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Wicked #3-4

Wicked 2: Legacy & Spellbound

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Complete text of Legacy and Spellbound in a single volume.

Holly Cathers is not the same person she was almost a year and a half ago. After discovering her connection to an ancient legacy of witches, Holly has accepted her destiny as a descendant of the House of Cahors. She is determined to end an intergenerational feud that has plagued her family for centuries.

Holly will have to overcome unworldly obstacles as she battles to protect her loved ones -- including Jer, a member of the rival House of Deveraux and her one true love. A war of magical proportions is being waged, and Holly is at the center of it all.

Lives will be lost, and sacrifices will have to be made...

655 pages, Paperback

First published October 2, 2003

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About the author

Nancy Holder

353 books2,400 followers
Nancy Holder, New York Times Bestselling author of the WICKED Series, has just published CRUSADE - the first book in a new vampire series cowritten with Debbie Viguie. The last book her her Possession series is set to release in March 2011.

Nancy was born in Los Altos, California, and her family settled for a time in Walnut Creek. Her father, who taught at Stanford, joined the navy and the family traveled throughout California and lived in Japan for three years. When she was sixteen, she dropped out of high school to become a ballet dancer in Cologne, Germany, and later relocated to Frankfurt Am Main.

Eventually she returned to California and graduated summa cum laude from the University of California at San Diego with a degree in Communications. Soon after, she began to write; her first sale was a young adult romance novel titled Teach Me to Love.

Nancy’s work has appeared on the New York Times, USA Today, LA Times, amazon.com, LOCUS, and other bestseller lists. A four-time winner of the Bram Stoker Award from the Horror Writers Association, she has also received accolades from the American Library Association, the American Reading Association, the New York Public Library, and Romantic Times.

She and Debbie Viguié co-authored the New York Times bestselling series Wicked for Simon and Schuster. They have continued their collaboration with the Crusade series, also for Simon and Schuster, and the Wolf Springs Chronicles for Delacorte (2011.) She is also the author of the young adult horror series Possessions for Razorbill. She has sold many novels and book projects set in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Saving Grace, Hellboy, and Smallville universes.

She has sold approximately two hundred short stories and essays on writing and popular culture. Her anthology, Outsiders, co-edited with Nancy Kilpatrick, was nominated for the Bram Stoker Award in 2005.

She teaches in the Stonecoast MFA in Creative Writing Program, offered through the University of Southern Maine. She has previously taught at UCSD and has served on the Clarion Board of Directors.

She lives in San Diego, California, with her daughter Belle, their two Corgis, Panda and Tater; and their cats, David and Kittnen Snow. She and Belle are active in Girl Scouts and dog obedience training.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 230 reviews
Profile Image for Heather Dalgarno.
189 reviews2 followers
July 25, 2011
Let me preface this review by saying that basically, this is not a good book, and I wouldn't recommend it....

The premise is that there has been a centuries long feud between two families of black magic witches in which each seeks the total destruction of the other by any means necessary. Several hundred years ago the families married their heirs - Jean and Isabeau - to try to steal each others secrets. Jean and Isabeau appear to be a sort of magically bound Romeo and Juliet. They die by betraying each other and their ghosts posess their descendents in the hopes of either killing each other or being together forever, it's not entirely clear which. The main characters are from the present time, and Holly (Isabeau's descendent) having been completely unaware of her magical heritage is suddenly forced to fight for her life and the lives of her friends and family when a warlock of the rival family sets out to destroy them.

The positives are that this is a good story, which jumps from the present to the past frequently to make this a sort of centuries long saga. While interesting, it is frustrating however. I am now on book 5 and still have no idea why the rival families are fighting in the first place for example. There are plot holes big enough to drive trucks through, but I am persevering in the hopes that all my questions will be answered eventually.

The negatives are that this is one of the worst written books I have ever read. The characters are completely two dimensional, lacking depth and convincing motivation. The action scences are particularly poor, and read something like 'there was a bang, and a big scaly demon appeared and we all said 'oh no' and threw a fireball at it'. I'm not kidding, it's really that bad. Also, given that the main characters between them are supposed to be some of the most powerful witches/warlocks in the whole of history they seem incapable of doing any sort of useful magic. Their answer to everything seems to be to chuck a fireball at it.

In the words of Magnus Magnusson, 'I've started, so I'll finish' and have moved on to the final installment. To sum up, the story is interesting, but the writing is dire. It's not a series I'll re-read, or would recommend.
39 reviews3 followers
October 31, 2007
Wow. I was quite surprised how much I enjoyed these 2 books.

Legacy: After the rather pointless ending of the last book I was grimacing when I opened this one. Holder's problem continues to be that she fails to put in enough detail-BUT this book is more fast-paced than the others; it requires less detail on the little things so the niggling annoyances that irritate the back of your brain are less itchy.
The authors show that they are perfectly capable of writing a decent story; The Golems, The Dreamtime and Richard finally finds his testicles, yay!
I felt quite compelled to read the next book, something I had not yet experienced with this series.

Spellbound: This was gooood. They kill off the irrelevant characters: Silvana, Tante Cecile, Dan, Alonzo.
I don't want to be callous but they deserved to die. The massive central casts of these books are one of factors dragging the series down. Good to see that Holder and Viguie recognise this and can see that these characters would never have developed.

I loved the whole Karienne thing. A minor detail I know, but it was rather touching; their relationship always was more realistic than Holly/Jeraud. Kari's death was simple, predictable and beautiful. Her self torment throughout the series demonstrates just how inhumane Holly has become; she cares not for those who sacrifice themselves along the way. Kari is tormented by her ruthless self-analysis and her admittance of guilt makes her a likable character in the end.

