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The Clarity

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Dr. Matilda Deacon is a psychologist researching how memories are made and stored when she meets a strange eleven-year-old girl named Ashanique. Ashanique claims to harbor the memories of the last soldier killed in World War I and Matilda is at first very interested but skeptical. However, when Ashanique starts talking about being chased by the Night Doctors—a term also used by an unstable patient who was later found dead—Matilda can’t deny that the girl might be telling the truth.

Matilda learns that Ashanique and her mother have been on the run their whole lives from a monstrous assassin named Rade. Rade is after a secret contained solely in memories and has left a bloody trail throughout the world in search of it. Matilda soon realizes Ashanique is in unimaginable danger and that her unique ability comes with a deadly price.

304 pages, Hardcover

First published February 20, 2018

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Keith Thomas

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328 reviews310 followers
February 6, 2018
How could a child born in 2007 remember dying in World War I? When Ashanique turns eleven years old, her mind is suddenly flooded with memories she couldn’t possibly have. Dr. Matilda Deacon is fascinated by Ashanique's case. She has interviewed seventy-five people who remember previous lives and has been skeptical of all their stories, but none of them have ever presented like Ashanique. In her desperation to study the girl, Matilda gets involved in something much more complex and dangerous than she could have ever anticipated. No one can be trusted.

“The idea that we’re not the end of a line but a continuum is a universal one. Every human culture, throughout history, has built itself on the foundations of the cultures that came before it. Civilizations don’t just spring up sui generis, out of nothing. They are carried forward. They are built with our grandfathers’ and grandmothers’ bricks. That’s poetic, but you get what I mean. We are nothing without our pasts.”

If you like fast-paced, plot-driven stories with a corporate/government conspiracy and an evil villain chasing down the good guys, this might be the book you’re looking for. I enjoy action-based stories more in audiobook or movie form. I was most interested in the past-lives aspect, so I didn't like it as much when the action took center stage. I wanted more of the World War I soldier! The biggest strengths of this book are the diverse cast, the science, and the history. Actual science experiments and medical conspiracies are incorporated into the story to remind the reader that this isn't just the stuff of science fiction or conspiracy theorists: planarian memory experiments, Project MKUltra, and Night Doctors. Some of the science went over my head, but I got the gist of it all!

The Black Mirror and True Detective comparisons didn't fit for me. The accuracy of comparisons is always going to depend on why you liked a particular story. The high action isn't the main appeal of either of those shows, in my opinion. The Clarity reminded me more of sci-fi network shows where the main draw is seeing what happens next and who survives the journey. The reading experience felt similar to that of Horrorstor, Broadcast, and Sleep Overinteresting concepts with well-written gore, but I wasn't attached to the characters. To a lesser extent, it reminded me of The Girl With All the Gifts or Stranger Things (experimentation on the vulnerable, bond between a girl and non-parental adult).

The chapters alternate between several characters, plus a few flashbacks to some of their past lives:

Ashanique - Despite—or maybe because of—the cacophony of noise in her head, Ashanique has more presence of mind than most people. She's confident and brave, but there's still a sense of vulnerability. She may have amazing abilities, but she's still a child dealing with a scary situation.

Her mind was changing so quickly. With every new memory that appeared, it felt as through new neural networks had been formed. Synaptic connections that had lain dormant since birth suddenly thrummed with electrochemical life. Neurohormones that had drifted aimlessly in the intracerebral space found themselves drawn, like iron shavings, to the magnetic pull of newly awakened nerve cells. The feeling was like a neural thunderstorm, every burst of synaptic energy a bolt of lightning. And with each new image came a new emotion. Even the slightest recollection added to the density of her thoughts.

Rade - A merciless killer who kills everyone in his path in increasingly gory ways. There's more than one way to use a cheese grater! I really enjoyed the writing of the scenes, but I wasn't invested in most of the characters enough to care about their deaths. I actually felt relief when one of them met the end of Rade's knife! Rade is predictably diabolical for most of the story, but he gets more fleshed out at the end. Was Rade always a monster or was he helped along that path?

