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After We Fall #4

From This Moment

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It was like seeing a ghost.

When my late husband’s twin brother moves back to our small town, I want to avoid him. Everything about Wes reminds me of the man I lost and the life we’d planned together, and after eighteen long months struggling just to get out of bed, I’m finally doing okay. I have a new job, an amazing support group, and a beautiful five-year-old daughter to parent. I don’t want to go backward.

But I’m drawn to him, too. He understands my grief and anger and guilt like no one else—and I understand his. Before long, that understanding becomes desire, and that desire becomes uncontrollable.

He says he doesn't care what people think, and love can never be wrong. But life has taught me it cruelest lesson--love doesn't always win.

If only my heart would believe it.

352 pages, ebook

First published October 10, 2017

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About the author

Melanie Harlow

75 books20k followers
USA Today bestselling author of sweet and sexy romance. Lover of cocktails, high heels, and history with the naughty bits left in. Michigan girl. INTJ. Always seeking ginspiration...

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Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
October 9, 2017
{ARC Generously Provided by Author}

”I knew the moment I saw you that you were the one. The one I’d always love. The one I’d always dream about. The one I’d always wish was mine.”

Up until I read ”FROM THIS MOMENT”, I had considered Melanie Harlow to be a pretty decent author. I’ve read a few of her books and really enjoyed them but this latest one completely captured my heart. This author has proven she belongs on my coveted favorite authors shelf. This story has a beautiful Hero, a Heroine that you will easily empathize with, and what bonds the two together is their devastating loss. Get ready to have your heart broken over and over. Be sure to have a box of tissues handy for the tears you will be shedding over this captivating love story.

Hannah Parks has been grieving over the unexpected death of her husband for nearly three years. She spends most of her time caring for her adorable six-year-old daughter Abby and working part-time as a cook for the Valentini’s bed & breakfast. Hannah has not been able to move on from the insurmountable feeling of loss that plagues her, and the only other people she spends time with are the women who are in her widow support group. She’s lost touch with old friends and keeps her distance from her In-laws because they're a painful reminder of her dead husband. She gets the wind knocked out of her when she runs into her husband’s identical twin brother, Wes. Seeing her husband’s mirror image in the flesh is wreaking havoc on her heart. But when Wes asks if he could come visit with her and Abby, she reluctantly agrees, knowing that it isn’t right to keep her daughter from family.

Wes has been lost in his own grief over his brother’s death for the past three years as well. Twins share an indescribably strong bond and it’s been hard for Wes to accept that his partner in crime and best friend is gone. Wes quickly enlisted in Doctors without Borders after he graduated from medical school, which was also soon after his brother and Hannah married. What he’s kept a secret for many years is that there’s only ever been one woman who stole his heart, and that was Hannah. Wes actually met Hannah before his brother Drew did. He would often catch a meal between classes at the diner that Hannah worked at. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he was smitten, but Wes was incredibly shy and lacked confidence with women. His brother, Drew, was the complete opposite of him. Drew was the life of the party, ladies man, and cocky beyond measure. The moment Drew and Hannah met, Wes knew his chances with her were completely shattered. Wes loved his brother and was used to giving up things he loved to make him happy, but this was the one time it hurt more than anything to let his brother win. Unable to stay in town and bear witness to his brother and Hannah living in wedded bliss, Wes leaves the country and yet no matter how many miles apart or years that passed, his love for Hannah never diminished in the slightest.

Slowly Wes breaks through the seemingly impenetrable wall that Hannah had built over the years. Not only is Hannah growing accustomed to his presence, but so is little Abby. When Hannah is finally able to contemplate the possibility of moving on from the past and seeing Wes in a way she never did before, we’re left wondering whether it is because she views him as a substitute for her dead husband or if there are true feelings in her heart for Wes. They fight their attraction at first but when you’re dealing with years of pent-up feelings over someone, eventually the need for physical contact is just too overwhelming not to give in to. Wes and Hannah’s passion will set their world ablaze! Keep those fans close by because the heat is almost too intense to endure.

While Wes and Hannah discover an intense love growing between them, their journey to a happily ever after is not traveled down a smoothly paved road—there are many bumps, roadblocks, and detours they must face. Are they strong enough to weather the somewhat insurmountable obstacles that lay ahead?

I know some people might view Hannah as weak but I only had the deepest empathy for her. I understood why she closed herself off all those years and how taking another chance on love was truly frightening for her.

Wes and Hannah’s story was beautiful to its heartbreaking core. It is my new favorite by Melanie Harlow and one that I will surely read again whenever I get the opportunity to do so!

Here are my overall ratings on the book:

Hero: 5
Heroine: 5
Plot: 5
Angst: 4.5
Steam: 5
Chemistry Between Hero & Heroine: 5

FROM THIS MOMENT releases on October 10th! This is absolutely, positively a MUST READ!!!

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Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.1k followers
October 15, 2017

HOLY FREAKING SWOOOOOOOON!! Omg. I can’t stop smiling!! I stayed up all night (yes, again) reading this ADDICTIVE, EMOTIONAL, ANGSTY, SEXY, SWOONY, GORGEOUS love story that was overflowing with feels!! And, yes, there are a lot of shouty caps in this post but this book deserves them!! If you love heart-meltingly sweet heroes, strong single mom heroines, angsty forbidden romance, and beautiful epilogues, this is a MUST-READ!

As I'm writing this review, I've literally had 3 hours of sleep, I've been chugging coffee all day like it's a magic potion, and I'm completely exhausted. But it was SO worth it because seriously let's be honest, all of us WANT the kind of book that keeps us up all night because you just can't put it down. They really are the best of the best.

And, I'm not gonna lie, this was one of the catchiest blurbs I've seen in a long while. That, coupled with the fact that I already love Melanie Harlow's writing style made me know that this was absolutely a book I'd want to read as soon as I could get my hands on it. And it lived up to my every expectation!

When my late husband’s twin brother moves back to our small town, I want to avoid him. Everything about Wes reminds me of the man I lost and the life we’d planned together, and after eighteen long months struggling just to get out of bed, I’m finally doing okay. I have a new job, an amazing support group, and a beautiful five-year-old daughter to parent. I don’t want to go backward.

But I’m drawn to him, too. He understands my grief and anger and guilt like no one else—and I understand his. Before long, that understanding becomes desire, and that desire becomes uncontrollable.

He says he doesn't care what people think, and love can never be wrong...
If only my heart would believe it.

The pacing of this story was great! I was a little concerned about how the author would handle the transition from the heroine literally being married to one twin, to falling in love with the other. It's a tricky situation by any standards and when you add in a child to the mix too it just adds more layers. But I can honestly say I was really impressed with the way the whole situation was presented. I never felt like she was trying to replace one twin with the other, and things were revealed along the way that really made me not only accept but really embrace the direction of the storyline. Sorry, I'm trying to be vague here but still explain what I mean. I hope this makes sense.

The FEELS really stand out in this book. Like my heart was genuinely racing as I kept flipping those pages. I got a lot of that feeling you know like right before you go over a roller coaster... that one.

