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Sweet Seduction #4

Sweet Seduction Surrender

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From Amazon Romantic Suspense, Mystery Romance and Fantasy Bestselling Author Nicola Claire comes a seductive and fast paced world of beautiful relationships, explosive environments, and a group of friends who look out for each other.

"Don't for a minute believe I want you any other way, Jason Cain. The second you stop being you is the moment you should fear most."

For several months now Katie Anscombe has tried to hide her attraction to Jason Cain. That's what everyone expects of Katie. And of course, it helps that he basically ignores her too. But something about the ex-special forces soldier has caught her attention. And dreams are free, aren't they? 

Forced into a lock-down for forty-eight hours, with no one to come between them and stop the tension from exploding inside her small house, things become volatile. And a volatile Jason Cain is really something to witness. But the closer she gets to Jason, the more it becomes apparent that he's unlike any other man she has ever met.

A sexy, dominant, but slightly broken soldier. A Pandora's Box of desire and fervent need opened. Katie and Jason must face up to their fears, in order to embrace what feels right. But with overprotective brothers and an eccentric millionaire art dealer throwing spanners in the works, surrendering to each other isn't as easy as it sounds. Fighting their attraction has been second nature for too long, so when they finally give in to their base desires, will it be everything Katie dreamed about? And will it last?

Love at first sight has never been so dangerous and so very delicious at the same time.

This series is complete and includes the following Seduction SacrificeSweet Seduction SerenadeSweet Seduction ShadowSweet Seduction SurrenderSweet Seduction ShieldSweet Seduction SabotageSweet Seduction StrippedSweet Seduction SecretsSweet Seduction Sayonara

320 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 4, 2013

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About the author

Nicola Claire

80 books735 followers
Nicola Claire lives in beautiful Taupo, New Zealand with her husband, two teenage boys and a Miniature Schnauzer named Rudy.

A bit of a romance junkie, she can be known to devour as many as half a dozen books a week if she drinks too much coffee. But her real passion is writing sexy, romantic suspense stories with strong female leads and alpha male protagonists who know how to love them.

So far, she’s written well over 70 books. She might have caught the writing bug; here’s hoping there’s no cure!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 47 reviews
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,869 reviews2,843 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
January 18, 2016
DNF at 70%

I enjoyed the first three books in this series, but this one was just boring me to tears!

If I had to read Katie say "DARLING" in that stupid Zsa Zsa Gabor voice one more time, my iPad was in danger of flying across the room! And don't get me started at how much of a pussy Jason was. He loves Katie, but let's her brother Nick convince him to leave her alone without one word for two weeks, and I am suppose to believe he is a Dom?! Ya, not so much...

Bah, this one was a disappointment!
Profile Image for Lady Heather .
1,306 reviews776 followers
March 28, 2014

4.5 stars!

This series just keeps getting better and better.

Kate and Jason are fantastic together!

The character development and writing is great, and the story is entertaining, intriguing, and the author keeps my curiosity peeked right to the end of the epilogue.. (YAY! I do love me a good epilogue!)

.. now onto read Ryan and Marie's story :)
Profile Image for Jamie.
860 reviews30 followers
March 9, 2014
Fantastic read! Sweet Seduction Surrender is book four in the Sweet Seduction series. Every book revolves around the Sweet Seduction Cafe/Music store and the people connected to it. Nicola Claire continues to give us intense, yet compelling insights into love at first sight in a variety of forms that translate into a book you can't or won't put down.

