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Thicker Than Water

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Falling in love was the easy part. Lucia  is on a winning streak.
Her book, Throw Away the Key, has taken the country by storm.
And now it’s being made into a movie.
After years of chasing it, she can finally taste freedom. 

Reece Carras is one of the most powerful men in Hollywood. 
Handsome, rich and generous, he’s  everything girls like her aren’t supposed to dream of.
  But, dream she does. And in his strong arms she finds pleasure and comfort she never knew existed. 
Falling in love was the easy part…
Cruel twists of fate and torn loyalties will make staying together seem impossible.
Sacrifices will have to be made.
And they will learn that blood may be thicker than water, 
but nothing is more powerful than two hearts that beat for each other. 

342 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 12, 2017

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About the author

Dylan Allen

38 books2,493 followers
I'm an independent author of contemporary romance novels.
I love staying in touch with readers! You can follow me at all of these places.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 313 reviews
Profile Image for Trish Kitty Taylor  ***narniaandbeyond***.
571 reviews46 followers
October 8, 2017
Oh my gosh what a a truly beautiful book. I finished this at some god awful hour, because I literally couldn't tear my eyes away from this heart wrenching read. It was so damned real & honest. The topic for me was delivered so eloquently & in such a way that by time I reached the end, I was left with a multitude of questions turning in my head & as a Brit, it's fair to say an undeniable need to know so much more.

Dylan has delivered such a profound & epic story of life. It is real, honest & tragic, but before I go any further i want to say that I can totally see this story as a movie. I can visualise the characters so vividly, hear their words so clearly & feel the entire kaleidoscope of emotions so deeply that the good, bad & sheer ugly left an imprint on my soul.

It’s been a long while since a book moved me, but as soon as I started I was lost to words that not only opened my eyes, but also my heart, to the unimaginable struggle of our heroine - Lucia Vega. The life she has lived is inspirational yet tragic all in one go, as she tried desperately every single day, to hide in the shadows, scared of all the ‘what if’s’ but equally sick & tired of all the ‘why’s’ & ‘how’s’. She was so strong & courageous in her thoughts & actions, that I couldn't help but give her my heart. She was the most perfect heroine in the most imperfect world.

This girl deserved a beautiful life in all ways possible - including the love of a great man, so I adored how Reece truly was the kind of hero who wasn't afraid to work hard at earning the love & trust of this amazing woman. His role was so important in her journey & even though this strong, protective man had his own flaws, he never once disappointed me

This is so much more than a story of love. It’s a story of loss & forgiveness, anguish & hurt, but most of all, it's a story of faith & hope in all things. Just beautiful.

I can't recommend this enough, one of my Top Reads of 2017
Profile Image for Christy.
4,347 reviews35.5k followers
August 25, 2020
5 stars!

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Thicker Than Water is a story that needs to be read. It's important. It's got a beautiful romance and fantastic writing, but the STORY is what got me. Lucia's story is real for many people. This book was powerful, moving, and one that needs to be read! 

Lucia Vega just got her big break. After publishing a successful book, it's going to go on the big screen. And she gets to write the screen play. Things would be perfect if she didn't live her life in fear. Reece Carras is a former Olympian who runs the family business. He read Lucia's book and will do whatever it takes to be the one who gets to make it into a movie. It's important to him. 

Lucia and Reece butt heads at first, but there is an attraction there. Reece is captivated by Lucia, and once he gets to know her and her story, he's even more enthralled. They could be great together, their chemistry is off the charts hot- but there are secrets and Lucia's is a big one. It threatens everything they've been building... 

Lucia is strong. She is such a great character.  I don't know how anyone could read this book and not feel for her. I wish her story was completely fiction, but there are plenty of people in this country who are just like her. Reece is just they guy for Lucia. He compliments her perfectly and he gets her and understands what she's going through. I loved this couple together. Even though I felt like the romance took a back seat to Lucia's story at times, it still was beautiful and a prominent part. 
"We were made for each other. You were looking for freedom...I thought I'd already found it. I had no idea.”

Dylan Allen's writing blew me away. As soon as I finished the audio book of Thicker Than Water, I bought the paperback to add to my shelf. That's how much I loved this book! Definitely a must read.
Profile Image for Natalie Casey.
454 reviews22 followers
October 5, 2017
♥♥♥⭐10 STAR READ!!⭐⭐⭐♥♥
WOW!!!! I don't even know where to start,,, THIS book BLEW me away! I don't think I have EVER read something that has hit me so hard! I mean all the FEELS!!! This is such a profound story that touches on a topic that is so relevant today. It will make you open your eyes to what is going on in the world today. This was written so beautifully and with so much passion that you think its her own life story. You will be left with an all new aspect on what people are dealing with today. AMAZING!! There are just not enough words to truly express how this book made me feel. I connected with this on SO many levels, I am in complete AWE of Dylan and her writing. This book is so inspiring, so beautiful and raw. I am on an emotional rollercoaster! I was pulled in from the first line and I couldn't stop reading. I felt like I was living this story through Lucia's eyes, it felt so real to me. I was a blubbering mess, I cried so hard, and laughed and loved just as hard! I have NEVER been touched in my heart this much from a book, and I don't know how Dylan Allen does it! This is a story that NEEDS to be read by everyone everywhere! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book! Not only is it an eye opening story but its also a beautiful love story! This is my FAV book EVER!! #MustRead 🙌🙌❤❤❤
I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Chelé-----4 The Love of Books .
880 reviews58 followers
September 24, 2017
I have so much admiration and respect for this author.

