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Se7en Sinners #3

Wicked Ruin

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They say you're never truly ready for Death until it's staring you down, its cold, bony fingers outstretched and scratching against your fragile mortality.
I thought I was ready the day my own mother tried to kill me. Perhaps I was ready the moment I was born.
But as I peer into the chilling void of Death, breath shallow and heartbeat sluggish, I know that it can't end like this. I was made for a purpose.
And that purpose is Legion.
Now that we're fighting the battle of our lives, a war that could eliminate mankind, I see that purpose as clear as the whorls of dark ink etched in his skin.
Realms are colliding. Alliances are forming. And my heart is being torn in two.
I know the code the Se7en live by.
Kill one to save a million.
But maybe it's not me who was meant to die.
Maybe it's the man I thought I could save...the man who once saved me.
The man I was created to kill.

328 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 25, 2017

257 people are currently reading
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About the author

S.L. Jennings

25 books4,615 followers
S.L. Jennings is a proud military wife to her high school sweetheart, a mom of 3 rowdy boys, and a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of contemporary and paranormal romance. When she’s not obsessing over book boyfriends, you can find her hanging out with a few epic fictional loves at independent bookstores, or sipping a Bloody Mary at her favorite brunch haunt in Spokane, Washington. She’s a self-proclaimed food snob, makeup junkie and lover of all things shiny, sparkly and kitschy.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 183 reviews
Profile Image for Snow.
2,300 reviews721 followers
September 26, 2017
I'm fuckin speechless right now...

I've been waiting for Legion's return...and now...

the turmoil, the twists, the different angles, the fuckin everything....


this is S.L.Jennings at her best!!!

this is what she does!!!!

whereas book 2 was a slight downfall for me, she fuckin rose to the heavens above with this sequel, while simultaneously breaking my heart...

oh, the irony...

But HELL to the NO, it isn't over...there's hope...there's hope

you will question EVERY. FUCKIN. THING. you thought you knew about ANY. THING. and you'll still be amazed by the immense imaginary world of S.L. Jennings intertwind with religion, myths, legends, personal beliefs, truths, lies...right, wrong...black, white...fuckin grey...or any shade at all

....it will all crumble to dust, under illusions that are in fact dellusions of every deviously contorted thought of existence, worth, value... angels, demons, Seraphs, Nephilims, warlocks, God, devil and him

- Legion, and yet he's many...he fell once more to save her, Eden, whose true purpose is finally revealed, and it's a greater curse, anyone could have imagined or predicted...and he was awakened, different...unredeemable
"L is dead. Samael is dead. I was remade - reborn into what I was before.

I'm the Legion of Lost Souls. And I have risen once again.

she's a weapon of destruction, his destruction, and yet he was set out to assassin her...what a twisted fate...what a twisted ploy...played out by the highest ranks of Heaven...and they never accounted for the hidden autonomous player - the one of hearts - love!

"I am fire. I am rage. I am Death itself. I embody everything you should stay far, far away from. And I could never - would never - allow myself to corrupt your soul."

While the earthly world is doomed for destruction, and humans are merely pawns in the twisted ploy between the good and evil, the sides are blurred to the unrecognizable mush of distorted notions...

Yet Eden is bound to save him, her Legion, is somewhere in there, lost within the Lost Souls, the many...she just needs to make him listen...
"I need you. The Se7en needs you. And believe it or not, this world needs you. You have commited your existence to fighting for the greater good. i'm asking you, begging you, please...fight for us. Fight for me and you. I love you. Do you hear me?! I love you, Legion. And I won't stop fighting. i'll never stop fighting to bring you back to me."

and even though, his own soul is somewhere within all those Souls taht seek revenge, destruction, malice and devastation, within his body...the time might have run out...for good...
"I love you. So much. So much that I'd move Heaven and Earth to keep you safe. So much that I'd rather die than subject you to a life of pain and ruin."

"...If anyone here has a chance of stopping me, it's you. This is what you were made for, Eden. I need you to put an end to this suffering."