“I thought he was a ghost.
The same one I’d seen a hundred times in the last eighteen months, doing all manner of everyday things. Driving the car behind me. Crossing the street in front of me. Jogging along the beach, sweat soaking one of his faded green Michigan State t-shirts that seemed to multiply in the wash.
And it never failed. Ever time, every single time, my heart would beat a little faster. I knew it! I knew he wasn’t really dead. They’d been wrong. I’d been right. He was still here.
Except he wasn’t. Of course he wasn’t…”

I gotta say too that there's just something about a kind, sweet, sexy, good guy type of hero that is just really wonderful to read. It gave me a really warm fuzzy feeling just seeing the way Wes approached both Hannah and her daughter even though his entrance into their life brought on a lot of questions that were hard for a little kid to understand since he looked exactly like the Dad she'd lost...

“Want to ask me a question?”
“Yes.” She looked up at me. “Are you sure he’s not Daddy?”
The desperate hope in her eyes crushed my broken heart. “Yes, honey. I’m sure.”
“He looks just like him.” She glanced at the photo on the night stand.
“I know. That’s because they’re identical twins. Remember, I told you it might be strange to see him.”
“And he likes Moose Tracks, too. Just like Daddy. And he’s a doctor just like Daddy.”
“Lots of people like Moose Tracks. And lots of people are doctors. Uncle Wes is not your daddy. He’s a different person.”

Of course there were a lot of complications that came with falling for the twin brother of your late husband in a small town where gossip is practically the lifeblood of the community. But I will admit that the one thing that genuinely made me MAD beyond all measure was the mother-in-law. Holy freaking hell that woman made me see red. And my only complaint was that, even though she came around in the end, I really wanted someone to strongly put her in her place. I personally have zero tolerance for that kind of thing so it was just a sore spot for me. But in fairness to the book, I would not consider this stupid drama even though the character was a selfish blind fool because I have met real people who are like that and I recognize that her character was very believable though infuriating.

A tear slipped down one cheek. “People will talk. People will say it’s wrong.”
“Fuck people. This is between you and me.”

That being said, I literally LOVE LOVE LOVED everything else about this book. Hannah and Wes together just made complete sense to me. I loved how amazing he was with her daughter, I loved the way he never rushed Hannah into anything, I understood Hannah's fears, and I think the main reason I was so 'into' this story was how strongly I was rooting for them to make it.

“What are you feeling?” he asked quietly.
“Like I wish things were different right now.” I shrugged helplessly, giving in to it. “For us. Do you ever wish that things were different?”
He didn’t even need to hesitate. “All the fucking time.”

I also really appreciated how different Drew and Wes were. Despite their identical appearance, they had very different personalities which really helped solidify the understanding that Hannah wasn't just substituting a lookalike for her late husband, but was genuinely falling in real love with this other man.

“It’s easy to see why you might develop feelings for Wes. He’s Drew’s brother. They were a lot alike in some ways. And they were identical.”
“But they were really different too,” I said. “I’ve only really just gotten to know Wes since he’s been home. We’ve talked a lot, and he’s such a great listener. A much better listener than Drew, actually. Drew loved to talk and tell jokes and be the center of attention. Wes is more quiet, more serious, maybe more intense.”

They had SCORCHING hot chemistry and those of you who love a good steamy romance will be well rewarded with this book. But to me the most important thing was that the build up was very well paced and the emotional connection was well established so that was honestly was pulled the heat of this story together to me.

“I lost my chance with you then, and maybe I deserved to, for being too scared to speak up and tell you how I felt. Maybe I deserved to watch you fall in love with my brother instead of me. But maybe it just wasn’t our time then. Maybe it’s our time now.”
Her eyes opened slowly. They were wet with tears.
“Tell me you feel nothing for me, and I’ll go. Tell me you could never be happy with me. Tell me I could never be what you want.”
“I can’t.” Her voice quavered.
She hadn’t invited me in, but that didn’t stop me from crossing the threshold and taking her face in my hands. “Then let me love you, the way I’ve always wanted to.”

Oh and this can be read as a complete standalone book. It does however take place in the same town as 2 other standalones by this author After We Fall (my review) and If You Were Mine (my review) but you do not have to read those before (or after) this book unless you want to. This is genuinely a standalone story — and it's the only book about this particular couple — that even has a gorgeous, heart-warming epilogue that is full of feels!!

Bottom line, if you're looking for a sexy, swoon-filled, addictive romance that'll make your heart race on every page, this is definitely the book for you! It was pure ROMANCE HEAVEN and a top favorite recommendation!!

Rating: 4.5 STARS!! Contemporary Adult Romance, can standalone.

Buy FROM THIS MOMENT (Paperback)


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Profile Image for Karen Mc .
1,049 reviews770 followers
October 10, 2017

There is freedom waiting for you, on the breezes of the sky. And you ask, “What if I fall?” Oh but my darling, “What if you fly?”
~Erin Hanson

Have you ever read a book that has moved you so much that your heart and soul are still stuck in the story? I KNEW From This Moment by Melanie Harlow wouldn’t have to steal my heart; I’ll willingly surrender it along with my soul. Oh did I surrender everything as these heart-hitting words held me so hard!!! From the moment I began From This Moment, my heart was stripped bare—both SHATTERING and SOARING—as this story held my heart in its hands.

Witty. Strong. Beautiful. Broken. Beautiful Hannah was dealt one of life’s toughest blows. Now a widow with a young daughter, she must go on and cling to the sliver of hope that she will heal. She never expected a constant reminder to crash into her like a hurricane: the identical twin of her late husband.

I knew it wasn’t me she was seeing. No matter how much I wished it was.

Gorgeous. Caring. Funny. Sweet. Sexy. Wes has returned to his hometown to help his family but did not expect his twin brother’s late wife to uncover feelings buried along time ago.

I wanted to go back and do it all over. Everything. From the very beginning. I wanted to make her mine.

Hannah and Wes can’t fight the force of fate that connects them, as if they were soul mates. I MELTED from the MAGIC of this couple. I felt their UNDENIABLE CHEMISTRY and CONNECTION. I felt their SPARK too. Together, this hero and heroine were the sun amid the storm.

”Christ, Hannah.” His voice broke. “You’re killing me.”

And you’re bringing me back to life.

These words?!? Their beauty bled through me, straight to the heart and soul. The passion, poignancy, heartbreak, and hope—I felt them all! I FELT every word. I FELT EVERYTHING!!!

”Say you love me. Say we still have a chance.”

Where there is darkness, there is light. Where there is heartbreak, there is hope. Where there is hope, there is healing.

”Love is a risk...but it’s always a risk worth taking.”

I'm still MESMERIZED—so UNEQUIVOCALLY MOVED—by Melanie Harlow’s words in From This Moment, a story that STRUCK MY SOUL. A story that made me melt...made me break...made me think...MADE ME FEEL. From This Moment made my HEART BLEED and my SOUL SOAR. From This Moment is not simply a romance; it’s a story about heartbreak, hope, and happiness. It’s a story about LIFE AND LIVING. It’s about overcoming tragedy…taking that leap of faith...living for the moment...living life now. From This Moment makes every moment count, and oh did this STUNNING STORY mean the world!!!