"I see you, Lucia. The scarred places. And the beautiful parts."

Thicker Than Water is one of the most important books I've read this year. What Dylan Allen did is
shine a light on one of the most significant issues in our country today and it astonishes me how beautifully she executed this. I truly feel like your journey with this book would best be served if you went in blind, completely immersing yourself in this inspiring, raw, heartfelt and emotional story. Honestly, I don't want to give too much away, it's such a significant read, a must read.

"We were made for each other. You were looking for freedom...I thought I'd already found it. I had no idea."

I feel like I know Lucia. Hard working, guarded, strong, independent, a dreamer. She's had more adversity and hardships than someone at her young age deserves but she's determined to let her struggles be her strength which is why the success of her new book being turned into a movie is so gratifying. Reece, sigh. Reece is this all consuming amazing man. He's an activist and the head of a very influential and lucrative film studio and he wants more from Lucia than the rights to her book.

"Our hearts do all the talking for us. Our bodies provide the translation, who needs words?"

This is one of my favorite love stories and let me tell you why. Dylan has a way of bonding her couples, of cementing their love and making no doubt in your mind that they are absolutely meant for each other. There's this unwavering romanticism in her words that eludes to her belief in true love. I adore that. It's a part of what makes her books so passionate and me so devoted to her characters.

"I caress his cheek, and look into the eyes that have become my compass. In them, I find my true north. He's it"

And while I didn't want to go too in depth into Reece and Lucia's stunning story I would be remiss if I didn't mention the DRAMA. And there's a TON!! Ex drama, family drama, and a scene that had my jaw on the floor! It was scary, uncomfortable and I didn't see it coming!!!

I feel so privileged having the chance to read this story and know this couple. The highs, the lows, the funny parts and in true Allen form the incredibly SCORCHING scenes! I loved it all! I can't wait to read any and everything she writes next!

"Our love is an infinite source of stamina. If they put an obstacle in our way, we'll get over it, dig a hole underneath it; outlast it. We have the same end goal. To be together."
Profile Image for Danielle ❤️ Pretty Mess Reading ❤️.
345 reviews905 followers
February 5, 2019
****4 STARS****

Unfiltered review. . . https://wp.me/p7ZSCH-3Fu
Lucia! Oh, how I loved her. I just wanted to put her little pint size self in my pocket and keep her forever. She was just that freaking adorable. She also had the biggest heart. She’s twenty three years old and is taking America by storm with her debut novel that highlights the struggles of living undocumented – and not by choice.

Reece! Well, he’s just sexy as fuck! It’s not just his looks that makes him sexy, it’s his heart. He is KIND. That may seem like a simple word, KIND, but it’s not. Kindness in seen in every part of someone’s life. When someone is kind, everything they do is done without malicious or for selfishness. I fell madly in book love with all things Reece.
My motto is: What we feel isn’t as important as what we know. But this, for me is an issue where what I feel and what I know are perfectly aligned. – Reece

Reece led with his heart and his heart led him to tackle a subject that he did not have to, as it wouldn’t affect his life. He was using his influence to tackle the DREAMERs. He wanted to fight for the for those who were being deported. The voiceless. The lost. The forgotten. American’s dirty little secret. Little did he know that he was fighting for Lucia as well.

But like every great love story – and this is a great love story – life wasn’t going to just hand Lucia and Reece love, they were going to have to fight for it. Let me tell you, they did.
“I see you, Lucia. The scarred places. And the beautiful parts. This connection. This feeling. It feels like a blessing and curse.” – Reece

Lucia wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth, in fact, quite the opposite. She had to fight tooth and nail for the life she had and made no apologies for it. Along the way her heart had to endure an unspeakable amount of heartache and torture.

Reece’s spoon was a wee bit more silver than Lucia but his heart suffered his fair amount of misery.

That’s what makes this book so appealing to me and loads of others. It’s also why you will give Thicker Than Water a chance too. Because as much as we all will and have learned about a very important topic, we also get to watch Lucia and Reece’s love unfold.

When the world fights to keep them apart, it’s their own path they need to navigate to bring them together.
“Do you trust me, Lucia”

“Yes, completely.”

“We can be confused, upset, whatever. But what we can’t be, is apart.”

Thicker Than Water moved me so much, it’s impossible for me to express that without giving the story away.

Don’t you just love thought provoking books? I know I do.

Do I recommend this book? Yes, very much so.

Will I read another book by this author? In a heartbeat. I adore her work.

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Follow all my crazy....
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Profile Image for Emma Scott.
Author 37 books8,321 followers
October 5, 2017
This review is long overdue, as real life interrupted, but the story has stuck with me long after I turned the page.

This is an important book but you're not going to be preached at. You're not going to feel like the message overwhelms the story. There IS a message and it's an important one, but make no mistake, it is woven into the threads of a love story, and to me, that made it all the more powerful.

