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What use is being a Seer, if you can't see your own future?

After Ebony has a vision of her own wedding, she wonders who the groom is as she isn't even dating.

A trip to the Supernatural Dating Agency soon changes that. While Kim and Lucy look for her future husband, Ebony keeps busy protecting Shelley and Theo's newborn daughter from the visiting elite supernaturals of Withernsea.

But she's not their only house guest, and Henry, the decorator, doesn’t only get under her feet, he gets under her skin…

Return to Withernsea for more supernatural mayhem!

208 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 3, 2018

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About the author

Andie M. Long

106 books1,072 followers
Andie M. Long is the author of multiple titles including the popular Supernatural Dating Agency series.

When not writing, or editing for other authors, she spends her time drinking coffee and eating far too many Toblerones. She adores her whippet, Bella, and is tormented frequently by her OH and her teenage son.

She adores the book community, chatting with likeminded people who don't roll their eyes when she talks books, unlike the OH and teenage son...

Sign up to Andie's weekly newsletter here: http://www.subscribepage.com/f8v2u5 and get a FREE copy of DATING SUCKS. The short story prequel to The Vampire wants a Wife - EXCLUSIVE to subscribers.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews
Profile Image for DJ Sakata.
3,199 reviews1,770 followers
July 7, 2018
Favorite Quotes:

… my own supernatural powers were limited to the visions. The vampires could whizz, the werewolves could run at speed, demons could open and travel through portals, and angels could fly. It wasn’t entirely fair that I helped the universe and still had to pay for taxis, but such was my lot.

“I’m this girl’s Auntie Kim. She’s my girl. I’m going to lead her astray let me tell you.” She looked down at the baby. “You come see me when your mummy says you can’t have your ears pierced, hair dyed, tattoos, or go to the family planning clinic underage, okay sweetie?”

Shelley wanting a ‘word’. I’d bet they were ones where she’d need to donate to the swear jar.

“So bare, hair, or landing strip there? Personally I rate a landing strip so they know where they’re aiming for.” Kim stood, motioning with her arms like an air hostess.

My Review:

I smirked and giggle-snorted at the naughty banter and amusingly lascivious humor that was deftly tossed about throughout this clever tale. The rib-tickling storylines were inventively entertaining and laden with every known and unknown type of supernatural creature as they come to pay homage to their new leader, who was an even more powerful hybrid with unexpected and enviable abilities yet to be uncovered. The pace was brisk, the characters enticing and oddly appealing, and the writing was witty, wry, and cleverly bawdy. I will be eagerly awaiting further developments at Withernsea.
Profile Image for Danielle's.
Author 1 book155 followers
January 14, 2020
Here for the Seer is the fourth instalment of the Supernatural Dating Agency. The other three books enhance this story and I wouldn’t recommend it as a standalone.

Ebony is our Seer. She’s a valued member of the Withernsea supernatural community. Unfortunately her visions haven’t helped her find her soulmate for a number of reasons. After some of the events in book three, Ebony’s headaches seem to be missing in action. At first she worries her visions are gone too but soon realises her importance in Shelly and Theo’s future. That’s right our very first couple are about to have a baby. Of course the child is special. Little do the couple know how much she’s going to take over their lives.

Ebony stays close to the new baby to offer her protection. Henry is helping decorate Shelly and Theo’s house. He’s human and unaware of the world around him. Ebony and Henry clash right from the start. With good chemistry and heated moments Here for the Seer is a great addition to the series.

With this book you get a more than the new couples story. We also catch up with the town. The story integrates all the characters so far and continues our journey of the supernatural romances. It’s told from multiple points of views.

I can’t get enough of this series. 5 out of 5. I received an Audio ARC in exchange for an honest review. I really like this narrator and so far she’s done the whole set. I can’t wait for more.
Profile Image for Snow.
2,288 reviews719 followers
July 14, 2018

It was okay...just okay

At times funny and witty, as I would expect from this author...

But somehow I didn't connect with the characters Ebony, the seer and Henry, the human...😐

In fact, I rather had ventured into the lives of all the supernatural characters that I had met in the previous books in this series.