"There's no other way. i can't change what i am. And this realm wioll never be safe as long as I'm alive."

When all goes to hell, the one thing that's left is a small lingering notion...of a mission unfulfilled...and a small craving hope...

God damn, S.L. Jennings you sure know how to rock my world out of its axis...and you leave me craving, hungry for more...

For Eden and Legion...

Another night slowly closes in
And I feel so lonely
Touching heat freezing on my skin
I pretend you still hold me
I'm going crazy, I'm losing sleep
I'm in too far, I'm in way too deep over you
I can't believe you're gone
You were the first, you'll be the last

Wherever you go, I'll be with you
Whatever you want, I'll give it to you
Whenever you need someone
To lay your heart and head upon
Remember, after the fire, after all the rain
I will be the flame
I will be the flame

Watching shadows move across the wall
I feel so frightened
I wanna run to you, I wanna call
But I've been hit by lightning
Just can't stand up for fallin' apart
Can't see through this veil across my heart, over you
You'll always be the one
You were the first, you'll be the last

Wherever you go, I'll be with you
Whatever you want, I'll give it to you
Whenever you need someone
To lay your heart and head upon
Remember, after the fire, after all the rain
I will be the flame
I will be the flame

I'm going crazy, I'm losing sleep
I'm in too far, I'm in way too deep over you
You'll always be the one
You were the first, you'll be the last

Wherever you go, I'll be with you
Whatever you want, I'll give it to you
Whenever you need someone
To lay your heart and head upon
Remember, after the fire, after all the rain
I will be the flame
I will be the flame...

The Flame by Cheap Trick

To be continued....

***ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review***

Thanks Syreeta!😘
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,343 reviews1,545 followers
February 18, 2018
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Wicked Ruin (Se7en Sinners, #3) by S.L. Jennings OMG The beginning of this book, what a ride and what a surprise, the person trying to help Eden I was mega shocked at there identity, ultimately helping Eden, even if it was like in a totally batshit crazy way.
Like that was totally overkill but the sentiment was there.
And again OMG!!!! I'm agog this cannot be a good thing in the long run.

 photo http_2F2Fmashable.com2Fwp-content2Fuploads2F20132F012FJennifer-Lawrence-OMG_zpsuaxpciog.gif

So This book turns everything on its head, Karmas a bitch and now its Eden struggling to keep Her legion to her self and he is definitely not the Demon she has fallen for.

“L is dead. Samael is dead. I was remade—reborn into what I was before. The very thing I’ve hated and rebelled against for centuries. The great dragon was hurled down – that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. However, the great dragon was not called the Devil, as man believed. He was called Legion. “I am the Legion of Lost Souls. And I have risen once again.”

What we have here and now is a much darker Legion one struggling to control his baser instincts and his lost souls are ultimately draining him dry and poisoning his whole self.
What else here, Well Nico is back and I'm loving the friendship between him and Eden.
Adriel is now flesh and I'm really not liking her that much, actually, if I'm honest not at all.
and we also get to see more of the Watcher as well as there hiding out at her mansion, like neutral ground and all.
Lucifer here is a much more complex character, still playing his games but we see a much deeper version of himself, which was definitely enlighting.
This instalment was all about the upcoming battle and almost seems like a hopeless cause with the odds stacked against them.
So "Wicked Ruin" as in previous books ends with a cliffy and it's a biggie.
The car crash rush to the finish was horrifying and tragic to behold and I was glued to the very last line, it was so riveting I couldn't look away.

I will leave you with this quote from Eden and this pretty much sums up the whole ending here.

This is what I was created for. To betray. To destroy. To kill. I am the weapon to make Legion fall to his knees. And I’ve just been activated.

What a finish I need that next book like NOW!!!!

giphy (4)

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
Profile Image for beautyliterate.
348 reviews1,357 followers
March 31, 2018
4/5 stars

Series Review: Coming Soon!

