerous unanswered questions. The society created here was only vaguely laid out rather than presented in a way a reader could immerse themselves in the tale. All of Saskia's character growth occurs off page between the last chapter and epilogue and I feel cheated as a reader to be rushed through the story that had so much more to offer. Granted I'll give you the Disney version skipped character growth for off page too, but I'm not a child that wants to skip the meaty part of the book to go straight to the happy ending. Additionally Disney sure as hell didn't add the spicy sex scenes which while extremely well written I would have traded in a heartbeat to get the emotional detail this story was missing. It's like you get the bare bones of a good story stripped of all the meaty details that would have made it great.
Profile Image for Erika.
77 reviews17 followers
March 8, 2018
Veľmi krátka a sexuálne dospelejšia obdoba Popolušky.
Niežeby to znamenalo, že lepšia.
Aj v kratších poviedkach a short stories sa prejavili postavy hlbšie, dej tak nejak ide, neutkveli mi v pamäti nejaké väčšie momenty, aj ten jediný ktorý mohol byť vtipný až roztomilý..
Profile Image for Pam Louis.
1,721 reviews7 followers
May 5, 2017
This has got to be the best version of cinderella I have read. Better then the original lol!
Saskia had lost her mother at her birth then lost her father when she was still young and before her first shift as a dragon. Now she is grown and stuck with her evil stepmother and two equally evil stepsister. They are all dragon shifters. Saskia's dragon has been locked away since her first shift. She works as a servent and seamstresses for her stepmother but she never gets the credit for her work or any kindness.

Calan is a duke of vacossin and a black dragon.
Since you more then likely know the cinderella story I will leave it at that. I LOVE the dragon twist on this fun story. The characters are fantastic and the storyline is awesome. Don't miss it!
Voluntarily reviewed a copy and I honestly loved it.
Profile Image for Lauren.
6,131 reviews56 followers
August 26, 2017
I really enjoyed this book. Hunted by the dragon duke is like a dragon version Cinderella. It has the whole evil stepmother and stepsisters. It has the locked in a tower sleeping on a pallet. It also has the whole fairy godmother and lost slipper. I really liked Saskia and my heart hurt for her. I didn’t like the way she was treated. I was happy when Saskia’s stepmother and stepsisters got what they deserved. I really liked Galen. I liked that he was intrigued about his little mouse from the moment he met her. I liked that when he knew she was his mate, he was determined to claim her. I liked that he hunted her down and protected her. I will definitely re read this book again in the future, read more of Mina Carter’s books and hope for more stories like this one.
The storyline for this book is easy to follow and an enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Gemma.
543 reviews8 followers
February 17, 2018
This book is a short sweet retelling of the fairy tale Cinderella. A Young beautiful girl who has lost her father and is currently living with her stepmother and stepsisters is abused and taking advantage of by cooking cleaning and making dresses for them. But Saskia has a Dragons soul even though she think she's damaged and takes a leap of Faith and goes to the ball and meets the handsome Duke Calendar (a Black) cousin to the Queen (white dragon).
And when he discovers that she ran away during a situation he goes on a search for her and discovers that the evil stepmother has sold her into slavery, where he quickly races to her rescue and takes her home so that he can become her true mate and release her dragon.

This is a good story but I despise that it's so short. I loved Saskia and Calen and wanted more. Much love too Mina.
154 reviews5 followers
June 15, 2018
Hunted by the Dragon Duke
This dragon version of Cinderella, was a quick and entertaining read. Although it follows the lines of the classic fairytale, it was a fun and entertaining read. Saskia has had to endure her wicked step-mother since her fathers death several years ago. In this slight variation, not only does Saskia’s step-mother and step-sisters beat her drastically, but they’ve imprisoned her dragon and eventually sell her. Thankfully, black dragon Duke Calan has been unable to forget about the quiet girl he let her away at the ball. When he learns what has happened to Saskia he sets off to rescue her. Of course they get their HEA. I really liked these characters and wish the rest of the series was on KU. 5 Stars.
*****Reviewer for Romance Authors that Rock I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*****
Profile Image for Gabriella.
461 reviews30 followers
October 24, 2017
Cinderella meets a Dragon Duke! A retelling of Cinderella. I love fairy tales and I love shifter romance. Therefore, I gave this book a try. And the sample was good, too. But...the rest of the story wasn't so great. The heroine was very annoying. She's a complete doormat. I can't remember Cinderella not having a back bone. This girl (oops, I forgot her name) didn't have one at all. I really liked Calan. He was a good developed character, sorry to see him end up with some one so weak.

My biggest issue with Hunted by the Dragon Duke was that the story was just too short. It read more like a rough draft than a complete book (and was priced for a complete book). The premise and the beginning were good, though.
2,580 reviews125 followers
October 3, 2020
Three and a half stars

A bit of a Cinderella retelling, Hunted by the Dragon Duke is the second on Mina Carter's Council of Black Dragons series.

Saskia Evans tries her best to quietly remain unnoticed since any attention is always bad and draws beatings and berating from her cruel stepmother. Her fine dressmaking is making a name for her stepmother and stepsisters, until one visit to the royal palace puts her before the most handsome man she's ever seen. Too bad he's a duke. And not just any duke, but the most eligible one in the country.

Calan, Duke of Vacossin, is incredibly charmed by the dressmaker's assistant. But his queries dead end until she appears the night of the ball...