• Dr. Matilda Deacon is a professor and social worker. Her fixation with memory began with her mother's struggle with dementia. When she visits her mom at the care home, she doesn't only see the slow loss of the woman she knew, but a vision of her own future. I had two big mountains to climb with Matilda. First, I’m so over mentor/mentee affair thing (#1 reason why I usually avoid books with professors) and it didn’t really add anything to the story in this case. Second, she was unprofessional in her initial dealings with Ashanique. Her relationship with her mother and her growing bond with Ashanique is what made her grow on me. I also liked her sticky note quirk!

Kojo is a Chicago PD detective. He's one of my favorite detective characters ever and this isn't even a detective book! Kojo doesn't enter into the story until a third of the way through the book, but he and his son Brandon quickly won over my heart. Twelve-year-old Brandon has Down syndrome. He is having a meltdown when we first meet him, but Kojo patiently helps him work through his frustrations. Life and work are stressful, but all of Kojo's stresses dissapate the second that Brandon smiles at him. It's such a touching scene of familial love! I love when characters have outside interests, so I also liked Kojo’s woodworking hobby.

Brandon’s smile hit Kojo like a meteor every time he saw it. All the horrible things that had passed before his eyes, the memories that woke him screaming—the dead woman with her legs eaten to nubs by rats, the child with his hands nailed to the dinner table, the unidentifiable drowning victim with skin that sloughed off like sheets of phyllo dough—all dissolved instantly. Kojo could never envision living without that smile. While the woodworking was an effective salve for existential worries, Brandon’s smile was the only true cure for Kojo’s world-weariness.

How does Ashanique have the ability to see the past with such detail? What are Ashanique and her mother running from? Will they be able to avoid Rade's wrath? We can never truly detach ourselves from the past, and that's especially true for Ashanique. In the name of improving the lives of the majority, many times it's the most vulnerable who pay the highest price. Even people with good intentions can get so caught up in their lofty goals that they lose sight of the harm they are causing or the potential unintended consequences of their actions. The postscript implies that there will be a sequel. I'm curious about where this story is headed, so I'll definitely be reading if there's a follow-up!

I received this book for free from NetGalley and Atria Books. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. It will be available February 20, 2018!

• The WWI soldier is an amalgamation of two actual men: Private George Lawrence Price (the last Canadian/last Commonwealth soldier to die in WWI) and Private George Edwin Ellison (last British soldier to die in WWI).
• The Last Patrol (Reader's Digest, 1980) - Private George Price's last moments.
A Soldier's Sketchbook: The Illustrated First World War Diary of R.H. Rabjohn - Entries from a sketchbook/diary of a soldier who served in World War I.
Night Doctors - "Night Doctors, also known as night riders, night witches, Ku Klux doctors, and student doctors are bogeymen of African American folklore who emerged from the realities of grave-robbing, medical experimentation, and intimidation rumors spread by southern whites to prevent workers from leaving for the north." See also: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks: Chapter 21, The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
How 'Manhunt: Unabomber' built Ted Kaczynski's backstory: Your burning questions answered - I really enjoyed the Manhunt: Unabomber limited series which is currently available on Netflix's (US) streaming service. The whole show is great, but the sixth episode that reveals Kaczynski's backstory stands on its own. The scenes involving his unwitting participation in CIA-sponsored brainwashing experiment are intense and disturbing. Paul Bettany did an amazing job in the role—I almost didn't recognize him!
Harvard and the Making of the Unabomber
Unethical human experimentation in the United States (Wikipedia)
• 10 of the most evil medical experiments in history: The subjects are often society’s most vulnerable, and the doctors have rarely had to answer for their crimes (Salon.com, 2014)
Ugly past of U.S. human experiments uncovered (NBCNews, 2011)
Profile Image for Janelle Janson.
719 reviews529 followers
March 8, 2018
Thank you so much to Atria Books for providing my free copy - all opinions are my own.