For the last several months Katie Anscombe has been trying to keep her intense attraction for Jason Cain, hidden. It's what's expected of the pampered socialite Katie Anscombe everyone knows, but it hasn't been easy. From the moment she set eyes on him, she wanted him in a way that she knew meant long term. Considering Jason ignores her completely or responds with biting contempt whenever she's near, she feels she's doing a pretty good job of covering up her feelings. Besides, her dreams and fantasies are private and The ex-special forces soldier has a starring role. Relations between Jason and Katie take a drastic turn when they are forced into a lock-down with only each other for company. A lot can happen in forty-eight hours. Cooped up in Katie's small bungalow, tension mounts to exploding levels with no one and nothing to come between them. Warned by her brother, Nick, of Jason's usual ways sparks a determination in Katie to set free the Jason she sees. Someone completely different from what everyone else sees. Jason also decides to give into the craving for Katie that he's wanted since seeing her walk into her older brother, Dom's, house. Katie is both excited and pleased that Jason wants her so desperately, but also stunned to find out his level of need. She hadn't noticed and fully expected her attraction to be one sided. After all, he did a good job of ignoring her. Soon, Jason and Katie are exploring the boundaries of intimacy and coming to fully know each other. Jason seems stunned but pleased at the Katie no one else knows, but Katie is soon blown away by a man who is like no other she has ever associated with. Slightly broken from his military experience and with a need for dominance, Jason lights Katie up and sets free a passion she never knew she had. It's the beginning for them, but fears have a way of sabotaging even the most destined connection. Do they have the strength and abiding love that can last? Jason requires complete surrender from Katie, which she is more than happy to give, but Jason's inner demons wreak havoc on his thought processes while outside forces threaten to tear them apart. Katie will have to fight overprotective older brothers and smoothly handle an eccentric art dealer causing hiccups in her quest to have Jason. All of that seems easy when an unexpected enemy rears his head, threatening to permanently take away the chance for a future with Jason.

Loved Katie! She was everything she promised to be in previous books, and so much more. Strong, beautiful, smart, funny, loving, and all with a class that seems effortless. She saw who Jason was and understood him, giving him the thing he needed most in life. She was also pretty kick-ass and totally inspired me to want to learn Kombatan. Lol. Jason was perfectly imperfect. He was everything you'd want in a man: strength, looks, intelligence, etc., but with an underlying vulnerability that makes you want to wrap him up tight. The internal struggle he has is heartbreaking but what makes him, him. He had seen enough to rock his very foundation, and being a military spouse myself, I am well aware of how difficult it can be to forget what you've experienced. Both for the soldier and the ones who love them. That aspect alone made this book a compelling read for me, not to mention the steamy, oh-emm-gee love scenes that make you more than a little hot under the collar. Picking up this series was truly one of my finer moments (and I'm pretty darn awesome), and I look forward to getting to know more of our Sweet Seduction gang in future books (that go on and on forever! Hehe). <3
Profile Image for Julie.
1,687 reviews20 followers
November 13, 2013
God bless Jason Cain, finally a real dominant man who gets all of your juices flowing! Jason & Katie have been dancing around each other for three books now so be prepared - when they get together it is fast & furious due to their long history. Nick oversteps his boundaries as an overprotective brother & warns Jason to stay away from Katie, & he tells Katie that Jason is a player which isn't entirely true. I think Nick sees something in Jason that is dark & Nick doesn't believe Katie can handle it, but oh yes, our girl Katie can handle Jason's kinky side! Deacon the drug dealer is still on the loose & causing problems for the investigative firm & they go on total lockdown & Jason ends up staying with Katie for two days. Jason is a dom in the best way, controlling but sexy & sweet. He is the kind of guy who makes demands & orders in the bedroom but always compliments Katie when she abides, loving to feed her with his own hands in bed & run his fingers through her hair when she is stressed about her job as an interior designer. Jason also has PTSD but when Katie gets to know the real Jason she realizes they are meant for one another - Jason is her muse & Katie is his anchor. After the lockdown is lifted Jason is nowhere to be found for a few weeks which breaks Katie's heart, but once again, overprotective brothers are to blame. There is a dangerous sideline about Deacon & Katie steps up & protects herself which is very cool. Katie has taken on some knife defense training sessions as her brothers are always in danger. But I just wanted to focus on Jason & Katie and how Jason is so grateful that Katie wants to play his dominant games. In fact he hints at some tabboo subjects but never attempts them, leaving Katie crossing her fingers that he WILL try it! She is fully on board with his intense dominance because it also comes with an intense sweet love!!
Profile Image for Marissa.
384 reviews38 followers
August 30, 2016
I must say, I love it when authors' just keep raising the bar in their own series. I fell in love with each alpha male as I read her books, but I must say Jason has now edged them all out. Katie seems so high-fashion and a little fragile, a great counterpoint to Jason's rough and tumble soldier, but within the first chapter we find out Katie has been hiding some interesting ways to keep safe. I was secretly cheering her on to show Jason her moves, because he had been a tad aloof to her for months, and she didn't do anything to deserve it. There were some great lines in this novel too, especially Katie talking Jason down from being depressed or even talking herself into fighting for what they were building. And Jason being such a dominant male, but then surprising Katie with wanting to take care of her when she's stressing out . . . such "aww" moments. Understand?
Can't wait for the next books.
Profile Image for Pamela(AllHoney).
2,631 reviews373 followers
March 28, 2014
Sweet Seduction Surrender is the fourth addition to the Sweet Seduction series by Nicola Claire. Interior designer and sister of the Anscombe brothers, Katie Anscombe ends up in lock down with Jason Cain, the brother of Genevieve (who had her story in the first book of the series). Both have been fighting their attraction to the other. But the forced lock down opens the doors to their desires and secrets. We learn that Katie is learned in the art of Kombatan, a version of knife wielding. We also learn that Jason is a Dom.