But, I m not giving up of this supernatural entertaining and I m looking forward to the next installment, to see what will happen next in this little whirpool city filled with magic, powers and intiguing fantastical creatures
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,552 reviews219 followers
October 22, 2020
Ally - per RFS
Bentornati nella magica cittadina di Withernsea, che ormai amiamo alla follia, in cui esseri umani vivono, inconsapevolmente e non, in sintonia con le creature soprannaturali di ogni genere.

In questo quarto capitolo conosciamo meglio la veggente della città, Ebony Walker, che nello scorso volume era stata privata del suo dono per impedire ai nostri protagonisti di prevedere le mosse di Jett, ora invece le sue visioni stanno tornando e si fanno vive per la prima volta proprio durante il matrimonio di Kim e Darius, in cui Shelley entra in travaglio.

La connessione che si creerà tra Ebony e la piccola Charlene sarà potentissima, tanto che le due potranno parlare telepaticamente. Una bimba così speciale non poteva essere un normale neonato e devo dire che l’ho amata subito, con la sua ironia pungente che mai ti aspetteresti da un bebè.

Ebony vede anche un flash del suo futuro per la prima volta in vita sua, le appare il suo matrimonio e le damigelle ma non il volto del suo sposo. Questo le darà la spinta per credere che l’anima gemella esiste anche per lei e si iscriverà all’agenzia di incontri in cerca di quest’uomo misterioso.

Stare vicino alla bambina e a Shelley è la missione di Ebs e per proteggerle meglio, non avendo la velocità dei vampiri o il teletrasporto delle streghe, decide di trasferirsi nella casa di campagna di Shelley e Theo, allestita a bed & breakfast. Lì incontra dopo molti anni Henry Marston, fratello di Jax, sua migliore amica e proprietaria della caffetteria della città.

Henry è bello e gioca questa carta con le donne, fidanzato con Callie da due anni viene lasciato con un sms. Ebony e lui sono cane e gatto, bisticciano in continuazione come due bambini ma sotto sotto sono attratti reciprocamente.

Fra battute di cui è impossibile non ridere e colpi di scena, questo libro fa fare figuracce al lettore (nel senso che ti ritrovi a sbellicarti rischiando che la gente ti possa guardare come se fossi matta) che viene completamente catapultato in un’altra dimensione, dove tutte le storie fantastiche non sono poi così irreali.

Adoro Andie M. Long con la sua scrittura scorrevole e mai banale sa come divertire il lettore e farlo innamorare dei personaggi, dando a tutti importanza e personalità. I capitoli alternano i punti di vista dei personaggi della storia, mostrando un quadro a 360 gradi.

Dopo aver letto la trama, temevo che Ebony non potesse competere con le protagoniste venute prima di lei, invece mi ha sorpresa e mi sono dovuta ricredere fin dai primi capitoli. La veggente con problemi di alcol non esiste più e al posto suo troviamo una donna forte con un grande senso estetico e amante della moda.

Una nuova storia che, come gli altri volumi della saga, non conta di tante pagine ma è talmente avvincente da non risultare una pecca e alla fine resta la voglia di leggere il prossimo libro.
Profile Image for Veronica.
1,176 reviews145 followers
December 20, 2023
Tornano i pazzi abitanti di Winternsea e ritroviamo Shelley ormai sul finire della gravidanza. La nuova arrivata, Charlene, sarà colei che governerà sui soprannaturali. Dopo la nascita tutti i vari rappresentanti dei regni si presentano alla porta di casa per omaggiare la piccola e giurarle fedeltà, così Ebony, veggente e migliore amica di Shelley, si trasferisce momentaneamente a casa sua, per capire se qualcuno ha cattive intenzioni.
Ebony ha avuto anche una visione del suo futuro col suo matrimonio, anche se non si vede lo sposo e attualmente non c'è neanche un fidanzato all'orizzonte. C'è solo quel fastidioso decoratore di Henry. I due si sono sempre punzecchiati e trattati quasi male, fondamentalmente perchè Henry non sa dell'esistenza del soprannaturale e giudica Ebony pazza a causa delle sue visioni.
Ma stare a stretto contatto farà uscire i loro veri sentimenti alla scoperto.