Ashanique Walters is an eleven-year-old girl who is inundated with traumatic memories of the past life of a WWI soldier. She comes across a psychologist, Matilda Deacon, who specializes in the secrets of human memory and is fascinated by Ashanique‘s case. When Matilda makes a fallacious decision, things become more complicated than she could have ever imagined.
As soon as I saw this book is for fans of Black Mirror and The X-Files, I knew I HAD to read it! And don’t get me started on the cover – it’s one of my favorites! It’s so insane, but in the very BEST way. This is an extremely fast-paced, action-packed, and conspiracy-filled story with a monstrous villain. I really enjoy medical thrillers and did appreciate the attention to detail when it came to medical jargon, specifically the human brain.
The memories and “past lives” portions of the book are great. I really enjoyed the flashbacks and how they are interwoven throughout the story and would have liked to have seen the author expand more on that. Additionally, there are multiple points of view that alternate throughout, almost to the point of not really be able to get totally invested in any them. But maybe that was intended? This is a very plot driven novel and the plot is sensational! The history, science, and medical experimentation are very well thought out and well written.
The killer, the evil villain in this story, Rade, is relentless and there are some grotesque parts of the book which I can handle, but just know there is a cheese grater involved. Eek! To me, he is the most compelling and gripping character to read about. I found myself flipping the pages in order to find out more.
I can’t say that I’ve read anything else like this. It is a truly unique, interesting, and compelling medical science fiction thriller. It appears Thomas leaves it open for a sequel and I would definitely be interested in seeing what he would do with this story moving forward.
Profile Image for The Shayne-Train.
421 reviews100 followers
February 14, 2018

A nail-bitingly suspenseful and whip-smart novel about human experimentation that resulted in certain individuals, called "Nulls,' being able to (or being forced to, depending on your point of view) relive previous lives.

The writing is so excellent in this book, both of the thrilling "present day" happenings of a Null and her daughter trying to escape the attention of the clandestine government group that conducted the aforementioned experiments, and most especially the italics-soaked recollections of past lives.

Highly recommended for fans of physiological thrillers, realistic sci-fi stories, and just general mind-fudgery.
Profile Image for Steven.
1,179 reviews437 followers
December 21, 2017
Thanks to the publisher, Atria Books, and Netgalley for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

I stumbled across this Read Now book on Netgalley and took a shot, and I'm glad I did. This was a fast-paced thriller that after the initial setup was basically nonstop action. It was such an interesting concept and was well-plotted. While I don't think the characters were as deep or developed as I would have liked, and the past lives thing didn't take as much of the forefront as expected, I still really enjoyed this novel. The little digital exchange in the epilogue hints at a potential sequel. If there is one, I'm there. :)

3.75 stars rounded up to 4.
Profile Image for Chandra Claypool (WhereTheReaderGrows).
1,734 reviews354 followers
February 25, 2018
I'm not even sure where to begin with this one. I absolutely love the concept of this. Medical experimentation allowing some to be able to remember past lives. A young girl "gifted" with this ability who is being chased by a murderer named Rade who wants a secret hidden in these memories that only Ash (the young girl) can seem to provide. The author takes us on an action packed excursion.

I did enjoy the past memories as Ash pummels into them. While Ash and Matilda (her guardian) were interesting characters, I think I was most fascinated with Rade. Not really filled with any type of emotion, he simply acts on orders and takes them to the extreme. I swear, I will never look at a cheese grater the same EVER again. **shiver**

I was fully intrigued with the first half of the book but then found my interest waning the further I got in. I'm not sure what exactly it was that wasn't quite working for me the way that I wanted it to but while I was still finding the storyline entertaining, I couldn't quite feel fully invested. "Where is Fifty-One" Who are these Night Doctors? ..... It had that sci-fi/thriller feel that I usually love in books of this nature, with a fairly unique take on mind control... and yet, even with some explanation, I don't understand exactly where we were going most of the time... or I stopped caring.

Don't get me wrong - I did enjoy this book. I just didn't find myself loving it. I'm fairly certain this is a standalone even though the ending hints at more to come. I'm going to assume that it was left this way as we know that even though they may have gotten to their own "ending" of sorts, any medical/government experimentation, etc. just doesn't disappear because your story "ends". If that makes any sense.

I may need to stew on this one for a bit. Am I glad I read this? Yes. Do I need more answers? I think so. Would I read on if this story continued? I'm not certain if I would. Definitely torn down the middle with this one. If sci-fi/action thrillers suit you, I would give this one a go as it is a unique take on memory manipulation.