We read love stories for the happily ever after, and the obstacles thrown in the way of the couple we root for can be wildly fantastical or they can be grounded in reality as they work toward that HEA. A book like Thicker Than Water leans more toward the all-too-real situation of many of our fellow Americans but the magic is there. The romance is there. Even the hot as hell sexy times are there, so that by the time you close the book, you've not only digested an emotional, satisfying romance between two people who deserve to be happy, you might come away with, as I did, a visceral, vibrant hope that so many others living in fear in this country right now find their own happy ending as well.
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,711 reviews1,408 followers
October 6, 2017
It's LIVE! http://bit.ly/2y4MIKK

Reece Carras is a very powerful man. Aside from being sweet, sexy and charismatic, his family is Hollywood royalty and they own the most successful studio in the biz. He’s fallen in love with a story about a young girl struggling with her illegal status in America - a story written by the very beautiful and voluptuous Lucia Vega. Their first meeting is heavy with their mutual attraction but they both vow to themselves to keep it strictly business. This promise was an easy one to break. Reece is willing to do whatever it takes to make this book into a movie and Lucia is determined to keep control over the script and make the movie authentic.

Lucia was an easy character to relate to. She was burdened by her secrets and her life wasn’t one to be envied. She suffered for things that were beyond her control and her pain leaked from these pages. Reece was an absolute sweetheart. Seriously, he was a man after my own heart. He was aware of the issues that plagued his country and was a huge activist for immigration. He was simply amazing. Allen really knows how to create perfect book boyfriends.

There’s nothing I like more than a book that tackles real issues with realistic characters. Even if the problems with immigration don’t touch your life personally, I find that everyone has an opinion about it. After working in immigration for years, I could talk and debate about this topic until I ran out of breath. I won’t do that now, but know that this issue is one that touches me deeply. And I have the utmost sympathy for anyone who is or has dealt with the problems touched on in this story.

Release Date: October 6, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
POV: Dual - 1st person
Heat: 3.5 out of 5
Type: Standalone

Profile Image for Carla Bulian.
1,544 reviews469 followers
January 12, 2021
It’s a fairytale!
I loved this story, it was so romantic, brave and emotional.
It’s worth the reading!
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,619 followers
October 14, 2017
3 out of 2,5

Well, I knew this book had a social message in it before starting it. Many reviews say it is a love story with an important message in it about the immigrants in the U.S.A. But now that I have read it, I feel that this book is NOT a romance with a social message in it. It feels more like a HUMAN RIGHTS FICTION, in which some crumbs of romance and sex are inserted, but not as the focus of the book, rather as a side dish.

Unfortunately, I didn't feel the love between the hero and the heroine at all. Maybe because of bad writing or maybe because of the distastefully-written sex scenes... I don't know.

(This is my personal opinion - I really disliked all sex scenes... Or maybe they felt unreal. Is there really a world where virgins can do all that our heroine does at their first time? Just unbelievable! Or maybe it is my stupid self to think so - I don't know.)

“I took your virginity,” he says, his voice a mixture between disbelief and pride.
“You put a plug in my ass,” I mumble.
“You liked it,” he responds.
“I did.” I grin. “A lot.”

So, as I said, I didn't feel their love at all. I didn't feel it even when our heroine easily forgave the hero for doing what he did. Even if he didn't mean any harm, I wouldn't have -no, I couldn't have been so forgiving. Being with that man would feel like a betrayal to my own blood. At least, it would have taken me more time to overcome it. She -on the other hand- was extremely sad about it for a week and then, with a little bit encouragement from her own mother (that was also shocking to me), she forgave him easily and continued her relationship with him as if it wasn't such a big deal.

The message of the book

As mentioned in The Guardian (2017), “DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) was a federal government program created in 2012 under Barack Obama to allow people brought to the US illegally as children the temporary right to live, study and work in America. Those applying are vetted for any criminal history or threat to national security and must be students or have completed school or military service. If they pass vetting, action to deport them is deferred for two years, with a chance to renew, and they become eligible for basics like a driving license, college enrollment or a work permit.
Those protected under Daca are known as “Dreamers”. Most Dreamers are from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras and the largest numbers live in California, Texas, Florida and New York. They range in age from 15 to 36, according to the White House.
The Daca program was a compromise devised by the Obama administration after Congress failed to pass the so-called Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (Dream) Act, which would have offered those who had arrived illegally as children the chance of permanent legal residency.
By the time Trump announced his decision to rescind the program, 787,580 had been granted approval. Under the Trump administration, new applications under Daca will no longer be accepted. For those currently in the program, their legal status and other Daca-related permits (such as to work and attend college) will begin expiring in March 2018 – unless Congress passes legislation allowing a new channel for temporary or permanent legal immigration status – and Dreamers will all lose their status by March 2020.
Technically, as their statuses lapse they could be deported and sent back to countries many have no familiarity with. It is still unclear whether this would happen.”

* (From “What is Daca and who are the Dreamers? by The Guardian, 2017, September 14).

Well, the writer takes this controversial subject and puts it at the heart of this story. It IS the main focus.

The whole book is focused on the struggle of those who grow up in a country that won't claim them as their own. They feel American but they are not regarded as American.

I agree that it is an important issue to draw attention to but rather than boring readers to death with a long novel like this, the writer could have written one hell of an article or a report paper to be published in a related journal or something like that. Even a novella would do. Rubbing it in our face all along this 340-page book just didn’t work for me. I was really bored.

If it were a good romance book with a bit of the hint in it about this issue, it would have made a bigger impact on me, making me think about this issue, search about it and all. I would have felt more inclined now to talk about their pain and suffering. But because I was so bored with the book, I don’t think I want to read, think or talk about this issue for a long time.

Regardless of how much the book bored me, I need to tell that I wish the best solution for all immigrants all over the world. God may help them all. I wish there were easier solutions to the matter all around the world.