A short, hot read, Mina Carter's story is a fun one!
191 reviews1 follower
July 1, 2017
I used to buy and read many of Mina Carter's books when she was part of Ellora's Cave. Sadly I've lost all those books when the site was changed. I was happy to see those stories now on Amazon, too bad they aren't available via Kindle Unlimited. I purchased this book because I liked the description and as noted had read prior stories by this author. I was a bit disappointed in this story. Some parts were strong and sexy while other details were weak if not just stupid (such a hard word but I can't think of another way to describe it). I was looking for the fun and fire I read int Lyon's Price or Owned by the Elf. It was missing in this tale.
Profile Image for Icu2qtpi .
410 reviews6 followers
October 10, 2017

Awww. Such a sweet Dragon love story. Made to toil away as a dressmaker, sleeping in the basement on a pallet covered in rags by her evil stepmother and her equally horrible stepsisters, Saskia is visited by a fairy God dragon. She is encouraged to attend the ball where the charming black Dragon, Duke Calan is told to pick a mate by his cousin the queen, a white Dragon. He sees Saskia and she takes his dragonbreath away. Before he can "seal the deal" they are interrupted and she disappears into the night leaving. . .yes, you guessed it a slipper. Such a sweet fairytale.
Profile Image for LastBreath.
392 reviews5 followers
November 17, 2018
A very Cinderella-ish retake. But with dragons! And Minus the pumpkin carriage.

What happens when the Dressmaker meets the Duke? Will it be insta-love? Will it be fire & brimstone? Or will it be business as usual?

Saskia Evan's is a paranormal with a damaged dragon inside her and an equally deranged step-family. Callan D'Anameyal is the Queens cousin and member of her Majestys elite guard. As fate (and Mina Carter) would have it these two are destined. But for that to eventuate they must first battle the evil dragoness and save the damsel from the horrifying troll.

Quick, fun and easy insta-lust-mance. Three things that Miz Carter always gives to me in trump's
Profile Image for Jan.
1,928 reviews9 followers
December 18, 2018
Saskia has been treated badly since her father died. Her evil Step-mother cares nothing of her but the talent she has as a seamstress. They have the gowns for the Queen to choose from. Saskia stays in the background till the Duke walks in. The Duke sees the little mouse and is intrigued by her. Little does he know who she is or that her Dragon has been kept dormant.

Ok, think of this story as Ever After but with a Dragon. In the beginning Saskia is beaten and afraid but as she meets the Duke, she wants more. The Duke is not going to allow his Queen and cousin to marry him off to anyone. It is a cute story. A bit of heat, but not much.
96 reviews1 follower
May 9, 2017
Cinderella with dragon side

I really wasn't too interested in reading Cinderella 2.0 but I started it and was hooked! The story retold Cinrella with a dragon twist. It presented a very believable tale of a super natural world. The evil stepmother completely removed Cinderella from the family and used her skills and talents to benefit herself. Cinderella could have been the poster child for Perils of Pauline. Altogether a very entertaining and enjoyable read. Highly recommend for light hearted quick read.
Profile Image for Debs.
1,189 reviews13 followers
May 14, 2017
"Hunted by the Dragon Duke" was such a fun read! Even though it was a novella, the author didn't miss a beat keeping the story fresh and entertaining. A paranormal take on Cinderella and her evil stepmother and stepsisters, a lot was packed in the story for Callan and Saskia. Of course (the slipper will fit), Callan and Saskia will get their HEA. Although I wish it had been a bit longer, I recommend it for the paranormal lover. I would like to thank the author for gifting me with "Hunted by the Dragon Duke". My opinion is my own. This is mine 3.5 Stars!
Profile Image for Pet.
3,589 reviews8 followers
June 15, 2017
I get that this was based on the fairy tale, but I'll be honest even as a child I never understood why Cinderella stayed with that evil family, if she was already washing cooking and doing all that work why not just go out and get a job as a cleaner woman. The same goes for now as an adult I still think, why? Which is probably why I'm not a big fairy tale revamped fan.
However, it's Mina Carter and I generally like anything she writes, and this was no exception. While it won't go down onto my "read again often" list, it was an enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Jen ❥.
267 reviews
November 26, 2017
While I liked the story, I had a hard time figuring out what type of society and time period it occurred in. At first I thought it was a historical fantasy setting, but it mentioned reality shows and a limo. Yet the heroine slept on a pallet in the basement which couldn’t be heated. It was all very confusing. I enjoyed the Cinderella fairytale, but at the same time it felt incomplete because we never got to see the retribution with the evil steps. All in all, this was a few hours of an enjoyable escape, but not something I’ll read again or care to follow-up with other parts of the series.
Profile Image for Samm Lynn.
1,323 reviews21 followers
May 30, 2021
I just binge read the Council of Black Dragons 1-6. They are very short (ranging from 1/2 hour to 1 1/2 hour per read). They are entertaining. Personally, I skip the smexy scenes and read for the story. The plot for each is interesting and my only complaint is that they are too short.

I really enjoyed this Cinderella story. Saskia who believes that her dragon is broken and is subjugated by her stepmother and Calan who doesn't want a wife but is afraid that his cousin the Queen will demand that he wed, make an interesting couple. I love how she blossoms and the end of the story.
Profile Image for Barbara.
121 reviews1 follower
May 4, 2017
Hot Hot Chemistry

Calan and Saskia story wad so well written the chemistry between them had me glued to the story from the beginning to the end. I really like that love won and that evil lost. I would love to see more of this story.

Nina Carter has out done herself in this short story that is blew me away that she can write such an amazing story that will pull you in and want more.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 183 reviews

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