Thank you to Atria and NetGalley for this copy!
Profile Image for Simge.
363 reviews
May 12, 2019
Puanının neden düşük olduğuna anlam veremedim,bence gayet iyi kurgulanmış bir bilim kurgu-gerilim kitabıydı.Kitabın neredeyse 150.sayfasına kadar konudan pek bir şey anlamamıştım sonra olaylar,karakterler birleşince kitap aktı gitti.1 yıldızı yazarın aralarda verdiği gereksiz detayların konuyu bölmesinden dolayı kırdım.Bir de bazı yerlerde bilim insanı değilseniz anlayamayacağınız bilgiler verdi,biraz daha basitleştirerek anlatabilirdi.Onlar olmasa bu türde en sevdiğim kitaplardan biri olabilirdi.Eğer değişik konusu olan,akıcı bir gerilim kitabı okumak istiyorsanız tavsiye edebilirim.
Profile Image for Jessica.
997 reviews35 followers
February 28, 2018
Thanks to Atria for the advanced ebook copy in exchange for my honest review.

I wasn't entirely sure what to expect going into this one, but damn, that cover had me instantly intrigued. THE CLARITY by Keith Thomas is one that is still hard to wrap my head around. It really keeps you thinking and engaged throughout the novel. Medical thrillers are always interesting to me, with how fast technology is improving in the medical field a lot of these don't seem too farfetched.

Dr. Matilda Deacon has been researching how memories are created and stored in the human brain. She meets a young girl named Ash and discovers that she is gifted with the memories of a past life. Her memories are from that of the last soldier killed in WWI - despite all of her doubts and skepticism Matilda slowly begins to realize she might be telling the truth.

They quickly realize that Ash is in serious danger when they learn of a deadly assassin that's been following her. Rade is on a mission to keep secrets hidden but Ash is putting that all in jeopardy. Are her memories of a past life the key to what Rade is trying to prevent from being leaked?

Overall, this was an incredibly unique read. Medical experimentation, cat and mouse with an assassin, memories from your past life? All of this combined made for an enjoyable read. There were a few places where the momentum slowed down for me. Just like my buddy reader, Chandra, said, I will never see cheese graters the same after reading this!

If medical thrillers pique your interest and you're looking for something completely unique, then I would highly recommend picking this one up.

I give this 3.5/5 stars - rounded up for rating
Profile Image for Mel.
718 reviews49 followers
May 5, 2018
Ummm how is no one talking about this?? It rings LOUDLY if MR Carey’s Girl with All the Gifts. I was shocked by how cool this was. The science of memory is studied in test subjects under Project Clarity, one in particular is being hunted just after her daughter has discovered her ability to “read” memories many generations old. A psychologist discovers the strange behavior of the girl and is forced to team up with her to keep them both alive. Wow! Impossible to say more without including spoilers. Hoping there might be a follow up on this world from Thomas.
Profile Image for Heather Fineisen.
1,326 reviews116 followers
November 2, 2017
A fantastical and imaginative premise had me intrigued but it didn't quite work for me. Past lives and DNA are put to the test with experiments on orphans. A lot to think about as the brain is so complex. Conspiracies abound and our main subjects don't know who to trust. A weak flicker of romance and multiple dead bodies make for a fast read that fails to deliver.

Copy provided by the Publisher and NetGalley
Profile Image for Susana Silva.
28 reviews15 followers
March 1, 2018
I seriously struggled to get through this. I just did not care about the characters even a little bit. The "love story" seemed to come out of nowhere, and seemed seriously out of place. It was honestly like the writer suddenly remembered that there should be some romantic interest and threw it in there.

As for the program and the "solution"? They weren't even slightly original, interesting, or mysterious.

And the ending? Vague, rushed, and unsatisfying.
Profile Image for Derek Patz.
99 reviews4 followers
October 13, 2018

Dr. Matilda Deacon finds herself the protector of Ashanique. An adolescent with a gift that allows her to see other peoples past lives. Rade an assassin with the same gift believes that Ashanique has the cure to her gift. Chased by both an assassin that is part of an old government conspiracy. Matilda and Ashanique are on the run with very few people to turn to.

Most people will find this on "books similar to Stephen King". However, that is not the case. Project Clarity in some ways reminds you of Skynet from the Terminator franchise. The idea that an adolescent is a key to everything comes from a number of sources. In this case, the Bruce Willis movie Mercury Rising came to mind. Matilda reminds me of a mix between Sarah Connor from the Terminator franchise and Chyna Shepard from the Dean Koontz novel Intensity. The scenes that are set in people's past lives is very reminiscent of Dean Koontz. It ends like a Bruce Willis action movie from the early 2000's.

