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Ocean Emporium: A Compilation of Creatures

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A treasure trove of extraordinary ocean animals.

Beneath the ocean waves lies a web of life that ties together creatures great and small. Fan favorites like hermit crabs and great white sharks share space with mysterious bottom-dwellers like mimic octopuses and giant sea spiders in this gorgeous exploration of the sea. Dive in and encounter some of the earth's most remarkable animals in this gloriously illustrated compendium. A perfect gift for all nature lovers.

64 pages, Hardcover

Published March 5, 2019

32 people want to read

About the author

Susie Brooks

269 books6 followers
Susie Brooks is a writer and editor of children’s books. Her subjects cover art, geography, prehistoric animals and more.

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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews
Profile Image for Donna.
282 reviews88 followers
December 27, 2018
A veritable treasure trove of information about marine ecology. Sublime illustrations coupled wth tantalizing facts about ocean creatures and their quirks and traits. While the illustrations are richly detailed - there is an ephemeral quality to them that reflects the fragility of the ocean environs.
Profile Image for Mercedes Wood.
134 reviews
July 29, 2019
Read a little bit of this with my nephew and pointing and naming the animals was a nice experience. It was especially fun to say what animals looked like. Also an informational book in a cute and easy way.
Profile Image for Sylvester (Taking a break in 2023).
2,041 reviews82 followers
February 9, 2020
5* art
5* concept/text/presentation

A beauty. A treasure. Even if you're not a bit interested in sea life, you will have to admit that the presentation of types of underwater animals is intriguing. Not too much information, and not too little. I haven't read this to Squirt yet because he couldn't wrench it out of my grip. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Linda .
4,085 reviews50 followers
March 14, 2019
It's the first US edition of this page-filled, creatures-captured in gorgeous art Ocean Emporium of ocean life. From Crabs to Octopuses, Sharks to Penguins, each collection's variety is pictured and labeled with a brief paragraph about the groups. Susie Brooks introduces the book with a double-page spread explanation of the ocean's circle of life, Apex Predator sharks to plankton, shellfish to krill. Her explanations on each page are summaries, but with them and Dawn Cooper's realistic illustrations, readers will want to discover more through further research. The book ends with a vertical double-page of creatures of the deep, "the largest habitat on Earth". Do you know the helmet Jellyfish, the harp sponge or the southern ocean giant spider? You can see them on this page but will want much more after the view. Be sure to find this terrific new ocean book for a classroom or for individuals who want to know more!
Profile Image for Mehsi.
14.1k reviews431 followers
October 22, 2019
Een best interessant boek over wat er nou zoal in de oceaan/zee rondzwemt. Het is voornamelijk illustraties van verschillende dieren maar er is ook nog wat tekst bij elke groep dieren. Ik vond het alleen heel jammer dat je gewoon de pixels (blokjes om de illustraties) kon zien zitten op verschillende pagina's. Dat had best beter gekund.
40 reviews
November 20, 2019
This book talks about many sea animals and has many facts about each one. I would have it in my classroom for independent read
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews

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