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“I demand absolute obedience from you.” Yu Akabane has worked hard to reinvent herself for high school, and there’s only one step left in her plan to leave her plain Jane days behind: asking out her idol, the “White Prince” Shirakawa-kun. When circumstances lead to Yu moving into the school dorm where Shirakawa-kun boards, she thinks she’s found her lucky break. But unluckily for Yu, “Black Devil” Kurosaki-kun, the boy everyone at school (including the teachers!) is afraid of, lives there too—and when Yu defies him, he’s all too eager to punish her…

188 pages, ebook

First published June 13, 2014

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 139 reviews
Profile Image for Rebecca.
3,911 reviews71 followers
May 16, 2018
From the Old School of Shoujo Romance comes this less-than-charming story of an asshole guy who forcefully kisses the heroine twice, keeps pinning her to the wall, but really, he's just shy and misunderstood. It only gets a 2 because the heroine herself isn't also of the Old School; she's got guts and is currently only hampered by the low self-esteem she believably acquired in middle school.
Profile Image for Keiko.
1,184 reviews157 followers
July 16, 2022
Well, I expected that kind of content with that title

Kurosaki is one hell of a character with those sharp-looking eyes and air of indifference—such a classic shojo hero. But what I liked about this manga series is the headstrong heroine; strong-willed as she is and yet she's always presenting herself with heavy make-up and cute clothes and any pretentious stuff to be liked by people, but always is truest to her nature when she's around Kurosaki. I adored that part.

I believed it's a 3-star shojo manga filled with clichéd settings (I swear) and sometimes cringe dialogues but since it's pretty hooking despite the stated typicality, so I'll add in another star. No, I guess, just 3.5

It's is pretty hooking, yes, but I can't get over the stiff art sequence, I dunno why but I like the art style though. I'm hoping for a better sequel though.
Profile Image for Kadi P.
825 reviews132 followers
April 28, 2022
*More like 3.5 stars than 3.*

This is a problematic manga, there's no denying that. The premise itself is rooted in toxicity and so the presence of questionable scenes is really no surprise. However, and though this is something I never usually say, this manga managed to handle its problematic aspects quite well, all things considered. If it hadn’t been for some of those moments this would’ve likely garnered 4 stars from me.

Yu was a mostly unlikable protagonist. Everything from the way she viewed herself without makeup to the way she would only refer to the boys using their nicknames “White Prince” and “Black Devil” was irritating. Yet, she had this spunk about her and an air of defiance that helped to counteract all of Kurosaki’s questionable actions. It cannot be misunderstood just how problematic and uncomfortable it was to see Kurosaki’s lack of understanding of consent and violently aggressive behaviour so flippantly on display, however, the fact that Yu could hold her own against him made for some interesting scenes. Seeing how she would decide to get her own back at him was entertaining and the rivalry between them far outdid any semblance of chemistry; the manga excelled in that sense.

Already in just this first volume this manga walked a very fine line between being somewhat entertaining and being outrageously exploitative; I don't doubt that it won't take much for it to go over that line at some point in the future. For now it’s distasteful and just barely acceptable, but an absorbing read all the same.
Profile Image for Zoalinka.
23 reviews
October 16, 2015
It's pretty cliche but for some reason it doesn't bother me and the story feels fresh. The art is very high quality and detailed. This series doesn't work for everyone it seems but it worked for me. I have seen nothing but negative reviews on this and other sites and I wonder if it has anything to do with the translation possibly (I read it in Japanese) but I'm too lazy to go and compare with the scanlations. Then again, reception from Japanese readers seems mixed as well, particularly the later volumes.

My Japanese friend found this when she was hanging around at my apartment and her main comment was "gosh this is steamy" lol For shojo manga it gets pretty hot- without them actually doing much of anything xD

Anyways, I really like this series and will continue following it. I haven't read a shojo manga that made my heart beat so fast in a long while. I'm excited for the drama cd to come with the special edition of volume 5~
Profile Image for Anusha Narasimhan.
272 reviews280 followers
December 10, 2016
We have the stereotypical cool, controlling male lead and the stereotypical wide-eyed, submissive female lead. There is the token handsome nice-guy friend of the male MC who has an interest in the female MC. Don't we all know how this will turn out?
Profile Image for Rose.
1,959 reviews1,070 followers
January 1, 2023
Review to come. Okay, that was cuter than I thought it was going to be. Boy with bad reputation who hangs around the most popular guy in school meets girl who's changed her demeanor and defies bad boy at every turn? Sign me up. This volume has these two clashing and working together in interesting ways. Solid start to the series and probably giving it 4 stars.
Profile Image for Anna.
162 reviews3 followers
April 12, 2020
Def got all those classic shoujo tropes: high school, asshole with a heart of gold, and a heroine that at least sticks up for herself. The story is a bit meh with potential to get better.
Profile Image for Jillian -always aspiring-.
1,838 reviews546 followers
August 14, 2020
2020 Read #544