Loved to see how powerful Richard was. Ignoring how convenient it was that seven Golems turned up at the same point (I don't buy the 'thrall' theory), it was great to see him take them down with such ease. I mean the man was running and he shot a 1cm space without aiming! Not random luck. That is skill. His reunion with Nicole was heartwarming.

Eli. Quite the little piece of shit isn't he? This is what we have been led to believe thus far. Spellbound allows the reader to see things from his perspective for the first time.
He still loves Nicole and risks his life to rescue her! I prefer him to Philippe. Yeh, yeh Philippe is dreamy and whatever but Eli is soo much more interesting. Plus there is the redemption factor.
I was stunned at how appropriate it was that he killed his father. For some reason I always thought it would be Holly or Jeraud. Loved the symmetry in JamesEli killing their fathers.

Holly's choice. Ok I think it's fair to say that the series centres around this girl. And i'm not saying the downfall of the series was based on that. I'm not. But this book was more interesting as a result of her 'taking a back seat'.
When Holly is finally exorcised and the showdown begins we do expect to see some of her apocalypse-like powers. But she barely holds her own in the fight. In the end all any of them can do is summon fireballs (and raise armies of the dead-but that's just impractical). When it's all over she chooses Incest-I mean Alex over Jer. What the hell, Holly?
Firstly, Alex is obviously a piece of shit.
Secondly, what about all that soulmate stuff you've been forcefeeding us for 1200 pages?

Is Eli Alive? Is James? Where did DemonMoore go? Who is Nicole jnr's daddy? Alex Carutherrs? Do we care about Barbara's death? Will there be a Wicked3?

I damn well hope we get an answer to these questions and i'll be keeping an eye on her website for updates.

The only reason I refrained from giving this 4 stars is because its predecessors are awful.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
4 reviews
December 9, 2011
I read Wicked 2: Legacy and Spellbound by Nancy Holder, and Debbie Viguié. This book is one of the best book’s I’ve ever read. It’s got a lot of suspense, action, fight’s, comedy, and even some history of witches even though I don’t know if it’s real or not but I believe some of it is. They change the point of view from character to character and I love when a book does that. I liked that they had a lot of characters and I usually don’t like that but the authors made it very easy to follow. The characters are also very interesting even the bad ones, and they describe them greatly and go very in depth with it. The only thing I didn’t like about it is that it’s a huge book because its two in one so it’s really intimidating to read it and I kind of felt like I was reading way slower than usually because of that.
As I said before, I really liked the way that the authors wrote. The authors didn’t use that many big words so it’s easy to understand. They not only changed the places a lot, but they also changed times. Inside the chapters they would have “mini-chapters” almost were there would be a heading saying where the person speaking was when thy were and who it was if it was present time, for example one of them was “Salem, Massachusetts: October 29, 1692.” When they do this, they go on to tell a story that ties in while the book or they continue the book when it is the main characters speaking. I’ve never heard of an author writing that way, and I think it’s really cool.
There are many more reasons why I love this book so much, but I just gave a few examples. I think that if I would recommend this book to anyone (which I definitely would) I would recommend it to people in high school and even most adults because it’s such an interesting book. Anyone who likes fantasy books would love this one.
Profile Image for Carrie .
1,023 reviews590 followers
November 19, 2020
I really enjoyed these to books. Although I found that Legacy kind of dragged on in the beginning, a bit repetitive for the first few pages.

Much better then the first book, I can't wait for the next book in the series, which is coming out July 2009.
Profile Image for Nicole.
Author 2 books81 followers
June 1, 2010
Well if you've already decided to continue reading this series, then you're already doomed. This one was just as plagued with poor writing and editing and a mediocre plot as the first, so don't expect anything better than Wicked 1.
Profile Image for P..
20 reviews
March 17, 2009
Yeah I read this one... Really without knowing what was happening in the beginning of the book... Because as I said... My dog chewed up the other one... So I really didn't know what happened to Holly or Jer or Nichole or Amanda or Elliot... I really didn't... But luckily Nancy Holder is such a great author that within few sentences of the first page... I knew exactly what was happening... Thank goodness for that=)
Profile Image for The_Books_Music_Life.
382 reviews13 followers
March 20, 2019
Since this is two books in one, I'm splitting up the review and ratings.

Spoiler filled reviews for both books below.. You have been warned.

Such a long review (mainly rant).

Wicked - Legacy, review, 3.8 out of 5 stars.

Trigger warning for rape. Nothing is shown but you know it happens.

Great Kari didn’t leave after all, only to save her sorry ass. I’m glad Sasha is with Holly and her coven to go rescue Nicole and then Jer. I can’t wait for a reunion for mother and son.

Where the hell does Kari get off blaming every single thing that happen on Holly? I know Holly has made some questionable decisions but she is young and trying to keep everyone safe. Holly did not steal Jer away from Kari like she thinks, Jer was done with Kari long before Holly even came to Seattle. If i remember correctly he was getting annoyed with her in the beginning pages of the first book. Not to mention she is basically using Sasha cause she looks like Jer and is his mom. She’s like obsessed with him when he’s clearly moved on. Don’t even get me started on the battle where Philippe’s coven and Holly’s meet. Kari abandoned Silvana, she is in her 20s, wanted so bad to know magic and bout it; but when she is in the battle she runs and abandons Silvana who is trying to fight the demons. Ugh i just really hate Kari!

That whole little sections when Tommy confesses his feeling to Amanda was weird and kinda stupid. She finally has this realization that he’s a man now and they could be something. Then either jokes or makes a deal out of him holding her hand (i honestly couldn’t tell which) and then he just out of the blue confesses how he feels to her and that’s basically it. It switches POV.

Holly had no right to say that Philippe didn’t care about Nicole, that he was just like the mother coven. And then…they bond?? Over wanting to attack and kill (which i think they make plans for) the Supreme Coven. Weirdest bonding session ever.