Oh did I FALL HARD for From This Moment, another top 2017 read from Melanie Harlow because this romance made me FEEL the whole time reading. My heart and soul were intertwined in this book from beginning to end. From This Moment is passion meets poetry, and I was WOWED by its wondrous words!!! This book is so HEARTBREAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL!!! This book BLEW ME AWAY!!! From This Moment is heart-pounding, passionate, and poignant, a beautiful book of love, loss, and life that will hold your heart forever. I. CAN'T. STOP. FEELING. THIS. ROMANCE!!!

We were always headed for this moment.

Another 6-star sensation from the incredible heartfelt-word magician, Harlow!!!

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 heart-hitting and soul-stealing stars


➡️ http://amzn.to/2yc8k80

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Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews903 followers
October 12, 2017
✮✮✮ 3 STARS ✮✮✮

Review @ Vanilla & Spice Books

This seems to be one of the cases of it's me not the book because everyone else seems to have loved Melanie Harlow's From This Moment and while I didn't hate it, I didn't love it as much as I After The Fall and If You Were Mine. There are so many reviews raving about this story so please check them out - maybe it was the wrong time for this book...I don't know.

For much of the book I was well entertained. I loved Wes - he has been carrying a torch for the woman who married his twin brother. When he comes home after years of working in Africa for Doctors Without Borders he runs into Hannah, who is still struggling with coming to terms with the premature death of her husband. But when Drew died, Hannah didn't only lose her husband, Wes lost his best friend, his brother, the person he always stepped aside for because he loved his brother almost more than anything in the world - until Hannah.

“I always knew you were the one.”

I loved how selfless Wes was. He gives Hannah himself and she is the only woman he sees. He is also one the shy ones, the ones you don't see right away but once you do there is no going back. Wes is amazing with the Hannah's daughter, the way they bonded was really sweet. He is a wonderful, good man with a pure, pure heart and so in tune with Hannah's feelings. He gives her room and time when she needs it although he craves her company.

With Hannah you can only empathize. She saw her whole life laid out for her and all of a sudden everything changes. She is alone, a single mother and still reeling from the death of her husband. She went through all the stages of grief but never pulled herself out of the depression. When Wes comes back it's easy to see how upset she is - of course she is, her late husband's face looks back at her when she looks at him.

I didn't want it. I wasn't ready for it. But love comes without warning.

Letting him isn't just confusing for her, she is first and foremost a mother and needs to consider her daughter's feelings too. However, their shared grief makes for a powerful connection because Wes knows exactly what Hannah is going through. The most important person in his life is gone too. And slowly there is a light lifting the darkness and soon their friendship escalates into more, way more. which brings a whole new set of issues because this is a small town and people talk. Mostly behind people's backs. And not very flattering.

I empathized with Hannah for half of the book. She really tried hard to get herself out of the never-ending spiral of grief. At some point, though her constant push and pull started to get on my nerves She got also a bit spiteful and that's not an attractive feat. I couldn't see how she would ever get over her fear. And a couple of pages later there was a twist...

And all of a sudden things were looking up and that just didn't work for me. She lays down the law one moment and the next nothing that was a problem before matters anymore. While I did believe that she honestly loved him their problems didn't go away. I also still had the last time she freaked out in mind...

... and that was only a couple pages before she was enlightened. I just didn't buy it.

With all that being said, I adored Wes and loved little Abby. I also think that Wes' mother was a great counter part as an overbearing and opinionated witch. I loved to hate her. The angst level is higher than I expected but that wasn't unwelcome.

“Love is a risk, Hannah. But it’s always a risk worth taking.”

While this isn't my favorite by Melanie Harlow I still enjoyed parts of it. Again, the reminder - if you have read my review do yourself a favor and read others too. The way we experience books is always subjective and you might miss out on a great read!

Profile Image for Sher❤ The Fabulous BookLover.
932 reviews578 followers
October 13, 2017
:::4.5 STARS!!!!:::

"I always knew you were the one."

This book was misleading. I saw the cover (and trust me I'm so not complaining about that sexy hunk on the front) but when I saw the cover I figured I was getting one of those sweet, cute, I'll-like-this-story but I'm-pretty-sure-I've-read-this-plot-before, sort of read.

Well that's what I get for being so presumptuous! This book was not at all what I expected. It was remarkable. It was heavy. It was beautiful. It was heartbreaking. It just was.

From This Moment is an unforgettable story. Wes and Hannah go through a lot together. And my heart hurt for these two. I felt for them. Hannah is such an amazing mom and I loved reading about her daughter Abby. This story is so realistic and it just flows so well that you'll look up and realize you've been reading for hours. Wes, the hero has stolen my heart. I love a hero that's willing to do whatever it takes for the love of his life, no matter the cost.

Another thing I loved is that the characters are in their mid-thirties. I felt like I was able to connect with them more and understand their decisions better. There's so many YA/NA books that it's refreshing to read a more mature couple every now and then.


This was my very first Melanie Harlow. And I was scared to dip my toe into her pool, but now I want to drown in this authors books. This is a definite must read. Just prepare for all the feels and have a kleenex ready cause you're going to need it.

*ARC graciously provided in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Megan✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
293 reviews485 followers
October 13, 2017

“I knew it wasn’t me she was seeing. No matter how much I wished it was.”

Ok… I first have to explain the tardiness of this review; unfortunately the dreaded influenza has been ramped up through my house in the last week or so and has hit me for six and prevented me from getting this review out as planned, so I apologise.

I’ve always enjoyed Melanie Harlow’s stories, but to be honest, when I first read the synopsis of From This Moment, I was a little unsure as to whether I would like this one not. Falling for your deceased husband’s identical twin brother seemed a little bit creepy to me, but I always try to hold off judgment and read with an open mind. I loved this so much more than I thought I would and to be honest it blew me away and captured my heart.

“I wasn’t always this pessimistic. Once upon a time, I had hopes and dreams, and life stretched out ahead of me, full of possibilities. After all, I had love, and love conquered all, didn’t it? Love could solve any problem, heal any wound, move mountains, build bridges, tear down walls. But it couldn’t save my husband. It couldn’t give my daughter back her father. And it couldn’t fool me again.”

Hannah has suffered a most immense pain and loss with the sudden passing of her husband. Each day is a struggle for her as she goes through the motions day in day out, knowing she still has to care for her six year old daughter, Abby. The only social situations’ Hannah becomes involved in is through her local support group, where other woman know and understand what she is living every day. Things soon become very complicated when Hannah bumps into her husband’s identical twin brother, Wes.

Wes reminds Hannah in every way of her husband, especially due to the fact that they are a mirror image of each other. What is Hannah to do knowing just looking at Wes causes her intense pain? Well, she attempts to avoid him at all costs (who wouldn’t). Hannah can only keep that up for so long, because she realises it’s not healthy to keep her daughter away from her family just to protect her own heart.

Since the passing of his brother, Wes has been dealing with his own grief and coming to terms with the fact he has lost his twin and best friend. I’m not sure there is any greater bond on earth than that of a twin; they share so much more than a birthdate.

Whether Hannah and Wes want to admit it or not, they have a force so much greater bringing them together. They own each other’s heart and soul. Their hurt and pain has bonded them together, but their chemistry has sealed the deal. For Wes, Hannah was the one that got away and she has always held a piece of his heart, but he loved his brother, so was more than willing to give up the love of his life for him. Will both Hannah and Wes get another chance at a happily ever after or will the ghost of Drew keep them apart?