Keith Thomas's The Clarity is nothing new. I did enjoy it for the most part. However, with the rehashed plot themes it is predictable. Just like those Bruce Willis movies that everyone enjoyed from the early 2000s.If you're in the mood for a book some Dean Koontz/Terminator/Bruce Willis action movie themed book. The Clarity just might be for you.

Keep Reading, Question Everything and change the world the only way you can.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,696 reviews30 followers
February 23, 2018
This book had an interesting concept but the payoff wasn't enough for me. There were several leaps that I had to swallow and I wasn't so invested in the characters. It seemed a little Dan Brown-ish in the conspiracy/chase storyline, so those fans might like it more than I did.
Profile Image for Kayla (krakentoagoodbook).
879 reviews101 followers
January 25, 2020
This was..odd. The premise was interesting, but the execution didn't really match up with what I expected going in.

Content warnings: there's a pretty graphic torture scene
Profile Image for Tyler.
103 reviews5 followers
January 23, 2018
Ashanique has special powers. She can see into the memories of lives she's never lived. She remembers dying in the World War, as a blindsided young soldier. She remembers a primitive family who lived millions of years ago. But her memories are the result of a top-secret government experiment conducted by an agency known as HED, and a desperate rogue assassin will stop at nothing to wipe away the proof.
Ashanique and her guardian Matilda, a scientist studying how our brains form and retain memories, race against time to save their lives and the lives of the other victims of the experiment. As they uncover the illicit plot conducted in government labs years prior, they discover complex secrets about the human brain and the unified consciousness of all humanity.

The Clarity moves fast, and I'm talking fast. The action and violence is demanding of a movie adaptation, pronto, and the movement keeps your heart racing. But the value of this book isn't just in the bloody surface of its action scenes. Thomas has created an elaborate science-fiction context that propels our curiosity and exhibits extreme creativity on his part. His theories about memories, the inner workings of the human brain, and government conspiracy are a beautiful, detailed, nerdy foundation to a rapidly moving book.

The book is NOT for the faint-hearted. When I say it's gory, I mean it is laden with descriptive gunshot wounds, throat slitting, and torture. Personally, I'm fine with gore. I love a good horror movie scene as much as the next creepy girl. So I found the violent scenes striking and propelling, especially because I'm not used to seeing gore portrayed in a novel.
The story uses memory flashbacks and interview transcripts to deliver the full breadth of the story, and it switches perspectives to get all of the details in. It is a full coverage book, and we dig into the government conspiracies from every angle.

My copy of the book clocked in at just about 295 pages. Many of the more science-oriented details flew over my head-many of the characters are very smart scientists. However, Thomas does a great job of making sure we understand the gist of the theories he explains, even if we don't immediately know what the hippocampus does in the brain.

I would have loved to dig even deeper into the conspiracy behind the experiments. When the characters finally get to the meat of the conspiracy, the momentum of the book slows considerably, and even though everything is explained and accounted for, I was thirsty for more of the intrigue that accompanies a good government cover-up. I would've liked to dig deeper into the characters, including the assassin, Rade, who's traumatic past is emphasized but never fully explained.

The Clarity was thrilling, compelling, and completely authentic. Thomas effectively blended the heavy action scenes with a substantial plot and distinctive characters. While it took me far too long to finally pick up this book, it only took me two days to return it to the shelf. Thomas's theories keep us interested, and the final idea that our human consciousness is intertwined is a poetic ending to a very physical story.
Profile Image for OutlawPoet.
1,629 reviews69 followers
February 26, 2018
You know how I can tell when an author did his job? When I stop reading and go to the web to look up something he uses in his plot - and not to prove him wrong, but out of pure fascination.

In this case, it was the Night Doctors. My Creole family didn't have this story and I simply had to find out all about it. And if you haven't learned about them, look it up. It's chilling.

As for The Clarity, this was an enjoyable fast read. The author took a very interesting scientific concept and expanded it to something all to believable.

And there's plenty of action, drama, and heartbreak.