Holly!!!! You make it so hard to stand up for you. Why did you grab Jer first and not Nicole. She is your blood!!! WTH. I feel bad for Jer he is humiliated by his appearance now which is mostly burns. Kari running out of the safehouse was stupid cause the Falcons can find her now. Silvana does’t understand that Kari was only with Jer to learn about magic for her school work! So Silvana does understand that Jer was getting tired of his relationship with Kari. Someone needs to give her a clue, so she can stop blaming everyone else. Also if Kari really loved him like she says then she would’t say or care if he looks like a monster she would love him for what is inside. Holly never once said anything about him being a monster now she loves him for him. Also it isn’t Holly’s fault that Jer was burned Amanda and Nicole pulled her from the fire. People need to lay off of Holly o know is had a bad attitude but she’s the one who has to make tough choices to protect everyone and she didn’t want any of this she was thrown into. If Sasha, Silvana, and Kari don’t like her or how she runs the coven then leave. Simple as that.

Philippe is the only one to actually see Holly as she is and respect her. Jer needs to get over his “I’m a Deveraux. I’m cursed.” Nonsense. Why does Nicole and Philippe and Holly and Jer have to be insta love? I do not like insta love! Amanda and Tommy are the only couple that isn’t insta love but there also on the verge.

Silvana can’t seriously be mad at Holly for not driving with her over the bridge. Silvana knee why, that she might drown or get hurt cause of the curse. So Isabeau was blocking Holly from her power so she would HAVE to sacrifice things to the goddess Hecate? I’m confused by this part I don’t know if it’s true or not. I think it is though. Isabeau is a bitch who cares for no one but herself. At least Holly came into her powers now.

I don’t understand why Holly is so uneasy and afraid of Pablo’s gift. I know she doesn’t want him in her head but why? So he won’t see all she has done? And why does Holly think Pablo represents danger to her?

Tante Cecile is dead?!? I thought she was unconscious! That was a fast death.

That ending was super fast. I don’t know it everyone died or are still alive, the only ones that i know for sure are alive is Philippe, Amanda, Tommy, Holly and maybe Nicole. Speaking of Nicole why does James and Eli want her so bad? This is like the second times she’s been kidnaped by them. What tank was Michael on? I didn’t understand that part or how the house blew up. or how Amanda, Tommy, Philippe got out. I’m assuming the spear that Anne-Louise put Holly in saved her. But speaking of the Mother Coven; that was all they had to help? Basically ghosts? There not powerful like they pretend to be. And what does Michael and Laurent want with Holly? Why didn’t they just kill her? I know Michael was wanting Holly as like a mistress or something so he could use her powers but who knows. But why didn’t they call upon Pandion for help like Michael calls upon Fantasme?


Wicked - Spellbound, review, 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Well Richard and Barbra are alive, along with Holly, Nicole, Amanda and Tommy. Ugh Kari is alive. So Armand is alive, that means Alonzo is the one Uncle Richard saw die. Silvana is dead. Yay Philippe is alive! Sasha is alive. And Dan is dead.

Damn you go uncle Richard!!! Yay Pablo is alive I like that kid. Philippe better not be dead Pablo just better be confused about not feeling his life force or whatever.

I love that Nicole’s cat followed her in the portal when she was kidnapped.

If Eli really does hate his dad and James for stealing and marrying Nicole, why does he keep helping him? It makes no sense! You say you feel bad that you helped kill Jer you say you don’t trust your dad and you hate James. Why. Help. Them?!?

Ooh damn Anne-Louise laying in to the High Prestress of the Mother Coven is everything. She only sent a fraction of them and she only sent the weakest ones! Anne-Louise is right she has no intention or interest in helping the girls defer Michael or the Supreme Coven. Someone needs to demote her and place someone else in charge of the Mother Coven. Others are questioning her too, she won’t be leader for long.

I forgot about Jer’s body... Hopefully Dan escaped and took his body with him.

How did Kari and Armand find Amanda and the rest? It doesn’t say! Silvana didn’t deserve to die like she did, but at least she is with her aunt now.

The typos in this book make it hard to focus. It says Nicole’s name In the chapter but she is missing!

I feel bad for Pablo having to find Alonzo’s grave, but I’m glad Philippe buried him. The reunion between Pablo and Philippe was sweet.

Everyone but Dan, Holly, and Jer’s body is reunited and of course the moment is broken by the gollum’s. Poor Dan at least he is with his son and Eddie again. I’m glad the cats escaped safely but why is Amanda so sure they won’t see them again? I want Bast and Freya with them since Nicole’s cat Is with her.

I can’t believe Michael put Holly in thrall, least of all when she is possessed by demons and then was going to rape her! Oh hell no!!

Well Jer’s body has been found but I wonder who carries him out. There’s another Cathers witch!?!? How? I thought Holly, Amanda, and Nicole where the last ones. Who is this Carruthers and how can they help Holly?

Great... Michael can control Holly. Wonderful 🙄.

I need to know how a 23yo man named Alex Carruthers is related to Holly, Amanda, and Nicole and how he can help save Holly. Wow Alex is powerful is Luna admitted it. Richard is awesome!! He understood the Dreamtime better than Holly and Jer ever did. Heck he saved Jer in just a couple minutes and was able to talk to him and set up a barrier and trip alarms around him! Richard should have been a witch.

So he’s there cousin, probably a 1st or 2nd since it never said if Holly’s dad and Marie-Claire has another brother or sister.
It is really specious that Alex can do all this stuff.

I don’t trust Alex. Kari is a coward for running away and stupid for thinking she can call a truce between everyone. Did that ghost, spirit, whatever it was make Nicole pregnant?

So not Kari had a ancestor who “dated” or mainly slept with Jean in the time of Isabeau and Jean. Not confusing at all.