SOOO good this series with the plot twists has you wanting to know what's going to happen next. I fly by these books!! Also finally got even more knowledge about certain characters and the world! Highly recommend
Profile Image for Michelle Claypot_Reads.
2,490 reviews61 followers
September 26, 2017
Okay so where do I even start????? This series just keeps getting better with every book. I was reading this book as fast as I could turn the pages and it still wasn't fast enough.

Nobody writes PNR like SL Jennings. I mean who else can make me not only like the devil himself but love him. Lucifer is delicious in this story. Dirty evil bugger that he is. I loved everything about him. Eden has to grow up a lot in this story and I felt very protective of her. Now L, well L has the most changes of all.

The gang's all back for this one plus some extras to keep things interesting.

It's hard to write a review without giving away the story so I will say this:

Amazing character development ✅
Witty dialogue ✅
HAF chemistry (& not just E with L) ✅
Major plot twists ✅
Kick ass action scenes ✅
Raw emotions that definitely needed tissues ✅
An ending that left me staring at the wall ✅

This book is FANTASTIC

I received an ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Richelle Robinson.
1,265 reviews35 followers
September 26, 2017
Wow. This book was something else and it’s amazing how my feelings and perspective of certain characters have changed. When the series first started I felt so passionately about certain characters and now I I see them in a different light. Other characters I didn’t like aren’t as bad as I thought. What I liked about this book is that it touches on how we are so quick to judge but no one is without sin. No one is perfect. Not all Angels are good and not all Devils are evil. We got to see both sides of the coin and it made you think.

“Humans are flawed. Sinful.”

I hope this review makes sense as I’m still trying to process everything plus I don’t want to give anything away. Jennings is one of the best when it comes to Paranormal and she definitely came through with this story. I loved her attention to detail and I could see the events play out in my head. The writing flowed and I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough to see what happened next. I can’t wait for the next book and what will be in store for the Se7en.


For more reviews check me out at: http://www.shellysbookcorner.com
Profile Image for Michelle.
944 reviews220 followers
April 7, 2018
4.5 Stars!
Ugh! That ending!!! I will say loved this way more than the last book but still not caring for Eden:((
I’m excited to see what happens in the next book and I’m STILL not team Lucifer so I hope I’m not throwing a tantrum when it’s all over. Hahaha!!
Profile Image for Tessa.
513 reviews41 followers
October 1, 2017
4.5 stars

I do love this series. There's so much angst and adventure in it. I love the characters, and I loved where everything went. Does it seem like I said love too much? Nope. This is the type of book I adore in the genre I enjoy the most

This book left where the other left off. The big twist at the end has major repercussions in this book that have to be dealt with. There is a lot of growth and new knowledge that has to be dealt with as well as some major secrets revealed. Everything I wanted in the book from the start.

I honestly could go on and on, but then I'll get into spoiler area. If you have read the first two, jump into this one. If you haven't started the Se7en Sinners series, pick it up, though heads up now...

Ended in a Major CH
Profile Image for Bookish Affair.
253 reviews99 followers
November 25, 2018
That ending was a brutal one....so many revelation...

Profile Image for Ashley.
248 reviews
October 6, 2018
Book 3

I’m really not sure how I’ve made it to book 3 because I really can’t stand Eden. She is so immature and reckless and I need her to get it together!! Honestly I know I’m suppose to want eden and L to be together and all to work our but book after book I don’t see myself wanting them to workout? I don’t love their story together honestly I’m more intrigued with her and Nikolai’s or Lucifer’s connection. Also you know it’s bad when mid story you find yourself more interested in what’s going on with Cain and edens sister then edens story. Idk I’m hoping book 4 is better than the last 2 books. Book 1 was great 2-3 not so much.
Profile Image for KC Leigh.
550 reviews45 followers
September 23, 2017
“He fell from Heaven for the one he thought he loved, only to find he was manipulated by Lucifer and his unquenchable thirst for power. He rose from Hell to rid the world of his brother’s treachery, turning his back on his true nature in a quest for salvation. And now, he would fall again. He would fall for something much greater than he and the Se7en ever anticipated. He would fall for the silver-haired girl who set his world aflame, the girl he was originally sent to assassinate. He would fall for love.”