Quick tips:

Safety: No cheating
Hero: Divorced with a bitch of an ex who causes minor drama
Heroine: Young and virgin, though a bold one :)
Writing: Dual point of view
Ending: HEA
Profile Image for Betül.
1,051 reviews285 followers
October 6, 2017
**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**


4.5 stars

"I see you, Lucia. The scarred places. And the beautiful parts."

This is the third full-length novel I read by Dylan Allen, and I can say that I am a huge fan of hers. The author raises awareness to a very relevant and important issue in the USA. I don't live in the States so I don't know a lot of about this issue, but this book was an eye-opener. After reading hundreds of romance novels, I look for more in that genre. Books like Thicker Than Water are perfect in my opinion, it has a great romance story but it's so much more than that. It highlights what a group of people go through every day and it makes you look a bit differently at the world. We need more books like Thicker Than Water, it is sexy and entertaining but also raises awareness.

"We were made for each other. You were looking for freedom...I thought I'd already found it. I had no idea."

I really enjoyed Lucia and Reece's story. This was a very heartbreaking but also uplifting story. It was emotional at times but also very sensual. The sex scenes were hot, and I loved the build-up towards it. Dylan has done another incredible job in creating such an unique and engaging story. I didn't know what to expect and that is always a good thing. So why not rate it 5 stars? I don't know how to explain it, but it was just missing something. I think if the book was longer, it would've had an even bigger impact on me (even though my heart broke to read what people go through). When I was at 80% I was thinking to myself: Will there be a sequel..., because I didn't feel like everything could be resolved in the last 20% of the book. So I had a bit of mixed feelings about the last quarter of the book. I loved what happened, but I also wanted more and told in a slower pace.
Profile Image for Katy Loves Romance ❤️.
434 reviews760 followers
October 17, 2017
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I don’t even know where to begin with this review, but first off I just want to say how inspiring and beautiful this book is. It tackles a difficult subject but also has an heart felt gorgeous love relationship imbedded into the plot..

Lucia is living in limbo is the best way to put it, on the edge and uncertain of the way her future will pan out. She is an undocumented citizen which means she is pretty scared but also it’s the only life she knows. She’s also strong, tough and has a beautiful soul.. She though has written a story about her upbringing but using characters that are unknown to her own identity.. so it’s kind of a story within a story to begin with, I love these kinds of reads. They’re more powerful and thought provoking and once more keeps me on my toes.

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Then there’s Reece, whom is the owner of a big company that wants to tell Lucia’s story to the world in film. But ends up falling for Lucia when he didn’t really want to.. “he lied about his feelings” and well we all know how that goes right?!

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I hope I’m not giving too much away here, but I just want to say this book is such a powerful, yet stunning soul searching read if there ever was one. I’m just not sure how to put my emotions into words. But if you want something raw, real but still has a gorgeous love relationship that will grow on you the more you read. Then please pick this story up, I promise you won’t regret it..

Enjoy, katy Xoxo

ARC generously gifted in exchange for a honest review

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Profile Image for 1-Click Addict Support Group.
3,749 reviews484 followers
October 22, 2017

Ms Allen, you had my TOTAL attention from the beginning wanting to forget everything and everyone around me. This story touched me even more because of the subject it featured.

While it dealt with a subject that could be controversial depending on your view there was more to it than that. 

It was a story of learning to love yourself and loving others. About wanting a second chance at living without fear. At succeeding when you were told otherwise and or made to fell that way.

This book here had my emotions all over the place. Happy and in love one moment and then wanting to b*itch slap some people.

Please go in with an open mind when reading and see that in the end we all want to feel loved and accepted. 5 Beautiful Stars
Profile Image for Veronica Bellaorev Books.
513 reviews82 followers
September 12, 2017
Thicker than Water
by Dylan Allen

This book IT'S NOT your average romance novel, is one that's need to be read with pause to absorb the magnitude of the topics presented in it. It's a book with a profound purpose beside been an amazing love story. It will educate us in an issue that I bet most of us didn't have the complete knowledge off. We sure have hear about it on the news but the way Dylan presented it to us is more powerful. You get to identify with the characters. Their pain, impotence, struggles, anguish, sorrow, passion and convictions will feel like yours. Reading this, my heart ache for so many faceless human dealing with this issue. Trying to understand the depth of suffering they have to face for something they didn't have control over is so overwhelming.

Thicker than Water evolves around Lucia's and Reece love. Lucia is a young and gorgeous new author while Reece is handsome powerful Hollywood man. They are opposites in so many aspects of their life style but complement each other on the ones I think count most. They may come from opposite direction on the social scale but their passions, strong convictions, fierce perseverance and unbreakable will makes them a powerful couple. You'll get to see the full progression of this romance from friendship to hot consuming and desperate passion. Their chemistry and love will burn down the bedroom and will destroy anything on the way of their one in a lifetime kind of love. They support each other on their professional goals. You can't find a better match than this two but this love wont come as easy and soon you'll see how many obstacles this two will have to face so they can be happy.

I can't say more than get the book on October 6 when this amazing story hits book world. Oh and Prepare yourself to experience a tsunami of emotions like no other.
Profile Image for Antonella.
3,910 reviews552 followers
January 22, 2020
okay, I have many thoughts on this one...
first, you don't have to be an American or a DREAMER to care about these issues, you know you only need to be human BUT the author makes it very hard considering that our heroine ends up with ex Olimpic gold medalist swimmer now movie producer billionaire...a mouthful huh.... so not relatable AT ALL... which is something that I WOULD LIKE ( as a reader) more ...