Stupid Kari!! Why in the world would she tell Michael where the coven is and about Alex and everything!! She’s betraying them!! All for the safety of Jer and most likely herself. I wonder if he did something to make her tell him.

Why the hell would Kari drink anything Michael gave her?! And why is she feeling aroused by him. Gross Kari.

Alex is a douche, calling Jer by his last name which he hate. I can’t believe Alex said that about killing a warlock to get his power meaning he want Jer dead. I love how Philippe and Richard are only ones who can look at Jer without flinching.

How was Alex even able to defeat the blackfire?

Why would they let Alex lead them even temporarily? And it just blowed up in their faces. Splitting them up to rescue Nicole and attack the Supreme Coven. He’s trying to get them killed!

Was that Alex, Holly, Amanda, and Nicole’s cousin or a different Alex? And if it is the same Alex why does he owe her his life? Is June is mother or grandmother or something?

Omg it was Alex he changed the timeline!! Why? What does he gain by doing that?? He saved June’s twin brothers who died in the flood.

What the heck I’m so confused. Nicole was NOT pregnant in the last chapter! And Eli is most certainly NOT the dad! WTH it must be cause Alex messed with the timeline. But how in the hell is she almost due??

Richard is a badass!!! Killling golems while at a dead run and throwing a knife between Eli’s legs and not hitting nothing but to just scare him. And it worked!!

Philippe is certain that Nicole’s baby isn’t his. Why can’t it be his!! Watch it be stupid Eli. Stupid Alex rewriting time. None of this would have happened. I hope Philippe raises and is a dad to Nicole’s baby.

Why don’t they just kill Eli? No one will miss him and Sasha will get over it. Ok who tried to kill Eli? Ugh Sasha. Why did Isabeau take Eli and Sasha?

I can’t tell if Isa way is a bitch or a nice person.....

How the hell did Isabeau take Eli and Sasha to 13th century France!! So Isabeau brought them there to save them. Why?

Eli better make good with his mom since she can’t come back to the present or she will die from the ardor she took to save his worthless but. I don’t thing Sasha and Isabeau can stop the massacre.

I still don’t get how the spell Amanda and tommy did made that portal or why.

I understand that Jer wants his and Holly’s first time to be them and not Isabeau and Jean. But he’s so dang broody!!! I can’t stand his broodiness!! Omg. Doesn’t Jer understand they can defeat Michael if they are in thrall together!!!

I’m loving how different Holly is since the possession. She’s better, more patient and a lot less hostile and mean.

Barbara teaches them the best places to hit a man to take them out or kill them was funny, mainly everyone’s reactions. Especially when she said the part about their testicles.

Seriously since when did Eli want to marry Nicole?! It’s like almost everyone is doing a complete 180! Ugh. I want to know who the dad of Nicole’s baby is. I hope it’s Philippe and he’s wrong.

I wonder if Alex is doing this for the power he get if he kills someone since it’s Wind Moon.

Barbara didn’t last very long did she. Kari is dead, but I’m glad she and Jer had that moment before she died. Even if I didn’t like her.

What the.. that was the most anticlimactic death for Michael Deveraux. And I can’t tell if Sir William is alive in the demon that came from him or is dead. And I thought they had a deal why did Eli and James throw their daggers at each other? And did Eli kill James?

This. Is. The. Worst. Possible. Time. To. Go. Into. Labor. Nicole!!!!

There’s more Cahor witches? Is this because Alex changed the timeline by saving June’s brothers? I’m so confused with this dang timeline switch, which we still haven’t gotten anything more about. And what is Alex suggesting that they all team up and attack other covens like Michael’s.

Is Alex seriously that he and Holly should be together together and make a coven together? Or am I reading this wrong cause she said he’s offering her something Jer can’t and won’t give her and I assume that means being together. That’s is disgusting there related!!

What does Alex mean that Nicole’s baby is special? So Armand and Pablo are going with Alex and possibly Holly. To do more fighting. I’m with Amanda and Tommy, they fought their fight for Coventry the don’t need to fight more like Alex wants them too.

So that’s not the real Alex that’s someone pretending to be him!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kambria Anson.
238 reviews1 follower
January 6, 2024
This series is honestly really weird. I feel like there were several things throughout the book that were not explained well, especially since there was a whole world of magic. Also why did so many people have to die? I’m not sure if I want to read the last book in the series but this one did end on a cliffhanger…
Profile Image for Paige Adams.
Author 1 book2 followers
November 15, 2024
I can't believe I'm doing this. Despite the many problems I found with the first book or two*, I'm continuing the series. Will these next two installments be any better than the first two were? Let's find out.

Taking a brief glance before we begin, I noticed that there's still no cast of characters or family tree, so I feel like there's not much point in trying to remember everyone. I still feel there's too many characters, even if some of them (like Richard, Tommy and maybe Silvana) are getting bits and pieces of character development.

Much like last time, I'll be dividing the book in half, reviewing each one separately. Once done, I will tally everything up and divide by two to get a final score. With that said, let's begin.


I will say, I do like the updated chapter titles for this book, being named after minerals and gemstones used in practicing magic. Examples include Moonstone, Bloodstone and Amber.

The first chapter is an interesting case- it's titled "Black Obsidian". I'm rather surprised it wasn't just called "Obsidian" since, at first reading- I thought obsidian only came in shades of black. But, after doing some research, it turns it it comes in other colors as well. Perhaps this was done to emphasize the dark situation that found herself in as well as the stakes for our heroes if . Still, it's a nice touch.

All of the poetry (chants for each book part) is still on point. An example in chapter six (Jade);

And another from chapter ten (Sodalite);

Magic, chants, combat and poetry wise, the story is still going fairly strong. In terms of character development for the side characters, there's... a lot to be desired.