This one had a slightly different feel from the other books. Partly because of Jason's Dom status and the heat level was raised a bit. But there also didn't seem to be quite as much suspense through most the book. But I did enjoy it immensely and just as much as the previous book but just in a slightly different manner. I will still recommend this to fans of Spicy Romantic Suspense or Spicy Contemporary Romance.
Profile Image for ~~Susan~~.
109 reviews
April 13, 2019
After reading the previous books in the series, I was lookibng forward to Katie's story but there wasn't one thing I liked about Jason (and I usually love an alpha male).
As a result I'm giving one star for plot and 1.5 for the HOT scenes, although I'm sure that others will love him.
Profile Image for Tina.
770 reviews12 followers
January 12, 2014
Ok so I'm a little strange... When I find an author I love and a series she writes that I adore I try to hold out as long as possible to read her books (eg. Kristen Ashley & RL Mathewson). I do this so I always know in my mind that I have a great read waiting for me on my kindle. So then I go about reading other books until I'm desperate for a fix!! Nicola Claire and the Sweet Seduction series are high on my list of great authors and series to wait and suffer for. I have had Jason & Katie's story on my kindle since I bought it on release day back in November. I've waited as long as I can to read it. I have to say I found it different from the other books so far. Not in a bad way just different. It may be the addition of Jason's dominant personality and there seemed to be more sex. I wouldn't call this a BDSM book by any mean though. This book seemed to focus on the relationship between Katie & Jason more rather than the go go go action & pace of the previous 3 books.

Omg Jason, Jason, Jason what a heart and body melting alpha man you are!! I want me some Jason. Halfway through the book when he was apologizing for making a very bad decision I thought my heart would break & melt at his words!!

~ "But it's not just that, Kate. I let him. Fuck, baby, I let him pull me away from you. I don't deserve you, Kate. You're too good for me and even now I don't know if you can handle the demands I'll want to make. But I can't stop it. I want you so badly. I want every inch of you. I want your body. I want your heart. Fuck, baby, I want your very soul." ~ Jason, Sweet Seduction Surrender.

Kate was great too I love how she stood up to her brothers. And the whole knife wielding martial arts thing was a shocker but a good one!