Troppo breve purtroppo. Se da una parte la questione Charlene come nuova governatrice e la sfilata dei vari "sudditi" è stata gestita bene e pone le basi per i libri successivi, la storia d'amore di Ebony è buttata lì un po' a caso per riempire le pagine e fare avere anche a lei il lieto fine.
Il cambiamento di Henry è troppo repentino, specialmente per uno che era all'oscuro di tutto.
Andava sicuramente approfondito meglio e messo più sullo sfondo Charlene.
Adorabile il fantasma di Mary che riscopre gli appuntamenti dopo un secolo, e il tritone con le chiappe di fuori.
Strane creature a Winternsea...
Profile Image for Elena Marmiroli.
737 reviews20 followers
May 15, 2022

L'inizio non è tra i più interessanti o coinvolgenti, ma con il proseguire del libro ho trovato sempre più divertente la storia, cosa che al momento ho apprezzato particolarmente.
Profile Image for Nicole.
525 reviews12 followers
July 24, 2019
Still much love

I'm so into this series. I wish we had more ebony and Charlie moments. They were adorable. Can't wait to see what's next
Profile Image for Tracey.
1,445 reviews69 followers
February 11, 2019
Another fun read in the Supernatural Dating Agency series. Ebony has decided it's time to find her man after one of her visions.

I enjoyed Ebony's journey to find the right man, even if he was right in front of her the whole book!

The continuing story of the residents of Withernsea is a big part, especially Shelley and her baby. A baby that isn't a normal baby! I did find babies communication rather creepy and was pleased with how baby progressed in the book!

Onto book 5.

ps best read in order, as there is a continuing understory to the romances.
628 reviews1 follower
July 6, 2018
Ebony and a human

What an interesting book. The town is more exciting every day, with Ebony having visions of her future. The birth of Charlene adds to the fun, and leads the way to more books. Ebony and Jax's brother like/hate each other and the biopsy is such fun..
Profile Image for Sara Oxton.
3,633 reviews16 followers
June 30, 2018
Here for the Seer by Andie M Long a five-star read that will show you how amazing it is. This is the forth book in the Supernatural Dating Agency series and each book gets better and better. This time it was the turn of Ebony Yolander Walker who runs a clothing Boutique and is an integral part of Female Entrepreneurs who do it with their colleagues, in previous books she could be found with a vodka in her cup to help with the visions, but something has changed all that, and as you read you will see. This like the previous books was funny and this one will have you snorting so don’t drink and read kids as its not cool or funny and it will come out of your nose. (Believe me coffee isn’t as nice coming out). We see how the story has progressed and we have new characters who will make you smile, and some that will make you blush. If you don’t laugh while you read this story, then I suggest you see your doctor as you need a personality transplant. Thank you again Andie M Long for being an amazing writer.
Profile Image for Lesley Robson.
810 reviews1 follower
July 10, 2018
Andie M. Long is back with another instalment in Her Supernatural Dating Agency Series and this time it’s Ebony’s turn for true love and it’s one that she literally didn’t see coming. It was nice to see the whole gang again they never fail to amuse me and it was nice to catch up with them and I love to read about their exploits and with the added touch of Shelley having her baby and Ebony having a strong connection to the baby to hilarious results. well you can be assured there is going to be chaotic. I found myself laughing and smiling all the way through this book. The added commentary from Charlie had me creased. I love reading about the lives if the inhabitants of Withersea and I can’t wait to read more in this series.
Profile Image for Anima.
2,651 reviews49 followers
June 28, 2018
We've known Ebony for awhile now so it was fun to get her story. It's not all about her romance, that comes a bit later, instead we have the focus on Shelley's baby. The other couples come into action also as Ebony sees visions for them. The crazy antics of Withernsea will get a bit crazier with the baby. Multiple POVs give an entire picture of the events but I think Shelley has the most lively. I think we are in for plenty more of this series with Jax, Charlie K. and maybe Sophia. I would recommend reading the previous three books, but Long does a great job of providing backstory. Review provided voluntarily after reading an early copy.
Profile Image for Tracy.
298 reviews5 followers
July 1, 2018
I love this series hard! This is the fourth book in the series and I would advise you read the others before starting this one as it does make the reading experience better having some background.
This is Ebony’s story and she is seen throughout the other books so it was. I’ve to see the other sides of her and that although she was prim and proper she has a cheeky side too. Henry too was really relatable too. This book had me chuckling in places and there was a fair amount of action in the book to keep me reading to find out what happens next.