From This Moment was a heartbreaking, raw and beautiful story. The road to a happily ever after is not always smooth, but sometimes the reward is worth the rocky road to get there. This was such an amazing rollercoaster ride and I could not recommend this second-chance forbidden love story enough.

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Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
1,006 reviews1,168 followers
October 9, 2017

I haven’t read a Melanie Harlow book in a while and I’ve forgotten the way she holds her readers captive with her words. Emotionally, I’m beyond exhausted after reading this story but I wouldn’t have it any other way because you know what? The journey was worth it. Every tear, every frustration, every setback was worth it because it lead these characters to the place they were always meant to be.

They say that grief is the worst kind of imaginable pain and once it consumes you, there’s no getting out of it without a few scars. For Hannah, grief has become her friend and enemy over the past eighteen months. Losing the love of her life and the father of her child, Hannah is now trying to pick up the pieces and be the best version of herself for her daughter.

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Little by little, step by step, day by day, she gives it her all for the one person that needs her the most but it’s not easy. Taking care of her daughter by herself is not the problem, seeing your dead husband’s identical twins brother everyday? Now that’s an anxiety attack waiting to happen and unfortunately that’s the reality for Hannah. How can seeing a man that has the exact same face, smile and voice like your husband be comforting and heartbreaking at the same time? Falling for Wes wasn’t the plan but you know what they say about those…..

Finally returning home after being away with “Doctors Without Borders” Wes is now ready to be with his family and take over his father’s practice. Eighteen months ago his whole world changed with the sudden death of his twin brother and that loss has left his entire family with a painful grief. But nothing compares to seeing his brother’s widow after all these years. He saw her first, he loved her from afar, and knowing that she’s going through a tough time right now, makes Wes want to do everything in his power to be there for Hannah and his niece. But when old feelings arise from the surface and questioning your morals become a constant priority, how can falling in love with someone who’s off limits be right?

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“Maybe I deserved to watch you fall in love with my brother instead of me. But maybe it just wasn’t our time then. Maybe it’s our time now”.

First off let me just say that from looking at the cover alone, I honestly thought that this was going to be a sweet romance with a dash of forbiddeness to it. I was not prepared for this emotional hot mess of family drama! These characters wore me out and I honestly wanted to choke a few of them with their stupidity but then I remembered that they’re family and at the end of the day, we love them and that love, keeps us out of jail ( at least for me it does).

I loved Wes and Hannah’s connection and seeing their individual struggle with coming to terms with their feelings. Wes has always been the shy type growing up and being the center of attention was never his thing so I loved the fact that he was his own person when it came to a comparison with his brother. He wore his heart on his sleeve in most cases and when it came to Hannah, you didn’t need to know that he’s always liked her in the past, you FELT it in the present, and you prayed for an unconditional love in the future.

It’s books like these that will have you smiling after a tear escapes from your eyes and you sigh with relief. You sigh because the hard part is over and you know that they made it. You sigh because you realize that your heart is full with joy and these characters did the story justice. But your biggest sigh, the one that made your entire body weep in relief, was knowing that love won. It conquered, it protected, and it WON.

Profile Image for TJ *Book Twins Reviews*.
1,140 reviews2,580 followers
October 9, 2017
5 "Love Wins" Stars!

This book had me all up in my emotions! I may or may not have cried from cover to cover and loved every tearful moment! It's such a beautiful heartfelt story of loss, grief, guilt and how the power of love has the capability to heal a broken family.

 photo oprah-crying.gif

If you love emotional, raw, and heart-wrenching reads, do not hesitate to one-click this book ASAP! It's a new TOP FAVE - one of the best books I've read this year! Hannah and Wes will make you laugh, cry, hope, and believe in second chances!

Grab your Kleenex and dive in for an amazing read! I HIGHLY recommend this book and suggest you go in blind and just enjoy the story as it unfolds. IT'S AMAZING!

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Profile Image for Jan.
1,223 reviews943 followers
October 14, 2017
** 2 Stars **

I had big expectations on this. How could I not when 90% of the reviews are raving about it?
Is this a "it's me not you" case? You tell me.

Everything happened in a ridiculously unreal speed and I couldn't follow the author lead in the relationship development aspect.
We met Hannah drowning in her sorrow, mourning her husband (dead for 18 months if I am not mistaken), still miserable and very much heartbroken when her brother in law landed in town after 7 years away. Her late husband’s identical twin brother, I should say.

It took only two encounters for her to overcome her grief and become dazzled by him. She went from someone who sounded depressed to the girl who couldn't live without Wes IN. A. BLINK.
WTH was that?!

The fact that Wes was her late husband's spitting image made this a much more subtle and delicate situation, so no, I didn't read it as insta-love. That said, it was even worse because in my opinion I never felt she was really into him. It felt like she was transferring her feelings to her husband's copy.

I believe that if the pace of relationship development was slower this could have worked for me. However, that was not the way it turned out. She went lusting for him too fast. Thoughts of "tired of being alone" or "I won't be alone tonight" were all over her head constantly and it felt so wrong to me. It was like she was desperate for anyone and it just so happened that he looked like her late husband.

Summing up, what failed for me was the speedy love development. Hell, there was no development. There was not enough time to build a connection. There was no time for her to get to know him. The L word was spelt after 3 weeks or so and after a handful of encounters.

Should I mention the end?
I wish the epilogue had finished just before Wes's speech. I didn't like him including his late brother in his wedding speech at all. It felt like Wes was forcing/convincing everyone that his deceased brother would have wanted him and Hannah together.
As for Hannah's part in the epilogue, I could have passed without:

"I knew in my heart it was meant to be. Love wins every time."

What does that even mean? That she didn't love her late husband?!

I'll give 2 Stars because I managed to finish it and I very much liked the entertaining character created by the author representing the majority of mother-in-laws.

Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,100 followers
October 10, 2017
5 stars ❤

Such a beautiful,emotional, intense and sweet story.From This Moment made me feel everything that the characters went through.I was captivated by Wes and Hannah’s story and I couldn't get enough of them.

I cannot express how much I loved this story, it was exactly what I needed.Both characters were fantastic.I could easily connect with Hanna.My heart was aching for her, she was heartbroken.Wes is the twin brother of Hannah's husband.Now that she lost him and she spend time with Wes her feelings are strong for him.But is it love what she feels or she sees her husband in Wes? Hanna and Wes have an emotional journey, but what comes in the end is so beautiful.They have an amazing connection and they are full of passion and every moment these two were together it's so intense.

From this moment is a fantastic story, Melanie Harlow did an amazing job.The writing is flawless and captivating.I highly recommend to everyone!


Profile Image for Syndi.
3,411 reviews979 followers
July 18, 2022
This is surprising. I like this book. The story is more than second chance romance. It has so many moral messages about dating dead husband's twin brother. The connection between Wes and Hannah is instant and short.

The plot and twist is more focusing on the nature of their relationship. Whatever it is right or wrong. We always believe love will conquer, but at what expense? Can people around you accept your relationship? I see many prespective of Wes and Hannah relationship from people around them.
The ultimate message is: love conquered all.