Deliciously dark, wickedly brilliant and sinfully sexy... Wicked Ruin is one of the best books I've read all year! I have been desperately waiting for the 3rd book in the Se7en Sinners series for what's felt like centuries, and S.L. Jennings has made every agonizing minute of it well worth the wait. I was completely consumed and on the edge of my seat from the moment I started reading the suspenseful continuation of Eden and the Se7en Sinners epic tale of the battle between Heaven and Hell, and it didn’t subside one bit until I was finished. I hung onto every word that was masterfully delivered in a seamless flow through every unpredictable twist and surprising turn.

In the last book, End of Eden, we were left with having more questions than answers, but when light is shed on some truths and more revelations are uncovered in Wicked Ruin, your mind will be blown. We have all the same players – Eden, Legion, Lucifer, Niko, the Se7en, Crysis, Adriel, the Alliance and a few rogue Angels – but the game has changed, and some of them will unknowingly play a role that is crucial in a devious plan that’s been put in motion for many years. I can’t say too much more without spoiling the story because even the smallest details are intricately layered and intertwined into every facet of the plot, and you won’t want to miss a single second of it.

"And the man that stands before me, so beautiful in his cold brutality, is the king of my wicked ruin.”


Warning: There is a cliffhanger that may, or may not, leave your heart shattered into a million tiny shards. I'll be dying a slow death until I get my hands on the next book.

*****ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.*****
Profile Image for Christine (Shh Moms Reading).
1,423 reviews570 followers
September 28, 2017
4-4.5 STARS!
WOW! Totally mind blown! Everything you think you know will be turned upside down in the latest installment of the Se7en Sinners series. Jennings proves again and again why she is the QUEEN of PNR. Action packed, sinfully sexy, plot twists galore—readers will be left in shock and awe!

I love this cast of characters and they are all back to help save mankind... but one of their own has fallen even deeper into the darkness and man, did my heart ache. And when I had all these preconceived notions of how I should feel about the Devil himself, I can't help but have a soft place in my heart for Lucifer.

We are left hanging and darn it I WANT TO KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW!!!! The next book is on my most anticipated to read list so I need Jennings to hurry (please!!). I know I am not saying much but this is one that you have to read on your own—experience the emotional turbulence of heaven vs. hell and to hold onto the seat of your pants as you wait for who will ultimately win—good vs. evil...

86 reviews
September 23, 2017
The best stories bring out ALL of the emotions - I am emotional right now! I want to tell Eden that thousands of SL Jennings fans LOVE her and then embrace her in a group hug. We can do that, right?

The way Syreeta intwines her twists and turns, you never know where you're going to end up. Geezus.....that ending. But that's ok....imma hold out hope! If it kills me....I'll go down hoping!

Even though I'm currently on the ARC team, I will still purchase this book on release day. I HAVE to show Syreeta my LOVE and appreciation!
Profile Image for Lynette.
763 reviews96 followers
April 4, 2018
Still more of the same...a lot of talk, a tiny bit of action, more questions and confusing plot line, barely any scenes between Eden and Legion, too many scenes between Eden and her harem of men that she doesn't deserve, and absolutely no romance at all. This book was totally unnecessary to me and disappointing in its non-progression of the story.
Profile Image for Amanda Mintz.
57 reviews
September 12, 2018
Can't Evan finish

Read all the books and not gonna finish. Just skimmed this book cause I got so annoyed with Edens dialogue. Poor me, I don't deserve anything, over and over. Great story and I would have finish if half her dialog was cut out. Love the other part of this series but not this one.
Profile Image for Brandi .
1,682 reviews4 followers
January 6, 2020
Once again, so many things happened in this book & I loved almost all of it! (Sorry, not sorry, Adriel... I just can't love you!)