Overall a fantastic addition to a brilliant series! Keep them coming Andie!
115 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2018
So good!!
I absolutely love this series! So many Lols and as a Brit I find it more relatable in a way than a lot of my fav American or Canadian authors which is quite refreshing. I love how we still get to see how main characters, and their stories, from previous books continue to grow. Ebony is such a sweetie! She has a role which at times can be tough and she’s so prim and proper but I love that she has a cheeky streak!
Henry is such a typical guy lol and so relatable, this couple are just great! I can’t wait to see what happens next :)
Profile Image for Michelle.
9,664 reviews26 followers
July 10, 2018
I absolutely love this series! This is book four in the Supernatural Dating Agency series and I loved every funny twist and crazy turn the characters took me on. We get all the characters from the previous books and in this book we also get to know Ebony better. Ebony's visions come back and she sees her own wedding but she doesn't even have a boyfriend. Withernsea is in for some changes. This is a well written story full of humor, mystery, suspense and a great romance. I can't wait to read the next book in this series to see what this amazing author comes up with next for the citizens of Withernsea. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.
September 6, 2019
Absolutely classical humour continues in book 4 of the supernatural dating agency series with our fantastic seers turn to learn of her own destiny but at the same time having to ensure the safety and security of the recent arrival of our favourites Shelley and Theos' daughter Charlene.

Charlene though has amazing powers but to the level of how immense no one knows.... but could Ebony have an idea?

Will all stay safe in our lovely Withensea or is the storm about to start and protection needed for all around?

Another must read to this series that has you addicted from the beginning.
Profile Image for Shedevilreads Bookstagram.
1,940 reviews102 followers
January 14, 2020
Here for the Seer by Andie M Long is a supernatural romance that I listened to on audio narrated by Angela Doll. This is the forth book in the Supernatural Dating Agency series.

I love Andie’s Books. I would classify them as a sweet romance with a bit of comedy thrown in. They always leave me with a smile. I cannot wait for Didn’t Sea It Coming to be released on audio.

Angela did a great job on the narration. I think this is her best narration yet on the series.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys paranormal romantic comedies.
Profile Image for booklover.
1,494 reviews6 followers
June 28, 2018
So, this is Ebony's story and WOW! What a story!
This has as many laughs as per usual plus all the action we've come to expect for the residents of Wythernsea.
Right from page one it pulled me under its spell and I couldn't stop reading!Absolutely LOVED IT!!
1,274 reviews4 followers
July 8, 2018
Author Andie M. Long never cease to amaze me with her humorous and steamy storylines interesting and enjoyable characters and the ability to captivate the reader from the very first letter and throughout the book. And Here for the Seer is no exception.

Even though this is the fourth installment of the Supernatural Dating Agency Series, the author writes in a way that makes it possible to read it as a standalone. Regardless, it will be most rewarding to read them all.
440 reviews6 followers
July 9, 2018
Another funny piece in the Supernatural Dating Agency series.
I liked this quick read with the characters already known from previous books but full of brand new and unpredictable twists and turns.
The writing was once again very enjoyable, witty and wry.
Great addition to the shenanigans always happening in Withernsea.
315 reviews2 followers
August 9, 2018
Here for the giggles.