Miss Harlow writes it beautifully in From This Moment. Sweet and vulnerable.

4 stars
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,973 reviews1,521 followers
October 2, 2017
5 I’m in Love stars

I’ve read Melanie Harlow’s lighter books, but this is the first dramatic book I’ve read from her. From this Moment was a non-stop, A-plus, swoony read. I devoured this book like it was my last meal. I loved Hannah, she’s such a strong fierce mom, Abby is completely adorable and Wes stole my heart!

I wanted to read from this Moment because of the premise. I’m a sucker for a single parent book! Hannah is a widow and a single mom. She is doing the best she can in raising her five-year old daughter Abby. But everything changes when Wes comes back from working as a Doctor in Africa. The only thing is? Wes is Hannah’s late husband’s twin brother!

Doesn’t that sound like a good book?! It has a touch of taboo, but not too much where it’s not believable. I loved that Wes and Drew are twin brothers. I loved that Wes just came back from his job and so everything is raw, but not too new. There’s emotional pain from Drew’s death, but there has been enough time for both parties to grieve.

From the moment I started this book I couldn’t put it down. It’s a hearty book too with a lot of meat, character development and inner monologues, but you know what? I wanted it. I craved for it. I loved reading everything. There’s a perfect balance of descriptive writing and dialogue. This is something very hard for me to find in a book.

I loved reading Hannah’s POV. I love reading her pain, her sorrow and her love for her daughter. The entire book she wanted to do what was right and it was completely endearing to read. I’m a mom so this book touched a special place in my heart.

When Wes comes back, it’s like Hannah is seeing a ghost and it confuses everyone.

Wes, gah, he’s the sweet, loving guy that is never picked right? Who picks the shy guy, who wants the one that steps aside and does the right thing? Well, I DO! Wes has always harbor feelings for Hannah, but does that mean now is the right time to act on it?

What I really loved about this book was that it was a simple storyline, but the story was so complex. I loved that everyone wanted to do the right thing, yet it’s hard when love and the heart is on the line.

Is it okay to date the twin brother?

And I LOVED the secondary characters. Abby is cute, but Wes’ mom was another thing. Gah, I wouldn’t call her the villain of the book, but she made everything about the book so addictive to read. She was difficult, opinionated, yet loving and caring. I wanted to love and hate the woman at the same time. I would even say I enjoyed reading her character as much as I loved reading the main characters.

Single parent books are a dime a dozen, I read plenty of them, but From this Moment is fresh, emotional, a roller coaster of emotions (the good kind). It had the perfect balance of tension, wit and chemistry.

It’s a must read!

An ARC was provided

AMAZON http://amzn.to/2xMA18d

Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,711 reviews1,408 followers
October 11, 2017
3.5 I’ll Always Choose You stars!

Guy meets a girl. Guy is too shy to ask the girl out and wastes a month with casual conversation all while falling in love with her. Guy’s older identical twin swoops in and grabs the girl. Brother and the girl get married and have a daughter. Guy stays away because it’s one thing to step aside for his brother to get his happy ending, but it’s another thing to watch it play out with the girl of his dreams. Brother dies. Girl is devastated. Guy comes back home and he’s still in love with the girl. Girl is having trouble dealing with the fact that she has feelings for the guy. They live in a small town full of busybodies and are afraid of what people might say. This doesn’t stop them from falling deeper in love with each other, however, it is the main cause of friction between this couple. Eventually, guy and the girl live happily ever after.

"I knew the moment I saw you that you were the one… The one I’d always love. The one I’d always dream about. The one I’d always wish was mine."

I loved Wes. Loved him to pieces. He was kind, considerate, generous, thoughtful, compassionate, and so freaking sexy. I kept asking myself why Hannah couldn’t see all of this in the first place. He was such an awesome person. As for Hannah… There’s a part in the story where Hannah reveals that Drew had hurt her at one point in their marriage and she made a bunch of excuses and took the blame for it. This alone is why I didn’t like her. All of my sympathy for her dried up. However, I absolutely loved the way that Wes loved her. So she wasn’t all bad ;)

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The inclusion of the side characters who ended up playing a huge role in the plot, the drama, the communication between the main characters, and the chemistry that exploded between them were all very entertaining. The pain and grief the characters worked through gave this story its depth and provided a dimension they wouldn’t have achieved by romance alone. Oh, and I’m a huge fan of Wes’s dominant side. It may have been unexpected (by me at least), considering how gentle he comes across, but it gave the mild sexy scenes that extra oomph. If you’re looking for a book full of feels that touches on the forbidden, then From This Moment should do the trick!

Release Date: October 10, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
POV: Dual - 1st person
Heat: 3 out of 5
Type: Standalone

Profile Image for Sentranced Jem.
1,167 reviews601 followers
October 20, 2017

from this moment1

Title: From This Moment
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: October 5, 2017

This book.. wow.. who knew my tear ducts could produce that many tears? hahaha. Once in a while you stumble upon an unexpected gem of a book, From This Moment is definitely one of those for me.
I will admit that if you were a sane person, you'd read the synopsis and go either "EW! I mean your late husband's twin brother? seriously?!" or like a book-nut like me you'd go "Let's see Melanie Harlow do her magic!". I hope for your romantic beating heart's sake, you'd follow my footsteps and bask in this beautiful love story.

But because it just isn't fair to go in completely blind...

   I knew the moment I saw you that you were the one. The one I'd always love. The one I'd always dream about. The one I'd always wish was mine.  ❞ 

     I don't care what anyone says. I've loved you since the day I met you, and I'll love you until the day I die. And I will never, ever believe it was supposed to be any other way. ❞

Happy Crying! ;-) 

4.5 new1

Follow my blog Sentranced Jem or my social media Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
October 27, 2017
4 ★'s

"I knew the moment I saw you that you were the one."

Well, this one was a bit of a slippery slope...one identical twin dies and the other twin comes back to town. He was the first one to fall for Hannah and his feelings haven't changed. Is she falling for him or just someone that looks exactly like her dead husband? Pheww....it's a lot to take in.

And while I did enjoy it, especially Wes (he is just too sweet), things did feel a bit cliché unfortunately. From the mother-in-law being too demanding to Hannah being too wishy-washy. And then we can't forget Hannah's daughter, Abby...she's only five but she has quite the influence. And I can't forget about the twist involving a secret of Drew's (the deceased husband)! There's also something about these small towns and everyone knowing everyone's business!


I did like having the characters from After We Fall so involved in the story. It was great seeing how things are going for them and what's been going on. Jack still busts me up!

I really liked Wes' dad as well. He was just what they needed and helped even the situation out!

Overall, I did enjoy Wes and Hannah. I loved their alone time and how things ended up. I just wish the "cause" of her showing up wasn't why she showed up...if that makes sense!
Profile Image for Alex ♈.
1,568 reviews1,362 followers
December 18, 2018
3.75 stars

Beautiful and emotional read.
I loved the hero; my heart broke for the heroine, for them both.

Dead spouse and grief are not my triggers, though I try to avoid ‘family-sharing’; but since it was clear from the blurb and I enjoy author’s writing, I gave it a chance.