Family ties were revealed. Light was wielded. Magic was siphoned. Sexual tension still reigned supreme. Hearts were ripped out (in more ways than one). Angel b*tches turned green with envy & illness. A rescue mission failed. A second rescue mission was formed. Readers were given another cliffhanger ending...

EEK! I devoured it & cannot wait to one-click the next book in the series, Fallen Reign. Yass... More Lucifer, baby!
Profile Image for Felicia.
598 reviews
February 19, 2019
Man. I had forgotten a lot of stuff that happened in this book. While at the same time remembering most of it. But even though you know something is going to happen, when it does it still hits you right in the feels. And I cried like a big baby just like I did the first time I read this.

Eden and the gang are still trying to get everything under control. They now know who the big bad person is who is their enemy and they spend this book trying to take that person out. All the while everyone is in the same place, Irin’s mansion. So much happens because they’re all in enclosed spaces with one another. Sex, parties, betrayals, fighting. All that and more happens during the course of this book and it keeps you hooked from the very first page.

I reread this so I can FINALLY get to Fallen Reign and man am I excited to start that. 😁


Original review December 2017

Holy fucking shit. I can't even. My mind is just totally fucking blown! I don't even know what to write!

This book hit me all in the feels. I don't even know what to write! This book was so amazing. This series has got to be one of the best I have read this year. I might just internally combust until the next book comes out. -.-
1,028 reviews24 followers
September 28, 2017
Holy Legion and Lucifer SL Jennings!
Full review to come - I need to calm my nerves before writing this review....

my review in gif's


SO YEAH - I LOVED IT!  Just need more please!


Profile Image for Tanaka K.
897 reviews7 followers
September 26, 2017
Seriously. THIS BOOK. WICKED EFFING RUIN. This dark paranormal perfection of a book did a huge number on me. I swear. Right now, I still cannot form words. I. AM. SPEECHLESS. S.L. Jennings, what have you done to me? Wicked Ruin took every part of me and left me drained. It took my soul. It took my heart. I tell you, this is one of the best paranormal romances I have ever read. Wicked Ruin is EVERYTHING!!!!!!

I was shocked.

My mind was blown away

I fell in love with this book until it made me faint and pass out on the floor.

Carnage. Suspense. Thrilling. Sinister. Dirty. Orgasmic. Roller coaster. Wicked Ruin was impenetrable force of freaking nature. It was a paranormal romance that pulled out everything and dumped it inside my mind till I got delirious. It ruined me. It annihilated me. It knocked off my seat and I bowed down to its magic and imagery of the story of angels and demons. Wicked Ruin gave me shivers. It was a raging beast that tore inside my system. Damn, I was captured in the crazy web. I was caught in its high and I craved more and more. S.L. Jennings wrote a perfect monster of a book depicting a powerful that spun me. S.L. Jennings is the master of paranormal. The way she spins this magical story is so artistic and awestruck. End of Eden was okay but Wicked Ruin was a freaking bomb and it ignited straight to my soul. S.L. Jennings just keeps getting better with this series and I have become a fan. She pulled everything deep inside of her and wrote something truly deep and cathartic.

The character, man, they were explosive. Yesss, every single character in Wicked Ruin just blew me away. Completely enthralled me. Completely made me fall in love with them. I am not going to say much about the characters but just read this book and fully experiences, their hopes, their dreams, their ruin, their devastation, their dark thoughts and their feelings. They will make you love them. They will make you swoon so hard.

Omg, I want to curse S.L. Jennings for the twists and turns. I need book 4 like now. She better get to writing. But I love her work and will always will.

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,873 reviews157 followers
October 4, 2017

Wicked Ruin appears to be a redundant phrase - one that seems impossible to truly create because there’s nothing more disastrous than complete decay and disrepair, but in Jennings’ world, that’s exactly what occurs, and with every evil, sinful, immoral, and debased act that runs rampant in this destructive setting, readers revel in Jennings’ profound ability to give us seemingly irredeemable characters…ones so complex that it’s never truly clear which ones fight for good and justice and which ones look to manipulate and corrupt for their own advancement and personal gains.