So I wish that this book was more realistic, heartfelt and raw!!! Considering the topic I think that the impact would be better!!

I loved the subject & plotline!!! Sadly, it was not enough to keep my interest and I was very bored.

Now on to the romance....welp, I don't get it..their first sexual encounter and her first sex ever...
and that happens...

but even before all that, I didn't feel the connection between them at all

I am still looking for my favorite Dylan Allen book..it is out there...
sadly this book is not it!

still a solid read!!!

Profile Image for Dylan Allen.
Author 38 books2,493 followers
September 15, 2017
 photo goodreadssignup_zpscwf5ekoo.jpg

Bloggers and Readers!
I have Sign ups for Thicker Than Water's Release!
I would be So honored if you would consider signing up to help me spread the word!
I'm offering review opportunities, too!

**BLOGGER and ARC Team Sign ups Thicker Than Water!**
My October 6, 2017
Release Date has been set and we have a blurb!
Bloggers can sign up here: http://bit.ly/2wPVzfT
ARC Readers can sign up here: http://bit.ly/2hRLtsg

Here's the blurb!
Lucia Vega is on a winning streak. Her book, Throw Away the Key has taken the country by storm. And now it’s being made into a movie. After years of chasing it, she can finally taste freedom. Reece Carras is one of the most powerful men in Hollywood. Handsome, rich and generous, he’s everything girls like her aren’t supposed to dream of. But dream she does. And in his strong arms, she finds a freedom she never even knew existed. Falling in love is the easy part… Cruel twists of fate and torn loyalties will make staying together seem impossible. Sacrifices will have to be made. And they will learn that blood may be thicker than water, But nothing is more powerful than two hearts that beat for each other.
Add it to your TBR Thicker Than Water

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Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,282 reviews849 followers
June 2, 2018
Audio-book: Narrators – Lacy Laurel and Sean Crisden

Both of these narrators gave plenty of character and life to Lucia and Reese. Their voices conveyed hurt, anger, sadness and passion. Sean’s voice was butter smooth and holy gawd it was good. I did struggle to adjust to his female voice but his Spanish accent made it easy to do. Lacy did an excellent job of Lucia and I felt all the pain and heartache this character suffered via Ms. Laurel’s voice.

This story covers some hot topic politics and policies that we struggle with as a nation. It was much deeper than I expected with layers to not only the story but the characters as well. My heart hurt for all the pain Lucia had survived only to be hit with even more. I longed for her to find true freedom even as Reese’s presence in her life could take it away.

I loved Reese and all his protective ways. He was not the standard play boy billionaire. Once he caught Lucia he held on tight and fought for her every step of the way. Lucia’s past has made her strong but she still feels like she lives in the shadows. She was strong in character even as she was broken. I enjoyed watching her come out into the light.

This was a very enjoyable story that was well written, relatively fast paced with little bogging down. The steam factor is high even if not abundant. Secondary characters were well developed and helped to push the story along. I’ll definitely be checking out more from this author.

I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.

Dual POV
Profile Image for Alissa.
426 reviews75 followers
September 29, 2017
What a relevant and important story, this book is a breath of fresh air!! I just got schooled on immigration in the US - being a US citizen is a privilege that I never had to earn or fight for and for that I am very lucky. Many others aren’t as fortunate, and I’m thankful that Reece & Lucia’s story enlightened me as to what millions of people face when they don’t have citizenship. Their unpredictable story opened my eyes and made me think. Thank you Dylan Allen for writing this thought-provoking story!! It is not one I’ll forget any time soon.
Profile Image for Vanessa (nessreads).
945 reviews
October 5, 2017
*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*

10 "Libertad" Stars!!!

It's been one day. 24 hours. 1440 minutes. 86400 seconds. Since I was consumed by 'Thicker Than Water' and I don't want to come out of the haze I'm in. My first book by Dylan Allen and I am in awe. Also, disappointed in myself for not reading anything by her sooner. Her writing captivated me. It gripped me and took me on one of the most inspiring journeys. This storyline sheds light on a very important issue and opens your eyes to real life situations. Dylan did such a phenomenal job with her storytelling. Informative, profound, and most of all beautiful.

Lucía Vega has lived anything but a charmed life. She's had to work 100 times harder for the success she has. Lucía has had many hurdles to jump. She's had to overcome countless struggles. I felt her pain and cried with her. And at her happiness I felt joy and my heart was full. I loved her and wanted every good thing for her because she deserved it so much. And though I don't know how it'd be to walk in Lucía's shoes, I connected with her.

Reece Carras is everything I look for in a H. He was loyal, passionate, takes no crap attitude, loving, sincere etc. Honestly, I could go on forever describing what a fantastic man Reece is. I loved him to the moon and back and back again. Ugh, just thinking about him brings the biggest smile to my face. I couldn't get enough of him, he was simply the best.

Lucía and Reece come from very different backgrounds. They're opposites as opposites can get. But they are so perfect for each other. They complement each other so amazingly. I loved their progression from friends to lovers. I couldn't get enough of these two. They hooked me and I didn't want to let go. Their passion and love was intoxicating. They loved with no reservations. They loved with every fiber of their being. They loved because there was no other way. They were beautiful. And their love was equally beautiful.

"We were made for each other. You were looking for freedom...I thought I'd already found it. I had no idea."