I loved the book. I wasn’t happy with everything that happened, I didn’t support all their decisions, but overall I could connect to the characters.

There was much grief and hurt; there was fear, but always love.

What I loved about the story – the direct and thoughtful approach of the twin brother ‘situation’. They didn’t drop it and just ‘accepted’ it - they spoke, they argued, they hurt each other, but they found their solution.
To be honest, such scenario wouldn’t have worked out for me, but I could understand and above all feel the love of MCs.

Despite I liked the book, I can understand my friends, who decided to skip it.

Safety & spoilers:
Profile Image for Jo - •.★Reading Is My Bliss★.•.
2,419 reviews236 followers
October 10, 2017
‘Nothing, and nobody, was yours forever. And the moment you thought they were, the moment you let go of fear and settled into contentment, taking for granted that all your dreams would come true – that’s the moment you lost it all.’

Just the blurb of this book had me feeling emotional and then I started to read it and was already crying at 10%. Having said that, I did manage to get my emotions under control and immerse myself into the story.

Losing someone you love is one of the hardest things that anyone would have to endure and it is especially hard when that person was so full of life and young. Drew died of a heart attack whilst out running one day, leaving behind his beautiful wife Hannah and daughter Abby. Eighteen months have passed and Hannah still struggles daily with her grief.

When Drew’s identical twin brother, Wes, returns to their hometown it completely messes with her head. He looks and sounds exactly like his late brother. Hannah is not the only one feeling affected by Wes’ homecoming, her daughter Abby is lapping up her uncle’s attention and wishing for things that just aren’t possible.

“Are you sure he’s not Daddy?” The desperate hope in her eyes crushed my broken heart. “Yes, honey. I’m sure.” “He looks just like him.”

What Hannah doesn’t know is that even from when they were young, Wes always stepped aside for his brother, letting him take the lead when there was a choice to be made. Wes met Hannah first and was secretly in love with her as a teenager but lacked the confidence to ever ask her out. Charismatic Drew never had problems talking to girls and completely won Hannah over. Now that Wes is back in town he feels this innate desire to care for and look after the girl he loved so long ago.

"Why was everything so fucked up? Why did I have these feelings for a woman who was so out of reach? What was I supposed to do with them?" - Wes

He is not the only one struggling with their emotions. Hannah knows she shouldn’t be feeling things for her dead husband’s brother but she longs to feel the warmth of a man hugging her, holding her while she sleeps and making her feel alive again. She has been so lonely for so long and maybe this is what they both need to heal and be at peace with the past. The feelings between Wes and Hannah intensify very quickly and the differences between Wes and Drew are much clearer, the more time they spend together.

"Maybe I deserved to watch you fall in love with my brother instead of me. But maybe it just wasn't our time then. Maybe it’s our time now." - Wes

Hannah struggles with the guilt of feeling like she is cheating on Drew and how much her daughter is falling in love with the idea of having a daddy again. They are both mindful of the town gossips and what their families would think about a future between them. It’s one big emotional mess that has Hannah second guessing every decision she makes but it’s time she put her own future happiness first and there is only one answer to that.

“Love is a risk, Hannah. But it’s always a risk worth taking.” - Wes
Profile Image for Gabby.
1,627 reviews29.3k followers
March 26, 2022
This is my first book from Melanie Harlow, and I am so impressed. I randomly picked up this book because I was in the mood for a romance, and I wasn't expecting to love it as much as I did. This book follows a girl named Hannah, who was married to this doctor named Drew. Drew died of a heart attack at thirty four, and she has been left to raise their five year old daughter Abby on her own. Drew's twin brother Wes returns home after spending years in Africa (he's also a doctor), and having him in town again is strange for Hannah and Abby (considering the fact that he looks exactly identical to Drew).

This story really got to me for a few reasons: 1) I love forbidden romance. This is definitely a forbidden romance because Wes is her brother-in-law, I mean I know Drew died and everything but still. It's forbidden because it would be very confusing for Abby to see her Mom with her Uncle who looks exactly like her Dad. Sp this had the perfect formula for an incredibly forbidden romance. 2) Wes is a doctor. I know this is so shallow, but I have a weakness for romances where the male love interest is a doctor. I mean, anything like a doctor, police officer, pilot, etc. I love a man in uniform. And because he's a doctor he's extremely protective of her and is able to take care of her and I just love it. Wes in general is one of my favorite male characters of all time, I adore him. Also, there is a surprising amount of plot twists thrown in and conflicts to keep the story moving and keep it interesting. Like, Wes's Mother who doesn't like Hannah and never really has. And This book also had me crying several times, it was just very emotional seeing Hannah grieving Drew so much and struggling with the fact that Wes looks exactly like him... I can't imagine how difficult that would be.

I knocked off a star because the last third of the book got a little too repetitive and dramatic in my opinion. I wanted to strangle Hannah just a little bit with her repetitive use of: "this will never work" and "but what will everyone say" and "what will this do to Abby?" and "I'm a terrible mother".... it just got old after the first fifty times. But other than that small annoying thing, I really enjoyed this book a whole lot.

Hannah and Wes are the new OTP, and now I want to read all of Melanie Harlow's books... I just read the description of one of her other books and realized some of the side characters I really liked in this book actually have their own book! So I really want to read that now! :) This is easily one of my new favorite romance novels!
Profile Image for *TANYA*.
1,002 reviews403 followers
May 7, 2018
I wanted to give it 5 stars, it was very endearing. What I liked about this book, was how many times I got choked up because of the heartbreak Hannah was dealing with and the secret yearning Wes felt for her all those years. What I didn’t like was the “over the top” drama of why they couldn’t be together. If that had been toned downed it would have been an excellent book.
Profile Image for The Book Bee.
570 reviews285 followers
October 16, 2017
REVIEW: 2 Stars

I hate doing this, but I am not going to have a popular opinion on this book. I will break it down, but I feel that I gave this book a fair shake and finished it. If anything, I love forbidden. I love the grittiness of it. The raw emotions that you feel because you are living this story with the characters, following them around trying to make sense of a situation that isn't always accepted. It's my favorite kind of trope, and I gravitate towards it. So naturally, once I heard about a woman falling for her dead husband's brother -- BAM! Yes!! Forbidden, sign me up! Alas....the story did not play out that well for me. I will attempt to explain why.

The writing.
It was chaotic and completely disjointed for me. I felt like the story was being told to me, from an outside perspective looking in. I wasn't feeling any emotion or connection with the characters, and that always makes the read rather rough for me. It also felt like it was written in parts, and then pieced together, making for a choppy read. Extra words, timeline sequence issues, completely wrong words (skin instead of sink), etc., these all added to my frustration. Granted, I got an ARC and in that I know that I will always get some errors. It's a guarantee, and I am ok with that and it never affects my rating. But timelines issues should always be fleshed out before they go out to early readers/bloggers.

The way this story was told was a little aggravating for me. For every action/drama sequence, a few paragraphs of questions and dragging monologue would follow. Like, can you just TELL the story instead of asking 20 questions? I didn't understand this process or why we were subjected to it throughout the entire story. It didn't make any sense to me. I like an emotional, well thought out story that takes me on a journey through a love that may not always seem easy. Progression, dialogue, action....suspense even. This one was written with an emotional disconnection, side characters with serious immaturity, and an action/question format that irritated me beyond belief. Don't ask me, please just tell me.