As with the rest of this series, Here for the Seer was full of good times, had a fun plot, made me giggle out loud, and root for the happily ever after the memorable characters deserved. Looooved it and cant wait for the next!
Profile Image for Mary Jo.
2,374 reviews59 followers
July 4, 2018
Another fun, exciting and unpredictable journey into Withernsea. Ebony’s visions have returned but she is suddenly seeing herself in a wedding dress. She isn’t supposed to see her future. Of course, she would be more excited if there were any potential candidates to be at the end of the aisle. Henry is renovating Shelley and Theo’s home to be the bed and breakfast. He is human in a very supernatural world but doesn’t know anything about it. He just thinks Ebony is weird but is also attracted to her. As everyone comes to visit Shelley and the new baby, Charlene, odd things continue to happen. I love how all the characters connect as a true community in Withernsea. But the real question, will Ebony really get her happily ever after?
Profile Image for Karline05 Un brin de lecture.
1,914 reviews21 followers
January 11, 2023
Cette romance paranormale m’a beaucoup plu, au point d’avoir très envie de lire toute la série, j’ai apprécié la plume fluide, la touche d’humour de l’autrice. J’ai aimé découvrir tout ce monde paranormal de Withersea et j’ai très envie de découvrir l’avenir de Charlène et l’histoire de tous les personnages présents.
435 reviews6 followers
July 7, 2018
Finally it is time for Ebony to have her book. I loved this story so much. Along with the humour and suspense this book brings it also brings you hope. Hope that the right person is out there for you. That there is someone for everyone.

Ebony and Henry's story also incorporates other POV's from the residents from the town. This allows you to get a different perspective of events.

I can not wait to read the next book in the series and see what mischief Charlie and Alyssa bring to the town.
1,112 reviews
July 9, 2018

Fantastic book. I loved the plot. I am so glad Ebony got her happy ever after and her connection with Henry is just perfect.
Profile Image for Jill.
246 reviews
July 5, 2018
A whole lot of sight

Ebony is a seer, who can see everyone else’s future. After having her visions taken from her and getting them back, she sees a vision of herself getting married but no idea who the groom is.
Trouble comes in the form of Henry, a man that thinks Ebony is a cuckoo. He is human and has no idea about the supernatural lives around him but he is about to be introduced to it and is not going to be easy though it is fun to read how and what happens along the way. Enjoy!
Profile Image for Kim Sutton.
597 reviews10 followers
July 3, 2018

This is book four in the series, and Ebony’s Story. Here For The Seer has some brilliant surprises and tons of laughs to be had.

I love Ebony! In the previous books she’s always popped in with a vision, and we’ve giggled at her use of vodka to control them, but in this book we finally get to know the real Ebony and she’s absolutely brilliant! This book is not just focused on Ebony, we also find out what’s happening with Shelley and Theo and Kim and Darius, and there are some mega happenings with both couples!
I can’t wait for more from this series I am truly hooked! Five stars!
Profile Image for Roberta.
174 reviews
July 4, 2018
I was given an ARC and here's my honest review.
Funny!! The characters we already met in the previous books are living their lives but for someone it's time of changings. New characters are presented in this book and there are also some surprising turn of events! I think this book is the preparation for something big, so I can't wait to read what happens next!
Profile Image for Love is in the books.
1,552 reviews38 followers
October 26, 2020

Eccoci qui con una nuova recensione e non poteva capitarmi libro più azzeccato per accompagnare le mie serate, in attesa della notte più terrificante dell'anno. Preparatevi a fare un viaggio tra vampiri, licantropi, streghe e chi più ne ha più ne metta! 
Inizio facendovi una domanda: a voi piacerebbe avere delle visioni che predicono il futuro?
Ecco, questo il dono di Ebony, la protagonista di questo quarto capitolo della serie Supernatural Dating Agency, una veggente con una vera passione per la vodka! Ebony, inaspettatamente, ha per la prima volta una visione sul proprio futuro, e non una visione qualunque ma quella del suo matrimonio.

«Credevo che non potessi vedere il tuo futuro», mi disse Kim.
«È proprio questo, Kim. Ho visto che mi stavo sposando, ma non sono riuscita a vedere lo sposo! Non ho neanche un fidanzato, quindi con chi cavolo mi stavo sposando?» urlai ancora.
Sembrava che stessi avendo un leggero attacco di panico, dato che si trattata del mio futuro. Le visioni orribili che avevo di solito mi facevano venire l'emicrania, ma quella sul mio matrimonio invece mi rese isterica. Avevo bisogno di un po' più di prospettiva, e soprattutto di più alcol.