I have been obsessed with S.L. Jennings’ Sinners since she introduced readers to them in Born Sinner, and while I’ve always been behind Legion and Eden making it through the apocalypse and any other cataclysmic events Jennings throws in their way, there’s just something about Lucifer and his anti-hero demeanor that makes me want Eden to get just a bit wicked with him, but as the third installment in the series showcases, everyone and everything goes way beyond a small amount of
iniquitous acts and the fallout from choices and certain ones’ destinies only leads readers to one haphazard realization - whatever ends up happening after the numerous power plays, twisted turn of events, and uncharacteristic but not unsurprising actions from characters who readers have grown to love and hate is going to send us all reeling and attempting to recover when Jennings takes us even further down a one hell of a dark and deadly rabbit’s hole.

No one creates paranormal worlds and characters like S.L. Jennings, and the fact that one of my favorite Jennings’ characters makes even more cameos in Wicked Ruin speaks to how in touch she is with giving her readers the perfect combination of wickedly delicious other worldly beings, dangerously dark situations, and heroes and heroines who are equal parts angels and devils, which means that either side has the ability to win.

Bring on the fourth installment!

4.5 Poison Apples (The Fairest of All Book Reviews)
Profile Image for Annie.
1,715 reviews26 followers
October 4, 2017
4.5 stars- The intrigue and excitement just keeps building

Wicked Ruin is the third book in the Se7en Sinners series and definitely shouldn’t be read as a standalone. Dealing in a fantasy world full of paranormal creatures, some religious imagery and connections, and featuring demons and angels, the series continues to deliver an epic tale packed with exciting action and intriguing characters.

In the second book I grew a little restless and disappointed in Eden’s character shift and portrayal, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from Wicked Ruin. I was utterly pleased that the spunky, self-sufficient side of Eden reemerged. As in the previous books, her chemistry with Legion is undeniable and even as they face an uncertain future, you can feel their magnetism. Equally interesting were Eden’s relationships with other characters- including Lucifer, Nikolai, Crysis, and the other Se7en. While I wasn’t crazy about the Lucifer vs Legion for Eden plotline in the second book, the story arc felt more complete in this book and kept things interesting. Miss Jennings’s books regularly feature excellent dialogue that flush out her characters and bring the scenes to life and Wicked Ruin is no exception. And of course, if you’re looking for steam, you won’t find this series lacking one bit.

Honestly, three books in and I’d typically worry that a series would hit a repetitive point or rely on overdramatizing every conflict. But that hasn’t happened in this series. The world Miss Jennings continues to craft is complex and her characters vivid with interesting backstories, unique abilities, and complex temperaments and personalities. I never quite know how things will turn out or what surprises may be revealed, and I’m loving that energy and excitement. What I do know is I will eagerly await the next book which will undoubtedly deliver another intriguing piece to Eden’s and the Se7en Sinners’ story.

*eARC provided by PA. The author had no influence over this review*
Profile Image for Rhiannon Chillingworth.
812 reviews201 followers
August 20, 2020
It's funny how in a series sometimes that things you once liked turned to things that drive you crazy, or little niggling things become big issues.

I loved the first book, thought the second was good, but not as good as the first and this book did my head in a bit.

On one level, it is well written and I like the world building and it has a good plot.

On the other, I can't really be doing with the angst. Rather than engaging me, it's just annoying. This book was really Ecen pining over Legion and what he has become, but not ever really bothering to have a conversation with him, and Legion being all distant and broody, occasionally having sex with her. Then you have the shit storm that happened at the end and I'm just sighing wondering if I have the patience to continue.