This book definitely had the angst I love in relationships and the romance was sweet and very, very steamy!! For me though and compared to the previous books in this series it was light on the action & suspense. I also found the start a little slow and there was a little too much narration in Katie's head between some of her dialogue. Personally this is not my favourite of the series and I hope the action picks back up in the next book... My rating for this was hard because it is its own book, so I don't want to compare it to the others in this series and that's hard, I think 3.5 - 4 stars. Over all still a great read and I'm excited to read book 5 ;)
Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews161 followers
November 13, 2013
I read in a review somewhere that Nicola's men were like Kristen Ashley's so of course I rushed out to read her series. I love when a series book has all the characters from the previous series books in them, it's good to catch up and see how they're doing, and Katie's brother Nick is all worried about his little sis, "Katie," Nick said softly. "You're not his type." Oh. Well, there went my stupid, romantic hopes up in flames. "So maybe this is all a waste of time, but from the stream of blonde busty bimbos he's trotted out before us I'd say the guy has a way with the ladies. I'd hate for him to take advantage of your current predicament and enclosed living quarters, and make a move on you just because he's got an itch to scratch." I see they think very highly of their co-worker. Good grief Jason, that man is sex on two legs, "of course," he continued, still no acknowledging me with the courtesy of a glance, "I offered to see to your needs last night, but you turned me down." Katie, I think loves how Jason makes her feel and that's protective, "he was draped around my back, his hips framing my rear, his arm wrapped possessively around my stomach, hand firmly clasping my breast. The position made me smile." And I think the boy has met his match in the sex department ladies, "eff," he exclaimed softly amongst my hair. "The last one might have done me in for awhile. I think you've milked every last drop out of me." Jason he has a weird way of wanting to show his ownership of his girl, "wear me all day, baby." What? What did that mean? He pulled back, slipping out of me in smooth and wet glide, chuckling when I felt his release trickle down my leg. Oh. That was him. On me. Overflowing and trailing down my leg unhindered by panties." I can't wait for the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Julie.
598 reviews5 followers
May 21, 2014
I have been looking forward to Kate and Jason since the first book and it was worth the wait. Oh my goodness Nicola does know how to write a sexy alpha male. I couldn't put this book down. I loved it!!! I liked that Jason wasnt some perfect weathly guy, he had imperfections and some pretty serious issues but he wanted to overcome for Kate. I liked that Kate was strong but still vulnerable. Anyways if you want hot sex, creative storyline and classic supporting chacters you'll love this one. I have enjoyed the entire series thus far. My only problem with this book is that I didn't want it to end.
Profile Image for Tonya.
21 reviews7 followers
November 12, 2013
I stayed up way too late last night reading this book because I couldn't put it down. I've been waiting for their story since the beginning. It didn't disappoint. There have been so many books about "dominants"...and I can't remember a one where any of them needed her okay for them to be that way. Just felt different, maybe I'm nuts. (HAHA).
This book may not have had the action that the others did but it was sweet. I absolutely loved it.
Profile Image for Alex.
310 reviews
November 7, 2013
This is the 4th in the Sweet Seduction series and I loved it. Nowadays I only give 5 stars to a book I will read again and I will certainly read this one again and again! If you love a romance with a really hot alpha male and a strong female lead you can't go wrong with this one. Although I did think Kate was a bit quick to 'surrender' and could have put up a bit more of a fight!
Profile Image for Ivy.
16 reviews1 follower
October 10, 2014
A MUST READ! I really liked the plot. and the humor. the action. those steamy moments. Like seriously, if you're into action and romance, this will be a good bet. THE WHOLE SWEET SEDUCTION SERIES. Recommended to all PI-hotbunch-badass-badboy lovers out there :)
Profile Image for Amber.
70 reviews3 followers
April 5, 2014
Since the first book I couldn't wait to read this one. Well played Nicola. Loved it
Profile Image for JadeShea.
3,161 reviews60 followers
November 18, 2018
Sweet Seduction Surrender begins when ASI has to go on lock down for basically two days due to dangerous things going on. So Katie gets stuck with Jason protecting her. But what actually happens is these two finally giving in to their major attraction to each other. As the book continues we see them go through some good, and major bad times.

I thought this one was good, but not as good as previous books. I really loved Jason and Katie together they were perfect. And I really liked the fact that Katie knew how to take care of her self in this book. It was really awesome to learn her secrets. i still feel like we don't know a whole lot about Jason, but that was okay him and Katie together sort of overshadow their individuality which wasn't really a bad thing at all. Now I look forward to more in this series!
Profile Image for GingerOrange.
1,304 reviews17 followers
November 10, 2016

I've got mixed feelings about this book.

In terms of characters, I liked Kate well enough. She was really level headed. I didn't quite believe the part where she's trained in knife wielding though. It kind of seems ridiculous. Jason was very alpha male which was nice. They both were a bit melodramatic though. The first half of the book I enjoyed. The second half, not so much. Maybe it's because I didn't read the other books in this series but I was quite confused at times. The level of steaminess was great in the beginning but it kind of fizzled out towards the end. Besides that, I wasn't too interested in the action side of the book. It was linked to the other books in this story so I was confused.

So overall, it was okay. I don't think I'll be following this series in the future though.
2,746 reviews8 followers
January 4, 2015
I'm a big fan of this series and couldn't wait to read Katie and Jason's story. I adored Katie since book 1, and I couldn't wait to learn more about Jason. While this book wasn't exactly what I expected, I certainly enjoyed it. Katie was given so much more depth--I loved seeing her knife throwing skills in action--and it was nice seeing her stand up for herself/Jason to her brother. Jason's complexities were also explored, and I think Katie's description was accurate when she said that he was perfectly imperfect.