For starters, Kari has no real reason to be here. Even if she once dated Jer Deveraux, she's not a member of the Cathors family line and I don't think she's an actual witch. (Or at least, wasn't born with powers.) And I thought she said she wanted to leave anyway. The reason the authors give for her being there was for safety and power in numbers but honestly, I'd say her entire character didn't even need to exist at all. She brings nothing to the table and she should have stayed in Seattle with the protective shaman (Cecile?) who's guarding Richard and everyone else not on the quest, worked from home with her research while pursuing her college degree and helped out the Cathers-Anderson (CA) Coven from afar. It feels like a major contradiction given what was said at the end of the second book Curse.

Or so I thought at first. Kari's bottling up a lot of negative emotions, so we might get something out of this. (after finishing the book) A few outbursts here and there, but we still haven't gotten much out of this. Where's Kari running away from this conflict or turning on Holly?!

Then there's I was extremely worried for her. Thankfully, she was But while Jer reuniting with Holly was very nice to see, Nicole seeing and being with Phillipe again kinda felt... forced.

Unlike the last book, it didn't really fell like there was much chemistry or longing between Nicole and Phillipe. Also, I can't tell if I don't think she was, but there are times where feel maybe there aren't enough details. I'm also a bit confused, I thought

And after all that been through, it doesn't seem very believable that she'd want to kiss Phillipe, especially because they weren't truly dating to begin with. Same goes for the "Lord and Lady Ritual" that those two plus Amanda and Tommy went through. (Honestly I feel that Jer and Holly should have been the ones to do it instead, regardless of the risks.)

I feel that if was going to go through said ritual, that we should have had a more personal conversation between her and Phillipe. Why aren't we getting more drama between them or inner turmoil for our runaway witch?!

Even a small conversation like this would have been nice to see;

We also never got to see Nicole react to either. It feels like we're not seeing any emotional arcs there when we should be. I'd also argue that the Mother Coven and the White Coven don't need to exist as a whole. Save Phillipe maybe, but otherwise it's just a bunch of characters eating up valuable pages.

Many of the flashbacks (especially the one with Claire Cathers' death and the aftermath for Ginny and her father Peter) also seem unnecessary, and need to be either trimmed down or cut out completely. While some of the flashbacks in this series were nice or helped to provide context (such as Isabeau and Jean's love/conflict and how the Cathors family came to be Cathers and forgot about their magic origins), now they're getting to be annoying and largely unnecessary.

Between Nicole's lack of PTSD and unnecessary visions of the past with too many characters (Dr. Deveroo? Seriously?), it feels like the authors aren't always putting their focus on the right places.

The Dream time segment was very interesting. Jer and Holly enter the realm to save Barbara's spirit, which they succeed... but at a cost.

(sigh) Not again...

And when the Battle for Seattle begins anew, , there's destruction, demons and undead mooks everywhere. An unfocused mess. And the Great Familiar of the Cathors Coven, Pandion? She comes into the book way too late to have much of a useful role. Unless she plays a bigger role in the fourth book, but somehow I doubt that.

And we get another cliffhanger, this one even bigger.

Nicole is And the Cathors-Deveraux war rages on...

It arguably feels like this entire book... was all for nothing. We got no real payoff. It falls into many of the same problem-patterns that the first two books have. The chapters are too long, the focus isn't in the right places, a lack of character growth for several people, too many characters and just not many reasons for me to continue the series.

This is the weakest installment of the series so far. Also, why is it even called Legacy? I never understood the reason for the title. I wanted more from this book and despite its compelling plot and higher stakes, for the most part- this story failed to deliver.

Rating: 2.7/5 stars.


Interesting enough, the chapter titles change from gemstones and minerals to the names of goddesses and deities. We have more well known names like Isis and Hecate (Goddesses of magic from the Egyptian and Greek pantheons respectively), and those that might be more obscure such as Dechtere and Rhiannon (respectively from Celtic and Welsh folklore.)

I will say, I do like the amount of research and effort they put into the setting and world building. And the multiple types of magic we see in the series.

First chapter, Isis:

From chapter four, Artemis:

Soon we get into the plot. At least all of the unimportant people are finally dying in larger droves so I don't have to remember them. It's saddening for our heroes yet also necessary and arguably long overdue.

Damn, Anne Louise has 30 broken bones?! Ouch! How is she even still alive? Or conscious? But she is right to call out the Mother Coven for their cowardice and failure to act earlier. Yet it also strikes a nerve in their High Priestess; Luna finally steps into play, going to Los Angeles to find Alex Carruthers, a long lost cousin of the Cathers-Anderson family in hopes that he can help Holly. (But in retrospect, was it necessary as-

There's also an error on pg 73, stating, "The band- Kari, Tommy, Amanda and Nicole- left Barbara behind in the motel to inspect the ruins of the cabin." Did they mean to say Richard? Because Nicole had already been (Again, why?)

And Holly goes through
Well, fuck. At least we know the title fits the book.

Yet, despite not having any magic, Richard understood the land of the Dreamtime better than Holly. Good on him for finally coming in clutch to save Jer.

And Kari finally runs away (finally, get out of here!), but I'm surprised she ended up at Michael's house. Why can't she just go away already?!

Surprised that Eli is helping out Nicole. (Does he actually care for her? Probably not.) And why do I have a bad feeling about Alex taking leadership of the Tri-Coven?

Turns out Okay, you have more of my attention now. But yet... was it really necessary? Why is

So it turns out I was right... about Fuck, I was hoping I was wrong. (She didn't deserve such misery.) At least the authors had the courtesy not to show such torture.

On a much brighter note, after spending two-thirds of the novel possessed, No wonder a normal exorcism didn't work... Armand is really quite skilled to be able to banish several demons in several rounds of highly intense banishing rituals. (Maybe I'd keep him if I were to rewrite the series.)