While I didn't always believe how deep the conspiracy was and, admittedly, was at times confused by the formula and how exactly it worked, the book itself was a stellar read.

I'd happily read the author again. And I want another book about the Night Doctors!

*ARC Provided via Net Galley
Profile Image for Laura Wonderchick.
1,509 reviews168 followers
January 29, 2018
This hits all the crazy criteria for a fast paced novel including assassins & memory programming. The memory stuff kind of gave me the chills in description. Really fast paced.
Thanks to Atria for this early copy:)
Profile Image for Jae Mod.
1,717 reviews220 followers
January 1, 2018
**ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review**

I am completely mind blown right now! The Clarity by Keith Thomas has left me in this crazy baffled state and I am not even sure where to begin. While I believe this book is meant to be a standalone novel, it definitely left an opening at the end for a possible sequel, or second book, so we shall see.

Dr. Matilda Deacon is a psychologist who researches people’s memories, and their connection to past lives, while also acting as a social worker. A young girl’s caregiver is concerned about her well being because her behavior has dramatically changed in the last few days and asks her to interview the girl to make sure everything is okay at home.

Ashanique is an eleven year old young lady who begins remembering things from the perspective of a World War I soldier. Her memories are so clear that Matilda is convinced she is either a great actor, or is in fact having the memories. During the interview, Ashanique mentions her fear of the Night Doctors, something Dr. Deacon had heard before. The Dr. becomes obsessed with trying to figure out where Ashanique’s memories are coming from and how they are connected to her previous patient.

Soon Matilda discovers the memories flooding Ashanique have put her and her mother in danger and Dr. Deacon sets out to help them, underestimating the amount of trouble that stands between Ashanique and her safety. Everywhere they turn, they encounter unexpected enemies. Running out of options, they go on the run, but as the memories grow stronger, the stakes get higher.

This book had me completely hooked from the very beginning. It was such a creative concept and moves at at the speed of a bullet train. I almost wished at times it would slow down a little for a bit of a breather, but I cannot say at any point it lost my interest. It was quite gory in parts, creating a bit of a horror, and there was some science fiction, plenty of thriller and suspense and there was even a small bit of romantic interlude thrown in. If you enjoyed The Silent Corner and The Whispering Room by Koontz, I think you would really enjoy this thrilling ride. I gave this twisty perplexing novel a fantastic 4 stars.
Profile Image for Wdmoor.
709 reviews13 followers
March 4, 2018
Two stars. Promising beginning, disastrous finish.

Does anyone have any idea what chapter 66 was about?

This book played fast and loose with gender and identity politics for absolutely no reason at all. None of it advanced the plot...none of it. Suddenly there was a tran character...so what? It had nothing to do with anything except pad the book a couple pages and was pandering and distasteful the way it was done.

I finished this book not happy.
Profile Image for Danielle Urban.
Author 12 books164 followers
March 25, 2018
The Clarity by Keith Thomas is an interesting read combining fictional elements and nonfictional information together. The frightening parts about experimental portions were based on some real experiences that did really happen to people. The characters were okay. But no emotional attachment that made me want to really connect with them. I thought they were fine but but not were Inwould be talking bout how great they were. The plot was gruesome, dark, and intense as was expected with some of the things mentioned. There was a lot of action in this novel. I would have been happier if there was more to the characters. There needed to be more on the interaction and backstory between/of the characters. It just felt felt flat to me.

The novel did hold a promising tale...Dr. Matilda is by far the worst character. She is a doctor interested in the whole journey of memory and past lives. Yet she wasn't what I expected and didn't meet the expectations for her role in this story. There were other characters that I did really like and thought that Keith Thomas did a fine job in creating. Characters like Kojo and Brandon were believable and enjoyable to follow.