All the applause. All the snaps. All the praise. Thank you Dylan, 100 times THANK YOU for writing this story and these amazing characters. You did a masterful job! One of my favorite books of 2017! I highly, highly, highly recommend for everyone to read this book!
Profile Image for Kathryn Nolan.
Author 21 books1,530 followers
September 29, 2017
I loved this book. I love reading romance novels that tackle issues that are real, that don't shy away from complexities but, rather, embrace them fully. Without giving too much away, Lucia is an undocumented woman, here in the US under DACA, whose book about immigration rights garners massive support and attention--including from a sexy Hollywood movie producer. Lucia is the kind of heroine I love reading about--a woman with her own life, her own goals and her own desires. She's brilliant and has overcome tragedy and injustice. She's unafraid to share her worldview or to fight for what she knows is right. Plus, interwoven through this story is a smart, sexy, sensual love story I loved. I applaud Dylan--for tackling such a vital issue, for telling the story of so many of our neighbors and loved ones.
Profile Image for A.M. Johnson.
Author 39 books1,970 followers
September 20, 2017
Diving into a political world others might shy away from, Allen writes a profound and gorgeous story that paints a realistic, unique, and emotionally charged romance.
Reece and Lucia are sexy and poignant, and a definite MUST read.

Profile Image for Ari .
933 reviews299 followers
November 27, 2017
“...love is thicker than water. Blood means nothing without love.”

I read Dylan Allen's debut novel, Rise, and wasn't really a fan of the writing or the characters so I never had any interest of checking out her other releases. But then I heard the buzz around upcoming release, Thicker Than Water, and decided to give Allen a second shot to see if this book would be a better read.

Lucia Vega's debut novel, Throw Away the Key, has taken the publishing industry by storm and has now caught the eye of Reece Carras, a famous movie producer who wants to bring her novel to the big screen. After agreeing to her terms, Lucia and Reece begin working together to bring her story to life and along the way, a spark ignites between the two. They say good things come to those who wait but for how long will they last?

Thicker Than Water started off on a good note and I was immediately sucked into the story. The book deals with an important issue that has been the topic of discussion for many months: DACA. Lucia is a Dreamer who has faced numerous struggles throughout her young life. My heart broke as I read about her childhood and how her family fell apart. She had to fight for herself since no one was really around to fight for her. I completely admire her strength and her determination to do better for herself. I just wanted to best life for her and was cursing at everyone who stood in the way of Lucia's happiness!

The thing that didn't work for me was the romance and Reece. The insta-lust is very strong between these two. Lucia and Reece were already eye-fucking each other right from the first chapter and it annoyed me. I wish that there was more of a build up when it came to the romance, especially considering the topic at hand. I also wasn't a big fan of the sex scenes and I'm not even picky when it comes to sex in romances but these scenes were so rushed. What happened to slow and sensual moments? After Lucia and Reece got together was where things started going downhill for me. Speaking of Reece, I felt like his character was there for eye-candy. His character lacked depth and I just didn't connect with him at all. I kind of wished that this book had focused more on Lucia and her story and that the romance took a back seat. While I appreciate the fact that Allen touched upon such a relevant issue in Thicker Than Water, the overall story itself just fell flat for me.
Profile Image for JoDeen .
584 reviews48 followers
October 5, 2017
Thicker Than Water is of my most anticipated reads of this year .I have been counting down the days until I could get my hands on this book ,so when I got the chance to read an ARC of this book I was so excited and I dived into this story as soon as I can and OMG this book was fantastic ! once I started this book it just took over my life even when I wasn't reading It I was thinking about this book . It was just everything !

In this book we follow Reece and Lucia and I just loved these two together ,there is so much things I loved about these two , the sexual chemistry between these two was just off the charts , there personalities meshed so well , every conversation between these always struck some emotional cord with me but the one that stands out the most to me is just how honest they are with other , there was little they hid from each other , I found that very refreshing because one of the things I notice a lot in that books I read is in a lot of instances the couple doesn't communicate as much as they should and this leads to so much conflict so I was so happy to see that that was not the case in this story. I found the romance between Reece and Lucia ( who I now call Rucia in my head) to be sexy , unique , all consuming and honest and I loved every minute of it . One of the topics that book also deals with is illegal immigrants, I felt that this book helped show the reader what its like to be one , It was so easy to relate and honestly feel for anyone that is in this type of situation just based on this book . Thicker Than Water is sexy , smart , gripping , important story that is very relevant to that times that we are in currently . This book made me feel so much ... There are few books that literally punch me in the gut and drag me all over the floor and put me through all types of emotional obstacle courses to get to a happy ending and that is what this book did !! .It was fantastic ! the only problem I had is that this book doesn't have 20 epilogues! I wanted to see Recce and Lucia in 20 years, 50 years as one of those cute little old couples lol .This book was fantastic.I cant wait till all of you read it If you are wondering if you should pick up this book my answer is YES pic this book up as soon as soon you can .
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,920 reviews542 followers
June 9, 2018
The social message regarding immigration was a direct hit to my heart -- as I feel the author meant it to be. But from there on, I'm in the minority on this one. Just couldn't fall into line with the relationship between the two protagonists. It was a stretch to find much reality in their union. As for a love story, I didn't really feel it. It felt like a human interest story with some erotic sex thrown in for the sake of billing it as "romance." Even at that, the sexual encounters weren't even any thing special or extraordinary. Lucia's "deflowering" was ridiculous and so unbelievable -- cold and calculating even. I actually felt sorry for her and sick to my stomach at the older man who could be so uncaring. I mostly skimmed their "lovemaking." And while we're on the subject of writing, this book had so many editing problems, I wondered if there was even an editor involved -- or a proofreader for that matter.

