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309 pages, Kindle Edition
First published April 21, 2015
"Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back." --Plato
"I realize now in this moment how much I love my gran, and how much I've missed my sister."
"I can feel the endless rhythms of light and dark, the tides and the winds. Life and death, and guilt and forgiveness. And love. Always love."
Le brother: What's up with you?
Me: This book... this book is... it's just so sad...!
Le brother: You're crying over a book?
Me: I'm not crying over a book. I'm crying over the characters in this book!
Le brother: ... you're crying over a book.
Me: Fuck you, you heartless bastard. You wouldn't understand.
~Thank you HarperTeen for sending me this copy!~
"They say time heals all wounds, but meeting those people tha tafternoon - a makeshift family of strangers brought together by one person - had healed more in me than all the time that passed in the days that had come before."
Senior year became a fog. I didn't mail my college applications. Didn't go dress shipping. Forgot there was even a sky or sunlight to kiss under.
I will respect Colton Thomas' wish for no contact, though I don't think I'll even understand it. I just want to see him. See who he really is in reality. Maybe then I can understand. Or at least make peace with it.
" heart: (n)heart."
a hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation;
the center of the personality, especially with reference to intuition, feeling, or emotion
the central, innermost, or vital part of something
-definition of the word
“Little victories, they're the ones that count.”
“But it's terrifying to realize how much of your world is wrapped up in loving another person”
“For so long, I was the one with his heart. I just need to see where it is now.”
Book Content:
Language- Briefe uses of sh!t, damn, and hell.
Violence- Mentions of smashing glass bottles.
Sexual Content- Kissing and two characters have sex. Nothing is really described, it just talks about them undressing and kissing.
Other Things To Note:
~Death is talked about frequently
~MC saw her boyfriend dying
~Death of family members in mentioned
~Griefe is talked about frequently
~MMC had heart failure and had to have a transplant“It’s too much, this. Life, and love, and how fragile it all is.”
“We are made of our pasts, and our pains, our joys, and our losses. It's in the very fiber of our beings. Written on our hearts.”
“We don’t have to, because these are the things we know by heart.”
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. No man has learned anything rightly until he knows that every day is Doomsday."
There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue those.”
—Michael Nolan
“I love that. Little victories.”
“They’re the ones that count. Like being out here today, right now.”
“We are made of our pasts, and our pains, our joys and our losses. It’s in the very fibres of our beings. Written on our hearts. The only thing we can do now is listen to what’s in them.”
"The days passed, one after another, measured out in an unbroken, never-ending rhythm.Seemingly infinite, but gone in the blink of an eye—like waves crashing on the shore, or the seasons passing.
Or the beating of a heart."