Sasha (somehow?) disappears into the past while Eli decides to go back to the present. Man, not many of these events make much sense. (Side note; I like the fact that we have a female warlock named Eve. She's surprisingly intriguing.)

Then comes the final battle. Magic and chaos everywhere... And all ends in sorrow.

Holly is free from forever, and presumably could bond magically to someone else. But Jer still hates himself, feels unworthy of Holly. The CA coven breaks apart so a new one can form to face other evils...

Then there's the epilogue. Something is amiss.. But if that wasn't Alex Carruthers... then who is he... really?

This book seems... a little better than its sister Legacy yet also a bit worse? I'm hoping that the last book, Resurrection, will give answers as to why the timeline is being messed with and what will become of everyone still alive. (Although honestly I don't have much faith left in this series.)

One would think that with two writers at the helm, you'd get a high quality piece of work as you have multiple minds working on the same project(s). Alas, it feels like a mismatched collaboration. I don't know if this is the result of two authors with very different writing styles (as I've never read any individual books from either author), but this entire series seems really messy and that all of their thoughts just clashed together.

Here's probably what I would have changed about these books if I were writing them (aside from including character casts and family trees);

At the end of the second book,

The third book (now titled Arcane), would still involve

Kari probably wouldn't exist in my AU, but if I had to put her in, I'd have her be at the house with Richard, Cecile, and anyone else not on the quest. I'd also cut out William and just have his son James rule over the Supreme Coven from the beginning. I'd also cut out Eddie, Kialish, Alice, Karienne, most if not all of the Mother Coven, Jose Luis, Alonzo, and probably Pablo, among others.


Among other possible changes...

(sigh) But once again, I'm thinking about what could have been, and not what truly is...

Rating: 2.3

Rating both calculations; 2.7/5+ 2.3/5 stars=5 divided by 2...

Final score=2.5 (Rounding down due to too many problems)

Overall, I've seen worse but I've also seen a lot better. I'm afraid the quality of this series hasn't improved and instead only deteriorated, as writing this review hurt my brain. (Seriously, it feels like my brain mostly melted.) Still, there's one more book left... For better or for worse... I think the real question is not whether I can read Resurrection, but will I?

*See author's review over Wicked: Witch and Curse by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie.

[Review originally written Oct. 29th, edited Nov. 15th]
Profile Image for Annika.
181 reviews1 follower
February 3, 2021
Technically, I didn't finish the books.

I mean, can you blame me? The main character (whatever her name was) got so high and mighty about her connection with that old chick from old France, and how great her magic was, and "Oh, obviously this bad guy chasing my group is definitely, only trying to kill me"

Like no. Pull your head out of your ass and stop being a bitch. (She just, ooh boy, she pissed me off)

Especially because she did stupid things, like kill her friggin cousin's familiar or some shit. Who does that? The book stated what a fantastic bond yadda yadda, and then Main Character's just like "Nah I just gotta kill this cat because reasons. (Whatever reasons there are, I don't remember and don't care enough to be reminded.)

If the series improved after #3, that's great for everyone who read that far, but it was just all too annoying and strung out and stupid for me to do anything but bored-quit, write this tiny whining rant and forget about it.

Also there's that guy who got burned. Just now remembered him.

He's very significant.
1 review
Want to read
October 18, 2021

Người phụ nữ may mắn trúng xổ số miền Bắc sau cuộc hôn nhân đổ vỡ

Đang trong hoàn cảnh khó khăn vì cuộc hôn nhân đổ vỡ của bản thân, người phụ nữ ở Canada bất ngờ được lộc trời ghé thăm với tờ vé xổ số miền bắc xổ số miền bắc trúng thưởng 1 triệu đô la. Hiện tại cuộc sống của chị đã ổn định hơn nhờ vào số tiền "lộc trời" từ xổ số.

Người chơi có được vận may trúng sổ xomien Bắc là ai?

Hiện tại chị Alexandra Stubbs (45 tuổi) hiện đang sinh sống và làm việc tại Kitchener, Canada đã không còn đượm buồn trong đôi mắt vì cuộc hôn nhân dang dở trước đó của mình, bởi thay vào đó là niềm vui trúng số giải thưởng trị giá 1 triệu đô la Canada.

Bạn muốn xem sổ xố miền bắc trực tiếp sớm nhất trong ngày thì đừng quên đến với KQXSMB

Nhờ trúng số mà cuộc sống người phụ nữ ly dị được yên vui

Không ai muốn gia đình mình tan vỡ cả và chị Stubbs cũng vậy, chẳng qua vì không thể chịu đựng thêm được nữa nên chị mới quyết định mang đơn lên tòa án. Bởi không mấy ai có đủ mạnh mẽ để có thể vượt qua được nỗi đau bị chồng phản bội, nhất là khi kẻ phản bội ấy lại không hề biết ăn năn.

Theo chia sẻ, trước khi trúng xổ số xổ số miền Bắc Minh Chính thì chồng chị Stubbs đã ng khai đưa người tình về sống chung một nhà với chị. Ba người dưới một mái nhà khiến chị không thể chịu đựng được, sau đó chị làm đơn ly dị nộp lên tòa án. Mặc dù biết kinh tế chung của hai người chẳng có gì nhiều nên sau khi ly dị cuộc sống hai mẹ con chị sẽ vô cùng chất vật.

Giữa lúc đau khổ và tuyệt vọng ấy, chị Stubbs bỗng dưng được lộc trời ghé thăm vì tấm vé số mua ngẫu nhiên tại cửa hàng gần nhà đã may mắn trúng 1 triệu đô la Canada. Cũng chính tờ vé xổ số miền bắc xổ số miền bắc mang đến cho chị cuộc sống hoàn toàn đổi khác, vừa có tiền gửi ngân hàng để lấy lãi hàng tháng mà gánh nặng kinh tế gia đình đã được vơi đi. 