With all the hype surrounding this one, I'm left shaking my head and wondering what's up with all the 5-star reviews? It certainly couldn't be the writing. You would have to be blind not to notice the glaring errors. And I can step into the fiction world and stretch my imagination just as much as the next reader, but not when the subject matter is such an important and real issue. Nothing in this book balanced for me as a reader.

Just my opinion, but I'm sticking with it.

Profile Image for Gina *loves sunshine*.
2,116 reviews91 followers
January 16, 2019
If you dig through these reviews you will find a mixed bag. But I see a lot of people agreed that the romance wasn't really there. I went into this blind except I knew there was some sort of bigger message to be told, and that this was more than just a romance. Sad to say that I just could not hang with it any longer. DNF @20%. I am probably missing out on a good message, but this book had no spark or chemistry to bring me in. It's the style of writing where the main character says - wow, I am really attracted to her and then we believe that statement...rather than my preferred method of the reader actually-feeling-an-attraction.
Profile Image for Tanaka K.
897 reviews7 followers
September 25, 2017
“I’m going to take everything, Lucía . I’m going to fucking wreck you. But I’m going to give you everything I’ve got, too. Everything.”

You come across books in your life that challenge. You come across books that not only move you but pull your heart strings. Thicker than Water was that book to me in every way. Thicker than Water was a powerfully laid out romance that held a topic so convincing and phenomenal. It held a message so pure and utterly heart warming that this story crept into my very soul. Thicker than Water totally settled in my heart and really moved me so deeply. I was completely struck by the soulfulness and emotional depth of this book. What a book. What an important book to stir me. A book to influence and open my eyes to a story so heartfelt, raw and totally honest. I was so blown away. Dylan Allen carefully constructed a beautiful book with realism and an edge that completely quenched me.

Thicker than Water completely engulfed me with FEELS. All of them bombarded me and exploded into my system and I was left shaken up deep in my gut. Everything in this book held something special to think about. I love books that challenge you. I love books that make you talk about topics to with society and community but with a romance edge. And Thicker than Water delivered that. Profound. Earth Shattering. Ominous. Uplifting. Thicker than Water is a romance that touches a significant topic of race and immigration. No, it is not a political book. It is a book that inspires you. It is a book that shines a light on issues we see. It is a book that breaches on issues that affects us socially but with a romance element so fervent and visceral. Dylan Allen carefully executed a soul binding and magnetically charged story so passionate that the words seeped into me and stroked me. I admire Dylan Allen for writing what is true. I admire her for giving me a story that allowed me to take a journey. I admire for giving me a romance that touches on something unique yet astronomical.

The characters really sunk me in. I got to experience two individuals who swept me away with their passion, drama, anguish, pain and love. I was immersed in a couple that I fully believed in with my whole heart. Lucia and Reece had that love that as the power to break you. They have the love that start slowly but built up into something fiery and immense. It was intense. It was fully charged. It played with all my emotions. I loved Lucia and Reece. I loved their struggles. I loved their chemistry. It was electric, hot and sexy but still held something genuine. Lucia was a survivor. She was independent, strong and held the world on her shoulders. Her attitude on issues, her kindness and her caring nature simply marveled me. I was completely dazzled. Reece is an all consuming man. Commanding, rich, famous and successful, he was a man that made me swoon but someone with love to give. Dylan Allen definitely wrote one of the best couple. I adored Lucia and Reece.

All I can say is go buy Thicker than Water on October 6. Go in blind and let this beautiful book take you on a journey.

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Marieke ~ Marieke's Books.
454 reviews25 followers
October 6, 2017
After reading Rise and Remember, I was very curious about Dylan Allen’s new book, Thicker Than Water. This new book is not just a standalone, romantic story, but it also portrays a very prevalent issue in America. I love how the developing relationship between Lucía and Reece and this subject are getting entwined, without becoming too much. Another great story by Dylan Allen.
“When our eyes meet, I can see things in her expression that I didn’t before. Her wide, rich brown eyes give me a glimpse into her thoughts. She’s excited, but wary. Hopeful, but unsure. Whatever she sees in my expression makes her eyes widen with surprise.”

Lucía didn’t have an easy life while growing up and the events of her childhood have shaped her life and way of thinking. When she decides to write down her experiences and memories in the form of a Young Adult book, she couldn’t have predicted its success, and where it would lead her. Reece is the son of Hollywood Royalty, and as Chief Executive of the family’s production company he’s after the movie rights of Lucia’s book. From the moment they meet, Lucía and Reece feel a connection, but both try to fight it.
“He walks to stand in front of me, so that we’re just a few inches shy of toe to toe. Besides this morning in the pool it’s probably the closest I’ve been to him. I can feel the energy radiating from him. It’s magnetic—and it takes real effort to resist the pull of it. I just want to lean forward a little . . .”

Thicker Than Water is the author’s third book, and like the other books it’s told in a double POV. There are funny moments, sexy moments, normal moments, but also very sad and painful moments. I love how Dylan Allen can build a story with all these kind of moments, and is able to prevent is from feeling forced or over-the-top. Everything flows naturally.

My heart breaks for Lucía, for what she and her family had to go through. And even now, it’s far from over for her. What makes it worse, this is actually how a whole group of young people are living in America, at this very moment. I, as somebody from a small country in Europe, can’t imagine having to live like that, without securities and depending on the ‘goodness’ of others.