It seemed like there wasn't quite as much suspense in this story. Even though the book starts with everyone in lock down, the only real "action" is at the end of the story. However, I still enjoyed this installment and look forward to the next!
3,114 reviews26 followers
April 11, 2016
While not my favorite of the books, this was still great.

You must read the first 3 books in this series in order to really get what's going on here.

We now finally learn what happened while Jason had to stay with Katie on lockdown... HOT! I also love that Katie's got this Lara Croft side to her.

One thing that I wish was explored was the hints at Jason's troubling experiences while he was in the SAS... it's never really addressed, so I wish it was never brought up in the first place. I'm also not crazy about Nick's attitude and his interference in K and J's relationship and I really wanted to see her use her knife skills just to scare him a bit. That would have been fun.
Profile Image for Jo.
957 reviews231 followers
November 18, 2015


I’ve been wondering about Katie and Jason since the first book, when they were introduced, and I’m glad that they finally got their story.

Katie is such an amazing character, my favourite of all the female characters in this series, and Jason was a lot more intense, sexy and dominating than what I was expecting. Their sex scenes were scorching! Honestly, I was worried that my kindle was going to melt. I loved how possessive Jason was over Katie, and how he had no trouble telling and showing her how much he loved her. They are just perfect for each other, and the epilogue was fantastic!

A wonderful book and addition to this series!

Profile Image for JJH--Judy.
988 reviews1 follower
November 14, 2013
Good book--wasn't my favorite of the series though. Mostly about their relationship--light on the suspense. VERY spicy--H has a more dominant personality than the other heroes in this series (did not step over into the bdsm category). I am not crazy about the heroine--haven't been since book one. Love the series and knew I would be reading this regardless. I actually enjoyed it more than I was expecting,too. My only complaint is I wish it DID have more suspense to the story line. Still, I liked it and I am looking forward to the next one!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
204 reviews4 followers
April 19, 2014
2.5 - 3 stars

This book started out promising but just fizzled out for me. It took me 2 days to get through the last 75 pages because I had lost so much interest. The characters created were just not what I was hoping, the story was more about sex, BDSM, and the author gave a loose story line that rivaled a short story.

It's too bad I had high hopes for the mysterious Jason Cain and the uber funny and sweet Katie anescome. I got nothing no idea what makes him tick and only what makes her tick in the bedroom.

Not sure if I can recommend the book.
Profile Image for Princess Kari.
37 reviews1 follower
December 17, 2015
So since the beginning, I knew there was some undeniable chemistry between Gen's older brother Jason and Dominic's younger sister Katie. Since the very first book you can tell they had some feelings for eachother. You know what they say, opposites attract. But could they also be really similar too? I can't believe that Katie the one who calls everyone "Darling" was actually really skilled with knifes. But having a brother that is the owner of ASI and a brother and dad for a lawyer, a girl has to learn how to protect herself on her own.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
49 reviews1 follower
September 13, 2015
Hot, sexy, so very much fun. WOW......

This is my favorite of the series so far and that's saying a lot because, Nick, Dom and let's not forget Ben.....Hotness personified.....i love all the female leads, feisty, fun and so sexy.....Katie and the knives real sexy......I love the storylines all the secondary characters are a hoot
I'm hoping Kelly and Eric will be coming soon.....I love this series ....I'll read anything by Nicola Claire. Thank you so much........
Profile Image for Lu.
516 reviews3 followers
May 9, 2014
I like this series but this one was a little slow for me. I liked the D/s relationship between Jason and Katie but I need a little suspense and action with my sex scenes. Most of the action came at the end and I loved that Katie was strong enough to save herself. I'm still looking forward to the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Kael.
1,287 reviews
March 27, 2014
Ahhh Jason and Katie's book was awesome. After the first two I wasn't sure if I wanted to finish this series atm. There was just so much assuming and no communicating and lots of annoying bits, though the stories overall were fine. I'm so glad I continued coz this was amazing. They talked and dealt with issues and were just so awesome together!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 47 reviews

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