Để có được một trong những cách dự đoán hiệu quả và mới mẻ nhất thì đừng quên truy cập Xổ số miền Bắc hàng ngày  hàng ngày.

Người phụ nữ may mắn trúng số sau cuộc hôn nhân đổ vỡ

Hạnh phúc hơn nhờ trúng sổ xomien Bắc

Niềm vui xuất hiện rõ trên khuôn mặt chị và chị đã có điều kiện để chăm sóc con cái, phụng dưỡng bố mẹ già. Cuộc sống ở hiện tại của mẹ con chị đã rất tốt và ổn định, đối với chị thì điều đó rất mãn nguyện và vì thế mà chị luôn thầm cảm ơn trò chơi xổ số xổ số miền Bắc Minh Chính.

Ngoài ra, chị Stubbs chia sẻ sẽ vẫn tiếp tục tham gia chơi xổ số để tìm kiếm niềm vui và nếu có thêm cơ hội trúng số giải độc đắc lần kế tiếp thì càng hạnh phúc.

Hãy cùng tham khảo con số đẹp dự đoán có tỷ lệ trúng cao và xem sổ xố miền bắc sớm nhất tại SXMB  hoàn toàn miễn phí.

Profile Image for Dianne.
1 review11 followers
December 3, 2013
...so a lot more was going on and became easier to follow along, minus the part where not one but two authors, as well as the editors overlook a significant detail:

towards the end of 'legacy' on page 310 "James and Eli deflected it all easily. Laughing, they both strode to Nicole, grabbed her arms and before anyone else realized what was happening, they tossed her into the portal and barreled in after her. It disappeared."

we continue now with 'spellbound,' page 73 "The band - Kari, Tommy, Amanda and NICOLE left Barbara behind in the motel to inspect the ruins..."

and then shortly after on page 76 "Have you heard anything of NICOLE? She shook her head. No, not since James and Eli took her."

so first I thought I misread, and then that I may have missed an entire section or something, but seriously though, she's one of the main characters!!!
Profile Image for Stephanie Atkinson.
22 reviews1 follower
August 22, 2009
I ran to buy this one as son as I finished the first one. Not only do I enjoy the material of this book but I'm also elated that it is a thick book. I also feel that I'm definatly getting my money worth with the book as it is thick AND I enjoyed it. I find Holly to be a favorite character as she is corruptable, something which is lacking from most heroines and heros.
Profile Image for Shelly.
71 reviews6 followers
March 16, 2011
I had a tough time getting into this book. The first book in this one was boring for me. Took much longer for me to read it, I started two other books before I finished the first half. The second half, was very interesting and exciting. The ending was crazy. I had to make a special trip to the library to pick up the next one. Overall entertaining, but touch and go.
Profile Image for Skinned:Alive❄.
5 reviews
January 5, 2021
Holder and Viguie's "Legacy" & "Spellbound" were a nice addition to the series. Very much needed after "Wicked" and "Curse", since there was a lot of character development that was neede. I agree with some of the comments in here about the fact that there were a lot of intense scenes, I agree given that this series started out as a young adult fantasy novel, not in any way disliking it. The research gone into the aspects of the covens and pagan beliefs is explored further, but not dealt into much, seems like the authors are waiting for the fifth installment "Resurrection" to wrap up how they feel about these issues. I did enjoy many scenes and parts of the book, despite many others saying the book narrative felt scattered. I find Holder's way of jumping from one action to the next, very captivating. In one paragraph you may be going down a set of stairs, for example, and in the next, you are already elsewhere and characters are introduced before you very quickly, yet all seems to fall out nicely in the story. I would've loved if the books went deeper into spellcasting or anything related to coventry more indepth, but I'm sure given the themes explored, (for a book published so early on in the 2000's) I'm surprised I was given this book by a high school girlfriend that was reading this in 9th grade back then. I'm really glad I went back to these series however.

I truly enjoved Alex as a character, as well as Jer, Phillipe, Pablo, Tommy, Eli, James and even Michael. The male characters stand out and have good narratives, with their lenience to the Light. We'll see if these terms ultimately mean anything to them in "Resurrection.
Profile Image for Harlee.
120 reviews1 follower
June 9, 2018
It took me all this time to finally finished this book. I started reading a physical copy long ago, then I couldn’t continue until recently I acquired a digital copy. It’s a good story, don’t make me wrong. I will read book #5 just out of curiosity. What doesn’t make any sense to me is this... if Holly have such power that makes ppl pee and poo their pants... why she’s been so weak since the beginning? So far and after all she had lost, she still weak. The book presented her like the shit or the shit in the House of Cahors...but as you read expecting her to transform and used such power to protect her love ones, it comes others with less power and kill her love ones making her look like a joke. Honestly, if the authors leave the best for last...very well done 👏🏻. But sometimes you gotta be careful with that kind of decision. The story is a good one, but evil persevered so much in the first 4 books that I’m sure people have quitted and not even think bout book #5. Story get boring and meh after a while. Is like after you read the beginning you can actually predict what’s next...🙈 That bad 😐. There is so many inconclusive points of the story... I just hope the authors took that in consideration and clarify them all in the 5th book. It won’t be nice at all to keep the audience hanging like that 🙄‼️
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for books_with_sass.
360 reviews29 followers
September 17, 2020
I read the edition with Books 3 and 4, and did a review of Legacy on it's page. I will also include it here.

I gave Legacy 3.5 stars. It had much more story and action than the first two, and I actually wanted to pick it up during some parts. I still have no emotional connection to any of the characters and I don't understand why its taking so long for the end battle to happen. There are so many characters! It is sometimes hard to remember who people are and all the point of view switching gets difficult to read. However, the story has more substance than the previous two.