The characters.
Abby (daughter) was the cutest little bug, and I don't generally like kids in stories that play an integral part.

Margot and Georgia/Pete and Jack (coworkers/friends) were so supportive and had such a good vibe to them. I really liked meeting them and how well they helped Hannah and Wes with their dilemma. They also gave Hannah an amazing job and I loved that it allowed her creative side to come out; it was good for her. These were my favorite characters in the book after Wes. NOTE TO MENTION, this is a secondary character's story so this book may spoil some of After We Fall.

Hannah has NO backbone....not one. I can handle a sad/upset/distraught woman trying to pull herself out of the depths of despair after having lost her amazing husband that loved her unconditionally, and having some reservations about how she is doing raising her child. However, we had a worry-wart that had ZERO self confidence in anything having to do with LIFE and that made reading her character a drag. She questioned every breath she took...and that was really hard to empathize with, for me. I hate saying that because I know that if I were in her shoes, I can imagine I would be having a really hard time with life as well. But maybe the complete disconnect I felt in the writing contributed to my lack of emotion and understanding in that aspect.

Wes was the best part about the story. He had a good head on his shoulders, and some very valid points. "Fuck what everyone thinks." YES!! Yes, that's it, Wes. That's exactly what you need to stick to and go with it. But again, for the love of all things holy, stop.questioning.every.single.thing.

Lenore (mother to Wes) was THE WORST mother in law ever. I know they have a bad name, and some deservedly so, but Lenore set the bar really high for emotionally abusive, overbearing, sticking-her-nose-where-it-didn't-belong mothering. Like, so over the top, I was rolling my eyes the entire time we were in her shoes while she bemoaned Wes and Hannah's relationship. It was horrible. I honestly hated her.

Dr. Parks/Doc is the reason Wes is so well adjusted. Lucky son. The ability to insert words of wisdom while maintaining a neutral zone for his wife was not a task taken lightly, I can imagine. And how in God's name did he stay married to Lenore for 40 years?? That man should be knighted for sainthood.

Timeline issues.
--> How was it 18 months that he has been gone, but she lost her husband when her daughter was 3....yet, she turned six in the story and they had only been hanging out a few weeks by that point?

--> They had sex, and A WEEK HAD LAPSED, yet he was going to talk to her about what happened LAST NIGHT (referring to the sex they had). That isn't really possible. From Labor Day (Monday) to Saturday night, getting drunk with his friends. It's not last night. It can't be.

--> We switched from her Wine with Widows Wednesday night where she was talking with Tess, to it being later in the week....but we switched without any break or informational segue helping us move along in the story. It was a really odd transition. I was quite confused how it all went, and I read and re-read it a few times, hoping it was supposed to be a flashback, but nothing indicated it was at all.

--> She was ON THE PHONE with Margot, but she turned around to 'look at her'? I'm not sure how that is possible.

--> And yet another abrupt transition from being ON the phone with Margot to it being days later. No goodbye, no hanging up the phone, nothing.....just life carried on. Again, it makes me feel that this book was pieced together.

--> Last but not least, she "picked up her water and touched it to Drew's champagne as the room erupted....". Uh, she was clinking Wes' glass. Not Drew, because he died. Remember?

After these instances, it was clear that I needed to stop paying close attention to the timeline on how things played out and just enjoy the story, because I was driving myself mad trying to put it all together and make sense of it.

I will admit that the story itself was a good story. I liked the forbidden aspect of it and I liked the reality of the problems they could face in a small town full of gossip mongers. I get it, and that was one part I liked. I even enjoyed the seeming insta-love that many don't enjoy. I have always enjoyed those kinds of love stories with a good buildup, and 49% in, I sighed when these two characters were able to come together (pun intended). Hannah and Wes worked SO well together and I liked his backstory about his feelings for her. Sadly, this one had more bad than good for me. Would I recommend it? If you can look past the timeline issues, overlook weak characters, and enjoy immature drama coming from the mother/-in law, then I will easily recommend it. Otherwise....I feel that she didn't articulate this one well, and it fell short for me on most counts. I will be gifting a copy out still, because underneath it all, it was a good story.

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2xXSCMe

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2uEqBpG

iBooks: http://apple.co/2vjYJcj

B&N: http://bit.ly/2vqcLtd
Profile Image for Mali Mor ❤️ The Romantic Blogger.
453 reviews588 followers
June 11, 2020

The beginning of the book was very emotional - and I was very curious to know how the author would handle the biggest crisis in it - that the heroine was married and IN LOVE with the hero's twin *identical* brother, but as the story progressed, it did not live up to my expectations... I didn't feel that the crisis was fully handled and didn't receive a real answer to the question that disturbed me the most about their relationship - how can she really love Wes for who he is, and not for who he reminds her of?

Besides that, it was a fun read.
Profile Image for Yvette (Booksandbandanas).
485 reviews112 followers
October 12, 2017
What a beautifully heartbreaking love story.

This love story made me feel all the goosebumps, all the tears. I haven’t been so enthralled in a story of this much passion and sadness in quite a while.

Melanie Harlow will break your heart and somehow someway you’ll be caught up in the riptide of her words, and ultimately the actions of these characters, but it won’t even matter because you’ll be lost to the world.

I am high on this story, I can’t come down, or I dont want too.

Must read.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,382 followers
October 18, 2017
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review


A beautiful, heartfelt, and emotional page turner!!! From This Moment by Melanie Harlow is one of those reads that takes you by surprise. It may be considered not your conventional romance but this is a love story that was very real to the core as it united two people to heal, love again, and find that happiness. Since this book took me on an emotional journey, I urge you to get lost in Harlow’s magnetic and poignant prose as she gave readers one unforgettable romance that I cherished.

 photo MICHELLE1_zps3515xymk.jpg

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Profile Image for Lily (Night Owl Book Cafe).
674 reviews490 followers
March 16, 2019
A story about loss, love, and two people trying to heal when the odds are stacked against them. Hannah lost her husband. His twin brother moves back into town and she feels like she sees a ghost. Wes has been in love with Hannah since before his twin brother made a move on her and because he believed that Hannah and Drew were better off with each other, he never told his brother how he felt about her.

This was such a sweet story with a subject that’s a bit taboo, really well done. I like how Hannah and Wes had a connection before Drew stormed in like a hurricane and swept her away. I loved Wes, sweet, caring, shy Wes with a heart of gold who gave up a girl he was in love with because of his love for his brother and his inadequacy with women.

I think Melanie Harlow is a wonderful writer, who makes believable characters and handles touchy subjects with respect to weave a story that uncovers layers of complication and showed their struggles and the wall they had to climb to overcome. I really liked both characters, it was both heartbreaking and heartwarming. I love their connection and how deep it ran. I like the struggle and how real it seemed. I thought Melanie Harlow did a fantastic job showing the very realistic bumps of unconventional love.
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,347 reviews1,446 followers
October 23, 2017
The hero/heroine of this story irked me just a bit. She was getting over the tragic death of her young husband and his look alike twin brother (both doctors) comes back to the small town where he grew up (to take over his father's medical practice) and where she lives. They fall for each other but try to keep it a secret. She cares too much about 'what will people think' and flip flops about whether she wants a future with him or not. He lets his controlling mother prevent him from what he really wants to do. I wanted each of them to find their backbones and stand up for themselves. Or leave town and start a new life somewhere else. They finally do take a stand towards the end of the book but not without a lot of heartache.