Well, another awful shojo manga with sexual harassment and male domineering bites the dust; I will not be continuing with the series anytime soon.
Profile Image for Natalie .
3,222 reviews30 followers
November 28, 2023
November 2023
Kindle edition
KU manga

This one feels familiar. It feels like one my sister might have owned. The sadistic thing was interesting, but the characters were shallow changing their tune with the haircut. Looks to be a love triangle between the white and black prince. If so, not one for me. There's also the jealous mean girls with the half assed apology. Might give the next one a go at some point.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dalia Clovers.
Author 3 books28 followers
May 27, 2020
Este manga no me gustó PARA NADA.

Al principio este manga me atrajo por su arte, el cual es bastante bueno, razón por la cual le doy la única estrella de la puntuación, porque la historia y desarrollo de personajes deja mucho por desear.

La historia carece de originalidad (típica chica buena que se enamora del chico malo) y el desarrollo de personajes es plano No me agradó la relación que tenían ambos protagonistas. Jamás me han gustando los personajes abusivos y posesivos, y el protagonista trataba a la chica como basura, la insultaba, reducía su autoestima y aparte la trataba como si fuera de su propiedad, y lo peor de todo es que la mangaka romantizaba todo eso.

Nop, sin duda ya no estoy para este tipo de historias, ni siquiera cuando era más joven. Mejor busco historias que no sean tóxicas y normalizen el abuso.
Profile Image for Yesy (The Book Vagrant).
277 reviews643 followers
October 21, 2016
Not the most original story, but it's definitely something I needed right now and I'm really enjoying it. Looking forward to watching the movie!
Profile Image for Dani(elle).
584 reviews7 followers
April 18, 2021
This would have been higher if there was some clear enthusiastic consent going on.
Profile Image for Azet.
1,088 reviews274 followers
October 28, 2016
(Swedish review)

Omdöme:Har sett på filmerna som är baserade på den här mangan som heter "I will not do as Kurosaki-kun says" som jag tyckte var jättebra.Så därför bestämde jag mig för att läsa mangan,och den var jättehärlig den med.Den handlar om en tjej som börjar i en ny skola.Akabanee Yuu var mobbad i sin förra skola för sitt bleka utseende,och bestämmer sig för att förändras nu när hon börjar High School.Hennes liv förändras när hon möter de två populäraste killarna i skolan,den trevliga Takumi som kallas för "the White Prince" och den skitelaka Haruto Kurosaki som kallas för..."the Black Devil".

Du kan gissa vem som blev min favorit!
Profile Image for IvyInThePages.
1,004 reviews11 followers
January 12, 2022
Rating: 1.9 leaves out of 5
Characters: 1/5
Cover: 3/5
Story: 1.5 /5
Writing: 2/5
Genre: Romance/Shojo
Type: Manga
Worth?: Eeehhh

First off for the people complaining about what the guy did to the girl and completely ignores what the girl did are not only THE PROBLEM but toxic AF. This dumb childish twit not only goes out of her way to be a POS but she literally assaults' someone with scissors. The whole manga was unbearable because of HER.

Profile Image for Ali.
167 reviews14 followers
January 13, 2019
Quería leer algo divertido y medio romántico con lo que no tuviera que pensar mucho y, aunque al principio parcia que este manga iba por ese camino, e ntanto fue avanzando me fui indignado más y más con lo abusivo que es el protagonista y con la forma en que se romantizan esos abusos así que obviamente no mretendo seguir perjudicando me así leyendo los tomos siguientes.
Profile Image for Raven.
543 reviews56 followers
July 1, 2021
I really enjoyed this one. It was a quick read and gave me such nostalgic feelings of when I was a teenager reading manga. It has a lot of clichés like the White Prince and Black Devil nicknames of the attractive boys in year 1.

I am excited to pick up the next volume and if you’re looking for a quick romance manga I think you’ll enjoy this one.