Book 4, Spellbound, I did actually somewhat enjoy and give it 4 stars. The action and story moved more quickly this time around. I still don't care at all about any of the characters or whether any of them live or die. There isn't really any character growth or development, maybe a little bit here and there but not enough to need to mention. I still think this all could have been shortened to two, maybe three books instead of the five that there are. This one has a pretty good cliffhanger though.

All in all, now I'm at least a little invested in finishing the series. If I hadn't owned the books, I would have given up at the beginning. So if you can make it this far, you might as well read one more 400 page book to finish it out. Good luck.
Profile Image for Sarah Fancher.
137 reviews1 follower
January 24, 2020
I'm only giving the entire book a 4 star rating because Book 3 outweighed Book 4 by far. Book 3 was so compelling and I could not put it down. I loved the way all the plots finally came together only to be ripped apart again by so many twists and turns. It was exciting!! Allegiances and loyalties are defined. And it turns out that the coven ends up in so much trouble that it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Book 4: Spellbound felt slow compared to the first 3 books. I was a little disappointed in this one. We spent so much time keeping the stories alive while everyone was separated. We as the readers already had a pretty good understanding of the past and how it affected the future and everyone in it. Then the authors took us back in the past again to change it. They threw in a new character and a new plot that I'm not sure how they can wrap it all up in the final book. The first 3 books we talk about the battle that rages between House Cahors and House Devereaux only to have it all concluded in one measly chapter. All that build up kind of felt like a let down.

Now there is a new twist in the mix and only one book left. It makes me nervous.
Profile Image for Ursala.
346 reviews8 followers
December 9, 2020
Complete disappointment. The strongest witch to ever live...does nothing. The entire 2 books she is weak and ineffective.

Glaring mistake, I have to note, among many. Page 336 of novel 2, states Holly killed Nicole's cat Bast. All of the Hecate references and the authors couldn't remember what cat was killed🤦🏽‍♀️

I'm not sure, still, why both houses have to fight and why the newer generations just don't give it up.

So Nicole is pregnant with somebody's baby and is full term without it EVER being mentioned until 2 days before she is due?! Ridiculous.

Supposedly, there are tons of Cahors. Yet the Deveraux's never knew? Only found these 3? I smell a way to try and sell more books😔.

I hope once they find out Alex's secret, Holly and Jer find their way back to each other and someone fixes his burned skin.

I would like to commend the authors for finally killing off enemies. 4 books and this is the 1st on where enemies die...hopefully they stay dead.

I'm only finishing this because I started it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Anna.
72 reviews2 followers
May 27, 2023
Unfortunately, the series really took a turn for the worse. The plot is a neverending stream of action scenes with largely underdeveloped characters. Speaking of characters, it seems that the authors have so many characters so they can kill people off again and again without actually having to sacrifice anyone "important."

Moreover, there were some awkward scenes where the authors clearly couldn't keep track of the characters and got the groups and timelines mixed up.

Just because it's YA doesn't mean it has to sacrifice quality for sensationalism. The only reason I finished this book and will finish the series is because I never got around to it as a teenager when these books originally came out.
37 reviews
August 12, 2018
The ending was a disappointment! But it's NOT the end.... so now I have to find 1 more book. I found this book a bit more confusing? Part of the team in Avalon the other in London...then POOF altogether...portal wasn't an option since magic wouldn't allow it, so how'd they got to London is not mentioned! BUT somehow when Sasha and Eli were hit....poof back in history 600 years ago, by a portal opened by Tommy & Amanda....not clear how that happened! More questions about how, when and just plain what!?! When I finished this book I thought....I'm finished, but I started this and I'll finish it! Read reviews and feel I won't be satisfied with this one either!😳😳
Profile Image for Bunny Cakes.
268 reviews4 followers
February 14, 2017
This book was written better than the first, with fewer typoes, and fewer editing issues. The story was good and it ended well given that there is another book in the series. I dislike loose ends as this one left but there were fewer loose ends in this one than in the last one. You can see the growth of the authors as you read the series.
Profile Image for Mj.
154 reviews21 followers
February 17, 2021
I really wanted to enjoy this like I did the first book in the series. There were just too many people and it jumped around time periods too much for me to follow it closely enough. I like the general idea of the story! There's a 3rd book in the series I feel like I need to read for some closure. I'm hoping that I can get into it. We'll see!
4 reviews
August 13, 2021
I enjoyed this whole series! I read through the series when I was 13/14 years old and can still remember a lot of details. Holly's love story with Jer was always very good to me and held my interest! I didn't find a lot of slow parts of the books, I typically kept my pace. A lot of twists and turns, but definitely a book intended for teenagers! (Which I still love)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Amy Phelps.
1,529 reviews2 followers
July 23, 2017
It's done. I don't know if there is a wicked3 but I will not be reading it. There was just too much in this one. Demonic possession, death, kidnapping, mysterious pregnancies & then new family members. Too much to keep up with.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Amanda.
84 reviews
August 2, 2018
1.5 stars

I thought the 3rd and 4th book were a little better than the 1st and 2nd, which is why I gave it 1.5 stars instead of 1 star. I still didn’t enjoy these two, which I kind of was anticipating!
Profile Image for Delia.
277 reviews3 followers
November 8, 2017
Loved the two books in the series and now reading the last book. Very interesting.
Profile Image for Morgan.
60 reviews
January 26, 2018
I loved this reading this book. I loved the story told and the way it felt reading this.
Profile Image for Roxanne.
38 reviews
June 9, 2018
Much better than the first installment but, since the first installment was so painful to read, that wasn't so hard to accomplish.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 230 reviews

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