I'm also not sure what the writer is playing with regarding the romance. This would make a good Reverse Harem, what with Legion, but also Lucifer, Niko and Crysis. I get that Eden is hurting and confused about where she stands with Legion, but the romantic vibes at times with all three are just a bit baffling to me. All they seemed to serve to do it wind Legion up even more surely not good when you have a person battling hoards of lost souls constantly, trying to hang on to his sense of self. So that was pretty annoying, too. Either make it about her and Legion or make it a RH. I loathe any sort of love triangle.

So, I'm not sure if going to pick up the next one at this stage, but we'll see.
Profile Image for WendyW ~ Girls Just Wanna Have Books.
565 reviews19 followers
September 28, 2017
Kill one to save a million ~ this phrase is the essence of The Se7en Sinners Series.

The end of humanity is imminent and the band of brothers have united together to fight The Alliance and the Seraphs. Even Lucian and Niko have joined forces with the crew. L is now Legion, he who is many, and he is evolving and losing his hold on the humanity that he had gained. The lost souls will no longer be contained and they now rule his body bringing with them death and destruction.

Not only is humankind doomed, but it seems that Eden and L’s relationship has flipped on it’s axis with no possibility of repair. With L unable to subdue the souls that enslave him there may be no other course of action to stop him, but to kill him.

I am the weapon to make Legion fall to his knees. And I’ve just been activated.

The enchantment and thrills of Wicked Ruin has the anticipation elevated to an extreme level. And just as your blood is racing, your mind is whirling, your heart is in your throat, the author slaps you with an ending that has you slightly confused, your mind working trying to understand why there are no more pages??? Damn I was literally freaking out, I thought my kindle was broken and I needed the next page!! Well done Ms. Jennings!! Now please hurry and write the next book!!!
Profile Image for Carol***BeautyandtheBeastlyBooks.
1,776 reviews171 followers
September 28, 2017
3.5 stars

I'm going to be the odd one out and say I didn't love this book.
I liked it for the most part, but the part I should love the most almost bored me. I like Eden, she's a strong heroine, and I like the Se7ven crew, but I have to say Niko stole the scene, actually this whole book for me.

L irritated me a lot. More than frustrating, he was boring. I couldn't see the angst or the tortured hero. He was almost wimpy compared to the other books. I basically wanted Eden with Niko, and then someone else the whole book.

I could see a huge plot twist coming and I'd actually enjoy it, because, to me, the whole plot as it is, or supposed to be from what we've seen in the other books, isn't working anymore, it simmered down A LOT for me and I honestly don't know how this happened.

The secondary characters, apart from Niko and Luc, didn't shine a lot either and I wanted more from some of te characte, one in particular, who could have amped the angst game here.

The story got interested, even though there was very little action. I could resume this whole book was resumed to a few things, so I wanted more from it. Now, the wait is on for the next one and I'm interested to know what path the author will take this story to.
Profile Image for Chardonnay.
63 reviews1 follower
October 6, 2017
Dear SL Jennings,
WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME???? Seriously I mean stop it.... my heart.

So let me just say that I did NOT want to read this book. I have read the se7en series and was ready/not ready for this book. I just was not ready. #1 - I have fallen in love with each character and did not want to let one go (which I mean come on by now I am surprised we have kept so many) #2- I just knew that this was the end of the series and was not , I repeat, not ready for this to end.... (insert side eye) #3- with #2 in mind I could not live with another cliff hanger making me wait too late (any amount of time is too late) for the next in line

Sooo with all of that being said here we are... I am just completely drained from the book. If you thought Eden couldnt get anymore badass, welp you were wrong. This new and improved Eden forced me to have a new entirely wierd obsession.

Thought Luc was gone and you hate him... well I hate you because hes f*ing hot and amazing with all of his lies and trickery and he makes hell seem... well not that bad

Legion oh Legion.... oh Legion

And the rest of the cast... I cant give anything away without giving it away but what I can say is that this was MY FAVORITE in the series... and Im scared I dont want to be let down at some point it typically happens in a series and I really hope that's not the case if there is a next one ; )

Profile Image for ⏃ : ✦ villainous_vixen ⏃ : ✦.
777 reviews117 followers
September 26, 2017
“Humans are flawed. Sinful.”