The writing was good and the story was certainly interesting..I just wanted to give the H/h a swift
kick in the pants a time or two!:)
4 stars
Profile Image for Shayna.
1,812 reviews614 followers
October 8, 2017
I feel like it’s been FOREVER since I’ve had the pleasure of reading a Melanie Harlow Romance, but the truth is...it hasn’t been that long. I have just LOVED every single thing she has written and I want to experience that beautiful feeling every single day! With her latest release, FROM THIS MOMENT, I definitely got to experience that feeling and SO MUCH MORE! Even though, Ms. Harlow  eventually mended my heart back together again, I am still feeling the strain and the ache from it breaking in the first place. There is SO MUCH heartbreak and SO MUCH beauty in Wes and Hannah’s story, by the time I turned the last page, I had NO IDEA what to do with myself. When I first started reading Melanie Harlow’s books, I basked in the glory of those light-hearted romantic reads that had me swooning for days. Over the years, she has brought more and more complexity, drama, and beauty to her stories and I just can’t get enough. If you LOVED her work before...you are going to FALL HARD for this side of her, for sure!

"Pain, I was used to. Pain was familiar. Pain was safe.”

Now, in just reading the synopsis of the book, you KNOW that you are in for quite the heartache. This is a VERY tough subject/situation to read about and it doubles the angst-factor. It also gives the romance so much depth. It enriches the romance ten-fold and it makes the experience that much more special. Melanie Harlow is a MASTER at giving her readers the TOTAL EXPERIENCE. Meaning, you feel every ounce of pain, heartbreak, and joy that these characters are feeling. FROM THIS MOMENT takes you on quite the emotional journey - one that is sure to drain you, but it will also lift you up in the best possible way.

"Tell me you feel nothing for me, Hannah, and I’ll go. Tell me you could never be happy with me. Tell me I could never be what you want."

"I can’t."

”Then let me love you, the way I’ve always wanted to.”

I gotta tell you, I fell INSTANTLY for Wes. I was rooting for him from the very beginning. So much so, that it had me thinking, “Jack who?” But honestly, his loyalty, his conviction, his protectiveness just made my heart turn into a big ole’ pile of feels. As much as I loved Wes, I absolutely HATED his mother. I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever hated a character SO DAMN MUCH. In this story there are many villains, mostly emotions, feelings, or otherwise, but the main villain for me was that bitch of a mother-in-law to poor Hannah. I get so worked up over it, even now. And trust me, you will get this when you crack open this book. Be prepared, you will want to chuck it at someone’s head every single time this lady speaks.

Ok, I just had to put that little rant in there. In contrast to that, I fell in love with Hannah and her little girl. So precious. So strong and they don’t even know it. I wanted to reach into the book and hug them both and reassure them that everything is going to be okay.

I truly could go on and on about this romance. These characters just encased themselves in my heart and they won’t let go. I’m so passionate about Hannah and Wes’ story, that I just want to shout it out to the whole world to read this book! But I’ll settle for telling my lovely followers that FROM THIS MOMENT is an absolute MUST READ in my book. This is one of Melanie’s best and EVERY SINGLE romance reader should experience this beautiful and emotional masterpiece!

From This Moment Tease

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Profile Image for London.
725 reviews
October 15, 2017
I know a lot of people are apprehensive about this book due to her falling in love with her dead husbands twin, but don’t. I absolutely loved this book and I loved the hero! I never got the impression that he was second best, if anything, I was sad they hadn’t been together from the start.

It’s not some major scandal or a love triangle that led her to choose Drew over Wes either. The hero, Wes, met the heroine first while she worked at a restaurant in town. He was super shy at the time and couldn’t bring himself ask her out at the time. The heroine liked him too but because weeks had gone by and he hadn’t made a move she assumed he wasn’t interested. One day, his twin brother Drew comes in and immediately asks her out and that’s pretty much how she ends up with Drew instead of Wes.

Fast forward to after Drew’s death and Wes comes back to town (he stayed away partially because he was in love with his brothers wife) and he sees the heroine again.

I just loved Wes. He was so damn sweet and caring and personally I enjoyed finally reading a romance where it’s the hero that’s been in love with the heroine for years while she was with someone else.

Profile Image for Mandy.
1,557 reviews231 followers
October 4, 2017
Loved this book so much! Emotional and a bit angsty with a sweet romance and super hot steamy scenes - this book was everything I love about romance! To be totally honest, I was a bit hesitant going into this one - I was nervous about how the story would work with the hero being the deceased husband's twin. I love this authors writing so I wanted to give it a chance and I'm so glad I did. This was a heartfelt story, a grieving widowed single mom and the twin brother of the man she loved - there were people who would think it was wrong but they understood each other and had amazing chemistry. I'm totally swooning over this story, the characters and even the small town setting. I can't wait to read whatever this author writes next.
Profile Image for Fani *loves angst*.
1,770 reviews215 followers
February 1, 2019
So, this is a difficult one. I absolutely loved the first half: Wes's love for Hannah, his regrets, Hannah's attraction to Wes combined with the guilt she felt for it, the family dynamics with the in-laws (much as I didn't care for Lenore, she was VERY realistically described and carefully nuanced), all were beautifully written, making it hard for me to put it down. Their first sex scene was powerful and sensual; I could feel their passion along with their guilt and couldn't wait to see how they'd manage to overcome that. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse afterwards. Hannah declared she had feelings for Wes besides lust, only a couple of weeks after he came back. When they had sex for the second time, those feelings became 'love', while her guilt for betraying Drew was readily replaced with fear about what people would think about the two of them. This is where everything went downhill for me. Because of the fast pace it happened, I couldn't believe that Hannah loved Wes: in fact, I very much agreed with Lenore, that Hannah wanted a man again in her life to make it easier for her and Abby, and Wes just happened to be available and willing.

There was also too much drama in the second half, and not the good kind, I'm afraid :( The scene where Hannah receives messages from 'friends' that they saw her with Wes and demanded to know what's going on, was taken right out of a soap opera and would never happen in real life. I also didn't like how easily she accepted Wes's very expensive gift, as it wasn't something urgent or vital to have. I mean, what kind of woman accepts a gift worth 1500$ from a man she's dated for only a month, even if it was something for her daughter and not her? And don't get me started on Wes's inability to tell a woman he's not interested in, to remove her hand from his thigh! Hannah changing her mind every couple of days didn't help matters either; I'm a worrier myself and can understand many of her insecurities, but in the end, all that self-doubt made her seem weak, whiney and in need of a reassuring presence (=Wes to the rescue!) in her life, not the kind of strong, capable woman that could handle living alone, but consciously chose not to do so.

To resume:
4.5 stars for the first half, 1 star for the second half. 2 stars as a whole because I didn't buy that Hannah loved Wes and that's a major issue for me. In any case, I love this author's style and I want to read more books from her.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 827 reviews

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