I adore Lucía and Reece together, they are an amazing couple with great chemistry. I love the ending of the story, it could have been ‘more’, but I’m glad the author wrote it the way she did. It makes the story realistic, and that’s why I love Dylan Allen’s books.
“She smiles a new smile. I’ll come to recognize that smile. It’s the one she wears when she’s so happy her heart’s song can’t be contained. It’s a bright that it casts everything around into the shade.”

I love Thicker Than Water, plain and simple. I give the story of Lucía and Reece 5 stars.

Profile Image for Siobhain .
117 reviews10 followers
October 9, 2017
🏆And the award for “My favorite 2017 read” goes to... Dylan Allen for Thicker Than Water🏆

WOW! Where do I even begin? This book was powerful, tragic, and so relevant! Dylan Allen is one of those authors that you can always expect greatness from. But this book was on another level of greatness highlighting the struggle on an immigrant. It gave me a new perspective and understanding of DREAMERS. Dylan took us on a journey of one undocumented woman and the struggles she faced while working towards and hoping for the one thing most of us take for granted, FREEDOM. I am so happy I read this book because it really gives people HOPE. No book has ever given me so many chills, brought on tears, and filled my heart with so much love like Thicker Than Water has.

And I haven’t even talked about the characters. Every great story needs great characters that an audience can fall in love with. Dylan gave us Lucía Vega and Reece. Lucía is a writer whose book is being optioned for a movie. Good things are coming her way, but she doesn’t want to let her guard down. She lives with the mentality of “its too good to be true”. She is an undocumented immigrant who has lived in the United States for more than half her life. She pays taxes and works hard, but still has to have deportation in the back of her mind. Lucía doesn’t let many people in and when she meets the handsome movie mogul/former Olympic athlete Reece, she knows he is someone she could let her guard down with.

Lucía and Reece have an attraction that they are fighting, but come to a point when it’s just impossible to deny. They have so many obstacles and things going against them that they have to decide if love is worth it.

I could go on and on about how much I love this book, so I’ll begin to stop now 🤗 . I love that Dylan wasn’t afraid to talk about a topic and really depicted a story that was REAL and vulnerable. The emotional roller coaster was well worth it.
Profile Image for Kaitie.
1,080 reviews33 followers
October 5, 2017
I know what y'all are thinking. Oh look another love story. Girl and boy meet, date, fall in love, and live happily ever after right? WRONG!! This love story is so much more than that, so much more purer than most. And not only is it a love story between Reece and Lucia, it's a love story between the author and a real life issue going on in this very country right now. You can tell it's important and that it matters. So it's a very different love story then what I've personally ever read!!!

Reece and Lucia, they are the perfect match for each other. They bring out different qualities in each other that no one ever has for for themselves before. You know you've met the right person when you begin to come in to yourself. Reece does exactly that for our sweet Lucia. Lucia, she shows Reece what it's really like to be in love. Together with the help of friends and family these two embark on an adventure. One that had me on the edge of my seat but one I'd go on again in a heartbeat! Their love is the real deal, incredible and never ending!

Like I hinted at before up too, I don't really watch the news or read it because it depresses me anymore. This book tackles an issue going on right now. One I didn't know much about but learned a lot more about. When you give me something like this to read I devour it because it's in a language I understand. It's more meaningful!

Ok I'm done rambling, you'll have to pick up Reece and Lucia to understand how much I truly love and adore them! You definitely won't regret it!!
Profile Image for Sophie.
590 reviews478 followers
October 4, 2017
I've sat on this review for days. Not because I didn't like the book, but because I LOVED it and to me, words won't do it justice. Thicker Than Water by Dylan Allen is just STUNNING. Simply breathtaking and BEAUTIFUL. It's complex and raw and completely steals your heart.

As a writer Dylan is so underrated. Her talent is endless. Her books have gone from strength to strength. And it's not always just about her writing. Dylan is an author that takes “un-talked” about topics and weaves them seamlessly into her stories with such dedication and care. Her passion for her words, her characters and her story is evident in the way all of those things affect the reader. I am blown away by the depth and intensity of this book!

Reece & Lucia are perfect. Their romance perfect. Their story perfect. It was all built and paved and structured perfectly. I honestly cannot find another word to use. There isn't another word I could use really. These two characters have so much to give, but so much holding them back. Their connection is instant, you can feel it, but it's not over done. It's believable and REAL. Dylan let her characters control and followed them, well, perfectly. Connection, relationship wise, there is NOTHING that should be altered here at all. This whole book is a testament to them.

Thicker than Water is passionate. Incredibly powerful and thought provoking. Flawlessly written and executed. An impeccable, stunning, masterpiece.
Profile Image for Cami.
1,591 reviews73 followers
May 21, 2020
4.25 Stars!

Thicker Than Water might be a fiction book but it is most definitely a story that is very relevant today. I live in Texas so I feel like so many people here, that I know, can completely relate to this story in some way. Either it is similar to their own story or it is a similar story to someone they know.

Lucia Vega is a strong female character that has not had it easy and pretty much always lives in fear of being discovered. I can’t imagine trying to always stay under the radar and having to limit where you go and what you do. And on top of that, too often families are pulled apart because of it.

Along with an eye opening message, this book has a great love story that some might say is a bit on the smutty side BUT I tend to like that in a book especially when it has a great message to learn.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 313 reviews

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