The Se7en are BACK BABY! And no one is safe . . .
Deep dark secrets are about to reign on their parade. So many twists and turns, you have to hold on tight, because this ride is about to get UGLY.

Eden is tested, physically and emotionally.
She wants to do right, but is struggling with her inner demons. But with one wrong move, it changes the whole game.

Wicked Ruin begins right after book two ended, and once again we are grabbed into the story and our hearts are racing hoping that only good becomes of Eden. But where would the fun be in that? S.L. Jennings is throwing us an evil grin right about now! This story is filled with intense passionate, wicked love. The loyalty each character has over one another, made my heart WEEP!

And that ending. . .
Don't get me started!!

Wicked Ruin was another fabulous novel in the Se7en Sinners series. Deliciously dark, that will ruin your heart!
Get ready, you're about to get WICKEDLY RUINED! XD
Profile Image for Courtney Brown.
800 reviews17 followers
November 9, 2017
Wow!! First I have to say that I so NEED the next book in this series like NOW!!! You have to read this series in order.. and this book is so full of ups and downs and twists and turns and had me hanging on to each word and interaction and there is some major cliffhangers going on so be warned.. I love how this series interlocks with SL Jennings Dark Light Series ( you don't have to read both to follow but I highly suggest it definitely one my all time favorite paranormal series) there is so much going on in this book and while there is not as much angst ( but still plenty) as the previous books in this series the end of the book definitely makes up for it this is a paranormal series but with some crazy twists that make the impossible seem possible in away only few authors can achieve .. all I can without a doubt say is that I will be awaiting another fix not so patiently
Profile Image for Katie.
776 reviews18 followers
April 20, 2018
This series is just one long emotional roller coaster. My issue is that everything is changing so quickly, namely Eden’s take on everything, that I don’t have time to settle into an opinion of each character or event. Eden walks around like a big open wound of insecurity & I get why, she’s had an awful life & the people surrounding her all had a part in it... but I need her to be stronger, every word or action has her inner self questioning how people feel about her. I admit I would probably have the same insecurities but I’m also sure I would have drowned them in Lucifer some time ago... you know what I’m saying *wink wink*.

Anyhow, I’m really enjoying this, each book a little more than the last so I’m expecting big things from the next one.
Profile Image for Alison Phillips.
300 reviews10 followers
September 22, 2017
This series just keeps getting better and better. It's PNR at its best and hottest. I've said it once and I'll say it again, S.L Jennings is the Queen of PNR.

This story continues on from book two, you are not off the first page and you're grabbed into the story and characters once again.

It has the same angst, passion, love, hotness to the max, fierceness, betrayal, loyalty and friendship as the first two books but vamped up to the max. Oh my goodness, the hotness factor with not one or two but three hot alpha males makes you want to message the author with your undying thanks.

This series will cement your love for PNR or make you a lover. Can't wait for the next book!!
Profile Image for  ✰  Charlie  ✰ Chisholm.
1,984 reviews22 followers
September 26, 2017
Wicked Ruin starts where book 2 left of it is so good so much happens in this book so many twists and turns. The author she pulled me into this book. Before I knew it, she had sucker punch me with a twist I did not see coming.

I cannot get enough of Lucifer or Legion I like them both. These Characters are tough and evil but we do see another side to them you see the vulnerable side...I just love Eden Character she is a force to be reckoned with. I really liked her in this one. I love most of the characters in this book. they all bring something to the story.

The story will keep you turning the pages to find out what is going happen the last 20% of the book I will say had me on edge I did not know how it would end. In addition, there may have been a few tears. A few hot steamy sex scenes you might need to fan yourself down after. However, the story is written well and if you love Para, you will love this book but please make sure you check out and read book 1 and 2 in this series first...

#TeamLegion & #TeamLucifer because I cannot pick. Lol

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