I also was told that the later volumes get a little spicy! Excited for that. Haha
155 reviews11 followers
September 12, 2021
Bueno esta reseña es base a mis recuerdos jjaak lo lei en el 2019 recuerdo que fue de los primeros mangas románticos que me habían encantado. Me había gustado mucho la premisa en ese entonces. Mi yo de 12 años le encantaban estos mangas a si que si estas cerca de esta edad seguramente lo disfrutes.

Actualmente sigo leyendo los últimos tomos que han sacado del manga pero como han pasado los años y mis gustos han cambiando como que ya no me gustan tanto....
Profile Image for Tanja.
276 reviews28 followers
March 19, 2019
Es ist ziemlich süß, aber einige Handlungen hab ich echt nicht verstanden. Vieles hat mich verwirrt und ich dachte mir "Woher kommt das denn jetzt?" 😅
Auch so Randnotizen/Gedanken waren unnötig. Ansonsten aber echt eine süße Geschichte und das Ende hat mich dazu gebracht, dass ich weiter lesen will! 😂
September 19, 2022
ate this shit up in 30 minutes. downloading volume 2 rn. ALL HAIL KINDLE UNLIMITED. anyways if you do read this pls know that there were non consensual kisses a few times in this
Profile Image for Soo.
2,888 reviews342 followers
January 25, 2024
01/25/2024 Notes:

Setup & characters + art style for the manga reminds me of the school based manga & anime I watched as a kid.

Hope beastie White Knight isn't a jerk in disguise. 🤭
Profile Image for Alisa.
438 reviews36 followers
May 2, 2020
At first I gave this one 3 stars but I'm lowering it to a 2 star rating. Honestly one of the most cliche and stupid shoujos I've ever read.
Profile Image for Leila ✨.
1,692 reviews475 followers
February 8, 2022
I mean, el protagonista masculino es un tarado... but at the same time, he can kind of get it?

4 de 5 estrellas.
Profile Image for cc.
976 reviews37 followers
March 15, 2022

I'm the only one who's allowed to make her cry.

You know, in the 90s and early 2000s, when all the teen movies were about a raggedy girl getting a haircut and putting on some mascara so that everyone could finally realize that she was actually the hottest chick in school? And some guy who had been a douchebag the whole time ended up falling in love with her for who she was on the inside all along?

This is like that, except completely different.

We follow a girl name Akabane as she tries to restart her life at a new school with a new look, only to meet a very rude, rather raggedy boy named Kurosaki. They don't get along at all and everyone is afraid of him, but then he cuts his hair and it turns out he's hot. Akabane still doesn't like him, though, because he's very rude. But, as bad things happen and times get hard, she begins to see the good things about Kurosaki and appreciate his presence more than she ever thought possible ... and why does he spend so much time tormenting her and helping her?

This story is, honestly, a mess. There are some very inappropriate moments - Kurosaki kisses Akabane twice without her consent and routinely goes out of his way to make her miserable - but there's something about this manga that makes me want to keep going, to see how relationships develop, and to watch Akabane fall in love with the Black Prince, Kurosaki.
Profile Image for Manon「マノン」.
416 reviews87 followers
January 29, 2021
In middle school, Yu Akabane was your typical plain Jane but she decided to completely change once she enters high school. Like the rest of the school, she has a crush on Takumi Shirakawa, “the White Prince”. She is determined to asking him out but she got one problem, his friend Kurosaki aka “The Black Devil” is always close to him. He has a bad reputation and everyone is terrified of him. Little does she know that she is going to move into the dorms where Shirakawa and Kurosaki already live but the latter is going to give her no rest.

If you are looking for an original shojo, don’t bother reading this one. You will find your typical characters, the school prince and the bad guy, borderline bully. And, of course, your love triangle. It was still a nice read though, I mean if you want something quick to read and that you are not excepting too much. I’m curious about which direction the series is going to take since there are already 15 volumes out so far. I’ll definitely continue on with the series.
Profile Image for Rose.
284 reviews8 followers
May 17, 2015
Sometimes I just want to read something silly and fun. This was almost it, but a bit awkward. I won't pursuit the story but I'm glad I read volume 1 so get my head out of things.

Female: weak and a bit silly, but she can grow so much

Main male: plain and trope guy it's too much

Second male: I am not interested

Nuff said
Profile Image for Cathy.
473 reviews16 followers
June 18, 2016
This is one of many examples of shoujo manga where you have your typical plain girl that catches the attention of two beautiful boys. It’s silly and fun and with lots of tropes. The artwork is also nice and clean.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 139 reviews

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