Ebony, non avendo un fidanzato, decide allora di iscriversi alla pazza agenzia di appuntamenti di Withernsea, dove creature di tutti i tipi ricercano la propria anima gemella.
In questo capitolo ritroviamo anche i protagonisti dei libri precedenti, in particolare Shelley che è stata trasformata in vampiro da poco dal suo adorato e apprensivo marito-vampiro Theo. Shelly, con una gravidanza lampo, da alla luce una bambina davvero molto ma molto particolare! 
L'arrivo di Charlene scombussola la vita di tutti, anche quella di Ebony perché tra le due si crea una magica connessione. Ma a scombussolare la sua vita non ci sarà solo Charlene, perché anche Henry ci metterà il suo zampino; quell'umano così irriverente  con il quale ci si ritrova ad avere a che fare tutti i giorni al bed and breakfast di Shelly e Theo. 
Succederà di tutto al bed and breakfast, e l'arrivo di nuove magiche creature, scuoterà la tranquilla vita della cittadina. Non voglio però svelarvi di più per non rovinarvi la sorpresa, quindi ora passiamo alle mie impressioni!      

Poi nostra figlia aprì gli occhi. «Oh, guarda, Theo. Ha dei normali occhi azzurri, come una bambina umana.»
«Ciao, Charlene. Sono la tua mamma, e questo è il tuo papà.»
Charlene sbatté le palpebre. I suoi occhi divennero rossi, poi li chiuse di nuovo e, quando li riaprì, erano verdi come quelli di un rettile.
«Oh Dio!» urlai.

La storia è abbastanza ben strutturata e il linguaggio senza filtri da un tocco frizzante ai dialoghi e riesce a strappare più di una risata. Mi fanno sempre un sacco ridere le parolacce e qui ne troviamo a palate!
I protagonisti sono molto caratteristici e anche un po' caricaturali, tutti hanno un po' il pallino del sesso e, oltre ai poteri magici, quest'altro elemento li accomuna tutti. 
I capitoli sono suddivisi a POV alternati e chi ha già letto alcune mie recensioni, sa che questo è un elemento che mi piace molto ritrovare perché riesce a darmi una visione d'insieme più dettagliata della storie e dei protagonisti.   
Non ho apprezzato moltissimo il fatto che alcuni elementi della storia mi ricordassero molto la saga di vampiri più famosa al mondo, avrei preferito un pochino più di originalità da parte dell'autrice perché con elementi in comune il paragone poi diventa inevitabile.
Al di là di questo, ho trovato questa lettura molto piacevole e soprattutto molto divertente, ho come avuto l'impressione che l'autrice volesse farsi gioco dei personaggi tipici del paranormal romance con una sorta di parodia.
Se volete una lettura irriverente, leggera e soprattutto divertente, Il nostro futuro di Andie M. Long fa davvero per voi e vi consiglio di leggere i precedenti capitoli della serie per fare la conoscenza di tutti gli stravaganti protagonisti di questa storia!

Profile Image for Krystyna.
5,134 reviews50 followers
September 26, 2018
Little Charlie turns the town inside out!

Another fun read. Shelley is now a full blown vampire and her pregnancy has speeded up. At Kim's weeding she goes into labour leaving Theo all at sea. Their baby is a little girl that they call Charlene and fearing for her safety Ebony comes to stay. Her visions should give the proud mother and father an added edge. However Charlie is more than she seems and is soon giving advice to Ebony telepathically. However with the plans to turn part of the farmhouse into a B & B comes the handyman Henry. He rubs Ebony up the wrong way? How will the two resolve their differences? Why does one of her visions see her in a wedding dress? What happens when Charlie is stolen? What will Kim do about the vision that she is pregnant? How long will Charlie choose to stay a baby? How do they get their resident ghost out of the farmhouse? Charlie is a great character, on a par with Darius's little sister!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews

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