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352 pages, ebook
First published October 10, 2017
When my late husband’s twin brother moves back to our small town, I want to avoid him. Everything about Wes reminds me of the man I lost and the life we’d planned together, and after eighteen long months struggling just to get out of bed, I’m finally doing okay. I have a new job, an amazing support group, and a beautiful five-year-old daughter to parent. I don’t want to go backward.
But I’m drawn to him, too. He understands my grief and anger and guilt like no one else—and I understand his. Before long, that understanding becomes desire, and that desire becomes uncontrollable.
He says he doesn't care what people think, and love can never be wrong...
If only my heart would believe it.
“I thought he was a ghost.
The same one I’d seen a hundred times in the last eighteen months, doing all manner of everyday things. Driving the car behind me. Crossing the street in front of me. Jogging along the beach, sweat soaking one of his faded green Michigan State t-shirts that seemed to multiply in the wash.
And it never failed. Ever time, every single time, my heart would beat a little faster. I knew it! I knew he wasn’t really dead. They’d been wrong. I’d been right. He was still here.
Except he wasn’t. Of course he wasn’t…”
“Want to ask me a question?”
“Yes.” She looked up at me. “Are you sure he’s not Daddy?”
The desperate hope in her eyes crushed my broken heart. “Yes, honey. I’m sure.”
“He looks just like him.” She glanced at the photo on the night stand.
“I know. That’s because they’re identical twins. Remember, I told you it might be strange to see him.”
“And he likes Moose Tracks, too. Just like Daddy. And he’s a doctor just like Daddy.”
“Lots of people like Moose Tracks. And lots of people are doctors. Uncle Wes is not your daddy. He’s a different person.”
A tear slipped down one cheek. “People will talk. People will say it’s wrong.”
“Fuck people. This is between you and me.”
“What are you feeling?” he asked quietly.
“Like I wish things were different right now.” I shrugged helplessly, giving in to it. “For us. Do you ever wish that things were different?”
He didn’t even need to hesitate. “All the fucking time.”
“It’s easy to see why you might develop feelings for Wes. He’s Drew’s brother. They were a lot alike in some ways. And they were identical.”
“But they were really different too,” I said. “I’ve only really just gotten to know Wes since he’s been home. We’ve talked a lot, and he’s such a great listener. A much better listener than Drew, actually. Drew loved to talk and tell jokes and be the center of attention. Wes is more quiet, more serious, maybe more intense.”
“I lost my chance with you then, and maybe I deserved to, for being too scared to speak up and tell you how I felt. Maybe I deserved to watch you fall in love with my brother instead of me. But maybe it just wasn’t our time then. Maybe it’s our time now.”
Her eyes opened slowly. They were wet with tears.
“Tell me you feel nothing for me, and I’ll go. Tell me you could never be happy with me. Tell me I could never be what you want.”
“I can’t.” Her voice quavered.
She hadn’t invited me in, but that didn’t stop me from crossing the threshold and taking her face in my hands. “Then let me love you, the way I’ve always wanted to.”
There is freedom waiting for you, on the breezes of the sky. And you ask, “What if I fall?” Oh but my darling, “What if you fly?”~Erin Hanson
I knew it wasn’t me she was seeing. No matter how much I wished it was.
I wanted to go back and do it all over. Everything. From the very beginning. I wanted to make her mine.
”Christ, Hannah.” His voice broke. “You’re killing me.”
And you’re bringing me back to life.
”Say you love me. Say we still have a chance.”
”Love is a risk...but it’s always a risk worth taking.”
We were always headed for this moment.
“I always knew you were the one.”
I didn't want it. I wasn't ready for it. But love comes without warning.
“Love is a risk, Hannah. But it’s always a risk worth taking.”
“I knew it wasn’t me she was seeing. No matter how much I wished it was.”
“I wasn’t always this pessimistic. Once upon a time, I had hopes and dreams, and life stretched out ahead of me, full of possibilities. After all, I had love, and love conquered all, didn’t it? Love could solve any problem, heal any wound, move mountains, build bridges, tear down walls. But it couldn’t save my husband. It couldn’t give my daughter back her father. And it couldn’t fool me again.”
Title: From This Moment
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: October 5, 2017
❝ I knew the moment I saw you that you were the one. The one I'd always love. The one I'd always dream about. The one I'd always wish was mine. ❞
❝ I don't care what anyone says. I've loved you since the day I met you, and I'll love you until the day I die. And I will never, ever believe it was supposed to be any other way. ❞