The Clarity was fast-paced, action packed, and full of government misuse. Like the medical experiments that still bring a chill down my back. A lot of conspiracy themes are found inside the book. Overall, it was good and suspenseful. 3.5-stars

I received this copy from the publisher. This is my voluntary review.
213 reviews
December 13, 2021
2.8. I did not like this book. The basis of this book was dumb. Even allowing someone’s memories could be stored in their DNA and passed down (HUGE stretch that I already don’t like. Leave that to Assassins Creed please), somehow this was expanded to imply there is one human consciousness and memories aren’t stored in DNA after all. Even better, this is all happening because the government wants to unlock mind control! They accomplish this by shooting electromagnetic waves at children. That sounds scary but it sure isn’t. And if you do it twice, they cancel each other out. Whew! Also, there was gratuitous and graphic violence. There was, for some reason, a love story in here? That manifested itself in around 8 cumulative paragraphs. 2.8 points for some excitement and psychology.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Staceyj.
410 reviews23 followers
July 19, 2018
Unique and awesome. Kept me up until 3am to finish it.
Profile Image for Casey.
470 reviews3 followers
September 25, 2018
In my search of short, scary novels leading into Halloween, this one was suggested. It's not so much scary, but more of a suspenseful, gruesome sci-fi read. It is pretty interesting and entertaining. Open ending that could lead into a sequel. I would definitely read the 2nd.
Profile Image for Jenni.
530 reviews15 followers
November 4, 2018
Well gosh, this certainly was a book that someone wrote.
Profile Image for Nancy.
6 reviews
January 10, 2018
Somewhat disturbing images came to mind as I was reading this book, BUT, I could not put it down. I liked this book and am going to recommend it to my daughter.
Profile Image for Paul Pessolano.
1,401 reviews42 followers
January 27, 2018
“The Clarity” by Keith Thomas, published by Atria Books.

Category – Mystery/Thriller Publication Date – February 20, 2018.

Trust me this book is not for the feint hearted or the squeamish. Suffice it to say that Rade is a bad dude and is responsible for many murders and uses a cheese grader in one murder.

Dr. Matilda Deacon is a psychologist and is working on memory. She meets a young girl, Ashanique, who is able to recall things that happened years ago, she can recall the last person, by name, who died in World War I.

Ashanique and her mother have lived a life on the run. They are on the run from the “Night Doctors”. Rade catches up with them and Ashanique is able to escape and finds help with Dr. Deacon. They both find themselves on the run, leaving behind a stream of murders, and in fear for their own lives.

As the story unfolds, Dr. Deacon discovers that there are more people like Ashanique and that they may be the subjects of an experiment involving the United States Government. An experiment that closely resembles the mind washing experiment perpetrated during World War II.

An exciting psychology thriller that keeps the reader turning the pages, reader beware that some scenes in the book are very graphic.
Profile Image for Belinda.
641 reviews24 followers
July 27, 2018
Do you know what this book has? The badest bad character around! No aploogies, and no remorse; a deadly killer is coming and you'd better watch out! A great book with a scientific touch.

For more suggestions on books to read and reviews, check out my Facebook page BELINDA'S BOOK CLUB VLOG.
Profile Image for Derek L..
Author 16 books15 followers
March 19, 2022
This was supposed to be a five-star book. I enjoyed the story line, thought the characters were interesting and the story to be unique. And at first I loved that there was someone with my disability in the story.

Then I realized the author used a kid with down syndrome as a tool, and I'm beyond pissed. I won't talk about what the author did specifically, as that would be a spoiler but as someone with high functioning down syndrome, I'm livid that someone would use a disabled kid in the way Keith Thomas just did. All for the sake of shock and storyline. That was disgusting and I don't think I'll ever pick up another one of this author's novels for as long as I live.

I wanted to know how everything resolved, but I was disappointed with some decisions by a character I actually liked. Ashanique was the strongest character of them all, but what she did at the end was just dumb.

If you even care just an inch for disabled people, don't read this book.
Profile Image for Annie.
2,236 reviews139 followers
August 30, 2024
The Clarity, by Keith Thomas, is the kind of book that really wants to be a screenplay. The science fiction premise is only cursorily explored. The rampaging bad guy is described in almost loving detail. The chapters are short and packed with gun fights. I think this will be a great read for those who want a thrill. For those of us who wanted to know more about the possibility of reawakening ancestral memories, The Clarity is disappointing...

Read the rest of my review at A Bookish Type. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley, for review consideration.
Profile Image for Angela Gibson.
262 reviews1 follower
February 6, 2018
I really wanted to like this book and enjoyed the first quarter of it. After that, the book fell apart for me. The plot became convoluted, the many character POVs were disjointed and confusing, motivations weren't clear, and significant villains were sidelined until the end of the book.

This book held so much promise.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 93 reviews

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